Crystal's StorySite


The Lost Swords

by Dave Hicks


Chapter 6




Early next morning, Paul drove Eleanor, Susie and I to the airport in town.

"Pull over next to that twin engine one," I said to Paul, pointing in the direction of an aircraft.

"I’m still not sure why you wanted me to drive you into town," he said.

"I want you to fly the egg-beater home," I laughed.

"What helicopter?" he asked.

I motioned to a slick looking, four-seat helicopter, parked near our aircraft.

"That one," I said, as we alighted from the car. "It should be gassed up and ready to go. Don’t worry - it’s paid for."

"Nice," smiled Paul. "Not quite what I flew recently but still fun to fly."

Within a short time, I’d completed the preflight checks and we were airborne. The flight to the mainland was brief and uneventful. Eleanor and Susie conversed silently, leaving me to concentrate on getting a better feel for the aircraft and think about the future.

Loretta had sent her car to meet us. While Loretta and Eleanor operated on Susie, I met my new slave. There was no doubt about Loretta’s skills as a cosmetic surgeon - she was a attractive, plump, middle aged woman, with an enormous bosom. Just as Eleanor said she would be.

"Do you remember who you were before you came here?" I asked her.

"No," she said.

"Does that concern you?"

"No," she replied.

Eleanor, Loretta and Susie entered the room. A maid brought us coffee.

"How do I look, David?" Susie grinned, turning her head for me to appreciate her new looks.

Her eyes were more rounded and no longer looked particularly oriental. Loretta had given her face a slightly softer, more feminine line. I noticed her breasts were larger.

"I look very beautiful," she grinned, "and there wasn’t any pain. I’ve even got big breasts now."

"You look very pretty," I smiled. "No one will recognize you now. I doubt even the best security facial recognition software could identify you."

I turned to Loretta.

"You are a genius," I congratulated her. "A true artist."

"Thank you," Loretta smiled, with surprising coyness.

"Congratulations," smiled Eleanor. "You’ve just charmed her."

"Is that good?" I asked.

"Oh yes," Eleanor chuckled. "And it’s takes a lot to charm my mother - believe me."

"How do you like your new slave?" Loretta asked me, with a mischievous smile. "Did I make her bosom big enough for you? I can always grow the breasts a bit more, if you want."

"They’re fine," I said, trying to avoid the question. "I suppose I’ll need to find a name for her

"That’s up to you," commented Loretta. "She’s completely yours now. I named mine alphabetically. I started at ‘A’ and worked my way down the list."

"I might call her Angela then," I said. "I might as well use ‘A’ for all of them and keep it simple."

"It sounds like a good a method as any," laughed Loretta.

"And she doesn’t remember anything before the last few days?" I asked.

"I don’t want them bringing a lot of mental garbage with them from the past," Loretta explained. "I simply erased all her memories. After I remodeled her body, I programmed her to like who she is and to be totally obedient and devoted to you. She’d gladly die for you, if you ordered her to."

"Does she have a device in her?" I asked.

"There’s no need for one," she replied. "The programming I gave her is more than sufficient. Your slaves don’t have the disgusting history mine have. They’ve only committed non-violent crimes. I don’t erase the memories of my slaves or program them to like who they are. Or what I do to them. That would be letting them off much too lightly, for what they’ve done to women, in the past. Your slaves were born women."

"Lunch." announced Eleanor.

We moved to the dining room.

"I’ll have another one ready for you in the next few days," Loretta told me, over lunch. "I’m making her just as big as this one."

"Don’t respond," advised Eleanor. "She’s baiting you. She knows you like large breasts. If you do respond, she’ll simply make their bosoms larger in the future. It’s her warped sense of humor."

"Thank you," I said to Loretta. "I appreciate what you doing for me."

"I’m glad to do it," she smiled. "I really want you to be very happy with them. I wouldn’t want you to find them unattractive."

"I bet you do," commented Eleanor. "You scheming old witch."

"What’s going on?" I asked her.

"We’ll talk about it later," she replied, giving my hand a squeeze.




On the flight back to the island, I let Susie sit beside me, in the co-pilot’s seat. When we were over water and in level flight, I let her take the controls for a while.

"Why does Loretta find so amusing about giving Angela such large breasts?" I asked Eleanor.

"It’s her sadistic streak coming out," she replied.

"I don’t understand."

"She knows you find really big boobs attractive," smiled Eleanor. "After all, you like my breasts, don’t you?"

"Of course I do," I replied.

"Well?" she asked.

I thought for a moment.

"Got it!" I announced. "I’m so dumb sometimes. She knows I’m controlled by you, so it doesn’t matter how much I’m attracted to Angela’s huge breasts, you can always prevent me from doing anything about it, because you control me."

"Very good," Eleanor smiled. "And..."

"And…" I replied

"Keep going," she smiled.

"But I wouldn’t want to do anything with Angela anyway."

"But my mother doesn’t think like that," Eleanor replied. "Remember - she distrusts all men. Even you to some degree. Even with the controller."

"And..." I continued. "She’s enjoying the thought of me being tempted by Angela and not being able to do anything about it? Like a subtle form of torture, in a way. The more slaves I get, all with enormous bosoms - the more torture I experience."

"Exactly," replied Eleanor, with a smile. "It’s the way she is, I’m afraid. I guess you’ve got to remember - you’re the first man she hasn’t hated. But she doesn’t want to let you off the hook too easily. She might approve of you but you’re still a man."

"That’s not a very healthy way to think, is it?" I commented.

"I know that, my sweet man," she replied. "It started with her need for revenge against my father, but it’s become more than that, over the years. It’s now an obsession, I guess. I doubt there’s anything we can do to change her. Mostly, it’s pretty harmless, as long as we’re aware of what she’s doing. She only done it to slaves, up to now, thank heavens."

"Does my having a control device, makes me a slave too, in her mind?" I asked.

"To some degree, I’d say it would," she replied. "But remember - if she had her way, all men would be slaves."

"I think that’s pretty scary stuff," I said.

"Oh I don’t know," she responded absently.

"You don’t think that’s scary?" I asked. "Putting all men under the control of women?"

"Don’t rush me," she laughed. "It may solve some of the world’s problems. I’ll get back to you, sometime."




When we arrived back at the lodge, Michael had arrived. He shook my hand warmly.

"Grace looks marvelous," he grinned. "You people have worked a miracle."

"You’d have to thank Eleanor and the other ladies for that," I said. "They understand what she was going through."

"Either way," he said, "I know I can never repay you."

"Tell him there’s nothing to repay," said Eleanor. "You never can pay for saving a person’s life."

"There’s nothing to repay," I repeated Eleanor’s word to him - as ordered.

She’d used the control device on me again, without realizing it.

"John’s invited me fishing in that lake of yours," Michael smiled. "I hope it’s as good as you say it is."

"It still had water in it, the last time I looked," I laughed.

"David’s not a fisherman," commented John to Michael.

"No ones perfect," Michael nodded to John, in agreement. "I brought a few rods and lures with me, you might like to have a look at."

They left the lounge, arguing the respective virtues of their favorite fishing accessories.

While Eleanor helped Angela settle into her room, I joined Tseng on the verandah.

"Good afternoon, Tseng," I said in Chinese, sitting next to him.

"Good afternoon, Ho," he replied, with a smile.

"I trust you are comfortable?" I asked him.

"I am old and have few needs," he said. "Your hospitality has provided for those and much more."

"You are an honored guest," I replied. "My house is yours."

"And I in turn reaffirm my oath to you," he said.

"I accept you loyalty and the responsibility I must carry for your loyalty. And to the noble family of Lao, to you and you daughter," I responded.

"You are too generous to a worthless servant."

"Your worth is beyond measure," I replied. "As is the worth of you ancestors and of your children and their children."

"To be a servant of Dai Ho is reward enough," he smiled, bowing his head to me.

I returned his bow.

"May I call for tea?" I asked him.

He bowed his head again in agreement.

"Are you there honey lips?" I called to Eleanor, feeling her mind touch mine. "I know you’re busy but could you get some tea for Tseng and I. He’s about to tell me he’s lost the swords. It’s going to be very difficult for him. I don’t want to leave him at the moment."

"The poor man," she said sadly. "Susie said it was something he has to do. It must be so hard for him. Shall I ask Angela get it for you?"

"Is she okay?" I asked her.

"She’s settling in fine," Eleanor replied. "She’s nice. I hope the rest are as good as her. We’ll get along fine, I’m sure. She doesn’t think it’s the least bit strange I can talk to her through her mind. But I will need to go shopping for her this afternoon - if you don’t mind. She has nothing to wear and no personal items. I’ll try and get her some really nice bras and dresses. Stuff I know you like. Oh - and Michael’s car’s rented, so we’ll take it to town with us and return it to the rental company. He probably won’t need it while he’s here and we’ve got plenty of cars, should he need one. "

"Sure," I replied. "Thanks, my love."

Tseng sat silently, gathering his thoughts. I said nothing.

In a short while, Angela arrived with a tray. Eleanor had given Angela one of her dresses to wear. She looked quite attractive. She set the tray down on a table between Tseng and I. As she rose, she brushed her breast lightly against my cheek. It was a pleasant sensation.

I poured tea into bowls for us. Tseng took the bowl in both hands and blew on the contents, then set the bowl back on the table.

"The family of Lao has failed in its sacred duty to you," he announced. "I have brought great shame upon the house of Lao."

"The shame is mine," I replied. "I relieve you and the family of Lao of the shame, that is my shame."

"Dai Ho shows much more generosity than the family of Lao deserve," he replied.

"The family of Lao have served me long and well," I replied.

"Dai Ho has always protected the family of Lao," he countered.

"As is the duty of one with such faithful servants," I stated.

He gave a sigh of sadness.

"The swords are lost," he repeated. "My daughter has sworn to find and return them to their rightful owner. She will not rest until that is done."

"It was written, by the great sage Lao Tse," I replied. "‘It is a wise general who retreats in the face of an overwhelming enemy. This brings no shame upon his army, or upon the general who leads them. Prudence is a sign of a great leader of men. To waste a brave army, is the sign of a foolish and arrogant man - and brings no honor to him. An army’s valor will remain intact, in the face of retreat, when lead by a wise general.’"

"The sayings of Lao Tse are indeed wise."

"The swords shall be returned to the safekeeping of the heirs of Lao Tse and the family of Lao," I promised.

"Then I am to remain you servant?" he asked.

"And you children," I replied. "And you children’s children. And their successors."

"Dai Ho is merciful, as always," he smiled.

"I am indeed fortune to have the family of Lao to protect my swords," I smiled.

He picked up his bowl of tea, from the table. There were tears falling down his weathered face. He drank his tea slowly, deep in his private thoughts.




Before dusk, Eleanor, Claire and Angela returned from their shopping excursion. Once again Tseng led Susie, Paul, Claire and John in Tai Chi, by the lake. Grace accompanied them, curious to see what it was all about.

Michael, John and I sat on the verandah drinking beer.

"Your lake takes some of the challenge out of fishing," Michael said to me. "I doubt it’s ever been fished before. I had to leave the net on the bank, to stop the fish trying to jump into it."

"But," remarked John, "you have to admit, my European Summer Dawn fly performs much better than your poor local imitation.".

"You can’t say that after only one afternoon’s fishing," replied Michael. "In poorer weather, your fly would be a total failure. Even these poor gullible fish would laugh at it."

"That’s not true," said John, defending his previous claim. "The Swedish have been fly fishing for centuries, passing their extensive experience down from father to son. My knowledge is the result of hundreds of years of careful research in the subject."

"That’s typical European resistance to change and progress," argued Michael. "If my father used it - it must be the best. Nothing can never be better. I don’t buy that."

"That’s not what I’m saying," replied John. "What you don’t understand is..."

"I’m getting more beer," I said, with a laugh, rising from my chair.

I went into the kitchen where Eleanor, Ingrid and Angela were preparing dinner. Eleanor gave me a kiss.

"Are the John and Michael still fighting over fish?" Eleanor asked, with a smile.

"Fishermen," I laughed, getting more beer from the cold unit. "I’d hate to tell them the size of some of the fish I’ve caught, over the last few thousand years."

"Oh yes," she replied, with a laugh.

"I caught a whale once," I boasted. "Not some undersize guppy from a puddle, like they do."

"You have to be tolerant, Captain Ahab," she laughed. "Not everyone feels the need to go fishing with a harpoon."

"True," I laughed. "Anyway - the size of the fish they caught, is always proportional to the amount of beer they drink."

"Yes dear," she replied patiently.

Later, we sat down to dinner. The main course was the fish that John and Michael had caught that day. I asked Angela join us.

"Will your slaves be sitting with us for all meals?" Paul asked me.

Claire gave him a withering look.

"I was only asking," he said to her, defensively. "It’s not normal to do that, is it?"

Susie translated Paul’s remark to Tseng. Tseng replied.

"In China," said Susie, "a place at a table is always left for the cook. It is a sign of respect and appreciation of their skill."

"I was only wondering what will happen when David gets more slaves," said Paul.

"I’ll get a larger table," I laughed.

"I know this is David’s house," Paul said, forgetting we were only hearing his side of his conversation with Claire. "It was just a question, that’s all."

"It’s a good thing no one can hear what Claire’s saying at the moment," Eleanor said to me. "She’d burn their ears off."

"Poor old Paul," I smiled. "He’s put his foot in it, this time."

After dinner, I went to my bedroom and sat down at the computer. I loaded some information and software from the computer to my smaller, portable model.

I entered my slave owner’s identity number Loretta had given me, into a government data base. It showed that I was the owner of four slaves. With the amount of land I owned, I was entitled to buy as many as I wanted - within reason - to help work it. The gender didn’t matter. I was interested where Loretta had obtained my slaves and who they were before.

Once I had all my slave’s numbers, I accessed the federal legal data base, to obtain details of their convictions. I didn’t get many details. I contacted Isabel’s office and gave her the court case numbers of each of my slaves and left instructions for her to see if there were any grounds for an appeal to the courts, against their convictions. Since the data base wouldn’t give me any information about my slave’s past, I asked Isabel to do a little digging and find out as much as she could about them.

Eleanor was sitting when I joined her. I gave Eleanor a kiss and a hug.

"I left a message for Isabel to see if there are grounds to appeal against Angela’s conviction," I told Eleanor.

"You’re a lovely man for trying," said Eleanor, "but I’ve never heard of one ever being successful. Slavery is always for life."

"I know," I smiled. "But I thought it might be worth a try. Not everyone can afford the expensive legal muscle I have. It might make a difference."

"I don’t know if it would help much even if Isabel did succeed in an appeal," she said sadly.

"Why not?"

"I had a look in Angela’s mind," Eleanor replied. "All her memories have been completely erased. They’re not just blocked off - they simply don’t exist any more. The programming Mum has given her is permanent. She’d want to be your slave, even if you did set her free. Nothing would really change, even if Isabel won an appeal against her sentence. Angela would still be your slave, one way or the other."

"Then I’ve just wasted my time this evening, haven’t I?" I said.

"I really love you," she smiled, holding my hand. "It was a kind and caring thing to do, all the same."

"Is she a telepath?" I asked.

"I don’t think so," Eleanor replied, thoughtfully. "She’s highly sensitive though. She does pick up on things. I can talk to her mentally but the rest of the women can’t. That’s just my special talent at work and not necessarily any abilities she has."

We sat for a moment.

"Does Angela obey you?" I asked.

"No," laughed Eleanor. "Of course not."

"But she was helping you and Ingrid make dinner," I said.

"She did that because she wanted to," Eleanor replied. "You’re the only person she will ever obey. I can’t make her obey me, anymore than anyone else can."

"How’s it going to work then?" I asked. "I thought you were going to control her. We’ve got another three on the way."

"Don’t worry," Eleanor smiled. "I’m sure it will work out okay."

I thought for a moment.

"I want to thank you and Claire for taking her into town today - to buy the things she needed."

"It was fun," Eleanor replied. "She certainly has a lot better range of underwear now. I bought her all the sorts of things I know you like me in. The same goes for dresses. I know you didn’t want her looking unattractive."

"But aren’t you afraid I might find her attractive?" I asked. "I’m sure that’s what Loretta had in mind when she designed her."

"Why shouldn’t you find her attractive?" she asked in return, with a smile. "She’s not an ugly woman, by any means. Especially if you like plump women with huge bosoms - and I know you do."

"But what if I wanted to have sex with her," I said. "Or kiss her. Or play with her breasts or something."

"That’s very possible," she agreed, still smiling at me. "And it would be would be part of Angela’s programming to encourage you to do just that - if I know my mother’s devious mind."

"And there’s going to be another three just like her," I stated. "Maybe even more in the future."

"If the foundation grows the way I’m hoping," she said, "I expect four won’t be nearly enough."

"Then why not use the control you have over me, so I can’t do anything like that with any of them," I suggested.

"No," she said flatly.

"Why not?"

"Because - that’s exactly what my mother is hoping I’ll do," replied Eleanor. "It’s her crafty mind that created the problem. If I was to control you like you suggested, I’d make things much worse, in the long run. It would eventually lead to resentments between us - and that would gradually erode our relationship."

"I’m confused," I said, slumping back in the chair and taking a deep breath.

Angela arrived with a tray, set it on a table then left Eleanor and I alone again.

"What say we talk about it later?" said Eleanor. "After you’ve had some time to think about it a little more."

Claire and Ingrid joined us. From there on, I didn’t feel part of the conversation - most of which I couldn’t hear anyway - so I went for a walk around the lake. I had some thinking to do. When I eventually returned to the lodge, much later, Eleanor was asleep. She’d placed a note on my pillow, telling me she loved me. I fed from her breasts without disturbing her.




I awoke before sunrise and milked Eleanor while she still slept. Then I dressed and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. The lodge was quiet, as I sat at the table.

Angela entered the kitchen dressed in a full length, silky, blue dressing gown and a bra.

"Good morning," she said softly. "Can I get you anything?"

I shook my head and thanked her. She made herself a cup of coffee and sat opposite me.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked her.

"Yes, thank you," she smiled. "My room is very nice. I’m very happy to belong to you."

"You don’t have to get up, because I’m awake, you know," I said to her. "I’m always awake. I don’t need a lot of sleep."

"I don’t mind," she smiled.

She waited for me to speak. I looked down at her immense heavy bosom, resting on the table.

"I’ve got a problem," I said.

"Yes?" she smiled.

"Are you aware that you’ve been programmed to think and feel in a certain way?" I asked her.

"Yes," she replied. "I’ve been programmed to be your slave. To love and obey you, for as long as I live."

"How do you feel about that?" I asked.

"I think it’s wonderful," she smiled.

"Are you aware that you body was designed to be attractive to me?"

"Yes," she said again, running her hands lightly over her bosom. "My breasts are supposed to be the size and shape you like."

I paused to frame my next question in my mind.

"Will you obey any command I give you?" I asked.

"Yes, willingly," she answered, with a smile, "except where a command would contradict my programming."

"I don’t know the content or extent of your programming," I said. "Do you?"

"No," she said.

Again I paused. She waited patiently for me to continue.

"If I ordered you not to be attracted to me, would you do it?" I asked.

"I wouldn’t be able to do that," she replied. "Your command would contradict my programming. I want to be as attracted to you. I want you to be attracted to me."

I scratched my head in frustration. There didn’t seem to be anyway around the problem.

"Can I make you something to eat?" she asked me.

"No thank you," I replied. "I don’t eat much these days."

Angela rose from the table and made me a fresh cup of coffee. Then she left to get dressed.

Michael and John entered the kitchen.

"Are you two going paddling in the lake again?" I asked with a smile.

"Certainly not," Michael said. "A ridiculous idea."

"A ridiculous idea," echoed John.

"You both seem dressed for it, however," I observed.

"Instead, we’ve found a stream - not a lake - to paddle in this morning," replied Michael, with a laugh.

"But not just any stream," John added, turning to Michael for confirmation. "The sort of stream only a fisherman - that’s a man with a real soul - could truly appreciate. We should be there by dawn."

"Absolutely," nodded Michael to him, in agreement. "My thoughts exactly."

They started a friendly argument between themselves about fish. I took my cup of coffee out the verandah for a little peace and quiet.




The sun was starting to rise above the surrounding hills.

"Where are you, honey?" asked Eleanor.

"On the verandah, love," I replied. "I’ll come and see you."

"In the bedroom."

When I entered the bedroom, Eleanor was lying in bed. I sat on the bed next to her.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, taking my hand.

"I’m okay," I smiled, kissing her.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Okay," she said.

She waited for me to continue.

"I’ve been doing a fair bit of thinking," I told her.

"Yes," she replied. "I thought you might have been."

I nodded. She patted me on the hand.

"But - I’m sure you’ll find an answer," she said. "You always do."

I kissed her again.

"It’s no wonder I love you so much," I said.

She smiled.

"Have you fed already?" she asked, feeling her breasts.

"Yes thanks," I smiled.

"I must’ve really been asleep," she smiled. "I didn’t even feel you do it."

"Can I get you a cup of coffee?"

"That would be nice," she replied. "Thank you."

I went to the kitchen. Angela was dressed in a pink, work uniform, with a zip up the front, short sleeves and a collar. The zip was positioned to show the top of the cleavage of her breasts without exposing her bra. Very attractive.

"You look very nice," I remarked.

"Thank you," Angela smiled.

She lifted the hem of her uniform and showed me the full length girdle she wore.

"Do you think I should wear a girdle when I’m working?" she asked. "It does give my hips a nice shape in this dress. I really feel it’s the sort of underwear I should be wearing."

I nodded and went to make a coffee.

"I’ve made you one already," she said, handing me a cup.

"How did you know?" I asked, taking the cup from her.

"I had a feeling you wanted one," she replied, with a smile.

"Thank you," I said.

I returned to the bedroom and placed the cup on the table next to Eleanor.

"We have another telepath coming this morning," Eleanor announced. "Her name is Pamela. We were in contact with her last night, when you were out walking."

"Good," I said. "I wonder if we’re going to run out of rooms shortly."

"We still have a few left," she smiled.

"I’ll do something about that today anyway."

"Mum has the next slave ready for you," Eleanor continued. "Sooner than expected. She’s really enjoying doing this. Your new lady’s being delivered to the airport this morning. If you like, Ingrid and I can pick her up at the same time we get Pamela?"

"Fine," I smiled. "Looks like another busy day at the Fine Arts Foundation. Who knows, you all might actually get around to doing a painting, between the lot of you, sometime, perhaps."

She looked at me and smiled.

"You’re still worried about the effect Angela is having on you, aren’t you?" she said.

"Yes," I answered. "I still find myself attracted to her. She’s wearing a uniform type of dress this morning and I told her she looked nice in it, because I thought she did. Then she showed me the girdle she had on. Your mother is a very clever woman - in a strange sort of way. She seems to know what I find attractive in a woman and has designed Angela that way. Even though you said they had to be elderly, she seems to have got around that quite neatly. And they don’t even look that elderly, as it happens. More like middle aged."

"I know, my love," she said sympathetically. "And you’re right – My mother is very clever. I really wish I could help. But if I did, I feel I’d be playing right into her hands. She wants me to control you. She believes that’s how I’ll keep you. She just doesn’t understand who you are and I would certainly never tell her."

"I think it’s going to be a testing time for you," I said. "You’ve got a foundation to organize and run. Telepaths to train. A husband whose having an affair with the maid. The list just goes on."

I paused.

"I hope it’s not going to be too much for you," I continued. "If I thought it was, I’d pull the pin on the whole thing and get us out of here, while we’re still both half sane."

She gave my arm a squeeze.

"Please remember this," she assured me. "No mater what happens, no matter what you do, I’ll understand. I know you love me and I’ll always love you, no matter what.."

"Okay," I said, kissing her, "and thanks. "I’ve never had to face anything quite like this before. When it got uncomfortable in the past - I left. But I not going to leave you."

"It’s okay," she said, stroking my hand. "Are you feeling just a little less worried now?"

"I think so," I said, kissing her. "You are one hell of a woman."

"You deserve the very best," she laughed. "You’re my man and my mind bonded partner. No other woman on Earth can be that for you."

I thought for a second.

"Is it possible Loretta did more to my head than just implant the controller?" I asked. "Or am I just getting more paranoid than usual? I’ve looked around inside my brain but I can’t find anything out of place. I’m pretty sure I’d know if anything was different."

"Remember, anything is possible, my love," she said sadly. "But I very much doubt would she’d resort to that. Let’s just wait and see. I know Loretta doesn’t want to destroy our relationship. That much I can be sure of. She actually believes she’s helping - in her own strange way."

While Eleanor was in the bathroom, I used the computer to order two large, luxury, transportable accommodation buildings, to be delivered by heavy lifter as soon as possible. The company replied they’d be delivered in a few hours. Now that’s what I call service. Connecting up the pipes and power will keep me occupied for the morning and give me time to think.




© 2002 by Dave Hicks. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.