Crystal's StorySite

This is a grown-up tale for grown-ups. Those who shouldn't read it shouldn't read it!


A Man Taken in Adultery

by Vickie Tern



"Well, you've begun them now!" Tina's voice said. "Congratulations darling, you'll soon be as bona fide a woman as any other! As I am! While I have the alcohol out, I might as well do your ears too."

And I felt a sharp sting in the lobes of first one ear, then the other. My God had she just pierced my ears?

"Just simple gold studs till they heal, honey. I've locked them in for safety. They won't come out till I take them out, don't worry. In about two weeks time, just stop by, no appointment needed. This design looks very refined, they're suitable for anything, from daytime scurrying about to late evening romancing. When you heal you can replace them with anything you like, but I wouldn't advise heavy pendants or chandeliers for maybe a month."

Pierced ears? Now I did give Carrie up for lost. My heart fell into my shoes, those flat scooped shoes with the deep vamp. My married life was over. Gail wanted to play with me as if I were a Barbie doll, so Tina was making me over to look like one. Carrie would leave me the moment she saw me!

"You may feel a little nauseous for a few days," Tina continued. "But this is a marvelous hormone cocktail! Your skin will feel it immediately, by tomorrow, and your breasts may start to bud even as soon as next week. Mine did. When these shots wear off in six months or so you'll be very nearly where you should be. All you'll need after that will be skin patches to maintain a modest dosage level, with a different patch to help you simulate your monthlies. Most girls wear them on the insides of their thighs, but maybe your thighs will be too busy clutching at your boyfriends' bodies? You won't have any problem attracting boys, honey, trust me. I don't! Anyhow, it's my gift to you -- think of it as a kind of jump-start -- all time-released direct into your bloodstream for six months, perfectly safe, no liver involvement at all so no doctors needed, and you won't really need another ever."

Whatever was Tina talking about? She once again motioned me out of the chair and led me to the dryer, and pulled the hood down, and surrounded my head with it practically to my shoulders. It made a loud wooshing sound, I could hear nothing. Twenty minutes later when she turned it off, the burning sensation in my upper arms had ceased. I could forget about it if I wanted to.

But instead, as Tina began to brush and stroke and paint my face, and began to talk about how eye shadow should be carried way out to the tip of the brow, I tried to pick up where we'd left off. "Nauseous, Tina?" I asked. "Why? From the piercings?"

"No, honey. The piercings and the injections are two different things, but I wanted you to have them both! Really, my heart goes out to you! Because I know just how you must feel, coming out altogether after all these years! Your first perm, your first manicure, your first everything! You must be feeling like a girl at her first communion! I'd give you a white dress to help you celebrate, if I had one!"

"Injections? What injections, Tina?" I tried to stay calm, but I was now beginning to panic.

Tina seemed very proud of herself. "Just a little something to improve your skin and your figure and your future. I wish they'd had that shot when I was starting out, instead of all those purple Premarin pills I had to take, three times a day, day after day for five years. This is everything in one shot, your complete adolescence. Estinyl Estradiol for your girlhood and Progestin for your nipples, and a few other things. It's magic, wait and see! Almost instant breasts, hips, softening of your face and redistribution of your fatty tissue, all the seductive curves any girl will ever want, and all accomplished in only six months! I'd have added some Aldactone to block the androgens in your testicles, so your penis won't misbehave and embarrass you while the rest happens. But I'll be rid of those dangly things altogether in only a few more months, so I let my supply run out. Your endo can get you some, or if you're shy I can put you in touch with my supplier."

Hormones? This idiot thought I was like him, one of his kind? That I want to be a woman? Just because I'm dressed like a woman and my skin smells like flowers and my eyelids are shadowed and I'm getting a permanent and a girly hair style and ...!

And it struck me. My God! How do I stop this thing from happening? The rest can be managed, reversed -- shave my head, maybe, and wait for that scent to wear off, then appeal to Carrie to come back to me, maybe. But now? Injected with hormones? How can I ever get them out of me again? I can't, he shot me up nearly a half-hour ago, by now all those tiny little time release droplets are everywhere in my bloodstream, depositing themselves in my body cells, biding their time. What will they do to me? Is there an antidote? Will there be anything left of me for Carrie to return to?

"There! Now go out and break hearts, honey!" Tina whipped off the pale purple cape covering me, and proudly turned my chair around to face the mirror.

Already there was nothing left of me. Under a cute, curly blonde cap I saw a sweet girl's face, wide-eyed, with a plum colored, pouting mouth. As I stared back she slowly lowered her smoky eyelids as if an especially wicked idea had just occurred to her, some new way to seduce me. Then she opened them wide again as if perfectly innocent. Her bejeweled fingertips flew to her mouth in surprise. "Oh, my!" she said. I said. That was me speaking.

"I should say so!" Gail's voice said behind me. I turned and looked wide-eyed at her. She was sitting along the wall, delighted. "Aren't you just lovely, Bobbi! A living doll! That hairdo is adorable! I had no idea it would turn out so well! Just look at you! What a waste that you've been a man all this time! Tina, you've out-done yourself! Yes, you'll certainly get that shop you've been wanting, just as soon as Jason signs the certification papers! You're a genius!"

Tina looked down modestly. "Thank you Ms. Hanover," she said, her voice trembling, deeply moved. "But really, it's easy to make someone like Bobbi beautiful. A touch here, a touch there, and she's exactly what you want her to be."

"Yes, I've noticed that about her. Did you enjoy everything, Bobbi? Your first hairdo and your first makeover!"

I was still preoccupied with whatever it was that Tina had injected into my body, so I couldn't answer. I just continued to stare wide-eyed at her.

"I think she's still a little overwhelmed, Ms. Hanover. I gave her some extras. Like I pierced her ears, because really, with those small ear lobes she'd always be losing clip earrings, and really, clip earrings are so ... nowhere."

"Why, so you did! Well! Enjoy them, Bobbi!"

"But even better! A boyfriend who's a doctor gave me some all-in-one, all-at-once injectable hormones not long ago, not realizing that I've about completed my girlhood, that now I'm on only sustaining doses. So I just gave them to Bobbi. One shot in each shoulder and in six months she'll be everything she's wanted to be all of her life. I thought she could use them. Her skin isn't what it should be, and of course a girl can always do with a little more up front."

"That's certainly true," Gail said. She turned to me with a curious expression and asked, "Bobbi honey, do you think you might want to inject those hormones some day? Become everything you've always wanted to be?"

She didn't know! I began to break down. "They're in me now, Gail," I said sharply. "Tina injected them without asking me!" And I choked and could say nothing more than that.

Gail heard the injury and fear in my voice, and her eyes narrowed. But she only said carefully, "A surprise gift for Bobbi, then, Tina? How thoughtful of you!" Then looking at me closely she added, "Don't worry, honey. You'll see, there are all sorts of advantages to this happening now. I'll see to it that you get every one of them."

I didn't know what she meant exactly, but it was a small consolation that she could acknowledge an injury had been done me. I rose from the salon chair feeling like a newly-manufactured doll, with my curly blonde hairdo and huge eyes, and my slippery women's clothes enclosing me. And my new, strange awareness that inside me my body had begun to transform itself irreversibly. We left through the same red door we'd entered, and then we both sat unmoving in Gail's car. Neither of us said anything.

"Well!" she said at last. "This is unanticipated. Much faster than I wanted anything to happen. Tina certainly does enter into the spirit of things."

She sat quiet, then added. "But it's happened, Bobbi, and that's that. I'm sorry you won't have the opportunity to ask for them, as I'm sure you would have one day. But I'm not sorry for you. If anything, I'm glad! As I've said, it's probably all to the good. Because now you can now feel all the more free to relax and enjoy yourself with me, isn't that true?" She turned toward me and waited for an answer.

I sat with my hands folded across my lap, looking straight ahead, and said nothing.

She continued. "Have you any idea how pretty you are right now, Bobbi? Tina really is a miracle worker when a girl has the basic good looks to begin with!"

Now she'd just called me a girl to my face, directly. She was accepting the inevitable, I supposed, and trying to help me do the same. Consoling me. Flattering me. I turned toward her and acknowledged her efforts with a quick, cheerless smile.

"What a frump!" was her response. Her voice took on a faintly annoyed edge. "Bobbi, I've already told you that this will all turn out to your advantage, and I'll see that it does. You're my companion, my girlfriend next door, moreso than either of us anticipated, and sooner, but just what I've wanted for a long time! I want your happiness! I think you should believe me! Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I didn't, not at all, but this time I nodded. I felt I had to.

"You'll love it! It isn't the end of the world, it's the beginning of another world," she said. "You may end up living in the best of both worlds. I envy you."

More silence. Then quietly, earnestly, worriedly, "Bobbi, you've been a dear so far -- I can see why Carrie fell in love with you. I know exactly why she'll never ever let you go, even if you don't know. You're so good! You're good for any girl's morale! You're willing to do anything I ask, no matter how embarrassing. Hasn't any of it been pleasurable?"

This time she waited to hear my answer. I thought about the times and ways I'd cum just in the last two days. The way the dress felt on my softened skin. I let out a small self-betraying squeal. "Yes" I said in a teeny voice.

"Yes?" She waited longer.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes. And now I want to reward you, honey. Jason will be bringing your dress and your other things from Yvette's home. They may be there waiting for us already." She started the car.

I still felt dispirited. "Ma'am," I said. "I'd rather not wear a dress any more today. Haven't I done enough? Can't I just wear pants this evening?"

"Bobbi, we're going to a very fine restaurant where only the men wear pants, and all the women wear dresses, rather elegant designer dresses too, women who are proud they can afford to buy them and proud of the way they look in them. They want to show them off to each other. You've seen your head and your face. You know what you look like now. Do you really think for a moment that you can pass for a man in pants in a fancy restaurant?"

Again she waited for an answer. "Bobbi?" she asked.

"No, ma'am." I said. It was simple truth. I'd look like a cute girl in pants. A darling girl.

"No," she agreed. "And if those hormones are what Tina thinks, in a few months you won't be able to pass for a man even if you walk into a restaurant stark naked. Especially if you walk in stark naked. So get used to it!"

I sat silent as she drove home. She was right. I looked now like the kind of girl boys take on picnics so after the hot dogs and potato salad they can lie down with in tall grass with them. Artless, a good sport, sprightly and pretty and appreciative. As easy-care as my hairdo. A fun-loving lay, a sure thing. There was nothing much masculine left in me. Especially in my blood stream. It was time for me to take up a new life.

And now, I suddenly realized, the problem wasn't how I'd feel when Carrie left me. It was how Carrie would feel when she saw me and realized she'd have to leave me. My poor sweet Carrie. I loved her, and she didn't deserve this. My eyes began to tear. I blotted them. But now I felt terrible!

When we arrived at the circle we drove past my driveway, soon no longer mine, and I looked at it wistfully as we turned into Gail's. There was another car already there, a yellow Camaro. I was in no mood to go out later, pretending I was a girl, and was momentarily hopeful. "You have a visitor, ma'am," I said. "One of those men who visit you regularly? Maybe he can take you to this dinner tonight?"

The idea amused her. "Oh, good heavens no!" she said, laughing. "I can't ever be seen in public with any man other than Tom. You know that! That's why you're no longer a man! But anyhow, no, that car's Jason's. What a marvelous notion, Jason one of my lovers? Jason's as gay as a song bird in the Spring mating season, Bobbi! He's the owner of the salon we just left, the man who taught Tina all of her tricks. Tina wants to marry him some day. He just did my hair while Tina did yours. Do you like it?"

I looked. It was arranged in the kind of artless disarray women found fashionable nowadays. Carrie had that done to her when we were going to a play or the opera. It was like uncombing hair, undoing it, but I knew it took hours.

"Tell me, Bobbi. Women always compliment other women on their looks. You may as well get used to it."

"It's the very latest, isn't it?" I ventured. "Carrie wears hers like that sometimes."

"Good try, sweetheart. But women don't enjoy comparisons with other women. We like to think we're each unique. A simple 'I love your hair,' spoken enthusiastically or dutifully is all women ever really expect from other women."

"I love your hair," I said dutifully. Then, trying to be nice about it, since women do appreciate compliments, I added, "It really is very becoming."

She saw what I was doing, and brightened immediately. "Do you really think so? You dear! Now, didn't it feel nice, saying that as one woman to another?"

She suddenly put her hand on my forearm in a gesture of sympathy. "Oh, poor Bobbi! I do feel so sorry for you, so many changes in so little time, and so many more on the way. But they're wonderful changes -- they really will all be for the best, we'll see that they are! Now let's go see the goodies Jason's brought us. I think your own hair's fabulous, by the way. So is your whole look!"

"Thank you," I replied. Oddly, her remark cheered me a little.

A muscular man in a muscle shirt came up from the edge of their garden when he heard our car doors slam shut. "Mrs. Hanover!" he said. "And this is Bobbi! Doesn't Tina do incredible work? It's true. I'm Jason!" And he took my right hand and kissed it before relinquishing it again as if reluctantly.

As he bent to that greeting I saw that his well-shaped head was utterly bald, shaved clean, as were his arms and whatever I could see of his chest. But his arms and shoulders bulged, every muscle carved out and distinct from every other. He saw me looking at him and grinned. "Yes, I'm a bodybuilder," he said. "Northeast State Champion last year. A matter of personal pride, but young women like Tina find it attractive, and lots of young men too. Feel my belly!"

And he took my hand and placed on his stomach just above his belt. It was like touching granite. "I'm just as hard lower down," he confessed to me confidentially. I glanced at Gail, a little frightened, and saw she was watching the scene with calm interest. "See?" he added. He took my hand and placed it on his groin. Through the fabric of his pants -- there was no denying it -- I felt his erect penis. We stood there a moment like that. I was paralyzed. Yes, it was a cock, a thick one and a long one, much like that dildo Gail had used on me yesterday. But this was the real thing. The first I had ever touched apart from my own. It throbbed! I snatched my hand away as if it might bite me!

"Shall we go inside, people?" Gail asked. "You brought our things from Yvette, I assume, Jason?"

"Oh yes, Ms. Hanover. I put them by the rear door in case I had to leave before you arrived."

"But you don't have to leave just now, do you?"

He looked at me with a pleased grin. "No, Ms. Hanover, I'm at your service."

"Then let's go inside. I want you to do Bobbi a favor."

When we were back in that now well-remembered living room, she motioned for me to sit on the sofa, exactly where I'd sat when she first mounted me and took my marital fidelity away from me forever.

"What kind of favor, Ms. Hanover," Jason asked curiously.

"This young woman sometimes can't contain herself. Or rather, her panties don't seem able to contain her cock. I'd like you to reduce it somewhat, take some of the pressure off so she'll be able to wear a rather clingy dress this evening without risking embarrassment."

"Of course," Jason replied as courteously as if she'd asked him to bring her a whisky and water.

"Not just with your hand, not what you wanted from Bobbi just now. I want it to feel as warm and wet and wonderful to her as my pussy did yesterday when she was still a man and pushing inside it. She's decided not to be a man anymore. So my loss is your gain."

"You're so kind, Ms. Hanover. I'd love to. Bobbi, are you comfortable? Would you like to lean back just a little, and spread your legs just a little more? Yes. Now, do you want to take yourself out for me, or shall I do it? Oh, you just luxuriate, enjoy feeling indulged, I'll do it all."

And he bent over and kissed me on my lips! A man kissed me! On my mouth! I tried to remember what I looked like in Tina's mirror. I was a sporty college girl being kissed by a man! Then Jason sank down further and slid my skirt up, and tugged my panties to one side, and I sprang free! My cock was hard, anticipating Jason's mouth! My cock was gay! Or maybe it didn't care, it yearned to be somewhere warm and wet and wonderful and that was that!

And Jason bent over. I watched entranced! This was homosexuality, there was no escaping it! Maybe I was dressed like a girl, and maybe I looked like one, but I knew better, and he knew better, he was gay after all. A man was about to give me a blow job. I glanced desperately at Gail, but she wasn't looking at me, she was watching Jason. He grasped me around my waist and his head sank down.

And now there was a man grasping my buttocks and holding me close to him as he kissed the tip of my cock. I couldn't back away, so I tried to dissociate myself -- this was not my cock. But I couldn't ignore the soft, pillowy feel of his lips as he took me into his warm, silky mouth, and I felt his tongue stroking the underside. It was my cock all right, and a joy that it was mine. He seemed enamored of it, twisting his head to try to swallow me deeper, with occasionally a whine heard deep in his throat. Licking and sucking and swallowing me up, again and again, as my excitement mounted and the tension became unbearable, and at that moment he swallowed me whole, his throat all warm, wet velvet, and I seized his hair and pulled his head fully into my groin and thrust into his maw and shrieked and spurted, over and over -- it had to be directly into his belly.

We held ourselves still, just like that. Then I released Jason's head and he sat back on his heels, silent and satisfied now, enjoying the sight of me trying to recover from my climax, working his tongue, licking my sperm from around the inside of his mouth. After a while he rose and sat down next to me on the sofa and took my hand. He seemed in some ways gratified, in some ways expectant.

Why soon became clear. Gail had been watching my surrender to the joys, the ecstasies of a superb blow job even though performed by a man. "Do you think you're gay, now, Bobbi?" she asked.

"I don't know," I replied. The idea was much less repellent than it had been. That had felt very nice! His blow jobs were sensational, in fact!

"That's good," she said. "Maybe you are, and maybe you aren't. If you were a girl, you'd enjoy knowing there's a man between your legs nibbling on you. Then you'd feel no more gay than earlier today, when you were down between my legs nibbling my clit and sucking two men's cum out of me!"

I nodded. This was already the longest day of my life. Did that happen only this morning? No, it was later, only a few hours ago!

"But now you have a problem girls always have with their boy friends, honey. How do you think a girl should thank a man who's just given her so much pleasure?" She flashed me a conspiratorial grin. "Do you think a good night kiss is enough?"

I saw where she was heading. She wanted me to reciprocate in kind.

Could I suck a man's cock? I'd sucked her dildo not that long ago. Gail was going to have her way whatever I thought I could do, I knew it. She wanted me to suck his cock. And suck it now. I decided then and there that if I had to, and I saw no way out, I would. I'd pretend it was that dildo again, not a live cock, and that would preserve my self-respect.

With that resolve I closed my eyes and slipped to the floor, prepared to do unto Jason what he'd done unto me.

"Oh, you sweet girl, no, not this time!" Gail said. "It's wonderful that now you're willing to pleasure a man with your mouth, and believe me, we'll make sure you have lots of opportunities. But not now. You'll ruin your beautiful make-up, and it's perfect for later tonight! It's a long lasting lipstick, but still, it would never survive once you started it sliding up and down his cock -- look how long he is! Sometimes I wish he wasn't gay -- you are so lucky you're only learning to be a girl, so he still wants you! But if you got really passionate about his cock, and what girl wouldn't, your lipstick would all rub off! No, there's another way for a girl to give her fella a good time, show him how much she appreciates him, and enjoy herself in the process. The more usual way, honey! Remember? We did it together earlier today and you loved it! Remember? Show Jason how wonderful it was! Your pussy is all stretched out and ready to receive him now, we both know that!"

So she'd had this moment in mind earlier? She was preparing me for this when she'd asked me to suck off that dildo and had then fucked me with it? Even then she'd been preparing me for now, setting me up to be fucked by a man? By a live cock! To be a girl and receive a man in my quim, or what I had that passes for one.

She saw me realize just that. "That's right, baby," she said in a low voice. "Since you don't want to be a man, I want you to enjoy being a woman. Not just look like one, but all the pleasures, everything I enjoy! Jason is a wonderful lover, Tina's told me that for years! Pull off your dress so he won't get stains on it. Take care of your prettiest dresses and they'll always take care of you, if you know what I mean. You can keep your slip on if you're embarrassed to have a man see you in your bra and panties."

I did that. And then slipped my panties off. I was faintly aware that my anus was still slightly stretched, sensitively receptive, waiting. And again, she handed me a pillow to put on the floor, and again I rested my arms on it and my head on my arms, and thrust my naked bottom in the air.

But this time a large, heavily muscled man leaned on my back, almost lay down on it. I bore his weight before I felt swift, slick fingers spread some kind of lubricant between my cheeks and then a soft knob pressing on my rear opening. My God, like a door knob! It pressed against the insides of both cheeks and against my closed hole! No way! Was he a horse? An elephant? When I'd felt that cock in his pants earlier, plainly it hadn't become fully erect! But now?

I groaned, partly in despair. And felt a firm hand reach under to grasp my penis and begin to jerk it off. I decided to concentrate on that feeling, which grew and spread, as it had earlier when he'd been sucking on me. Was I getting hard again? I couldn't tell, but the rhythms grew faster as the sweet delight intensified. And then that massive tube began to enter me, slowly, ponderously, like a great ocean liner entering a harbor. There was this mammoth mass moving past my opening, now inside me, now deeper. He slid more of his immense self into my ass, and I felt like a trussed, stuffed chicken ready for the oven, unable to move. Then out, then in again.

His live cock felt warm, unlike the dildo, and it lurched and spasmed now and then. An erotic yearning began again even though so much of my joy had already squirted down his throat. And out he slid, then in again, fitting himself deeper each time it seemed, even more tightly, splitting me, stretching me, distending and dilating my asshole until I was sure it would hang open unable ever to close itself when that leviathan cock finally pulled out all the way. A disappointing thought -- I pushed my ass back against him and was gratified to feel him snug deeper. And out again, and in. Faster and faster.

And then there I was again, reaching, stretching, holding myself perfectly still in that ecstatic moment of suspended bliss before the spurting begins. It went on, and on, and ... and ... Jason clamped himself onto my whole body, and crammed his haunches tight onto my buttocks, and shrieked over my shoulders, and convulsed himself repeatedly into me. I felt heat from far inside him glowing in my own bowels. He'd cum. I clamped down hard onto that cock with my ass muscles, and couldn't move. But it was too large to clamp onto, really. It was just something to stiffen against repeatedly. I was in heaven, out of control, and it seemed to go on forever. His slippery hot cum was inside me now, I could tell. My reward. Finally I squirted and squirted into his hand, his huge palm sliding up to gather all of it in, all that he hadn't earlier taken into his stomach.

Finally I subsided, spent, paralyzed, blissful. We could both relax.

"Thank you, Bobbi," He then muttered into my neck. "That was beautiful. You'll be a wonderful lady. I hope you make many men very happy!" And he pulled out. I rolled over and just lay on my back, quite still, waiting for the burning in my asshole to subside. Somehow, Gail had put a towel underneath us. I felt a trickle of cum leave me and soak into the towel which then felt wet as I lay there. My ass is stretched wide open, I thought. It'll never close again! When I opened my eyes, there was Gail handing Jason a towel. He wiped his enormous tool vigorously as he stood over me. My God, soft it hung halfway to his knees! That thing was inside me? Gail stood over me too.

"Now you're a woman!" she said. "Never doubt it! Hurry! Put a tampon in your pussy and that new Donna Karan on your back, and let's go to dinner. We're running a little late. You'll find everything you need in that last bedroom to your left from the top of the stairs. That's your bedroom from now on, whenever you need one while you're here. Your special place to take someone when you want to be intimate, or just a private place to get dressed -- you never know. It has all your clothes and cosmetics and things, already put away, ready for use. Of course you might prefer to keep those things in your own home across the way, alongside Carrie's things, or in another bedroom that's all your own. But that we'll soon see, won't we?"

This time as I sat up I didn't look toward her front entrance door, that portal beyond which lay my home and safety, that reassuring married security I'd wanted to preserve until Carrie returned and I was out of danger. But now? I had no reason to believe Carrie would let me live with her any longer. Depressed, I brought myself to my feet and limping slightly, with a ghostly feeling of that fat mass of meat still stretching my rectum, I went upstairs.

There on the bureau was a tampon. I studied it, a plastic piston in a plastic cylinder pushing a cotton plug. No problem. This time I really do get to fuck myself, I thought. I pushed the plastic tube into me, then the piston into the tube. A cotton wad with a string attached entered me and swelled up as no doubt it absorbed Jason's cum. I pulled the tube out, but still felt myself filled, full, my rear end plugged up snug. I supposed this was what women felt when they wore tampons. I looked like one now and had been fucked like one, and now I felt like one. Like it or not, I was a woman.

There was what I took to be a gaffe on the bed, a flesh-colored satin pad with a little loop to hold a penis and an elastic band that fit around my rump. When I installed it my genitals were pulled back against my crotch between my legs, and I had a smooth mound in front. I realized I'd be peeing sitting down for the rest of the evening. "I guess so," I said aloud to myself, and shrugged. "Why not?"



When I came down again, I was a different person. That Donna Karan dress they'd chosen for me was truly elegant, gathered and tucked and swirled around my hips. My hair and my face had survived Jason's lovemaking perfectly, the curls had needed a bit of fluffing with my fingers but no touch ups even with a hairbrush, none at all. It was peculiar. Until Jason had fucked me and I'd gone upstairs I'd felt defensive, threatened, somehow subordinated to Gail's wishes, certainly intimidated by her. But when I came down again, wearing that exquisite dress and clutching my beautiful matching beaded purse, all that had passed. I felt every bit as tall as Gail, and every bit as self assured. And as feminine. I needed to think so, and had persuaded myself that it was so. And my mirror image had confirmed it. I'd stood in front of the three-sided mirror in that bedroom, my bedroom, turning and tugging and admiring what I saw, making invisible adjustments.

"Well, here I am again," I said. "Didn't you say we were running late?"

"I've been waiting for you," Gail said a bit sternly, sensing a kind of insubordination on my part and trying to re-establish our former imbalance of power.

"I'm sure you have, Gail," was all I replied. My self-assurance surprised me. It wasn't bravado. It wasn't even that I'd given up my marriage for lost, though I knew there was no way I could ever explain to Carrie how the man she'd left had become the woman I now seemed to be. It was that I'd accepted myself. After getting fucked I'd retreated to a woman's sanctum to touch up my make-up and dress and select a simple necklace to go with my ear-pierced studs, and load my purse with another few tampons as might be needed as well as a comb and lipstick and, well, you know what else. Women know. And wearing that terrific woman's dress, in that woman's room, doing womanly things, I couldn't put it out of my mind that in six months I'd have a woman's breasts and a woman's curves and there was nothing I could do to stop my transformation. This was my present and that was my future. I'd given up my manhood for lost. As Gail had told me while Jason was still dripping out of me, I'd become a woman. She'd gotten her wish. I had nothing more to fear from her plans for me.

Her eyes opened wider. "Don't you mean 'You're sure, ma'am'?" she asked me, trying once again.

"Yes, of course I'm sure, Gail. And there's no need to call me ma'am. It takes time for a girl to dress herself, you know that. If you haven't been waiting, I don't know what else you've been doing while I've been upstairs changing. Do you really intend to wear that same suit to dinner tonight? The same suit you've worn all afternoon? It's really lovely, beautifully tailored, and you do carry it off well. But you haven't said a word about this stunning dress you bought me! Are you a little annoyed that I'll outshine you?"

She tried to glare but couldn't, she was simply too pleased to hear me. We both broke into smiles. She understood. We were now equals, friends, whatever we'd been earlier. And that was acceptable, even desirable. My emasculation and feminization had been accomplished. "It's just lovely," she said with evident sincerity. "Perfect for you! Yvette is a marvel!"

Incredible! I actually felt pleased by the compliment. I felt warmth in my belly, and self-confidence surged though the rest of me. I pulled my shoulders back and pushed my breasts out. "Thank you," I replied. "She really is."

"Bobbi," she said. "Now we're a team! We're both gorgeous, and we both know it! True, we're different. I'm a little older and regal, imposing they tell me. And you're cute, adorable -- and more than that, your figure in that Donna Karan will blow everyone away! Here we are, the Hanover girls, we sweep everything before us! Ready?"

I grinned back. I suppose I was a Hanover girl. A girl created by Gail Hanover, certainly. "You don't happen to have a topper you can lend me, do you honey? It may get a bit chilly coming back. This dress leaves my arms and shoulders rather exposed."

Gail looked concerned. "It may indeed, Bobbi. How about a Paisley shawl? Drape it over your arms like a mink stole?"

"That should do," I said, not quite sure what she meant, but trusting her. "Shall we?"

As she drove to the Restaurant, Gail was talkative, even chatty. I sat there peaceably clutching my new beaded purse, feeling comfortable for the first time since she'd led me by my cock into her world. My main anxiety was gone. I felt no risk of embarrassment, of being identified as a man who was wearing women's clothes and a woman's face and hairdo. I was far too feminine, too cute-faced and curly haired a blonde, wearing a dress in such stunningly good taste it could only command admiration. I even felt all the more authentic because of those damned hormones that idiot had shot into me. There was more estrogen flowing through me this moment than through the ripest Hollywood starlet or newlywed bride. What more did a girl like me need? I put far out of mind my earlier fears of discovery and my more recent depressing certainty that my marriage was over.

"You know, Bobbi," Gail confided. "When you got that acute attack of guilt and it became obvious you were too conflicted ever to become my handy neighborhood lover, I was unsure what to do with you. I had to keep you under control so you wouldn't try to cleanse your conscience by blabbing to everyone. That's why I thought at first that a forced infantile regression might be fun. Suggestible subbies like you make marvelous babies I've been told. I have a friend whose husband retired not long ago and hasn't been out of diapers since. He'd never allowed her the kind of open marriage Tom and I have, wouldn't even discuss it, I suppose he was too unsure of his masculinity and found the thought that his wife could enjoy other men too threatening. But now he has no such problem. He sleeps every night in a crib, sucking warm milk laced with sedatives out of a baby bottle, and meanwhile she sleeps wherever and whenever she chooses."

"How did she manage that?"

"A few hypnogogic relaxants, some diuretics, and a little comfort from mommy's titty whenever he begins to sense there's something wrong, maybe begins to remember that there was once more to his life than lying around in a wet diaper waiting to be changed. But now it's done. He's full size, of course, but even so he's a doll, really adorable in his little snap-bottom jumpers. She's intends to let him grow into a little girl soon, and if he enjoys it maybe she'll let him be a big girl like you some day. You remember how you felt yesterday morning, when you were nursing at my breasts and it helped you to feel so much better about our little intimacies? That's how he feels all the time. Isn't that nice? It's a lovely way to feel, I'm sure. I was thinking then that you'd make the sweetest baby, that maybe I should help you become one."

"You mentioned it, I remember that well enough. But as far as your friend goes, wives have a claim on their husbands. I suspect my wife would have had something to say about it."

I felt a momentary pang. Carrie'll have plenty to say about what I am now, I thought, about what this woman has done to me. That is, if she bothers to say anything before she walks out on me or throws me out. I was reconciled to one or the other by now. I didn't deserve it, I thought. All I'd done was to try to save our marriage and her career after my one little lapse. No, I had to correct myself in all honesty, all I'd done was try to cover up my one little lapse. Understanding that, Gail had led me further into her own uses for me one step at a time. And now here I was. I did deserve it.

"Your wife? Carrie? She'd object if I wanted to keep you as my pet baby? Oh, Carrie is a young woman with an eye to her own advantages, I suspect."

"Which means?" I was annoyed by the implication. "Are you implying that Carrie would sell me to you for the right price?"

Gail cast me one of her narrow-eyed "oh be sensible" glances, and answered, "I mean, Bobbi, that Carrie is very much like me, she knows what she wants and figures out ways to get there. It's in her record and it's obvious! As for her readiness to sell you to me, I'm afraid that's not possible any more. You've already sold yourself to me, haven't you?"

My anger rose. I was about to protest that I own myself, that Gail will soon discover she has no claim on me, and that ... no, she's right, I did sell myself to her in exchange for secrecy. Shameful!

Then Gail added in a gentle voice, "Oh, Bobbi, understand me, I'm complimenting both of you! You sold yourself to me to protect Carrie and your marriage! That's admirable. And even if you did sell yourself, I don't own you! Of course you're still your own girl! You could walk away any moment. But even so, just look where we are! You're here looking beautiful because I realized yesterday that you'd be more valuable as a companion than as a stud male or a sweet, helpless baby. Because I realized that making you over into a girl would be more fun and more of a challenge. And now it's because you realize there's nowhere else you fit in so well!"

This was all true. "I don't seem to have been much of a challenge," I commented. This time a little bitterly, though I kept that to myself.

"Oh, enough of a challenge," Gail said. "You're suggestible, certainly, but you aren't that easy. No man risks ridicule easily. It's taken a lot of good guesswork to bring you this far. We're still on schedule though."

As I wondered what those last words meant we arrived at "Chez Antoine" and turned into the restaurant's parking area, where uniformed valet parking attendants waited. It was a sumptuous-looking building with only one small, discreet sign to identify it. If you didn't know what sort of place it was, it didn't intend to tell you. Wealthy people knew.

"Here comes the valet to open the door on your side," Gail told me. "Remember to swivel that cute tush until both of your heels are on the ground before you try to stand up. That's how ladies do it. Sluts just step down while their skirts pull up, to flash their unmentionables. You're a lady now, but pretty enough to enjoy it! If you smile at him, he'll be yours for life. That's something ladies do to amuse themselves, get men to dance attendance around them. Most men love it! I think lots of them are born wanting to serve women."

I was in no position to disagree. Another attendant held the restaurant's doors open for us and bowed his head as we strolled through together, and she added, "See? Didn't I tell you? Isn't this nice? Look how ladies are treated! Aren't you glad now?"

"Gail, it isn't respect for women, it's respect for money!"

"Oh, of course, that too! There're advantages to both. Now as you walk, keep your thighs together and your elbows close to your body, and you'll move like a girl without giving it another thought."

The restaurant was large, but divided with plants and low partitions into many areas with just a few tables in each, so one always felt intimately seated. When I commented on it, Gail said that some people come here to be seen and some not to be seen, and some to be seen not wanting to be seen. With this arrangement all can be seated accordingly. The Maitre d' greeted Gail as "Madame Hanovair" and took us to a quiet table, for the moment by ourselves. He held her chair for her until she was seated, then scurried to hold mine. I was beginning to feel privileged. Gail could tell, but said nothing.

"You'd rather not be seen when you're here?" I asked.

"I've explained why," she said, her mind elsewhere. "There are the people who'd love to know what Hanover Associates may be planning next. Then too there are the men I fuck, and also their wives, they sometimes come here. Some know about me and some don't, but either way it saves embarrassment if they don't need to acknowledge me."

She hesitated, then went on. "Bobbi, I forgot to mention, I phoned to find out exactly what Tina shot into you. Apparently it's potent stuff. It's possible that in three months you'll be unmistakably curvaceous, not six as Tina thought. Your breasts may well be itching already to burst out and fill your bras, as the nipple areas begin to enlarge. It'll be fun to watch. The advice they wanted me to pass on to you was, eat everything, to be sure your body gets everything it needs. It's like being pregnant and then giving birth to yourself."

I felt my breasts carefully. Maybe a little tender, but not itching. Still, I made a mental note to expect it as my eye ran down the menu. We ordered, and our hor d'oeuvres arrived with the wine. I realized I was hungry -- my last food had been the cum I'd sucked out of Gail's cunt hours earlier. I guess I was thirsty too. An attentive waiter was pouring me a third glass of wine and I was feeling a little tiddly when Gail suddenly leaned forward.

"Bobbi," she said. "I had no idea you'd adjust to all this so quickly, so I wasn't planning to say this for a few more days at the earliest. If I decided to say it at all. But I can see now that I didn't misjudge you."

"Oh?" I cocked one thin eyebrow at her and lifted my chin, wondering where I had learned that distinctly feminine gesture.

She paused. "Bobbie, I know you've been concerned with Carrie and what she'll think when she sees you, but the crux now isn't Carrie, as you seem to think. It's you. I want to put a proposition to you."

"Oh?" I said again. My other eyebrow went up as well, and I realized that without trying I was staring at her with a girlishly wide-eyed innocence.

"For a long time now I've needed an assistant, a kind of private secretary and close companion, even a friend, someone who accompanies me to meetings and social occasions and listens to me, and remembers what I say and acts on it even when not asked. Who schedules my time, serves as a sounding board for my ideas, does other things when I'm elsewhere with men, and doesn't disapprove of my life style. You know, I'm sure. Ever since we settled into the house next to yours and I learned that Carrie was one of us and you once were, I've wondered if we could perhaps re-hire you, or anyhow use some of your skills and your proximity. I wanted to bring you on board as a convenient lover at the very least, always available when I need someone. You know the feeling now, I'm sure, the emptiness, then the satisfying fullness. But you refused to play that role, didn't you? So I looked over your record, and I saw what a marvelous executive secretary you'd make. Unfortunately, as I've mentioned, you have one crucial inadequacy. You aren't a woman. Or. you weren't. So wherever we went you'd be a lightning rod for gossip. But now not at all. You're perfect."

I listened. I had nothing to say.

"You'll have other duties too, but mainly you'll be my shadow. You'll be paid twice what you've estimated for your next year's earnings -- I've seen your statements, never mind how. You know the work and you're good at it. People in the field trust you. Well, anyhow they trusted Bob, they'll never trust a curly-headed replacement named Bobbi, men never trust bimbo-looking women to understand technical problems. And if they ever find out that Bobbi was Bob, their trust in Bob will sink even lower than their mistrust of Bobbi. So we won't want them ever to find out. But that's no problem. Bob can pass his clients on to us and then disappear. Decide to go to law school or something. Vanish. Bobbi keeps the finding fees and a share of the commissions of course."

That was a tough one to chew on. I'd now given up my marriage for dead. But my consultancy too? My independence? Yet Gail was perfectly right. If Bobbi ever walked into a client's offices when they were expecting Bob, all of our understandings would evaporate, and then all of my clients.

"Now there's plenty for you to do. Continue to advise us about your former clients, of course, though the main work would be done by someone else. Meanwhile, I have issues to deal with -- Chairman's and Commissioner's Reports, and technical proposals I've never understood but need to sign off on anyhow. And endless meetings with the Board -- some weeks I'm so busy the few men I have time to see for my own pleasure need to be fitted into a very few available slots."

I nodded, amused, wondering if she realized what she'd just said.

"I need someone who knows the work, knows me, and fits in already. She must be a girl, for all the reasons I've explained. That's you. You're a girl who's getting more so hourly in body and mind and can't help it. You're now a cute, curly headed blonde who looks like a ditz. You really are a ditz in one way, Bobbi. You're a straight man who's actually been persuaded to look like a woman and have sex as a woman, and is beginning to think she's a woman. Could anyone be sillier? But that's no problem for this job, because for this job what I need is a highly capable, impressionable, curly headed blonde whom people always underestimate. Who seems to be a ditz. I need you."

The more she described it, the more her job seemed to be made for me. I wondered vaguely if I'd been made for it.

"Now, why a ditz? To throw off all suspicion of undue influence. Tom is away often, as you know. As I've told you, in my position I can't ever be seen to be out with a man, not even with a male business associate, because people will always talk and talk can injure the firm's strategies and standing. I can't have that! And women are no better. I can't ever go shopping or dining or attend charity receptions with other men's wives, because people will always assume I'm trying to reach their husbands through them for some business purpose. And in fact I often am. And those assumptions can also injure the firm's purposes."

"I suppose," I had to agree,

"And unfortunately, I don't know any women in town who aren't wives. Or former wives now in possession of their husbands' fortunes and investments, like my friend with her brand new grown up baby girl. Or girls who are much too young. Do you see my predicament now?"

"Yes," I said. Though it was obvious. I could see why she thought it was a predicament. She was imprisoned by the firm's confidential maneuverings and other people's gossip. That's why she'd moved into the woods next door, into an isolation like Sleeping Beauty's, broken only by various Prince Charmings who arrived several times each day to awaken her passion. She had an open marriage that couldn't be conducted openly, because it would violate public morality if known, and also because it would violate good business practice. People would gossip, but worse, they'd speculate. And speculation disperses a company's good faith.

"You're perfect, as an assistant and as a companion. As a girl you're altogether unknown, you carry no baggage with you. You look like a niece with no more on her mind than doubles tennis played without a net, the better for swapping partners. You're good company when you aren't complaining about things. You're fun! And you're flexible, always willing to try new things. Think about it. Would you have thought two days ago that by this evening you'd be a full service filling station for men and enjoying it? Filling your belly with cum from my cunt when not sucking on a dildo or being sucked or fucked by a hunky man? Dressed to kill? Don't pretend you didn't enjoy those things. I hear you moan and shriek even when you're too busy to hear yourself."

She had a point. "No," I said. "I'd never have guessed I could do those things. Or this."

"I could have persuaded you to take up being gay, you know. To suck Jason's cock as a man, not as Bobbi. You'd have enjoyed the humiliation if I'd tweaked it just the right way, I'm sure, and helping you act gay would have been easier than feminizing you. I once persuaded a man I wasn't sure about to try it, and I got him over the hump so to speak, over his reluctance, and now we're both of us sure. He certainly is, he cruises for cock seven nights a week! But you as a new-minted gay man wouldn't have served my purposes. You had to be a girl. And now that's what you are! A girl who takes to it naturally, who loves it, who hasn't once objected to it, and who has orgasms every time. And in addition, who looks smashing! Think about yourself now, and think about your future, and think about an answer."

She waited. I said nothing. This was more than losing Carrie. Or losing my client base. This was losing my whole previous self. As the silence grew longer Gail suddenly asked, "How's your pussy feeling now, Bobbi?"

My rear end still felt sensitive, but still stuffed, plugged up by the very tampon that was keeping Jason's cum warm within. It felt oddly comforting. This new dress felt as if I were poured into it, that it was not being worn at all, and I knew that on my figure it would stop traffic! Knowing how well it fit me, how lovely I looked, lifted my morale. I loved it! Had I gone mad? Were those hormones softening my brain?

"It feels very good," I had to say. Then I smiled and let a gleam come into my eye. "It's felt better though."

Gail caught on and snorted. "Recently, too, I bet! Isn't Jason something? I'm insanely jealous, he won't look at me, but he's available for you any time, he told me so while you were still blissed out." She looked at me more closely before adding, "I think you can do better, though. I know some guys who need a jolt or two -- I'd love to set them up to suck your dick and then realize what they've done. And most of my men would shoot in their pants just imagining themselves shooting into your back door! That rear end of yours is a marvel, and it'll only get more so. It's criminal that you've been hiding it. But no more. That's another bonus when you work with me, Bobbi. You can also handle my sports car overflow, if any of them take your fancy. You're going to love your life!"

She turned serious. "I mean it, Bobbi, about becoming my assistant and occasional companion. Really an executive assistant and friend. Doing things together. Think about it."

This was much more than I'd anticipated. I'd thought my life was altogether ruined. But then she said something unexpected.

"Talk it over with Carrie, and don't underestimate her. Hanover Associates doesn't, we never have. You have. I know, you think you know what's on her mind, how she thinks. She loves it that you think that. But you don't know. It's the other way around, she knows what's on your mind, how you think. That's how she's able to put thoughts into your head you can't resist because you think they're your thoughts. Isn't that true?"

I was silent. How could I ever possibly know if that was true?

"For example, whose idea was it to get married?"

"Both of us got the idea the moment we first saw each other," I replied.

"No. It's in her personnel folder. She told us once, when we asked her how come she's so good at closing deals -- she's incredibly persuasive. She said it was simple, she closes deals by assuming that her clients have already decided to close whatever the deal, then saying something to that effect. Most decide they can live with it, so they don't correct her. She said she got you to agree the same way. She'd been watching you for weeks, checked you out, asked around, and when you showed up at that party -- it was an office party, wasn't it? -- she already knew you were exactly the person she wanted for a husband, good looking, smart, conscientious, gentle, and above all impressionable. Easily persuaded. She wanted you. So she helped you believe you wanted her. Isn't that so? Was there ever a time you made a separate decision to marry her? All by yourself, unassisted?"

I didn't like the implication. "It's a good marriage," I said defensively. "Or it was. Carrie's decisiveness was what I wanted. She always knows what she wants and goes for it. That's what I saw in her from the moment I saw her. That's why I wanted to marry her." I almost added 'and that's how I know she'll throw me out when she sees that now I'm not the man she married,' but I decided to push that dread thought out of my mind.

"Yes," was all Gail answered. "My point exactly. Well, look who's coming to dinner now! Life just got much more complicated for you I'm afraid, Bobbi! Just sit tight and be yourself. Be the ditzy blonde you look like, I mean. Show time!"

A couple had entered our area at the far end, the man wearing a perfectly tailored dinner jacket and black tie on an impeccable pleated shirt, the woman gorgeous, kicking her way toward us in a long, slithery black beaded evening gown that went down to the floor. They looked like a perfect couple! But as they approached, I was horrified to recognize that the stunningly beautiful woman was Carrie!



She was dressed even more gorgeously than I was, wearing what I now recognized as her best evening gown, her hair done flawlessly like mine but piled up high. Stunned doesn't begin to describe how I felt! And the paralyzing terror? Right now, here, I realized, I was about to enact the final drama of my marriage, and there was no escape. My heart sank as she approached and I saw what I was about to lose forever. All because of my misbehavior yesterday and my effort to cover it up ever since. I did so love her! Why was she here? I knew she'd taken that gown with her on her trip -- she'd mentioned that the firm always gives a formal dinner for their potential clients the first night, to soften them up. And she'd said as she scurried out the door that she'd get her hair set properly when she arrived, at the hotel salon. Which was why she looked so radiant now! Now, here she was, somehow back in town, led over to our table gently by the elbow by that large, handsome man wearing a formal dinner jacket and black tie. He leaned over to kiss Gail's cheek.

"Back so soon, Tom? You weren't due until tomorrow morning." This was Tom, Gail's husband? Carrie's boss? Squiring Carrie here in this expensive restaurant? At dinner?

"I know, I know, Gail. But things went better than we'd expected. Carrie here got into high gear and knocked them out, she's really incredible in close negotiations when she wants to move things and get back home! We saw earlier today that we were finished, everyone we wanted to sign up was signed, so we decided to fly home. Then when we got here we felt so good about everything we had to celebrate! So we stopped at a motel near the airport and spent the rest of the afternoon there. Not long ago we got hungry, you know how it is, so we did ourselves up fancy and came here. Ah, young lady, you look familiar. Have we met?"

I was startled. He was now addressing me. As they'd approached and I recognized that Carrie was his companion, I'd resisted the temptation to crawl under the table, and resolved to try to survive with as much poise as possible. My eyes had been fixed on Carrie all the while hers were looking at the woman sitting next to me, and I saw her shift them toward me as Tom addressed me. I tried not to show the slightest sign of recognition, and I saw none in her face. I looked up and tried to smile at Tom. The only way through this embarrassing situation was through it.

"I don't think so," I said in a near falsetto that couldn't fool Carrie for a moment. "I'm Bobbi!" Then because Gail was just watching me silently, leaving me hanging out to dry, I added, "And you must be Tom! Gail has told me so much about you!"

True enough. She'd told me that he's free to have sex with any women, and does, just as she does with men. But what was Carrie doing with him now? Worse, what was she doing with him in a motel all afternoon? She's been ... unfaithful to me? With her boss? Was there another explanation?

But even more humiliating, did she recognize me? Her own husband, sitting in a restaurant wearing his new knockout dress and curly hairdo, looking quite elegant really, dining with her boss's wife? Was she shocked to see me like this? Amused? I couldn't tell! There was the faintest smile in the corner of her eyes. She glanced at Tom, then Gail, then back at me. And suddenly she became the take-charge businesswoman she always was with clients. She held out her hand.

"Hi, Bobbi. Carrie. I'm delighted to meet you, finally!"

"Oh?" was all I could think of saying.

"Yes," she said. "We've met before, in a way. I've seen you. Tom has this electronic thing he uses to check on his house when he's away, to be sure everything's all right, you know? Yesterday he showed me on his video-cell-phone a sample of how his wife was spending her morning. It was fascinating! So we went back to his room to see more of it on his big TV screen there, and we've seen practically everything since then. Whenever we took the time to watch, I mean. Some of it was unbelievable!" She smiled at me conspiratorially. "These men with their gadgets and hobbies!"

Yesterday morning! So she'd known from the beginning! There'd never been anything to hide! All this dressing up, all this trying to please Gail so she'd keep things secret from Carrie, and not penalize her at work, all for nothing! I'd lost my manhood and my marriage and Carrie's respect all for nothing! I didn't even have a job now! Gail was right, none of my clients wanted a ditz man or a ditz-looking woman as a consultant.

No, I had the job Gail had offered me. If I wanted it. If I was willing to keep pretending I'm a woman.

What I really wanted at that moment was to crawl under the table and sob.

Carrie continued. "Tom got all excited by it, some of it!" She smiled, inviting my understanding, woman to woman. "You know how men can get, I'm sure. We caught one last little scene at our motel just now. That business with -- what was his name, 'Jason'? That really got Tom going! He couldn't wait to do me that way! Twice!" She glanced at him, was it fondly? "Anyhow, that's why we decided to come here for dinner. Tom wanted to see Gail's new companion in person, this fresh-looking, curly-headed girl who always looks so marvelous whether she's sucking or being sucked, fucking or being fucked. You're something, Bobbi!"

Was there a hard edge in Carrie's voice as she said that last?

I couldn't tell. All in all she seemed remarkably well composed.

Even admiring.

"Yeah, those videos were pretty hot, I've got to say," Tom added. "I'd love to get to know you better myself, Bobbi is it? But Gail and I never swap partners, it's a matter of policy. It was funny, each time Carrie looked at those tapes she pushed our customers and suppliers twice as hard! She said she wanted to get back to her husband while there was still something left of him. I can't blame her."

She'd seen and heard everything and yet wanted to get back to me? Despite everything she'd seen and heard? Was there anything much left of me?

"Then it turned out that when we landed, I broke the news to her about her Vice Presidency and her new contract, Gail. Just as we'd agreed. So she just had to celebrate! We already knew that you two were busy shopping somewhere together, so there was no reason to hurry home. So we went to that motel and took our time. Got much better acquainted! Then decided to come here too."

Now Gail finally spoke. "Take your time, Tom. Celebrate some more. Bobbi and I need to talk a bit more and then we'll probably each of us go home. You two finish doing whatever you need to do. We'll be home long before you're done here."

He nodded. "'Work hard, then play hard.' Isn't that how it goes?

Or is it the other way around?"

Gail grinned. "Promises, promises. We'll see how hardyou can still get when you get home. But we'll need to invite Carrie and her husband over to the house tomorrow. Seeing as how we're neighbors, and we've never had them over as a couple. Also, there's something I want Carrie to see."

"Of course!" Carrie broke in. "I remember from the security tape!

My husband and you with each other while I watch and approve? Of course, I'll be delighted, Ms. Hanover. From what I hear, there won't be too many more opportunities -- we all need to take what we can get."

And they walked off together. I felt a pang when I saw they were holding hands. But I'd better get used to things like that, I was thinking. At least there was one huge blessing! Carrie wasn't going to leave me! At least not yet!

"So, Bobbi?" Gail asked, as if there'd been no interruption at all. "Will you sign on as my girl Friday for whenever I need one? It's a five year contract with penalties for both sides if it's ever broken, so it's something of a commitment. You do know now that your wife is going to be extremely busy, she's now a Vice-President and working closely with Tom, and so on. So you know your life with her is going to change anyhow.

"Yes. I was sure she'd leave me when she found about about us.

About me. But now I'm not so sure."

"I could see you were fearful, but I can tell you now that there never was an issue of you two separating. We need you both married. Marriage makes for a more stable work force, and as I've said, we expect absolute loyalty and support from all spouses. And also, Tom and I have a strict policy -- we only have sex with married men and women, people with prior commitments who won't ever make complications."

"So it was all for nothing? My agreeing to let you do this to me?"

"Not at all! It was for me! For this moment! Do we have an agreement? Will you come to work for me?"

This was no woman to cross or oppose. Did I have a choice?

"Yes," I said. "I guess."

And there I was. A woman for the next five years. Probably for the rest of my life. With a wife who might well remain my wife and who mysteriously doesn't seem to mind it!

"Good!" She reached for her purse on the floor beside her and pulled out a legal form. "This is the binding commitment. The contract itself we'll sign tomorrow."

I signed it.

"Oh, you should know, the contract will stipulate that whenever I don't need you for my purposes, Carrie can use you for hers. I offered her a clause to that effect, and she agreed that it would be useful."

"Carrie agreed? You spoke with Carrie? But that much goes without saying! I mean, we'll still be married to each other, after all!"

"Oh, I don't mean use you for her marital purposes. Of course she can use you that way, whenever! No, I mean use you to help her sign up difficult clients and suppliers, those who seem reluctant to come to terms. That pretty girly tush of yours is only going to get prettier as those hormones work their magic on your figure. And your wife can be a determined woman with clients. I suspect she'll soon have you working your ass off for the good of the company."



An hour after I got home I heard Carrie's key scratch at the front door, and in she came. She wasn't angry. Not even disturbed. I was waiting for her just as she'd last seen me. I hadn't changed my clothes or scrubbed my make-up -- what would have been the point?

"Well, Bobbi, just look at you! You're beautiful!" were her first words.

"I guess I am," I replied, waiting for a clue how she really felt. "I'm glad you think so. Thank you." I was glad now that I hadn't changed! I did want to look nice for her!

"Oh, you are," she said. "Just lovely." And then she said nothing.

She sat down.

And there we were. Man and wife, two beautiful women. I really was glad she thought I was beautiful. I did want to believe it. "I love your dress," I told her. "It shows off your figure beautifully."

"This old rag?" she replied. But she looked pleased nevertheless.

Then she took a deep breath and began. "Bobbi," she said. "Let's face it. Nothing can ever again be the same between us again. You know that. I know that. Not since Gail led you into her house by your cock, and fucked it, and then fucked up its accessories, like your ass and your mind, so now you're committed to be a woman. Not just a woman but a well-fucked woman! man-meat!"

I just sat there. "Carrie...," I began to say.

"Hush, Bobbi. I saw it all and I heard it all. I know what happened. Gail caught you off guard and signed you on for five years. That's practically a lifetime. You didn't even read it. So there's nothing more to say."

So I said nothing. The room seemed to darken. Dread began to grow in me as I waited for her to speak.

She leaned forward. "Let's review where we are. You are Bobbi now and you'll be Bobbi for the next five years, and in three months more your body will be a girl's except for a few surgical enhancements we'll arrange for you, things you'll find useful in your work, like the bigger boobs Gail's bimbo should have, and the functioning pussy my customers will expect. That's of course if what I hear is true about those hormones your hairdresser shot into you."

"So I'm told." I was miserable. She didn't seem angry, but certainly she was a little annoyed!

"Yes. So we've both been told. We'll get you a blood test tomorrow to find out for certain. Tina isn't altogether reliable, you know. Gail says she overestimated your transformation time for example, that it'll be three months and not six. Not that it matters, now that you've committed yourself. That much is all settled either way -- if Tina's hormone cocktail isn't what we think it is, a doctor will simply give you one just like it. Because now you'll need a woman's body for your work. Even sooner than the three months the hormones need to turn you into one of us."

I suddenly felt an upsurge of hope. "You mean Tina may have gotten it wrong? This hormone thing may not be inevitable?"

"It's inevitable, Bobbi. You did what you did, and I know it, and you've already accepted the consequences, and so have I, and nothing changes that. Gail needs a pretty ditz to be her assistant, and I need a luscious babe as mine. And you've already agreed to be both."

"I guess."

Carrie didn't seem particularly disturbed by this new state of affairs. In fact she seemed satisfied. I wondered why. She'd had time to think her way through all of the implications?

"So things are now a lot different," she noted again, casually, almost by way of conversation.

I didn't even nod.

She looked me over slowly. "You certainly don't look like the man I left I few days ago! No way! You really are lovely! Don't you think so too?"

I struggled to deny it, but I couldn't.

"Don't you feel pleased? I am!"

She was complimenting me! She didn't seem to mind the way I looked. What I'd done! "Yes," I said in a small voice, certainly pleased that Carrie wasn't furious with me. "I am."

"You should be! And that's a stunning gown, it suggests there are curves where you can't possibly have curves, not yet. And fuschia really is your color! Trust Gail to know the best salons and dressmakers in town!" She looked around the room. "Has anything else happened in my absence, apart from your utter emasculation?"

"No." I said. Was she being ironic? Again? She didn't seem to respect me any more. Certainly not as a man.

"Then here's what happened. You fucked Mrs. Hanover, and then she fucked you over so thoroughly that you'll never be the same man again. Or any kind of man, ever. I'm married to a woman, for all intents and purposes. And that's that! Isn't that true?"

"Yes," was all I could say. I was near sobbing.

"Then that's what we need to think about. What are the intents and purposes of a woman. Not the same as a man's, certainly."


Carrie looked up and saw my long face. And then tried to console me, I think. "You know, Bobbi, you should be grateful! You remind me of one of the girls who shared our suite in college. She had the same hairdo. She was in and out of every bed in the Sigma Alpha House, night after night. And why not? It never even mussed her hair. You can do the same thing now and yet come home looking as tidy as ever."

I couldn't tell if that was a compliment. Or even intended as one.

She smiled encouragement. "Maybe we should just get to bed, Bobbi. It's late. We're both tired after a long, very eventful day. We're due next door tomorrow at noon so you can give Gail the fuck you owe her. Do it well -- remember, that's the kind of thing the company now pays you to do, and I know you haven't forgotten that Gail owns the company. Then later tomorrow I'll need to find you a man you can give your first real blow job, someone virile enough to follow up by checking out your ass for the long haul. Gail wants to make sure you're you're well broken in. So there's that too."

I had nothing to say. If Carrie really does intend to offer her husband's mouth and ass to her different clients and customers, if that's what suits her purposes, I was thinking, those need to be my purposes. I'll have to go along. And that's what she seemed to be telling me.

"You'll soon be going through a second adolescence as a girl. And there's nothing you can do about that either. You're going to end up with bigger tits and an even rounder ass and an even prettier, softer face than you have now. It's always been a cute face. Big eyes, small chin. I've loved it from the moment I first saw it! Now it'll be even more cute. I hope you'll love it too!"

"Yes." I had no idea where Carrie was going. There was something on her mind.

"And all because of me."

"What!?" That was dumbfounding! How was Carrie to blame for any of this?

"Because you didn't want me to know that Ms. Hanover seduced you. You didn't want me to know that you're so impressionable any woman can lead you around by your cock and make you do whatever she wants. You wanted me to think you're some kind of strong, silent man of principle, virtuous and abstemious enough to resist any woman's solicitations. Though I've always known otherwise, honey. From the moment I first saw you! You're so suggestible! That's why I married you!"

"Yes. I mean, no."

"Though you did do something unexpected. You resisted the temptation to fuck her a second time, didn't you? You dear! You repented and you held firm! I heard you!"

"Yes." Was there hope? She could admire me for that at least?

"My poor sweetie. That was your downfall! None of this would have happened if you'd gone along with Gail! Screwed her again! Gone upstairs with her! Resisting a woman like Gail Hanover is futile! Once you said 'No!' to her, you didn't stand a chance! Don't you understand yet?"

I thought it was time to make my case. I'd been practicing it for hours. Days, maybe! "Honey, I fell. I betrayed you. Then I realized what I'd done and absolutely refused to do it again, Then when I learned who she was, what all this could mean to your work, your professional life, I had to try to make it up to you. To do what she said, not antagonize her. So that's what I did. Do you think I like being a woman? But that's what I am. Having sex with men? But that's what I've done!"

Carrie didn't seem to be impressed. "Now stop right there, Bobbi!," she said. "I know for a fact that being a woman and having sex with men is no big ordeal. Maybe for you at first, but do you really think so now that you've done it? Remember, I've seen those security tapes! I've heard them!"

She paused now, and actually came over and leaned forward and kissed me! She felt affectionate! And then she sat down in my lap! "You looked like such a deer caught in the headlights! You did do it for me, partly, didn't you! But I noticed that you didn't once fail to cream in your panties! And you never moan like that when we make love. I suppose you think it isn't manly. But as a girl making love? Did you know you were making all those whining and pleading sounds? Even when you were deep-throating that dildo?" She kissed me again.

"All right," I said. "I'm sorry, Carrie. I got caught up in a kind of one-man-one-girl orgy, both of them me. But I did try to do what I could. I'm sorry it wasn't good enough. I failed! I understand why you no longer respect me!"

She looked at me. "Honey, no! You really don't understand. All this proves is that we both love each other and care for each other no matter what, and that under different circumstances we express our loving and our caring differently. Maybe by fucking each other. Maybe by not fucking other men or women. Maybe by fucking them. We're all of us tempted from time to time. I saw you fucking Gail, so I assumed you'd prefer the kind of open marriage they have, so I fucked Tom."



There it was. I knew it. I'd suspected it. But now that she'd said it, it didn't seem that catastrophic. We did have an open marriage now, I supposed.

"He's a handsome man, and let me tell you, he's all man! But you and I are still the most compatible couple I know. We still want the same things, don't we? I saw you having sex with a woman and then with a man and also with a dildo, and sucking up who knows how many other men's sperm. I myself don't care for the taste of sperm the way you do. But you enjoyed it so much I can't possibly stand in your way. So here's a revision of our marriage vow -- you now have my permission to have sex of any kind with any man you like!"

"I don't want it!" I said reflexively. Then I realized what she'd said!

"You've got it. I refuse to be your excuse." She waited. She expected me to say something else. Then she added. "Look here, honey. You were unfaithful to me. That might be forgivable. I'd know how to take care of that. In fact I did. Tom helped. But when I saw how guilty you felt afterward, you poor dear, all that guilt accomplished was, I had to fuck Tom again and again, so you'd feel less guilty when you heard about it. And don't you now?"

My God! I really did feel less guilty! Instead I felt jealous, even a little indignant. But I'd never tell her that. I'd never want her to know I was that big a hypocrite.

"Then it got much worse. You wanted to keep me from knowing that you were unfaithful. Now, that's dishonesty, not as easily forgiven. And Gail used that as leverage for her own purposes, to tart you up so you'd never again be a man, in my eyes or anyone else's. And she did it! Are you a man now?"

"Yes, I am. I am, in my heart, Carrie."

"Your heart isn't what everyone sees. It isn't what you'll be doing for the next five years. It isn't what your body will be telling you in a few more months. No, Bobbi, you're a girl. In my eyes, and everyone else's. Look at yourself. Can I ever imagine that you're still the man I married?"

No, she can't. Obviously. "No, you're right."

"Now this time answer me honestly. Who's girl are you?"

I thought about it a moment. The answer was inescapable. "Gail's.

I gave myself to Gail so she wouldn't tell you."

"That's right. But I know anyhow. So now you can be my girl too, can't you? Do you want to be?"

"I guess." That was hopeful! "Yes! Carrie, I do want to be your girl! But are you saying that you won't want to sleep with me any more because I'm not a man, I'm a girl? Gail's girl and yours?"

"Of course not, Bobbi. Of course I'll sleep with you. I'll love sleeping with you. With that skin? It's so smooth! And you smell wonderful, like a garden full of flowers! You're a bouquet! And you're still all mine, really! Of course Gail has first call on your body and your time, the same way Tom has first call on mine. That's what they wanted when they first found out we were their neighbors, that their neighbors were an attractive couple who'd once worked for them, and that I still did. And that's what I agreed to when I visited with them a week or so ago. If they could persuade you, that is."

This was news! "You visited with them? A week or so ago?"

Carrie smiled and kissed my nose. "What's so surprising about that?

They called when you happened to be away and asked us to drop by. A royal summons from my employers, so of course I went. It was memorable! Gail told me that because of my splendid achievements and my loyalty to Hanover Associates I was in line for a Vice Presidency. I thanked her. Then she told me she wanted to add you to her list of available men -- you were so conveniently located and you looked so 'cute' she couldn't resist. She asked if I'd mind."

Now Carrie paused, serious and thoughtful. "This wasn't an easy thing to answer, Bobbi. Because I love you, and of course I'd rather not share you with anyone. But obviously it was going to happen. What with me away so often, and you so suggestible, such an easy mark, it was inevitable that as you say, you'd 'fall,' you'd 'betray' me. So I agreed to share you with her. She assured me that it wouldn't be a problem, she wanted sex, not affection, and it wouldn't be often, maybe only every few weeks when one of her regular studs cancelled out. That it was no big deal."

"But I couldn't tell you anything about our agreement. I couldn't tell you about Gail's intentions or my pending Vice-Presidency, because then you'd have made the noble sacrifice to save it, and fucked Gail for my sake, not for your pleasure or hers. So I insisted to Gail that it had to be your decision entirely, not mine. Your doing, your responsibility, it had to be to please you, not to please me. It was all up to you. So she'd have to seduce you. I wouldn't help or stand in the way, and I would never let on that I knew about it."

That sounded credible. I nodded.

"There was another advantage to you committing adultery all by yourself. If you ever learned that Tom had seduced me too, you'd be more understanding and forgiving, less inclined to throw me over. You know that old biblical saying, when a woman taken in adultery was about to be stoned to death? 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!"

Now I saw what was coming, and I sat very still. Carrie draped her arms on my shoulders and continued. "Gail just wanted a naturally submissive man to play with and make more so, and she did seduce you effortlessly, just as I expected. But then came an unanticipated problem. You wouldn't cooperate with her any more. You got that darling pang of conscience! You wanted to remain faithful to me after all! You wanted to go and sin no more! That wasn't at all what we expected or needed!"

"No," I said. It was all coming clear. "I see. I betrayed you when I decided not to betray you. But Gail still wanted someone to play with. So she improvised other things with me."

"Exactly," Carrie said quietly. "And you gave her a marvelous hook. You told her you wanted to deceive me, keep me ignorant of your little lapse, didn't you?"

"Yes," I said, now thoroughly ashamed.

"Gail's very ethical. That made her angry. You know what she next wanted to do with you, don't you, my sweet baby? Make you into her very own sweet baby. She very nearly did, too."

I nodded. "Like what that friend of hers did to her husband. But wouldn't you have stopped her?"

Now Carrie looked grave. "I don't know, honey. I'd have left that up to you too. She'd have asked you to wear a diaper and drink up all of your first bottle, and then suck on her titty while she hugged you and sang to you. And you'd have done it, I know you! You'd have found your own reasons to comply, to go along with whatever she suggested. And then with each successive bottle, and more drugs, you'd have gotten more and more compliant and agreeable, until finally you'd actually become a sweet, happy baby content to nurse and pee and poop for the rest of your life. And I'd have lost you."

"But she didn't."

"No. When you turned noble and refused to be her handy local stud, she called me to discuss your other possible uses. She'd already abandoned the baby idea by then anyhow -- she didn't want to hear you up wake and cry for a bottle or her breast when she was busy getting plowed by some man."

A sly look crossed Carrie's face. "Though I bet you'd be a beautiful baby, babydoll! If I gave you a bottle of warm milk some time, would you drink it? Would you trust me enough to lie on your back and drink it?"

I nodded. "Yes," I said.

Carrie looked grateful. I didn't say why I was inclined to trust her. Not just because I know she loves me and means well for me, though that. Mainly because I knew she'd never want to do anything to jeopardize her career. And I was now an asset in her career.

Then she paused, pensive. "Gail's next idea was to make you a gay man. In fact a mincing steretype, a flaming faggot, if she could. That seemed to her to be an amusing way to deal with someone who didn't want to bed her down. It seems there are aversion and reward therapies that can help men prefer sex with other men, even enjoy it. They're based on what happens every day in jails. There's even a psychologist who offers those treatments as a service to women who are about to divorce their husbands but haven't yet told them -- it greatly simplifies the settlement process. She made a first appointment for you for today, earlier today, but fortunately she checked with me first. I told her I didn't want to lose you that way, nor see you made ridiculous. She sympathized. She said she'd think of something else. She did want you to have sex with a man, though, one way or another, as a kind of retribution for refusing to have sex with her. You really disappointed her!"

Carrie paused even longer, studied me closely, then spoke. "Then when she described how she sent you flouncing home yesterday morning in her pink satin robe, it came to me. I saw how she could have everything she wanted. I suggested that she encourage your femininity. That she work with your natural submissiveness to set you up as a girl for a while. That she play dolly with you and have fun dressing you up and teaching you to be a woman and to appreciate what sex as a woman is like. Then she could also hire you as her social secretary and get exclusive rights to your professional services. And meanwhile free more of my time for Tom in the process. A win/win situation. She thought it was a brilliant idea. She was ready to declare me a Vice-President right then and there."

So Carrie did sell me to Gail after all? To embellish her own career? I felt crushed. Used. "So in effect, you're the one who made me a girl?" I said, despondent. "You did this to me?"

She heard my tone of voice, but inexplicably, instead of responding in kind she only smiled and kissed my nose again. "Oh, no, Bobbi baby! I only gave her the idea. Partly to forestall her turning you into something worse, a mindless lackey maybe, or a eunuch keeper of Tom's household condoms. Because she wanted you neutered or at least neutralized when you found out that Tom and I had begun getting it on. Remember, they wanted to play with both of us. And whatever they did with you, or to you, had to be acceptable to both of us in the end. What would you have suggested?"

And now Carrie reached out gently, delicately, and grasped one of my breasts, one manicured finger caressing the silicone nipple. "Soon these will be real," she whispered. "And we'll both love doing this to them! I've always wanted to! You'll feel ecstatic when they're real, and I do this."

She next lifted her hand to my face and began tracing my red lips with her finger, pausing now and then to kiss my eyes closed. I was mesmerized. There was nothing she could do I didn't love! "I've got to confess it," she said when she saw how entranced I was. "Ever since I first saw you, even before we spoke to each other at that office party, I've wondered what kind of a girl you'd make. You're just so very cute! Always! And so sweet, and loving, and trusting! And I do so love you, I always want you to feel everything I feel, no matter what! I might have gotten you up as a girl myself some day, just for fun. Suggested that we visit some country resort hotel or ski slope as two girls out for a good time, just for fun. You'd have agreed I'm sure, maybe even thought it was your own idea once I'd put it into your head. And it would have been fun, too! Maaking the reservations, shopping, teaching you all the manners and make-up skills you'd need, choosing a hair style for you at my salon. Fending off the guys, and giggling together about them afterward. You know. We'll do all those things anyhow, now. In fact I'm looking forward to it!"

"You've always preferred for me to be a woman, not a man?" I asked.

I felt hurt.

"No, honey, I've always preferred that you were a man. You're a very satisfactory man, or at least you were until today. But you aren't listening! I always did love the woman I could see in you. If I'd had my druthers, I'd have brought her out and arranged to love both of you. But now I'll take what I can get! You're a woman now, or you soon will be. And I love you that way too! Is that clear now?"

I nodded solemnly.

"Get something else very clear too, then. I didn't do this to you.

Gail didn't either. You did this to yourself! All by yourself!

You made yourself a girl."

This was an astonishing statement! "I did? How!"

"By finding your own reasons to go along with everything Gail proposed. At every stage. This conversion needed your consent at every stage. You said "No!" only once, when she first seduced you. She respected that. She'd have respected other refusals too, though they'd have been problematic for her. But did you ever tell her 'No!' again?"

I felt chastened. "No," I said. "But I did have my reasons."

Now Carrie snuggled closer on my lap, pressing her breasts against mine. Her breath smelled of flowers. And of something else too? A hint of sperm? She'd given Tom a good night blow job? But I couldn't let that distract me now! "Yes, sweetheart, of course you had your reasons," she said. "Some of them were admirable, and some of them were not at all admirable. But make no mistake, Gail's clever! She supplied you with all the motives, means, and opportunities you might ever need for your own feminization, and you supplied all the rest. All the justifications. You did this to yourself! You went along with all of it. And you did get to like it! Feeling how a silk dress moves on your hips. Looking girly cute. Clenching your ass muscles on a lovely thick cock buried deep inside you."

This was true. "I guess," I said. I had to confess it.

Now I felt sad. She was right. I had done this to myself, in effect. Even enjoyed some of it. A lot of it. In all essentials I was a self-made woman.

Again she kissed me, this time full on the mouth. Slowly. Lingeringly. I kissed her back. Our two red mouths pressed against each other. My heart yearned toward her. Woman or not, I was so grateful I hadn't lost her!"

Finally she broke off. "Don't worry, Bobbi. I'm glad you like it. There are many things worse than being a woman. If we've lost some things, we've gained others. I mean to make love to you the way we've always made love just as long as you're able, and then we'll find other ways. You already know some of them, don't you?"

Almost immediately I felt a new anxiety. "As long as I'm able?"

"Honey, surely you know! In a few months when your breasts get to be the size of mine, your penis will get to be the size of my little finger, but boneless. Useless for fucking. It'll become a kind of clit, a sweet little flab of sensitive flesh. That's what girl hormones do when they're inside boys. They make boys girly in front as well as in back, below as well as above the waist, and their waists get narrower too. Their cocks and balls shrink. Pretty soon you'll never again penetrate me with your prick, not ever again. But the stub will still feel delicious, and your breasts will feel utterly exquisite when we're making love, the way mine do. Or when anyone else is making love to you. So you'll come out ahead I think. As a tradeoff it's still better than two for one." She grinned.

But now I was depressed again. "What kinds of sex lives can we have then? It's all over between us, isn't it!"

She was concerned for me now, and spoke rapidly, earnestly. "Honey, what did I just tell you? You're already pretty, and if your figure measures up to that sweet rear end when it ripens you'll be a menace to male civilization. We'll have marvelous sex lives in an open marriage like Gail's and Tom's! I'll date other men, and so will you, whenever you wish. Maybe we'll even double date the same man. And meanwhile we'll enjoy all sorts of oral sex together! I know you enjoy licking cunt. I know you love the taste of cum -- I saw those security tapes, remember? Who would have guessed? I certainly never did. If I should bring a man home you'll want to get him ready for me, and maybe clean him out of me afterward if you're so inclined. Wouldn't that be nice? Or if you'd rather stay faithful to some current boyfriend, if you turn out to be a one man at a time girl, I'll be quite satisfied to have you lick and kiss my breasts and my pussy even if I haven't just been with a man."

Oddly, I felt consoled!

"I know you still prefer women, honey. It'll take time for you to come round to men, though a lot less time than I would have guessed before seeing those tapes. Gail and I will meanwhile provide you with all the femininity you'll need. No matter who we've been with, you'll be the girl we'll want between our legs, your prick while it can manage it, and your tongue always. You'll service both of us to your heart's content!. So understand, I don't want you to go out looking for other women. I don't want to see other women coming in and out of the house, not if they aren't you. I want you to be truly faithful from now on! Just to the two of us! To Gail and me. You promise?"

She squirmed in my lap, the silk of her dress rubbing on mine, her breasts rubbing against what would soon be mine, her rear end sliding against my hardening cock. And she kissed me softly again on the mouth.

"Yes," I said. I'd been unfaithful to her once, and the effects were now likely to last a life time. I craved no more infidelities!

"Of course you won't be attracting many more women anyhow, but you never know. I think you look just darling now, and if I do, others will too. But now that you're a girl, you'll need to learn how to attract guys. How to flirt and seduce. Don't worry, I'll help, and we'll send you to a Charm School Gail knows. You'll learn. You'll love it! It's perfectly natural for girls to enjoy sex with men. And your contract obliges you! That part is under my supervision, and I don't doubt for a moment that you'll be a big help to me!"

And now she looked both determined and satisfied. For the moment, she was my boss. Then she lapsed back. "You'll have your own private life with men too of course, and you'll love that too, I know you will. All the dating and romancing. You'll have the pick of the litter. I won't mind how many men you bring home to play with all night, if that's your pleasure. But always remember one thing -- no matter how you may feel about any of them men, no matter how grateful or appreciative, you're married only to me! Agreed?" She smiled at me affectionately. A little worried too?

This was strange. Signed contracts are one thing, but my own wife wanted my sex life from now on to consist mainly of men? Still, I looked at the bottom line. Carrie and I would still be married, no matter what! That was the main thing! And if Carrie liked men, felt attracted to them, I should at least try to feel the same way. We were so similar in so many other ways! "OK," I said. "Agreed."

Carrie smiled. "There's my dear. I knew we could work something out." She wriggled again, then looked up and ran her fingertips through my hair. "But enough of this! Honey, I've been bursting to tell you all evening -- you have an absolutely stunning hairdo! Adorable! I've thought of getting myself styled something like that for some time now. Who did it? Was it Tina, really? And your dress is a Donna Karan, isn't it? I'm impressed! It's perfect for your figure! Wherever in the world did you find it?"

This delighted me. It was so deeply satisfying to be praised by someone with Carrie's taste. I couldn't wait to answer her questions. So I told her all about Yvette and Celine, and how strange it had felt when the doorman complimented me on the way out, yet how gratifying. As we talked, I got more and more curious about the other fashions Yvette was stitching up and collecting for me, what they'd look like. How I'd look wearing them. Carrie told me about this year's fashions, what to expect when I next went to Yvette's for a fitting. Earlier that day I'd reluctantly endured getting measured while standing on that little platform at Yvette's, and I'd endured sitting in Tina's chair getting my hair and nails and face done. But as Carrie talked, I realized how privileged I'd been. My next sessions at Yvette's or in a beauty salon would not be at all burdensome!

Carrie told me a few different ways I could arrange my hair, and a few more for when it grows out a little more, and she described a Donna Karan she had in her closet that very moment, one I'd somehow never noticed. We talked about the men she'd known before she knew me, intimate things she could only tell another girl, never a man, certainly not a husband. She told me about a terrific man she'd met soon after reaching her agreement with Gail and Tom, when she knew that our marriage would be changing very soon. How excited she'd been to learn they'd be attending the same sales meetings, seeing each other. How carefully she'd planned everything in her wardrobe this trip just for him, and how her heart had pounded when she finally saw him. She regretted they'd only had time for one quick drink before Tom showed her on his cell-phone that Gail's plan for me had gone into play and was progressing, and she'd gone to Tom's room instead to consult and see more. Then to Tom's bed instead of the man's.

"That's the first time since our marriage that a man has affected me that way, honey. You've filled my life until now. But Gail and Tom have changed things around for us, and we both need to move on. I'll meet him in about two weeks when I visit his firm, and I know now that there'll be other men like him. You'll know soon enough yourself what it's like, how a girl feels when she's anticipating an affair with a new man. Maybe you already feel a little bit that way about Jason? The first time you fall in love as a girl will be so wonderful, honey! It transforms everything! I do so envy you!"

She reminded me repeatedly that she still loves me, deeply, seriously, and forever, and never to doubt it. That I'm her very own absolute dear, and that loving me will always fill her with joy. But that men like Tom can fill her more deeply with something more substantial than love that also feels very good. And that now that I'm committed to sex as a woman, it's foolish for her to feel forced to choose between me and men who are still men. So she won't. "Don't worry, though," she assured me. "We'll always come back to each other. You'll always be my special girl."

It was wonderful! We were both special girls! She told me more about the girl in her suite who had slept around, and we giggled over some of the things that girl had done to boys, and some of the other things boys had done to her, and she told me how all the other girls in her suite were envious of her and had tried out some of her tricks with their own boyfriends. Most of them lacked her knack, but Carrie'd managed one or two successfully. She thought we could have fun like that when I wasn't busy with Gail or with her special clients. "We'll be together much more often, now that we can be," she said. "And even when you're with Gail we'll be feeling much closer, because we'll have so much more in common!"

In turn I told her all about Jason's mentoring of Tina, and how she was right, I had felt a strange, delicious delight when I'd orgasmed with Jason's cock buried in my ass. How that orgasm had risen to unspeakable heights and felt as if it would go on forever. Carrie nodded. "I'm so happy for you," she said. "I saw. I could tell. You'll have lots of those from now on, baby."

We talked and talked, on and on, scarcely able to get words in edgewise! It was wonderful! Once again we were of one mind about practically everything. My darling wife was now my dearest friend too! I began to see as she'd seen all along that this was all for the best.

When the first streaks of dawn began to silhouette the trees east of our house, Carrie loaned me a nightgown and helped me cream off my makeup, and I changed my tampon. She asked if I wanted to lick Tom out of her now or if I'd prefer to wait for morning. I told her better later, when we'd slept for a while, I was now too sleepy to enjoy it properly. I told her how happy I was that after all the anxieties, all the guilt, my terrible fear that I'd lost her, I was now completely hers, her cute, doll-faced girl, and blissfully content to be just that. I told her I wanted to be just like her when my figure came in. I couldn't wait for the rest of my life to begin!

So we just went to bed together, and kissed and cuddled each other, and fell asleep snug in each other's arms, feeling closer than we'd felt for a long time. An hour or so later I happened to wake up for just a moment, and happened to open my eyes. There was my darling Carrie, also awake, lying back against the headboard and looking down at my sleeping face with the sweetest smile, proud, loving, satisfied, just a teeny bit smug. Also a teeny bit triumphant? I smiled back at her and snuggled closer to her breasts, and soon fell asleep again.






© 2003 by Vickie Tern. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.