Crystal's StorySite


The Maid Will…


Karen Anne Summerfield

Writing as

Cynetta Cynthia Cynclaire

© November 2003


Part III

RCMRM Code MRM 1A dash 17:43a



"Your employer has a certain way with words, eh?" Heidi giggled.

Xora was just exiting a room as we approached and went in.

"Ah, Sergeant Mahler, good to see you again." A man in a suit stood as I was escorted inside.

"Mr. Dorset, this is Maid Mandi. This is Detective Mary Watson and Detective Samantha Evers." I recognized Samantha as the one who'd passed me the earring at lunch.

"Mary and Sam' are with the Maid Police. Mr. Dorset is the Prosecutor in Toronto.

"Please be seated, Maid Mandi?

"We will be recording this interview." He sat and turned on the recorder.

"I understand you did a remarkable job today. We thank you.

I told my version of what had occurred over the next hour, beginning with the encounter on the train.

"What happens now?" I asked.

"So far, Ashley is refusing to cooperate. We don't even know his real name yet. The evidence leads to the following preliminary charges: three counts of rape, aggravated assault, attempted murder, use of a weapon to commit a crime, possession of an unlawful weapon, impersonating a registered maid, wearing a maid's uniform in public for purposes of concealing identity, wearing a maid's uniform while committing a crime, possession of a weapon while wearing a maid's uniform and soliciting a prostitute."

"She solicited me, I'm a maid not a whore," I argued.

"The law need only prove intent, Mandi. Ashley believed you were a whore, that's all that's important," Samantha offered. "We don't prosecute those cases unless there in another crime committed. Cindy and Xora couldn't do their jobs if we did."

Mr. Denton continued, "Believe it or not, Maid Mandi, our laws were written to protect the registered maids as well as to keep them under control. They really aren't as one sided against you as you probably think." Even though I'd been a maid for only a few months, I found his words a bit hollow.

"The fact that Ashley committed his actions tonight against a maid has escalated the maximum penalties that can be applied when we win a conviction.

"It's my understanding that the three rapes you mentioned were also committed on maids," I pointed out.

"True, but they will be almost impossible to bring to court because the victims have all been auctioned and deported."

"I see. What will they do if Ashley makes bail? How will they prevent her from committing more crimes?"

"There is no bail for the crime of attempting to murder a maid," Mary explained.

"When did she do that?"

"About three hours ago, silly," Heidi pointed to my neck. "She swore she'd kill you and she did cut your throat. The fact that I put her out before she'd cut deeply enough, is immaterial. Xora, Cindy, all the others witnessed it and that your throat was cut are probably sufficient evidence to convict her."

"To answer your question," Mr. Denton spoke, "Ashley will be kept in a maximum security women's prison until conviction."

"Silly question – why a women's prison, Mr. Denton?"

"When arrested, he was dressed as a woman, obviously by choice, only a few years into the new millennia, Canada barred discrimination because of sexual gender and orientation over the strenuous objections of few conservatives in Parliament. They basically said, 'Fine, have it your way then pushed through legislation to mandate that if a person commits a crime while attempting to disguise themselves as a member of the opposite gender then the courts will honor that choice of identity and they will be treated as a member of that gender."

He started to laugh, "The women's rights groups were livid when a few women were found guilty and sent to men's correctional facilities because they wore pants, no makeup or jewelry and had short hair when they committed their crimes. They want their cakes with the icing on both sides, but so far they can't muster enough support to rescind the law."

"You'll enjoy the fact that Ashley will be fitted with a chastity belt before her processing is completed here, Mandi," Heidi giggled.

I smiled, "I'm not going to be politically correct and say I would not wish one of these on anyone else, but in her case, I do."

"We're done for tonight, Maid Mandi. As the investigation continues, we will probably need you to come in for additional testimony," Mr. Denton stood with a smile.

"Though you'd have chosen not to meet me in a professional capacity, I must tell you that it has been a pleasure meeting you, Maid Mandi. Good night."

"I confident that my next encounter with you will be under more pleasurable circumstances, sir." I stood and curtseyed as he left the room.

"Let's hope the doctor is here by now," Heidi escorted me to the clinic.

"Hello, Maid Mandi," the young Asian women greeted me. "I'm Doctor Anna Fubaki."

"Hello, Doctor," I curtseyed.

"I've been told you were quite the little superhero tonight.

"Please to help her with her uniform, Sergeant."

"There is nothing heroic about being bait, Doctor," I said with a smile.

"Still, in my culture for a young girl to place herself in harms way is what we consider very heroic." Heidi had gotten my sticky bodice open and bunched about my waist.

"Ouch," I squealed when her fingers painfully probed my shoulder.

"This will hurt, but for the moment then start to feel better."

I was totally unprepared for her hand gripping my shoulder and her other popping the joint back into place. I nearly fainted. "Now it start feel better."

She injected cortisone into the muscle then addressed the cut on the left front of my neck.

"You are a very lucky maid. This will heal without a scar.

"Please, when was your last tetanus immunization, Maid Mandi?"

"I don't remember." My reply warranted an injection in my arm.

"You may to be dressed to uniform again." Heidi helped me set my uniform to rights while the doctor filled out prescriptions then took two pill bottles from a cabinet!

"Pain killer and anti-inflammatory. Ingest per label instruction." They were handed to me.

"You be well soon. No excuse from chore.

"Good night, Maid Mandi."

Heidi retrieved my clothing and purse from her locker then took me to her car in the employee garage. "My apartment is about thirty minutes away, Mandi," she said as she turned onto the street.

"Would you like me to stop for anything before we get there?"

"Heidi, I'm very hungry…"

"I'm sorry, pet. I already told you I'm a cop first. I consider you my friend and you were put through a lot today, but I'm not going to violate your contract by feeding you before breakfast and not again until your mistress treats us to dinner and I'll not permit you to feed either." There seemed little point arguing that I had permission. I stuck out my tongue in protest. She laughed, "I will let you drink some of the contaminated water I have in the refrigerator though, if you want." I'd forgotten that Mademoiselle had given me permission to have three meals that day.

"Contaminated with what? Alcohol?" I smiled at her.

"It may be – the label carries a Canada Health warning."

The complex was a modern one and Heidi lived on the third, top floor. It was elegantly appointed with contemporary, comfortable furniture.

Once she'd locked her door, she took my hands and turned me to face her.

"I want you to treat my apartment as you do your employer's home. I want you to obey all the articles of your contract here in my home, Mandi.

"The bathroom is there and my bedroom over there," she pointed to two doors.

"You are on duty until I dismiss you. Use the toilet then fix your makeup, it is an absolute mess! You may use my mine - it's on my vanity. Report to me here once you have." Her orders were firmly stated.

Forty minutes later, I found her curled on her couch watching the TV and wearing a sexy sheer white baby doll set and marabou slides. She'd also redone her own makeup much more heavily.

"Maid Mandi reporting, Mistress," I curtseyed.

"I'd like more wine," she pointed to the empty glass on the coffee table. "It's in my fridge. There's a tray on the kitchen table.

"You may also pour a glass for yourself." Her attention returned to the television.

I served her and stood to the side.

Heidi rolled over and turned to stare at me, muting the TV as she did. I just stood still as our eyes met.

"You may sit there and share my wine, Mandi." If it was a game, she was playing with me; I was unsure of the rules. "Pose attractively." I moved to curl my legs back and rested my rear cheek on the plush carpet.

There was no toast; Heidi just sipped her wine.

"Your employer told me to 'use you'. I'm not exactly sure what she meant by that, can you expand my understanding, Mandi?"

"I believe she meant to remind you that I'm only a contract maid. I was given a job to work here as one. She gave you my services as you see fit you use me, mistress.

"I'll do my best to please you," I added. I'd hoped for something different with Heidi, but had resigned myself. She didn't indicate that it wasn't her intention to.

She slowly uncurled and sat up. "Stand and come over here, bring your tray!" I obeyed. "Sit close," her hand patted the leather cushion.

"Turn so you are facing me." Heidi fluffed my latex petticoats. "Move your left leg up under you.

"I do like this uniform on you," she grinned and turned to rest her head back between my large, false breasts.

"Position me and yourself so I'm comfortable here." I shifted both of us about until I felt better. "Mmm ... this is nice." Heidi snuggled a bit lower.

Seeking my hand, she moved it to her breast. "Other one too, Mandi. That's a good maid.

"I've the DVD recorder programmed to record the nightly news. There's a segment I think you'll find interesting. Pass me the remote." She depressed the buttons to replay the scene.

'Maid Police in action. In downtown Toronto tonight, a maid was attacked by a tranny suspected of raping maids earlier this year in Montreal.' The screen was a view from a camera on a utility pole on the block that I'd 'worked'. 'A tranny, impersonating a maid, attacked and held a registered Maid Mandi at knife point on Front Street. Maid Mandi, employed by Miss Stevens of Port Credit was recruited by the Maid Police to bait the trap.' The screen froze and Cindy and Xora were circled.

"Posing as street whores, these girls are actually Maid Police. When Maid Mandi was confronted and the tranny began the assault, your Maid Police went into action.' The screen unfroze and the picture zoomed to center on me then Ashley putting her knife to my throat. 'Imminent death was certain for Maid Mandi as the tranny reportedly threatened to slit her throat.' The view backed away and showed Heidi rushing in from behind, pressing something in her hand under Ashley's ear then Ashley crumpling to the pavement. The newsreader in the studio filled the screen.

'Refusing to cooperate with the Maid Police, Maid Mandi's assailant has only been identified as 'Ashley', the name she used.

'Attempted murder of a Registered Maid tops a long list charges being filed against Ashley and the evidence from the surveillance camera will carry a great weight when she is brought to justice.'

'In Oshawa, GM announced…' Heidi clicked off the set.

"Play with my tits, maid," Heidi murmured. "Mmm … that's a good girl."

We finished the bottle and Heidi got up. "Put the lights out, use the loo then come in my bedroom, maid."

Heidi stood next to her bed when I'd finished. The end of a light chain was in one hand and a small padlock was in her other. "Come here, I want to put this to a good use." 'This' was my nose ring. The shackle joined the chain to it.

"Get in my bed." I didn't question that I was to do so in full uniform, even my heels. She straddled me once I was on my back.

"Rules for you in my bed, maid: one, you are forbidden to touch your leash for any reason." She tugged it playfully and laid the thin chain across my lips. 'Open." Several inches fell in. "Good girl." She slowly pulled it out and rested it across my face.

With the bedside light extinguished, Heidi slithered down beside me. 'Hug me," she whispered.

"Rule two. Go to sleep. It's been a long day and we both are tired. It will be better in the morning."


"I'm not going to feed you this morning, Mandi, you'll appreciate your feast much better tonight." I was hungry! It wasn't fair, but I dared not complain.

"I'll be out for a little while, make yourself useful by cleaning my apartment." I smiled and dipped a curtsey.

"Yes, Mistress."

I'd no idea that her leash was long enough to give me complete freedom about her apartment, but stopped me from reaching the door by three feet.

Despite my chastity belt effectively preventing me from achieving an orgasm, Heidi succeeded in providing a lot of pleasure caressing me and suckling my then sensitive nipples. She did know how to pleasure a belted girl and seemed very satisfied with my performance.

Throughout the day, I diligently applied myself to the assigned chores despite the very irritating chain locked to my nose.

"Come in my bedroom, Mandi." Her arms were laden with shopping bags, which she dropped on the bed while looking around.

"I definitely see there might be an advantage to owning a maid's contract. It's obvious you've been a busy girl while I was out today.

"You may undress me, Mandi." When Heidi was naked, she ordered me to remove her makeup then she undressed me to my steel panty and removed my cosmetics.

"We'll conserve water and shower together." Holding my hand, we entered the shower. Again, her ministrations brought me so close as we shampooed and washed each other.

"I'm sorry you'll have to wear the same corset; I looked, but couldn't find a new one. I hope everything else fits." She had acquired completely matching outfits for each of us except her thong was soft silk instead of my hard steel one and she went uncorseted.

Black latex stockings were first as we dressed each other. "I simple love wearing rubber, don't you Mandi?" I'd uttered no complaint, but didn't enjoy wearing it at all

"My contract states, 'the maid will not tell a lie'."

"I take it your answer is, 'no'. Why?"

"I perspire a lot wearing it after just a short time, Heidi, especially doing my chores, but I do love how it looks."

"Thank you for being honest. Does your contract also state that, 'the maid will wear the uniforms provided'." I knew she was teasing with me.

"Yes it does. You've not heard me complain."

"Good girl."

Two hours after we'd begun to dress and apply our heavy makeup, Heidi unlocked my chain. "I suppose if I permitted, you'd complain about your leash too, so I won't permit that. It turns me on to keep you on a leash." No sooner was the lock removed then she clipped the end of a short lead to my nose ring.

Our long sleeved mini-sheaths were of heavy black rubber with heavy chrome buckled front closures. At the top of our cracks in back were heart shaped cut-outs; Heidi's just showed the strings of her thong while mine exposed my tattoo there and the locking mechanism of belt; it also gave me access to my ID card.

The chromed, six-inch heels of our front-laced knee boots clicked loudly as she led me outside to her car. Heidi put the bags with my uniform and clothing in the trunk then opened the door for me.

"I'll get in first and slide over behind the wheel. Unless your employer desires otherwise, I'm keeping you on a leash until I have to give you back to her tonight."

"Promises, promises." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Careful, I might convince her to put a ring through that too," she teased as I stuck out my pink tongue between my black patent-look lips again. We'd done our lips, cheeks and eyes only in black with long false lashes.

Mademoiselle met us in the lobby when we arrived. "You both look gorgeous this evening," she complimented. "I do like the leash on her, Heidi. I think I'd like it if you'd keep her under control tonight."

"It will be my pleasure to, Miss Stevens. Thank you."

"Heidi, please take her to the concierge so she can secure a taxi for us?"

The taxi ride to the restaurant was only ten minutes.

Once we'd entered the restaurant and the hostess had greeted us, she turned to me.

"Your Maid Mandi, aren't you?"

"Yes, but how did you know?"

"Your pictures are all over the TV, The Star and The Sun today. Even with the different makeup, almost everyone in Toronto would recognize you. We seldom have maids among our clientele, but it's certainly a pleasure to have you tonight.

"Please follow me, ladies." She led us to a corner table. I knew to remain standing until I'd permission to sit. Heidi rippled the leash and pointed.

"What will you do with the reward, Mandi?" the hostess asked while clearing one setting from the table.

"Reward?" Mademoiselle's questioning tone indicated that she too knew nothing about any reward.

"The papers said that the maid earned a ten thousand dollar reward for her part in capturing the Montreal Molester, ma'am, but one of the TV stations questioned if a registered maid is eligible.

"Would you ladies like wine or a cocktail this evening?" the hostess changed the subject.

"Wine, please?"

"I'll send the sommelier, ma'am."

Before he arrived, a distinguished gentleman came to our table. "Good evening ladies, maid. I'm Charles Butterman, the owner of Inn on the Avenue. My daughter has just informed me that my humble establishment has been graced with the presence of the most famous maid in the province."

"Thank you," Mademoiselle said. "I thought to give her a little treat by taking her out to diner after what she did yesterday.

"I'm Miss Stevens, her employer, this is Heidi Mahler, Maid Police and Maid Mandi."

"It is a pleasure to greet you and inform you that your meal will be on the house tonight. Please enjoy your evening." Mr. Butterman bowed and walked away.

Mademoiselle ordered a magnum of champagne. "You may open your menu and select what you'd like this evening, Mandi. Please do not embarrass me by getting too drunk, but I'll not restrict you this evening from enjoying yourself."

"Thank you, Mademoiselle."

"Tell me how you spent your day together, Heidi?"

"I assigned Mandi to cleaning my apartment while I went out to buy our outfits for this evening, ma'am. She did a very good job in the time she had available.

"When I arrived home, we cleaned up and got dressed for dinner."

"Very good. I'll not ask about your night, but I'm pleased you made good use of her then too."

"She's a good maid and I enjoy her company. Thank you for her use today."

"Would you like to use her more often, Heidi? I've not told her before, but she's shown some improvement in her chores in my home and I think I could spare her services say, for thirty-six hours each quarter."

"Yes, I'd like that very much. Thank you." They talked about me as if I wasn't there, but by then, I was well aware of my status and it didn't bother me like it had in the beginning.

'The maid will be loaned or rented out at the discretion of the mistress.'

"Do you have a regularly scheduled day off, Heidi? I might be able to arrange to have her there so you can spend the time together."

"That's very kind, but really doesn't matter. Mandi will be doing chores much of the time and she can spend time with me when I'm off duty."

"Very good. I send her on the second Wednesday of each quarter, beginning in September when she must report for her pregnancy test. She'll take the train to Toronto after completing her morning chores. I'll require her to be on duty at her normal start time on Friday morning."

"I'm sure that will be most satisfactory, ma'am."

"Have you decided what you'd like for dinner, Heidi? I'll start with shrimp cocktail then enjoy the steamed lobster."

"I love fresh oysters and will start with them. Captain LaBreau said she enjoys their fried seafood combination and I'll give it a try."


"Even though I'm hungry, my corset won't allow me to eat that much. May I have the duck a l'orange, please, Mademoiselle?"

"You may." Heidi refilled the glasses.

When the appetizers were served, Heidi placed one of her oysters on my bread plate and Mademoiselle followed it with one of her shrimp and a dollop of cocktail sauce.

"I'll never be able to eat all of this; would either of you like to try some of the duck?" They had severed and entire half of a duckling on the plate before me.

"I'm sure they'll put what we don't eat in a doggie bag for you, Mandi," Heidi offered.

"Or in your case a 'maidy' bag," Mademoiselle quipped. The food was delicious and I'd not be too proud not to have it for my supper another night. Neither my friend nor my employer could finish all the food on their plates either.

"Ask the waiter politely to put everything in a bag for you, Mandi." Mademoiselle told me once they'd eaten their fill.

We returned to the hotel and went to Heidi's car to retrieve my things. The time with my friend was over. Mademoiselle allowed us to hug and kiss 'good-bye' then took my leash.

"I really advise you not to drive home tonight, Heidi," my employer said.

"I've no intention to, ma'am. I'll leave the car here until tomorrow and bunk at HQ tonight."

"Wise decision. Good night, Heidi."

"Good night, Miss Stevens. Thank you again for the use of your maid."

"You are most welcome.

"Come along, Mandi."

"Bye, Heidi," I waved.

"You really like her, I can tell," Mademoiselle commented as we rode the elevator.

"Yes, I do."

"Be a good maid and I'll permit you to see her again."

In the morning, she us drove home and my routine resumed with the ankle chain and eating my meals kneeling on the floor. It was back to normal for me.

"Mandi, come here quickly," I was called from the kitchen the following evening. When I curtseyed, Mademoiselle pointed to the television.

"You've stirred up quite a debate, Mandi."

'With us tonight is MP Sir Reginald Farnsworth, MP Millicent Miller, Minister Angelique Laffite, of the Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry and Colonel Judith Holmes, Commander of the Royal Canadian Maid Police. Ladies and gentleman welcome to Canada Live Tonight.

'On Tuesday night last, on the streets of Toronto, Registered Maid Mandi was used as bait by the Maid Police to help them capture a rapist whom the media have dubbed the Montreal Maid Molester because of a series of serial rapes of maids in that city this spring last.' With the commentator's voice over, they played the recording of the crime from the street camera.

"Maid Mandi posed as a prostitute in one of her… ahem, more attractive uniforms, to lure the molester. Dutifully she reported to the Maid Police the suspicions she had formed after a person fitting the Maid Molester's description showed an exceptionally keen interest in her on the GO train as she traveled to Toronto that morning.' The picture switched to a series stills of me.

'In each of the previous crimes, the rapist…'

'A singularly attractive maid I should say.'

'I beg your pardon, Sir Reginald.'

"Ah, nothing.' I had to giggle. The commentator finished the story as the pictures switched to Ashley, still in her uniform and manacles before a judge.

'The Maid Police and RCMP have, so far been unsuccessful in identifying this transvestite criminal who goes by the name of 'Ashley'.

'Mr. Smith, allow me to point out that Ashley is not a Registered Maid in this country.'

'Merci, Angelique.

'Information leading to the Maid Molester's arrest warranted a reward of ten thousand dollars.

'A debate has arisen in both the media and Parliament as to whether a Registered Maid, Maid Mandi, is entitled to receive the posted reward."

'If I may begin, Tom?'

'Certainly, Millicent.'

'Yesterday I introduced an act in Parliament to prohibit the payment of rewards of any sort to our Registered Maids and in particular this Maid Mandi.

'The intent of the Foreign Domestic Service Worker Act, was to control these non-citizens and deny them the means to again commit acts of terrorism in Canada or any other country. Their only purpose here is to improve the quality of life for all Canadians. The payment of large sums of money to them, amounting to huge fortunes in the backward third world countries they come from, will allow them to again acquire explosives and/or other means to carry out acts of terrorism in the name of their misguided religion as they did in 2008.'

A close up image of me appeared in the background. 'Maid Mandi hardly appears to have been born in third world, Millicent,' Tom Smith said.

'What is her background, Angelique?' he asked.

'The background records of our registered maids are classified, 'Secret', and not open for dissemination to the public,' she stated.

'If I may continue, Tom?'

'Maid Mandi volunteered to place herself in grave danger to apprehend the Montreal Molester of Maids,' the Minister of the RCMRM said.

"I did not volunteer," I mumbled.

"Be quiet, Mandi, or return to your chores in the kitchen," she ordered.

'Ashley attempted to kill her on Tuesday by cutting her throat. The fact is - what Maid Mandi did was a great service to Canada."

"She looks Brazilian," MP Miller interrupted. "Hardly an advanced nation." I had to giggle.

"Return to your chores, Mandi!" Mademoiselle snapped.


I was ordered to wear the same frilly latex uniform the RCMRM had provided when I changed from my morning one after completing my chores on my testing day in September.

"Since your friend will be using you to clean her apartment, that uniform should do nicely. I see no need for you to take any other clothing to Toronto."

"Yes, Mademoiselle." I'd been taught not to allow any negative emotions to show.

By then, I'd been her maid more than six months and only on a few occasions was I permitted to wear anything other than the uniforms that had been provided. I also had been given almost no days off.

'The maid will be granted days off at the sole discretion of her mistress.'

I had committed myself to be a full-time maid and my employer adhered to that provision in my contract far more strictly than the one giving me days off. I worked from five thirty in the morning until ten each night cleaning her house, making beds, preparing meals, doing laundry and serving her as required, seven days a week, every week.

My net pay was forty-seven dollars and ninety-three cents after the five-dollar banking fee and RCMRM fee were deducted. That varied, but had averaged forty-seven percent. To take the taxi to and from the train station cost me eight dollars each way and the train ticket cost eleven, one way. Every time I used my debit card to pay for anything, a five-dollar banking fee was deducted. Just to travel to Toronto cost me nearly one-week's take-home pay.

Additionally they charged me for my stupid pregnancy test and quarterly inspection and deducted fifty dollars plus the transaction fee from my account. After working more than six months, I had less than eight hundred dollars in my account and saw no prospect of greatly improving my financial situation. The reward had not been deposited into my account – I'd only a small hope that it ever would be.

Mademoiselle apparently saw no reason to remove my omnipresent ankle chain for my required trip to Toronto and I dared not ask her to. When the cuffs had been locked on again after my return from Toronto the previous time, I'd been stupid enough to ask, 'why' and been given twelve with the cane without explanation.

'The maid will be punished when she is displeasing.' Almost everything was spelled out in my contract.

While I waited for my required inspection after I'd provided urine and blood samples, I read the poster that had been tacked up in place of the previous one showing the minimum weekly wages for Registered Maids.

'The Minimum Weekly Registered Maid Wages for 2016


I walked closer to read the smaller print at the bottom.

'In 2014 the Asian economy with the exception of Burundi was in a severe economic recession. This, along with the greatly increased maid population in Hong Kong has driven the maids' wages in the base cities to near record low levels resulting in lower minimum weekly wages for Canadian Registered Maids.

'While the RCMRM makes every effort to control costs (our operating expenses have only risen 1.8% this year to date) the maids' costs are budgeted to average only $45.81 per week or 58.6% of the new minimum weekly Registered Maid Wage.

'Example Calculation: Minimum wage – deposit fee – RCMRM Fee = Net Pay

'$78.19 - $5.15 - $45.81 = $27.23'

I was disgusted; not only were my wages being reduced markedly, they were going to increase my banking fee by fifteen cents.

Finished at the RCMRM building, I walked to Union Station.

"Hey, Maid Mandi." I turned to see one of the hookers who had been working the block the night of my encounter with Ashley. She walked over to me.

"Hi," I had never learned her name.

"I'm Bea, remember me?" She is a cute Asian with a child like face and infectious smile.

'Sure I remember you, Bea. How you doing?"


"What's with the bondage, Mandi?" She was staring at my feet.

"My employer decided it's to be a regular part of my uniforms."

"Kind of kinky, eh?

"When do you have to appear at Ashley's trial?"

"I don't know, no one has told me."

"I think it's pretty shitty that Parliament won't let you collect your reward," Bea made a face.

"Anyway, good to see you. I have to hurry. See you around."

I made my way to the station, bought my ticket then had to hurry to catch the train to Ajax where Heidi lived.

"Hello, maid. May I sit next to you?" the young maid appeared very nervous. She wore a very nice pink gingham uniform.

"No, go ahead."

"I Maid Sue," she introduced.

"I'm Maid Mandi.

"Are you alright? You seem upset, Sue?"

"First time go Toronto alone, that all. I go Toronto for quarterly checkup.

"Master always take me in past. He away.

"More upset I not able to send money to mother next year."

"Yes, I saw it

"Where does your mother live, Sue?"

"Sebu City, Philippines," she answered.

"Where you from, Mandi?"

"New Jersey, United States of America."

"You America? Why you maid? All rich in America."

"No not all of us," I smiled.

We chatted about our jobs until Sue left the train in Pickering.

The cab ride to Heidi's apartment was six dollars and the train from Toronto had cost me eight dollars and fifty cents or forty-nine dollars with the fees, round trip. I sighed; realizing my visit with my friend was going to cost me another week's pay and soon nearly two week's pay.

Heidi's apartment building has a doorman and I had to show him my ID, my lip tattoo, as well as, having my eye scanned before he admitted me to the building. It was mid-afternoon when I entered with the key I'd been given. She had communicated with Mademoiselle that she expected to be home around six o'clock.

I'd been told that there would be orders posted on the door of the refrigerator. I was to lock my leash then begin preparing supper and start general cleaning chores.

Kneeling in the bathroom scrubbing the tiles, I wasn't aware of her arrival until she spoke to me and frightened me greatly.

"Is that any way to greet your mistress, Mandi? Stand up and do it properly."

I curtseyed deeply to her, "Good evening, Heidi."

"You can do better than that…" Her words left me puzzled until she said, "Now give me a nice kiss."

We embraced and kissed deeply.

"I've missed you, little maid."

"I've missed you too, Heidi.

"Put your cleaning things away then come in my bedroom."

Heidi was sitting on her bed waiting when I curtseyed again. "Come close so I can unlock your leash. I'm pleased to have seen you obeyed and locked this on before you even read my instructions, Mandi. If you hadn't, I'd have locked a lead weight on your ring for the time you are here." She pointed to it on the bedside table to prove she was serious.

The leash had been on the living room carpet, stretched out to its limit with the open padlock hooked through the last link; the message was perfectly clear to me. I wondered how she'd know of my actions then remembered her telling me during my last visit that there was an extensive security system installed there.

"Now undress me. My baby doll drawer is the center top one in the dresser." I found a black sheer set near the top that looked nice and put this on her once she was naked. "I seldom wear anything but these when home. After a day in my working clothes, I enjoy the freedom, but don't like just being nude," she explained.

She hugged me. "Be a good maid, open a bottle of wine and bring it with two glasses to the living room."

I stood holding the tray after I'd served her. "Come sit close to me."

"First, what's with the ankle chain?"

"Mademoiselle had me to put it on after my last visit with you and when I asked why, I was caned."

"You girls often have it rough… It's soon going to get rougher too, Mandi."

"I already know about the pay cut next year. That is really going to hurt, especially the maids who help to support their families at home. I read the poster when I was waiting to be inspected."

"Yes, that by itself is bad. Did you work out your net pay yet?"

"I'm not good at math, especially in my head, but I guessed it to be only about twenty-seven dollars a week."

"Try fourteen, twenty three, Mandi, after they deduct your pills. They are going to start charging you thirteen dollars a week for them instead of the twelve dollars a month currently.

"I worked it out on my computer," she giggled. "Actually, I looked it up. The RCMRM has posted tables so the contract holders don't have to calculate it.

"That's it? It costs me fifty-six dollars to travel to Toronto and another forty-nine to come here, Heidi. That's one hundred five dollars every three months and it will take me more than seven weeks to earn that much money!"

I changed the subject. "While I was in Toronto, I ran into Bea. She was one of the girls working the block the night I had the run in with Ashley. She told me that Parliament isn't going to let me collect my reward. Is that true?"

Heidi didn't have to verbalize it to confirm that it was; her face stated it clearly.

"The vote was close after a long debate, but the ultra conservatives succumbed to the public outcry from the right wing nut cases and won, Mandi."

"It not fair! None of this is fair." Heidi pulled me close and gave me a big hug.

"I'm off tomorrow afternoon, Mandi. We can spend the time together. What would you like to do after you clean my apartment? I'll take you out for a nice dinner and we can go to the cinema after, if you'd like?"

"I have to report back at my employer's and be on duty by five thirty Friday morning. In order to do that, I must take the nine thirty train to Toronto so I can catch the last train to Port Credit."

"Well, we'll still have a few hours together, Mandi."

She took me to her kitchen and talked to me as I cooked supper then invited me to join her at the table to eat.

"Heidi, I don't get to see the television or read newspapers, what was the justification for passing legislation to deny the reward?"

"One member of Parliament planted the idea that you're Brazilian in the mind of the public. Someone reporting for The Sun, picked up on your eyebrow jewelry; there were a lot of pictures of you in newspapers, magazines, the television and the Internet after the incident. He claimed that you aren't female and that got the religious bigots started.

"I was unaware of just how many very good looking transsexuals there are down there."

"So what?" I asked.

"Many of them are 'escorts' – their euphemism for prostitutes and pornographic models. The press had a field day publishing letters to the editor with every URL readers found to support the claims." She shrugged.

"The icing on the cake was a transsexual clearing Customs in Vancouver with explosives in her luggage. It pushed Parliament into acting against you."

"I'm not Brazilian!" I protested.

After I'd washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, Heidi took me in her bedroom and undressed me to my corset, belt, latex stockings and heels.

"These are just starting to flower," Heidi had started to fondle my just budding breasts. "Are they sensitive, too?"

"Very!" I was squirming when she pressed her lips to my left nipple and began to lick and suck it.

"Go find your lock, Mandi," she smacked my cheek causing me to yelp as I turned to obey.

"Heidi, the chain really is annoying locked there," I softly protested when she raised the padlock to my face.

"I can imagine, but it looks incredibly sexy on your nose ring." It clicked closed.

"Get on the bed." I laid on my back and was ordered to spread my arms and legs.

"What are you doing?"

"What does it feel like I'm doing, Mandi? I'm trying you down so you can't stop me from playing with your little titties. I want to see if I can bring you off."


Heidi had set me to cleaning her apartment when she went to work in the morning, with a promise to return before one o'clock in the afternoon. I cleaned, made her bed and did laundry then prepared our supper. When she'd not returned by seven in the evening,, I started to worry and when the clock turned eight, I began to panic. I was going to miss my train. My leash was still locked and I couldn't leave.

In desperation, I picked up the phone and pushed the numbers for Mademoiselle's house at a quarter past.

"May I have your authorization code please?" a female voice requested. I'd forgotten that I'd been told one was required and had never been taught that those numbers were to be entered first followed by the '#' key then the number I was calling.

"This is Maid Mandi…"

"What is your identification number maid?" she demanded.

"48297667ONT'," The phone went dead and subsequent attempts didn't even provide a dial tone.

The loud pounding on the door startled me. "Maid Police – Open the door!"

"I can't reach it."

The door flew open and a uniformed Maid Policewoman entered with a stun gun aimed at me. "Freeze!"

"It's clear, Amy!" she called and her partner slid around the door with her weapon aimed at me also. Quickly, she stepped behind me.

My left arm was jerked behind my back and twisted so the cuff could be locked then my right. The Maid Police carry rigid cuffs without a hinge or chain between them. The standard position they're used is to handcuff a maid with her hands back to back and her fingers pointing at her opposite elbow.

"Please let me explain?" I began to beg.

"Silence maid, you are under arrest!"

"But I can explain…" A rubber gag was shoved in my mouth and instantly inflated.

"Get the cutters for her chain, Amy." The first one ordered.

Before she left, Heidi entered the room. "What in heaven's name is going on here? Amy, explain!"

"This maid attempted to place a long distance phone call, Sergeant.

Heidi looked at me with a tear in her eye then shook her head. "I'll unlock her leash."

I made as much noise as I could through the gag, but it did no good.

"Mandi, stop struggling, you'll only make things worse than they already are. You committed a crime and will be punished for it.

"I'll inform your contract holder that you've been arrested." Heidi said as she stepped aside allowing them to shove me out the door.

A van was just stopping in front when we exited the building. Two more uniformed maid police climbed out and went to open one of the small side doors in its body. The space was barely large enough for me to fit when I was picked up and forced in on my knees facing the inside. They connected something to the wrist cuff from the top then bent my legs up to fasten another to my ankle chain. It was by these two points I was lifted off my knees and the door slammed closed then locked.

Over the next several hours, the van made several more stops and I could hear the other doors being opened and closed as I hung in painful suspension. Twice they must have picked up at least two during the same stop.

"That's it, full load, let's take them in, Jill."

"Coffee would be good now, eh? Your turn to buy."

I was in the same underground area of the Toronto RCMRM building when I was lifted out of the van and forced to stand near the end of a line of other maids in an assortment of uniforms. It was more than a line – it was a coffle.

A tight, high steel collar was locked about my neck joining me to the maid in front with about five feet of heavy chain. Another maid was locked to the chain at the back of my collar. With a guard at each end holding the leading and trailing chains, we were moved to stretch the coffle tight then we were marched deeper into the facility.

"There will be no talking when your gags are removed. Any maid who attempts to talk with have her punishment increased… Step forward." We were pulled five feet then stopped. The action was repeated numerous times. What I discovered was, that at each stop the maids ahead of me had something different done to them then the next one would repeat the step as she was moved there.

The first stop was to have our gag removed, the second to be watered and at the third we were given a minimal amount of grooming. The fourth station was for a full identity scan, which consisted of our chips being read, our ID cards scanned, a comparison of the number on it to our lip tattoos and retina scans of both our eyes followed by being made to kiss a lip print reader. Next, we were photographed and moved on to provide a urine sample then blood was drawn.

They then moved us to be stripped naked with no attempt made to preserve our uniforms or underwear. As soon as the busk of the black and white, vertically striped corset was hooked, I knew it wasn't going to be comfortable to wear. It was excruciatingly tight, when the laces were drawn closer together over the next five stops then tied off. A steel stay band locked about my waist assured that I'd not loosen it.

My ankle chain was cut off following that then black and white stockings were smoothed up my legs. The black above-the-ankle boots had extremely high heels, which arched my feet more then my seven-inch pumps, were laced on my feet. After that, a set of cuffs joined by a sixteen-inch spreader was riveted about my ankles.

At the following station, nothing was done to me, but the cart full of chastity belts told what was being done to those who weren't belted. My nipples were pierced, ringed and a steel chastity bra riveted about my chest was accomplished over the next three stations. The collar was opened and the cuff was removed from my wrists so a thick rubber dress could be worked over my body.

It had a tight hood leaving just the oval of my face exposed. It had snug long sleeves and form fit my body to just below my ass where it ended. A closely fitted, steel brank with a high collar was riveted about my head and neck and a set of hand irons with a spreader was riveted around my wrists. The coffle chains were locked to the collar, front and back again.

At the following station, they locked a heavy iron ball onto each of my ankle cuffs with two feet of chain between each of the balls and cuffs. At the next station, steel bands were riveted around each thigh and joined with garter chains to the sides of my belt then chains from the front of the bands were connected to my wrist cuffs.

Following these, they added a heavy steel belt around my waist then locked the chains from its sides to my wrist cuffs too, further restricting the use of my hands. Bond as I was, I was pulled along to the next stop.

"You are to only answer the questions asked of you, maid!" a woman stated firmly. She removed the gag plate and wrapped my fingers around it to hold.

"Don't drop your gag!" she warned.

I was dragged to the next station. "State your name and number, maid!" an older woman ordered. My ass was pinched to signal she'd address me."

"Maid Mandi, 48297667ONT."

"Let the record show that Maid Mandi has been confirmed as being whom she has stated to this court and that there is no current evidence of pregnancy or illegal substance use.

"Maid Mandi, you are guilty of violating Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry Code MRM 1A dash 17:43a - The maid's use of a telephone or attempted use of a telephone to communicate beyond the city limits without a Maid's Long Distance Telephone Use Permit is forbidden.

"Your records do not show that your contract holder has applied for, nor have you been issued a Maid's Long Distance Telephone Use Permit. Confirm in your own voice the record is correct."

"It is... correct," I stammered.

'The maid will not tell a lie…'

"Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry Code MRM 1A dash 17:43b states that a maid, with the previously given permission of her contract holder, may use the telephone for emergency situations. This permission must be filed with the Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry prior to such use.

"There is no record of such a filing.

"Do you believe you have been granted such permission to use the telephone for emergencies, either written or verbal?

"No…" I started to cry.

'The maid will be judged guilty unless she can prove her innocence."

"You are guilty as charged, unless you can prove, to the satisfaction of this court, that you are not, Maid Mandi.

"Have you any evidence to present at this time to absolutely prove you are not guilty?"

"No … I do not." I was sobbing – worried that the punishment was going to be far worse than my violation of the rules warranted.

I heard her gavel rap on the bench, I guessed that was a judge's bench and, "Maid Mandi is guilty and convicted of using a telephone without a permit or permission

"Maid Mandi will, as regulations stipulate, be branded to irrevocably show that she is a convict and not to be completely trusted to obey the regulations she is required to.

"Maid Mandi will be pierced and bear a convicts eyebrow ring for all to see that she is untrustworthy. Her tongue will be permanently ringed and rodded to be reminded of her failure related to communications.

"Maid Mandi will be transported to the Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry Punishment Penitentiary – Cockburn Island, to serve a hard labour punishment period of not less than thirty days. Ten strokes with the cane will be administered as punishment at the beginning of each labour shift, minimum.

"Maid Mandi's contract holder, having demonstrated a failure to properly instruct her maid in the rules and regulations of the Royal Canadian Maids Registration Ministry, is required to undertake a remedial course for 'Controlling Your Maid', at her local university. Maid Mandi is sentenced further to, one week of Maid Behaviour Education and a one-year probation after her release from the Punishment Penitentiary.

"Should Maid Mandi violate any Canadian law or regulation of the Royal Canadian Maids Registration Ministry during her probation, she will be returned to the Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry Punishment Penitentiary – Cockburn Island for a period of two years of hard labour, her contract canceled and a revised Criminal Maid Contract auctioned for a fifteen year term.

The gavel rapped. I was tugged to the next station in shock!

"Open! You will be properly taught to obey your orders and regulations, Convict Maid!" the girl ordered. "Hesitancy is disobedience! Open your mouth!"

As far as she wrenched my mouth open with a jaw jack, I felt she had dislocated it and vocalized my protest!

The three holes pierced in my tongue, while she painfully clamped it, hurt! The balls on the rods ends felt huge and the ring through my tongue seemed at least as large as the one in my nose. My gag was shoved back in and locked to my brank.

My other eyebrow was pierced for a steel ring with a black 'C', in silhouette, hanging from it above the middle of my eye.

With the gag still forcing my mouth, something was added to my lip tattoo at the next station.

I screamed and thrashed as the hot iron burned away my flesh deeply in the lower curve of my right ass cheek!

Nothing further was done at the next stops. I assumed the maid or maids behind me in the coffle were finishing their in-processing. We were marched through the building then onto a truck or bus where I was shoved into a barred cage about thirty inches square and three feet high. Once all of us were secure, the diesel engine started and the vehicle was put in motion.

It had to be the day after leaving Toronto that the transport stopped, but we were not released from the cramped cages we'd been locked in. I'd later learn that the penitentiary I'd been sent to was actually on an island.

The coffle was broken up and my blindfold panel was removed once I was standing on the ground. Looking about, I saw I was next a stout pole in a large courtyard surrounded by an imposing gray stone building. The chain at the back of my collar held me close to the pole. There was a line of poles on either side and other convict maids were similarly chained to them.

One by one, the guards, dressed in black leather shorts, knee boots and green blouses, unlocked one of us and led us through a door into one of the buildings. My turn came after about an hour.

It was very difficult to walk in my high-heeled boots with the short spreader between my thighs, longer one between my ankles and dragging the heavy ball chained to each ankle. Inside, I saw that there was nothing modern about this prison; it looked to have been built in the early part of the previous century or latter part of the preceding one.

I was lead through three barred doors to an office area then into a large, well appointed one. The attractive woman seated behind her huge desk smiled at me and nodded to my guard. The guard removed my gag.

"Welcome to the Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry Punishment Penitentiary – Cockburn Island, convict 48297667ONT. I am Warden Pennfield.

"The first thing you need to learn is that you are to remain silent unless given permission to speak. I strongly suggest you learn that quickly.

"You were sent here to punish you for breaking the rules. Do not delude yourself by having any hope that the purpose of your being here is to rehabilitate you or for re-education. This institution exists for the sole purpose of punishing you for your disobedience. When you have completed your sentence, the one thing that you are expected to have learned is that you will never want to be returned here."

Warden Pennfield glanced down to read a paper. "Your sentence is a short one, only one month at hard labour, convict 48297667ONT. By the way, here the convicts do not have names.

"Hard labour means just that. You will labour for five hours, be returned to your cell for four hours then begin another shift of labour continuously, until you have completed your thirty-day visit with us.

"Put her to work," she ordered the guard.

The smell of sweating human bodies combined with hot latex hung heavily in the large narrow room where I was taken. The noise was deafening and the maids struggled to move what appeared to be the handles of oars that lined the sides of the room to the beat of a kettledrum striking the cadence.

The guard dragged me over a solid wooden block, bent me over and buckled a heavy strap across my back to keep me there. I had only felt the cane the one time Mademoiselle had punished me with one. The ten delivered across my ass were far worse as the guard wielded the heavier cane with greater force. They were quite serious that I would remember these punishments for the rest of my life.

I could see sweat poring from the edges of the blind and gagged, straining maids' open faced stripped helmets, as I was taken to the first empty bench. "Grease it," she shouted, while pointing the metallic dildo mounted on the seat. Using my hand to dip it in the grease pot under the oar, I smeared lubricant over the two-inch diameter phallus then wiped my hand on the rag provided.

"Sit!" Reluctantly, I moved into position and sank slowly onto the seven-inch long shaft. Quickly, she clipped a chain to each side of my chastity belt, one in front between my thighs and a fourth in back, so I couldn't raise my cheeks off the seat.

My guard jerked the spreader bar between my hands until they were near the oar and locked a short chain to each cuff.

She then crouched to lock the chains behind each ankle cuff somewhere. It was no surprise when she locked the chain from the overhead that hung before my face to my nose ring. A gag plate was installed then the sight depriving panel.

I couldn't see what she did as she shouted, "Begin," and the mechanism engaged.

It was a strain to pull the oar far back to the stop and I quickly learned that if I missed the beat from the drum or didn't pull hard enough that both the seat and thing up my rear would deliver a very painful jolt of electricity.

My corset greatly restricted my ability to move as the exercise demanded, but I was given no option. I had to perform; it was preferable to the punishing shocks coursing through my ass if I did not.

As least I could suck water through the gag and replace the body fluids I rapidly started to lose through profuse perspiration. The thick rubber dress was not designed for the comfort of the convict who had to wear it.

I was exhausted at the end of my shift when the mechanism disengaged. The guard helped me to stand, but I was forced to walk several hundred yards to the cellblock where my cell was located.

Its door was heavy solid steel with a complex latching mechanism. Pulled inside by the chain in front of the collar she drew me to the far wall then locked the end of it to a stout ring in the wall.

"I'll be back for you in three hours, convict." The door slammed shut, locking me inside the bare, concrete room. The cell was only five foot wide and seven deep and devoid of anything but a white enamel bowl containing a gray mush and another containing water; that was all. A hole in the floor would serve as my toilet.

Knowing that I would need whatever energy my food contained, I forced myself to kneel over the bowl and eat all of the tasteless glop.

"Time to go back to work, convict." I'd been asleep and not heard her enter the cell.

She did not take me back to the rowing room. The new torture was in a room containing rows of vertical treadmills resembling the paddlewheels of old-fashioned, Mississippi steamboats. Each was operated by up to ten maids.

I was caned as before on my very sore rear then led to the second treadmill; the first had been full.

She installed the gag then gave me instructions. "When I tell you to, step forward, grip the handrail and start climbing on the steps. I'll lock your nose ring to this chain and you can guess what will motivate to keep climbing." The guard moved forward with the open lock in her hand and ordered me to mount the wheel. Quickly she had me chained by my nose.

My wrist cuffs were locked to the handrail then she applied the steel blindfold.

For the next five hours, I had to very awkwardly climb the steps and keep the wheel turning. If I didn't or slowed, the chain on my nose tightened and the resulting pain made me climb faster.

I collapsed when placed in another cell and fell asleep, totally exhausted.

There was absolutely no change in what they did to me and forced me to do while I worked off my sentence of thirty days at hard labor. I had quickly lost track of time and days, but managed to survive being worked for the five full hours, locked in a cell, allowed to sleep and eat, then taken to either the rowing room or the treadmills to be caned then put to work for another five.

"Your time at hard labor is over convict, my guard of the day informed me." She led me up a long ramp to the second level of the prison and into a room where four other convicts were waiting.

These maids removed all of my bondage and clothing, but the chastity belt. I had kept everything on for the full duration of my sentence. A snug collar of polished stainless steel was locked around my neck and one of the maids took me to a tiled shower room where I was permitted to wash and shampoo all the filth and odor from my body.

The new corset was more fashionable than the previous one. It was black twill and laced even tighter by the attendants. The stockings were heavy nylon then I was laced into a pair of black oxfords whose heels were just as high as those on the boots, only they were slender spikes. While the maids dressed me, a nurse came in to give me a checkup.

"You have permission to speak, convict. Is there anything medically, that you believe might require attention." She smiled warmly and spoke pleasantly.

"Does the fact that my ass has been covered with contusions and some healing lacerations, as well as, one deep scar count, ma'am?" I smiled.

"It's pleasant that you can still smile. No, they are expected side effects of your stay here. Anything else?"

"No, ma'am."

She examined the rings through my nipples and my slightly larger breasts then the eyebrow ring. "These have all healed nicely."

"Turn so I can check your brand." I felt her finger trace the grooves. "It turned out well. Some of the convicts aren't so lucky.

The only other garments I was given were a sleeveless black tunic that tied in back and buttoned at the shoulders and a half apron. They weren't done.

A set of chains was locked on. This consisted of ankle cuffs, a central chain, and handcuffs with a foot of chain connecting them at waist level and locked to the front ring of my new collar. When they had finished, a guard came to lead me away.

"You are allowed to talk only in your cell while you are here, convict. You may remove your apron and tunic in your cell, but all else stays on and you are forbidden to tamper with your corset or those of your cellmates." I was led into a room with barred cells on each side of the wide corridor."

She unlocked the door to one in the middle containing three other maids dressed just like I was. They were kneeling on the floor. The door slammed closed and locked.

"Convict Maid Mary, which bunk is open?" The maid pointed to the bottom one to my right.

"Convict Maid Mandi. On that bunk you will find two chains and a padlock. Lock the ends of the chains to the back of your collar." I obeyed. When I faced her again, the guard pressed a button in the concrete wing wall and one of my chains began to tighten, drawing me next to the end of the row of kneeling girls and down.

"Kneel like the others, Convict Maid Mandi." She waited until I had before continuing.

"The others completed their sentences today also. The four of you will kneel as you are until your evening meals are served. You may talk among yourselves in your cell. Get to know each other. In the morning you will be taken to a classroom to begin your week of studies.

"At no time may you sit on your beds. They are for sleeping and you will be told when to do so. You also may not sit on the floor. You may stand or kneel as your leashes permit." The guard left us.

"How long were you in for Mandi? The maid on the end asked.

"Thirty days. I tried to use a telephone.

"How about you?"

"One hundred eighty days. I was late for the train to get home after my pregnancy test and forgot to buy a ticket. The Maid Police were waiting for me when I got off at my stop in Oshawa."

"Yeah, they know where we are all of the time, Sui. I was arrested using a computer in the library to look up a book for my master." It was the maid named Sally. "They sent me here for ninety days because I made noise in the library when they came to arrest me. I didn't know the computer could connect to the Internet."

"I was arrested in the RCMRM headquarters in Ottawa because I'd lost my cap and wasn't in proper uniform for my pregnancy test. They gave me sixty days here for that. My name is Soo Lum."

"These chains are a lot more comfortable than those bars they had us in while we severed our sentences," Mary was fondling her ample breasts.

"I can tell you're happy to be rid of your bra too," I offered.

"Why'd they have to put rings in our nipples?" Soo Lum traced the outline of her nipple ring through the thin fabric bodice.

"I knew a maid in Ottawa who had served time here. I think it's so a lot more people can easily tell we are convicts. Marie had little slits in the tops of all her uniforms and had to wear a chain between them. She told me it was the law for convict maids. She also wore an ankle chain."

I thought it would be best not to volunteer that my nose had been ringed before I violated the law or that Mademoiselle also required the ankle chain.

When the guards brought in other convicts, we stopped talking and watched. They were in groups of four and had their collars chained together. With a lot of noise from their chains and the opening and slamming of the barred doors, these girls were locked in the other cells in the cellblock.

A short time after the guards had left, two convicts entered with a large cart. "Feeding time, girls," one announced. She started to push bowls of mush through the opening at the bottom of our cell door. Her partner worked the keypad on the wall a moment and I felt my collar chain start to slacken.

"Come and get it."

Bowls of water followed the food dishes. We could stand and move closer to the walls of bars separating us from the corridor, but not close enough to touch them. Soo Lum used her foot to separate and move the bowls into our cell so we could kneel and eat.

Though we had much more freedom with our chains than while serving our sentences, they discouraged me from using my hands to feed. It was easier to feed like a dog as I'd had to at Mademoiselle's. The feed was the same cold slop as I'd been fed in my cell for the previous weeks.

When I'd emptied my bowls, I shoved them back towards the door then used the toilet and washed my hands and face.

"What do you think these classes are going to be about?" Mary asked no one in particular.

"The maids who dressed me said they are about all the laws and regulations we must obey in the future, so we stand some chance of not being sent back here," Sui replied.

"I was told that they are also to teach us what might happen if we break the law again." Soo Lum offered.

As we talked, I looked at the two leashes each of us bore. One was to force us to the rear wall where we'd knelt earlier. The other could draw us to our bunks and would probably be so short we couldn't leave them at night.

Coffled, we were released from our cell in the morning and led with four other groups of convict maids to one of the classrooms at the far end of that level.

"Take the next empty space in the ring, convict maid," guards instructed as the groups entered the room. The 'ring' was a large circle of wood with cutouts for the front of our necks. As we spread out and were bent over, guards closed a steel band over the back of our collars while others spread our feet and arms to be chained to the maids' on either side.

As I entered my place, I had to bend my head back because of the molded cup that was in front of my chin. After she'd secured my neck, the post under the chin cup was adjusted so I could no longer lower it to ease the strain.

A woman stood patiently in the center of the ring until all of us were in position and chained. Her green and black leather uniform was that of an officer of the Maid Police.

"Good morning, Convict Maids. For the four who joined class for the first time this morning, I am Captain Landry, Royal Canadian Maid Police.

"You are to obey two rules while in my class. The first is to pay attention. The second is to not make any noise other than the rattle of your chains." She chuckled, "With the way you are stretched and locked, we won't have much of that anyway, but if it happens, so be it.

"The maid will abide by all the laws of Canada.

"The Maid will abide by all the laws of the Province where her contract is being served."

This was how the school class was conducted for the next seven days. Our instructor went on to repeat everything that a maid will do and not do. The list was not related to our individual contract stipulations and provisions, but the rules established and administered by the RCMRM.

When Captain Landry took breaks from her recitation, we were watered by a coffle of four convicts in striped rubber uniforms like we'd worn while at hard labour.

One of the convict maids cleared her throat when our instructor returned the third time. Captain Landry pointed to the maid with her crop and a fifteen stroke caning was administered to her ass by one of the numerous guards.

I could only guess that we had to remain in place about ten hours before we were led back to our cells and secured for the night. The following morning, once we were fasted in the ring, Captain Landry repeated the identical lecture and again each day until my three cellmates and I had heard it seven times.

On the eighth morning, when the other convict maids were led to class we were taken to the room where we had removed of striped uniforms, so that we could wash and dressed for the class. There were again four maids to remove our chains and everything we wore, but our chastity belts and body jewelry.

After we were clean and dry, we were laced into clean black corsets identical to ones we'd worn for the previous week then dressed in black uniforms with white petticoats and pinafores. They were quite short, with full skirts and long sleeves ending with white ruffled cuffs. While not fancy, I found the uniform to be quite attractive.

Black net stockings covered our legs and were stood in lace-up, above ankle boots with heels to force us to arch our feet just as high as they had recently been.

The maids took us into an adjacent area where there were four well-equipped and stocked makeup vanities. "I can fix your hair pretty, if you'd like me two, Convict Maid Mandi, but you'll have to do your own makeup after Convict Maid 71599319NB gives you a set of pretty nails."

"Yes, I'd like that please?" When I was seated, the one attending me turned on a monitor. She curled my lip back, "CM48297667ONT," then entered my number on the keyboard to cause close-up pictures of me from my registration file to be displayed. I then recalled being tattooed while I was processed, but had forgotten that detail.

"Before you ask me to give you a new hair style, it's forbidden, Convict Maid Mandi. If no one has told you - that is the way you are required to identify yourself."

"Yes, that was covered in the classes," I answered.

I felt the best I had since I'd been arrested after finishing at the makeup station. Convict Maid 31953821NWT handed me a cute white headpiece to put on then pinned it in place for me.

"What are you doing?" I asked the convict who had done my nails. Her fingers were doing something about my bodice.

"Drawing your nipple rings out so you can display your breast chain." What my cellmate, Soo Lim, had stated about these was true.

"This doesn't lock, but the only time you may remove it is to change your uniforms. Do not be caught without having it on display" The medium chromed chain looped from breast to breast over the bib of my pinafore.

"Go through that door so they can fit your ankle chain, Convict Maid Mandi," I was ordered.

Two maids were kneeling there with the chain. Each picked up one of the cuffs. "These fasten with hardened dowel pins." I was told as the two-piece cuff encircled my leg. The edges mated with intermeshing, closely spaced 'fingers'. She slid an anvil under the bottom edge and inserted a pin and one on the opposite side. These were hammered down with the last blows quite heavily applied. Her partner had done the same on my left ankle.

"You're done. Go through that door, Convict Maid."

Four guards were waiting there with my cellmates, Soo Lim and Mary. "Stand there," I was told, "until Convict Maid Sui is finished." When she came out we were marched, single-file, to a room near the warden's office. I quickly discovered that the connecting chain only permitted me steps of about a foot long.

"Go through," the lead guard ordered. "Warden Pennfield will join you for lunch shortly.

It was startling to enter a nicely decorated dining room. Five maids, uniformed like us were inside, but their function was to attend the meal. "Your new identity cards will direct you to your proper places. Stand behind the chair and place your card in the cardholder on your belt," we were told. As expected, my new ID card identified me as 'CM48297667ONT'.

"Good morning, Convict Maids," I was the first to curtsey deeply and greet the warden.

"Please be seated?" she invited after sitting down on my right at the circular table, Soo Lim was on her right with Mary next to her.

"Polite conversation is permitted. Starting to my right, please reintroduce yourself. Some of you have been visiting so long; I've forgotten your names." White wine was being poured in our glasses as we said our names and numbers.

"It is my practice to have a nice lunch that my chef has prepared with all of the convict maids after they are done visiting here." Soo Lim was severed a salad first.

Warden Pennfield lifted her glass, "I'd like to propose a toast – May I never see any of you ever again."

"My we never be granted the opportunity of visiting you here again, Warden Pennfield." My joke caused her to chuckle.

"I trust your stay was quite un-enjoyable, Convict Maid Mandi?"

"I assure you that your staff did their best to make it quite memorable, Warden."

"I second that," Mary offered.

"They do very good of job, Warden." Sui added with a small smile.

I enjoyed a very nice three-course salmon dinner, my first real food in six weeks. It was time to leave.

Unlike the way we'd been delivered, we walked outside with four guards and got into a van. The ferry took us off the island then we were driven to the train station. Each of us had been given a small black drawstring purse and train tickets to our respective contract owner's home city.

My guard hadn't spoken a word to me since we'd left the prison. Only when placing me on the train. "You'll be on your own from now on, Convict Maid Mandi. Your Contract Owner has been informed of your itinerary. Good-bye."

"Good-by," I curtseyed and boarded the train.

It had been evening when I'd boarded the train. With nothing better to do and no sights to view out the window, I went to sleep.

When the train stopped in Sudbury early the following morning, I had to get off to change to another for the ride into Toronto. I had been standing on the nearly deserted platform for over an hour waiting for my next train when two uniformed Maid Police came to check why I was there.

"Identification, Convict Maid," one ordered. I produced my card and she compared it to my tattoo. Her partner scanned me with a wand.

"Let me see your Maid Ministry Travel Permit and domestic visa, Convict Maid."

"I don't have those." One of them moved behind me. "I was just released from prison and I'm going home," I explained.

"Where did your travel originate and what is your destination, Convict Maid?"

"The Royal Canadian Maid Registration Ministry Punishment Penitentiary – Cockburn Island and my destination is Port Credit where my Contract Owner resides.

The Maid Policewoman behind me called in my identification and requested that they authenticate what I had stated.

"Stand-by," her jewelry voiced.

"My release document is in my purse, ma'am," I offered.

"Give it to me." My purse was searched before she started reading the paper and they received confirmation of what I had stated. It was returned to me.

"So that it is no surprise to you when it happens in the future, Convict Maid Mandi, the Maid Police are ordered to stop and interrogate every convict maid we observe. Usually only those in uniform will do it as the undercover girls don't often want to reveal who they are.

"In a big city, like Toronto, you can look forward to being questioned dozens of times during the same day." I wrinkled my lip. "Allow for it in your schedule."

"How long is your probation?"

"A year, ma'am."

"Be advised, if you break the tiniest law or do not obey every RCMRM regulation to the letter, the maid will…"


The End




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