Crystal's StorySite


How Allen Became Ellen

by Rhonda

Part 8


Ellen kissed Vickie goodnight on the porch and entered the house, surprised that the door was still unlocked. Stacy and Tracy were watching tv as she wobbled over to a chair on unsteady legs.

"You're wasted!" Stacy said.

"Onweee a lidddle bid, ishh mom home?" Ellen replied.

"No," the girls answered together.

"Tell ya tomorrrrow, I'm gonna beddybye" Ellen replied.

It took a bit, but Ellen managed to negotiate the stairs to her room, and undressed. She put on the red negligee and gossamer thin panties, and was asleep sometime during her head's descent toward the pillow.

It was just 9:20 but she had had a long evening talking with Mr. O'Malley, then further with Vickie and was as confused as ever. Mr. O'Malley had been obviously concerned with the welfare of his favorite daughter, especially after she told him that this was the girl she thought she might marry some day. Vickie had told her that she needed to become a little more sexually experienced and suggested Annette as a good choice as long as Ellen didn't become attached to her.

That, and three tumblers of Jameson's went straight to her head.

Sometime in the night, she wasn't sure when, as her eyes refused to focus she was awakened by a thumping on her pelvis.

"Tr.." Was all she got out before her cousin covered her mouth.

Tracy, leaned forward and whispered " Told ya I'd get my turn with the new slut, now shut up and take it".

"Butcher only twelbe" Ellen replied, still disoriented, " An' yer fuckin' me!"

It was too late to do anything about it though as she felt herself fill with orgasm and start pumping semen into the naked twelve year old straddling her thighs.

She awoke again, this time to the sound of her alarm. Was that another dream? Not this time as she saw Tracy lying next to her naked, except for a diaper.

She quickly shut off the alarm, trying not to wake up the still sleeping Tracy, and went across the hall to where Stacy was just starting to stir in response to her alarm. She pulled Stacy out of the bed and led her back to where Tracy was just beginning to move.

"What do I do now?" she asked.

"Wait!" Stacy replied.

Stacy ran out on the room, and returned with her 'One Shot'. The repeated flash brought Tracy out of her slumber.

Tracy was still working on her awareness when Stacy said "Now I got evidence, you're my summer whore or mom gets the pictures you little bitch. You better just pray you're not knocked up you tramp."

"But you did it" Tracy said in a whiney voice, knowing she had only one out.

"I did it orally, you dumb shit, and Ellen was awake and sober then." Stacy replied. "She's you're cousin you dumb cunt, what's gonna happen if you knocked yourself up raping her?"

Tracy started whimpering, realizing there was no out left, especially as they had both made such a big deal of Ellen's condition when she got home. Maybe mom and aunt Gert wouldn't remember, they were half lit too.

"Forget what you're thinking worm, aunt Gert said her breath made the whole room smell like a distillery when she came up and set her alarm." Stacy said.

"Coffee! I need coffee!" Ellen said, breaking up the sister fight, and starting for the door.

"Put your robe on you poor dear, your panties are still in the bed." Stacy said.

Ellen pulled her robe on and worked her way to the stairs, still a little unsteady. She managed to get down them without falling, and almost ran into her aunt who was on her way to see what the noise was.

"Its' ok aunt Lillie, its' just those two arguing again." Ellen said.

"I know one girl who must have had fun last night" Lillie said.

"More like killing the pain. You ever met Vickie's dad?" Ellen asked.

"Oh yeah, a bit imposing isn't he?" Lillie answered.

"Imagine trying to convince him you're not a pervert trying to corrupt his favorite daughter?" Ellen said, as she headed for the coffee pot.

"Your arms and legs are still attached, it must have worked" Lillie said as she sat at the table to join Ellen and Gert.

"Your aunt said you heard what the doctors said, we must talk about it." Gert said.

"Not now, I'm in no condition to have a serious discussion." Ellen said. "I feel like I got hit in the head with a hammer."

"You look the part too, we've got to get you cleaned up before your classmates think you're a lush" Gert said.

Slowly and painfully, Ellen managed to collect herself. Lots of coffee, a cold shower, and three repeats of Listerine later, she was almost presentable. She remembered enough about yesterday to choose the gabardine uniform skirt and the cotton blouse, to wear over her basic white foundation garments. A lot of work with her hair, makeup and two rinses with Visene later she was functional.

Her cousins barely made it down for toast and milk before it was time to leave for school. The three of them walked in silence for a while, then Tracy spoke up "Did I get seconds last night?"

"You shut up you little whore, or I'll tell your mother how I woke up this morning" Ellen said.

"I don't think so, you'll get punished again" Tracy countered.

"Things are different now, you had better behave." Ellen said.

"What do you mean?" Tracy asked.

"You'll see, but I'm not taking any more of your shit girl." Ellen said.

Tracy shut up, Stacy giggled, and they finished the walk in silence.

They got into the gym, just in time, and Ellen went over to her cluster of girls.

"You look rough this morning, did our favorite girl get lucky last night?" Annette said.

Ellen just smiled weakly, trying not to remember what little of last night she was able to absorb.

"You'll have to tell us what its' like from the other side" Nancy said.

"Is it that obvious?" Ellen asked.

"A girl can always tell fresh fucked on another girl and its' written all over you, that little redhead must have got you drunk too before she took advantage of our poor dear." Vivian said.

Fortunately, aunt Lillie called the group to attention for announcements and ended the questioning for the time. Ellen was thankful as it gave her time to come up with some plausable story other than that she was raped by a 12 year old.

After the announcements, Stacy came and led Ellen away to talk to Mrs. Hanoran, another reprieve.

"Is it that obvious?" Ellen whispered to her as they left.

"Very! but not as bad as a couple of hours ago." Stacy said. "Lets have a little fun."

As they walked by the group of girls Tracy was monitoring, Stacy turned to her sister and asked in a stage whisper "Are your diapers still dry sis?"

Angel, an obvious convert, was first to speak up "Our monitor's in diapers?

What kind of place is this?" as they gathered around Tracy and started to quiz her.

Ellen and Stacy giggled to each other as they continued on to the principal's office. "That'll keep her busy all morning." Stacy said.

Lillie motioned Ellen to sit, and sent Stacy back to her group. "I asked your mother last night if it was alright to forward your report to Dr. Kelley. He's a psychiatrist specializing in gender disorders, and a friend of Vickie's, Since I heard you are meeting him tomorrow. Your mother insisted I get your approval, though it seems Vickie is always one page ahead of the rest of us and has done that."

"She already told me about him and what he does, that's why she wanted me to meet him in a semi-official way before we had dinner. Him having the report will probably save him having to ask me all those questions again, so I guess its' ok." Ellen replied.

There was a knock on the door, and Lillie told the knocker to enter, it was Josie.

"You seem in a better disposition today" Lillie said to Josie, as Ellen got up to leave. "Stay a minute Ellen, you might be of help to a fellow student."

"You are to meet with a pair of analysts this morning to help you deal with your feminine side." Lillie explained.

"I don't have a feminine side." Josie said.

"Then your parents were mistaken, and you were forced into your sister's ball gown, shoes and makeup, along with her lingerie." Lillie answered.

"" Josie said.

"That's what we are here to help you with, dressing in those clothes demonstrated an obvious female tendency somewhere, and it is our job to help you deal with it, understand it, and act appropriately while demonstrating it."


"You don't want to go to the mall in a skirt and walk like a football player do you?"

"Well no, but who would ever go to the mall in a skirt anyway unless they were a girl?"

"Ellen here did Sunday, and who would walk around their back yard in a gown and heels unless they were a girl?"

"But you're really a girl aren't you?" Josie asked.

"No I'm not, and I don't think I'll ever become all girl." Ellen said.

"But I'm not a queer!" Josie said.

"I have male plumbing, prefer to use it with girls, but I'm a lot more comfortable appearing like this." Ellen said.

"Its' not so bad Josie, they are really nice people and try not to embarrass you, I was with them all day yesterday." Ellen said.

"Your parents aren't pleased to find you have a feminine side, but they are willing to get you help to deal with it and understand it, you should be thankful. Many people are born in the wrong gendered body, and others just have a part of their brain, hormones, or enzimes, that affect their gender identity. Its' good to understand them so you can control them instead of them controlling you." Lillie explained.

"Its' true Josie, fighting it, denying it, and resisting it will just make you miserable, I know." Ellen said.

"Well, you better get to class Ellen, Josie come with me and we'll meet the doctors." Lillie said.

Ellen went to her class, and blushed a deep red when she saw the Massengil and the long-nosed bottle on her desk.

"I was just explaining to the other girls that this is just one of many different products available that do much the same thing, to clean the vagina of blood, body fluids, and other things that find their way in there, and help prevent infections." She said, pointing to it on the big overlay chart.

"Here is your copy of a list of products and what they can do for you." She continued, handing Ellen a printout.

Ellen spent most of the morning a deep red in the cheeks as the nurse explained and illustrated the many sanitary needs a woman had and how to deal with them.

Finally it was lunchtime, Ellen wasn't sure if she perferred the questions she would get on feminine sex from a male viewpoint, or how females cleaned up the mess.

They sat in the same manner they had yesterday, gathered around Ellen. As the class that served brought their lunches around, the questions started again as if there had not been any interruption at all.

"That little redhead must be really hot." Vivian said, "Is her pussy hair red too?"

"I don't know" Ellen said. Then she thought a minute "Yes, yes its' as red as the other."

"She sure worked you over, is she good?" Vivian asked, pressing forward.

"I don't know, it wasn't her I had sex with." Ellen said.

A chorus of "OOhhh, who was it then?"s filled the table.

"I'm not telling. Who do you have sex with?" she asked Vivian.

"Everyone knows its' Paul, 'cept my parent of course, they would die." Vivian answered.

"Thought you told Mrs. Horvath you were a virgin yesterday." Ellen said.

"So I lied, big deal." she answered.

"So tell us what it is like, I want to know what to expect." Nancy said.

"I don't remember much, I was kinda drunk." Ellen said.

"Want one you'll remember?" Annette said.

Ellen smiled, then said, "Excuse me a minute, I need to go talk to someone."

" Hi Josie" Ellen said as she came over, "How was this morning?"

"It wasn't bad at all, thanks for talking to me this morning" Josie replied.

"So what did they tell you?" Ellen asked.

"Just that I've got a small female self that I need to be in touch with sometimes, and if I ignore her I"ll end up the frustrated mess I was before." Josie explained.

They sat and talked for a few minutes more before the bell went off about the joys of feminine hygine, as both were in that section, and both were ready to move on to grace in heels since they both acknowledged they would probably wear many of them in their lives. They also discovered that they lived just 4 blocks from each other, and decided to use the same 'posse' for the walk home.

The posse assembled at 2:30 in front of the school, as the school didn't want any student, especially the special girls walking home alone. Ellen, Annette, Angela (Angel), Josie, Bonnie, and Stacy and Tracy all gathered for the walk home.

"Where's the 'red avenger'? Annette asked as Ellen joined the group.

"She has to work till 9 tonight, so I get to walk Tuesdays and Thrusdays." Ellen said.

Angel was the first to leave as they passed her house, then Bonnie, then they came to Ellen's house and she told them to tell her mom she was going to Annette's for a little while as Stacy and Tracy went to the door. Annette gave them her phone number, and the three of them walked the remaining three blocks to the corner Annettte's home was on, and Josie lived ½ block north. They watched to make sure she made it to her porch, and went inside.

"Mom, this is Ellen from school, we're going up and talk for a while," Annette said as she set her things down and led Ellen up the stairs by the hand.

"Check on Burnadette, she hasn't been down all day." her mom called after them.

When Ellen saw Burnie, she realized she wasn't the only one who staggered home last night. She was still a mess at 3 in the afternoon.

"Who's that?" Bernie asked.

"Ellen, from school." Annette said, as both looked for any sign of recognition from Burnie.

"She doesn't recognize you at all Ellen, you can tell, let me get out her yearbook so I can see what you used to look like." Annette said.

They sat on the bed and looked at the few pictures there were of Allen in the book, After she studied them for several minutes Annette spoke up, "No! No way, that isn't you, who are you really?"

"You saw my house, you saw my cousins, you saw my aunt. Who else in this neighborhood would live there, or admit that those two were related to her?" Ellen said.

"Ok, ok, we'll stop by there tomorrow and I'll see for myself, but right now, just kiss me damn it!" Annette said.

Half and hour later, Ellen pulled her skirt down to cover herself and started hunting for her panties on the floor. Annette, who had totally disrobed except for her skirt was up first, as she had been on top, and picked up her bra and blouse. Ellen, still in a euphoric daze, stumbled trying to pick up her panties.

"Are you bending over for me?" Annette asked, "I'd love to take you like that."

"Like what?" Ellen asked.

"From behind with my dildo, silly girl." Annette answered.

"But I don't have a pussy, how can you do that?" Ellen asked.

"Stay there and I'll show you." Annette said.

"That's ok, I think I can imagine." Ellen said, as they heard Annette's mother hollering up the stairs.

Annette opened the door and answered. "I've been yelling for you for 5 minutes Annie, what are you two girls doing up there? Ellen has a phone call." her mom said.

"She'll take it your room, ok?" Annette said.

Ellen listened to her mom for a few minutes and said "Sorry mom, I'll be there in 10 minutes or so, let me say goodbye to Burnie and Annette."

Ellen said her goodbyes and headed home.

When she came in Gert said " I told you this morning that we have to talk today, I expected you straight home."

"I'm sorry mom, it won't happen again. What do we need to talk about so urgently?" Ellen said.

"Many things, I've sent the girls home and fixed tea, sit and let's talk."

"Have you decided what you intend to do with your life yet?"

"After yesterday's talk with the doctors, I'm thinking about staying a girl."

"I mean college or work."

"Oh that, I don't have to enroll until mid July, I've got a month to decide."

"You'll be 18 a week from Friday, so it has to be decided by this Friday, so I know what to tell the bank."

"The bank? Why them."

"I've told you several times, your dad left something for you"

"He did, what?"

"Show's how Allen listened, hopefully you'll do better. Let me start over from the beginning."

"Your father was devoted to his family, and he left 3 half million dollar insurance policies. One has, adequately invested, put food on the table and clothes on our backs for the last 7 ½ years, and will continue to do so. One, your father left to me, to help me adjust and enjoy myself after you were raised, as he knew I would do nothing short of devoting myself to your rearing until now. One, he left to you, in a trust. Depending on how you decide this week, the trust will start paying you, and give you some access to the money."

"I'm not following you, why does that make a difference?"

"Your father, believe it or not, paid very close attention to your development.

He was the first to realize that you were becoming feminine, even before aunt Lillie. He was the one who told her about it. He also noted that you were a bit inappreciative of the value of education or the benefit of honest labor."

"So what does all that mean?"

"Edward, rest his soul, stipulated that if you were to try to live as a girl you would need more money than as a boy. As bait to lure you into acquiring an education, he stipulated higher payments if you were enrolled in college by the birthday after your graduation. That's why I waited as long as I could bear to before giving Lillie reign with you. I was hoping that you might do something on your own for once."

"So it was aunt Lillie who put you up to this?" Ellen said indicating her outfit.

"We've deliberately talked so you could overhear for the last three years child, are you deaf?"

"No, I heard you two talk, I just didn't think you would ever do it."

"I was hoping not to, I was hoping you would do it on your own. Now that's its' done though, I'm sorry I waited so long. You are so much happier, and so much more content within yourself in just these past few days."

"How could you two be so sure?"

"Lillie is six weeks from her doctorate in abnormal psychology, and you are the 'star' of her thesis. Dr. Kelly, whom you'll meet tomorrow, sits on the board of the department, and has been her mentor these last four years though he doesn't know you are the subject of the paper. She became interested in you 8 years ago when she finally convinced the board to allow her to include 'special girls' into the school. If your father had lived, it is entirely likely that your junior high would have been St Catherine's."

"Dad would have done that? No way!"

"We had discussed it at length, and at that time, I saw his point and should have followed through then, but I lost my nerve when I lost him and allowed things to drift hoping you would do it on your own."

"Then why were you guys so mean to me when you started this?"

"You needed a major disruption in your of your normal pattern to trigger this, and you have to admit yourself a great many people owed Allen some comuppance. When you read your aunt's dissertation, you will see that she and Dr Kelly predicted you would turn into an unmanageable antagonist if you didn't deal with the conflict between your outword gender and your inner person."

"So where does that leave us?"

"First, do you plan to enroll in college?"

"Vickie is going to the state university branch here this fall, and I was thinking I would too."

"Would you go if Vickie wasn't going to be there?"

"Probably not."


"I've been fighting with this feminine thing for a while, and was going to give it a try this summer, but I didn't want to do it where anyone would know about it, and if it turned out that I went with what I felt, I don't think I wanted to try switching genders and university at the same time. With Vickie there to support me though, and with what has happened to me as a girl this week, I'm on the verge of deciding to try it. How much difference would it make to the bank if I decided to enroll this week?"

"Two thousand dollars a month, and another thousand if you do it as Ellen, for a total of four thousand a month, plus access to the accumulated earnings to cover tuition and expenses related to school. Things like a car if you lived here and went locally, and an apartment and living expenses if you went out of town."

"And if I didn't go to school?"

"Your trust would pay $1000 a month, half to you, half to me as long as you lived at home for room and board. And you could not touch any of the principal until age 25, then only with my approval as long as I lived."

"You would do that?"

"Your father set up in his will that this was to be, I had no say in it, and I'm powerless to change any of it. Same as my trust, which will start paying me handsomely next week also. Between the three accounts, there's a little over 2 ½ million dollars to use as a cushion to soften the entry into our new lives."

"Ok, so I'm going to college, but how can I do it as Ellen? Won't they get confused when the paperwork and transcripts have a different name and gender?"

"Aunt Lillie will take care of the paperwork for you, she has done it a hundred times or so now, and the fact that no public schools were involved in your education makes it simple for her. The only thing you will have to do is pass your driving test as Ellen."

"I take it by what you said you've decided to become a girl then?"

"For now, but I'm not sure how much of a girl I want to become. I'm really happy as a boy between the sheets and don't think I want to change that now."

"You're not a virgin? May I ask if you are heterosexual or homosexual?"

"I like having sex with girls, so last week I was hetero, now I guess I must be a lesbian."

"How much has Vickie told you about herself?"

"Quite a bit, but she said there is something very important that she needs to tell me about, and she plans on doing it tomorrow when we're at the doctors. One more thing, since I'm to be a girl now, do I get to pick my name or has that been decided for me?"

"Nothing's been formalized yet, and except that several people have been introduced to you as Ellen, I see no problem with you having input. We do have to decide soon so Lillie knows what to put on your paperwork."

"Ellen is ok, but Allen Robert to Ellen Roberta isn't too smooth. How about Ellen Rose?"

"Why Rose?'

"Its' my favorite flower, and Vickie's too, and Aunt Rose is the only one of dad's sisters who's kept in touch with us. She's always treated me nice, even when I was a brat."

"That makes sense, I'll let Lillian know when they come for dinner, which I have to get busy on. Care to help."

The two of them retired to the kitchen and started working on the meal. Gert had already put the roast in the oven so it was just a matter of peeling vegetables and making dough for biscuits, also a sweetened version of the biscuits for the first strawberries of the season. That was Ellen's favorite desert, as she had always regarded shortcake as a whipped cream platform. Mom's was always the best as she made it from a pint of cream, not a coolwhip tub.

Dinner came and went, and the children went to the kitchen to clean up as the ladies went to the den to talk. Ellen wondered why Tracy had been so quiet and pouty on the way from school and at dinner.

She found out soon enough that the diaper comment had gotten all over school by lunch and she was now officially known as 'baby Tracy'. She had her skirt raised several times during the day for the amusement of students and monitors alike. They also gossiped about Stephanie's latest run in with authority. She apparently decided to pee standing up, and went home stinking of Lysol after cleaning every bathroom in the school with a bucket and brush.

Ellen spent the evening downloading the college applications and talking with her mother and aunt about her general progress and intentions. The girls watched tv. Bedtime came without incident, except Ellen was surprised aunt Lillie was staying the night again.

After breakfast in the morning, as Ellen headed up to shower and dress, Lillie gave her a blouse and slip and camisole set. The blouse was beautiful, with ruffles and satin piping over the brushed polyester. The slip set was even more so as it was unlined satin with just a hint of baby blue for color.

"I wanted you to feel special today Ellen, and these will help." was all Lillie offered by way of explaination.

When Ellen was dressed and headed in to do her makeup and hair, she realized what her aunt meant, as the camisole set off the blouse from underneath, and the halfslip created the most wonderful feelings she had so far in feminine dress as it swished against her stockings and gabardine skirt. The satin brushing on the back of her legs sent chills up her spine.

She brought down the blue sandals as her aunt had asked, but was puzzled by the request. Lillie the showed her why, as she produced a brushed satin skirt in the palest blue Ellen had ever seen. Lillie was taking it to school for her to change into as she and Vickie were leaving right from school for Dr. Kelly's. Lillie wanted her to look her very best. as she knew Vickie would for the occasion.

In school, Ellen learned that 'poise and charm' wasn't just walking in heels. She also found out why her instructor, Edith Ann Wilson was referred to as Mr. instead of Mrs. It was simple, she didn't want the other Mrs Wilson to get confused, so the class just called her Edie.

Ellen learned the basics of female body language, with an emphasis on expressing confidence, and left class a half hour early to change and redo her makeup. Since she promised to show the other girls the results, she hurried a bit and went back to the room.

As she presented herself the girls 'oooohhhh'ed, except Edie. She came over and instructed Ellen to stand with her left foot half a step back, right foot one step forward, heel directly in line with left toe and right toe turned out at 35 degrees. Then Ellen was instructed to move her elbows out from her body, turn her palms ¾ toward the audience, chin up and head cocked slightly to the right.

Edie was right, she did feel more confident and radiant when she presented herself the second time.

When Vickie knocked on the door, Edie excused Ellen, who left to a chorus fake jealousy and 'have fun girls'.

As they set out for the doctor's, they told each other how pretty the other looked. Vickie was wearing the white sheath that Ellen had selected and looked more stunning than ever.

"You are going to find out some things today that are going to determine if we have a future together or not, are you prepared for that?" Vickie asked.

"I've been finding out lots of things in the last few days that have my mind whirling like a top, I'm not sure how much more I can absorb right now."

"Well you just ride and think then, and try to clear your head a little."

She got them to Dr Kelly's office, and the secretary whisked them right in to his office.

The doctor stood up and met them at the door, "Uncle Bob, this is Ellen, the friend I've wanted you to meet. Ellen, Dr. Kelly is probably my best friend in the world and more protective than my dad, so be good." Vickie said.

"First we should do the blood test, so the lab has a chance to process it while Ellen is here today." Dr Kelly said as he called the nurse on the intercom.

"Why do I need a blood test to talk to a shrink?" Ellen asked.

"We need to know where you stand right now, if you decide to transition to some degree, the test will help us to set the proper levels of hormones to develop you without damaging anything you want to keep of your male physiology. If Vickie is correct, some adjustments will need to be made quickly." The doctor explained as the nurse came in to draw the blood.

"Right about what? This isn't going to hurt is it?" Ellen asked, visibly afraid of the needle.

"It'll feel like a mosquito bite, and the rest I'll explain when we see the results."

"Ok, stab me." Ellen said, turning her head away.

With that done, Vickie relaxed a bit and the doctor took over.

"I got Dr. Ryan's report from the school yesterday, as well as the transcript of your sessions, so I have just a few questions of my own before we get to the heart of things." Dr Kelly said.

"How closely do you know Mrs Hanoran?"

"She's my aunt."

"Thought so, she's also one of my doctoral candidates. Her thesis and Dr Ryan's evaluation are obviously the same person, I've been watching you for four years without knowing it was you."

"Mom told me about her thesis yesterday, but I haven't seen it yet." Ellen said.

"The only real question now for you is how are you adjusting to things so far?"

"I'm still pretty confused, but Vickie has helped me a lot. She seems to know so much but with a shrink for a best friend, its starting to make sense."

"What do you know about Vickie?"

"She's the prettiest girl I've ever known, and I love her a lot, and she's the smartest person I've ever met, and she seems to understand what I'm going through so well, and did I mention how pretty she is?" Ellen said.

"She doesn't have a clue does she?" Dr Kelly said to Vickie.

"Told you! I've been dropping hints all week but I didn't want to beat her over the head with it so I decided to wait for today and have you tell her."

Vickie moved her chair over and held Ellen's hand as the doctor cleared his throat. "Vickie has been through some very difficult times in her young life, and she too had to decide whether to live life as a boy or a girl."

"You're a boy, or were?" Ellen said, trying to pull her hand away from Vickie, But Vickie held on tightly.

"Just be patient and listen sweetheart." She said.

"Vickie never was really a boy, but due to some medical mixups and confusion, was raised as one until she was 13. She has both sets of genitals, but the female ones were hidden, and no one knew about them until then.

That's when she hit puberty and we found out she was really a girl."

"I've seen her naked and I didn't see any boy parts."

"They are really small, but they're there, and her estrogen has made them totally useless. She will have surgery this summer to straighten everything out and get it all working right. Her medical records running back to when she was 3 months old said she was a girl, but then hindsight's 20-20."

"And I thought I had problems, but can you have sex, or babies like a girl?"

"That's another issue, with the surgery she has tomorrow, removing a little flap of skin over her vagina will allow her to experience sex just like any other woman, its' the ovaries and womb that are the concern. We don't yet know if her ovaries contain any eggs, but we think not because she should have ovulated if they did, and she has menopausal symtoms similar to women who have discharged all their eggs, that's why she has estrogen suppliments now. The womb, they won't know about until the surgery, then there is an 80% chance of a transplant for that if hers won't work. Her mother, three aunts, and her sisters have donated enough eggs to populate a small country if we can come up with a womb to nurture them."

"So now you know, do you still love me, do you still want to be with me?" Vickie asked.

"How could I ever not love you? Now I know why you always seem to understand what I am feeling though. But tell me doc, how much of a girl do you think I am?"

"Except for the external 'vagina' you're pretty much a girl with a male ego. Between Vickie and I we will help you come to grips with it. Underneath the facade you are mentally female, and we can do pretty much whatever you require physically to match your body to your mind. I'm pretty sure though that you are already past the point of being a part-time female as you are a lot more comfortable with your appearance now than you were during your interview Monday, and you fit your wardrobe then pretty well."

"So you think I couldn't go back to being a boy again."

"Oh you could, but you wouldn't be fooling anyone, just like you weren't before, you would just be miserable again because of the internal conflict."

"What's this surgery you're having tomorrow Vickie?"

"I'll tell you about it later, because I would like your help " She said, and kissed Ellen on the cheek.

"I know what Vickie would like for you, and that is that you become female except for sexually. She would like to see you with real breasts and more shape, but still a functional male. That can be done by introducing and regulating your hormone levels. Your sexual preferrence seems to run to girls, is that correct?"

"Definitely, I'm not at all attracted to men. Having tits would be fun I think, but I want to keep 'wee willie' as Vickie calls him. Besides, I think she has plans for him already."

Dr. Kelly held his palm up to them and buzzed his intercom. "Its' been an hour, have the labs come back yet?"

The speaker on his desk said "Not yet doctor, I'll call down and see where they are."

He turned back to Ellen, "Would you consent to a physical exam while we're waiting?"

"I guess so, but can Vickie come too?"

"That's fine, if you're comfortable with it, just go out to the desk and Miss Hawthorne will take you to the examining room and get you ready. We'll be there in a minute, I would like a word with Vickie."

"Why, is it something you don't want me to hear?"

"I'm sure she'll tell you later."

They kissed again and Ellen went out to the desk. After the door was closed Dr. Kelly took Vickie's hand and said." I still think you should tell your parents about tomorrow's surgery."

"Are you kidding doc, you know my dad and if I'm right Ellen may need a place to stay for a while. If dad even thought I could have sex I would have an armed escort everywhere I went. Even Jenny's a virgin and she's twenty four and three weeks from getting married."

The two of them went down to the examining room, where they found Ellen in a state of shock.

"What's the matter sweetie? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." Vickie said.

"Or something!" Ellen said as she pulled the hospital gown aside, showing Vickie and the doctor the pert little 'almost A' cups on her chest.

"Are you already taking hormones?" thd doctor asked.

"I don't think so, I haven't even taken an aspirin since I was 15."

"Well they don't grow on their own and if wishful thinking helped, almost every woman would be a 'D'. Stand up so I can see the rest of you." Dr. Kelly said.

The doctor took off the gown, leaving Ellen in just her panties and gaff. He poked at her and checked her hips and thighs. Finally the nurse came in with the report from the lab.

"You have a very significant amount of estrogen in your blood, are you sexually active?" Dr. Kelly asked.

"Yes". Ellen answered.



"Everything work ok?"

"Seemed to."

"I'm going to make a phone call while you get dressed." The doctor said.

"So you went home with Annette after school yesterday?" Vickie asked after the doctor left.

"Well, yes, but you told me to." Ellen replied defensively.

"I know, I'm not mad, though I have to admit I'm a little jealous. How was she?" Vickie asked.

"It was her first time with a boy, and she was the agressive one I can tell you that. Why did you want to have me sleep with someone else anyway?" Ellen asked.

"I could see Sunday when we changed together that you were 'developing' and I wanted you to produce some extra testosterone to help counteract it.

I also wanted to get you used to an agressive woman, and it'll be a couple of weeks before I can take over for her." Vickie said.

Dr. Kelly came back into the room, "You've been getting 28 mg. a day for the last 6 weeks, which is a bit much but hasn't caused any damage yet. We'll let that work out of your system for a few days. which will give me time to work out a proper dosage if you want those to continue to grow."

"How big would they get? They are kind of cute once you get used to them and I can tell by the silly grin on her face that Vickie likes them."

"That depends on genetics, but you can generally expect one cup size less than the females of the side of the family you resemble." Dr. Kelly said.

"That would be perfect for your build, your cousins are a little topheavy." Vickie said.

"I'm really angry that my aunt and mom did this without asking me, but then I quess I would have done it myself at some point. Can I get dressed now?" Ellen said.

"Sure, and I have a couple of things to do before we eat." Dr Kelly said.

The three of the left for the restaurant, Vickie very happy about how things went, the doctor happy for her, and Ellen still confused trying to deal with all the changes in her life.

After they had ordered, Ellen told them about the conversation she had with her mother yesterday and that she had sent the college application in.

"So then, how are things going to work out?" Vickie asked.

"I don't know yet, now. I was going to live at home and go to school for now, but what aunt Lillie did makes me not trust her." Ellen said.

"I think she thought she was doing it for your own good, but she should have told you about it once you realized what all this was about, so don't be too hard on her ok." Vickie said.

"I agree with Vickie, Ellen don't be too hard on your mom and aunt, but let them know you are not pleased with the deception." Dr. Kelly said.

"The money changes things too, I can afford to do pretty much what I want now like get an apartment, and my own car. That would make it easier for us to be together." Ellen said.

"That would be nice, and if you were able to come to Denmark with me I would like that too. I wasn't looking forward to being alone there for almost a month." Vickie said.

"How about if I call mom from your house and tell her I'm staying there for a couple of days, besides, you wanted me to help you tomorrow." Ellen said.

"I wanted you to drive me to the medical center, and home. They insist that I not drive myself after the anestetic, and you could help me keep my dad from finding out about it for a while." Vickie said.

"They don't know what you're doing?" Ellen asked.

"Only Coleen, but she would have to take off work to do it, and she needs the money." Vickie said.

"Ok then, I'll stay with you tonight and tomorrow night if you'll come home with me Friday and help me with my mom and aunt. I want to finish the classes at the school, I think they will do me good surviving like this." Ellen said.

"I want you to finish the school too, you still have lots to learn about being a girl and it will help. Its' a deal then." Vickie said.

Dr. Kelly handed her his cell phone without a word and she called her home.

"Hi mom, Ellen's going to stay over with me a couple of days, so work on dad for me." Vickie said. Then she listened for a minute.

"We can't do anything mom, and she'll behave herself, I'm sure." Vickie said. She listened again.

"Thanks mom." she said. and handed the phone back to the doctor who gave it to Ellen.

"Hi mom, Vickie needs me to take her to the medical center tomorrow, so I"m going to stay over at her house tonight. Tell aunt Lillie I won't be at school tomorrow but I'll be there Friday. Could you also set some clothes out for me?" Ellen said, then listened.

"I'm still with the doctor mom, and yes, I know about the hormones now, how could you two do that without telling me? That's why I'm staying at Vickie's for a couple of days so I can think this through and not start a big fight." Ellen said, then listened again.

"You know I have titties you saw them yesterday, so I'm kind of stuck with them now. I'll have to decide what I'm going to do. Bye mom." Ellen said.

"Mom's not happy that I'm staying at your house, but she said ok. She's sorry about me being upset and she just wants what's best for me. You know, the usual. What did your mom say?" Ellen said to Vickie.

"Dad kind of likes you, but its' hard for him to be so protective for so long and just turn it off like that. She thinks you should use Coleen's room but you're not going to. You're going to sleep with me, and I'll deal with dad, he can't resist the 'little girl' routine." Vickie said.

"So I noticed the other night" Ellen said.

"You know, if you stopped doing that to him, he might better appreciate that you're a grown woman Vickie." Dr. Kelly said.

"But then he wouldn't spoil me so much, and I like being spoiled. You're going to spoil me aren't you Ellen?" Vickie said.

"When will I be seeing you again doctor?" Ellen said.

Dr. Kelly said "If wednesday is a good day for you, every wednesday at 4, and for the first month, every saturday at 10 would be a good schedule."

"Also, try not to be too judgemental with your mom and aunt, I think they were just expediting the inevitable with the hormones." Dr Kelly added.

"Thanks for the dinner Uncle Bob, and for taking the time to meet Ellen, we both appreciate it a lot. We better get going though we've got a lot to do." Vickie said.




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