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Midnight Downloads
by Wendy-J

© 1999-2004 Wendy-J All Rights Reserved.
Unauthorized distribution or archival prohibited.


Tuesday Night September 8th

"You okay?" Tina asked softly as she opened the door of the wagon for Sam.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Let's go home. You've got a lot of shit to go through. I think you 're gonna like some of it."

Tina smiled sadly and shook her head. "You just went through a hell of a lot of shit, and I didn't like it. I don't think you did either. Let's talk."

"Yeah… okay. Just… let's get out of here, huh?"

They hugged briefly, and then climbed into the overloaded station wagon with Tina at the wheel.

"This used to be your Dad's car, huh?" Sam said as an opening gambit, trying desperately to steer the conversation away from the scene they'd just witnessed.

"Yeah, he bought it used when they got married. Mom couldn't bear to part with it after he died, so she had it restored little by little over the years. It's nice and roomy, has air conditioning and cruise control…you know, all the modern conveniences," she smiled. "It'll even pass everything on the highway…except a gas station."

They pulled away from the kerb, Tina taking her time and looking carefully for oncoming traffic. The car was a treasured relic of a bygone era and held many memories for both Tina and her Mom. They didn't even get off the block before Sam was in tears. After turning the corner Tina pulled into the elementary school pickup lane and stopped the car out of sight of the house.


"Oh, Tina, I just want him to get help, I don't want revenge," Sam moaned through her tears.

"I know, Sam, I know," Tina said as she slid over in the car seat and pulled Sam into her arms. "But how are you going to get him help if he doesn't ask for it?"

"That's the problem, Tina, I don't know. I don't want him to get arrested and have to go through that court thing. But I don't like seeing him like this either. If he gets arrested, he might never be able to hold down a job again and he'll just resent the system that forced him into therapy. If we do this to him, and break him down…" Sam's voice broke as she collapsed into sobs.

Tina just held her and let her cry. She didn't try whispering endearments or things like "let it all out." They all seemed hollow and empty somehow. When Sam had cried herself out, Tina held her at arm's length and looked her in the eye.

"Look, I want to tell you something like, 'It's gonna be all right,' but how can I honestly say that? I've never done anything like this before and neither have you." Tina's voice was quavering as she struggled to hold back her own tears. "I don't always trust Linda either. But this time, I trust her to do the right thing with your father. Let's think about it for a second, okay?"

"'Kay," Sam snuffled.

"If you call the cops and press charges, you have to go to trial and his defence lawyer is gonna try and make you look like a spoiled little brat who's unhappy because her daddy disciplined her. It's gonna be in all the newspapers, and maybe even on TV. Do you want that kind of publicity?"

"No," came the monosyllabic reply. It almost sounded like a frog croaking.

"If you let Linda and her cronies handle it, he stands a chance of getting into therapy at his request instead of after a major legal ordeal and under duress. That means he actually stands a chance of benefiting from the therapy sessions and becoming a real husband to your mother and a loving father for you.

"The process they're using is a lot like the one they use in the U.S. Marine Boot Camp. It's a proven fact that you can successfully tear a person down to basic animal instincts and rebuild them into functioning, productive human beings without losing the essence of the person that they started the process with. The only difference is that they're using different stimuli to force that tear down."

"But he was grovelling, Tina. He was grovelling."

"I know, Sam, I know. That's why it's so hard to watch." A single tear made its way down Tina's cheek. "He has to undergo more of it before it gets better." They sat in silence holding each other tight for a while. Finally Tina broke the silence.

"Feel like getting an ice cream to drown your sorrows in?" She snuffled in a rather un-lady-like manner as she changed the subject.

"Yeah. Let's go to 31 Flavours and try them all. I need to escape for a while."

Tina slid back behind the wheel, put the car in gear and headed to Baskin & Robbins. The silence was strained, as the two were alone together with their thoughts.

"Remember when my Dad died?" There was a pregnant pause.

"Yeah, you were a basket case for weeks. Your Mom thought she was gonna have to hospitalise you."

"Yeah, I kinda think it's sorta the same kinda thing for you here. I mean, your Dad isn't always an asshole; sometimes he can be a pretty nice guy. But when he drinks and stuff…"

"Yeah, it's like he's a completely different person."

"Right. Anyway, it's like he was born with two people inside him. A good person, the one you love, and a bad person, the one you hate and who beats you up."


"So, like maybe they can sorta like kill the bad guy and leave the good guy alone and make him even nicer," Tina said aloud. "I hope," she muttered to herself.

"I hope so, Tina. I just can't stand to see him like that. It really creeps me out."

"Yeah, me, too."


Tina pulled into the parking lot, and grabbed the first open space near the building. There was a police car a few spaces away. One officer, Anne Phorcey, was inside at the counter; the other, P.J. Wright, was in the car waiting for her and his sundae. He looked at the wagon pulling into the lot and smiled, noticing the teens.

"Ah, to be young and in love," he thought.




"Do you think I'm strange?" Tina asked in a small voice.

"Huh?!?" Sam replied unsure of what her friend asked, much less how to reply.

"Do you think I'm weird for being like this?" Tina asked, indicating her body and her clothes.

Sam stared at Tina for a moment. "What, because I got so freaked out about my…"

"No, because your boyfriend is your girlfriend. Because I'm starting school in the morning, and I will be Tina Frances Wilson, a female high school student, for all the world to see. Because guys are gonna be asking me out on dates. Because I… Because I…"

"Because you what?" Sam asked.

"Because I… Shit, I don't know, well, do you?" Tina asked, close to tears.


"Yeeeeearghhh!!!!!" Tina screamed. "Please, Sam! I can't go through all that again, PLEASE!" She had started crying.


Officer Wright looked hard at the car when Tina yelled.


This time, it was Sam's turn to provide the shoulder. "I'm sorry, Honey. No, I don't think you're weird. I think you're the sweetest person I've ever known and I think you've been the happiest I've ever seen you these past few days. No, I definitely do not think you're weird."

"I'm scared, Sam. I'm really scared. What if I am a girl? In my head, I mean. What if I really am?"

"Then I guess I really do have a girlfriend."

"Yeah, right. For all intents and purposes I am a girl right now, Sam -- look at me! But what if I'm not a girl in my head? Then how am I…"

"Then my boyfriend is really kinky -- and I like it," Sam laughed.

Tina started to struggle and tried to break away from her friend's grasp. Tears were streaming down her face.

"Tina, stop it! STOP, TINA!" Sam yelled. Tina finally stopped struggling.

"Damn it, Tina that hurt!" Sam said, gently rubbing her ribs.

"Look, you've been happier the past couple of days than you've ever been in your life. Haven't you?"


Officer Phorcey, on her way back to the patrol car, stopped in her tracks to look at the wagon and its occupants. It was getting noisy. She went to the patrol car and got in the driver's seat. She gave her partner his sundae and hooked a thumb in the direction of the wagon, "Noisy pair of love birds, huh?"

"Yeah, let's keep an eye on 'em."

"Were you ever that bad?" Anne asked.

"Sometimes. Becky and I were known as 'The Battling Bickersons.' We argued for the sake of the argument. Look at us now; fifteen years and still going strong."

She smiled, "Yeah, and just as loud, too, I'll bet." Her partner just smiled as he watched the occupants of the station wagon.


"So?" Tina asked.

"And, during that time, have I seen Ernie?" Sam continued.


"And, during that time, have we done anything we never did before?" Sam continued her line of questioning.

"Sure, lots of things," Tina said in a small voice.

"I mean together, to each other," Sam said, trying to get Tina to draw the same conclusion.

Tina blushed. "Yeah."

"Did you like it?"

"As if you couldn't tell," she replied sullenly.

"Well, so did I," Sam finished.


"Tina, I never felt that way about Ernie. I never felt compelled to kiss him. Just you."

"But I'm the same person. That hasn't changed," Tina said, the panic building again.

"No, that hasn't, but you look different, you smell different, you act different. The difference is you're a girl in every way but one."

"Are you saying you're a lesbian?" Tina's voice quavered.

"I'm not sure what I'm saying, Tina. I just know that Ernie never turned me on and Tina does. Does that make me weird?"

"No! Of course not!" Tina sounded like she was totally confused and trying to convince herself of something.

"Then how could I think you're weird?" Sam asked.

"That's different. I mean, you aren't trying to be a different gender or anything," Tina said, trying to be logical about it.

"No?" Sam said with a smile.

"No! You're…"

"When was the last time you looked at me, silly?"

"Huh? What'a y'-mean?" Tina asked, on the verge of tears. She was desperately trying to understand her emotions and put the events of the past couple of days into perspective. Having had no previous experience dealing with emotions like love and lust or sensuality and sexuality, Tina was feeling lost at sea.

"Do I look like a girl to you?" Sam pressed her point.

"Sur… Uh… I mean, um… No, I guess you don't." A smile starting to appear on her face, Tina was finally getting a hold on the emotional roller coaster raging within herself.

"Then what's the big deal?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, it just seems ok for you and not for me. I mean, it's ok for a girl to wear pants but if a guy wears a dress…"

"I know, but is it just the dress, Tina?"

"No," Tina said in a very small voice and then got very quiet for a moment.

"It's not just the dress, but it sure does help sometimes," she smiled sheepishly.

"Hold that thought. I need some ice cream," Sam said as she started to open the car door.

"You…you… You're just like a man, thinking with your stomach!" Tina teased, and then she looked at her face in the rear view mirror. "Eeep!"

Sam started to get out of the car.

"Where do you think you're going? I have to fix my face first! I can't go in there looking like this!"

"And I don't. I'm gonna…"

"Wait for me to finish, if you know what's good for you," Tina finished for her.

"Ok, you win. I'll wait," Sam said Laughing.

Hearing opportunity knock, Tina said, "And buy. I don't have any cash."

"You shit! What'a y'-mean, you don't have any cash?"

"Well…" Tina started digging in her purse for her compact, pretending she was looking for money. "Gotcha!"

"Ooooh! I'm gonna get you for that!" Sam made a dive at Tina and started to tickle her.

"Eeeek! Stop it! STOP! SAM! ARRRRHHH!" Tina screamed as she squirmed in her seat, trying in vain to get free of Sam's fingers.


"Let's go." Officer Phorcey said dejectedly and put her sundae on the cruiser's dashboard when Tina started shrieking. She looked like she wanted to cry and strangle someone at the same time.

The two police officers approached the car quickly, taking positions on either side of the car. Tina, her face a mess from crying, was squirming and trying unsuccessfully to get away from Sam's fingers. Sam, with her battered mug, was laughing and wincing from the pain in her ribs. Her swollen face looked almost like a leering mugger's.

Officer Wright tapped on the window on Sam's side of the car. The two teens jumped, separating instantly. Tina, out of breath from a fit of giggles and laughs, had tears streaming down her face again. The pair rolled down their windows.

Officer Anne Phorcey spoke first, "Is everything all right, Miss?"

"It is now, officer," Tina replied.

Both cops' attitudes shifted. Officer Wright started to put one hand on the door handle and the other on his pistol, and Officer Phorcey put her hand on her pistol grip.

Tina continued, "Would you please tell him to stop tickling me?"

The looks on the police officers' faces were priceless.

"Tickling?" Officer Wright asked, incredulous.

Officer Phorcey started giggling.

Tina nodded her head solemnly, "Uh huh."

"Well, if that…" Officer Phorcey muttered through her giggles.

Officer Wright, at once relieved and feeling a need to do something to save face said, in as stern a voice as he could muster, "Son, if you're gonna tickle her, don't do it where her screams are gonna attract attention. Got it?"

"Yu…Yes sir," Sam replied meekly.

"Miss, I think your face needs some attention," Officer Phorcey said between giggles, looking at Tina.

"That's what I was trying to do when he started," she replied meekly.

The two cops started laughing. "Well, just try to keep it down to a dull roar, huh?" Officer Wright said. And you," he continued, indicating Sam, "next time, duck. That had to hurt."

Tina and Sam nodded meekly.

"C'mon, P.J." Ann said, "we've managed to make Central safe for humanity yet again. Our work here is done." They all started laughing as the cops returned to their car.

"Damn it, Sam," and Tina started giggling again.

"Hurry up and fix your face, would you? There's a sundae in there with my name on it."


Inside Baskin & Robbins, the two attacked their sundaes. They sat at a tiny table in a corner, hunched over their ice creams, talking in hushed tones.

"You realise, Tina, that those cops had no idea," Sam said, trying to reinforce her point from earlier.

"Yeah," Tina said quietly as she contemplated her sundae.

"How's that make you feel?" Sam prodded.

"I don't know, a bit scared and confused. I mean, just because I look like…"

"Tina, looks aren't everything. You were screaming, and they came running."

"That doesn't prove anything, Sam. If you were screaming, they would have come running, too."

"It does for you; they thought those were a girl's screams."


"Tina, when you aren't trying to be Ernie, and I mean trying, you look, sound, and act like a girl. You even scream like a girl."

Tina's eyes started to tear up.

"Well, I know where I'm investing my hard earned money," Sam said sardonically.

"Huh?" Tina was totally lost at the sudden change in the conversation.

"If you're going to be crying every five minutes and then putting more makeup on to replace what you've rinsed off with your tears, I'm investing in makeup stocks."

Tina stuck her tongue out.

"Ooooh! Is that an invitation?" Sam chided.


"I'm serious, Tina. You never were very macho."

"I know, but… Sam, what if I like being a girl?"

"Then be one. What's so hard about a decision like that?"

"But… I mean… It's not that easy."

"Sure it is. You let your hair grow, keep shaving your legs and pits, wear icky dresses and…"

"And what about life? I don't like guys and I guess I always wanted kids and…"

"How do you know you don't like guys? Have you ever given it a try?" Sam asked.

Tina paled visibly. "No! What do you think I am, a pervert?"

"Since when is loving someone a perversion?" Sam pressed.


"Tina, I don't know what I am. Am I a guy or a girl? If I'm a girl, then I don't like all the stuff that's associated with it. If I'm a guy, then I'm gonna have problems there, too. There's just too much posturing that goes with it."

"Ain't that the truth," Tina said emphatically.

"I don't know where I fit in, Tina. I never felt attracted to any of the guys at school, you included. I never felt attracted to any of the girls, either. Maybe it's because I never found someone that I liked enough to try. I just don't know. Now, all of a sudden, I'm feeling things about you that I've never felt in my life. What does that make me? If you're a girl, then am I a lesbian? And, if you're a boy, am I gay?"

"But, Sam, I…"

"Tina, when you look at me, what do you see?"


"But what do you see? A boy…or a girl? Back in school, did you find me attractive?"

Tina just stared at her ice cream.

"Come on, Tina, did you find me attractive?"

"Sam, that's not fair."

"I think it's plenty fair. You didn't, did you?

"No, I just liked my friend."

"And now?"


"Why? What changed?"

"I… You…"

"Right, we both changed. I look like a guy and you look like a girl."


"Earth to Tina! Did you ever find any of the girls in school attractive?"

"Wait! The day this all started. That day, you still hadn't changed yet. I found you attractive then."

"Was that because I kissed you on the cheek?"

"Maybe," Tina replied in a tiny voice.

"Okay. Now, did you ever find any of the girls in school attractive?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"You guess? What do you mean, you guess?"

"Well… When Lisa Anderson would wear her cheerleading outfit…"

"You'd get horny. Was that the outfit, or Lisa?"

"A little of both I think. I mean, Lisa's really pretty, y'-know? What guy doesn't find her attractive? But when I looked in the mirror this afternoon, I kinda felt the same way, and it was me staring back. But… Hell, Sam, I just don't know anymore. I mean, sometimes all I have to do is put on a pair of stockings and I just get so…horny…"

Sam blushed.

"You, too?!?"

"Well, not with stockings. I think it has something to do with the material and with who and what is supposed to be wearing the garment and with how you subconsciously or unconsciously identify yourself in society."

Tina looked totally perplexed.

"I'm not saying this right. Um… When you're growing up, your parents give you everything, your food, your toys, your clothes, everything. They teach you how to use them and enjoy them. They teach you who you are and how you're expected to relate to society. The very fabric of who you are in society is taught. None of it except for mating is instinctive."

Tina snorted.

"I know. That's one hell of a way to explain love, but it is mating in nature."

"I know, I'm sorry," Tina said contritely.

"Well, think about it. You always wear a certain style of clothing. The textures seldom vary and they feel a certain way to your skin. Over time, you become inured to their effect on you. Sure, some clothes are more pleasurable to wear than others, but there really isn't anything that you would normally wear that you would find sexy or sensual. Well, maybe sensual, but not sexually stimulating for you.

"You're taught that, when someone of the opposite sex wears a certain item, it's sexy and that if you wear a certain item, it's sensual for you and sexy for them. These garments become a social taboo for you to wear if they're supposed to be worn by the opposite sex, simply because they're designed to attract members of your sex. But that same process of learning can become skewed if you…like the way the garment feels next to your skin. The garment itself reminds your subconscious, or your unconscious or whatever it is, that it's sexy, that it's sexual, and it's sensual. So you get horny when you start to put it on.

"The other day, when you gave me your old clothes to wear…I…"

"You got horny?"

"Uh huh, and I did something about it, too," Sam said in a small voice and blushed a bright crimson. "But does that make me a pervert?"

"No, I guess it makes you normal. It also explains something else, too."

This time it was Sam's turn to look totally lost.

"Think back to earlier today…at your folks place. Remember how your father was so humiliated to be wearing that silly outfit?"

"I didn't think it was so silly," Sam said. "I kinda thought it was cute."

"You would." Tina replied drolly.

"Anyway, that outfit is designed with sex in mind. It's completely impractical for regular wear, or as any kind of a uniform except a sex slave's. The fabric is delicate and can be ruined too easily. It's soft and silky. It's supposed to show off everything that's supposed to be hidden underneath a dress. And, it's only supposed to be worn by a woman. What better way to attack a macho man's psyche than to make him wear something so utterly feminine and sexy? It's punishment enough to make him wear it. Now make him wear it in front of someone who knows him. Worse still, make him wear it and behave like Linda made your father behave, in front of someone he's supposed to be responsible for and expects to obey him. It's devastating. Especially if he reacted the same way I sometimes do when I'm putting on some of these things.

"I thought I was going crazy, or that I was gay or something because I was getting aroused. If I was thinking that, imagine what it would do to someone like your father. An experience like that would drive him totally nuts."

"He'd go off the deep end." Sam said, and then became very introspective.

"Come on, Tina, let's get out of here. I need to make a phone call."

"There's a phone in the entrance. Need some change?"

"No, I've got it. Thanks."

Sam went to the phone and called her house. Linda picked it up on the first ring.

"Boone residence."

"Linda? Sam. Is my father all right?"

"Sam! Where are you?" Linda sounded positively frantic. "Jan just called here looking for you. Are you all right?!?"

"We're fine, Linda." Sam said, suddenly sounding very unsure of herself. "We needed to talk, so we stopped at Baskin & Robbins."

"Well, give Jan a call right away, Honey."

"I'm sorry, Linda; I will. Is my father okay?"

"He's going to be fine, Honey. I called Dr. Bennett as soon as you left. He's with your Dad now. I think it was a bit too much for him so soon, but at the same time, it should be just what we needed to get him moving in the right direction."

"I need my father, Linda. Not a power freak and not a simpering pansy -- my father."

"I know, Honey and that's exactly what we're trying to do for you. I know it seems a bit extreme, but this is the best way, believe me."

"I hope you're right, gods I hope your right. As bad as he's been, he's the only father I have and I still love him."

"I know, Sweetie. I'll call you and let you know how he's doing, okay?"

"Thanks, Linda. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, Sam. You know, he's really lucky to have you and your mother."

"Thanks. Call me as soon as you know anything more. Um... Linda?"


"Are you sure everything's set at school tomorrow?"

"Don't worry about a thing, Sweetie, it's all arranged. You start tomorrow as Sam Boone, not Samantha and not Samuel, just Sam. And you don't have to take gym. You've met the state requirements of three years of physical education. So it's just Sam Boone as of tomorrow."

"Thanks, Linda. Please take good care of my father."

"I will, Sweetie, I promise. You give your Aunt Jan a call and let her know where you are."

"Okay, Linda. Thanks, bye."

Tina was standing next to Sam as she hung up the phone. "He gonna be all right?"

"Linda seems to think so. She said she called a Dr. Bennett as soon as we left."

"He'll be okay then. Bennett's pretty cool. He's my shrink."


"C'mon, let's get going," Tina said. "Mom's prolly worried sick by now."

"She is; Linda said that she called there a little while ago."

"Shit! Boy is she gonna be pissed."

"Yeah. You wanna call her or should I?"

"You do it. She'll eat me alive."


"Bwaaak cluck, cluck, cluck." Tina said, imitating the bird. "Just call her. Here's a quarter."

"It's thirty-five cents."



"Here," Tina said as she fished a dime out of her purse. "It's highway robbery."

Tina dialled the phone. "Hi, Aunt Jan?"

"Sam?!? Is that you?!? Where are you? Is everything all right? Is Tina okay?" She sounded positively frantic.

"It's me, everything's fine and Tina's right here. We're at 31 Flavours. We needed to talk."

"Well, the next time you need to talk, call me first!!! I've been climbing the walls worrying about you two."

"I'm sorry, Aunt Jan. We're on our way home. We'll be there in a few minutes. Would you like us to bring you anything?"

"No, thank you. Just get home…safely. And don't you ever worry me like that again!" Sam made a face at Tina.

"I won't. I'm sorry," Sam said contritely.

Sam hung up the phone and shook her head. "Next time, you call her."

"Did she ground you?" The two started for the car.

"No, I think she was too relieved to think about that."

"She would have grounded me."

"I don't know about that."

"Yeah, right." Tina replied. "Still worried about school?"

"Yeah. Linda says that the records are all set."

"And?" They got to the car and were talking over its roof.

"And I get my official debut tomorrow as a totally androgynous teenager," Sam finished.

"Totally androgynous? What do you mean by totally androgynous?"

"Well, since I met all the state requirements for phys-ed, I don't have to take gym. And that my records are going to read Sam, not Samantha or Samuel."

"Hey! I like that. So are you going to act like a boy or a girl?"


"Khuehle! An enigma; I like it. So when do you go back to work?"

They got in the car before Sam replied, "Day after tomorrow, I hope. It's up to Dr. Dewinter. I'll keep working in the stock room, or in the office till my face heals. Then I get to work the front as long as I wear makeup and a bra."

"Gee, that sucks."

"Not really."

"What'a y'-mean? If you're gonna be goin' t' school as Sam and…"

"Well, remember that bunch of Goth guys at Central?"

"Yeah, they called themselves Boyz, B-O-Y-Z or B-O-I-Z or something like that."

"B-O-Y-Z, well they wore makeup and shit, hell, some of them even wore girls stuff! Remember the one who called himself Nightshade? He even wore skirts and dresses, and no-one said anything. I don't see it as a problem. The older ladies that come in will think I'm a girl that's rebelling against her femininity and some of the girls will think I'm a guy rebelling against society and find it cool. Don't worry about it. It'll be cool."

"If you say so. So, are you gonna date girls or guys?"

"I thought we just covered that at 31 flavours."

"Never mind. Sorry I asked." Tina pulled into the driveway. "Feel like unloading the car?"

"Do we have to?"

"Not if you feel like walking to school tomorrow."


"Well, if Mom's car looks like this…" Tina said, motioning to the overloaded wagon.

"She'll take yours?"


"Give me a hand; I'm not up to doing it all by myself."

"Then I need to get changed," Tina said simply.


"Um… Do three inch heels and a micro-mini mean anything to you?"

"Oops, sorry," Sam giggled. "I forgot."

"Yeah, right. You just wanted a look at my panties," Tina accused mockingly.

Sam just grinned at her.

"Well, can you at least carry 'Allie' in for me while I get some of this other stuff?"

"Your Alvarez?!? ME?!? Sure, I guess so. But what's the rush?"

"If we look busy and our arms are full, you mother might decide to help us instead of grounding us."

"Good point. Got anything else I can carry? Looking like this I mean."

Sam grinned. "Hot? Umm… Well…"

"Sam! You really are just like a guy, you know that?"

"Yup! Here, carry the amp head."

"Hey! This is heavy!"

"I know, but it's the only other thing that has a handle. My Strat case is busted. Besides, it's not much lighter."

"Okay, okay."

The teens started for the door with their arms loaded. Jan, hearing the car pull up, was standing at the door to let them in.

"Don't you two ever do that to me again! I was worried sick! What if you'd had an accident?"

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm wearing clean panties," Tina quipped.

Jan smacked her child on the back of the head. "Ooh, you little..."

"I love you, too, Mom."

"Get those things inside," Jan said as she headed for the car.

"Sam, is all of this going up to your room?" she called over her shoulder.

"For now, Aunt Jan. We'll divvy it up and sort it out up there." She looked at Tina and grinned.

They were putting things down in Sam's room when Jan came in with a bundle of clothes. "I'll be back in a minute," Tina said.

"And where do you think you're going, young lady?" Jan asked.

"To change. I can't unload the car like this."

"You're the one who decided to dress that way to go get this stuff, you can finish what you set out to do dressed that way."


"No buts! Get busy!"

"Yes, Mo-ther."

Sam giggled as Tina headed back down the stairs.

"What's so funny?" Jan asked.

"I'm the one who insisted she dress that way. She wanted to wear jeans and sneakers."

Jan burst out laughing, "Poor thing, and I just… I ought to make you change."

"Let's get out there so she doesn't give the neighbours a show," Sam said.


With the three of them, it took no time at all to unload the car. Even if Tina was in heels and Sam was unable to carry much because of her injuries. It was mostly clothes, stuffed animals and personal items anyway.

"There, that's the last of it," Jan said, putting a pile of clothes on the already overly large stack on the bed.

"I still need to get my speaker cabinets up here."

"Sam, you can put the electric guitar and the amplifier in the corner of the den for now if you like," said Jan. "I'll see what I can do to find a more appropriate place for you later."

Sam looked dumbstruck. "But..."

"Don't worry, Sam, I won't discourage you from playing. It's just that a bedroom is hardly an appropriate place for large or loud musical instruments. A bedroom is a place to relax in peace and quiet. You need a place to play as well as a place to sleep. I intend to provide you with both."

"Thanks, Aunt Jan, you're the greatest!" She gave Jan a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's get that stuff downstairs," Janice said, acting like a general. "So, are you any good with that thing, Sam?"

"She's great, Mom," Tina said. "She can play anything."

"Well, I wouldn't say anything..." Sam countered.

The three of them trucked Sam's old Fender Strat-o-caster and her Marshal amp head down to the den. The double speaker cabinets, still by the front door, were wheeled into the den and stacked in a corner by the entertainment centre.

"There, now the two of you can go see what goes where and who gets what. I'll bring up some sandwiches for you in a bit. I know you didn't eat anything except junk while you were out."

The two girls looked at each other sheepishly. "Thanks, Mom," they chorused and giggled.


Back in Sam's room, the two were putting things away and sorting the clothes into piles. After Sam put her personal items away, she started sorting the clothes as Tina hung pictures and placed the stuffed animals around the room.

"I'm not keeping all of those, you know. Some of them are for you."

"Me? But..."

"Every girl needs a few stuffed animals from her boyfriend," Sam chided.

"But I thought you were going to..."

"I'm going to be what I want, when I want. And, right now, I want to be a boy."

Tina blushed.

"It feels good, doesn't it?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it does. Sam?"


"Why me?"

"Because you're cute, honest, loving, my best friend and you have everything a girl or a guy could ask for."

"And what's that?"

"If I have to explain that, then you need to take your sex-ed classes over again."

"You!" Tina threw a teddy bear at Sam.

"Here, help me sort these things out." Then Sam asked, "Do you want any of my old panties and bras?"

Tina blushed. "Umm…"

"You do! Don't you?" Sam laughed.

Tina just nodded her head.

"Tell you what, then; I'll keep the ones I want and you can have the rest."

Tina just stood there, her ears burning and her face a bright crimson.

"You're getting horny, aren't you?" Sam teased. "Why? Because they're my panties?"

Tina turned her back to Sam as a tear rolled down her cheek. Sam went over and hugged Tina as tightly as she could. "Tina, don't be embarrassed. I felt the same way the other day. Come on; let's get the rest of these things sorted. You can have all the dresses and skirts, and…"

Sam described some of the lingerie and outerwear to Tina, telling her when it was appropriate to wear each piece. In some cases she had to show Tina how to put the item on. As soon as Tina had an armful of clothes, Sam sent Tina to her room to put them away. Tina carted all her "new" clothes into her room and put them away. She would have just dumped them on the bed and gone back for more, but Sam said she was taking anything back that wasn't put away as soon as she brought it into the room.

When she went back to Sam's room, she said, "Wow, Sam, for someone who hates to get dressed up, you sure have a lot of nice clothes."

"Yeah, I know," Sam replied flatly. "And for the most part, I've never worn them."

"Every time I got a beating, I'd get a present or two the next day. Usually it was a dress and a doll or stuffed animal. Sometimes it was perfume or jewellery. I think it was his way of apologizing. I got this dress, she said holding up a strapless sundress "the day after he burned me on my thigh with a cigarette. I got the cigarette burn because I refused to wear this dress," she held up a nice dinner dress, "to dinner on their anniversary. Here, try this one on. I'll bet it looks great on you."

Tina started to strip out of her clothes and had just finished removing her sweater and skirt as Jan came in with a tray of sandwiches, fruit salad, and milk. "What's this? Playing Barbie Dolls with live dolls?" she asked with a smile.

Tina giggled and said, "I think so."

"Well, don't get too carried away; you two start school in the morning and it's getting late. It's after nine."

"Okay, Aunt Jan, we'll watch the time."

She left the room and Tina sat on the edge of the bed. Greedily, she grabbed a half a sandwich and started to stuff it into her mouth.

"Whoa there, Hoover, slow down!"

"I'm starved," Tina said around the hunk of sandwich stuffed in her mouth.

"So am I, but you don't see me making a pig of myself. Take smaller bites, chew your food, and don't talk with your mouth full!"

Sam winced as Tina swallowed the mouthful of food audibly. "Yes, Mommy Samantha."

"You are such a little shit! Here!" she said, throwing a kimono styled shortie robe to Tina. "At least cover yourself up before you stuff your face. Have you no sense of feminine modesty?"


"I'm a boy right now, remember?" Sam giggled. "I just might want to jump your bones!"

"Promises, promises."

The two ate as Sam sorted through her clothes. Then they had a mini fashion show as Tina tried on some of the outfits.

Tina was slipping out of a little black dress when Sam pulled her down onto the bed and rolled on top of her. Sam was trying to get into a reverse of the same position they were in the first time they kissed. The friction of Sam's leg being forced between hers and the feel of the satiny dress rubbing on her pantyhose and panties was too much for Tina to bear. Her body suddenly stiffened and she gasped.

Sam, worried that she'd hurt Tina, jumped back and winced in pain as she moved wrong. Through gritted teeth she said, "Oh god! Tina, I'm sorry! Are you all right?"

Tina was unable to say a word. She blushed and covered her face as she started to cry silently. She rolled onto her stomach so she didn't have to face Sam.

"Tina?!?" Sam cried, then she noticed the wet spot showing through the dress and she started to giggle. Tina tried to get up and run out of the room, but Sam held her in place.

"Oh no you don't." Sam covered Tina's face in little kisses as she pried Tina's hands away from her face. Then said, "Don't ever be ashamed that a dress or an outfit makes you horny. It's normal considering the situation, silly."


"But nothing. Kiss me, you fool."

Tina lay there perplexed. She just stared at Sam, her eyes wide, her arms pinned to the bed at her sides. "Sam, please, I'm so confused right now."

Sam sat up, and looked at Tina quizzically. "Are you all right?"

"Physically, yes."

"What do you mean, physically?"

"Well…I mean…just a second ago?"

"Uh huh."

"I was having a blast, playing fashion model, and dressing up in all sorts of pretty clothes. I mean…I was…"

"Getting turned on?"

"Yeah, and…it was, like…you know, with someone I like and…"

"And who likes seeing you in a dress, looking so pretty?"

"Uh huh... And…and you were getting turned on and…and…so was I and…" she sobbed.

"Tina, please tell me what's wrong. Please."

"Now, I feel disgusting. Dirty, like some sort of pervert, because… Oh, Sam… It made me…"

"I know! Isn't it great?!?"


"I wish it happened to me."

"But I feel like…"

"Don't," She leaned over and kissed Tina gently on the lips. "Don't ever feel that way. You aren't a pervert; you're sweet, and kind, and gentle. Don't ever change." She punctuated each statement with a tender kiss.

"But, Sam…"

"Just kiss me, Tina; don't talk, just kiss me."

They were at it again. Making out, kissing right there on the bed, the door open for anyone to look in.


They jumped apart as if jolted with a cattle prod.

"It's Eleven O'clock," Jan called from downstairs. "Wrap it up! You can finish playing dress-up tomorrow! You have to get ready for bed. You have school tomorrow, remember?" It was lucky for them Jan was downstairs.

Tina smiled at Sam, "We have to do this someplace else. If she ever catches us…"

"My blood runs cold at the thought of what she'd do," Sam said with a shudder.

"C'mon, I'll help you put the rest of your things away."

"Okay, but I need to um…" Tina said as she pulled the sticky dress away from her.

"No fair."


"When's it going to be my turn?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait. Sorry."


Continued in Part-16




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