Crystal's StorySite

I Didn't Mean To Change the World         by: Larry M.


Part 1

It was the third day of an intense Santa Ana and I had followed many others who were seeking relief at the Venice Beach. I had already walked its length. It was so warm that I went into a nearby bar seeking relief from the heat and my thirst. To my pleasure Jim Harkins was there and I joined him for a beer.

"How would you like to be in his shoes?" Jim ask looking at a couple sitting at a nearby table.

I followed his glance. That girl in the bikini was really something to look at and wasn’t hiding her feelings as she touched and kissed her companion. Elaine would have been shocked by the brazenness of her behavior.

"I could take that quite literally." I replied. "Even if it were possible, it wouldn’t work. She’d sense the difference, but wouldn’t it be something to be both of them at the same time!"

"You and those science fiction stories!" Jim slid off his stool and stood to leave.

"Well, you do have to admit that it would be interesting!"

"Granted, but I’ve got to go. My niece, Robin is getting married tomorrow and there is a wedding rehearsal this evening." Jim replied.

I was tempted to leave but Elaine wouldn’t be off work until eight p.m. As yet our relationship was platonic and in spite of her corpulence Elaine was attractive and enjoyable company. No use going to an empty apartment on such a beautiful day. I ordered another beer and continued to surreptitiously watch the amorous pair.

"I heard what you said." Said the man who took Jim’s seat. "If it were possible to be two persons at the same time would you be interested?"

"Are you kidding?" I ask, surprised by his question.

"If it could be done, would you be interested?" He repeated.

"Why not, it would be interesting to say the least."

"Fine, you’ve just been granted that ability! Listen and I’ll tell you how to proceed."

It was an interesting topic for speculation but not one for sober discussion. The problem was that he sounded earnest and that was crazy. I had just started on that beer and was torn whether to ignore him and finish my beer or leave. After I took another look, it seemed better to pretend to take him seriously. "OK, tell me how."

"It would mean dividing your consciousness in two. You’d need to use half of another individual’s mind to be complete. That could cause conflict, a split personality, but not if there was no experience involved."

"That isn’t possible!"

"A young infant would almost meet the criteria, but it’d still have some personality, some mind of its own. You’d be a combination of both. There is a better way, an unborn baby, one to two months before birth."

"But I’d be me and an unborn baby at the same time. Why would I want that?"

"That would only be an intermediary step. After your half minds combine, the you that is in the baby’s body can take over another person’s body, provided that they are within to a radius of 50’. That person’s consciousness will then be in the baby’s body and you’d be two people at the same time. All you have to do to is concentrate to make it happen."

"This is too crazy!"

The stranger continued as if I hadn’t said a word. "You’d better pay attention to these limits. First, You have to all of your consciousness back in one body within twelve hours. If not, you will suffer permanent amnesia. It won’t matter if that body is your own or not. Except for the transfer that splits or reunites your mind, the minimum time between will be about one hour. The displaced consciousness will also be able to swap bodies and will be aware of that ability."

I quickly drained my glass and stood to leave. "Just how would I know how old an unborn baby is and why are you telling me this?"

"You won’t be able to transfer unless the baby is ready. The answer to the other question is to see how much mischief you can cause." Having said that he quickly stood and walked out the door.

His statement and the abrupt way he left so stunned me that I just stared. When I recovered enough to follow he had disappeared.

It was such a beautiful day that I decided to continue my stroll on the beach. That crazy conversation repeatedly played over in my mind. Why was I even considering his words, why couldn’t I get them out of my mind? I looked up to see a couple of women sitting in beach chairs only a few feet away. One of them was markedly pregnant and incongruously dressed in a bikini bathing suit that accentuated her large belly and barely covered her public triangle. She evidently regularly frequented the beach as her tan was quite dark.

I stopped, looked at them, and realizing I was staring, walked a few feet further and glanced at the ocean, the sailboats and the waves. The urge to make the attempt was almost irresistible, but whom should I chose? There wasn’t anyone else near. That mother-to-be was out of the question and the fact that the two were together ruled out her companion.

Disgusted with myself for even entertaining the thought, I walked back to the car. Once there, I was unable to leave, to even put the key in the ignition. This obsession had to either proven or disapproved. Maybe I could try it with Sue, Elaine’s pregnant daughter in law. No, that might jeopardize my relationship with Elaine. Besides I didn’t know Sue’s address. I tried to rid myself of the obsession by concentrating on Elaine.

My efforts to shut out the stranger’s words were in vain. Maybe if I hurried back to the beach those two would still be there. Although it was still warm, many of the sunbathers were leaving. Even before reaching the spot where the two women had been, I realized they had gathered their belongings. They had almost reached the parking lot. I considered following, but instead just continued walking.

Further along there was a small group, probably of Latin descent. From their clothing they were there for a picnic. As I walked by, I recognized they were speaking Spanish. Then I saw a small woman with dark complexion, very obviously pregnant dressed in a regular sun dress rather than maternity clothes. She had heavy hips and narrow shoulders, the classic pear shape. From the behavior of a small boy in the group, it appeared she was already a mother.

This prospect was even less satisfactory, especially as I didn’t understand Spanish, but the compulsion remained. It was so late in the day that no one else was near. Frustrated I just sat on the sand and looked at the ocean angry at myself, unable to leave.

It wasn’t long before a very attractive and shapely young blond, dressed in loose yellow shorts and a white halter top, approached. I was torn between hoping that she’d come close and that she’d continue down the beach. As I watched, I remembered the young lady in the bar who’s appearance and actions had started this.

The blond spread her towel about equally distant between the pregnant woman and me, set up the back rest, sat and opened a book. She was prettier than Sue and she would be a heck of a lot safer to fool around with. The thought of being her and myself at the same time sent a shot of adrenaline through me and made me more willing to take chances! I looked back at the group. The pregnant woman had stood up and was walking slowly back and forth, her hands jammed against the sides of her bulging waist. Her companions seemed oblivious of her discomfort and showed no sign of leaving. Could I expect them to stay another hour? But why worry about something so obviously impossible?


I closed my eyes, concentrating on the unborn child. Suddenly I felt drained and disoriented as if I had gone too long without sleep. The light hurt and as I closed my eyes, I remembered a dark confining space and sorely missed the comforting sounds of a beating heart. I forced my eyes open, swept back my dismay and looked around. Why was I behaving so ridiculously? I watched the pregnant woman who was excitedly saying something in Spanish to the other woman in the group, then turned to look at the young lady who was my target.

The blond seemed unsure of herself, her movements awkward as she moved her hands to her waist then upwards to lift and cup her breasts. Her hands paused for a time on her breasts, slid down her torso, over her face and then back to her breasts. Then a hand was between her thighs rubbing her crotch. Her actions were so personal, as if she was in the privacy of her bathroom. She seemed to become aware of her surroundings and moved her hands away from her sexual areas back to her face and through her shoulder length hair. Then suddenly she grabbed her abdomen. It was only a momentary interruption as she stared down at her torso and then at me, her stare so intense I had to look away. She smiled and rose to her feet, obviously having difficulty in coordinating her efforts. Once standing, she stood there swaying, as if trying to get her balance, then staggered, almost falling at each step, over to me. She appeared to be in her middle thirties, not as young as I had thought.

"My god, it worked!" She exclaimed as she teetered over me, again caressing and exploring her breasts, waist and hips. Her actions caused me to have an erection.

"I just can’t believe it actually worked. It’s just fabulous, but these cramps in my stomach really hurt!"

"What do you mean?"

"When I look at you, it’s as if I have an identical twin, but when I look down everything is so different, a body complete with breasts, a woman’s body! But I know I am a man, that I am you! It’s so hard to keep from staring at and touching myself even here on the beach. It’s so weird to suddenly have long hair, wear fingernail polish, and not have the slightest idea how I look naked." She stopped looked at me and I knew she could see the bulge in my pants.

"I know what you’re thinking, what you want, and in spite of some terrific cramps and a headache, I feel sexy. The problem is that I don’t find you sexually attractive. I’d like to be intimate with a woman not a man.—I hadn’t considered that possibility. Lacking that I’d like to be alone, to get acquainted with this body I’m wearing."

She tried to sit and sprawled on the sand next to me. Her hand moved to her crotch. "My bottom feels like it’s simply going to drop out. I also feel like I’m not all here."

"So the baby is part of you too."

"Exactly! I couldn’t imagine this could happen.’ She paused then continued. "I’d like to know who I am. Could you help me up?"

I stood, held out my hands and watched as she staggered to her belongings, clumsily picked up her purse and brought it back with her. I helped her sit on the sand and then sat beside her. She opened the purse and pulled out a billfold.

Diane Farrow, that’s who I am." Diane brushed the long blond hair out of her eyes, took a strand in her fingers, looked at it and then at her hands. "I’d hate to switch back before I get a good look. There probably isn’t a mirror in the rest room. Maybe if we’re discrete I can take off this halter and remove the bathing suit top, at least let you have a peek so that once we’re back together I’ll know what these breasts look like....only just don’t touch!"

She paused. From her expression another cramp had seized her. When it was over Diane put the driver’s license back in her purse and then took off the halter top. The top of the bathing suit was barely legal and failed to conceal the shape of her full breasts. The material was so thin that the outline of her large erect nipples was easily discernible.

"It really seems crazy to suddenly find I have to wear small pieces of cloth on my chest to keep out of trouble! It was so weird being inside a womb! It took so much effort to remember my identity and my plans. I wonder how Diane is taking being the baby."

"That could be rough, but there’s nothing we can do now. Why don’t you lay down next to me, unfasten the bathing suit top and when no one is looking roll over on your back. I saw two women on the beach who were topless."

"Maybe later, but I’ve got an idea. Help me up."

I stood and with outstretched hands pulled Diane to her feet. She was a taller than average, only about 4" shorter I, a really was a good looking woman.

"Now stand there so no one can see what I’m doing." Diane suggested.

I followed her directions and once I was in place she pushed a hand inside the waistband of her shorts. I could see the bulge of her hand as it moved between her thighs.

"This is really weird. You can’t guess where I have my finger!" Diane brought her hand out and we looked at the red blood. "There’s something here, probably a Kotex. The head and backache could be from a period. She must be having her period! I’d better assess the situation. While I’m there I’ll check as much as possible. You’ll remember what I see and feel."

I gazed at her full rounding buttocks and slender waist as she wobbled to the rest rooms and noticed that mine weren’t the only following eyes.

After she disappeared into the lady’s room, the significance of what had happened really struck me. Supernatural forces and beings with supernatural powers were not a myth! It had been a long time since I had accepted the conventional Christian viewpoint, other religions seemed to have as much validity, but now I couldn’t be so blasé. Whatever it was, there was supernatural powers. One thing was certain, this capability had great potential for evil! We had to avoid taking advantage of the situation! Diane’s mind had to be returned! We had to stop this exploration of her body. My thoughts were interrupted by her arrival. The improvement in her coordination was striking.

"We really picked a winner, I’ve got to go back. It’s so weird to be bleeding and know that it’s normal. Go through the purse and see if there is a tampon or Kotex."

I kept feeling that someone would accuse me of theft while I went through her purse.

"Those guys make me feel so self conscious, the way they stare at me! There was one girl in the rest room I really wanted to touch. I don’t know if any exchange of bodies would work out the way we thought."

Just as my hand closed on a tampax, I heard someone behind me.

"What’s going on here?" The man’s voice sounded angry.

I turned to face a very muscular young man with the bulging biceps of a weight lifter. He looked as angry as he sounded, certainly someone with whom I didn’t want to tangle.

"Diane, who is this guy? You know better than to hustle on you own. Just wait until we’re back home! You’d better never again tell me you don’t feel well enough to work!"

So Diane was a prostitute! Diane didn’t answer and I knew she had to be as upset as I about this turn of events.

"Get your things, we’re going!"

We couldn’t risk being separated. There had to be a way to stall without being beaten up. "Leave her alone, she’s with me." My voice trembled in spite of my effort to maintain self control.

The young man turned towards me and for a moment I thought he was going to take a swing at me.

"Now look here, shit head, I make the decisions whom she sees and under what conditions. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay out of this!"

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Diane seek the protection of the ocean, stalling for time. "OK, OK!" I conceded.

"Now where in the fuck did she go?" Then he spotted her. "God damn you, Diane. You’d better get out, right now!" Then he rushed to the surf line.

Diane stood there just out of his reach as he cursed and threatened her, but when he removed his shoes and waded towards her, she moved into deeper water. To my surprise the guy, still fully clothed, continued towards her. The ocean was cold and I wondered how long she would be able to take the chill. Diane swam along the beach and managed to keep her distance. Then suddenly she caught a wave that brought her to shore. I met her at the surf.

"I’m freezing. That water is really cold! And these cramps. I almost drowned."

"We’ve really got problems. Evidently you’re a prostitute and he’s the pimp. We’ve got to stall for time."

"I know, but I’m beat." Diane protested. "We’ve got to think of another way to delay him."

Diane staggered to her towel and still shivering, dried herself. She lay face down, unfastened and took off the bathing suit top, buried it and her blouse in the sand just as the soaking wet pimp approached. I moved away then looked back at Diane. Her legs were toward me and there was a blood red stain in the crotch of her wet shorts.

"Get up!" The pimp demanded still shivering, showing the effects of the cold ocean.

"I’m not going."

"The fuck you’re not!"

He grabbed Diane’s arm and pulled her to a sitting position. Diane made no attempt to cover her bare breasts. The contrast to her tan only accentuated their nakedness. Above the small pink aureoles and large upturned nipples, her breasts were slightly convex and the underneath them full and rounded. There was a definite crease just below her armpits. Already her breasts were already starting to sag. I appreciated the display until I saw the pain in her face.

The pimp released her. "Get dressed!" He ordered.

Diane just rolled back on her stomach. Was he was angry enough to risk a scene? I then realized what a problem we’d created for the real Diane! Even if told what had occurred the pimp would never believe it.

The pimp dropped to his knees, dug the bathing suit top out of the sand and threw it at Diane. "Now put it on!"

"Oh, no!" Diane exclaimed and there was distress in her voice. "They’re leaving!"

I followed her gaze and saw the pregnant woman and the group she was with slowly carrying their belongings toward the parking lot. Diane rose to her feet, surprisingly fast, and hurried toward them, her breasts jiggling in a fascinating rotary motion. Quickly I started after her. I thought she might make the group before the pimp recovered, but then she paused again, probably due to another cramp.

"What in the fuck is going on?" The pimp yelled. He hesitated as if thinking about going back for the halter top, but then followed. "We can’t have some cop run you in."

The other sunbathers were openly staring. Now I was concerned about the possibility of police interference! I looked at my watch, only five minutes to go, five minutes more to stall. The pimp caught Diane, grabbing her arm. I was going to have to take the risk of interfering again.

"Enough of this! You’ll get us both in trouble!" The pimp told Diane. "Here, I’ll take off my shirt, put it on!"

"If you want Diane back you’d better let me go!" Diane’s response was the same one I been thinking.

It wasn’t her response but the necessity to use both hands to take off his wet shirt that made the pimp release her. Evidently he still expected obedience. Quickly she pulled away and again hurried toward the parking lot. I approached the pimp. He couldn’t understand, but I had to stall for time. Perhaps I could help the real Diane. "There isn’t time for a complete explanation, but if you will listen, I’ll explain what is happening."

There was surprise on the face of the pimp and he hesitated long enough for Diane to reach the pregnant woman’s group. They had almost finished loading their cars and it appeared they would leave too soon, before a transfer was possible. One of the men, looked up at the half naked Diane and said a few words in Spanish and then all stopped to gape. My relief was short lived as the women, obviously displeased, yelled at them. The men resumed their task while continuing to sneak glances.

"Well these naked breasts slowed them down but it’s still not enough." Diane said when I caught up. "Maybe you can stand behind their car so they can’t leave." Diane then addressed the pimp. "You’ve got to help us keep them from leaving." She pleaded.

"Enough of this bullshit!" The pimp grabbed her by the arm and after twisting it behind her back forced her toward the ocean. "You’re going to pay for this!"

His rough handing was a mistake as two of the Latin men challenged his treatment of Diane. He let her go and she rushed towards the car that contained the pregnant woman. Suddenly the pimp fell to the ground, as if struck by a seizure, awkwardly rose to his feet, gasp at Diane’s semi naked body, ran his hands over his body, then staggered away. I just watched dumbfounded, then looked at Diane, but she was evidently as confused as I.

I turned around to see that the cars were leaving. There was a piercing shriek from Diane. I managed to catch her before she hit the pavement. Then I heard one of the women call from one of the cars as it left.

"I’ll call you."

As soon as I had absorbed that message I helped Diane to a standing position. She quickly removed my hand from a naked breast, moved out of my grasp, covered her bosom with crossed arms, then yelled something in Spanish after the departing car. After it disappeared she ran her hands over her torso, face and hair all the while repeatedly exclaiming "No comprendo" repeatedly, then stopped and from her face I knew that she was in pain.

I glanced at the pimp. Things were really getting complicated. Now not only did I have to get myself together, but there were now three others in foreign bodies! I turned to Diane, who was again moving her hands over her torso and face, and knew I had to help her. Although certain of the answer, I still needed confirmation. "Who are you?"

To my surprise her English was good although she now had an accent. "How would I know?"

"I mean inside."

"Consuelo, Consuelo Martinez."

The pimp was now out of sight. I took off my shirt, gave it to Diane. This Diane should know where they were going. It wouldn’t be necessary to go home and wait for that phone call.

"I don’t feel very good. I’m not pregnant, but I have these cramps. Am I OK?" Diane ask, looking up at me.

"As far as I know. You’re just having your period."

"What is going on?" She demanded.

"I’ll tell you later. Come with me and I’ll help you return to your own body. We’d better hurry, get our stuff and get out of here. Diane has walked around half naked so long the police are probably on the way."

To my great surprise Diane handed me back the shirt. "I’ve dreamed of having a figure like this and walking topless on the beach. Since this isn’t me, why not?"

"Do you want to get arrested?"

"Jail would be better than being me, even with these cramps."

"Why is that?" I ask as I hurried her toward the gear on the beach. This day was getting crazier and crazier. Maybe I should just leave her, go home and wait for that call.

"I’m in labor!"

Her answer shook me. I might not be able to get close enough before time ran out.


"Why do you want to know?"

"Part of me is in your body. There won’t be any me if I don’t get that part back before three a.m."

"There’s plenty of time."

I should have told her a shorter period of time! "Do you really want to be arrested?" I repeated, pointedly. Unless we get out of here soon you probably will. If you seriously don’t care, tell me where you’re having the baby, so I can leave!"

"Not really, but they wouldn’t know who I am, would they? Oh, just who am I?

"A Diane somebody." Telling her she was a prostitute would only complicate matters. "Hurry up, we’ve got to get going."

"Don’t rush me, I’m not used to this, there’s so many strange sensations and it’s hard to walk." She looked down at her body. "Oh god, I’ve got a problem."

She was clearly embarrassed by the sight of blood on her shorts which seemed to bother her more than the prospect of being arrested.

"Let me have that shirt." Diane quickly put it on. It was long enough to cover her blood stained shorts. She pushed herself and we soon reached her belongings. We quickly gathered her belonging from the sand. Then we rushed to the parking lot. Once inside the car Diane adjusted the rear view mirror to look at her face and muttered something in Spanish.

"I need that." I told her as I readjusted the mirror. We left the parking lot just as a squad car entered.

"Now will you tell me where they are taking you?" I demanded.

Diane opened her purse.

"Not Diane, you - Consuelo."

"I’ve got to get cleaned up. I’m not going anywhere like this. How about taking me to Diane’s home?"

"There’s no time! Look, if you’re not going to tell me, I’m going home. She’ll call me there. You can clean up at my apartment."

"Do you have clothes for me there?" Diane ask. "You’re responsible, I didn’t ask to become Diane, so take me to Diane’s apartment!"

"But first tell me where they are taking Consuelo."

"No, not until I get cleaned up!"

"All right" Even if she didn’t keep her word, I could get the message from my telephone answering machine.

Diane went through the purse and gave me Diane’s driver’s license. Hopefully the address was current.

"Just how did it happen that I changed bodies and how am I going to change back?"

"I’ll tell you when you tell me what I want to know."

Diane just sat there and pouted. Even then, she was very pretty. What could I do if Consuelo decided to remain Diane? Maybe those cramps would help her decide to be more cooperative. Fortunately for my peace of mind Diane’s apartment wasn’t far. As she got out of the car the view of her shorts through the opening in the towel made me wonder how much damage had been done to the car seat. Diane rushed ahead, found the apartment and muttered something in Spanish when she had difficulty finding the key. Once inside, she looked around until she found the bathroom and quickly went inside.

I looked for the phone and called my answering machine. There was no message. I found a piece of paper and pen, wrote down Diane’s telephone number and address, then called Elaine’s hospital. She was out so I left a message. From the sounds in the bathroom, Diane was taking a shower. I looked at my watch, she would be able to switch before we would be ready to leave. What would she do?

"Hurry up." I yelled through the bathroom door, then took a seat. As I waited, I realized for the first time the implications of what had happened. If a person did not return to their body, that person and the persons they became would be able to trade bodies at will. That would be a disaster!

It seemed forever before Diane appeared in the living room, still dressed only in a robe and a towel wrapped around her wet hair. "Now tell me what happened and why?" She demanded.

Before I could answer, she suddenly smiled and exclaimed. "So that’s the way it works! It might be fun to be the man for a while, at least I wouldn’t have these cramps."

"Please don’t make things worse! They’re bad enough as it are." In spite of my plea, I braced for the expected change.

There was a knock at the door. I hurried to answer it, grateful for the diversion. At the door was a small slightly built girl wearing too much makeup, a translucent white tank top, obviously without a bra, and shorts that cut into her vulva. She ignored me completely, quickly walked to Diane and gave her a big hug.

"I was afraid I’d miss you. Ken is looking for you and he’s really angry." The new comer didn’t look old enough or pretty enough to be a prostitute and I wondered about their relationship.

As she talked I noticed the cleft chin, the dimples, and her straight shoulder length brown hair. Her face was a little too wide, the lips a little too thin and the forehead a little too high. The girl looked at me and continued. "Maybe since you’ve got a customer, Ken won’t be so angry."

From the look on Diane’s face I got a hint of her plan, but before I could object Diane seemed to stumble, then catch herself. At first she seemed totally unaware of her state of undress. Then her hands moved over her body under her robe and I got a glimpse of a strip of blond pubic hair. I turned to look at the younger woman as she also explored her body. If I hadn’t been so overwhelmed it would have been a very exotic experience.


I just stood there, banished the problem of being a half naked woman on a public beach from my mind and concentrated on the baby. I was repulsed! The transfer had to come soon! I tried again and was repelled again. The pimp pulled on my arm.

"Let me go!" I demanded in Diane’s voice but he was too strong. His assault made caused me to lose concentration. With my natural body’s help, I tried to keep from being dragged away from the parking lot, but it was a losing battle. Then suddenly the Hispanic men came to my aid.

I was startled when the pimp suddenly released his hold and fell to the ground. He awkwardly picked himself up, quickly ran his hands over his body, looked intently at me, gasp, turned and staggered away still exploring his body.

The pregnant woman was already in the car which appeared ready to leave. I tried to transfer again, already knowing it would be to no avail. The original Diane must have left the baby during the struggle, but why hadn’t she chosen her own body? The only sure way to be sure I would stay with the baby was to switch with that pregnant woman.

My back hurt terribly and I felt so deformed, so miserable. At least I was free of those cramping pains in my abdomen. Quickly I tried to adjust to a sitting position. Strong odors surrounded me and that need to become acquainted with another body was almost overpowering. I quickly lowered the window and yelled to Fred, afraid he was out of hearing range. Another foreign voice to get used to, more similar to Diane’s than Fred’s.

The woman next to me appeared to be in her mid thirties. If she wasn’t so overweight she would be quite attractive. Then she said something in Spanish. The only things I understood was that she called me Consuelo and that she was upset. I moved foreign hands down Consuelo’s torso, especially over the belly which felt the size and shape of a basketball, a swollen belly that covered more than half of my dress clad lap. The projections on my chest were not as heavy as Diane’s but were tender and swollen. My mouth felt strange, but this time there were two crooked lower teeth for my tongue to explore. Then there were the movements inside the belly - kicks so hard they almost made me cry. Well, I had wanted adventure and this so far was one hell of an adventure!

The woman looked at me strangely and the small boy on her lap looked very upset. Again she said something in Spanish. Then there were cramps in my abdomen, cramps that made Diane’s cramps seem like child’s play. I gasp with their intensity. Then they passed.

"Please." I moaned in English, "Don’t leave, I’ve got to go back." My back was still killing me.

The man in the passenger seat turned and said something in Spanish.

"I don’t understand Spanish. You’re going to have to talk to me in English" I replied.

"Consuelo, what is wrong, why are you acting so odd?" The woman ask switching to English.

"We’ve got to go back! I’m not really Consuelo." I wanted to say more but the fierce cramping pain in the pit of my abdomen made me stop and gasp. It hurt so much!

"You know there isn’t time! We’ve got to get you home before the baby arrives. Maria will be waiting for us."

I was in labor, I was going to have a baby! Those cramps were labor contractions! The knowledge stunned me. This was too much!

"We’ve got to go back. I’m not Consuelo, at least my mind isn’t. A few minutes ago I was that half naked woman on the parking lot. The baby now has the mind of the guy that was arguing with her. I’ve got to return Consuelo’s body!"

"Consuelo, why are you talking so crazy?"

"No, please listen to me! I know this sounds insane, but in about an hour, both the baby and I can exchange bodies! You could become the baby, be inside Consuelo’s womb! Your Consuelo is now that half naked woman! I’ve got to go back!"

I looked at the small boy between me and Rosa. He was obviously upset by the commotion and although I tried to comfort him, he shied away.

An even stronger contraction interrupted my plea, but in spite of the pain, I was aware of the other woman’s conversation in Spanish with the driver. Evidently he didn’t know enough English to understand what we said. His reply sounded angry but I did catch the name he called her.

"What did he say?" I ask. "Doesn’t the fact that I don’t understand Spanish prove what I’m saying is true?"

"Quit playing games. You’re upsetting Manuel." Rosa exploded angrily. She sat back as the car continued its course and I stared at her while checking the cheap wrist watch on my dark plump wrist to time the interval between contractions.

"Rosa, remember what I told you. When the baby takes over another’s body you’ll know I’ve been telling you the truth."

As I sat there waiting for the next contraction and trying to figure a way to get through to Rose, I thought of the pimp’s mind in the baby’s body. If he were to switch with me, I’d be the baby and be unable to make that call. I could only hope he wouldn’t choose to be a woman in labor. Another contraction brought tears to my eyes. They were only three minutes apart now and each seemed to last forever!

Once the pain was gone, I noticed the driver had turned off the freeway. This was not the way to the hospital! Were they taking Consuelo home? If so, there might not be the assistance of a doctor or anesthetics! The driver parked the car in the driveway of a small old house. Another contraction and suddenly my panties and dress were wet. This was a nightmare!

Rosa helped me out of the car. As I tried to stand, the balance of my pregnant body eluded me and Rosa had to keep me from falling. She helped me into the house, into the bedroom and onto the bed.

"Where is a telephone? I’ve got to make a call." I ask as I tried to catch my breath.

"We’ve got to get you ready and you don’t want to upset Manuel more. Rosa replied. At least she was still speaking in English.

"What about the boy?"

"You know Able is taking him to my house and that I will stay with you until Maria arrives!"

"Is Manuel going to stay?"

"Of course!"

"Then don’t be surprised if he suddenly does something strange."

"Let’s get you ready." Rosa said changing the subject.

Rosa helped me stand, balance was almost completely absent and I had to throw my shoulders back to counter the weight of my huge protruding belly. She slipped the dress over my head then helped me sit on the bed. I looked at the protruding panty covered abdomen that hid my feet. Then at Rosa’s urging I lifted my heavy buttocks off the bed and she pulled off those damp panties. Rosa unfastened the bra and I slid the straps off my shoulders and the bra cups fell off Consuelo’s breasts. I looked ruefully at their dark tips and web of blue veins, fearing what was going to happen next. The next contraction was even stronger and made me cry out loud. When it was over Rosa, held out a thin robe. I felt compelled to reject the robe, managed to get to my feet and stagger to the mirror to view this naked foreign body I now wore.

In spite of the strange sensations, discomfort and the previous experience of being Diane, I still unconsciously expected to see my tall slender male body. Instead, a naked, grossly pregnant woman with narrow shoulders, protruding swollen breasts, even more protruding stretch marked belly, impossibly wide hips with thick heavy thighs and knock kneed legs was reflected! I couldn’t possibly be this person, but my movements were also hers! I ran dark chubby fingers over those tender breasts, over the dark line on Consuelo’s belly and through the thick triangle of pubic hair until I encountered the beginning of a female slit. The baby had to be huge, much too large to go through that opening! I had to get out of this body before the baby killed me!

Rosa glared at me and thrust out the robe, as disturbed by my actions as by my words. I had enough of looking at this grotesque body, took the robe and in spite of problems with coordination, managed to put my dark pudgy arms into the sleeves and wrap the robe around me.

"Where is the telephone? I’ve got to make that call!" I begged, almost in tears.

"There’s no telephone here." Rosa replied obviously irritated at my persistence.

"Then tell me where I can find one."

"You can’t leave, you’ve got to stay here. Your contractions are coming too fast."

Another contraction! I cried with the pain, it seemed like they were going to tear me apart. They were about a minute apart now and my back hurt so much I couldn’t get comfortable in any position. Consuelo’s body seemed to be taking over, but desperation drove me on.

"But I’ve got to make that call! Let me have something to put on over this robe."

"That’s enough. You’re not leaving, at least not until the midwife checks you."

Rosa then walked to the bed and pulled down the covers. "You can lay down or walk around, whatever feel best, but you’re not going anywhere!"

I waddled to the bed and using Consuelo’s hands for support lowered my gravid body to a sitting position. The contractions were now almost continuous and hurt so much I couldn’t keep from moaning. Enough time had passed. I considered switching with Rosa, but that would mean I would have to deliver the baby and that was beyond my capability.

"I’d better see what’s holding up Maria." With that Rosa left the room leaving me terrified at being alone. Then Rosa barged back into the room quite upset. "Manuel left in the car!"

"Now do you believe me? Now Manuel is the baby!" I screamed at Rosa. I couldn’t believe that I had screamed in such a manner.

"Quit acting so crazy!" Rosa replied and again left.


Diane looked at the other woman, gasped audibility and her hand flew to her mouth as she spoke. "My god, what is going on? How can I be looking at myself? My voice doesn’t sound right and I feel horrible!"

"I changed bodies with you. I decided to stay a woman." The visitor answered as she moved away from Diane.

Diane looked at the newcomer and for a moment, I was afraid she was going to faint. "How can I be looking at myself?" She repeated, then glanced her torso, pulled the robe closed and looked at me. "I must be Diane now!" her voice was weak. "These cramps are horrible! Diane wasn’t kidding when she told me her periods were bad. How can this be?"

"Diane isn’t totally responsible." I answered.

"What are you talking about?" Diane ask, still holding the robe tightly around her.

"Let’s all have a seat and I’ll explain." Both women listened as I told them the story.

"So Diane is Ken! That was probably to keep Ken from hurting her, but then she often wished she were a man."

"Who are you?" I ask Diane.

"Joy, at least I was Joy!" Diane replied. "I’ve always envied Diane’s figure and looks. I just can’t believe I am actually her."

Diane, ignoring my presence, opened the robe and again ran her hands over her full mature breasts, slender waist, full hips and a relatively flat abdomen. The blond pubic hair was short, as if clipped. She had some difficulty with balance and coordination as she walked around the room, but both improved rapidly. I couldn’t help comparing her behavior and appearance to what I had seen on the beach. It was even more erotic than before.

"I just can’t get used to how these move when I walk." Diane moved her hands to her bare breasts. "I’ve got to see this!" With that she left for the bathroom.

I turned to Joy. "Now that you’ve made things worse, will you tell me where they took you?"

"There’s plenty of time and I’m not in any hurry. You told me you had until three a.m. Besides, this is really fun!" Joy replied as she continued to examine herself. Although slight, her figure was well proportioned with a small waist and a nice smooth continuous curve from her chest to waist and thighs. Her legs were just as well proportioned.

When Diane returned the wet towel had been removed and her damp hair hung around her shoulders. Her facial expression indicated a much more somber mood. "I’ve got a customer in forty-five minutes and if I don’t keep the appointment, Ken will kill me! There would be no way to avoid him. He could be anyone." Diane wrung her hands as she turned to Joy. "It’ll take thirty minutes. You have to go with me so we can change back."

"I could go as you." Joy suggested. "That might be fun!"

"Neither of you are leaving until Joy’s in her own body! You’ve given me more than enough to do."

"You’re just a spoil sport." Joy insisted.

"Maybe Ken wouldn’t be so angry if you paid for tonight!" Diane suggested, then turned to Joy. "Perhaps, Joy, you could call my tricks and cancel."

"How much?" I ask.

"Two hundred."

"I guess I owe you that much." I replied. Everything seemed like a dream and it was hard to realize that I had actually promised to pay her that amount.

Diane turned to Joy and gave her the number to call. After the call, Joy moved next to Diane and whispered something.

"Why not?" Diane replied, making no effort to keep me from hearing. "It’d be a kick to watch myself make out."

"What are you cooking up? If you’re planing to involve me, forget it! I’m in no mood to play games."

Joy looked me in the eye. "Why not get what you’re paying for?"

"All I want is to get this over."

"Well, I’m not leaving until I’m ready!" Joy exclaimed, as she pulled the off tank top off exposing small wide apart budding breasts. The aureoles were very large dark and distinct, almost indistinguishable nipples. There was a tattoo of a rose just left of her right nipple. "At least I can put on a show!"

"What are you going to tell your husband?" I ask pointedly.

"As I said before, this is not me. This is really fabulous and Diane told me I can do anything I want to do."

"Well have it your way, but I won’t participate." I picked the phone and again dialed my apartment. Still no message! Suddenly Joy was next to me and I was startled as she grasp my hand and pressed it to her naked breast. I quickly pulled away, but not before I felt her nipple grow under my palm. Then her hand was on my crotch. Quickly I backed away and sat on the sofa.

"I told you I wasn’t going to leave until I have some fun!" Joy taunted as she caressed her small breasts with their now distinct and turgid nipples. I looked at Diane, but she seemed engrossed in Joy’s actions. Joy unzipped her tight shorts, removed them and I found himself looking at white bikini panties, panties so sheer that they failed to conceal the vertical slit in her crotch. Then without stopping she sat in the chair opposite, quickly removed the panties and stood, clad only in long hose. There was just a hint of pubic hair in the midst of a pronounced mons Venus and prominent public lips. "Do you like what you see?" Joy ask.

I turned my head away and looked at Diane. Her eyes were on Joy, her robe was open and one hand was caressing her breast while the other was between her thighs.

Joy got out of her chair and walked towards me, stopping when she was only about three feet away. "How about a better view?" She sat on the rug, her legs just in front of my chair, lay flat on the rug and spread her legs apart, a foot on each side of the chair. Her left hand caressed her small right breast as her right hand moved between her legs. She opened her body with her fingers to reveal the pinkness of her inner labia, then gently made circular motions around her clitoris with her index finger.

As her inner labia became congested, it opened to a lens shape and I could clearly see the hooded clitoris. I couldn’t help but be affected by both women and although I knew Joy could see the bulge in my pants, I had to tell her. "I’m just too anxious to accept your offer."

"Since he won’t cooperate, how about going into the bedroom with me?" Diane ask Joy.

There was no mistaking the shock displayed on Joy’s face. "I don’t make love to women!"

I had enough. "All right, you win. Go ahead and play your games. I’m going home to wait for that call."

You waited too long." Diane informed me from the other chair as she copied my position. "I now know I can trade bodies. Maybe Joy will find yours more to her liking."

"Please, don’t!"

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FFRED 2

My panic at being again alone made me get off the bed, stand and go to the closet for something to wear, but then another contraction doubled me up in pain. How could I leave with these body-wrenching contractions coming so frequently? This body’s needs was controlling my actions!

Rosa returned with an elderly woman. "Maria is on another case, Antonia will tell me what to do until she arrives."

I looked at the woman Rosa had introduced. Antonia looked too thin, too wrinkled and too frail to be of any help. Then the old woman said something in Spanish.

"She wants to examine you." Rosa said when I didn’t respond.

I let Antonia lead me to the bed and gently urge me to a prone position. That stomach seemed to push up so far! I was startled as Antonia pulled open the robe and pulled my legs apart. Then I felt Antonia’s hands on my crotch. Aghast I closed my legs.

"She’s just going to check the dilation." Rosa explained. "You’d think you never had a baby!"

"Well at least I can follow instructions!" I said to myself. This indignity was just one straw too many. After the embarrassing examination was through, I mimicked Rosa’s posture and swapped with her.



My plea was to no avail. There was no spasm or loss of control, just a pronounced interval of dizziness. Diane hadn’t been kidding about the headache and cramps. Every bit as bad was the overall tingling. The inside of my mouth and teeth were completely foreign and my tongue unconscious and continuously explored the differences. My field of vision was as before, but now included bathrobe covered torso and arms. Those arms led to much too small and too smooth hands with red tipped fingernails. There was a weight on my chest and I could see that my robed chest had increased in depth. Even sitting still, there was no mistaking the difference in pressure in my crotch. There was a heightened sense of smell and my tongue kept searching that slightly crooked incisor. Everything was so confused. The need to investigate this female body, to see how it felt to be a female, was intense. As if that wasn’t enough long hair swirled around my face as I moved my head.

I remembered how Diane had appeared and behaved on the beach. Again the change had been made under less than optimum conditions. My anxiety and their presence kept me paralyzed only briefly. The red tipped fingers, amazingly moving at my mental command, slid open the robe. I looked down at those fleshy projections - breasts, I reminded myself. They and the large dark nipples had to project at least four inches from my chest. The air was cool on the exposed portion of my body. I cupped and lightly squeezed. The sensations from my hands were of touching and grasping the soft yielding flesh of a woman’s naked breasts, but the simultaneous and impossible squeezing of tender flesh that my chest should not possess, sent a shock through me. In spite of their tenderness I couldn’t resist stroking, grasping and gently twisting those extended nipples.

I ran my hands over my body, tracing the soft firm curves, the unbelievable smallness of the waist, the gently curving abdomen, then avoiding the truth in my crotch, moved to the incredible width and flare of the hips and the fullness of those ample buttocks. I moved them to the tight wetness of the long hair around my face and shoulders before moving down through strip of stubby pubic hair and over a prominent hard pubic bone. I spread smooth hairless legs to allow access to my crotch and my hands felt the soft fleshy pads of a woman’s’ labia. Then my hands continued all the way under my ass, confirmed the absence of penis and balls. Then I remembered the actions of this body on the beach.

I looked up and was embarrassed. Those hands that should have been under my control was investigating my own body. Joy rose to her feet and offered a hand to Fred. I can only call him that, after all my senses had made it abundantly clear that I was no longer a man named Fred. After Joy helped him out of the chair, she supported him as he took a couple of faltering steps. I couldn’t help staring at Joy, whose appearance and behavior I still found sexually provocative.

"I feel so helpless, I wonder why?" Fred ask. His voice sounded different to my ears, like a recording.

"You made a bigger change this time." Joy answered. "A much bigger one!"

My eyes followed Fred’s downward glance and saw that his hands had gone to the bulge in his pants.

"I’ve actually got a hard on, I’ve got to see this!" Fred exclaimed. I cringed as my twin fumbled with the zipper, searched inside the fly and pulled out his penis.

"It’s even circumcised!" Fred exclaimed as he looked down and held it.

"Let’s not waste time." Joy insisted and, completely ignoring my presence, took hold of Fred’s penis, caressed it with her hands then knelt to take it into her mouth.

"Oh - that feel so good!" Fred exclaimed and I saw him lean against the arm chair for support. "But you’d better stop. I don’t know how much I can take without shooting off."

Joy turned her attention to unbuckling Fred’s belt. I kept expecting Fred to push Joy away. How could this happen when there was a woman’s personality inside?

Instead of pushing her away, Fred guided Joy to her feet, cupped her slight breasts, kissed her passionately, then moved his hand to her pubis. From the way Joy squirmed it was obvious he knew exactly how to touch her.

He looked at me and I became anxious that I might be forced to join their sex play. Fred may have sensed my discomfort as he turned and with Joy’s assistance wobbled into the bedroom.

I was much relieved at their departure. My other half had managed to be relatively composed but hadn’t had to deal with this type of pressure. True, I was two people at the same time, but this was not what I had wanted or expected. I had to get back to the task of reuniting my mind! There had to be some positive action I could take. Then I remembered the promised message from my other half.

Somehow I managed to stand. It was so hard to keep my balance. The robe had opened exposing those breasts. Long damp hair swirled around my face as I shook my head in disbelief. I suddenly became afraid of becoming sexually involved and closed the robe. Again another cramp. I staggered to the phone, acutely aware of and agitated by the undulating movements of my chest with each step. Rosa’s body felt so much better. The previous experiences in female bodies made it easier to adjust. Still there was that compulsion to examine my newest body so I took advantage of Consuelo’s shock and Antonia’s preoccupation with her.

There was the tightness of a bra around my chest but absent was the weight of heavy breasts. My exploring hands betrayed the fact that the bra was padded. The girth of my waist, hopefully, was from being overweight and not from pregnancy.


A cry from Consuelo and then from Antonia quickly brought me out of my absorption and I was dismayed at the severity of the spasm that went through Consuelo. As I rushed to the bed, Antonia leaned over Consuelo and said something in Spanish. There was terror in Consuelo’s face and as she looked at me, she made the sign of the cross.

"I’m sorry I had to do that!" I told Consuelo. "I’m not the devil. I wouldn’t have switched with you if that telephone call wasn’t important. Something happened, something I can’t explain, but I intend to make everything right"

"Antonia will give instructions until Maria arrives." Consuelo said when she was finally calmed down enough to talk. "But I don’t know how long I’ll be able to serve as interpreter!"

I looked at Antonia for her reaction, but it was obvious she didn’t understand. Unless Antonia was stronger than she appeared, Maria had better arrive soon!

"I’ll do what I can, but I’ve got to make that call. Where can I find a telephone?"

"At my house."

Consuelo cried out in pain until the contraction ceased, then gave directions. Antonia, obviously confused, said something as I left the room. From the tone of her voice it was quite obvious that she was displeased with my departure.

Rosa’s house was only a couple of doors down, but I had to slow down to catch my breath after walking only a short distance. Able and Consuelo’s son were in the back yard. Pleased at that good fortune, I dialed my apartment. There was no message so I left a message for Dorothy on the machine, called the hospital and left a message for Elaine.

My bladder was protesting, I had to urinate. Quickly I found the bathroom and, as I had been taught, lifted up the toilet seat. I fumbled for the fly of my trousers. It took me a moment to realize that I was wearing a dress and had to sit to pee. I quickly put down the toilet seat. Since I still didn’t trust my balance, I sat on the stool before hiking up the dress around my thick waist and pulling down the panties. Once securely there I couldn’t resist looking, surprised by the shapeliness of those bare thighs, calves and ankles.

I remembered my experience on the beach while Diane. When I had gone to the bathroom I had pulled up Diane’s panties only to realize that they were damp from the urine, that it was necessary to use toilet paper after urinating. I wasn’t going to make that mistake again! When the flow ceased I reached under my ass from behind with the toilet paper, just as I would have done to wipe my own male ass. It was a long awkward reach. It would be easier to just reach between my legs. Once finished I remained sitting to pull up the panties. I ran pudgy hands over those hairless bare thighs and over the crotch of the panties, then hesitated as I realized what I was doing. Not only had I interrupted Diane’s, Consuelo’s and Rosa’s lives, but I had violated their privacy. The guilt made me quickly pull down the dress. I stood, using the toilet for support, and after a look at the reflection of the stranger in the mirror left the bathroom.

My irresistible curiosity made me detour into the bedroom. Inside was a three quarters length mirror in which I observed Rosa’s reflection and stared at the short overweight woman. I paused when I saw pictures of a pretty adolescent girl with a man, but only for an instant. Then I sat on the bed and with full knowledge of my actions, pulled up the dress and removed my panties. Again I gaped at those shapely thighs and legs. Even worse, I stood, pulled the dress up and ran a hand over my protruding belly. I searched the thick dark pubic triangle of hair for the vaginal lips and the depression leading to the feminine slit.

The clitoris felt the pressure of the finger and I shuddered with the intensity of the sensation, wanting more direct stimulation. Somehow I managed to stop. What I was doing was wrong! I was shirking my responsibility to Consuelo. Neither thought had much effect, then I realized it was getting too close to the time when the baby could transfer. Still tense I returned to the bed to put on the panties but, before leaving, again examined Rosa’s reflection in the mirror.


An unfamiliar voice on the answering machine stated Consuelo was having her baby at home and gave an address in East LA. Why couldn’t that information have come sooner! Maybe I should dress, go to East LA., then worry about the others later.

I would need the car keys-they were in Fred’s pants! I overcame my fears long enough to move toward the bedroom door, then stopped as my fears intensified. I just couldn’t go inside.

How long would it be before they were through? Carefully I peeked inside hoping they wouldn’t see me. Joy was still straddling Fred, moving up and down-they didn’t seem in a hurry. I experienced a sudden rush of excitement as I looked at Joy. Quickly I jumped away from the doorway and almost fell in the process. I moved as rapidly as possible to the bathroom, not only aware of the bobbing flesh on my chest and the resulting stimulation as those large nipples rubbed against the robe, but also the exaggerated swing of my hips. Once inside I quickly shut the door but had difficulty locking it due to my reduced coordination.

As I stood there trembling with apprehension. I had read science fiction stories that included changes of sex, but those characters had always taken the change in stride! My physical discomfort had increased, not diminished. I was startled by Diane’s image reflected in the mirror and traced her features with my fingers. Such beauty, comparatively youthful and only faint lines! I could be young again! Once my mind was reunited, would I resist trading for a younger body? The problem would be that the proper owner would seek return of that body.

I returned to my search for something to relieve the pain. My coordination was so poor I almost gave up, even after I found the aspirin. It took for ever to get the cap off and I even dropped the bottle in the process.

I could resist no longer and opened the robe. I looked down Diane’s torso, taking a leisurely look at the smooth curves and soft skin reflected in the mirror. As I ran my hands over the curves, I remembered the sight of those bare breasts jiggling as Diane hurried towards the beach parking lot. The thought was sexually exciting. Although my eyes could not follow I felt the soft pad of a female mons Venus and the depression below. Somehow I still expected a male penis.

I concentrated on the sensations caused by the moving hands and was surprised by the soft very sensitive convoluted mass of tissue between my legs and wished I could see what I felt. My attempt to push a finger inside was temporarily thwarted by that same convoluted tissue. That flesh had to be inner vaginal lips and they had to be protruding at least a half an inch. How messy! What could only be a clitoris felt the pressure of my hand. Finally I decided to risk possible pain, pushed harder and a finger entered that impossible opening. The finger encountered an obstruction. Since Diane was no virgin, it had to be the base of a tampax.

I held onto the counter for support as I bent down to get a better view. As I did the projecting flesh on my chest elongated and dangled in front of my eyes. Startled I quickly straightened up and turned back to the mirror. I wanted to make love to that woman, still not capable of emotionally accepting that the reflected form was mine. I was tempted to forget everything, to thoroughly explore this body, but where would that end?

I removed those slender hairless hands from this seductive female body, forced my trembling hands to close the robe and turned away from the mirror, afraid I wouldn’t be able to control this sexually arousal.

My bladder suddenly made me aware of it’s fullness. I put down the toilet seat I had just raised, managed to pull up the bottom of the bathrobe and sat heavily due to my poor control.

From the moans and crying from the bedroom, Joy and Fred were still at it. Why couldn’t they hurry? After I stood, I realized there was a dampness in my crotch and after the cramp in my abdomen had eased a little, took some toilet paper, opened the robe and wiped my pubic hair and vaginal lips.

I staggered into the living room and turned on the TV to drown out the sounds of their coupling, which both fascinated and repelled, making me more tense. Then there was those drops of urine trickling down my ass.



Antonia was sitting, evidently trying to conserve her strength. From the fact that Antonia made no attempt to talk and from the intensity with which she scrutinized me, it appeared Consuelo had talked to her.

"I am sure the baby has Manuel’s mind. It won’t be long before he can exchange bodies. I just can’t be the baby and if he swaps with Antonia there won’t be a midwife."

"But I don’t want to be the baby!" Consuelo complained, almost in a panic, then she paused and moaned with pain of another contraction. I was surprised at how rapidly she had grasp the situation.

"I don’t see another choice." I continued.

"If you won’t return my body, at least exchange with Antonia so that she’ll have the necessary strength. Please, you just can’t leave me like this!"

Another surprise! This time at how quickly she had conquered her fears. "OK, but to be sure it is Antonia and I that swap, we will have to leave until after your transfer. Ask her to go to your house. It won’t take more than 15 minutes."

Antonia was upset and at first refused, but as Consuelo’s contractions increased Consuelo managed to convince her. I had to wait repeatedly for Antonia to catch up with even Rosa’s snails pace and once at Rosa’s house, Antonia immediately sat and glared at me. When enough time had passed, I copied Antonia’s position and exchanged bodies.


When Joy, still naked, finally emerged from the bedroom she stared at me. "I really enjoyed that!"

Suddenly I thought of something that might get Joy moving. Why hadn’t I thought of that before? "No telling what is happening with your body and your husband while you are literally screwing around." My high pitched voice was a further shock, but I managed to continue. "Do you think Ken remained the baby? He probably swapped with your husband or one of your friends. Perhaps your husband is the one being born or maybe giving birth to your baby."

"Oh, no! I didn’t." Joy exclaimed and from the strain in her voice I knew I’d hit a responsive cord.

Fred, still naked came out of the bedroom. "That was just fabulous." He exclaimed as he stared at me.

"I’ve got to get back now! I hadn’t thought of what could be happening at home!" Joy continued, her voice frantic with anxiety.

"Let’s get dressed and go." I suggested. "A change now could cause a delay later."

"OK" Fred replied. "I won’t object to keeping this old body a little longer. So far it’s been quite a kick!"

I pulled Diane’s body out of the chair, and walked into the bedroom so conscious of the jiggling motions of my chest. It took a few anxious moments to find the underwear. I stared at the scanty filmy panties. The idea of wearing such scanty underwear felt strange. I then searched the drawers in vain, trying to find more adequate coverage.

My balance was too poor to stand on one foot long enough to put on a pair so I had to sit on the bed. As I did I could not resist running my hands over my smooth inner thighs and then pulling on that scanty cloth covering until the material was between my labia. It felt so weird that I quickly straightened out the bikini crouch to cover Diane’s sex.

Now half naked, I examined the bra, found it hooked in the back, and left it on the bed, not wanting to accept the anticipated time, effort and frustration necessary. I put on slacks, a blouse that buttoned on the wrong side and tried to put a scarf over my long, still damp hair. It wasn’t long before I threw the scarf on the bed in disgust. By the time I managed to dress, Joy had finished showering and was dressed in the skimpy clothes she had previously worn.

"Please, we’ve got to get going!" Joy pleaded with Fred.

"I’m not returning to my body until I know Ken won’t hurt me!" Fred replied.

"I told you I would pay you for that trick! We don’t have to take you with us. If you don’t cooperate, I can have Joy trade with you right now." I threatened.

"She wouldn’t do that. She said she didn’t want to be a man, even for a while." Fred replied smugly.

"Please, I’ve got to get back! If anything has happened to the baby or Manuel..." Joy’s voice tailed off.

"OK. But you’d better have a good solution." Fred replied and resumed getting dressed.


The pain and aches in my chest, legs, arms and hands immediately made me regret my action. I was so tired, I didn’t feel like moving. My wrinkled hands confirmed that the breasts were just empty flaps of skin.

Rosa glared, said something in Spanish and immediately left the house. I knew all too well the almost the irresistible compulsion to explore an unfamiliar body and Rosa’s devotion to her profession won my admiration. It was hard to get to my aching feet and harder to walk but I slowly made it back. Once inside Consuelo’s house, I leaned against the bedroom door jam for support and realized what a chance had been taken by swapping with an ancient body in such poor condition.

It was a relief to see that Rosa had continued with the business of caring for Consuelo. Suddenly Consuelo’s appearance and actions changed radically and Rosa was trying to calm a very agitated woman in labor. After an especially hard contraction and the screaming had stopped, Consuelo looked at me with hate and tried to get out of bed. Rosa managed to hold her down as Consuelo cussed me in Spanish and shook her fist at me.

There was a sharp pain in my left arm and chest. I stumbled into the living room, lay on the couch gasping for breath, and put withered hands to my chest, it had to be a heart attack. I could be dying! I was now only vaguely aware of Consuelo’s continuing screaming. Then Rosa was by my side to hand me a couple of pills and a glass of water. The pain finally eased and I slept.


I turned to Joy. "Now will you tell me where they took you."

"It would be easier to tell you as we go." Joy replied.

As we left the apartment it as evident that Fred was having more problems with his balance than Joy or I. "I seem to be more top heavy now." He explained. "How can that be?"

I soon regretted my decision to do without a bra. With each step the jutting flesh on my chest bounced, rubbing those sensitive nipples against the cloth of the loose blouse. It was a relief to reach my, Fred’s, car. I hesitated before deciding to drive in my changed physique, afraid that I might lose control if hit by another severe cramp. However I still didn’t trust the others. Now it was my car that was strange. The steering wheel appeared higher and I had to adjust the seat to adequately reach the peddles.

"I’m hungry, let’s get something to eat." Fred suggested.

"There’s no time for that!" I exploded.

"It’ll take only a few more minutes to stop at a drive in."

"You can wait!" Joy chimed in, adding support to my position.

Fred, seeing he was outnumbered sat back in his seat.

Once we reached the freeway I turned on the headlights and turned to Joy. "Joy, since you know the situation and speak Spanish, go inside, check out everything and notify my other half that I’m in the car."

"God, I hope things are OK!" Joy exclaimed.

"I doubt it." Fred replied. "I’m sure Ken changed bodies as soon as possible and considering his attitude, I doubt he’d become a woman."

"Then Manuel could be gone!" Joy was crying and was difficult to understand.

"Don’t worry, we’ll find him. We won’t give up until everything is OK!" I reassured her in my unfamiliar voice, then just managed to keep control of the car as I was seized by another cramp.

"How can Joy go in looking like that?" Fred ask.

I remembered how Joy was dressed and wondered how her makeup had fared with the tears. I wanted no delays so changed the topic.

"Fred, didn’t it bother you to have sex with your own body?"

"That was only part of the fun!" Fred replied.

"I couldn’t do it!" I admitted. "Joy attracted me much more than you did."

"Of course..."

Joy interrupted by announcing. "We turn at the next exit."

As I turned the wheel to exit, I was startled as my arm unexpectedly brushed against a breast. I then became aware of a sticky dampness in my panties that just added to my head, backache and generalized discomfort. That aspirin hadn’t helped one bit! Well, that was just one more thing that would have to wait.

"It’s only a block further." Joy announced.

I parked the car across the street from the house. The sticky dampness in my panties was becoming quite uncomfortable.

"You need to do something about that face before you go in!" Fred protested.

"There isn’t time!" Joy replied. She walked to the house and went inside without stopping to knock. A few minutes she returned. "We’d better hurry, the baby is almost here." Joy led me to the front yard of the house. "Stay here, I’ll tell your other half to transfer." She then reentered the house.


I felt a hand and opened my weak eyes to Rosa.

"You’re Fred, aren’t you?"


"I’m Consuelo. The baby is almost here. It is real justice that Manuel have his turn giving birth to one of our babies. All men should have that experience."

She helped me to my feet and into the bedroom. Consuelo’s legs were spread far apart.

"That provocatively dressed, Anglo girl is now Antonia. Rosa smiled then continued. "I’ve got to get in there to help. Transfer with Diane, she’s your other half and she’s waiting outside. Joy can have her body back when my husband’s body is returned."

"I’m not sure this body can take it."

"Just do it!" Rosa ordered. "You’ve done enough damage! We’ll take care of things here and return Joy’s body when Manuel’s is returned.

I quickly did as Rosa demanded, felt the tight pressure of the birth canal and the cool air on the top - of my head then jumped again.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------aALL FRED

Almost immediately the two parts of my mind were joined and the dream like state was gone. I knew all that had transpired since that original transfer. The flood of memories was so overwhelming I couldn’t move.

I had been in so many bodies in such a short time. Could the two halves of my mind could coordinate enough to control this body? To my relief I was able to turn and to walk back to the car.

"Your body is being used by the midwife and will be returned when we return Consuelo’s husband." I told Fred. "I’m sure Manuel was Ken when he left. I’m sorry, I didn’t really expect this to happen."

"I don’t want to leave my body there forever! We’ve got to find him!" Fred quickly opened the car door and got into the driver’s seat.

Not wishing to argue, I went around the car and got into the passenger seat. "I’ve got another problem. That tampax wasn’t adequate. These shorts are soaked."

"You only used a Tampax?" Fred ask incredulously. "Diane only used a Tampax when her period was almost over or for temporary emergencies."

"But I didn’t put it in, Consuelo must have. How would I know it wasn’t adequate? Let’s swap bodies, you know what to do."

"What, you just want to stick me with Diane’s misery plus that bloody mess!" Fred protested. "I can’t do any more about it than you. You can change that tampax in Diane’s apartment. If we switch that could cause another delay." He reminded me. Fred paused a moment then added. "But first we’re going to pick up something to eat! I’m starved and this knee hurts."

I looked at Diane’s watch. "I’d also like something to eat, it is already past eight. It is going to be dark soon. How can I explain to Elaine why I stood her up?"

"Damn it, we’ve got more important things to do. Ken’s probably searching for Diane or me - Joy." Fred continued. "He may play rough. Since I’m able to transfer there isn’t much he can do to me, but let’s not forget Diane. Maybe she has had enough of being Ken and will go to her or my apartment. Hopefully they won’t show up at the same time."

"How are we going to get into Diane’s apartment?" I ask in Diane’s voice. "I don’t have a key."

"Didn’t you bring your purse? Oh well I guess since I have a key it won’t matter - oh no, I don’t have one either! I hope Diane has one hidden under the rug."

We stopped at a Wendy’s drive through for something to eat. The cramps were so strong that I was glad I wasn’t driving.

"I’m sorry about the knee." I told him after the cramp had passed. "I hurt it playing volley ball some years ago and if I walk too much or get too tired it acts up."

"I guess I’d rather have that problem than yours." Fred answered.

We were served and I drove to Diane’s apartment. It took only a short time to find the spare key. Neither Manuel nor Ken was there.

"Let’s eat while the food is warm." Fred insisted.

"I’ve got to get out of these clothes and get cleaned up." I replied. "The food is just going to have to wait. Help me find some sanitary napkins. It would be faster if you tell me how to use them." I immediately went into the bedroom to find some clean clothes, found another pair of slacks and a pair of panties, then walked into the bathroom.

I pulled down Diane’s slacks, then, still not trusting my balance, sat on the closed toilet seat, took off shoes, slacks, pulled down the panties and turned my attention to the sticky wetness between my legs. Everything about being a woman seemed so messy!

I stood there bottom half naked, while trying to ignore this still foreign unfamiliar body when Fred handed me a package. For some reason I felt at ease with him even in my undressed state. Without a word he took the clean panties, stuck the adhesive napkin to its crotch and left the room. I spread those foreign shapely female legs apart to search for a string, feeling the cool air on an opening in this body that memory insisted couldn’t be there. I moved a slender unwrinkled hand, through the wiry pubic hair to the soft convoluted flesh. Momentarily confused I hesitated. If only I could see what I was doing!

I cringed as I thrust a finger inside in an effort to find that damn missing string, finally found it and pulled out the soggy bloody mess. I would have liked to take a shower, but there wasn’t time so just washed with a damp wash rag then used toilet paper to remove the blood on the toilet lid.

"Your food is getting cold!" Fred yelled from the kitchen.

My head still hurt, so I stood, searched for, found and took some more aspirin. Then I backed away from the mirror, pulled up the blouse and looked at the reflection of Diane’s half naked body, perceiving for the first time the triangular space at the junction of those shapely thighs and hips. I couldn’t help but admire the smooth unbroken curves, before preceding with the task of getting dressed. Quickly I dressed, tried to comb Diane’s tangled hair then joined Fred in the kitchen. He had already eaten.

"It’s getting late and since I have much to do tomorrow I have to get some sleep." I told him. "I’ll eat on the way. Let’s hope that Manuel is at the apartment."

"I just hope he is still Manuel!"

"I’d appreciate it if you’d call my girlfriend. If I used Diane’s voice, it’d really s sound fishy."

Fred made the call then returned. "I think you’re going to have a hard time with that woman!"

"Well at least we called."

Although cold, the food was surprisingly tasty. I was very tired. To our dismay Joy’s apartment was empty. We went inside, hoping Manuel might show and promptly collapsed on the stuffed chairs.

"Maybe he went home." I suggested.

"He wouldn’t have gone there!" Fred replied and it was obvious he was worried. "Now what do?"

"I don’t know. Maybe see if Consuelo will relent. Do you have any idea where he might have gone?"


"If I didn’t have that report to get out, I’d return to Consuelo’s house, change to your body and leave mine. Well I guess we’d better swap so I can go home. I’ll be back tomorrow after work and see what can be done. I hope you don’t mind being Diane until then."

"I guess there’s no other choice!" Fred paused then continued. "Be sure to give me your telephone number. Oh, never mind I probably have it." Fred stood up and handed me the check book. "How about making out a check. Under the circumstances, I’ll waive my usual cash only policy."

Before I could write the check, the doorbell rang. I quickly stuffed the checkbook in Diane’s purse. It was Manuel. He looked quite formidable and I was afraid that if he attacked, Fred would not be able to handle him. To my relief Manuel quietly sat on the couch.

"I’m glad you’re here." I told him quickly. "We are trying to locate your natural body and were afraid you might have changed."

"I gather you’re not Diane. If you are who I think you are, you owe me! And just who might you be?" Manuel ask as he looked intently at Fred.

"I’m just trying to return everyone to their own body." I replied, then told him what had transpired, leaving out unnecessary details. "Although Fred, that is Joy, didn’t keep tonight’s trick tonight, another date has been arranged."

"Fred’s paying what I would have earned." Fred added quickly.

"That is still not enough for what you did to me. It’s creepy being a shrimp like this and being inside that broad’s body was a horrible experience!"

I didn’t respond to his last comments. "We need to return Manuel’s body. Joy’s body is there and we’ll trade Manuel’s for hers."

"There’s no fucking way I’m going to be a woman, not for a fucking moment!"

"How about staying in my-Fred’s body. We’ll return as soon as possible. Joy thinks Diane will contact her and we’ll be able to help you return to your body. Would that be OK?"

"Why should I agree to take your fucking decrepit body?"

"Because you could have transferred whenever you wished. I gather you didn’t because you want your own body. Just help us and we’ll help you."

"I guess I’ll go along!"

"It’s late, we’d better get going. We can’t forget Manuel’s car."

"So you’re also going to leave me without wheels!" Manuel protested.

"We be back. I’ll let you do the honors of initiating the exchange." Fred told Manuel. It was difficult to wait until Joy adjusted to Manuel’s body.

"It’s easier now that I’m closer to my own size." Manuel said after we left Fred. "I don’t trust Ken. I don’t want to return to my own body and lose the ability to transfer."

"That report has to go out tomorrow. If we can’t take care of everything tonight, I will trade with you and you’ll be Diane. That’s all I can do."

"You heard what he said! Putting Ken in my body would really set him off! Isn’t there something else you can do?"

"Even if I were on my death bed, I’d still have to get that report out." I replied and I could see that Manuel wasn’t happy with my reply.

Outside the apartment building, we went to respective cars. I followed Manuel home and parked on the street. My fatigue really hit me after I watched Manuel disappear inside the house.

A few minutes later a young woman wearing a skirt and a light jacket emerged. At first I didn’t recognize her. When Joy got into the car, I could see that her hair had been combed and her make up removed. She looked like a normal young lady.

"You’re going to keep your promise, aren’t you?" Joy ask.

"Absolutely! Did you get anything to eat?"

"I guess so, I’m really tired!"

"How are things in there?"

"Consuelo had her baby, but I was in too big a hurry to learn more."

"Well let’s go to Diane’s apartment."

"I hope she’s there, but we had better hurry. I don’t know how long Ken will accept your body." Joy continued. "I don’t like him having use of my body."

I paused until the cramp was over before answering. "Ken is just going to have to adjust. I don’t see any other choice. As tired as we are I doubt he’ll do anything that would hurt your body."

"I guess you’re right, but I still don’t like it." Joy objected.

To our disappointment Ken wasn’t at Diane’s apartment. Joy called Ken’s phone number but there was no answer. As soon as possible the we switched and now I had to look up to Diane!

I was so tired I was only vaguely aware of the generalized tingling, the absence of heavy breasts, and was so grateful not to have the head and backaches and the menstrual cramps.

"Please stay with me tonight." Diane begged. "You can get your own body in the morning."

I just shook my head no and Diane was too tired to argue with me. I lay on the couch, vaguely aware that we were lying together and the next thing I knew Diane was shaking me.

"Fred just called." Diane told me. "He ask if we’d located his body and I had to tell him no. If you want your body tonight, you’d better go."

I looked at Joy’s watch. It was quite late. "I’ve got to go!"

Diane kissed me goodbye. I almost forgot to get the car keys from her. The car seemed larger than ever and I had to again adjust the seat and even the steering wheel for yet another time. Even then I seemed to be looking through the steering wheel rather than over it. It was so hard to drive in this fatigued, foreign, body. I let myself into Joy’s apartment. Fred was watching a movie on the VCR and it was obvious my presence in Joy’s body wasn’t expected.

"I’m sorry, but I have to go to work tomorrow and have to have my body."

"There’s no fucking way you’re going to stick me with her!" Fred replied as he stood.

Quickly I switched with him without waiting for further objections. Again that uncomfortable tingling, mixed this time with the adrenaline of that flash of anger. Then suddenly Joy swung, misjudged the distance and almost fell from the force of her effort. I was surprised that the fatigue plus the trade hadn’t knocked her out.

"Diane has my address and telephone number. I was going to give her a check, but I’ll go to the bank and give her cash when I see her tomorrow. Then I’ll stop by and see what can be done to find your body. I’m sorry, but I have work that has to go out tomorrow."

"You god damn son of a bitch!" Joy screamed and threw her self at me. It was easy to repel her. Finally I just picked her up, carried her into the bedroom and threw her on the bed. The shock of disbelief was obvious on her face.

"Just you wait, I’ll fix you!" There was no mistaking the fury in her voice, but since I was more concerned about other matters, I just limped out the door. It was so weird to discover that it was now my own body and car that seemed unfamiliar. I was so tired and after entering my apartment was soon fast asleep.

I was still tired when the alarm rang, but forced myself to get ready for work before allowing the happenings of the previous day to occupy my mind. It had been quite an experience, expensive yet unique. If only things could have been stopped before involving so many people! Once Ken was involved everything had gotten out of hand! As I reviewed my decisions, there didn’t seem to be any satisfactory alternatives.

I could only hope that Antonia and the others in East LA were OK and that I hadn’t messed up their lives. I had less sympathy for Ken, Diane and Joy. After all they were just two prostitutes and a pimp. It was so tempting to step aside and let them work out their identity problems. Then I remembered that my checkbook was in Diane’s purse!

Somehow I managed to get to work. As anticipated Bob Arans was absent, so I had even more work to complete. As the day wore on it became harder and harder to work as it was impossible to banish the memories of the previous day. Especially the memory of the near death in Antonia’s body and the labor in Consuelo’s body. During the noon lunch hour, I went to the bank, got $200 cash and called Elaine. Elaine was intrigued about the messages and angry at having been stood up. I ask to see her, to explain what had happened, but she was starting the late shift at the hospital. It was just as well, it gave me more time to invent a story she might believe and accept. Even then I knew I was wrong. Elaine would persistently prod until she learned everything.

Diane called around two PM. She was going to be occupied until eight. She wanted me to meet her at the Venice Pier instead of at her apartment and stressed that I bring cash. I was too busy to ask or even think about the peculiar time and place. In spite of my brooding about the previous day and the workload, I was able complete that report. However it took a couple of extra hours and there was no time for dinner. I drove to the pier and parked. The sea breeze had returned and I wished I had brought a coat.

It was dark when I saw Diane. As I walked toward her, I remembered all too well the events of the previous day, the experience of seeing Diane’s half naked body on the beach, of actually being her both on the beach and in the apartment. As I got close Diane turned and started walking, leading me along side the pier towards the ocean. Something about her behavior didn’t seem right, but I was intrigued by the sight of her breasts jiggling under her loose blouse and remembered how that jiggling had felt the day before. Then I realized how odd it was that she had chosen this time and place.

"What’s going on here?" I ask and immediately felt all of the tingling sensations that accompanied an exchange of bodies. You’re not Joy!" I exclaimed in Diane’s alto voice.

Fred didn’t answer but came closer. "You’re going to pay for what you did to me."

Alarmed, I turned to head back to the parking lot. Then he was upon me, his hand around my wrist. I tried to fend him off, but even Fred’s strength was more than what I now possessed.

"Go ahead, scream for help, it will be your own body that will be arrested for assault." Fred taunted as he dragged me under the pier.

My head hit the top of a pillar as he threw me to the sand and then Fred’s weight was on top. His hands were on my chest and ripped open the buttons of my blouse, squeezing hard the sensitive breast tissue and yanking on my nipples, almost making me scream in agony. Then he lifted me up just enough to tear off the panties. The sand was rough on my naked buttocks.

"Please don’t!" I begged as I tried to keep my legs together, but he wedged his body between as he slapped me in the face and then punched me in the stomach. Fred reached between my thighs and I felt the tampax as it left my body.

His hand was against my bare crotch as he unzipped his pants. To my shock he was already hard and he roughly pushed his penis inside me. Diane’s vagina felt like it was on fire.

"Why fight?" I ask myself. "It isn’t me he’s raping."

Still the pain was real. His hands were again twisting and squeezing my breasts. It was a relief when he came. I lay there trying to catch my breath as he got up, opened Diane’s purse, took something from it and then was again hitting me with what had to be a piece of pipe. I tried to fend him off, catching the blows on the forearms, but the pain was too great and I knew he meant to kill me. Vaguely I heard a siren and then he was gone.

Light streamed through the window. I was sick, groggy and hurt all over. It

appeared that I was in a hospital. I had to let my boss know where I was! How much time had passed? But that was nonsense. What could I possibly tell him, I was still Diane. I rang for the nurse. It was so frustrating! In spite of the pain I managed to roll over and had to brush the long hair out of my eyes. The next thing I knew a doctor was standing at the foot of the bed.

"Where am I and how did I get here?" The sound of Diane’s voice, although weak confirmed my identity.

"You’re a lucky young woman. Your friend Miss Horne found you and called 911. She’s waiting outside. I’ll tell her she can see you now. We’ll talk more later. The police will want to ask you some questions."

The necessity of having to talk to the police was really disturbing. I would be accusing myself! Even worse than being raped and beaten would be to be accused and punished for the deed.

Joy was dressed conservatively in blouse and slacks. She looked completely beat.

"He raped me and beat me up. He was going to kill me. How did you stop him?"

"I’m Joy, in both mind and body." Joy began. "God am I tired!" She sat and continued. "Ken, in my body, woke me and forced an exchange. Then Diane said I was going to have to double the number of tricks and that I’d be told where to send the money. That meant I would have to go on the street again!" It was evident from the look on her face Joy found that quite painful.

"She told me she wasn’t going to stay Diane and that since I wouldn’t know who she was, I’d better watch what I did. She specifically warned me not to contact you." Joy leaned back a moment then continued. "She said she knew how to do the perfect murder and was going to take care of you. I didn’t know what she intended and wanted to call you, but your telephone number was in Diane’s purse."

"Ken must really have wanted revenge to stay Diane as long as he did, especially in view of how bad her body felt. I wanted to learn with whom she transferred and thought I would be able to tell when there was a change. I was afraid she’d see me and didn’t dare get close enough to see that was happening until Fred started beating you. Then I blew my whistle and called 911 on the cellular phone."

"I wonder why she told you her plans."

"Ken was so sure of his power over us and loved to show it." Joy leaned back again and closed her eyes.

"Have you talked with the police?"

"Yes, but don’t worry, I told them I didn’t see enough to identify your attacker."

"What did Ken do with my body?"

"I don’t know. I was too concerned about Diane." Joy’s voice showed her strain.

"I’ve got to get out of here. If I don’t get back to work, my boss will fire me. What time is it?"

"It’s nine a.m. Wednesday. You’ve been out about thirty eight hours."

I was stunned." I was supposed to take my daughter to a concert last night! Tell the nurse, I’ve got to get out of here."

"They are going to keep you here for observation, to make sure there isn’t any internal damage. You could be here a week. I’m so afraid! How can I go back to the apartment? He could be anyone! He could be right next to me and I wouldn’t know. But I’ve got to get some sleep. There are two trick scheduled for tonight!"

The despair in Joy’s voice brought me back. "Maybe there is more than just getting even, maybe he wants to be the only one able to transfer."

"If that is so, Diane in Ken’s body is in danger. We got to warn her!"

"Do you think she would make another change?"

"I don’t think so. It’s so weird talking about Diane when I see you! She wouldn’t steal someone’s body. With Ken it was different, he’d have beat her up!" Joy suddenly broke into tears. "But what am I going to do? If only you could come with me!"

"What good would that do?"

"If he started anything, you could stop him by transferring. I can’t do that!"

"If I trade with him, then what? He could transfer again. I’m not going to kill to stop him! But why talk about it, you told me they won’t let me out of the hospital!"

"What if we traded? He wouldn’t know. Please, I don’t know what else to do! You

could try to contact Diane. I know she will try to see me. If you tell her what has happened she might relinquish Ken’s body. Once he’s back in his own body, even Ken would have more sense than to kill."

The idea of being able to do something, rather than being stuck in the hospital was appealing. Once I was myself again, there were steps I could take. That is unless I was identified as the rapist!

"The police are going to be here shortly. If I agree you’ve got to keep them from identifying me as the rapist. Can you do that?"

"Don’t worry, I’ll think of something. I have as much to lose as you." Joy replied.

I hadn’t counted on the effect of a transfer on either Diane’s weakened body nor on Joy’s fatigue. The next thing I knew a nurse was shaking me.

"Your friend is unconscious again. We want to run some tests. Call us and we’ll let you know when you can see her again."

Joy’s body tingled, I was so tired and needed to rest. I looked at the unconscious Diane. There would not be any more information from her. I left the room and went into a closed stall inside the lady’s room to think. All I could think of was Elaine. Maybe she would offer me a safe place to rest and help me find my rightful body.

There was a phone in the lobby, higher than expected, another adjustment to make for Joy’s shorter stature. Everything looked larger! I was so tired it took a moment to realize that since there were no pockets in the slacks, Joy must have carried a purse. The nurse wouldn’t let me return to Diane’s room but did bring it out.

Elaine’s hello sounded strange to my ears. I hadn’t considered the effect an unfamiliar female voice would have on Elaine, but I then realized how impossible it would be to convince Elaine of my identity, so just ask. "Is Fred there?"

"He’s dead!" Elaine sobbed.

I was so shocked I could hardly continue. "What?"

"He was hit by a truck, just walked in front of it. His funeral is tomorrow! I can’t understand why he’d do something like that!"

I was too stunned to answer.

"Who are you?"

Elaine’s question jarred me into thinking again. I doubted that Ken’s mind had perished. Ken’s personality probably had switched to a body more to his taste. If that was true, he had to be stopped before he did more. I had to get Elaine’s help!

"I know why, but I can’t explain over the telephone. Could you meet me at the yacht club in thirty minutes?"

There was a few seconds of silence and then to my relief, Elaine agreed.

After she hung up, I just stood there stunned. Where did that leave me? I didn’t have time to ponder this question. As I walked into the parking lot, I took the car keys out of Joy’s purse. It was only then that I realized I did not know the car’s location and would not recognize the car even if I saw it. Fortunately the yacht club was within walking distance.

It was so hard to walk and it didn’t take long for me to realize that walking was an entirely different matter in this tired foreign body. Although my coordination and gait was now much better, I was using Joy’s muscles as if I were still Fred and Joy’s body was going to pay the price. Although I was determined to keep that appointment, it was also obvious that I was going to be late. My attempts to walk faster only exacerbated the situation. I tried to analyze my dilemma, but was too tired to think and was only vaguely aware of the call of a guy from a passing car.

I was at least fifteen minutes late. A woman dressed in a pink with gray patterned sleeveless sun dress was moving away from the yacht club entrance. She was casually dressed and her figure was shapeless. Even her short hair needed attention. If it were Elaine, it was Elaine I had never seen. As the woman approached a car with keys in her hands I recognized the car. In spite of bulging abdomen and drooping breasts it had to be her.

"Elaine, please wait." I yelled in Joy’s soprano voice and was so surprised by the sound of my voice that I almost turned to see who had yelled.

Elaine looked up as I forced Joy’s exhausted body to hurry. Elaine hadn’t used makeup and glasses failed to hide the redness of her eyes. "Who are you?" She demanded.

"Let me get my breath. I had to walk and I’m really bushed."

Elaine looked so big and imposing now that I was close and it was so weird to have to look up to meet her eyes.

"Why do you want to see me?" Elaine ask impatiently.

I hadn’t solved the problem. As tired as I was I wasn’t going to be persuasive. How was I ever going to convince Elaine that inside Joy’s head was Fred’s personality? Elaine would think me mad and leave. There was one way to stop that from happening. Quickly I mimicked Elaine’s posture and transferred.

Besides the expected hypersensitivity and that almost overwhelming urge to acquaint myself with this new body, I had acquired an upset stomach that was on the verge of vomiting. At least I wasn’t fatigued.

"Oh god, what happened?" Joy’s voice was weak and hesitant. She looked faint and about ready to collapse.

I had to get Joy into the car before she passed out. With my limited mastery of Elaine’s body, it was all I could do to keep both of us from falling. I half supported and half guided an unresisting Joy to the passenger side of the car.

Once Joy was safely in the car, I staggered to the drivers side and bumped an unexpectedly broad hip against the door frame. It hurt so much it was almost impossible to keep back the tears. At least the hours I had spent as a female kept me from being sexually aroused. After I had regained some degree of composure I turned to a barely conscious Joy.

"I’ve changed bodies with you. Now maybe you can believe me when I tell you I’m Fred, that my mind and personality is still alive. I came because I need help."

"I don’t understand." Joy mumbled and promptly slumped and went to sleep.

I considered waking Joy to explain what had occurred, but she would need rest to even think properly. The logical place to get that rest was at Elaine’s home. That meant driving not only in an unfamiliar body but also in an unfamiliar car. The exertion hadn’t helped the nausea. I opened Elaine’s purse, rummaged though it finding, to my relief, some antacid.

As I waited for the medication to take effect I was all too aware of the uncomfortable bra straps that cut into my shoulders. These damn things I had acquired had to be larger than Diane’s. I pulled open the bodice of the dress and looked down the cleavage at their bra covered curves. I then looked at the bulge of my newly acquired abdomen.

The need for concentration to drive was complicated by a rapidly increasing need to empty my bladder. It soon became a question whether we’d arrive before I lost control and peed in Elaine’s panties. To my satisfaction Joy remained asleep and I felt no small measure of relief when we were finally safely parked in the driveway.

As quickly as my impaired coordination permitted I hurried, in what seemed a snails pace, to the front door. Elaine’s dog barked furiously, making me afraid that someone might investigate and ask questions. The door was locked and I had to return for the keys. To my dismay, Molly’s barking had awakened Joy!

"I forgot to feed her." Joy muttered. Fortunately she was only half awake.

I couldn’t afford the time to worry about Joy now. Quickly I grabbed the purse and returned to the door. I did a small dance as I searched for the keys then unlocked the door. It seemed like an eternity before I could reach the bathroom. It was certainly more convenient to be a man, to just unzip a zipper and pull out a penis.

After relieving myself, I just sat there and considered the past few days and their ramifications. How was Mona going to support Michelle? Why hadn’t I made a will? How long would it take the insurance company to start paying the life insurance? Fortunately I didn’t have to worry about Norma as she was married and had a job at the TV station. It was so hard to believe what had happened even with the evidence of Elaine’s body before me. Well there was nothing I could do about any of these concerns now. That decided I put those problems out of my mind.

It was then I found my hands had moved up to cup and lift those bulges on my chest and quickly removed them. My actions made me realize what I had done and was doing to Elaine. How would I explain? Most likely I had blown any chance of a relationship with her. But then Fred was dead, our relationship was over! The most I could be certain of accomplishing was a safe place for Joy’s exhausted body to rest.

What was going to happen to me? My best hope to remain a male was to become Ken or the person Ken had become. The alternative would be to become a woman, most likely Diane. If I became Diane, I wouldn’t have to change sexual orientation, but would still have to learn how to act and react like a woman. That idea wasn’t appealing, so I had better figure out how to get either the body Ken occupied or Ken’s body.

The first priority was that Ken continue to believe that Joy was still under control. Joy would have to do those tricks. Even using Joy’s body, I couldn’t and I was certain Elaine wouldn’t.

With someone protesting her, Joy might be persuaded to carry out her usual activities. If Elaine could be persuaded to go to the hospital, Joy could use Elaine’s body to return to her apartment. I, in Joy’s body, could meet her there, make the exchange and provide that support while using Elaine’s body. Who was I kidding, Elaine would never agree! It would be better to wait and go after Ken later.

First I had to get Joy inside. I looked at soft fleshy arms and examined the hanging loose flesh on my upper arms. This body probably wasn’t strong enough to carry her even as small as she was. Joy would have walk. Hopefully she would be so groggy she’d just go back to sleep. If not there would be some difficult explaining to do and I would probably be forced to leave in Joy’s exhausted body. I was just going to have to take that risk.

I considered just dabbing at the urine with a wad of toilet paper, but then, remembering my prior experiences, put my hand between my legs, wiped inside the partially open slit. I hiked up my buttocks to pull up the full cotton panties but even now was startled when my arm brushed against a breast.

As I half walked, half staggered to the car, I was most conscious of the rubbing of my inner thighs. Once I had half urged and half pulled Joy out of the car, Molly, again started barking. Fortunately Joy seemed too groggy to be aware of the situation and intent only in getting back to sleep. Once inside she promptly collapsed on the living room couch. I breathed a sigh of relief. The effort had been exhausting. I collapsed in the arm chair opposite and gazed at Joy. She looked so young and innocent it was hard to believe that she was a prostitute with scheduled tricks.

For the first time since all of this had started I had time on my hands with no pressing activity to pursue. This physical and mental inactivity made me even more aware of the body I inhabited. The headache was gone and the generalized tingling had completely dissipated. The bruised hip still hurt and bra was even more uncomfortable. I reached inside the neckline of the dress in an unsuccessful attempt to adjust the strap.

The room was too warm and I was sweating where my thighs pressed together. I spread them to allow the cool air access. Unconsciously I moved my right hand between my heavy thighs massaging and exploring a female crotch. The clitoris felt the pressure and stimulation. It felt so good. I quickly pulled the offending fleshy hand away and glared at those blunt fingers and red painted fingernails.

I guiltily glanced at Joy, only to feel the sensations from my left breast. Again I pulled the offending hand away. I had to find a distraction, something to do to pass the time, something that would alleviate this compulsion to explore Elaine’s body.

The TV couldn’t be turned. It might awaken Joy. I picked up a magazine. It was an old edition I had already seen. The other magazine held no interest. Molly was whining, reminded me she hadn’t been fed.

I pulled Elaine’s body out of the chair. It was a laborious task. I was so aware of the swing of my hips as I wobbled into the kitchen. I stood a few moments trying to remember the location of the dog food, finally remembering it was under the counter near the sink.

My coordination was still too poor to bend over so I held onto the counter as I squatted. Still I lost my balance. At least the distance to the floor was small. Although it didn’t hurt it was frustrating to have so little control. I visually guided my small hairless hand to the cabinet door knob but failed to allow for the length of the fingernails. One fingernail broke - that alone would be enough to upset Elaine.

I opened the door making sure it cleared my projecting chest, found a can of dog food then grasp the counter top for assistance to stand, this time forgetting to allow enough distance! The pain was so intense, I almost cried and did say a few choice unfeminine words before I remembered the sleeping Joy.

That breast really hurt! I opened the back door to get Molly’s dish and Molly rushed toward me. As I instinctively backed away, I could barely maintain my balance. Molly seemed to sense a difference in her mistress and kept her distance as I carefully squatted to get the dish. Although I left the door open, Molly stayed outside.

I stood at the counter brooding for a couple minutes before opening the can. I filled the dish, took it to Molly, watched as she ate and then returned to the living room. With these physical differences and the resulting stress, I was making too many errors. If everything continued like this, Elaine would really be in bad shape when I returned her body.

I felt flushed and checked the thermostat. It wasn’t that warm, still I was sweating profusely. I walked around the room then went into the bathroom. The sweat was clearly visible and it was disturbingly painful to see the reflection of her face and know that the reflection was mine, not hers. I turned away. Now the underwear was wet and even the dress was getting damp. It just had to be the hot flashes of menopause.

What was needed was a shower and a change of clothes. There was no way to undress without seeing Elaine’s naked body and that again would anger Elaine. Then I realized that I was planning more than undressing for a shower, I was planning to explore her female body. It might not be as attractive, but it was female and even now it felt better than had Diane’s or Joy’s.

I pulled up the dress, gazed briefly at the revealed thighs. Concerned that Joy might wake up, I let the hem fall and moved to the bedroom. This time I took care to avoid the reflection of Elaine’s face while I surveyed my torso in the full length closet mirror.

I forgot about the glasses and caught them just in time as the dress fell to the floor. There was no slip. I instinctively moved my hands to cup the bra covered breasts and found that my hands were far too small to cover them.

There was no discernible waist. I grabbed a roll of flesh around the waist and squeezed. The pain, a reminder that this was no illusion, almost made me look at Elaine’s face for assurance that it was she, not me, that had gained the flab.

I reached behind for the bra hooks and my hands shook in frustration with this new experience of unfastening a bra that I was wearing. Finally the hooks came loose. As the bra was pulled away two heavy masses of flesh fell against my chest. I not expected these breasts to be as high or firm as those of the younger women, but was disconcerted to find they were two long pendulous sacks, sacks that sagged almost to my waist. In the mirror they looked like two partially filled bean bags, fuller at the bottom than at the top. Perhaps that was one reason Elaine had been so reluctant about forming an intimate relationship.

It appeared that only two bands of skin connected them to my chest. The flesh felt so soft and flabby, not at all firm like Joy’s or even Diane’s. I threw the bra on the bed, then slid a hand under the left flaccid breast. It felt the sweaty warmth as it disappeared from view. My other hand confirmed the shallowness of the connecting flesh. Without a decent bra to separate, lift and push out the breasts and a girdle to control her waist, Elaine’s figure was anything but sexy.

I swung those breasts back and forth and from side to side in a rotary motion. Their movements caused such strange and unfamiliar sensations! I lifted my arms and watched as the breasts took a more youthful shape, then held their mass in each hand, felt their weight. The tug on my chest disappeared and reappeared as I repeatedly lifted and lowered them.

I gently squeezed the lower portion of the unbruised breast, feeling the small mass of firmer tissue inside, then lifted the breast again and visually examined the very distinct stretch marks and the large oval pink aureoles that blended into the surrounding flesh. The barely discernible nipples were above the bottom curve of the breasts but still pointed downward at a spot just in front of my feet. Maybe they wouldn’t be as sensitive as had Marge’s.

As usual I crossed my forearms in order to touch and caress my nipples, but then my forearms pinched sensitive tissue and I uncrossed my arms. I moved unfamiliar fingers to the center of the aureoles, to gently stroke and touch the nipples. Almost immediately they enlarged and became stiff, although smaller than Diane’s. I was surprised by their sensitivity. I grasp them with thumbs and forefingers and gently pulled and twisted, finding I could pull them out a distance without pain. In spite of their much lower location, there was no difference in the sensations. I lifted a breast and found I could bring the nipple to my mouth.

I leaned over to pick up the dress, was startled by the dangling flesh, and almost lost my balance as I stared. Their tips had to be a foot below my chest! More cautious now, I sat on the bed and I removed the shoes and socks. I could actually grasp and hold the soft flesh of my stomach. I slid off the full cut cotton panties. Inside was a liner. Elaine probably had a problem with incontinence.

I spread my legs and looked past the obstruction of those pendulous breasts but was unable even to see pubic hair because of my obese abdomen. When I leaned forward, I was again disconcerted by the movements on my chest. Carefully I got off the bed, walked back to the mirror and stared intently. In spite of bending, turning and twisting, the pubic hair was still not visible.

Still standing, I spread my legs apart to admit a hand, felt the thick wiry pubic hair and then traced the slit that split this body from front to back. There was no discernible pubic pad or vaginal lips. The soft flesh yielded and my middle finger thrust it’s way inside to the soft smooth membranous folds slick with moisture. On a whim I squeezed the muscles around the finger, but felt little pressure.

There was a congestion between my thighs, like the need to urinate, yet somehow different. I rubbed the soft flesh over my clitoris. My breath caught and my pulse raced. It felt too good to stop and I knew that shower was going to be delayed. This was my first real opportunity to masturbate, to discover if a climax felt different for a woman. To leave Elaine tense and sexually aroused would be even worse.

I backed to the bed, sat and then lay on my side feeling the weight of one breast on the other. My abdomen sagged against the bed. I turned over on my back. My breasts flattened, rolled around and then flowed over the sides of my chest pressing against my upper arms. Even the abdomen was flattened. Still more curious than aroused, I moved my hands away from the nipples to those flattened mature breasts and moved the mammary flesh around on my chest, even touching the nipples together and twisting them to an impossible degree. Then, holding the nipples, I lifted them at least six inches above my rib cage. That hurt and I didn’t continue to hold them long. I spread my heavy thighs wide apart and moved a hand between. Leaving my right hand between my legs, I moved my left hand to the right breast, gently touching and stroking its tip.

It felt good but something missing. Just physical sensations were not enough. I remembered the display of Joy’s body in Diane’s apartment, but that memory left me cold. Why wasn’t I becoming aroused?

Suddenly my excitement increased with each touch as I remembered Fred and Joy in the bedroom. Something was vaguely disturbing about those thoughts, but my fingers felt the increase in moisture in my vagina. I moaned as that sensitive clitoral sheath felt the friction of a moving finger. My breath caught, but then came the memory of the rape perpetrated by Fred under Ken’s control. Now, although my breasts still quivered with every movement, the finger became dryer not wetter.

The door bell rang, the ringing only reinforced the awareness of what I was doing and suddenly I felt warm wet urine trickling down my ass. I was in no state physically or emotionally to answer the door, but then I couldn’t afford to have Joy awaken, especially not now! Frustrated to the point of tears, I bounded off the bed. Only the nearness of the wall kept me from falling.

There was no time to dress, everything was wrong! I reached inside the closet, quickly found a robe, put it on and almost fell again in my haste, again unable to anticipate the effect of those physical differences. At the door was John, Elaine’s son and his wife Sue. That was all I needed! I gazed at Sue and then at Sue’s burgeoning abdomen.

"Oh, are we early?" Sue ask.

"I don’t know." I managed to stammer. It was hard to keep from showing my nervous tension and the sound of Elaine’s voice as I spoke unnerved me even more. "Just be quiet. A friend is asleep on the couch."

"You don’t look too well." Sue observed. The way Sue and John were looking at me only flustered me more. I couldn’t take much more of this!

"We just had to rush over. I’m so sorry, I liked Fred, even if he was a bore." Sue continued as she gingerly sat on the arm chair.

"I’ve got to get dressed." It was hard to keep my high pitched voice from trembling.

"Who is she?" John ask, his voice almost a whisper as he pointed to Joy.

"Let her get dressed first." The irritation in Sue’s voice was obvious.

I left the room all too aware I hadn’t mastered this body. How was I going to be able to carry off Elaine’s role with Sue and John? In order to do so I would have to not only act like Elaine but also duplicate Elaine’s impeccable appearance. Once safely back in the bedroom I gasp as I glanced in the mirror. No wonder John and Sue had been staring! Breasts and nipples were clearly discernible through the translucent robe. Elaine’s dark pubic hair was probably visible also. The robe had been made to go over a gown. I was too shaky to continue a masquerade and I knew it. I might as well explain what had happened and if they didn’t believe me, what could they do? I didn’t even bother changing.

I walked back into the living room, acutely aware of how I looked in the loose filmy robe. Even now it was hard to keep my tongue from exploring the inside of my mouth.

"I’m not going to be able to carry this off. You’re going to have to know sooner or later. What I have to tell you is really too fantastic to believe. Although Fred’s body is dead, his mind, personality and memories are alive and able to move from body to body. Right now I am only physically Elaine, mentally I’m Fred."

"Mother, are you OK?" John ask as he moved toward me.

"I can prove it. That girl on the couch has your mother’s mind, but please don’t wake her up. She’s been up all night and has a long schedule tonight."

"Fred’s death must have really gotten to you." John interrupted.

"At least I’ve told you and don’t have to try to act like Elaine." I sat heavily in the arm chair.

"Mom, why don’t you just take a nap. We’ll be OK and will take care of things." John continued as if he hadn’t heard a word.

"John, she isn’t talking or acting like your mother, and I think it is more than Fred’s death!"

"Could you help me get dressed?" I ask Sue.

"John, why don’t you bring in the things from the car while I help your mother." I followed Sue into the bedroom again conscious of the display I was making.

Sue closed the door behind me. "I want to hear more and I’d rather John doesn’t hear. The way you look, move and talk makes me think there’s some truth to what you’ve been saying. How about telling me more."

"It’s a long story, too long to give you the details now. I’m trying to return some others to their own bodies. The guy, who was responsible for my body’s death, put me in a woman’s body, raped and then tried to kill me.

That girl on the couch is the one who saved me and is the key to contacting the others. Her mind is now in the hospital in the body into which I was forced and raped. If Ken knew she helped me, he would kill her. If she returns to her own body, she won’t be able to move from body to body and therefor is afraid to return to do so. She is a prostitute and has tricks, customers, tonight. I can’t do those tricks even using her body. I hoped Elaine would offer some measure of protection and support, but she’s been asleep since the transfer."

"What a story! I assume you can prove what you say."

"Sure, just by changing bodies with you, like I did with Elaine."

"Sounds fascinating! I gather you want someone to take the place of that girl in the hospital and lend their body to you. Do you really think that Elaine would agree?"

I was surprised how fast Sue grasp the situation. "I didn’t get a chance to ask." I admitted.

"Meantime you’ve been having fun with her body!"

"I wouldn’t call it fun!" I objected. It’s just..."

"But you should know Elaine better than to think she would cooperate in something like that!" Sue interrupted. "I’ll make a deal with you." Sue continued softly. "I’ll help, provided you make it possible for John and me to exchange bodies, just for a while. I’d like to experience a man’s freedom and I’d like to see John’s face once he’s eight months pregnant." Sue paused before continuing. "I bet you want to return to a male body. If you do, you have to agree to exchange bodies with me for a week."

I was so relieved that I hardly heard the conditions. "I’d like as much help as I can get."

"Great, then it’s settled. How about arranging an exchange between John and me?"

"In order for you to become John I’d have to trade with one of you. After that a further transfer can be made in about an hour."

"So if you and I exchanged bodies, I’d become Elaine." Sue made a wry face. "Sorry but I don’t think I’d like that."


"I hope it doesn’t bother you too much, but becoming an old fat slob like Elaine doesn’t appeal to me." Sue looked up to see my reaction. "It would be rather intimate wouldn’t it? Then too, my body’s so ugly now! I’d rather you not see me naked." She continued.

"I’d rather not be you either. In addition to being raped and beaten, I have experienced a painful period, and also was in labor." I looked at Sue’s pregnant figure.

"Once in labor was than enough!"

"We’ll be out in a minute." Sue yelled to John who we could hear moving around in the living room.

"If I switched with John first, you wouldn’t have to become Elaine. But then for John’s mind to be switched to your body I would have to become you." was afraid Sue would reconsider but was at the same time disturbed about the consequences if Sue still wanted to proceed.

After a few moments of agonizing silence Sue exploded. "God damn it! Do you want my help or not?"

"You want me to switch with John?"


"OK, but let me go out there first."

"Do it now, before I change my mind!"

With John in the other room, I had no opportunity to mirror his posture. I found myself in the midst of taking a step and fell to the floor, banging my right knee. Again there was the usual multitude of uncomfortable sensations and that damn desire to explore another unknown body.

There was a loud cry from Elaine in the bedroom. I rose to John’s feet. It was such a pain to again have to ponder even the simplest motions and to my consternation I was getting an erection. Had I become used to being a woman so soon? My hands quickly searched John’s body and then I staggered into the bedroom. Sue was helping Elaine to her feet. Fortunately it appeared Elaine hadn’t been hurt, but her robe was askew, showing much white flesh and looking at her through male eyes was quite different than through Elaine’s eyes. It made no difference that I was seeing her through her son’s eyes.

"I bet you believe me now!" I told her in John’s baritone voice as I turned to try to hide the erection that had suddenly became rigid.

"God damn you! Change me back!" Elaine demanded. It was evident she was unsuccessfully fighting the urge to touch and explore herself.

Before I could reply, Sue started laughing. Her eyes were on the bulge in my pants and I blushed in embarrassment. "Is that what happens when you exchange bodies?"

"When there is a change of sexes, yes." I looked at Elaine’s flushed face and knew she was having the same problem.

"It’s too bad you’re mother and son, isn’t it." Sue teased.

I ignored her not wanting to cause Elaine further problems. "Another change of bodies will be possible in about an hour." I explained.

Sue turned to Elaine. "Before you get your body back, you’re going to see what it feels like to be me, to be pregnant." Sue told her gleefully.

"Not if I can help it!" Elaine replied emphatically. "Mother is going to be furious when she learns about this."

Sue ignored Elaine’s outburst and turned to me. "Let’s get out of here. We’ll go to my apartment. That will give us some time alone." She started moving toward the door then she turned back to Elaine. "We’ll be back to let you have this body. Maybe I’ll even let you keep my body permanently so you can have the baby."

"You can’t leave me like this!" There was panic in Elaine’s voice as she started to follow us out the door.

"Remember you’re not dressed. The neighbors would get a real eyeful and how would your mother like that?" Sue called back in a taunting voice. "You know how angry that would make her."

"You’d god damn better stay here!" Elaine threatened, but there were tears in her eyes.

"Come on let’s go." Sue urged. I followed her outside leaving a very disturbed Elaine standing in the doorway.

"You’d better drive, my coordination isn’t too good right now." I told Sue as I remembered the trip to Elaine’s house.

"OK." Sue agreed then called to Elaine. "Don’t worry, we’ll be back before long. I can’t wait to see you pregnant!" Once the car was moving she turned to me. "I’m sure they won’t follow us and that they will still be there when we return."

My abdomen was starting to ache from the pressure of the erection against the confining material of the shorts. "He would have to wear Jockey shorts!" I thought as I reached inside the waistband and adjusted the penis. "I haven’t had an erection like this in years." I admitted aloud to Sue.

"Fred, no that isn’t right I’m going to call you John. I wish I were in shape to help you with that erection, but the doctor told me not to have intercourse until a month after the baby is born. Maybe I can do something for you when we arrive at the apartment. Tell me how all of this started, right from the start."

I complied with her request with trepidation, while Sue listened and drove, afraid she might change her mind when she heard the whole story.

"How do you know this Ken survived your body’s death?" Sue ask.

"I don’t." I admitted. "But it would be safer to assume he did. Even if Ken’s mind died in my body, there is still Diane in Ken’s body. If she can be convinced to return to her own body, I’d have a male body."

"So your only experience with sex as a woman was that of being raped. How has it affected you?"

"Not as much as it could have. It wasn’t my body and I could use that reasoning while it was happening. It still hurt terribly. I had thought that since Diane was having her period there might be some lubrication, but I was wrong. I was feeling sorry for Diane until he started beating me. When I was Elaine the rape did have some effect. I found myself thinking about it. It wasn’t very pleasant!"

Sue parked the car in the subterranean garage of a large compartment complex. From the slow hesitant way she walked up the wooden stairs to the patio, it was obvious the steps were causing her difficulty. The patio surrounded a pool. It didn’t help to quell my arousal to see a very voluptuous, attractive young woman clad only in a bikini bottom.

"That’s Julia" From the way Sue spoke, it was apparent she was out of breath. "Before I became pregnant I sunbathed there too, only I didn’t bother with the bottom of the suit either." She laughed and then added. "Oh I shouldn’t have said that, should I?"

I saw she was looking at my crotch.

"This is the back entrance." She continued as she led me past the shrubbery lined pool and patio to a sliding glass door. It led to the dining area of her apt. "I’m really relieved to get here." Sue exclaimed. "I’ve really got to go." With that she rushed to the bath room.

I looked around the apartment. It was evident that someone was a good housekeeper. There were two bedrooms, the master bedroom and one with a couch bed and a crib. There was only one bathroom. Between the living room and the kitchen was a low counter. The dining room and living room formed an L around the kitchen. After my tour, I sat in the living room and waited for Sue. "Do you think John would lend his body for a trip to the hospital. I’d certainly be more at ease being a male."

"Like you are now?" Sue laughed, "No, not unless his mother agrees and I don’t think she’ll let you use hers either. Unless I can think of a way to convince them, you’re going to be stuck with my body."

"Please try! I’m not anxious to go through that experience again. Besides how could I help Joy if I were pregnant."

"But you said that the major assistance would be the ability to transfer and psychological support." Sue reminded. "Pregnancy shouldn’t interfere with those goals. The problem is that I would miss all the action." Sue carefully sat on the couch, her legs spread apart to ease the pressure of her belly. "You’re not forgetting our deal, are you?"

"No, but I’d rather wait until after the baby is born."

"If we did that you would have to take care of a baby. Surely you don’t expect me to take care of it during that week! I doubt mother or Elaine would either." There was nothing I could think of that countered her assertion. "How about dealing with that problem of yours?" She offered. "At least I can do that much for you."

"No, I’m fine now." I looked at John’s watch, "There is just another fifteen minutes to go."

"Hungry?" Sue ask as she laboriously pulled herself off the sofa. "I’ll fix some sandwiches."

The odor of the food was uncommonly potent and the sandwich tasted unusually good. John’s sense of smell had to be much better than mine.

"Time’s up." Sue announced after we finished lunch and she heavily rose to her feet.

"Just stand there like that, don’t move." I told her as I stood, copied her posture and switched with her.

Sue’s body felt so bloated, so uncomfortable! I had to throw my shoulders back in able to compensate for my newly acquired unwieldy belly and found myself bracing against anticipated labor pains. Those physical differences still did not overpower the overall hyperawareness and I ran Sue’s hands all over Sue’s body, exploring its differences. Again there was that perception of deformity, not only due to the prominence of Sue’s abdomen that seemed to extend up to the breasts, but also to breasts themselves, sore breasts that impossibly seemed even larger and heavier than either Diane’s or Elaine’s. I was so tired! Sue must have been very excited to keep going. I watched John moved his hands to his crotch and saw that the erection had returned.

"This is absolutely fantastic." John paused and then continued. "But my voice doesn’t sound like John."

"Remember you’re now hearing his voice from inside."

"It’s feels so weird to have a penis. It’s so different from how it feels for a woman. The swelling is so obvious and it is pushing so hard on my panties-shorts, but when I touch it here, it feels a lot like when I touch my clitoris."

"God, I’m tired." I exclaimed. The fatigue had dampened any desire to undress or even look at this new body in the mirror. "I need to lay down." Both of my hands went to the distended abdomen and as I traced it’s shape, so similar to that of Consuelo’s, I shuddered remembering the pain I had endured and rested my folded arms on the shelf my belly. I was astonished when I realized what I had done.

"Go ahead. I’m in no hurry. They’ll wait! I don’t suppose you could help me jack off."

"No way!" I answered quickly.

"Why not? I was willing to help you. You don’t need to answer, I was only teasing. This tingling is really annoying. Does it go away?"

"In about an hour."

"Another reason not to hurry." John continued. "The bedroom is in here."

He led me to the master bedroom. It was so difficult to walk with my altered center of balance and made worse by the fact I couldn’t see my feet.

"I’d never expected to be top heavy. Not after having such large boobs." John ran his hands over his flat chest. "My chest feels almost like I’m a little girl again, but definitely not my crotch. How is it possible to walk with all that bulk and weight between one’s legs? Oh, I see, I just have to keep the legs apart. I hope I can remember that."

John, to my relief, made no effort to help as I sat on the bed. I didn’t think of needing to use my hands for support so it was more of a fall than sitting. Once John saw that I was OK, he left the room. I was almost afraid to move or even lay down for fear any movement might initiate labor. But I was too tired to just sit so swung my aching legs onto the bed and put my head on the pillow. In spite of the difficulty finding a comfortable position, I had almost fallen asleep when John returned.

"It’s all over so fast, just one big explosion!" John exclaimed. "Did you reach a climax when you were Elaine or one of the other women?"

I shook my head.

"But you tried-at least with Elaine. What was the biggest difference for you?"

"It was like-like having only the very tip of the penis. I missed the sensations from the shaft. Maybe that accounts for much a woman’s slowness in getting aroused."

John went to the closet and returned with a Polaroid camera. "Would you do a favor for me? I’d like you to pose for me naked. John wouldn’t take the pictures I wanted."

"I’m so tired, I’d rather sleep."

"But I won’t get another chance." John protested. "After all you’ll be me for only an hour."

"OK, it’s your body. But only if you let me get undressed by myself and promise not touch or make advances to me now or in the future. I’m afraid it would seem like a homosexual advance if you did."


I brushed the annoyingly long hair out of my eyes as I laboriously pushed myself to a sitting position. When I had difficulty with the buttons on the blouse, John, to my relief, kept his distance. As I removed the blouse, I looked down at those full firm breasts that overfilled the bra. John waited impatiently as I struggled with the hooks but finally they came loose and I felt the cool air on sensitive flesh. It felt so good to be free of that too tight bra, but I was so conscious of their weight. They were surprisingly firm and only sagged a moderate amount. I looked down and stared at the revealed projections with their network of dark veins and large very dark circular pebbled aureoles. As I did I remembered Consuelo’s much smaller breasts and shuttered as I remembered the pain I had endured.

"It’s your body, at least for now, if you want to check it over it is all right with me, do anything you want." John offered.

"Then I’d like to just lay back down and go to sleep." I admitted. "A change of bodies takes a toll even when one is full of energy."

Instead of answering John took a picture. I cupped the smooth curves, so different in their fullness from Elaine’s pendulous breasts, while John continued with another picture. It was a struggle to stand, but after I succeeded, I unfastened the maternity skirt, let it fall to the floor and looked down at the taunt basket ball sized abdomen. John took another picture as I pulled down my panties and then gingerly sat again to slip them off my now shapely legs. The stomach was in the way and the baby inside was now kicking furiously. Again all I could think of was Consuelo’s labor pains.

"Lay down and spread your legs." John ask.

"You really want me to do that?" Just then I felt a kick from inside and saw the movements on my abdomen.

"Absolutely!" I complied as John continued taking pictures. "Now can you spread the labia?"

I reached around the taunt abdomen with both hands and pulled the flesh, feeling the cool air. Now John was too close for comfort, so close with the camera, I was afraid he’d forgotten his promise. He then had me stand and finally move to a kneeling position. The posing became quite difficult both physically and mentally by the time John ran out of film. I pulled back the covers and crawled into bed still naked. John brought over the pictures but I was more interested in rest.

"I’m going to put them where John can’t find them." John announced. I watched as he opened the bottom of a dresser drawer and pulled out the white bottom of a bikini bathing suit. It consisted of only a single layer of thin material. "This is what I wore on the beach. You should see it when it gets wet! It really drives guys wild."

John’s actions and comments made me feel uneasy. What kind of situation had I gotten into? Sue was really a weird person, no telling what John would do with Sue’s personality in control of his body. Although this body really needed rest, I was too perturbed, threw back the covers, sat up and picked up the bra. "We’d better get back." I told him in my new alto voice.

As I slipped my arms into the bra straps, adjusted it over those large projections, and struggled with the hooks in an effort to fasten it, John approached to help. "No, let me do it!" I protested.

"OK." John replied. His impatience as I slowly dressed was obvious, but he maintained his distance. "It’s just that I can’t wait until John has his turn at being pregnant!"

Finally I was ready to go. John’s coordination wasn’t good either. "We’d better be careful, someone might think we are drunk."

"How long does it take to have full control after an exchange of bodies?" John ask as he led me to the sliding glass door.

"As you’ve probably noticed the tingling disappears fairly rapidly. Of course the hyperawareness of sexual

differences, height, weight and body structure takes longer. I haven’t been in a women’s body long enough to know how long it takes to become completely accustomed, but you should find your coordination improving rapidly." I answered as we walked out.

"It’s so hard to keep my thighs apart when I walk and I keep squeezing John’s balls and penis."

"Well don’t feel special, I have to allow for wider hips when I go through doors and the presence of these!" I said cupping around those breasts. My back ached, and I was so miserable!

"You drive" John suggested. "The driver’s seat is adjusted for you."

I was too tired to object. It was especially strange to have the steering wheel so high and to look through rather than over it. There was barely enough clearance for my belly. As I drove I noticed John had another erection. He unzipped the fly and held his erect penis in his hand.

"I really can’t believe this is a part of me!" He saw me glance at his penis, put it back in his pants and zipped up his fly. "I’m really looking forward to being a man, if only for a week."

I winced at his words and changed the subject. "You’d better wait in the car. I’ll park out of range and walk to the house. After I transfer with whoever has John’s personality, I’ll come out to get you."

"OK" John agreed. "But tell me before you go. Does a men’s penis always touch the inside of a toilet when he sits?"

"Not always, but it does happen." It was an effort to get out of the car and I felt so self conscious as I waddled the half block to Elaine’s house. Each step made I took made my heavy sore breasts ache even more.

Elaine answered the door. "Just who and what are you?" From her carriage, tone of voice and dress I was sure that Elaine occupied her own body.

"I am Fred. This isn’t all my doing. Honest, I’m just trying to get everything straightened out." I told Elaine as I entered the living room.

"But why did you have to involve us?" Elaine’s voice was indignant as she continued. "How could you do this to me? You don’t have the right!" Then her voice changed and her fear was evident. "This has to be the work of the devil! My god, are you in league with the devil?"

"I don’t know who is responsible. Someone just made it possible, I didn’t ask for it and I made no promises."

"I want you to change back to that girl on the couch and get out of here, right now!"

"OK." I answered and looked at Joy, still lying on the couch. It was difficult to lower my awkward pregnant body to the floor but I managed somehow and then lay down to mimic Joy’s posture.

"What are you doing? I demand an answer!"

"Doing what you ask me to do!" I replied and quickly transferred before that cramp in my leg got worse.

Someone was shaking me and I didn’t want to wake up. "Just leave me alone." Again my voice was foreign to my ears.

"Come on, you’ve slept enough and you’ve got to get going." That was Elaine’s voice and as she spoke, she continued to shake me. My body tingled and there was that urge to explore that went with a transfer.

Quickly I sat up and my improved mobility reinforced the awareness that I was no longer pregnant. It was marvelous to again have a flat abdomen. My wandering hands confirmed the fact. Not only did I lack Sue’s tight protruding abdomen, but I also was free of those heavy weights on my chest. It was such a relief to find that, although still female, I was in a slender body that felt more familiar, more like my late male body. I looked at my clothes and hands and knew that I was Joy.

Then I remembered Elaine had told her to get out of the house and wondered how much sleep Joy been allowed. Elaine looked more like the Elaine I knew, immaculately dressed in dress and heels. With girdle shaping her body and lifting and thrusting her breasts upward, Elaine was as attractive as usual and I realized how much I had overreacted while her.

"Relax I’m Sue!" Elaine laughed. "I know you’d still like to sleep but it’s getting late and we’d better go."

I looked at her dumbfounded. "Yes, just look at me!" Elaine exclaimed as she twirled around. "I’ve even been able to get used to this body while you slept. Before agreed, she insisted on getting properly dressed, complete with this dammed too tight girdle! But you must agree, Elaine certainly looks much better this way."

"How did you ever get her to agree?" I stood and while I tried to get used to the balance of this unpregnant body, wondered what had happened to John in Sue’s body.

"Was John ever pissed when he woke to find he was me and pregnant!" Elaine laughed. "You never heard so much grumbling in all your life. I really enjoyed watching."

"But what happened?" I ask. Although the need wasn’t as insistent as before, I still desired to explore this body but was intimidated by Elaine’s presence.

"Elaine told me not to have anything to do with you and to make sure you left. She got religion fast and want’s nothing to do with this devil work."

"Aren’t you afraid?" I ask. "Whenever I stop to think about it, it scares me! That’s one reason I’m trying to correct as much as possible."

"But who’s god and who’s devil? There are many things I don’t and never will understand. As far as I am concerned this could be a god’s work as much as a devil’s. The one thing I know is that it’s a fabulous situation and I don’t want to miss out."

"Where’s Elaine personality now?"

"She’s in John’s body, in Elaine’s room probably praying that I’ll change my mind."

"But how did you ever get her to go along?" I ask. My bladder was full and although it was hard to stand still, I wanted to hear the story.

"When you didn’t come back, I got tired of waiting. Elaine was trying to comfort John who was in my body. She really let me have it! I threaten to leave with you. That really flustered them, especially-Sue. I thought she was going to have the baby right then and there! But I did agree that leaving with John’s body wasn’t fair. Finally I told them that I would wait until I was in my own body. That didn’t go over with Elaine either. She was concerned about her future grandchild. When she became convinced that I meant what I said, she offered her body as a substitute. She’ll trade with, ah, Sue later."

"Where’s your body now?"

"It really bugs me that John got off so easily-just went into the bedroom and went to sleep."

"I’ve got go to the bathroom." I interrupted, realizing I would have an accident if I waited any longer.

"Just remember you don’t have time to play." Elaine teased.

My face burned. It only took a couple of steps to adjust to the manner in which this body moved. Once on the toilet, I quickly pulled up the blouse. There was no bra so

I explored my small breasts. What a difference their small smooth conical shape and almost indiscernible nipples were from the impediment of those inconveniently large, uncomfortably heavy breasts of Elaine and Sue. It was almost as if I was Fred again. After wiping, I took a little more time to compare bodies as I spread the labia with the fingers of my left hand and thrust a finger into the slit. There was still damp urine inside. This was more than enough to prove that the situation was not normal, that I wasn’t a man. To my regret, there wasn’t time to do more. Before leaving I did glance at my unlined face. It was great to be young, if only for a while, but much better would be to be young and male.

"I’m starved." I told Elaine after I left the bathroom.

"It’s late and we had better not take the time. Hopefully there will be something at Joy’s apartment."

Elaine led the way to Elaine’s car. Evidently, the exploration had more effect than expected. Even without touching myself I felt as sexy as when I was Elaine and didn’t know which I wanted more, to eat or masturbate.

"God, I’m horny!" I admitted.

"I thought of waking you when I was still John, but the idea of making love to a woman wasn’t very appealing."

"I thought you didn’t want to become Elaine." I observed as Elaine drove.

"I was afraid I’d be stuck. Now that I know that won’t happen, it will be OK. It still bugs me that I’ll miss all the fun. How about changing jobs?"

"No, I’d better do it."

"I was afraid of that. I am really looking forward to being a man. Just think, to be able to go where I want and do what I want without fear of rape! I’m really going to enjoy that!"

The pressure of the seat against my vulva made me squirm, to stimulate that clitoris. It was actually a relief to be able to walk the remaining two blocks. Once inside I couldn’t resist the urge to explore my body as I ran my right hand inside the blouse confirming the smooth firm swell of a breast, then pushed my left hand inside the slacks and panties over the soft flesh of my abdomen. I wanted to do more, but didn’t know how much time there was before Elaine returned and didn’t want the sexual frustration experienced in Elaine’s body. Reluctantly I withdrew both hands and turned to other needs.

The only thing to eat was cereal and milk and even that tasted great. After eating I turned on the TV and waited impatiently. When the door bell rang I just sat there almost afraid to answer, afraid it might be Ken. It rang again and then I heard Elaine’s voice. Quickly I opened the door and let her inside.

"I’m still Sue!" I was very upset to hear Elaine’s words and had visions of having to have sex with those men.

"They wouldn’t even let me see her." Elaine continued. "Actually I’m pleased. I’ll change with you and do those tricks."

"You will! Won’t it bother you?"

"It won’t be me, but Joy. Under those conditions, it might even be fun."

"It’s going to be much harder without Joy’s knowledge, but maybe we can pull it off."

I stared at Elaine, dreading the necessity of becoming Elaine again. The alternative was worse, so I quickly assumed a similar posture.

I teetered on Elaine’s high heels, grabbed Joy for support and quickly kicked off the heels. Elaine had certainly succeeded in making me uncomfortable! The girdle was so oppressively tight and uncomfortable I desperately wanted to remove it. My previous experiences made for a rapid adjustment but still there was that tingling sensation.

"You might want to keep those shoes on and get some practice walking in heels." Joy suggested.

"God I hate this god damned tingling!" I exclaimed using Elaine’s voice.

"This figure is a little underdeveloped, don’t you think? It disgusts me to think some men prefer girls with figures like this!"

"Never mind, we’d better find an appointment book! I have no idea of her schedule."

We searched everywhere with both of us taking every opportunity to acquaint ourselves with our bodies. As I moved the swishing sound of Elaine’s hose rubbing together was an additional irritant. It was a long anxious time before Joy found a date book in the top dresser drawer and thumbed through it.

"The first appointment is with a John Green. It is at a motel. At least I know how to get there. It shouldn’t take over fifteen minutes. The second trick is scheduled here."

"What time is the first appointment?" I ask, still trying to accustom myself to the sound of Elaine’s voice.

"Eight o’clock." Joy replied. From her expression she was still having problems with the residuals from the change of bodies.

I looked at the watch on Elaine’s ample wrist. Even with glasses, it was hard to see the watch hands. Why were women’s watches so small? "Oh my god, we’ve got to hurry!"

"Since you saw Joy dressed for, ah, work, how about picking something for me to wear while I shower?"

It was a momentary surprise how unconcerned Joy was about undressing in front of me, but then I was now also a woman. Joy’s slender, almost tomboyish figure did nothing for me. Why had I, while Diane, reacted so much? I hoped it was not an indication of a changing sexual preference. Joy now naked strolled into the bathroom.

I looked through the closet until I found clothing similar to what Joy had worn when I first saw her. That accomplished I was again conscious of the tightness of the girdle and ran Elaine’s hands over Elaine’s corseted torso.

"What do I do if I have to go to the bathroom? Do I have to undress?"

"No problem" Joy answered as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her. "It has a split crotch and will open when you sit."

Joy joined me in the bedroom and I watched as Joy dressed then observed herself in the mirror. "Dressed like this I really do look like a whore, but this figure still seems a little inadequate for that occupation." She returned to the bathroom to fix her hair and face.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I ask. It would probably mean just waiting in the street that prospect had absolute no appeal.

"It’d probably be better if you stay out of sight. The ability to transfer should be enough protection. That pimp is probably more interested in the money than getting rid of Joy."

"I wouldn’t bet on that. He may want the money, but may want to get rid of anyone who can transfer. You might not have a chance."

Joy continued as if she hadn’t even heard. "You know, the idea of having sex with a stranger is rather exciting, especially when it isn’t really me. How do I look?"

"You need more makeup. Joy wore a lot more, especially around the eyes and she wore very bright red lipstick."

Joy turned back to the dressing table, worked on her face a little longer then turned back to me. "How is this?"

"I’m afraid she wore more than that, especially around the eyes."

"But I have too much on already!" In spite of her objection Joy followed my suggestions and applied more eye shadow.

"That looks about right."

"Well wish me luck!"

Once the door was closed behind Joy, I became intensely aware of the fatigue caused by the multiple transfers, walked into the bedroom and fell on the bed. It was then I remembered the dress. It wouldn’t do to get it wrinkled. I didn’t want to move but forced myself to get up and once up I couldn’t resist looking in the mirror. The girdle really did help. This time I remembered to remove those glasses before pulling the dress over my head.

Elaine hadn’t bothered with a slip. I stared at the cleavage formed as the tight girdle pushed breasts together, but managed to keep from further exploration. I lay on the bed. The uncomfortable tightness of the girdle kept me from falling asleep. I considered removing the offending garment, but then I remembered how Elaine’s body sagged without its support and that I would just have to struggle into it again before Joy’s next appointment!

As I lay there unable to sleep I kept thinking of the mess and problem that Fred’s death had left. Over and over the same thoughts raced through my head but finally the fatigue won its battle with the girdle and I slept. The next thing I knew Joy was shaking me.

"Wake up, you’ve got to get out of here."

"How was it?" I ask when I was finally awake enough to remember the situation.

"He was a complete nut, just wanted to look at me naked. It was a struggle to remember it was Joy and not me he was goggling. He was that creepy. I finally coaxed him into having sex with me, normal fucking. The weird thing is that I enjoyed it, even with him. Except for the breasts, this body is so responsive! But you’ve got to get dressed. I’ve already taken a shower and prepared for the next trick." There was a sparkle in Joy’s eyes and from her excitement it was evident that Sue had enjoyed the experience.

I reluctantly moved off the bed, put on the dress, then sat to put on the high heeled shoes that Joy handed me. My precarious balance did nothing to inspire confidence. As I left the apartment building a tall very muscular young man entered and wondered if he was Joy’s next trick. I then realized I didn’t know the location of Elaine’s car. Why hadn’t I thought to ask? At least I had remembered to bring Elaine’s purse. Well there was nothing to do but continue to the restaurant. It was only a couple of blocks away.

Those two blocks were a difficult two blocks to walk. I was extremely self conscious and was afraid I’d be accosted, not be able to handle the situation in this weak female body, especially in those high heels, and panic. That would make things even worse. Joy might think this was a lark, but she’d grown up female and probably hadn’t been raped.

Although still apprehensive, I felt much safer in the restaurant. I sat in a booth hoping coffee would help me stay awake. The fatigue, the apprehension and lack of mastery of Elaine’s body combined to almost upset the coffee cup a couple of times. Finally enough time had passed that I could return. I almost fell as I rose and cursed those shoes under my breath. At the cash register it seemed like an eternity before I could find the coin purse.

I had drunk too much coffee. My face burned when I almost entered the men’s room from force of habit. To my relief the women’s room was empty. The fact that I had to sit to urinate in that dirty mess served to strengthened my resolve to do whatever necessary to become a man again. The walk back to the apartment was every bit as disconcerting as the walk to the restaurant. At the entrance of the building, I again met the young man. It seemed like forever before Joy, dressed in a blouse and skirt finally came to the door.

"It’s a good thing you didn’t arrive earlier, he just left!"

"If he’s a very husky tall man of about twenty five, I just passed him."

"That sounds like him." Joy slipped off her blouse and skirt. She wasn’t wearing panties and walked to the bathroom.

"Boy, was he ever built! He has to be a body builder. And he was so hairy! It was really great. I don’t know when I’ve had so much fun. I wouldn’t mind being a prostitute under these conditions-no worry about being raped, acquiring a sexual disease or about getting pregnant. It’s going to be hard to just be a housewife again." Joy filled a douche bag, sat on the toilet and douched ignoring my presence.

"Did you quit your job? It really surprised me to learn that you-Sue, are a computer programmer, the same as John."

"That’s how we met. I plan to go back to work about a month after the baby is born. But I wish I’d chosen another occupation, something more active, more exciting possibly where I could use my hands. You know, I even took up golf hoping John and I could play together, but John prefers jogging and tennis. I tried both but just didn’t feel comfortable physically. Probably I should have tried a sports bra. If I were built like this there wouldn’t have been a problem."

I looked around the apartment in an attempt to stay awake and to get some idea of Joy’s personality. The apartment, although quite nice was too impersonal to give any hints. I was too tired to stand, so sat and picked up a teen magazine.

The phone rang. Joy yelled in time to stop me from answering. Still naked Joy rushed to the phone and motioned that I should be quiet. After she said "hello", Joy just listened.

"Who was it?" I ask when Joy hung up.

"You were right, whoever has Ken’s personality is alive. He didn’t give a name, just told me to take the money from tonight to Quick Copy and Printing on Arundel, put it into an envelope with box #115 written on it and give it to the attendant. After that I was to leave immediately and return here. He told me he’d take care of me, just like he did with Fred, if I didn’t do exactly what he said."

"I was thinking about returning Elaine’s body, but I’ll need to watch that store and discover who he is."

"What good would that do? He could just become someone else." Joy pointed out. "Oh, he told me to have it there by ten."

"You’re probably right. You and Elaine have done enough. I’ll try to find some way to handle the situation. He won’t know that Joy is able to transfer."

"I don’t know if that’s a good idea. He will still have the advantage. For some reason he was disguising his voice. I wonder if Joy would know him?"

The phone rang interrupting our conversation. Joy answered and to my surprise handed me the phone. "This is your lucky day, it’s Diane, in Ken’s body."

"I’m the one who started this mess." I told Ken, still reacting to Joy’s words. "At the beach I was the middle aged man who sat about twenty feet away from you, who put you into that unborn baby and took over your body. What I’m trying to do now is to put everyone back."

"That was a horrible experience. I can’t stand dark and confined places! But let me talk to Joy again."

"That really isn’t Joy, she’s a friend of mine in Joy’s body. What I want is for you to help us put Ken’s personality back into his own body."

"But I like being a man! If I do that I’ll be Diane again!"

His reply was all I needed! "He’s a threat to all of us. He already destroyed my body and tried to kill yours." I then told him what had happened but didn’t divulge Diane’s location or Ken’s telephone call.

"Why should I help? What’s in it for me?"

"For one thing, Joy! You wouldn’t have called unless you wanted to keep in touch."

"Maybe I’ll just leave and have her join me later."

"She’s working with us. There’s a possibility she won’t be alive, at least not her body." I then discussed the call Joy had just received.

"What do you plan to do?"

"Locate him through this mail drop and put him into his own body. If I’m someone he doesn’t know, I will be able to watch and identify him."

"How am I going to get that close?"

"You mean you’re willing to go along?"

"You did say he’s in a male body. I’d bet it is a good one. I’ll do it provided I can keep the body he’s using."

"But I don’t want to be a woman when this is over! I need that body. If I don’t get it, I could end up with yours!"

"You couldn’t do worse than I did. Besides that is the only way I’ll go along. Why don’t you stay whoever you are and we’ll work out the details tomorrow morning. Meet me at Long’s Drugstore on Main at nine o’clock." With that he hung up, not even waiting for an answer.

"What does he want?" Joy ask.

I told Joy what he had said, then ask. "Are you still willing to help?"

"I’d like to see it out, but if you don’t have a male body, how will you keep your promise?"

"I’ll just have to find someone who would like to be a woman for a week."

"I have to call Elaine first and get her to agree to another day. Well I guess I’d better make that call."

I left for the living room, certain that Elaine had committed herself too far to back out. Joy joined me a few minutes later, still naked.

"That was more difficult than I thought, but she agreed. I had to threaten to return here in my own body. Well I’m off to bed."

I turned out the lights and followed Joy into the bedroom. Joy was asleep almost as soon as she got between the sheets. I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy for me. Reluctantly I unbuttoned the dress and slid it over my head. I didn’t trust my balance, so I turned out the light, left the bedroom and sat on the living room sofa to remove the shoes and hose.

Removing the girdle was a struggle. Without it I was certainly more comfortable. I walked into the bedroom, all too conscious of my heavy pendulous breasts and the jiggling of my soft flabby abdomen. I leaned over to pull down the bedspread and was startled as those damn breasts swung down. When I lay on my back I felt their movements as they spread over my chest and pushed against my arms.

The events of the past two days and fears for the future kept going though my mind. What on earth made me make that promise to Ken? After only a few minutes, my full bladder made its needs known.

I sat up conscious of those disconcerting movements. As I sat on the toilet, I again looked at the pendulous shapes and then at the obesity of my abdomen. If I were to inherit this body there was going to be some plastic surgery! The thought shocked me. Surely Elaine would not expect a younger body in payment for my use of hers! Once back in bed, I turned on my side, only to find how easy it was to pinch a breast and how much it hurt! Again there was that weight of breast against breast.

Perhaps I could relax enough to sleep after an organism. I again rolled over and carefully, so as not to disturb Joy, found my small button nipples, lightly caressed them with the tips of my fingers until they became turgid and large enough to grasp, then twisted them between thumbs and fore fingers. I moved my right hand over the flesh of my soft abdomen feeling the movement under my hand, then moved fingers through the thick pubic hair.

My middle finger found the top of the slit between my legs, rubbed the soft flesh over the clitoris and then touched the clitoral sheath. More determined now I pushed the finger inside, but my mind was elsewhere. All I could think of was my predicament. There was no facilitating moisture and the discomfort increased until there was pain. Disgruntled, I gave up and carefully rolled over on my stomach. The breasts felt like small pillows. It was a long time before I was able to sleep.

I awoke with a hand on my female crotch still groggy with sleep. The thought of having to shower and get dressed, especially the thought of having to put on that tight girdle, made me want to pull the covers over my head.

"God my legs and hips are really sore!" Joy exclaimed when she came into the bedroom, already dressed in Jeans and T shirt, very obviously without a bra. "It couldn’t have been anything I did! What did you do? Never mind, we’d better get going! I’ll make breakfast while you shower."

I remembered that walk to the yacht club as I walked into the bathroom conscious of the weight of two pendulous breasts. In the shower, I washed with rough hands to prevent any possibility of sexual stimulation. After drying, I stared at the girdle. I was going go without it. It would be too much of a struggle to get into. That decided I slipped the dress over my naked body.

"Just leave off the dress until we can do something with your face and hair." Joy called from the kitchen.

"I’ve already put it on." I told Joy in Elaine’s voice and walked into the kitchen. Joy hadn’t prepared much, just cold cereal and milk.

"You can’t go looking like that!" Joy said emphatically. "You look terrible. Elaine will kill both of us."

"How will she know?" I ask as I sat at the table.

"All you’d have to do is run into someone she knows. Just look in the mirror!"

Joy was so insistent that I got out of the chair to look in the mirror. Without support, Elaine’s body looked much worse than it had at the yacht club. Reluctantly I removed the dress. The damn girdle was a struggle to put on and finally Joy moved in to assist me.

"I hope you’re satisfied now that I’m completely miserable."

Joy didn’t answer and we returned to the table. "You know I think Joy looks younger than the nineteen indicated on the driver’s license." Joy commented. "These breasts feel tight, enough to be premenstrual, but also tight enough to be still developing. Well so much for that, we’d better get you ready."

Joy brought out a comb and brush and proceeded to work on my hair while I was still seated at the table.

"There’s not too much I can do without changing bodies and putting in curlers." Joy admitted. "There isn’t time for that! You’ll also have to do without makeup."

"I don’t think it would be wise to return for me." Joy continued after telling where she’d parked Elaine’s car. "It isn’t far. I’m sure I can make it in spite of these sore legs."

I was now aware enough to allow distance for my wider hips and could even walk reasonably well in high heels, but there was no elation in the accomplishment. I was still a man and I didn’t want to get used to a female body. It was a relief to be able to put the car between me and the rest of the world.

Ken was standing in front of the drugstore when I arrived. I walked up to him with some trepidation and introduced myself.

"How do I know this is on the level?" Ken ask.

"You’ve already talked to the person who occupies Joy’s body. You can call St. Joseph’s hospital and ask for Diane. That’s Joy in your body. I just hope she’s conscious by now. The effects of the rape and beating your own body was given plus that last exchange really knocked her out. Go ahead, call, but make it fast. We haven’t much time. Just remember that if I’m right, you’re also in danger."

"I guess I’ll take your word for it." Ken walked with me to the car. It made me nervous to have him in the car. I drove to within a couple of blocks from Quick Copy and Printing and parked.

"Stay out of sight and keep alert. There is a coffee shop across the street. When I learn his identity, I’ll raise my right arm. Look for anyone raising their right arm, I might have to swap with him."

I was self conscious as I walked, in public, to that establishment. There was no place to sit and the store was too small to hang around inside. It was only a few minutes later when Joy appeared. I checked the box location from outside but didn’t dare talk to Joy. I walked to the bus stop on the corner and watched for a likely prospect. As the time passed I became very concerned about the pain in my back and legs and hoped Ken arrived soon.

There weren’t many customers. When finally someone who looked like a possible candidate went inside, I followed and talked to the clerk about possibly having some pictures made. The customer was having some copies made and didn’t approach the mail boxes. I did manage to double check the location of box #115 and returned to the bus stop. What excuse I was going to give the next time I went into the store?

It was just when I couldn’t bear the pain any longer that I saw the man I’d seen in Joy’s apartment building. He must have noticed me staring and approached.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Just who are you anyway?" He demanded.

I tried to act the insulted matron. "How dare you talk to me like that!" It worked and he entered the store. I took the chance of watching him from the store entrance. He did go to a mail box in the vicinity of #115, but I couldn’t be sure. The only thing to do was to confront him when he came out.

"You’re Ken, aren’t you!"

With that he started to run. There wasn’t time to raise my right arm. Quickly I concentrated and switched.

I lost my balance and fell to the sidewalk. It really hurt. Again there was that compulsion to explore this body and I already had an erection.

When I managed to turn around to look at Elaine, she was already a half a block away. I quickly got to my feet and started following. Then I remembered to raise my right arm. Elaine wasn’t going anywhere fast in high heels and she was subject to the same urges as I.

What could we do when we caught her? Ken couldn’t transfer with her for another hour. By then so could she. Elaine could also claim we were molesting her and possibly get us arrested. She could then become someone else at her own leisure.

She’d have to know the part Joy played. Elaine’s body might even suffer the same fate as had my own body. Those possibilities sent a chill through me. The only thing I could do was to stay with her, try to prevent her from coming to harm and hope to determine who received Ken’s consciousness.

I could see Ken across the street. Elaine glanced at me and then at Ken. She stopped long enough to kick off her heels and then broke out in a run. I knew it would attract too much attention if I ran after her. Ken across the street was running, but it wasn’t obvious he was chasing her. Fortunately Elaine’s coordination and physical condition wasn’t good enough to run fast and I wasn’t losing much ground even just walking at a brisk pace. Ken would soon be able to approach her from the other direction.

The stop light was against her. She stopped momentarily, looked back at me, then across at Ken and ran across the street. It looked like she was going to make it. Then there was the screech of brakes as she lost her balance and fell in front of a truck. There was an awful thud and I saw she had been knocked into the gutter by the impact. Ken quickly caught up with me.

"Did you transfer? Is that Ken?"

I was in shock and could only nod. Ken walked across the street and quickly returned. "She’s dead! We’d better get out of here before someone starts asking questions."

"But I can’t leave her like this!"

"We’re both total strangers. How would we explain our involvement? I’m going to my car, then call Diane at the hospital and see when she’s going to get out." With that Ken left.



© 1999
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.