Crystal's StorySite

NOTE: This is a work of fiction. The persons named in this story are fictional characters and are not meant to represent any actual person either living or deceased.


Natural             by: MartiB


Joe and Karen Lossin have a problem. It seems that Joe enjoys dressing on occasion. Karen originally put her foot down and firmly said no. Joe tried to honor the promise but the effects of his building frustration are beginning to threaten their happiness. Karen feels some what responsible for Joe’s situation and decides to help him. The obvious solution doesn’t work and Joe and Karen are left trying to find the true answer.



Karen’s plan was to guide Joe through a slow sensual transformation followed by a late night romantic dinner. As we all know, the best-laid plans of mice, men, and women seldom survive exposure to reality. Karen’s plans definitely helped the keep that old adage alive. No sooner had they crossed the bedroom threshold than Joe turned and surprised Karen with a passionate kiss that brought back exquisite memories of past romantic nights. Karen’s resolve melted under the heat of Joe’s kiss.

Neither would be able to explain how they made that blind headlong rush across the room without breaking their embrace. They tumbled onto the bed in a sprawl of arms and legs. Joe’s hands and tongue seemed to be everywhere at once while pausing nowhere. He rushed through the usual foreplay and moved to what he considered the main course. As Joe shifted position Karen effectively called a halt.

"No Joe!" She stated firmly. "That’s not what I want and I’m not going to let you get your rocks off while I remain frustrated. Tonight we’re going to make love, not have sex. All you men are guided by that small unimaginative brain in the head of your dick. You get horny and the pressure begins to build and all you can think about is relieving that pressure just as fast as possible. Tonight you’re going to learn to relax and enjoy the sensations that come along with that pressure. This is an act of love not lust and my bet is that you’ll enjoy my way. Now, lay back and let me show you what I mean."

Karen’s lips went to Joe’s nipples. Her mouth traced graceful concentric circles around Joe’s chest zeroing in on the right nipple. As her lips brushed across it her tongue flicked out momentarily causing Joe’s nipple to stretch then snap back. The sound of Joe’s rapid inhalation told Karen that she’d hit pay dirt. Her mouth returned to Joe right nipple. While her lips caressed her tongue teased. A moan escaped from Joe’s mouth and the nipple seemed to grow and become rigid under Karen’s careful ministries.

"See tough guy!" She purred. " Doesn’t this beat wham, bam, thank you ma’am."

Joe’s hand gently caressed Karen’s breast. He learned quickly and soon they were each discovering new ways to please and to be pleased. Under Karen’s guidance they reached climax three times before they actually consummated the act of love. The first golden rays of sunlight were just peeking over the horizon as they fell into a peaceful, contented sleep.

Karen was the first to wake around noon. She quickly assessed the situation and made the necessary adjustments to her plan. Joe was sleeping so peacefully, a little smile brightening he face. Karen bent over and gently kissed Joe’s lips.

"Hey! Wake up sleepyhead. We’ve got a big day."

Joe stirred slowly. His arms reached up attempting to capture Karen in an embrace. She twisted away saying "Not until we get our bath and make up done miss."

Joe’s eyes flickered.

"You were fabulous love!" Karen exclaimed. "But we have a mission to accomplish this weekend and you’re not going to interfere with that!"

Karen disappeared into the bath. Joe heard the water rushing into the tub. Karen returned and held out the beautiful flowered robe that she had presented to Joe last night. Together they went to bathe.

The bath took longer that anticipated. Karen was forced to adjust her schedule several times. Eventually they emerged from the bath with matching smiles of pure contentment.

Karen guided Joe over to the dressing table and had him sit facing her with his back to the mirror.

"Joe, have you ever done a complete transformation? That time I caught you dressed it looked like you had stopped before you finished. Was that intentional?"

Joe began to stammer an answer but Karen cut him off.

"Don’t worry honey. Just leave everything to me and we’ll have you looking your beautiful best in no time. We’ll start with your hair."

Karen began to section Joe’s hair and clip the sections in place. She then selected one section and further divided it as she rolled Joe’s hair.

"Remember that time in senior year Joe?" "That girl, what was her name, convinced you that she had to do a spot conditioning and you came out a blonde. I was really upset when I realized what she was going to do but I have to admit you looked great afterward! I was so afraid that your mom was going to have her give you a tight, curly, perm. I started…"

Karen stopped in mid sentence as she caught the look on Joe’s face.

"Look Joe, I’m sorry I brought it up. It’s just that I feel somewhat responsible for your desire to dress like a girl because of my role that day. I guess it was my feelings of guilt that made me react when I came home and found you wearing my panties. Those three days were the longest, loneliest days of my life. I didn’t want to lose you, and I wanted to free you from the obsession that I helped create. Now, that I see what has happened over the last few years I want to do everything in my power to make you happy and to keep us together. Besides, if a little bubble bath and a nice robe makes you behave the way you did last night, I can’t wait for the effects of the full transformation!"

There, it was out in the open. Joe wanted to open up. To share his feelings with Karen, but he couldn’t. He told himself that everything would be OK. All he had to do was to sit back, relax, and let Karen perform this transformation. He’d look great! One look in the mirror would shatter the years of utter frustration. This time it would be different! This time would be the start of a normal life!

Joe smiled and Karen continued her work. She complimented Joe on his hair. She acknowledged that she knew he was getting a "girl’s cut". She told him how many times she wanted to scream when he slicked his hair back in a lackluster attempt to make it look more masculine. As the rollers lined up like soldiers on a parade field, Karen told Joe about how his hair would look in just an hour or so.

Once the hair was rolled to her satisfaction, Karen turned her attention to Joe’s face. She immediately noticed the faintest trace of a stubble emerging from Joe’s chin. She started to send Joe back to the bath for a real close shave but stopped. She was giving Joe the royal treatment. You don’t make the king, or queen go perform menial tasks. That’s what loyal subjects are for. Karen gave Joe a quick kiss and told him she’d be right back. She hurried into the bathroom and gathered Joe’s razor and gel. She found an old "Cool Whip" container that she filled with hot water. Karen was worried as she finished lathering Joe’s face. Despite her bold pronouncements that "this is child’s play", she was scared. Scared that she’d cut Joe’s face and have to abandon the transformation. She almost "chickened out". The first stroke of the blade went well. This wasn’t too bad at all! With each stroke, she gained confidence. Piece of cake!

Karen followed the shave with some of her moisturizing lotion. Now she could get to work!

Karen reached for the bottle of Dermablend and applied the foundation to Joe’s face. She explained that she was blotting not rubbing. Next came the powder. Each time she checked, Joe was watching her intently. There was also the faintest hint of a smile. He was enjoying this!

Next, Karen moved to the eyes. She didn’t need to but, just for show, grabbed the eyelash curler and gave Joe’s lashes just a little extra curl. Now came the eyeliner. Joe just couldn’t hold still! Karen tried several strategies but Joe deftly countered each with a blink of flinch. Karen had to reassess her overall plans now that Joe’s eyes were dramatically (boldly) lined. Actually, she said to herself, being bold may be just the right thing to do. Joe’s eye shadow was a careful blending of grays and violet. Karen picked the colors on a whim, and they worked beautifully.

Joe watched Karen intently. He listened as she explained each step in the process. As he looked in the mirror he was careful to focus on each individual part and never on the whole. When you looked at the person the illusion was shattered. "Not this time!" Joe silently prayed over and over. He wanted this day to be perfect.

Karen was outlining Joe’s lips when it happened.

"God, you are really beautiful!"

Those words broke the spell. Joe realized too late that he was looking at the entire picture. He didn’t see beauty. He saw some stupid guy trying to be something that was impossible. He felt sorry for the poor slob. From somewhere deep inside, Joe’s inner voice cried out. "Hey guy. Why don’t you get a life."

Karen saw the transition and felt powerless to stop it. One minute Joe was happy. His eyes were sparkling with joy. Karen didn’t know what triggered it but she clearly saw the sparkle flee from Joe’s eyes chased by what? What had she seen? Terror, no. Sorrow, closer. Fear, yeah, some of that. Remorse, yes, that’s what it was. What was Joe sorry for? What secret tormented him? Karen had fallen in love all over again last night and she wanted desperately to keep the current loving, tender, sensitive Joe forever.

Karen and Joe withdrew into their individual shells. Karen tried to finish Joe’s transformation but he refused to cooperate. He kept mumbling something about looking foolish and being a pathetic excuse for a man. Karen tried to argue with Joe. It was one sided. She pleaded with Joe. All he would say was "Look at me!"

Karen looked. She saw an attractive woman buried under Joe’s masculine exterior. She was worried about the consequences of helping that woman break free. Would Joe still be there? Would he still love her that way he loved her last night? Would she lose Joe forever if that woman took charge?

Joe also looked. His dominating emotion was guilt. Guilt for what he’d done to his mom all those years ago. Rather that facing his guilt Joe tried to bury it but his mother’s words rang in his ears just as loudly as they did his senior year.

"I hope you’re satisfied with yourself. I hope you can sleep at night after what you’ve done to me! I hope and pray that every time you dress you’ll look in the mirror and see the pathetic mess you are. You’re not a man, and you’ll never be a woman. Just a silly little sissy dressing up!"

Joe looked in the mirror and saw the truth in his mother’s words.

Joe and Karen drifted in their individual patterns throughout the weekend. Several times their individual courses brought them together. Karen tried to tell Joe how good he looked. She could feel the torment raging inside the man she loved and desperately wanted to help him. She just didn’t know how.

Monday arrived. Joe was surprised to see Karen in her nightgown at the breakfast table. She explained that she was going to work from home and that she would see him at dinner. Joe set off for work and Karen set off on her quest.

For most of the morning Karen surfed the net. She gave each of the search engines a workout as she looked for all the possible words and word combinations that could describe Joe’s condition. She found several story sites and took some time reading. At Crystal’s Storysite she found several stories about women transforming their spouses or boyfriends. She also found the "Cyber Board" and followed several of the discussion threads. She found the polls and read several questions. She even voted in a couple. The most interesting feature for Karen was Crystal’s "Links". Each link provided the starting point for a trail. The trails often crossed, or joined. There were many false starts and even more dead ends. By the time Friday rolled around Karen was beginning to question her methods. She found several transformation services listed. She called a couple to ask about their services. She then described Joe’s reaction to her transformation efforts. Most of the salons told her that it sounded like Joe wasn’t really into dressing. Some told her that he needed counseling more than he needed a makeover. Karen was about ready to give up when a very friendly young lady from a transformation salon told her, "It sounds like your husband needs to talk to Aunt Mary."

"Who’s Aunt Mary?" Karen asked.

"Aunt Mary is wonderful!" The girl exclaimed. "She runs a small retreat in the Sierras of California. She helps people find themselves and work out all the problems that keep them from self-fulfillment. I was a mess before I spent three weeks at Mary’s. I still go back there from time to time to reestablish my sense of direction."

Karen got the number for Mary’s and dialed. On the third ring a cheerful voice answered saying, "Mary’s retreat, how may I direct your call?"

"I don’t know." Said Karen with more than a just little confusion. "I guess I need to talk to someone about my husband, Joe. My name is Karen and I was referred by someone who told me you do fantastic work."

"All of our clients come from referrals." The lady responded with a friendly voice. "My name is Veronica and I’m one of the counselors here at Mary’s. Why don’t you tell me a little about your problem."

Karen described the events of the previous weekend. She talked about Joe’s apparent excitement during the early stages of his transformation and how his attitude changed all of a sudden when he looked in the mirror. Veronica asked several questions and Karen told her about the time she caught Joe dressed and his promise that he would never dress in her presence again. She talked about the past few years and the Joe’s growing frustration and how it was having a serious effect on their marriage.

Veronica told Karen that she would check with Mary and then call her back. She explained that the review of the facts could take a few days and that Karen should not expect a call before the end of the following week.

Those seven days were the longest Karen had ever experienced. All through the past week she had prayed for a miracle. She was sure that she had found her miracle and, just like in the fairy tales, she and Joe would live happily ever after. As each day passed her fear mounted. What if they turned her down?

Karen didn’t share any of this with Joe. He thought that her agitated manner was the result of the previous weekend’s fiasco. He began blaming himself. Unknown to either of them, their silence about their concerns was driving a wedge in their relationship.

Karen was just finishing a report for a client when the office phone rang. She answered and stopped short when she realized that she was talking to Veronica. How had they gotten her work number? What else did they know? All these fears melted though as the full impact of Veronica’s message sank in. Joe would be seen at Aunt Mary’s! Veronica was explaining about the process. They would begin with a three day session just for initial interviews of both she and Joe. Following these interviews the staff would present their recommendations to Joe and Karen and a care plan would be set up. Veronica was asking about a date when Karen said "What about tomorrow? We can take the day off. If we start this evening we can be there by ten."

"We don’t normally get this kind of response." Veronica said. "We do have an opening this weekend so I think that would work. Does Joe know anything about this?" She asked.

Karen admitted that Joe was completely in the dark. She assured Veronica that everything would work out. As Karen talked Veronica added several notes to the small file she had started on Joe and Karen. She finally agreed to the appointment the following day. Karen said her good-byes and immediately called Joe. Joe said that there was nothing major on his calendar for the following day. Karen told him to cancel everything cause they were going to spend a weekend in the mountains. She told Joe that she would pick him up at four and that they’d get dinner on the road. Joe didn’t get the smallest chance to protest. Not that it would have done any good.

Karen picked Joe up exactly at four. She had gone home right after the phone call and packed for them both. They headed northeast on the freeway. Karen had called ahead and arranged a room at a small inn in Placerville. She and Joe had spend an amazing weekend at the inn, in the same room, a couple of months after their wedding. The room hadn’t changed a bit in the seven years. In fact, it looked like the same mattress on the bed.

Karen and Joe walked down the street and found a quaint little restaurant where they had a light dinner. They went back to the inn and spent a romantic evening in "their" room. Joe remembered the lessons of their last love making session. He really seemed to understand that this was an experience and not an event. Karen fell asleep with a smile on her face more resolved that ever to find a cure for Joe and their marriage.

The next morning they drove on up into the mountains to Aunt Mary’s. There was not sign or any indication about the nature of the large house that they found themselves in front of. They were just opening climbing out of the car when the front door opened and a petit blonde with a pixie haircut came out.

"Good morning!" She exclaimed. "You must be Joe and Karen. I’m Veronica. Mary is expecting you."

Joe and Karen were ushered inside where they found themselves in a large entry hall. The walls were dark wood paneling that Joe said was mahogany. The hardwood floor shone in the morning sun streaming in from the dining room on the left. Veronica indicated that they should proceed to the right into the living room. The large Oriental rug dominated the living room in the center of the floor. Flanking it were three "Queen Anne" chairs and an overstuffed sofa. The chairs were a soft rose color and the sofa was done in a floral print. Shear curtains diffused the light entering the room softening the overall effect. The walls were a deep green on the lower half and a rose bud pattern above the dark chair rail.

As they entered, a large woman stood up. She welcomed them and introduced herself as Mary. She invited then to sit on the sofa. Veronica moved to one of the other two chairs. Mary sat and told Joe and Karen that they were waiting for one more person before they began. She started to explain the process for the weekend but stopped when she saw the shocked look on Joe’s face.

"Joe, do you know why you and Karen are here?" She asked while staring at Karen.

Joe indicated that he was clueless. Karen started to explain but Mary stopped her.

"Joe. Apparently your wife loves you very much and wants the two of you to be happy. I run a small facility here that provides treatment for various types of gender related issues. Karen believes that the two of you are being driven apart by just such an issue and has requested our help."

"What did she tell you?" Joe demanded. "I don’t have a problem and I don’t think I want to be here!"

Joe started to get up when Karen said, "Joe, you don’t have a problem. We have a problem that’s driving us apart. I love you and don’t want to lose you. Please sit so we can at least talk."

Joe sat. Mary explained that Joe and Karen would get about a half-hour to get settled into their room upstairs. Lunch would be served in the dining room at 11:30. Mary indicated that there would be a series of individual interviews during the afternoon followed by dinner. Saturday morning was dedicated to follow-up interviews and for outlining a treatment plan.

Joe stared at Mary the whole time she talked. She was a large woman. Probably close to six feet tall and about 200 pounds. Her auburn hair cascaded down to her shoulders in a series of loose curls. Her lips were a deep red as were her nails. Large hoop ear rings peeked from the reddish curls framing her face. Joe thought she was a very striking, attractive and self-assured woman. As they headed to their room Joe noticed that Mary moved with remarkable grace and ease.

Mary noticed Joe’s attention. She realized her size often made her the center of attention but there was something more about the way Joe watched her every move. She wasn’t sure but was fairly confident that she had already discovered one of the issues to be resolved. She’d find out more this afternoon. Joe, Karen, and Veronica were halfway up the stairs when the front door opened. A male voice said "Sorry I’m late. Dead Battery." Joe looked back but the person had already passed into the dining room with Mary.

Lunch came and went quickly. Joe decided that he would give this counseling a try just to please Karen. Following lunch Joe and Veronica went into the living room while Mary remained in the dining room with Victor. It was Victor’s voice that Joe heard as he climbed the stairs. Victor had been introduced as one of the counselors who would interview Joe and Karen.

Joe and Veronica, or Ronnie as she wanted to be called, talked about a number of things including Joe’s dressing. Joe was reluctant to open up at first but gradually he began to share opinions on styles. He admitted that he always looked at the JC Penney catalogue when it arrived along with the ads in the Sunday paper. Joe and Ronnie talked about hair (he told Ronnie that she should let it grow just a little), clothes, make-up and shopping. Joe wondered where the time had gone when there was a soft knock on the door and Mary announced that time was up.

Joe and Mary also talked about style but approached the subject from a different perspective. Mary asked Joe about television commercials. Joe talked about his favorites which were for Victoria’s Secret and Maybeline. They talked about television and movie stars. Joe admitted that he just loved "Buffy" and the new star of "Dark Angel". Conversation moved to books and reading. When Joe told Mary that a lot of his reading material was on-line, she asked which sites. Joe told Mary about Crystal’s Story Site and Fictionmania. Mary confided that she also was a regular reader at these sites. She asked Joe about the stories that he preferred. Joe stated that he didn’t care for the "Magic" stories. He preferred stories where a man is a willing or unknowing participant in his own transformation. Mary asked about forced feminization. Joe said that he often found these tales fascinating but also felt that they went too far in the violence aspects of the stories.

"What do you think is wrong with you when you dress?" Mary asked bluntly.

"Everything." Replied Joe. "Look at me! I can’t pass for a true woman I’m too large!" He cried before realizing who he was talking to. "Look, it’s more than size." Stammered Joe trying to extricate himself from the whole he dug with his words. "I realize that you are a large woman, but, you’re a woman. I’m just some poor dumb schmuk playing make believe."

Mary just smiled. "Apology accepted.’ She said. "We’ll talk about this again. Unfortunately, my time is up and I think I heard Victor outside."

Joe went to relieve himself and returned to find Victor sitting in the chair. Victor was a large, well-built man.

"Hi Joe." He said. " Karen and I had very interesting talk earlier. We discussed several issues that I think we need to get to the bottom of but, first, I think I need to tell you a little about our process here."

"There are three interviews from three different perspectives that compose our initial interview process. Ronnie provides the female perspective. She approaches this process as a real girl talking to a real girl. I, on the other hand, have little interest in this transgendered stuff. I’m more interested in seeing what kind of a man you are. Mary, approaches this process as one transgendered person talking to another."

"We each talk to you then discuss our findings as a group. The key thing is that we have to reach a consensus on the issue and the treatment plan before we proceed."

Joe’s jaw dropped. Mary and he were almost the same. How could she look so good while he looked so bad? Joe didn’t get a chance to ponder this question. Victor was talking about his interview with Karen and the significant event in Joe’s past.

"Karen doesn’t know the truth." Said Joe quietly.

"Do you want to share these facts with us Joe?" Victor asked.

Joe nodded. Victor told Joe to wait just a minute. He left to get the counselors and Karen telling Joe that it was very important that Karen be among the first to hear the truth.

Whit everyone seated in the living room, Joe began his story. He talked about hi occasional escapades, dressing in his mother’s underwear. He talked about trying lipstick in the bathroom. He hesitated before launching into the story of the panty incident during sixth grade. He talked about going to sleep and his discovery the next day. He related how he had hidden the soiled panties between the mattress and the box spring and the terror he felt when he discovered they were missing and about the bright pink ones he found in their place. He told everyone that he stopped dressing out of fear of being caught and of his continuing efforts to satisfy his urges. He talked about the waxing incident during their sophomore year.

Joe then started talking about senior year. He talked about dating Karen. He was leading up to the senior pictures episode. He rushed through the events in the salon in obvious embarrassment. He talked about dinner that evening. Finally, he got around to his discovery that night in his room. After Karen left, he went up to his room. Joe talked about his confused state of mind. Why had his mom done so much to humiliate him? What had he done to her? The answer was on his bed wrapped in brightly colored paper.

The package had his name on it. Joe opened the package slowly. As he lifted the lid of the box he stopped. Inside were the panties he had soiled those many years ago along with the matching bra. There was also a piece of his mom’s note paper. Joe’s hands were shaking as he unfolded the note from his mom.




You are probably wondering why. Why the whole experience in the salon? Why I insisted that you have your senior pictures taken when you looked so feminine? Why I decided to give you these panties?

As you know, your father and I are going through some tough times. Maybe we’ll work things out maybe we won’t. I have a lot of pain in my life right now and few comforts. These panties were one of those comforts. As I said before, they were a gift from your dad way back when joy filled our hearts. No matter how bad the world seemed, I was magically transported to a better time and place when I put them on.

At least that was true until you destroyed my dreams. Ever since that day when you stole and soiled my panties I have not been able to put them on. Without my dreams life with your dad has gotten a whole lot more difficult. Should I blame you? Probably not but I do. You stole more from me than an article of clothing. You stole my joy.

I tried to forgive and forget but I can’t. Last week, your father and I had a really bad fight. I know I’m going to leave him soon. When Karen called me about your salon appointment I saw it as an opportunity to punish both you and your dad. I wanted you to be feminized as you’ve been trying to do to yourself for all these years. I wanted a public record of it that you’d never be able to run away from. I wanted you to suffer as long as I suffer. That’s why I insisted that you look feminine for the pictures. That picture will follow you for the rest of your life. I hope that each time you dress in women’s clothing, you’ll remember that you can never look the part.

As for your dad. He told me that I could leave if I wanted but I couldn’t take his son. He was so proud of you for your athletic ability. You were a growing man in his eyes. Until tonight. Tonight I took his son away from him and gave him a sissy. I know the memory of this night will haunt him for the rest of his life.

I won’t say I’m sorry but I did want you to understand why these things happened today




A hush had descended on the group as Joe recited the contents of the letter. A tear ran down Karen'’ cheek. She wanted to comfort Joe. Living with this for all those years!

Mary spoke. " Joe, that explains a lot about your inner turmoil. I think we can help you overcome this guilt and learn to live with yourself again. No matter what lifestyle you choose. Are you willing to work with us?"

Joe looked at Karen. Karen looked at Joe. They nodded together.

Mary said. "Well, this has been quite a day. Why don’t we have dinner then the counselors will talk. Joe and Karen, I think the two of you also have a lot to talk about. Let’s eat."

After dinner, Joe and Karen went for a long walk. They held hands as they talked about all the wonderful experiences they had shared. Karen broke the ice and mentioned the senior pictures. She and Joe talked about their feelings during the incident for the first time. Joe began to understand Karen’s feeling of helplessness as his mom took charge. Karen understood how Joe’s deep-seated guilt prevented him from doing anything but what his mom directed. They talked about the ensuing years and how their reluctance to discuss the incident kept them from a closer relationship. They talked about the future. Karen told Joe how much she loved the person who emerged during their most recent love making sessions. Joe told Karen how he also felt that his true self came out during those sessions. They talked about dressing. Karen no longer feared losing Joe if he became more feminine. She feared missing the experience if he did not. They talked till well after midnight and, as they shared their feelings, the process of healing began. It was close to two AM when they returned to their room. Lovemaking that evening was a slow, elegant experience.

The next morning at breakfast a sleepy eyed Joe agreed to go on a little field trip with Mary. Karen was going to stay behind to talk with Ronnie and Victor. There were a lot of issues for her to resolve.

Joe and Mary chatted pleasantly as they drove down the mountain into town. They parked in an underground garage and rode the elevator to the street. As they strolled along the sidewalk looking at all the store displays they would each point at one display or another. They laughed and talked about life and love. Joe talked about Karen a lot.

About 2:30 Mary announced that it was time to go home. As they drove home, Mary asked Joe about several of the people they had passed on the sidewalk. Joe remembered some of the people either by the description of their hair or clothing but, he was convinced that several times, Mary was talking about a different walk.

They stopped for a soda at McDonalds on the way back. When the returned, Mary escorted Joe up the steps to the library. They sat in front of a TV. Mary asked Joe how many women they had passed. Joe thought for a while then guessed at 50. Mary turned on the TV and an image of a redhead in a black suit came up. Joe remarked that he remembered her from the walk.

"Good." Said Mary. "Let’s see if any of these other women are familiar. We saw some of them along our walk but there are a few ringers thrown in just to keep you honest."

They went through over a hundred pictures. Joe recognized several. He was convinced that he never saw the women in the others. He also mentioned that several pictures were repeated.

After they had gone through over a hundred pictures Mary asked Joe if he wanted to see the results. Almost immediately, a screen came to life. There were about thirty five pictures displayed on the screen. Joe recognized these as the pictures he had recognized from the morning’s outing.

A second screen flickered to life. There were about ten pictures on this screen. "These are the ringers, Joe."

A third screen appeared. This screen overflowed with pictures. In face, Joe realized that the images on the screen were changing almost continuously. "These are the women you failed to recognize, Joe." Mary announced. "There are one hundred twelve women who failed to make an impression on you. Look at the screens Joe. Do you notice anything?"

Joe looked. The women he recognized seemed normal to him. A couple of them were absolute babes! He turned his attention to the screen of women he failed to recognize. More than a couple of them were over weight. Not sloppy but plump. There were a couple of bean poles as well.

"Do you see the pattern Joe?"

Joe looked a little sheepish. "I only seem to notice the real babes?"

It was more of a question than an answer.

"What this tells me Joe, is that you have a problem that many women have. It’s called poor body image and we beginning to find that more and more men are developing a problem as Hollywood and the fashion industry try to dictate how men should look."

"Your image of a woman is based on these preconceived notions. When you dress you cannot meet your own high standards and conflict results."

"When you look at me Joe, what do you see?"

"I see a very attractive, strong woman." Joe answered. " I remember thinking yesterday that I wish I could be more like you."

Mary smiled. "That’s the first step toward a cure Joe. There are years of prejudice built up and we’re going to have to clear much of it out but we will. That’s a promise."

"Lets talk about the sources that feed your problem Joe."

Mary and Joe talked. She had a whole series of images captured from television and print ads to back up her points. The even talked about the Transgendered web sites that Joe liked to visit. Joe mentioned Crystal’s Story Site and the opening page flashed up on the center screen. Mary must have had a control device of some type because she quickly navigated to the story section. She asked Joe to pick an author.

"MartiB." He answered.

Mary navigated to MartiB’s stories and selected "Reunion Masquerade". Almost by magic they were transported into the story text. Mary highlighted a section of the text. They read together as the author described how the man became a beautiful woman.

"See Joe." Mary said. "Your self image takes a beating from all sides throughout the day, even when you try to relax. It’s almost dinner time, so why don’t you find Karen and get ready. We’ll continue this discussion tomorrow."

Joe found Karen in their room getting ready for dinner. The talked about their respective days. Joe mentioned the self-image problem. Karen said that she and Victor had discussed the same problem.

After dinner Joe and Karen went for another walk. They walked in silence for about fifteen minutes before Karen asked the question Joe feared the most.

"What do you want out of all this, Joe? If you could lead the perfect life from this point on, what would it be?"

Prior to this weekend Joe might have tried to avoid answering this question. Instead, he looked Karen in the eye and said. "I used to think God had cheated me. I always dreamed of becoming a girl. I just knew that’s what I was supposed to be."

"Now, that doesn’t seem right. I want to be your husband, Karen. But I want you to understand me and my needs. There’s a part of me that is locked away. That part of me needs the freedom to live and express herself from time to time. For lack of a better term, I’ll call it my feminine side."

Joe paused briefly to see if Karen had any questions before continuing. "I want to dress from time to time if I can learn to accept my own image. I think I’d like to go out with you as a girl friend. We could talk about our spouses and share other gossip. I don’t want to live full time as a girl and I have no intention of having my plumbing modified. Most of all, I want us to be happy."

Karen leapt into Joe’s arms. They sank onto the forest floor. They both had tears in their eyes as they caressed and hugged, and loved. The eastern sky was brightening with the promise of a new day as they made their way back to Mary’s.

Joe quickly showered and just barely made his appointment with Ronnie. They spent the morning talking and looking at fashion. Ronnie had a pile of catalogues that she referred to as they talked. Se seemed to find pictures of larger women as they talked about make-up application.

Joe agreed to try a make over. Ronnie led him to another building on the grounds. They entered a "Full Service" salon. Joe sat in the chair. Ronnie turned him this way and that way as she decided on the "right look". She asked Joe if he would mind having his hair highlighted. He said no. She asked if he minded if she trimmed his hair and set it on rollers. He agreed.

Ronnie set to work. Joe watched as she sectioned his hair and wound each small section around the roller. Joe had never seen the pattern that Ronnie was using and sat transfixed as the process was completed. There was a line of rollers going from front to back centered above Joe’s right eye. Everything to the right of that line was rolled going down the side. Everything to the left was rolled across the top with the exception of four pin curls anchored with bobby pins on Joe’s forehead.

Ronnie started to work on Joe’s nails. His protest was not very forceful as she prepared his nail beds for the acrylic nails. Joe protested one more time as the first hand was completed but his voice lacked conviction. Ronnie completed her task and Joe was left momentarily to admire his new pink and white nails. They were perfect thought Joe. Just the right length and the color could almost pass as natural.

Ronnie moved Joe to another bench at the dressing table. She helped Joe remove his shirt and fastened a bra in place. She looked at Joe for a moment then disappeared. She returned with a box. Joe couldn’t see what Ronnie was doing at the table. She turned and unfastened his bra but left it hanging from his shoulders. She turned her back to him again but quickly turned and pressed a breast form onto his chest. Joe tried to protest but Ronnie held a finger up in front of his mouth to shush him.

"Too late Josie." She said. "This one’s in place and not going to move for a while. Don’t you want to get your chest balanced out?"

Joe let Ronnie apply the other breast form. He felt the weight of his D breasts. This was not the same as the socks in the bra. He turned to look in the mirror but there were none to be found. Even the one he had looked into to admire Ronnie’s work on his hair was now missing.

"Don’t worry Joe. You look beautiful! We don’t want to spoil the image so you’ll just have to trust us."

Ronnie set to work on Joe’s face. She applied the foundation and set it with powder. She lined his eyes in a soft brown and added shadow. She grabbed the tweezers and "shaped up" Joe’s brow. Joe was convinced that she had removed most of the hairs. Ronnie brushed on brow pencil telling Joe that his eyes were his best feature. She finished with three coats of mascara.

Joe could see his eyelashes! They were so long and so fat!

Ronnie expertly applied blush to highlight the angles of Joe’s cheekbones. Last, a bright red lipstick coated Joe’s lips.

"God you look good." Ronnie said. "I wish I knew if it was the artist or the canvas!"

Ronnie removed the rollers from Joe’s hair. She pulled and coaxed the locks into place with her fingers. She sprayed his hair then pulled a few more strands and sprayed again. Not satisfied she grabbed a rattail comb from the table and proceeded to tease the front of Joe’s hair. She played with these locks s little more and then sprayed again. Ronnie stepped back and surveyed Joe from about five feet away. She stepped forward and gave him a big spray, of perfume! The surprise was still etched on Joe’s face when Ronnie gave him one more big dose of hair spray.

"Just in time." She said. "Let’s go eat with the rest of the group."

Joe started to protest. He used every excuse he could think of to no avail.

"Josie, you look great and I want everyone to see!" She said.

They walked to the main house. Joe accused her of setting him up. He asked about trust. She told him that he would have to trust the rest of the group to give him an honest appraisal of how he looked.

Conversation stopped and all heads turned as Josie made her entrance. "Boy that’s a first." Joe thought. "Me stopping conversation as I enter a room. Maybe I do look good."

Karen couldn’t believe it was Joe. She had never witnessed the complete transformation before. Once the spell was broken Joe usually acted just like a guy in drag. But today. The walk was right. The cadence and inflection of his speech was right. The mannerisms were truly feminine. This was the hidden Joe. Locked away for all these years. Finally released and living life to the fullest.

Sunday dinner was great. Joe kept trying to sneak looks at himself at first but was continuously frustrated. He even excused himself for the bathroom one time but the mirror was missing there as well. He felt at ease with these people who he didn’t even know before two days ago. The look in Karen’s eyes said it all. He was loved just as much as he loved her. Karen’s look also told him what he couldn’t verify for himself. He looked good!

Darkness was descending over the western slopes as dinner ended. Victor told Joe, for the tenth time, how good he looked. Mary announced that the guests had to get on the road if they were going to be home in time for work on Monday.

Joe was set with a second weekend session in two weeks. He kept trying to go change but Karen insisted that he looked great and there wasn’t time. Joe climbed into the right front seat for the ride home. He immediately pulled down the sun visor to check his appearance in the mirror. It was gone. He reached over to adjust the rear view mirror but it was gone as well.

Karen climbed in behind the wheel. She looked over at Joe. She just couldn’t help herself as she placed her right hand behind his head and pulled their mouths together in a passionate kiss. "I love you!"

Those were the only words said for the first hour of the ride home. They were the only words that needed to be said.

After that, Joe and Karen talked. They talked about fashion. They talked about the news stories on the radio. They started to talk about spouses, stopped, and laughed like a couple of girl friends.



© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.