Crystal's StorySite


Marks School Experiance

By Susan Janet Barker


Chapter 8

Once Mrs Jones had picked Sarah & Susan up from school and took them home, Susan excused herself and went to her room and let her emotions finally flow and cried herself to sleep on her bed.

Downstairs Sarah was talking her her mum about today's events, "So Susan finally knows about the shift Sarah?"

"Yes mum, it was really hard for her and I am just glad that it is one less thing that I have to hide from her as it is going to be hard enough as it is."

"I understand Sarah but you have to realise that if she finds out that you have not told her the whole truth she is going to very upset with you and will feel betrayed, I hope that she will forgive you when that happens but I just don't know weather she will at the moment or not."

"I understand mum and I hope she will understand why I didn't tell her all of it, but it is my decision not to tell her and for that I will have to live with the knowledge for the rest of my live, I just hope she doesn't find out as I don't know what she will do when she learns the truth."

"Here's to secrets and best laid plans mum" and Sarah gave her mum a big hug.

"Lets hope that this is the right way for it to go Sarah" and hugged her daughter back.

The next day Susan was withdrawn as she had a lot to think about and barley acknowledge Miss Smart giving the bad news that Mark barker and his family had died in a plane crash yesterday morning.

To say that the atmosphere of the students in the hall was sombre at best was an understatement, as all the other students and teachers remembered Mark for both his good and bad deed's at school.

Katie approached Susan when they got to woodwork class and asked "Susan, did you know Mark much?"

"No Katie not that well, I thought I did but I just don't know know."

"I thought he had gone on the exchange programme before you had arrived here Susan?" Katie asked with a enquiring tone.

Suddenly Susan was mentally awake while her features remained the same, "Yes he left before I arrived here Katie, but had talked to him by email before the exchange."

"I thought I knew what he was like but since I have arrived her, I have heard loads of tales of what he was like and I have come to realise that I did not know him all that well."

"That's ok Susan, I was just courious that was all" Katie replied with a smile.

At the same time Mrs Smile entered the classroom and addressed the class.

"Ok class I understand that a lot of you knew Mark, so if you want to talk to me as I mingle around you this morning please do not hesitate to ask or talk to me, to start with I am not going to let you all sit here moping all morning as the time will go quicker if you are doing something so please collect your bows and continue working on them."

Susan slowly walked across the classroom and picked up her bow and again felt the pressure field around it, inspecting it she saw her mark and once she sure that it was her bow she walked back to her work bench.

When she was ready she continued working on her bow by placing it in the wood clamps and using a plain this time instead of a chisel, as she felt that she could ease the shape of the bow out a bit better that way.

Without realising it, she was miles ahead of the other students in the class and had soon changed to sand paper to smooth the edges around the bow into a smooth curve.

"Hello Susan" Mrs Smile said as she stopped behind her, "I see that you have advanced much further that the others in the class, would you like to talk about Mark?"

"Thank you Mrs Smile, but I wouldn't know what to say as I didn't really know Mark all that much."

"That's ok Susan" glancing towards Susan's bow, she said "it looks like you have poured your emotion into your bow and that you have made a fine looking one at that, have you made one before?"

"No Mrs Smile I haven't, but it just felt right and I just carried on with it, am I doing it right?"

"Yes you are Susan and it looks like you can soon add the groves for the bow string, call me when you are ready for the next part and I will show you how to do it."

"Ok Mrs Smile" Susan replied.

Thirty minuets later Susan felt that she was ready and called Mrs Smile, who smiled and said "ok Susan I will be there in a few minuets."

Taking a look around while she was waiting for Mrs Smile Susan saw that Katie was the closest person to her with regards to finishing the main bow part, "ok class I know a lot of you have a long way to go, but Susan and Katie are about ready for the next part so please gather around while I show you the next stages to be done."

Picking up Susan's bow Mrs Smile examined it and said "This is a well balanced bow class as you can see by the way it dose not tip towards the ends when you lay it across the palm of your hands."

"Once you get to this part and have achieved the popper bow shape, you will have to file and shape a grove into each end of the bow for the bow string to go around", and she carefully marked the grove area out on Susan's bow and said "when it is ready the grove area will be as smooth as the rest of the bow, just like Susan's bow here."

With the demonstration done Mrs Smile handed back the bow to Susan and then mark the same area on Katie's bow, but Susan did not see that as she was already filing the groves down to the lines that Mrs Smile had drawn onto the bow.

Mrs Smile watched Susan as she finished the sanding part and put a few coats of varnish to help keep the weather from damaging the bow outside and then she left it to dry on her work bench, glancing towards the clock she knew that Susan's bow would be dry before the end of the class.

Five minuets from the end of the class, after all the students had tidied there work area's and handed in there bows until the next wood work lesson, Mrs Smile addressed the class holding Susan's bow in her hand.

"This class is what a finished bow should look like, all that is missing is the bow string that attaches around each end of the bow, and I am just going to finish that part for Susan as I will for each of you when you finish your projects."

The class watched as Mrs Smile looped one end of the string around one end of the bow, and then bended the bow into a loop to attach the other end to complete the bow, causing a few gasps from the class as a lot of the students had thought that the bow would snap when she bent it.

But the bow just bowed when Mrs Smile had bent it until she had both of the two end of string attached, and then it just held it's shape and after trying it out a few times to make sure that it worked ok, Mrs Smile handed the now completed bow back to Susan.

"That is a nice and well made bow Susan and you should be proud of what you have made, and as it is know finished it dose not belong in here with the none finished projects, so you keep it and look after it."

Just then the bell went for lunch and all the class filled out past Susan after giving her bow an admiring glance as they left, not sure what to do with the bow she carried it with her to lunch and in doing so got a few glances from the other students in the canteen.

Just as she was about to sit down by Susan and Katie, there was a large explosion that rocked the school, and after a few minuets stunned silence, all those present rushed for the exits separating the three girls in the process.

As Susan got outside into the car park she glanced towards were the smoke was coming from and realised that the explosion was on the school grounds but it took her a few moments to locate the actual sauce of the explosion.

But when she did she felt herself go a pale white as the blood just drained from her face, as the explosion was located at what was Miss Smart's office, all that was left in that spot where her office was, was a husk of a building sitting in a shallow crater, with small fires slowly spreading to adjacent rooms.

At roughly the same time in a back room some where in London, a lady standing in a room was speaking to herself.

"Ok I understand, are you sure that she is dead?"

"Ok but I just wanted to make sure as the shift can not be that far off now."

"Good, one less person to get in our way."

After a few minuets of not saying anything, her eyes refocused and she looked at the object in her room, which in this case turned out to be a candle flickering away on the table and with a wave of her hand the candle and its holder slowly floated up in the air and she said to the other members of the society through her telepathic link.

It is time, the shift is occurring, be ready.




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