Crystal's StorySite


A New Life A New Boss And A New Wardrobe

by Zoez


Dear Tara, Phew! Back home and back in my manly clothes (not a single feminine piece of clothing or make up on me, as you can clearly see in the picture). It was a great holiday, but a little strange pretending to be a woman for a week. I guess I know how you feel and I must admit that after a week of wearing a bra, I've realised that for now it would be better to continue wearing one until I get a chance to tone my chest up. I've also realised that it really compliments my eyes to wear a little mascara, so I'm wearing a little make-up most days too (but then so do a lot of manly actors and rock-stars before you start). Take care Lou.


Dearest Lou, I must say that I'm sure that wearing a bra does mean you're wearing a piece of woman's clothing and I've got a top just like that, but as long as you're happy then that's the important thing. Oh and my chest is starting to swell up like yours now I'm taking these wonderful hormones (I may still get implants, and my op is now booked for next October, can't wait…). As for the mascara, you should also keep wearing a little eye-shadow as it's hardly noticeable but really helps make your eyes beautiful. Love Tara xx


Dear Tara, Julie's declared another girlie week but right here at home this time (why didn't we ever have these, they're such fun???). I did argue that we never seem to have a boy's weekend or night in but then Julie said most days are a boy' day as every time we wear trousers or jeans, we're dressing as a boy. She's got a good point. So here's Louisa again, as you can see life must go on, so I had to go to the library dressed like this (so embarrassing, but so cool during the hot days). Oh, and I told Julie what you suggested about the eye-shadow and she agreed so Lou is wearing that too (as is Louisa in the picture) love Louisa xxx


You do look hot Louisa. I'm glad you're enjoying cross-dressing now. Have a great birthday tomorrow. love Tara xxx


Dear Tara, I am not cross-dressing, please I am not some sissy (not that you are either as you've made a decision to become a woman and that's different), I only dress as Louisa on the weekend's and that hardly means I'm wearing women's clothes even for a significant portion of the week. You know what, I'd completely forgotten it was my birthday this week, until I saw your email. I begged Julie to stop the girlie week for a day but she insisted it would be fun. So this morning we went shopping for a birthday dress and some other little things (I got the cutest pair of kitten heels to go with my old blue summer dress, and Julie got me a manicure, it was amazing), anyway here I am in my birthday frock (you may have always thought you'd say those words, but I certainly hadn't). Love Louisa x




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