Crystal's StorySite

Mare’s Tales           by: Beverly Taff


Chapter 12.

Thus we all obtained places at the same university. The college’s objections to the expense of providing suitable facilities for so many seriously disabled students were quickly swept aside by my father who promised to pay for the modification of a whole house for our benefit. He also promised to donate it to the university to facilitate disabled students following after us. This was too good an opportunity for the university to pass and we were all accepted. I was eternally grateful to my father for this demonstration of trust and goodwill and I promised to make it up to him some day.

Our modified personal accommodation ensured our privacy and thus we managed to keep our sexualities a secret. Nobody suspected a thing as five young ‘ladies’ with tremendous handicaps, managed to excel in their respective university careers

We five knew where were going. We had discussed our disabilities over many years at school and college. All the studying and hard work was with one aim in mind but we had kept it secret as we planned our lives and strategy. The years of university flew by as we each followed our selected paths. Jenny achieved her bachelor’s degree after only two years and went on to research her doctorate in statistics and numerical analysis. Cynthia and I completed our much longer courses in medicine and veterinary science whilst Jacky followed Jenny’s lead and completed her bachelor’s degree to start research in genetic engineering.

Veronica completed her law degree then concentrated upon medical ethics, copyright and patenting law. For a couple of years she practised law for a government department and specialised in disabled person’s rights. There she gained a national reputation and made many important contacts in the secret ‘old girl’s network’ that Miss Lane’s academy had entrenched in Whitehall.

Concurrently, Cynthia and I expanded our surgical and medical skills until we finally qualified as medical and veterinary surgeons respectively.

Eventually our days at university came to an end. Cynthia and I both collected our doctorates after some damned hard work. Jenny received several standing ovations as she carried away several prizes for her researches into statistics and computer analysis. She had long since obtained her Ph.D.

The university had offered her a readership at the tender age of twenty-three. But she made arrangements to become a visiting reader after having long since decided to stay with friends she knew she could trust. With no arms or legs, Jenny felt hopelessly vulnerable away from our company.

She explained to us.

"You know how it is girls. I know which side my bread is buttered on, though it’s nice to know that I’m not completely useless. It’ll be nice to present papers and do some research for the old college. Perhaps, even give the odd lecture. The extra money will give me a sense of independence and help me to feel ‘in control’. It’s something I need, so I hope you’ll all understand."

She looked at us, almost pleading with her eyes for our support.

"Do you still want to live with us?" Asked Jacky.

"Heavens yes! I couldn’t live without you. You know that. I only want to visit the college occasionally to keep my mind active and all that."

We four heaved a collective sigh of relief and I added a final rejoinder.

"Jenny, if this project of ours is to come off, we are going to need all the mathematical skills you’ve got. The numerical problems are enormous."

"Nobody knows that better than I do Bev, except perhaps, Jacky. Don’t worry; I’ll be in their pitching with the research. Just look at me. I’ve got the most to lose and the most to gain."

She twitched her useless stumps pathetically as a tiny tear formed in her eye. I gently picked her up like a baby and gave her a tight cuddle. We were all relieved that Jenny was staying. We had been stupid really, to believe she was leaving.

Dr James and Miss Lane gladly attended our final degree ceremonies. They had tears in their eyes as they acted like two surrogate mothers for Jenny, Vee, Cye and Jacky. The six of them wept and hugged each other as they exchanged promises of support and contact in the future. Miss Lane sobbed.

"Oh my girls, my wonderful girls! I’m so happy for you, you’ve all done so well. Please come back to the school regularly during the reunions."

"Don’t worry Miss Lane, we will." We all chorused.

Despite all that happened at the school, we still held a soft spot for the old place and we were all happy with our sexuality, except perhaps, poor Jenny. She seemed to find some compensation in her mathematics. Dr James approached her individually.

"I can understand the lasting resentment my dear, but you’d be dead by now through drugs and crime if we hadn’t rescued you from the street. You can rest assured that you will always enjoy the friendship you’ve got around you here."

She waved her hand around the room as she continued.

"You might not be happy with your sexual equipment now but your libido and behaviour patterns are second to none. It was a crime to let that brilliant brain go to waste in a delinquent male body."

We had known a little about Jenny’s past before but this was the first time that it had ever been mentioned by one of the school staff. All we had known was what Jenny had told us, and that wasn’t very much. Miss Lane gave us all a significant glance as though to underline Dr James’s words. It was apparent that Jenny had committed some serious crimes when she was a wild thing.

My father and stepmother also attended the graduation and I felt a thrill of excitement for them as I ascended the stage. From the stage I was able to physically demonstrate that I was capable of looking after myself in the future. My dear twins were also there smiling as their mum/dad collected his/her degree. I couldn’t resist giving them a little wave as they smiled and waved back. They were soon to be starting at Miss Lanes. Their sexuality was already apparent. My ‘son’ was definitely a bilateral hermaphrodite and my ‘daughter’ was certainly over-endowed of a vestigial clitty/cum/ penis.

We sat to dinner that night enjoying the rare opportunities to share a family gathering. I had fulfilled my promise to my father by completing my university course and also supplying him with ‘grandchildren’. My father sat next to me and occasionally squeezed my shoulder, as any father would treat a son. I could tell that he was still unsure of how to treat me. Should he hug me like a son or kiss me like a daughter. I simply let my femininity take control of the situation and stood up to hug and kiss him as any daughter would.

This took the problem out of his hands and I realised by the intensity of his reaction how much of a relief it had for him not had to decide. The strain of deciding whether I was a daughter or son had been weighing on his shoulders for years. I whispered in his ear.

"Just think of me as your daughter Daddy. I live fully as a woman now."

A tear started to trickle down his cheek as he brushed my hair off my face and shoulders.

"It’s been one long trial for me Bev darling. I do realise now that you are a brave young woman in your own right and mature enough to handle your own future. I’m going to increase your inheritance and then finally will my whole business over to you when I retire. You are obviously fully capable of running it or just overseeing the management whichever you choose."

Father owned a chemical and pharmaceutical business with several small factories in different countries. He was in fact, quite a wealthy man and I was still his only child. The problems of inheritance and the fate of his business after his death had been bothering him deeply for some years.

He had ‘-lost his only son-’ at the tender age of ten and it had taken him nearly fourteen years to reconcile himself to ‘-gaining a daughter-‘. My giving him twin grandchildren had partially allayed his fears, but the realisation that my ‘son’ Nicholas, would eventually go the same way as me had somewhat disappointed him.

It was really my doctorate’s degree and the eventual recognition that his legitimate heir was a very pretty, capable and effeminate young lady that had finally reconciled him to the future.

With that future attended to, the rest of the meal passed extremely pleasantly. My father proved to be excellent company as he related many tales about his experiences and travels in his business. Some were just plain funny whilst others were downright outrageous. All were entertaining though and he held the children and me enthralled throughout the meal. It was wonderful to have my parents and my children around the same table.

Finally after a quick glance across the table he leant forward and whispered.

"Well Bev, enough about me darling. Now what are your plans for the future?"

"I intend to live with my friends, Veronica, Jennifer, Cynthia and Jacqueline daddy. We have been so close for years and we are all very supportive of each other. Despite their mutilations, they have been as supportive to me during these difficult years as I’ve been to them. You’ve been so tied up with the company that I’ve had little or no family life. They are my family now. Except of course for these two little monkeys."

I reached out and hugged both my children to me.

"These two, I can take with me or they can carry on at Miss Lanes. It’s up to them really. What do you want to do kids?"

Bernard and Jeanette both snuggled up to me and indicated their real preferences by their obvious body language. At this critical moment, the hired hotel ‘nanny’ arrived to collect the children and left us to discuss adult matters. The children hugged and kissed everybody before going to their room in the hotel. As they toddled away my father opened the adult discussions.

"I think it’s a bit too early for the children to decide what they want Bev. It might be better if they attended Miss Lane’s for a few more years. With their bodies it might even be the best place to go."

I found it hard to fault my father’s logic. There was no doubt that things were going to change drastically for the children at puberty. If they were at a ‘normal’ school they would be confronted with insurmountable problems and probably forced to leave. There was no doubt that Miss Lane’s was the best place. With a slightly heavy heart I was forced to agree.

"O.K. Daddy, but I will have charge of them like the agreement states. If I think that things at Miss Lanes are too harsh or wrong for my children, I’ll act accordingly."

"Well the alternative seems a little unusual as well Bev. It seems to be a very odd set up with you and your friends. That’s not exactly the right climate to bring children up in."

I felt that this was a little too harsh and that my father was being too judgmental.

"Well it was the only way I could come to terms with my sexuality. What with the errors made during my childhood, the unrecognised transvestism and then the discovered hermaphrodism, it was only by the grace of God that I emerged relatively unscathed. I was fortunate that Dr James was on hand at that critical time of my life."

My father nodded philosophically and frowned slightly as he sipped his coffee. I glanced significantly at my stepmother. She had had a considerable hand in the decision to send me to Miss Lanes. Whilst it had turned out a happy accident, I often wondered at my stepmother’s motives. Had she sent me there in the hope that I would be turned into a girl whilst she bore my father a son? I was very suspicious of her motives as I resumed talking.

"Whatever climate my children are reared in at least we five friends are supportive and interdependent. The children with have lots of love and care when they are with us, and that will be at every opportunity."

"They had ‘love and care’ with us Beverly." My father pointed out patiently.

"Well anyway. Miss Lanes helped make me what I am today Daddy. You’ll just have to accept me for what I am. I am easily able to prove that they are my children and they will be brought up by me from now on. Don’t worry you’ll still be able to see them whenever you want. You know that anyway. I suspect they’ll want to see you every weekend anyway. If you make the time, that you never had for me. The children will always be there and you can visit them at school any time."

My father gave a silent sigh of relief as my stepmother interjected for the first time.

"Please understand Beverly, after that incident at the village, what could we do? We only did what we thought was best for you."

I turned slightly peeved.

"I’ll have to take your word for that won’t I? I’ll never know what your motives were for sending me to Miss Lanes, but, by happy accident, it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. If I had not been on hormones, if Dr James had not discovered my true nature, I would have grown up with the slender hips of a man and unable to have these two, -(I hugged Bernard and Jeanette again)-. Without these lovely flared hips and breasts, I would never have fulfilled my dual capacity or function.

Rest assured stepmother dearest," I hissed. "I have had to come to terms with all my extraordinary bodily functions. I hope that you can."

Even as these last words escaped my lips, I realised that I had gone too far. They struck home like a barb. My stepmother had been unable to give my father any children. I was his one and only child.

A flash of pain crossed her face and she gave a little sniff as she tried to hide the hurt. I had never got over the early death of my true mother or the trauma of my father’s rapid remarriage. Despite the emotional baggage I carried, I realised that I’d gone too far. My father grasped my wrist and squeezed a little too hard. I winced and struggled as he shook his head.

"That’s not fair Beverly. I missed your mother dearly and she was also a dear friend of your stepmother long before they had ever met me. It was your mother’s dying wish that I should marry your stepmother. They had been lifetime companions and friendly rivals for my hand. I loved them both and they remained good friends right up until your mother’s death.

It was your mother who wanted me to remarry her friend. Mary became your stepmother and she was terribly hurt by your rejection of her when we married. She feels she’s let her friend down terribly by not winning your affections."

He motioned to my stepmother and impatiently shook his hand as he spoke to her.

"Mary, have you got those letters that Janet wrote to you before she died? I think it may change Beverly’s mind."

Tears flowed down my stepmother’s cheeks as she rooted through her bag and produced a grubby little parcel of careworn letters tied up with a stained and ragged ribbon. As my father untied the ribbon, a locket of hair fell from between the letters and he pushed it across the table to me.

"That is your mother’s hair. She gave it to Mary on her deathbed and made Mary swear to look after you. You remember the happy years in the village. Mary and I were distraught when you were discovered to be a transvestite. We simply had no idea how to handle it.

It was my decision to send you to Miss Lane’s. Your mother and stepmother’s mutual friend told us about the school. If anybody is guilty for that decision then I stand before you."

I hardly heard my father’s words as I read the contents of the letters. They were short and brief. The earlier ones expressing their love and describing the progress of the disease whilst the later ones dwelt upon the hidden urgency to sort out affairs and prepare each other emotionally for what was now inevitable.

The final letter was longer. The hand was now shaky and the text poorly structured mirroring my mother’s rapid descent into the long dark night. It was almost a will and testament as my mother expressed her final feelings and wishes to Mary. There was a reference to some letters concerning me and I spoke of them as tears came to my eyes.

"Yes," replied my father, "there are some letters. Your mother wrote them to you for you to read when you were older. They are outside in the car. I’ve no idea what’s in them they are still sealed. I know that they were written with a day like this in mind. The only trouble is that she wrote them on the assumption that your were going to grow up into a man. We had no idea about you bi- bi-; you know what I mean. That’s the reason we haven’t given them to you sooner. I simply didn’t know what to do. Anyway, they are in the car if you want them."

The letters from my mother to Mary fell from my grasp. I had no idea that they had been such deep friends.

"Why didn’t you tell me?" I sobbed.

"We just weren’t sure when to tell you. We only knew that we had to tell you sometime. This seemed as good a time as any. We just didn’t know how you’d take the letters. We’re still coming to terms with your sexuality ourselves. We know we were perhaps wrong now but we simply weren’t sure. We’re both desperately sorry."

I reached across and grasped Mary’s hand as my father went to get the letters.

"I’ll check the children upstairs whilst I’m out there."

He realised that Mary and I had things to discuss.

"I’m so sorry to you Mary. I must have been an absolute little horror to you."

"Never mind Bev. It’s all out now and hopefully it can be mended."

"Please let it be yes Mary. I promise I’ll be the daughter you never had. Please forgive me for what I was."

"I could always forgive and love Janet’s child Beverly. She was always my dearest friend."

She stroked my hair and produced a tissue to dry my tears as my father returned. With one significant glance it was obvious to my father that our reconciliation had been made.

Through eyes blurred with tears, I read my mothers letters. A huge lump jammed in my throat as I read her advice, her warnings, her hopes for me and her desperate apologies for not being there as I grew into a man. She expressed her hope that Mary and I would get on and that I would care for and protect any younger half brothers or sisters that I might have. Tears again returned as I tried to understand all my mothers’ fears and sorrows as her inevitable death approached. Fate could be cruel.

Mary also started to cry as I passed each letter to her and even my father shed tears as he finally read them. I sat silently reflecting upon what might have been if I had known about all this years ago. Finally, after he had finished the last letter, my father broke the silence as he spoke quietly through his tears.

"She was a wonderful wife, mother and friend Beverly. I hope this explains lots."

We clasped hands across the table and finally our tears dried up. A waiter appeared and discreetly cleared the crockery. It was obvious to me now why my father had chosen a very discreet table tucked away in a very private corner booth. Mary and I sneaked off to repair our makeup whilst my father ordered some more coffee. It was a much more cheerful group that finished the meal and the conversation resumed a more level and practical aspect.

"So Beverly, how do you intend to help your friends?"

"Well we intend to work as a team and see if there is any way that we can repair the damage that my friends have suffered."

My father whistled as he sat back in his chair.

"My gosh Beverly! That’s a tall order. You obviously realise the problems ahead of you."

My father was a very clever chemist and had a good grasp of the problems we had to surmount.

"Well Daddy, we are just about one of the best research teams to be assembled and we have been secretly researching into it for a few years already."

"Heavens! My love. You’ve certainly got a mountain to climb. If there’s any way that I can help. Let me know."

These were the words I had been secretly hoping to hear all night and I glanced at my stepmother. She smiled as she saw instantly through my feminine guile, but she said nothing. She was too happy to have me back as a friend and ‘daughter’, for her own and her friend’s memory’s sake. Mary and I were to become good friends.

The rest of the conversation concerned family and business matters about my plans. My father admitted being very impressed with my knowledge of the business and how it ran.

"Where did you learn all about the business stuff Beverly?"

"Well Jenny is a brilliant computer statistician and she knows a hell of a lot about business studies. Accountancy and economics are meat and drink to her. Some of it had to rub off on the rest of us when we were living together so closely at college."

"Well it will certainly be an interesting project and there are certainly some interesting advantages to the company if it comes off. This genetics stuff is huge and exciting new field. I’ll certainly help bankroll your researches.

These word more or less wound up the conversation. My parents had a longish drive the next day and they wished to get to bed early. We visited the children’s room and I kissed them both goodnight as the hotel nanny prepared them for bed. We finally parted amidst more tears but this time tears of happiness.

I skipped happily down the hotel steps to hail a taxi for I could hardly contain myself with the good news I had to tell my friends. I paid the taxi off and rushed along the mews to our flat. I had not gone to the loo all the time I was with Mary for I sensed that she was still embarrassed by my body. The rushing around on a full bladder had made me feel horny and I wasn’t wearing a cache-sex.

An embarrassing bulge developed under the pencil skirt of my suite as I searched desperately for my key. With the Lycra of my teddy stretching around my erection I pranced down the hall with my knees together trying to hold my water until I reached the loo. I gave a loud sigh of relief I let go and my friends gathered around the door in their wheel chairs waiting to hear of developments. As I emerged again I let out a shout of joy and faced my friends.

"Yee-ess! We’ve done it. He’s agreed to bankroll us."

I gave a little skip as I walked down the hall to our communal bed. My friends looked on nonplussed as I provocatively threw off my clothes and they beheld an inviting trail of jacket, skirt, blouse and stockings down the hall. I stopped at the bedroom door and turned to face them. My huge cock stood invitingly encased in the satiny front panel of my Lycra teddy and I posed with a smile as I gently removed the shoulder straps to expose my breasts and erect nipples. They quickly got the message that there was some celebrating to be done and came scooting down the hall.

I was naked by the time they had followed me into the bedroom. As I set about undressing Jenny and Vee I described the conversation with my parents and we prepared for bed.

Jenny was the most excited at the prospect of a secure future because her injuries had made her so totally dependent and vulnerable. As we sat in the huge circular communal bath she sat facing me with her cunny gripping my gentleman friend.

"We’ll be able to live like lords in total privacy on a huge estate." She giggled deliciously and ‘squeezed’ me with her love tube.

"You mean like ladies Jen." Corrected Vee.

"Yes. O.K. then, like ladies."

She gave me another squeeze with her cunny and I hugged her with ecstasy at the thought of our prospects. My pole twitched with pleasure as I held her breasts tight to mine.

"Oh!" She gasped. "Steady Bev. You’ll hurt me if your not careful. Take it easy. What’s causing you to get so excited?"

"But don’t you see Jen? We’ll be able to conduct any sort of researches we want under the legitimate auspices of my father’s company research programme. Far away from prying eyes, we’ll be able to research to our hearts content whilst you, Veronica and I operate the research branch at arms length."

"Not my arms length Bev."

Jenny laughed as she said this and we all responded nervously. Even Vee gave a nervous response. It was the first time any of us had heard Jenny joke about her disabilities. I kissed her and she smiled. It was the old smile that she used after a victorious hockey match or some other sporting triumph. I hadn’t seen it for years and my heart flipped with delight. I began to prattle on excitedly about my hopes and dreams as she pressed herself against me. She gently gripped my shoulder with her teeth as I got carried away and let go with my hands. Fortunately I was leaning back in the bath so she simply lay against me with her teeth gently dug into my shoulder and her cunny still gripping my hard organ. I concentrated on the research project.

"We will all have to chip in with our various skills to ensure that our researches benefit us both financially and medically. My father has already branched out in small way into bioengineering and gene therapy so it’s not a big step for us to expand along that vein."

The other girls stared at me in silence for several moments. Finally Veronica broke the silence and laughed.

"You’ve been planning this for a long time, haven’t you Bev?"

"Well, yes," I admitted, "but can you see any other option?"

Vee wagged her head and the others admitted their agreement. The conversation became intense as ideas were bashed back and forth.

"Will we be able to conduct experiments on live animal tissue?" Asked Cye.

"I don’t see why not." I answered. "There’s nothing wrong with that, is their Vee?"

"Only the cruelty laws and the animal rights groups," answered Vee.


"There are no laws in this country about experimenting on live animal tissue for bona fide experiments. Only human foetuses are protected but I’ll keep a check on the legal side. We’ll have to have a licence though and they can be hard to get." She added.

"That’s no problem. Daddy’s labs are already licensed. Especially the one I’ve got my eye on. It was all part of my plan."

"What plan Bev?" Demanded Jacky. "You haven’t explained the half of all this yet, have you?" She continued suspiciously.

"Come on. Out with it. What’s really on your mind?"

I sat quietly collecting my thoughts whilst my friends splashed impatiently in the water. I felt Jenny go a little tense as she gripped my member a little harder. She released her grip on my shoulder and I had to grasp the globes of her bum to prevent her slipping off. With her mouth free she whispered in my ear.

"Well. What are you thinking about?"

With this little prompt from Jenny, I decided to take the plunge and explain my ideas.

"Well to tell the truth." I paused.

The splashing stopped as my friends waited and I gathered my final thoughts.

"To tell the truth, I-"

"Go on" Urged Veronica.

"Promise you won’t laugh?"

"Just get on with it." Ordered Cynthia. "We’ll decide if it’s funny or not."

"Well. - I thought perhaps that- with our combined skills and knowledge we might be able to sort out some way of solving the more serious problems and disabilities. I was thinking- or hoping rather- that we might be, uhmm, able to relieve Jenny’s and Vee’s problems with limb transplants."

"What! From foreign donors, you mean." Expostulated Jacky.

"Well I thought there should be other ways," I replied, " I mean, with the advances in genetic research going on all the time we should surely be able to solve the rejection problems."

"That’s as may be, all well and good," added Cye, "but even if we solve the rejection problems, we’re not likely to find a donor for a pair of limbs. I mean any such limbs recovered from a fatality are invariably damaged in the accident or delay to hospital. If they were capable of reattachment then they would be reattached to the victim. Even if they were good enough, they would never be deep frozen quickly enough to get them to us usefully. I’m sorry Bev, even if we developed the technology, that job’s a non-starter."

"There’s also the legal aspect to this." Added Veronica. "We are not allowed to use human eggs or sperm or foetuses for our research."

"Well, not human ones, I’ll agree," said Cye, "but animal material is legal isn’t it Vee?"

"What! Are you suggesting that we graft animal limbs onto our bodies!" Shrieked Jacky.

"Jenny struggled to turn and face the other girls. I gently helped her to rotate on my cock but her floundering only served to emphasise Jenny’s mobility problems. She finally faced the girls and sat with her back to me but still impaled on my gentleman friend. She was using him to help her stay in position just like a locking spigot. I knew that Jenny was a little angry because I felt her cunny go tense and grip my cock as she prepared to explode.

"Listen Jacky! It’s all very well for you. You and Cye can easily do things for yourselves. Vee and I are virtually prisoners in our own bodies. If there were any way that I could get about I would seriously consider any option. It’s no joke being like this you know. Even with all the wonderful support we get from you."

A small tear leaked down Jenny’s cheek and fell onto her breast. It dripped off the end of her erect nipple and plopped into the still water of the bath as she wriggled her torso dramatically to emphasise her statement.

Veronica nodded her head to reinforce Jenny’s observations then she splashed her useless stumps by way of extra emphasise as she spoke.

"Well I for one, support Jenny there but I can’t see how grafting animal limbs is going to help us. Our biggest problem is the lack of hands. The old human opposable thumb."

Here I was forced to agree with Veronica but I was stumped about how to overcome it.

"What about monkey arms?" I suggested.

"Oh thanks Bev. I’m sure that Vee and I would love to have a great big pair of hairy arms to scoot about on as we get knuckle rash on the floor."

"Well what would you suggest then, clever clogs?"

I was getting tired of the negative responses.

"Well I would at least like to be mobile. If only to get to and from the loo." Replied Jenny soothingly.

"Yes!" Agreed Veronica. "It wouldn’t be so bad if we could just get to the loo and relieve ourselves in time. Even with your constant attendance, we sometimes have to hold our water for too long. That’s no criticism of you three mind. You’ve been wonderful. But I must agree with Jenny. Our biggest problem is holding our pee and getting to the loo."

"What about cleaning yourselves afterwards?" Scoffed Jacky.

"That’s no problem," added Jenny, "we can always wait for someone to show up for that, or we can install a loo that flushes, washes and dries our bums like a hospital sluice. It’s the pain of waiting and the discomfort. Vee is right though, you are all very supportive but I’ve often nearly wet myself waiting for one of you return. It’s very embarrassing."

"So what you’re saying is that mobility is paramount." Said Cynthia matter-of-factly.

"Yes!" Chorused Jenny and Vee.

Cynthia snapped her fingers and giggled.

"Well that’s it then. I’ve got it. We’ll graft a horses arse onto you with legs and hooves."

She collapsed with laughter as she cackled out the last words.


M-m-mind y-you. W- wa- watch you don’t shit in the street. I- I d-don’t want to have to t-take a p-pooper scooper with me every time we go out."

With these words, Cynthia collapsed into paroxysms of laughter and splashed the bath water everywhere as she drummed her stumps on the side of the bath. Jacky reached out to try and stop her but Cynthia’s laughter was infectious and Jacky ended up giggling in helpless union as they slopped about in the water. Jenny and Veronica just sat in mute frustration. Not sure whether to laugh or cry.

Finally, Jacky managed to calm her friend down and they settled in the bath to soap each other down. She caught my eye and motioned me to leave the bath with her. I reached over and switched on the Jacuzzi so the four girls could enjoy themselves as the jets tickled and caressed their bodies. Gently I lifted Jenny off her perch on my cock and settled her onto her own special bath seat to enjoy the Jacuzzi. I rinsed off in the shower and softly patted myself dry.

It had been a very long day. The graduation, Miss Lane and Dr James, my parent’s meal and finally the bath time discussion. I was dog-tired and I had yet to put Jenny and Vee to bed. I went into the kitchen to make some drinking chocolate and as I reached up and over for the biscuits a soft pair of hands gently groped my cunny and cock from behind. I gave a squeak of surprise as I turned to find Jacky with her hand up my dressing gown and a firm grip on my rod. I gave a little jerk but her grip was fast and I was stuck helplessly over the worktop. In her wheelchair, she was exactly the right height.

"Later Jacky. I’m busy with the chocolate."

She gently smiled and released her grip on my cock. Her fingers however remained locked in my cunny as I readjusted myself on her hand and automatically ‘presented’ myself for her attention.

She gently wiggled her fingers and I gasped with pleasure.

"Do you like it this way? From the back?" She asked.

"As it comes Jacky. Though it’s easy this way as my cock doesn’t get in the way."

"This is how it would be if you did what Cynthia suggested."

"W-what d’you mean? I don’t follow you."

I swooned as my cunny received her attentions over the kitchen worktop.

"What d’you mean?" I repeated.

" If you attached Jenny or Vee to a horse’s arse."

"Oh don’t be daft Jacky. She was joking.

"Many a true word spoken in jest."

"Yes, but a horse’s arse! Don’t be daft. It’s impossible." I squirmed again as Jacky’s educated knuckles gently rocked against my sensitive cunny lips. She knew exactly haw to keep me boiling as she spoke again.

"It’s not."

"Of course it is. And stop it please," I whimpered, "I- I can’t concentrate.

Jacky gently tickled my cunny lips with her fingers as she continued.

"I’m telling you that what Cye said in there is not totally impossible."

"Oh! Ooh. C-come of it J- Jacky." I sagged as my orgasm started to boil. "You can’t seriously c-consider animal limbs for transplant onto humans. That’s j-just too ridiculous. Oooh-woooh! That’s nice, just theeere. Oooh! Yes."

I waggled my bum back and forth as my orgasm finally exploded through my nether regions. Despite my attempts at silence the noise of my orgasm became audible in the bathroom and there were shouts of protest. Jacky laughed back.

"Be quiet you lot! Bev and I are discussing something."

She gently removed her hand from my sex and allowed me to sag gently onto a kitchen stool. I sat, sticky and breathless, as Jacky gently hugged me.

"That’s what it would be like for Jenny and Vee if you stuck a horse’s arse on them. They’d have to be fucked from behind all the time."

"Well it’s not likely to happen, is it?" I gasped.

"Why not. There is no other option at the moment. The way the law stands on human biogenetic material. There’s no other way that Jenny and Vee could ever become mobile again."

I was getting frightened as I followed Jacky’s train of thought.

"Hell Jacky, they couldn’t possibly go out in public if they had horse’s arses."

Jacky paused for effect. I was still breathing heavily from my recovering orgasm and my breaths sounded like a wheezing locomotive in the dead silence of the kitchen. She let the silence hang pregnant in the air before she spoke softly.

It was almost a whisper.

"You’re not following me Bev. I mean if they were grafted onto a whole horse’s body. Like a centaur."

I spilt the hot milk that I was pouring from the pan.

"Ouch! Dammit you silly bitch! Now look what you’ve made me do.

I held one hand under the tap as I reached for the first aid kit. As I fumbled with the lid and shook the injured hand under the tap, my mind span in circles trying to get my brain around Jacky’s suggestion. I shook my head and stared at her as she continued quietly.

"I’m serious Bev. I was researching tissue rejection syndrome at the university while you and Cye were busy qualifying. I was specifically studying species dissimilarities and how to overcome them. The gist of my research was concerned with making pigs hearts suitable for transplants into humans but I covered an awful lot of unknown territory. I’m a lot closer to Jenny and Vee’s solution thank you think my girl."

I swayed with shock as I struggled to find the words. Firstly I gazed at her as though she was a mad scientist then I realised that she was actually serious.

"A-are you telling me that this isn’t a load of cods-wallop?"

"That’s exactly what I’m telling you Bev! I’m not all that far from solving interspecies rejection syndrome or creating extra special tissue acceptable to humans.


If I can plug into the human genome project at Paris and utilise Jenny’s computer skills, then I can utilise other scientist’s work that’s been done elsewhere. I believe I could crack the specific factors of the rejection syndrome between two different species.

We have been working on pigs because their metabolisms are so much like our own. There are now only a few sugars on the cells that make the pigs cells unacceptable to the human. You’d be surprised how close all mammals are on the genome table.

A horse is a mammal, albeit a herbivore but I’m convinced that, with some very intensive work, we could achieve something. Genetic engineering could remove lots of metabolic dissimilarities that cause the rejections. Don’t forget, they’ve already spliced a sheep and a goat blastis together to create and animal half sheep and half goat. It can be done with humans, I’m sure."

I now stood with my back to the table staring at Jacky as she went on to describe the extent and depth of her studies at university.

"At college I did my doctorate in this field. Believe me Bev, you and I have been moving towards similar conclusions but via different routes. I feel mine has a better chance of success."

My mind was still reeling with Jacky’s observations. After some more explanations about her research, I was forced to admit that it might be feasible. After she had finished, I swallowed deeply and replied cautiously.

"We-ell, I’m pretty sure that we can tap into the human genome project at Paris because of the legitimate credentials of my fathers business. I don’t know how we can even start an equine gene-mapping programme. Does one even exist?"

"It shouldn’t be too much of a problem Bev. If we can contribute our researches to any veterinary school or university, they will be bound to allow us access to their research or any genetic studies. I am hoping that my own researches to date will be the key to get us in. As to an equine mapping programme, there is a small one at our old alma mater.

I was quite involved with it but it was mainly concerned with pedigrees and genetic fingerprinting for breeding and identification after theft. There was some additional stuff however; they were trying to isolate which genes determined a horse’s build and speed. That is a start anyway. Cye was also involved with it so she’ll know about it. Let’s ask her."

"O.K." I agreed. " Not tonight though. I’ll just re-boil some more milk for these drinks. Promise you won’t spring any more surprises like that on me."

Cynthia had dried Jenny down and was gently patting Veronica’s bum dry. I placed the tray on the bedside table and went to get the special sleeping teddies. Veronica sat on my lap as she sucked her drink from her special cup whilst Jenny sat on Cye’s lap and did likewise. Jacky had scooted around the huge bed and drawn back the satin sheets before drinking her chocolate. Veronica and Jenny were then placed upon the bed as Jacky, Cye and I slipped into our sleeping teddies.


I had chosen a closed crotch teddy, which was an unspoken way of saying ‘no sex tonight’. My friends pouted a little at seeing this but I quickly put them right.

"It’s been a long day my darlings, I’m absolutely knackered."

I crawled onto the bed and collapsed almost immediately into a deep sleep. What ever happened between my friends that night, I was not a party to it.

The remainder of the week was devoted to packing. It was a hectic time as five young ladies sorted out their accumulated rubbish from several years of university life. Our new address was to be a large hall in extensive grounds were we had decided our researches were to be conducted. A new laboratory was to be built ostensibly as part of my father’s bioengineering research but actually to facilitate our activities. He was not fully aware of our intentions but thought that our activities into tissue rejection and organ donation were a very lucrative field and held many potential coups.

Cynthia and I had also contacted Dr James and offered us for training in surgery under her expert tuition. Dr James had been intrigued by our interest and had smiled encouragingly when I mentioned that I hoped to be able to help my four friends with their mobility. Naturally, I didn’t tell her our precise exact plans. These would have to remain a secret. Ignorant of how advanced we really were, Dr James was supportive but not hopeful.

"Well Beverly, I honestly can’t see how you’ll be able to help them directly, for they have no means of growing new limbs. I’ll wish you all the best however and I’ll always be here to help you. Oh, by the way, have you met Susan, my daughter?"

A very pretty young girl turned to smile and courtesy to me. I was stunned by her likeness to my own children. I held out my hands and beckoned her to me. She approached nervously until Dr James smiled and nodded her permission. The girl then boldly approached and shook my hand. I glanced at Dr James and she recognised the question in my eyes.

"Yes Beverly. Of course she’s yours," She mouthed silently.

I scooped up the child and held her in my arms then gave her a big kiss on the cheek. This girl Susan was my daughter. As I hugged her in my arms, she would never have realised that the friendly woman visitor was in fact her father.

I squeezed her gently to my breasts for one last hug before depositing her on the floor where she scampered back to her mother. Dr James sat on the settee and the child clambered onto her lap as we carried on speaking. The child peeped shyly from her mother’s arms and smiled at me as we chatted. I couldn’t help smiling back and Dr James let her return to my lap. She settled in the corner of the settee with her head on my lap as I gently stroked her hair, ‘father’ and daughter happy together. I resumed talking as Susan eventually fell asleep.

"Will you be able to come and help us operate on my friends if anything comes of our plans?" I pleaded.

"I’d love to Beverly. If you can improve Jenny’s life by one tiny little bit, it will be a huge step for science."



© 2001 by Beverly Taff. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.