Crystal's StorySite


The Lovely Couple

by Jennifer White


At first, things were magical with Mark and Caroline. He swept her off her feet. He came from a family with money, so he was so wonderful to her, whether it was jetting off to the Bahamas for a weekend at a posh resort, or buying her jewelry, taking her to New York to see Broadway musicals, going out to dinner at the nicest places in town, or going out dancing afterwards.

He was divorced, and had two children from her previous marriage. Caroline loved children, and treated them nicely, even if they were a little on the spoiled brat side, and they didn't give her much respect. Why should they? Had had lots of girlfriends since the divorce, so they didn't view her as anything special.

But as Mark and Caroline's love grew together, even the kids started treating her better. They made big plans for the wedding, which was a lavish affair at the church then the country club for the party afterwards.

It was lavish, with hundreds of people there. They danced on into the night, then went to the hotel down the street, where he had reserved the honeymoon suite.

They went to Paris and London for a two week honeymoon, flying in first class. On the way back, they planned their future together. Mark suggested that since they were going to start a family, perhaps it would be better of Caroline quit her job. That way, she'd be able to stay home with his kids for now, and soon, with *their* babies.

She was glad to do it. They didn't need the money. He had a good job, and of course the monthly allowance from the family trust fund. So when she returned from the long trip, she gave her two weeks notice.


But over time, things started to slowly change, at first in subtle ways. But as time wore on, Caroline realized more and more that she had made a very big mistake.

At first, he had talked about "our money". But now, it was "my money" and "your money". A typical 'discussion' came one day when he arrived home from work.

"Honey, there's a huge sale this weekend and I want buy this dress. Isn't it cute?"

She handed him the sale flyer from the paper.

"With what money? You're not spending *my* money on something frivolous like that. You can spend your own money if you want it so bad."

"But *I* don't have any money. *I* stayed at home, like *you* wanted, so I could raise your children. You're treating me like I'm a daycare center for them, but without pay."

"You just want my money. It's always the money."

"No! When's the last time I bought something for me? I've bought the groceries. I bought your kid's clothing. I bought them school supplies. Nothing for *me*. You don't give me anything!"

"I give you a roof over your head. I give you food on the table. I'm out there working hard every day, and when I come home, this is what I get in thanks!"


It was typical. He was unreasonable, and she ended up in tears. He became very controlling, not wanting her to go out and see her friends anymore. He got very jealous of anything she did outside the home.

He constantly cut her down. If she spent all day working in the yard, making it look nice, he'd scoff at her work, saying that a couple of teenagers with a shovel and a rake could have done a better job. He'd tell her she was lazy, and good for nothing.

She redid the den, in a color which he had insisted on using, against her urging.

"It will look too dark" she said.

"No, we're going to use this one" he demanded.

So what happened when she got done, and he returned home from work?

"It's too dark in here. You need to get a new color and redo it" he said.

Caroline was enraged. He never listened to her. He was mean to her. He was never loving and tender anymore. Even in bed, where things had still been working, he didn't want to pay her any attention anymore. He just wanted to use her quickly, then go to sleep.

Caroline quietly went on birth control pills. She decided that she didn't want Mark's baby anymore. She cried herself to sleep almost every night. She *had* made a terrible mistake, and had ruined her life. She no longer felt pretty. She no longer felt cherished. She only felt shame and anger. She was trapped. And even if she filed for divorce, the prenuptial agreement would keep her from getting anything. Her apartment was gone, her job was gone, her friends thought she didn't like them anymore, so they stopped calling. She was lost and alone.

* * *


One day the next week, Caroline was out shopping when she ran into an old friend. Betsy was a surgeon, and between her busy schedule and Caroline's insanely jealous husband, they never had time to get together. They decided to have a quick lunch together, right then and there.

"So, how's married life treating you?" said Betsy.

That did it. All the pent up emotions inside Caroline burst open. She was in tears, explaining to her friend what had happened, and how her life had been ruined by this terrible man.

"He makes me feel like I'm nothing" she sobbed. "He makes me feel like I'd be better off if I didn't exist."

"Don't talk that way dear" said Betsy, trying her eyes. "You have options still. Why don't you just leave him?"

"I can't. I have nothing. No job, no money, no where to live. The car is in his company's name, so even that's not mine. All I have is my clothes, and a few possessions. I'm trapped. I can't go."

Betsy was quiet for a few moments. She seemed to be wrestling with her conscious. And in fact she was.


"Caroline, I want to help. But we have to be careful. I could lose my medical license if people found out about what I'm going to do for you."

"What's that?"

"Let me tell you. Here's the plan....."

* * *


It took weeks of careful planning, but at last, it was time to put the plan into action. Caroline started things off one night when Mark was on top of her in bed.

"Something feels funny" she said.

"What?" he replied.

"You feel funny inside me."

She touched his manhood gently.

"I think I feel a lump" she said.

"What lump. I don't feel anything."

"Please, can we get this looked at? Something isn't right, and I want to make sure that you're ok. What harm could it do to check this out?"

"Well, ok, make an appointment for me."

Perfect. She had him now. If he hadn't been so lazy that he pushed everything like making appointments off to her, then the plan wouldn't have succeeded. But now he had fallen into the trap.


Three days later, a concerned looking Caroline sat with Mark holding his hand, as Dr. Betsy Collins looked over the test results.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but I have some very bad news" she said.


"You have cancer."


There was a stunned silence. Nobody ever thinks they're going to get something terrible like that. Everyone thinks they are immortal, until something grave like this strikes. Especially men, who never want to do anything preventative.

"There must be a mistake. Lets get a second opinion."

"There is no mistake. You can clearly see the cells are cancerous. I had two other doctors at the clinic read the results, and they concur. There is no doubt that you have cancer."

"What do I do then?" he said, scared for the first time in his life.

"We need to operate. Now."

"I don't know if I want to be cut into down there..."

"I'm sorry Mark, but I need to be blunt here. Cancer can spread. If you do not have an operation immediately, it *will* spread, and you will die. Your only choices are: get the operation now, and have an 80% chance to live 20 years or more. Or you can do nothing, and I give you a 95% chance of being dead in three months."


It was horrible. Faced with such low odds of survival, Mark made the only decision possible: he signed the papers for the surgery, which would take place in two days.

Caroline wept, until the point that he was sick of all her sniveling. What did she care about him anyway?

* * *


The day came, and Mark went into the hospital for his surgery. Dr. Collins gave Caroline a wink as she watched them wheel Mark off into the pre-op area, where he would be prepped for surgery.


Caroline had to wait hours and hours before they were done with him. Then she went to the recovery room to sit by his bedside until he woke up.


"How'd it go, doc" whispered Mark hoarsely.

"I've got good news and bad news" she replied. "The good news is that we were able to remove all of the cancerous cells. The bad news however, is that they had spread throughout your reproductive system."

"What does that mean?"

"We had to remove it."

"Remove what?"

"Your reproductive system."

"You mean...."

"Yes. I'm afraid that you no longer have testicles or a penis. They were full of cancerous cells, and in order for you to live, we had to cut them off."

"What do I look like down there?" he said, tears welling up in his eyes, like he had just lost his best friend.

"You look rather like a woman. We put in a slit that you can pee through. Once it heals, you'll look like a girl down there, I'm afraid. I'm sorry, there is nothing we could do."

Mark started crying.

"What is the next step doctor?" said Caroline, on cue.

"We start him tomorrow on chemotherapy. We need to make sure that there are no rogue cells left in the body. For the next two weeks, we will have to use toxic chemicals to kill those cells. We also will use several doses of radiation, to make sure."

* * *


One week into the chemo, Mark's hair was all falling out. Between that and the radiation, he was soon hairless. He couldn't get used to looking down between his legs and seeing what looked like a girl's anatomy. He wanted to die.

One day he felt so sick that he thought he was going to in fact. Caroline came in with the lawyer, at his request.

"I want to make sure my will is set as we discussed, so my children get all of my business and the trust fund" said Mark.

Even now, he didn't think of her as even deserving of his money.

"It is as you requested" said the lawyer.

"Mark is in no condition to make business decisions" said Caroline. "Until he recovers, I think that I should take over his business operations."

"I agree Mark. You need someone to do it."

He weakly nodded his head. If she did the business dealings, then she'd be out of his hair, instead of constantly being there by his side. He was sick of her. She had found this cancer in the first place. It was all her fault.

Caroline signed the papers, and was now in charge of all of Mark's businesses.

* * *


Caroline had been secretly studying Mark's business dealings. So now that she had the reigns, she knew just what to do. She jumped in headlong, made several crucial changes, and within a week, the shakeup was already producing results.

With her people skills, she moved the right people into management positions, and that would bring a payoff in the long term as well. And to top it off, she met with a client, and negotiated a huge contract, bigger than his business had seen in three years.

She also found several areas where Mark had been siphoning money off of the books, and into his pocket. Two of these she redirected to herself, but the others she put back into the company. With her leadership, it was going to change from being a money losing enterprise to one that made a large profit.

After what she had pulled off, it would be impossible for him to remove her after he made a full recovery.

* * *


While Mark slept in the hospital, knocked out by drugs, Caroline and Betsy gave him the hormone injections. They used laser hair removal on his chest, his face, his back, his shoulders.

Betsy performed one follow-up operation "to be sure that his cancer was gone". But in fact, she was doing something else: surgically creating his new vagina and his labia. Now he really was a woman between his legs.

* * *


When Dr. Betsy pronounced Mark able to leave the hospital and go home, it was a big day. He felt very weak, but he was glad to be out of there. He had large vials of pills to take every day. He had no idea that the pills he was to be ingesting were actually female hormones. He had no idea that the soothing cream they gave him to calm the burning sensation he felt in his chest, was really breast cream, which would have the effect of adding a cup size to him.

He had no idea that he was on his way to becoming a 'stay at home mom', while Caroline took over his business empire and his trust fund. All he knew was that he hurt, and he hated what he saw between his legs.

His skin was very sensitive all over, so Caroline bought him a soft silky 'dressing gown' to wear. It looked more like a woman's dress to him, but she was right, the soft material felt good on his sensitive skin. So when Mark came home, he was actually wearing a dress too.

* * *


After a few days on the pills after going home, Mark had another problem: there was a burning itching sensation in his nipples. Even the soothing cream that Caroline gave him didn't help things. The fact that it was really hormone laden 'breast cream' was beside the point. He just kept complaining.

So Caroline told him that she spoke to the doctor, and the it was recommended to use cold packs to ice down the area. She had some gel cold packs in the freezer, which helped him, but it was hard to hold them in place, because his hands got cold.

"I have an idea!" she said.

Caroline got out one of her old bras. After some protesting, she got Mark to put it on. Then she stuffed the gel cold packs into the cups. Now they were held in just the right place to soothe the itching and the burning, so he was happy.

Sitting there in his gown, with his bra stuffed with the gel packs, he was looking more and more like a woman. He had no idea that Caroline was actually preparing him to get used to having breasts. He had no idea that soon he'd be stacked, with even bigger breasts than she had.

The hormones kept flowing, and every day her turned more and more into a woman, without knowing it.

* * *


Mark was very depressed. The pills that he took were changing his body and his mind. But waking up every day and knowing that between his legs, he looked like a woman, well that was too much for him to take. Not to mention the bra he had to wear every day now, and how it looked like he had breasts. He felt like he was becoming a woman, and he hated it.

In his blue mood, he didn't want to eat. He didn't want to get out of bed. So it was very easy for Caroline to take over more and more of his life. Now and then she'd come to him with a paper to sign. He didn't even read them anymore. He didn't care. He just signed them, and handed them back. He wanted to go back to sleep.

* * *


It was about two months after Mark's surgery. He was starting to feel a little better now that his hair was growing back, but he thought it was strange how the hair on his chest wasn't coming back, nor the hair on his face.

But he was alarmed one day when he undressed to take a shower. While washing his chest, he realized something: there was quite a bit of swelling in his chest. He called to Caroline to come take a look.

"Look at my chest!" he said, alarmed. "My nipples are all swollen. The whole area seems swollen."

"It looks like you have boobs" said Caroline.

"Yes. And I lost everything between my legs. I feel I'm becoming a woman."

"That's because you *are* becoming a woman" said Caroline.


"You heard me. You aren't a man anymore. You're a *woman* now Mark. I've turned you into a female."

"No you didn't! I'm getting over cancer! I need you sympathy here, not sarcasm."

"There was never any cancer Mark. None. I simply got you to sign up for a sex change operation. And now you've been on female hormones for long enough that even your mind has changed. You're a girl now."

"No! I'm not a girl!" said Mark.

"Oh yes you are. You have a pussy now. Just like me. You have boobs now. Just like me. You wear a bra every day. Just like me. You wear a dress every day too, just like me."

"Its not a dress!" protested Mark.

"Yes it is. Ever week, I've changed the gown you wore when I did the wash. At first, it *was* just a medical gown. But now you're wearing a dress. You didn't even notice, did you? You dress like a girl now."


"Sorry babe, no ifs, ands, or buts. You are a girl now."

"No!" said Mark, upset and defiant.

"You don't have to believe me. You can believe the government. Some of the papers you signed were documents to change your legal status. Legally, you are a woman now. That's how you're listed in all the government files. You even have a new name."

"I do?" said Mark.

"Yes. Legally, your name is Therese now. You're a woman, Therese."

"No!" said Mark, tears welling up in his eyes.

"You've been whining a lot lately. Just like you used to accuse me of. You're very emotional. Just like you used to accuse me of. You're really a girl now Therese. I've turned you into a woman."

"You can't do this to me! I'm going to get an operation, and get this reversed! Then I'm going to get you charged with...."

"Hold it there Therese. How can you afford an operation? You don't have any money."

"Yes I do. I have my trust fund."

"No you don't. *I* control all your money now dear. And it is all sitting in a bank in the Cayman Islands, where you can't touch it. You have nothing. Nothing! You're just a woman now, and you're completely dependent on me."

"No...." said Mark.

"You're going to be the housewife now" said Caroline. "I'm going to wear the pants in this family. I run the business. I do the hard work. You will stay at home, cook, clean, and raise the babies."


"Yes. I'm going to go out and find a *real* man. You're not a man anymore, and I need someone. I'll find a lover, and get pregnant. Then you can raise our babies, while I go out and have fun with the boys."

"That's not fair!" protested Mark.

"But don't worry honey. Maybe you'll find a man of your own one day."

"I'm not going to have a man!" said Mark.

"Perhaps not. You're not a very pretty woman. Yet. But we'll work on that. You can get your nose fixed, grow your hair long, get a boob job, and a few other little things. Then we'll work on getting you into makeup. You'll be a pretty girl before long."

Mark broke down, and started to really cry. He hadn't cried that way since he was a child.

"There, there" said Caroline. "Don't worry Therese. Many women are emotional, like you are. You'll adjust to being a woman. And in time, you'll grow to love it."

Mark just sobbed.

"I control you now, and every aspect of your life. I'm going to help you become a real woman. And once you are, you'll find happiness. Won't that be wonderful dear? You'll be a happy housewife, living just to serve me."

Mark looked up, with fear in his eyes. Caroline really did own him now. He wasn't even a him anymore! His legal name wasn't even Mark anymore. Legally, he was female. She *was* turning him into a woman. And there was nothing he could do about it.

He was completely powerless, and there was nothing he could do. The future was sinking in for him. He was going to become more and more feminine, as Caroline made him into a woman. He really felt the lack of anything between his legs. He was a woman now. He was a woman. A woman.

Mark put his head in his hands, and continued to sob. He was completely crushed. Caroline smiled. Victory was hers.

* * *


"How are we on diapers?" said Caroline.

"Down to one pack" said Therese.

"Okay. Here's the shopping list. After that, little Timmy needs to go in for his shots. And you need to buy new shoes for Cindy."

"Anything else?" said Therese.

"I think you have an appointment for a manicure, don't you?"

"Oh yes. And I need to get my hair done. Can I have some money?"

"You've been spending a lot on yourself. I don't know" said Caroline.

"Oh please? I *had* to get those shoes. They were so cute! And you told me that I could get a new skirt."

"Yes Therese, I did. All right, go get your hair done too."

"Thank you!" said Therese, grateful that Caroline was so good to her. She couldn't wait to get her hair done. She was going to get blond highlights, and it was going to look so cute!

"I have a date tonight" said Caroline. "So don't forget to get the children to bed. I might come home late, or I might stay at his house."

"Have fun!" said Therese.

"I will" said Caroline with a smile on her face. "I will."




© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.