Crystal's StorySite


Legend of Princess Kristy

by Kristy Pureheart


In the continent of Relina, it is a time of darkness. Once a land of happiness, the evil Magnador conquered the continent and forced the people into slavery for his evil purposes. The Prophets of Light, however, warned the Royal Family before their destruction and foretold that the newborn Princess would save the land on her Eighteenth Birthday. The king asked the Prophets to save the princess using their amazing magical powers. The Prophets agreed but knew that they could not take such a young babe into their Dimension of Light. They instead concealed her in the care of a farm far from the Kingdom City. However no trace of the Princess was found by the time Magnador eliminated the rest of the Royal Family. Magnador never knew that she ever existed.


"Get to work on that hay load boy!" Teron shouted.

"Yes sir." Chris said. He put his effort into loading the hay bundles onto the wagon. It took an hour to finish the agonizing task. Just like other duties he has come to know well. Chris reported back to Teron.

"Hmm…some what good. Keep this up you might get a decent supper from us."

"Thank you sir. What would you like me to do now?"

"Just get some water from the well and try not to spill any this time!" Teron ordered.

Chris walked to the well, which was about 200 meters away from the homestead. As he was drawing the pale he heard a massive explosion from the homestead. Forget about the supper and the water, Chris felt concerned for what little family he has, even though they never cared for him. Running his best, he saw soldiers in black armor and on black horses. He dared not go after them, even though he was strong and agile. He merely hid on the hillside where he was not seen.

"Where is she?" The captain demanded to Teron. He was grasping Teron’s neck with only one hand.

"I…I don’t know what you are talking about?" Teron gasped. He could barely get air to his lungs.

"WHERE IS SHE? I will not ask again!" The captain grasped harder. Teron knew his time was up. He even couldn’t give a clear answer to a question he didn’t even know. The captain closed this grip choking Teron to death.

Teron NO! Chris thought. He lost his father. Even though Teron was ungrateful to Chris, Chris still loved him like any other father. A tear came to his eye as his father’s corpse was thrown on the ground.

Chris’ mother screamed only to be shot by an arrow after the evil Captain’s signal. Now both parents were dead. Chris turned away, at the scene. "Find her! She is here somewhere, the Crystal knows." The Captain ordered.

Chris could

Chris slipped past the soldiers and made it to Teron’s body. It surprised Chris that Teron was actually alive. "Father, are you okay?"

"No." Teron murmured. "My time is short now, go into my room and grab the ru…ru…" Teron fell before he could finish. He was dead now. Chris wasted no time for symphony he dashed for the house. He noticed that a massive cut in the earth nearby, and wondered what could have done that.

Chris was able to make it in the house, after Chris made sure no soldiers were following him. He made it into his parents’ bedroom. He looked around but no significance turned up, until he saw a red jewel encased on a picture. The picture was a lithograph of a baby being given to a poor couple by a cloaked figure. The baby had the red jewel in its lap. The red jewel glowed bright red as he approached it.

"Find the ru…ruby?" Chris murmured to himself. He reached for the ruby and pulled on it. The picture then opened up to reveal a letter address for him. He read it carefully.

Dear Chris,

If you are reading this, then I am surly dead for a justified cause. It is important that you read this letter and follow its instructions carefully. First off I must reveal a secret to you; I am not your real father nor is Lora your mother. I would tell you more about this but you will learn in good time. We received you from a great person whom you must meet soon.

Now you must go to the island of Neoshia. There the answers that you are wondering about will be revealed. First, if you can, burn down this farm and set are animals free and you will get a good start from the forces of evil, which will attempt to pursue you. Please make haste in our most desperate hour. I have enclosed a map and directions that will help you.

I wrote this letter when you were 15 of age. At this time you’ve grown tremendously, especially in humility and kindness. These will be your primary weapons in your mission that lies before you. I beg you to do these things for not only me but the rest of the land as well. I love you son, even though I could never show it. It was all for the cause which you now must take hand. I thank you now and in advance, good luck and farewell.

With great eternal love,


Chris started to get a tear in his eye, as he now realized the truth. Knowing that Teron meant his good all along, Chris swore to fulfill his foster father’s wish. Little did he know a dark figure approaches Teron’s room, carrying his ruby that started to glow bright as well. Chris heard footsteps and quickly grabbed the ruby on the picture and slipped it into his pocket along with the map and letter Teron wrote. Then the door opened. The evil captain gazed upon Chris. He raised one eyebrow as he figured out what he was looking for stood before him.

"Very clever Great Prophets, however you can’t fool me." He said to himself. He pulled out his sword at aimed at Chris. "Come with me, boy you have an appointment with the King." Chris dared not to challenge him and simply surrendered to the captain. "Hmm. Very good. You are wise not to resist. Come boy."

Chris was loaded into a jail cart. He looked back at the captain. The dark captain started to make his right hand glow with energy. Soon a dark ball of energy was formed. The captain fired it at the farm. The energy ball exploded and obliterated every thing. Chris turned away at the bright flash that accompanied the explosion. Looking back, Chris only saw a burning wasteland. The cart started to move and Chris was gone from his home forever.


After two days of little sleep and nothing to eat, Chris’ cart finally came to a stop at a quite lake. Looking out to it, Chris saw a tower on a lone island. The sun was setting on another dreary day. Before he could study the tower for long, the door to his traveling cell opened. One of the soldiers jerked Chris out. The captain gazed at him close again.

"Prison Island is what you see there." The captain said soullessly. "The great King Magnador built that tower on the ancient ruins of Neoshia after he came to power and he waits your arrival there."

Once the captain said, Neoshia Chris attention was on full steam. He started to piece things together, but there was still too much of mystery remaining. Before he could really think about it, Chris was jerked to a boat waiting to take him over there. The boat ride was long and annoying. The guards started to murmur to each other about Chris, and then started to laugh like crazy, but Chris patiently ignored them. Why is was being mocked was a question that gnawed at Chris’ curiosity

Upon the arrival on the island, Chris made no sudden moves and simply let his captors take him to his new cell in the tower. They climbed seven floors by the time they made it to the top. Chris’ cell was guarded with three iron doors and ten guards. Beyond the doors there was one window about six inches high by a foot wide. It was high and out of Chris’ reach. The cell had a slab of granite for a bed with no food or water to use. However it looked like it was unused, ever. Could this cell be prepared just for me? Chris thought.

Chris was thrown in. All three doors clashed hard making awful noise each time. Chris was alone. Hours passed and it was about two hours from midnight. During the time spent Chris just studied his step father’s letter and the ruby he obtained. Soon he heard the doors open one by one. Once again he quickly threw his items into his pocket. Chris saw a huge dark figure before him. It was not the captain because the captain followed the dark man. His green eyes gazed on Chris. Chris dared not to make a move; instead he merely continued to sit on the slab, barely looking at the dark figure.

"The Ruby." The dark figure ordered.

"Yes, your highness." The captain said and gave the gem. Chris now knew this must be King Magnador. The evil ruler he first heard from the captain.

The dark king raised the ruby facing toward Chris. The ruby glowed as it had before. Chris wondered why the rubies shined for him. He wondered why he was special. The king started to smile most unpleasantly. He whispered something to the captain and the captain laughed.

"Come here child." The king ordered. Chris stood up and slowly approached the king. "Captain, take this child to the sacred chamber in the ruins, and be quick about it if you don’t mind."

"Yes sir. You are not the only one who wants to find out." The captain said. He took Chris by the arm and start to led him back down to the bottom of the tower. Chris wanted to complain, but did not want to be harmed by his captor. He kept silent. His stomach really began to quell. It was torture to go down the simple steps.

By the time they made it back to the first floor, the captain continued to force Chris down the stairs. The captain and Chris entered hallways different than the architecture in the tower, as these were more artistic than the gray stone walls above. This must be the ruins of Neoshia Chris thought. After continuing to walk puzzling corridors, Chris came to a chamber where the king and another dark figure stood. Inside the chamber was another slab, but this one was decorated with gold and inscribed with artistic designs that Chris didn’t understand and the walls were covered with mirrors. This person was a woman, an older woman, but she had an evil beauty. She gazed upon Chris in the same heartless way the king and captain did.

"Amazing the Prophets’ work is." the dark woman said.

"Yes, they hid the child well for so many years." the dark king said.

The captain made Chris lie down on the surface on the decorated monument. He simply relaxed as if he was waiting to be killed by the king himself. The woman took her position, standing on a circular pattern on the floor.

"Ancient power within these walls, reveal the truth before us. Remove the disguise that you have placed on this soul." She said. Her hands started to glow. It was apparent she was a witch.

Light started to glow from the floor and a wall of light enclosed Chris from everything else. Chris couldn’t move. Then he felt something from inside as if he was changing. What was happening is that his body was being manipulated. However no pain was evident. Chris was then blinded by the light as he felt unrecognizable changes inside his body. This continued for some time, finally the light all of a sudden disappeared and only the glow of the surrounding torches was the only thing that Chris could see.

"At last, she is back." The evil king said.

Chris reached for his head, as he felt his mind spinning. Then he noticed his hair grew to shoulder length. Then noticed weight on his chest, Chris had breasts. Then he reached for his groin. His gentiles were missing. These factors meant one thing to Chris, he was now a girl.

"Wha…what the heck?" She said.

"Don’t you get it, Princess Kristy?" Magnador said. "You are the remaining living descendant of the royal family of Relina. Now that you have been truly found, you will die." The king turned to the guards. "Take her away, we will execute her soon enough." The evil king left laughing hideously.

Kristy was thrown back into her cell, more harshly than last time. Her head slammed onto the stone bed and started to bleed. After the last door was closed, she buried her face into her arms and cried.

"Why me? This isn’t fair." She cried out. "Everything was okay in my life. I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve this! I am a freak now!" She poured tears and blood for about a half an hour and still couldn’t put her together.

It was about midnight. Kristy was asleep on the stone slab. A tiny bright light came through the window. The bright light started to get bigger and then take a human shape. Soon a beautiful female with clear wings was formed. She wore nothing but some leather around her chest and waist. She looked about the same age as Kristy. She approached the sleeping girl. The fairy put her hand on Kristy.

"Kristy." The fairy whispered. "Princess Kristy, please wake up."

Kristy slowly came to. She opened her eyes and saw the bright cheerful fairy just one foot away from her. Not knowing what she was looking at she suddenly jerked back. The fairy also jumped back from Kristy.

"It’s okay. It’s okay." said the fairy. "Trust me. I am a friend."

"You’re…you’re a…" Kristy shuddered.

"Fairy." Meg said as she turned to reveal her beautiful wings. "My name is Meg. I am the guardian fairy of the Royal Family of Relina. I have protected your family for generations and I have come to set you free."

"You have?"

"Yes, I wish I could have eliminated Magnador myself, but his power was strong and I am left with little power to even try to fight him. You however can overcome him. Did you know that you have a magical power within you?"

"No…until today I thought I was just a poor farm boy." Kristy replied.

"Well, you are the daughter of the Royal family of Relina. The Royal Family ruled the land of Relina for generations of peace and prosperity. Throughout that time, the Royal Family were challenged by coups and invading countries from other parts of the world. The bloodline of the Royal Family has been able to protect the land with great magical powers that have exceeded evil, until Magnador.

"Magnador powers unusually conquered your father’s powers. Before his attack, you were born. The Great Prophets of Relina warned of your father’s inevitable demise and foretold about how you will save us all from Magnador’s evil reign. The king entrusted you with the Prophets.

"The Prophets conceived a plan to hide you from Magnador’s clutches. They took you here in Neoshia and transformed you into a boy. Then took you to Teron’s farm, which was far away from here. Teron humbly accepted you and raised you. The Prophets sealed records of the event here. So do you get what I am talking about?" Meg asked.

"Yes I do, it now makes perfect sense to me." Kristy replied. "So this whole time I was really a girl?"

"Yes you were. When Magnador built his prison on Neoshia, he discovered the records about you. Furious, he intends to destroy you. So you must destroy him and save the land from his evil reign."

"I understand."

"Thank you Kristy. Now I have a few things for you." Meg said. "First I must awaken your own powers." The fairy put her hand on Kristy’s chest and closed her eyes. The fairy started to glow and Kristy felt a warm feeling coming from inside of her. After about a minute of this the fairy relinquished. "Now you need to adapt to your new life." Meg clapped her hands and then Kristy discovered she was cleaned up, wearing a sexy warrior’s outfit made of leather and silk. Kristy’s mind felt very different too, she felt, thought, and had the personality of a teenage girl now.

"Now you need this." The fairy took off a sword and its holster she was wearing. "This belonged to your father." Meg removed the sword from the holster. Kristy took the sword in hand she felt as if she knew how to handle it. The blade was polished and made of fine steel. The handle was lavender and a gold crest was inscribed on the center point of the sword.

"You look pretty good." the fairy said. Kristy simply smiled back. "Okay, now is the time to escape. Magnador and that witch have left the island, but they will be back. The biggest bad guy left in this lousy jail is the captain. Before you can leave though you must defeat the captain and get the ruby he still holds and you must awaken the Prophet of Spirit here.

"When the Prophets made sure you were safe. They returned to the Dimension of Light where they would await for you. Neoshia is the Temple of the Spirit and the home of that Prophet. The Prophet’s chamber is just beyond the chamber where you were transformed. Do you understand?"

"Perfectly. How many Prophets are there?"

"Seven, they are all located across the land." Meg Replied.

"Okay." Kristy said.

"I wish you luck Princess Kristy of Relina. Oh before I forget, stopped by a nearby forest and picked a few apples." Meg pulled out three apples and handed them to Kristy. "I figured you were…" Before Meg could finish, Kristy was halfway through the first apple.

"Sorry, I haven’t eating in three days." Kristy said.

"I guess I can’t blame you then." Meg replied. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. Let’s do this." Kristy put away the two remaining apples into her pack. She then pulled out her sword. An energetic light from her hands poured into the sword. She then took a quick diagonal slash with the sword. A stream of energy struck upon the steel doors. They gave away quickly.

"Damn girl." Meg said. "You know how to use that thing. I must go now because I am in no condition to fight, but take this." Meg quickly put a leather string pendant with a small diamond around Kristy’s neck. "It will call for me when you need some emotional help, because I will always be there for you."

"Thanks Meg. Go on, get out of here."

Meg transformed into the tiny light and zoomed out the window. Kristy ran through the doors and discovered her blast took out all ten guards. She wasted no time however and ran down the tower. She made it to the third floor of the empty prison when twenty more guards intercepted her.

Kristy energized her sword again and charged the guards. Her sword made little work of the evil soldiers. They tried to attack her off but with no success. Kristy was too agile for the armored troops. She would bounce off walls slashing guards who were looking in the opposite direction for her. One time she slammed the helmet of one soldier on tight so he could see, followed by a kick off the staircase. Kristy continued to dash for the ruins and made it to the first floor when she encounter her former captor.

"My, my, my, aren’t you a little pest in my tower." The captain said. Kristy slowly approached the captain. "I guess I will have to force you back into cell, because you’ll probably not be so willing this time." Kristy raised her sword, ready to fight. "I’m starting to like you as a boy better."

Kristy energized her weapon and unleashed a bolt of white energy at the captain. The captain quickly drew his sword and energized it with dark energy. At the last second, he slashed his sword to deflect the white energy. The energy put a heavy cut in the wall.

"Do you really think you can defeat me?" The captain asked."

"I know I can." Kristy replied. She then charged the captain.

The swords clashed like thunder. Kristy kept making circles around the captain, but he was still able to block her very attack. He then started to make an offensive of his own. Kristy was able to dodge or block every one of his attacks as well. She led the captain close to a wall and then let the captain thrust at her. She dodged the attack by running up the wall, and the captain’s sword was jammed into the wall. Kristy flipped over the captain’s head and then took a slash at it.

The beheaded corpse of the captain fell to the floor, and Kristy fell to her knee to catch her breath. She stared at the body and then got up. Teron your death has been avenged she thought. She took the ruby from the captain.

Kristy then noticed that the ruby from her pack and the ruby she was holding was glowing even brighter. She pulled out the one from the pack. Magically the two rubies fused together to make a heart shape. Then the ruby heart shot into Kristy’s body, but no wound was created. Kristy started to choke, eventually coughing up her own heart, covered in blood. She was still alive though and felt even more powered up that before. She decided to leave her old heart on the ground.

She continued her pursuit into the ruins. It wasn’t long before she made it into the transformation chamber; she continued though without stopping and made it into a dark chamber. She saw a faint purple glow coming from a polished spherical stone. Kristy touched the stone and the walls of the room started to glow.

"Kristy." A female voice called.

"Yes. Who is this?" Kristy asked.

All of a sudden a female appeared in front of Kristy. She was wearing a light violet gown and had long purple hair. She walked up to Kristy, and put her hands on Kristy’s shoulders.

"Thank you Kristy. Thank you for coming back. I am the Prophet of Spirit. I enhance the spirits of living things to make their lives better. I was the one that disguised you. I am pleased that you have come to your destiny. Would you care to rest?"

Immediately two beautiful chars came into view and the entire chamber was lit up. Kristy put away her sword and sat down gently. The Prophet did the same. Kristy pulled out another apple and began to munch on it.

"It seemed that Meg did her work well." The Prophet said.

"Yes. She is a good friend, even though I just met her." Kristy replied.

"You may not remember but you met Meg when you were born. You even met my sisters and me. Let me show you."

The Prophet of Spirit clapped her hands together and immediately Kristy found herself in a huge bedroom. From an outside window, Meg flew in. Screaming came from the other end. Kristy saw a bed where a woman was in labor. Beside her was nurses and seven beautiful women with the Prophet of Spirit being one of them. Kristy was watching her birth.

When baby Kristy was born the Queen was taken cared of while the King of Relina came in to see his new daughter. He smiled as if the heavens were given to him. Kristy even watched her father hold the newborn babe. Meg approached and was even allowed to hold the baby. Each time the baby was passed to each person, she smiled.

All of a sudden Kristy found herself back in the room. It took her a moment to get a grip of herself. She then looked to the Prophet of Spirit

"Please continue your quest by awakening my sisters and adding my power to yours. My sisters will do the same."

"Yes. I understand." Kristy said.

Then the Prophet suddenly absorbed herself into Kristy. Kristy felt that her mind was even more enhanced and she could energize her magic more quickly. "My power is now with you." The voice of the Prophet of Spirit said. "Use it wisely."

Kristy started to head up to the first floor. She peeked out the door only to see Magnador and the witch returning. Kristy ran up to the tower to make it into her cell. She charged her sword at took a shot at the wall. It too exploded. She looked down to see the lake. She then heard footsteps running into cell.

"Stop you bitch!" Magnador called out.

"No way." Kristy said as she jumped the ledge.

Magnador ran to the edge and quickly shot a large red beam at Kristy, thankfully it missed her. Kristy crashed into the water. She dared not surface in fear that she might be shot at again. The next thing Kristy knew an arm grabbed her and she knew she was being pulled to mainland.

She surface along with another individual. This girl however was naked and had blue hair. Kristy looked down to see a fin sticking out of the water. She was looking at a mermaid.

"Are you alright my lady?" The mermaid asked.

"Yeah. Thanks girl." Kristy said.

"It was my pleasure."

"What is your name?" Kristy asked.

"Mermaids don’t have names." The mermaid replied. "We only live underwater and rarely make contact with humans. You however, Princess of Relina, are different."

"Thank you. I will remember you for your help."

The mermaid jumped back into the water and wasn’t seen again.

"Damn!" The king screamed. He then disintegrated the captain’s body in a nasty rage. The witch picked up Kristy’s old heart.

"This is the princess’ heart." the witch said. "I can use this."


Kristy continued to watch the tower. Suddenly a massive explosion at the base of the tower occurred and the tower collapsed. Magnador and witch returned to the boat and sailed in the opposite direction. Kristy started to head deeper into the forest, and then she collapsed against a tree and held the white diamond pendant. She could see the sun starting to rise in the east.

"Meg, come see me." Kristy said.

"You called?" Meg replied. Kristy turned around quickly to the surprise of seeing her new friend around the tree.

"Yes. I did it; I destroyed the captain, got the ruby, and awakened the Prophet."

"Did the two rubies go in your body? Did you choke up your own heart?"

"Yes." Kristy answered.

"Good. That is essential in the future." Kristy started to yawn. "You’re tired. Rest here I will watch over you. After what you did, you deserve a rest."

"Thanks Meg."


Next Time: Kristy travels to the shadow mountain valley where the local village is being sacrificed by a monstrous dragon.




© 2002 by Kristy Pureheart. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.