Crystal's StorySite

This second part is dedicated to many readers who emailed me to say how much they enjoyed the first 8 chapters. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. I hope it was worth the wait. You will let me know if it was, wont you? Copyright 2000, by Elaine email is

This section is dedicated to some friends. Crystal the site owner who will have exclusive rights over this story. Joan who helped encourage me with some ideas. Thanks my friend. Debbie Carlisle who I am pleased to say came out of hospital after 8 months just shortly before this story was finished. Finally to all those who patiently waited until I could get this story completed.


On Being Juliette                 by Elaine


Part II

Chapter 9 - Secrets

Gordon looked in Juliette's eyes and then gently kissed her on the forehead. Juliette gulped as best she could to get some much needed air into her breathless lungs.

'You were saying,' said Juliette unable to resist the comment that introduced the dance with Gordon.

'Yes I was wasn't I?' Gordon teased. 'Remember that time at my country house when I stumbled into the bathroom and you were soaking in the bath and then today, your request for male clothes and your desire to get away from me.'

'I...I ..,' said Juliette nervously, 'and?'

'Well it's easy, ye're shall we say, a girl with a little extra, in fact ye're no a girl at all, are ye?' Gordon whispered in Juliette's ear. She felt his long waxed moustache tickle her ear as he avoided the elaborate head dress she now wore.

'No I'm not a real girl,' Juliette admitted honestly and quietly after a long pause, 'that's why I asked you for help. Don't you see? I wanted to go back to being my old self again.'

'I know Juliette,' said Gordon his whiskers trembling with excitement. 'What a bobbie dazzler ye are, I can fully understand that but ma dear Juliette, I cannae stand back and see ye ruin your life by being a boy again.'

Juliette started to cry, real tears descended her lily-white face and rolled past her cherry red lips. Gordon looked visibly upset too, Juliette withdrew her hand from his and walked back off the floor in the short mincing steps the dress allowed. Leila noticed too and ran to Juliette just as she made her way to the relative quiet of the hallway.

'Juliette? Juliette, what's the matter?' Asked Leila deeply concerned that her charge was crying like a baby. 'What did Gordon say? What did that man say?'

'He knows,' cried Juliette and then she wailed burying her face into Leila's neck, 'he knows all about me.'

'Yes I know all aboot her,' said a familiar deep Scottish voice behind them. Juliette shivered with fright. It was Gordon Dewar looking unrepentant.

'Just what do you know?' Asked Leila turning on him like a cat with her claws bared.

'I ken everything,' grinned Gordon trying to show that he was in total control and that he wouldn't be hurried or bullied.

'Yes, but what, why did you upset her so? You're not a nice man Mr Dewar,' Leila snapped impatiently.

'Oh ye want to know that I ken Juliette is really a boy, yes I ken that fine,' Gordon replied as Juliette groaned and then cried more patting her puffed up eyes with a handkerchief. She blew her nose and put her head against Leila.

'How do you know?' Leila asked after first checking on Juliette who sat slowly down on a chair beside the hall cabinet. Juliette would have bent double in pain but her unyielding corset held her erect.

'It disnae matter just that I ken. I should add though that ye baith have naething to fear frae me provided ye continue Juliette's deception. I'll gie ye baith ma word on that. At least that is ma word in exchange for certain favours shall we say,' he said fingering his waxed moustache and smiling.

'Oh no,' cried Juliette who sobbed harder into her lace handkerchief imagining what that meant.

'What favours?' Asked Leila indignantly, loudly and angrily.

'Well there are many, some obvious, some not so obvious,' he said swerving Leila's assault again. Leila though was not so happy.

'Just what do you have in mind Mister Dewar?' Asked Leila her use of the name Dewar given in a derogatory tone.

'Like I said some small favours.' He paused. 'I like young boys and one that dresses as a pretty girl would make a welcome change from time to time.'

'That's not possible Mr Dewar and you know it. Not while Juliette is under my care,' said Leila indignantly. 'I'm her chaperone now in the absence of her parents.'

'I'm sure ye're able tae realise that if this news about Juliette should leak oot that it might be quite disastrous,' said Gordon smirking. 'If Sir Iain or Colin should ever find oot, then Juliette would be humiliated and forced to run. ye would have to return to France and Juliette's Mother and father would be disgraced and lose their position. I hear that they are sailing for Brazil tomorrow. I can just imagine how Sir Iain would react if he was told just after the Smythe's set sail. He widnae be not too pleased I'll wager.'

'You wouldn't do that would you? What would you gain?' Asked Leila.

'Nothing dear lady except ma friend's trust for revealing the serious error he and his son have made with you both.'

Suddenly the door to the dancehall opened and the noise from the music drowned out the thoughts of the three people in the hallway.

'Oh there you are Juliette,' said Colin looking quite handsome in his black dinner jacket and white shirt. 'Can I have this next dance please?' He asked and without waiting for a reply he took Juliette's hand. His presence stopped the conversation between Leila and Gordon dead. His youthful innocence left him unaware that there was anything untoward occurring despite Juliette's tear-stained face and handkerchief.

Coming to her senses, Juliette quickly responded, 'yes of course.' Juliette moved gently thanks to Colin's firm and strong hand. 'That would be lovely,' she said her tears suddenly drying up. She relished the opportunity to escape even for a moment from Gordon.

'You would destroy them both, you know that don't you?' Leila spoke watching the couple leave holding hands high back towards the dancehall.

'Yes I realise that, but Juliette just owes me a few favours and it needn't happen. Does it?' Gordon threatened.

'So what do you propose Mr Dewar?' Asked Leila getting to the point. 'Name your price for silence.'

'Lassie ye hae me all wrong. I don't want money. I'm a wealthy Scottish hotel owner and industrialist. I want Juliette in bed wi me.'

'Merde! Over my dead body,' said Leila angrily.

'That can be arranged,' he joked but Leila didn't quite see the joke.

'You're no gentleman sir, despite your background,' replied Leila scornfully. 'If I was a man I would punch you to the ground.'

'It makes nae matter, the favour I hae in mind is both of you together in ma new hotel in the West End tomorrow night - straight after the rehearsals and Juliette waves goodbye to her parents or is that his parents.'

Sir, you are quite outrageous,' shouted Leila, 'you want me there too?' That can never happen and it wont.'

'Take yer choice, you've until this time tomorrow, dinnae disappoint me now,' he said and then turned and walked back nonchalantly into the dancing area as if nothing had happened. His broad shoulders as wide as the door he passed through and his head haughty, proud and erect.

Leila in contrast was furious, she paced up and down the hall, slapping her closed fan against her thighs. 'The nerve of that man!' She exclaimed in her native French over and over. Despite the dress and underskirts, she could feel the pain in her leg. When she went back to the dance, Juliette was still dancing with Colin in an almost dream like state.

'Damn you to hell Gordon Dewar,' Leila cursed under breath and as she turned she saw Sir Iain standing behind her.

'Mademoiselle Leila, my dear, may I have this dance, it is past ten and I would love the opportunity of just one waltz this evening,' said Sir Iain as charming as ever.

'Yes Sir Iain, that would be delightful,' said Leila turning on the charm and raising her hands so that he took hers and she could rest her left hand on his broad shoulder.

Colin and Juliette were still on the floor when they turned during the dance, Leila could see though that Juliette no longer looked radiant but looked tired and still a little upset. If she noticed, it amazed her that Colin hadn't. 'Just like a man,' she thought.

At the end of the dance, Leila promptly curtseyed, said her goodbyes and then took Juliette by the hand upstairs to the bedrooms. Juliette was anxious to disrobe and appreciated the warm helpful welcome back from Yvette. She felt like she was in a vice with the tight corset around her torso and was desperate to have it removed for the night.

Yvette deftly lifted the dress and helped ease the laces on the corset. Juliette stepped out of the garment while Yvette attended to Leila. Juliette saw the imprints of the corset on her skin and there had been some chafing on her thighs courtesy of the dancing.

'Well that has spoiled everything,' said Leila referring to Gordon as Yvette left to get the bed warming pans.

'What does he really want and what favours does he require?' Asked Juliette naively.

'Juliette you are so naïve, he wants you and preferably both of us in his bed tomorrow night,' said Leila, 'that won't happen if I can help it.'

'Both of us, not just me?'

'Yes both,' said Leila who again cursed under her breath. 'I'll rot in hell before I go with a man like Gordon Dewar.'

'Goodness, what happens now?' Asked Juliette looking alarmed and desperate again.

'Sleep I hope,' said Leila trying to lighten the mood. She was tired and thought that perhaps a good night's sleep would help her get her charge out of this mess.

'No I mean if he gets his way or doesn't get his way?'

'Well I fear if he doesn't, I will be back in France and you my dear will be his live-in lover, unable to defend yourself against his advances,' replied Leila.

'Couldn't I go to France with you?'

'It might be possible but your parents would be disgraced too. Don't you see?'

'Yes,' said Juliette sadly, 'I see only too clearly.' There was a noise at the door and Yvette returned to help them retire.

'Goodnight Miss, what time do you require breakfast?' Yvette asked politely at the door.

'About 8:30am should be fine,' said Leila answering Yvette's question to Juliette for her.

'Yes Miss,' said Yvette who curtseyed and then walked back to her quarters. Both ready for bed Leila brushed out Juliette's growing long hair.

'You have such lovely hair, ma cherie,' said Leila.

'Go on say it!'

'Say what?' asked Leila suspending operations.

'Say you have such lovely hair for a boy!'

'Juliette hush now we will get through this. I know it, we will be together and resist Gordon Dewar,' replied Leila ignoring Juliette's anguish.

Juliette was tired and so was Leila but passion soon took over and the pair headed over to Juliette's warm bed where they made love. Leila being the main beneficiary of Juliette's probing tongue.

'That was truly wonderful,' said Leila as Juliette came up for air after spending 15 minutes between Leila's legs only to ignore her and fall fast asleep instantly her head touched her soft feather pillow. 'Sleep little one.'

The next day broke fresh and cold as Juliette stretched and yawned from what had been a close embrace with Leila. Once awake though, her mind returned to Gordon's threat and desires. That brought her quickly to her senses; that and the intense pressure on her now full bladder.

The room was cold without a fire in the room, Leila's decision to lock the door had kept Yvette out so they could sleep on undisturbed. Naked, Juliette padded back to bed with Leila watching her small breasts bobbing up and down accentuated by her trim waist that she now possessed. Leila looked at what remained of Juliette's maleness and wondered what the doctor would do when he examined her later that day. Juliette shivered slightly as she dived back under the blankets to cuddle into Leila.

'It's cold we'll need some warm clothes today,' said Juliette as she huddled the much warmer Leila closer. 'I'm frightened after what happened last night.'

'With Gordon Dewar you mean?' Asked Leila already sure of the answer.

'Yes will he carry out his threat and what does he have in mind?'

'He is very strong willed and yes it's likely he will,' said Leila.

'Can't we get out of it?'

'We will try ma cherie, we will try.'

Leila rose and did her toilet but rather than return to bed she unlocked the bedroom door and then rang for Yvette before returning back to her room. Yvette soon lit the fire and the cold damp atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

Yvette was quite surprised that Juliette was not wearing a night-dress and promptly passed a camisole and pantaloons to her charge before allowing her some privacy to put them on. On her return, Yvette laced Juliette into her usual daytime corset but thankfully not so tight as she had endured the night before.

It felt almost slack in comparison to the one she had worn and Juliette stepped into a plain dark green skirt and more elaborate bodice with the fashionable puffed up sleeves. Yvette quickly buttoned up the dress and Juliette actually felt comfortable with her appearance again. Yvette brushed out her hair before it was pinned up using little floral hair pins. Her shoes were pushed on before they were laced up tightly as usual. They were quite broken in now and much more comfortable than the delicate shoes she had worn the night before.

'Breakfast Miss Juliette?' Asked Yvette softly and in keeping with the quiet morning atmosphere.

'Yes thank you,' said Juliette who on watching Leila approach from her room asked. 'Did you sleep well Mademoiselle?'

'Oh yes thank you my dear,' replied Leila smiling and holding out her velvet covered arm to guide her charge towards the door, 'come we have much to do today.'

They walked towards the dining room and found that despite being clean as usual there was a strong odour of pipe and cigar smoke. They sat at the large oak table and ate in silence neither feeling all that hungry. Leila broke the silence, 'whatever today brings know that I love you and you mustn't be afraid.' With that she reached over and she kissed Juliette on the lips gently.

They were leaving the room just as Sir Iain entered, 'what was Dewar up to last night? He seemed to upset you both.'

'It's nothing to worry about Sir Iain,' said Leila and then trying to ease the situation added, 'he was though most odious but we French are made tough.'

Leila smiled and tried to hide her concerns however Sir Iain was serious. 'He has been told never to step inside my house again and to never upset you both again. After you both retired for the night, he became very drunk on my port and was last seen vomiting in the cloak room water closet.'

Juliette smiled.

Leila pounced though when she heard that Gordon Dewar had fallen foul of Sir Iain. 'Sir Iain he is a most disagreeable man, he upset Juliette with some rude comments and we would both be forever in your debt if you could discredit him further than a mere banishment from Marmion.'

'I agree, he is a fellow countryman and I thought him a friend but I see that he is nothing more than a cad, a lout and a drunkard. He insulted you both and that's intolerable. Leave it with me. I have a few strings I can pull in high places. Have a good day both of you,' said Sir Iain sternly and he walked past to sample the breakfast.

'Yes Sir Iain thank you,' curtseyed Juliette who then accompanied Leila to the morning room where they could wait for the hackney cab that would take Juliette to Harley Street for her 10:00am appointment with the doctor. They talked for half an hour and looked at some magazines on women's fashions that lay beside the floral pattern sofa they sat on.

'What is your need to have me see a doctor?' Asked Juliette as the cab drew to a halt outside the front door and they rose to greet it.

'I thought it wise for you to have an examination to view your progress.'

'What progress?' Demanded Juliette.

'Progress towards our goal, silly,' said Leila.

'What goal?' said Juliette holding her warm woollen cape onto her shoulders so that the maid could fasten it tightly around her neck. With the maid present it was hard for Leila to reply. When the maid was finished and scurried off to her other duties, Juliette finally received a response.

'Why I thought that was obvious,' said Leila, 'the goal is to make a lady of you.'

The trip to the doctor was uneventful with Juliette staring out of the carriage wistfully as the busy of streets of pre-Christmas London were full of activity. The carriage stopped outside the doctor's terraced house and they were greeted by a middle-aged man with a distinct French accent.

'Hello Leila, how are you ma cherie?' Asked the Doctor with some familiarity.

'I'm well Pierre, this is my ward Juliette, the girl I told you about. She was born a boy but now as you can see lives as a convincing young woman. She has ambition to stay that way now.'

'She is certainly very pretty,' said Pierre observing Juliette, 'what can I do to help?'

'Well she needs a letter from you, to say that she is under your care so that she is not arrested for masquerading as a woman.'

'That is no problem however I will need to examine her first for my records,' he said wondering what lay beneath Juliette's tight skirts.

Juliette entered the doctor's office indignantly alongside Leila. The doctor's examination was thorough after Juliette had undressed. Sitting on the examination bench Pierre touched and probed Juliette's soft and quite hairless skin. His hands cupped Juliette's manhood and she winced slightly when he touched both of Juliette's testicles.

'Mmmmm,' said the Doctor to himself and then again as he probed around Juliette's throat and neck.

'What's wrong Pierre?' Asked Leila.

'Nothing. Please let me finish,' said Pierre moving to Juliette's budding breasts. As he stood erect again he spoke. 'Quite astonishing,' he said to Leila, 'apart from what's between her legs she's a very pretty and convincing young woman. Quite healthy in all respects, however I fear that the treatment you told me about has had an interesting effect on her and she will never function as a man again.'

Juliette's jaw dropped, 'what do you mean not function as a man again?'

'Well I fear whatever you have taken has affected both your testicles and they are now much smaller than normal. I am quite sure that they are incapable of producing sperm. We shall have to see when we examine a sample,' he said and then to Juliette he asked, 'do you ever get hard?'

'Yes she does,' Leila remembering the night before.

'In that case we need a sample from you. Could you supply something now?'

'Yes I think so,' said Juliette, 'provided Leila helps me.'

Some 15 minutes later and a small teaspoon full of ejaculate was collected and placed on a microscope slide.

'As I suspected,' said Pierre, 'Juliette is completely sterile now.'

That remark brought tears to Juliette's eyes. 'Why?'

'I'm not sure all I know is that you are incapable of fathering a child,' said the Doctor.

The words that Juliette was clear of sperm and that she had been chemically gelded brought panic and concern to Juliette's mind. Dressing like a woman was one thing but no longer functioning as a man was quite another.

'Your ribs have begun to yield under the corset training,' he said, 'your waist is longer and you have the normal curves of a teenage woman. Your chest has swollen too, you have a fine cleavage that would be an asset to any woman.'

The doctor continued his examination of Juliette's feet and his comment disturbed her again. 'Your shoe size is a dainty size 6 and your toes are showing signs of compression and bunions brought about by wearing high heeled boots. Walk across the room please,' he asked.

Juliette hopped down and did as she was told. She found that it was much less painful to walk on tip toes rather than place her foot flat on the ground.

As she put on her stockings, the doctor spoke, 'Miss Juliette I think you will have to wear high heels all your life or change to flat shoes and suffer the pain for a while. The effect on your feet, ankles and toes has caused some changes that are already quite pronounced.'

'Pierre, that wont happen, Juliette is such a slave to fashion just like me and millions of other women,' interrupted Leila, 'she will just have to suffer women's fashions and learn to live with it.'

'Oh, what prevents her dressing as a man?' Asked Pierre.

'Many things but love for her parents mostly,' replied Leila who omitted to say that she had started the process of Juliette's feminisation several months earlier.

'Do you like living and dressing as a woman?' Asked Pierre to Juliette as he went back to cradle Juliette's sexual organs again.

'I didn't at first but I have become used to it. I do want to change back it's just that when I try to do it, something prevents it.'

'Well looking at you, apart from what's between your legs, you present a very pretty, feminine young lady,' smiled Pierre, 'isn't that better than being a boring stuffy young gentleman?'

'It would be easier to defend myself as a man, I feel vulnerable as a woman,' replied Juliette and then adding, 'my true gender is male and all this is false. Hence my confusion.'

'Well Juliette, men have dressed as women since time began. Even Kings and Princes have longed to be Queens and Princesses,' he said softly and then adding 'I know a very good surgeon who could remove these last remnants of your past life. Your testicles are showing signs of withering away. Leila what is the medication that Juliette has been taking?'

'It is quite potent herbal preparation favoured by women in the South of France and Italy. They take it in their middle years as they lose their ability to bear children,' said Leila slowly and then added, 'both my mama and grandmama were users of this medication and it helped them.'

'That may be so but I wager that this herb contains essences that help give women their rounded shape as Juliette can now testify,' said Pierre.

Juliette pointed at her largely uncovered body and she spoke out of turn at Leila, 'so these pills have been responsible for all this?'

'Yes darling, you must have known that?'

'I suspected, I thought they were to calm me while I was dressed,' replied Juliette suddenly alarmed.

'Oh they did that too but there were other effects such as your pretty bosom as you can now appreciate,' said Leila. 'Isn't it wonderful being a woman?'

'Leila I should hate you for what has happened to me these last 3 months but I cannot,' continued Juliette and the doctor went over to the basin to wash his hands.

As he turned drying his hands he interrupted, 'I think you would be better placed in life if you didn't possess these remnants of your maleness between your legs. So if you will permit it Leila let me talk to my surgeon friend who will be able to correct this mistake.'

'Mistake? These clothes and these breasts are the mistake,' yelled Juliette angry about what had been spoken.

'I beg to differ,' said the doctor, 'you will certainly never look like a man again and you can only have a life as a woman now.'

'But I cannot give birth or have sex with a man,' replied Juliette with consternation.

'Many women cannot do those things and yet live happy fulfilled lives.'

'Thank you Doctor,' said Leila, who felt happy that another nail had been hammered into Julian's coffin. Julian was now six feet down and would never surface if she had her way. She helped Juliette to dress and it all began to feel second nature to Juliette.


Chapter 10 - Rehearsals

'Quickly we must hurry,' said Leila to the driver of the cab as the first rehearsal at the theatre drew near and they were still many streets away. 'Juliette it will not be so bad when we can get to France, you will be happy there,' she said to her ward. They had talked about getting away together after leaving Marmion.

A little late, they both entered and settled beside the other actors and actresses who were busy learning their roles in the new production of the Wilde play.

During the next hour, Juliette learned that she would be understudy to a slightly older woman who seemed delighted with the decision. As she looked around, Juliette relaxed slightly with the news that she wouldn’t need to go on stage that day. Suddenly all that changed as she tensed up. Looking down on her she spied Gordon Dewar in a box and he promptly gave her a friendly wave. Juliette didn't respond but spoke directly to Leila.

'He's here! Look in the rear of that box overlooking the stage,' said Juliette.

Straining against the bright lights, Juliette and Leila caught sight of their tormentor overlooking the stage. With no role to play, Juliette moved nearer to the director in the auditorium. They listened intently as the actors began to say their lines. Juliette was paying so much attention to the stage that she failed to notice Gordon suddenly sit down beside her and place his hand on his leg. Juliette turned startled.

'I hope ye havenae forgotten oor meeting?' He asked.

'No I haven't! It's at seven this evening is it not?' Asked Juliette flustered and unsure. She tried to keep her mind on the stage.

'No er actually it's right now,' smiled Gordon. 'I've decided that there's no time like the present.' Grabbing Juliette's slim hand he rose and said, 'come I have a table booked for lunch.'

Leila went with Juliette and Gordon to the passageway. The two looked at each other and Leila shrugged her shoulders in resignation that there was nothing she could do to help Juliette's plight.

Without further ado, grinning broadly at the ease of his success, Gordon led both ladies to the back of the auditorium and then outside to his waiting coach. Within 10 minutes they were at Gordon's new hotel and he just waved his walking stick to the receptionist before they headed for the lift.

The lift ascended to the very top of the building before they exited into a large penthouse area through an attractive set of oak panel double doors.

'Make yourselves comfortable,' declared Gordon as he went over to the champagne bucket and opened the fine vintage bottle. As the champagne spurted clear, he eagerly drank from the bottle. Juliette and Leila seeing the meal placings at the table sat down opposite one another and touched each with their feet.

'Ladies a toast,' said Gordon handing them each a glass and when they were ready loudly proclaimed, 'to women and the Queen.' They sipped slowly at the champagne as Leila had advised, while Gordon swallowed his in one go. 'Ladies ye dinna ken what this means to me.'

'We think we do,' said Leila sarcastically, 'don't expect that our feelings will be reciprocated.'

'That disnae worry me lass what ye think, it's a man's world and it's what I think that really matters,' said Gordon with sincerity after he drained his second glass of champagne. He stood and removed his jacket and then undid his cravat. Those two moves alone had Juliette almost bursting into tears. Gordon sensed the tenseness of the situation and reacted unexpectedly. He reached over and kissed Juliette's gloved hand, 'Dinnae be feart lassie,' said Gordon in his broad Scottish accent, 'I'll no hurt ye.'

He rubbed his waxed moustache and slipped off his shoes, his starched collar and cufflinks. Taking Juliette's hand in his, he stood her up and put his arms around her.

'Lassie I'll be so gentle, ye'll love being a woman,' he whispered looking at Leila who stared ahead smiling unseen by Juliette. Gordon smiled back. 'You'll love being my woman.'

'What do you intend to do?' Asked Juliette still concerned.

'Oh ye'll find oot soon enough lass,' said Gordon trying to diffuse the situation and with that he steered Juliette through to the bedroom as Leila started to munch into the chicken sandwiches.

On reaching the bedroom, Juliette felt like she was in a dreamlike state. She knew what was about to happen but was powerless to prevent it. A man she detested was going to make love to her as a woman. Acting in a play as a woman was one thing acting as the bed mate to a man was quite another. Gordon undid Juliette's hat, undid some hair pins, and led her over to the bed. Juliette sat quietly and waited for Gordon to move and move is what he did. Making her lie back on the soft warm bed. Gordon lay on top of Juliette kissing her gently at first and then with more passion.

At first Juliette felt physically sick as his stale cigar breath invaded her mouth. She felt powerless to resist as his hairy and muscular body moved against her own white hairless torso. His hands were everywhere including probing between her legs and across her breasts. Juliette had never felt so powerless, so helpless and so controlled. She felt nothing stir within her that would want her to prolong this contact.

However Gordon was in complete control and Juliette knew it. She felt a tear drop down her red cheek as he continued his one-way advance.

'Relax lass, I'm no gonnae bite ye,' he said

Juliette though was tense, desperately unhappy and just wanted to leave. Gordon kissed her on the mouth again and Juliette fought back the urge to be sick. Besides reeking of stale cigar smoke, there was the smell of whiskey and champagne and his body odour was loud.

'You smell just like a cherry ripe and ready for the picking,' he said nuzzling her neck. 'I mean to pick that cherry tonight dinnae dare resist me.'

His last four words were threatening and Juliette felt obliged to reply.

'I might not like what you're doing Mr Dewar but I'll not resist you,' she replied in a polite matter of fact tone. That disappointed Gordon who had already expended a lot of passionate energy in his foreplay.

He decided that his sensitive efforts to get Juliette to a position of pleasure needed to be speeded up for his own sake if nothing else. He started to undress completely and Juliette swallowed hard. She gulped air audibly as he removed his trousers, socks and shoes, Juliette saw his hair-covered legs as he folded the trousers on the back of a chair before patting the bed beside him.

'Now it's your turn,' he said and proceeded to undo the host of small buttons on the rear of her dress. Despite the tight little buttons, Juliette was able to quickly step out of her dress and hang it up in the wardrobe. He patted the bed again and motioned to her to remove her underskirts and pantaloons. Ultimately her stockings and shoes were next so that only her tight corset remained.

He sat on the edge of the bed undoing his shirt displaying his penis, thick long and hard. He motioned that Juliette turn around and assuming that it was to loosen her stays, she did so obediently.

However the stays remained tight and instead Gordon applied a little petroleum jelly to her rear opening with his fingers and that prompted her to turn around and exclaim, 'what are you doing that for?'

'You'll see soon enough,' as he gently slipped an oily finger inside Juliette's rear passage.

It was tight of course but he persisted all the way in and started to push it in and out. He massaged her prostrate gland and milked her subsequent eruption. Juliette was embarrassed by what had happened as the clear fluid leaked onto the floor but she was powerless to stop him.

Gordon's penis was fully erect as Juliette squirmed about unable to escape him. She was his for the taking and he was going to take her. He removed his finger and slowly pulled her back onto his hard penis. As she came down, the head touched her opening and initially nothing happened as her tight sphincter refused to open.

Gordon applied some pressure to her shoulders and her rear opened up and she felt him enter slowly as she found her body unable to resist the force of gravity. She realised with her mouth wide open that he wasn't entering her so much as she was enclosing him. His penis at 2" diameter was big and she felt really sore as she slowly but surely came down. After she thought that he would split her apart, she tried to relax and then found him deeper inside her still.

Gordon's hands fondled her nipples and made them stick out as she descended deeply impaled on his shaft.


'Oh my god!' Cried Juliette out shrilly.

'How does that feel lass?' Asked Gordon enjoying the sensation of taking Juliette's virginity. 'It feels just wonderful to me.'

'Like I'm being split apart,' she replied. She felt him fill her, the head distending her insides.

'A little more, just a little more and I'm all the way in,' said Gordon.

'I can't it hurts too much,' whined Juliette.

At that point Gordon pulled down on her shoulders. They were fully mated and joined together by his rampant penis. He gently lifted her up and then let her down again. The suction was incredible and Gordon's penis was throbbing madly.

Gordon then diverted his attention to Juliette's own little penis and quickly had it standing proud. He rubbed it up and down as Juliette moved up and down in concert with his thrusts. Each thrust brought Gordon closer to the brink until he could stand it no longer and they re-arranged their positions on the large bed.

With Gordon on top, he turned and proceeded to push so that all his 8' was deeply embedded in her again. Juliette gasped and squealed with each thrust. Each invasion was met with howls from Juliette's lips until at last she cried, 'Oh yes!'

Like most powerful men, Gordon had always rated himself as a lover who could control his pace but with Juliette he was so excited he felt like coming there and then. For so long on the edge, Gordon erupted and shuddered deep inside her, leaving poor Juliette high and dry. Just like a woman.

Gordon collapsed in a sweating heap on top of her, his penis still snug inside. She felt hemmed in, violated, sick and hurt all at the same time. She tried to move away but Gordon was on top and her slender frame was no match for his. He kissed her again and thanked her. Most of all she felt that she had given into him too easily and should have resisted his advances. Why had she done that, she wondered.

'Now then that wisnae sae bad was it?' He asked looking at her panting body. 'How was that?'

'Awful I feel used and violated,' said Juliette as Gordon continued to shrink in her distended rear.

'Oh that'll pass, soon you'll be at me to do it again.'

'Never.' Said Juliette adamantly and defiantly. 'I don’t care if I ever see you again.'

'Are you sure?' Asked Gordon withdrawing finally.

'Yes I'm sure,' she replied feeling empty now that his penis was withdrawn.

Then Juliette experienced the joys and vulnerability of being Gordon's lover.

He reaffirmed, ' I love you Juliette, I want you to love me back, marry me and you will never regret it.'

'I can't marry you,' said Juliette feeling her rear oozing with Gordon's semen. 'I'm sure I'm much too young to get married.'

Gordon rolled off and lay on his back. He took a swig from a bottle of champagne that was lying beside the bed. He poured her a glass and handed it too her. She drank it greedily.

'In my country we can get married at age 16 and ye are that age are ye not?'

'Yes,' she replied simply with the drink passing her lips, so did Juliette's resistance to Gordon's continued probing.

'Ahh good!' He exclaimed as he watched Juliette sit up after draining her glass.

'Untie my stays please,' said Juliette who wanted to sleep without her corset for one night. He duly obliged and she did her toilet before returning to bed. She was trapped and he knew it, however he didn't want her to feel bad about it. She did feel bad about him though and on her return she turned her back towards him and tried to fall asleep.

Juliette waited until he was asleep before rising again and heading for the lounge. He snored loudly as she walked into the lounge hoping to find Leila asleep on the couch. She found that Leila had gone. Where she sat there was a short note with her handwriting.

'Ma Cherie, welcome to the world of womanhood, you must remain here until I return for you,' Juliette read out loud and cried. She crumpled up the note and retired back to the bedroom and Gordon's snoring.

Juliette went to a cupboard and wrapped a white woollen blanket around her naked torso and clenched the hand written note tightly in her fist. She had to get even and she had to get back, she had to be Julian so he could take control. At that Juliette started to cry as she realised the hopelessness of the situation.

Gordon was snoring loudly and Juliette took some time to fall asleep in the bed beside him. The noise and the warmth of the bed all made it seem impossible. It seemed like she had just fallen asleep when she was awakened again.

Gordon woke at about 3:00am and slipped an arm around her and pulled her bodily towards him. Juliette was wide awake when she felt his rod press against her buttocks.

'Oh god not again,' she thought and pretended to carry on sleeping. He on the other hand continued to amuse himself and rammed his rejuvenated member deep into her again causing her to gasp as it slid home easily. That gasp signalled that she was no longer asleep and Gordon started to force his mouth and hands all over her body while he continued to pump into her abused rear.

After what seemed like an hour, he stopped jerking and Juliette felt him tense up as he spurted deep inside her. This time had not been so painful and indeed she had not minded his attentions so much. His hands roamed around and were busy massaging her small pert breasts.

Suddenly he whispered in her ear, 'how is it that you have breasts growing?'

'Leila sees to it that I take some herbal medicine and that is responsible for my breasts growing,' explained Juliette.

'Oh I see, then we'll just hae to see that ye take mair o that stuff,' he replied.

He kissed her tenderly but she felt the roughness of stubble and his moustache tickled against her soft cheeks. Juliette fell asleep and was awoken at about 8:00am with the sound of a door opening and closing

Juliette was alarmed as Gordon walked into the bedroom stark naked as before. He was smoking a large cigar and he laughed loudly and in a way Juliette thought sounded quite evil. Gordon though pulled her arm and lifted her out of the bed. He sat down while he forced her to kneel before him and he then commanded, 'just lick and suck it until I orgasm.'

'Oh god no anything but that,' she cried.

'Lassie ye'll do it because the consequences of not doing it are too great, now suck it,' commanded Gordon.

Having done many new things these past few hours, Juliette reluctantly succumbed to Gordon as he slipped his thick penis past her lips that formed a perfect O.

'Oh God,' though Juliette as Gordon's come oozed out of her mouth. She felt she was going to be sick but quite simply she just passed out.

Juliette woke up a few hours later back in bed suffering a headache and she noticed that one or two other parts of her body were tender too. The curtains were drawn shut but Juliette could see that it was daylight outside. When she drew back the curtains, it revealed another dank, dismal London day and that Gordon was nowhere around. She breathed a sigh of relief.

On the bedside cabinet there was an envelope with her name on the outside. On opening it, Juliette found 10 white crisp £10 Bank of England notes and a very brief note from Gordon.

Reading out loud, her eyes squinted at the almost unlegible writing.

'Dearest Juliette,

Lassie thanks for a wonderful night even though you probably don't remember much of it. I enclose some money so that you can go get yourself something nice. There should be enough for some dresses and whatever else you might need.

I will see you soon and thanks one again

Yours for aye


Juliette felt angry that he should have paid her for having sex. She felt disgusted with herself that she hadn't been able to prevent it. As she sat in her nightdress, she put the note back inside the envelope. Juliette stared at the money on the bed. It was more than she had ever had in her life and it represented a small fortune. She lay back and looked at the money in her hands and could feel where Gordon had violated her body. Gordon had also bitten her in several places as the deep bruises on her neck and breasts testified. She lay back and suddenly thought that she was all alone and wondered where Leila was and why she hadn't returned.

The clock struck 10 am and Juliette decided that she was much too tired and sore to move and would sleep some more in the warm bed rather than go back to Marmion.


Chapter 11 - Kidnapped

It was nearly 2pm when Juliette awoke again refreshed. It was almost dark outside courtesy of the gray murky London skies and Juliette suddenly realised that with no one around this represented an opportunity to escape and be Julian again.

Tightening her corset wasn't so hard as she imagined it would be. Without Yvette it took a little longer and wasn't so tight but it at least allowed her to dress and leave. It was getting dark and wintry when she emerged from the hotel and stood on the steps as the doorman summoned a handsome cab. As she lay back on the cold seat of the cab, she felt happier that she had some money in her purse. Back in the room as she had dressed as Juliette she made up her mind to disappear with some male clothing. Juliette would disappear much as Julian had done all those months ago!

Her thoughts were broken by the sound of the horse's hooves on the slippery wet cobbles and the sound of the cabbie shouting. 'Where too Miss?'

'Oxford Street please cabbie,' she made her voice sound as feminine as she could.

'Where too in Oxford Street Miss? He shouted back above the sound of the traffic.

'Oh I need a good men's outfitters, you choose,' replied Juliette.

'Yes Miss,' he said and he urged his five year gelding into a steady trot.

Juliette could feel some excitement that at last she would be free and ironically it would be courtesy of that detestable man Gordon Dewar and his £100

'Here we are Miss - Drummond and Company - men's outfitters,' the cabbie announced as he opened the door. He helped her down and she paid him with some coins from her purse. As she paid him, she thought that it would be the last time that any man would help her so that she didn't fall. She had had enough of being a woman.

Juliette confidently marched into the dimly lit shop and was approached by a balding man with a tape measure dangling around the collar of his dark woollen three piece suit. Little did Juliette know that her visit to the outfitters was being observed.

'Yes Miss. How may I may help you?' He asked.

Juliette stood and then spoke softly, 'I have a twin brother who is returning tomorrow from India for Christmas and he needs some warm winter clothes, a suit, shoes, shirts, and other garments. Can you help me?'

'Oh yes Miss, if we had his sizes we can supply anything you require.'

'We are the same height, would I do?' Juliette asked.

'Perhaps Miss, but your chest and hips are much different than his I'll wager,' said the man.

'Oh yes of course how silly of me could you make some allowances?' Juliette asked.

'We could try Miss. What chest size do you think he is?'

'Surprisingly not much different from me but his waist is 10 inches wider than mine,' said Juliette remembering how much wider her waist used to be. At 20 inches it needed no explanation.

'Very well Miss, follow me and we will see if we have some suits that would fit him,' the man said. He led her over towards the back of the shop and Juliette saw row after row of dull thick woollen suits that felt rough to the touch and so unlike the feel of her present satin dress. She looked at the suit and selected a standard 3-piece suit before going on to select four white stached shirts with collars, and a pair of black leather brogue shoes. Socks and long johns, a long cotton vest, gloves and a hat completed the purchases.

She paid the man £20 of her new money and he wrapped them up in brown paper and string so that she could carry them easily. Juliette suddenly felt uneasy this had been too easy. It was only a matter of time before she could go back to being Julian for good again. She smiled at the thought.

However as she went out into the cold London night air, she found that there were no cabs to be had and the rain and sleet had started to fall heavily. With only a light jacket and a parasol, Juliette had little option but to take shelter back in the doorway of the shop clutching her purchases.

Just as she did so, the man exited from the shop, dressed in a long warm coat and hat seemingly ready to lock up the shop.

'Oh my dear, you're still here?' He said looking concerned.

'Yes I can't seem to flag down a cab in all this rain and sleet,' said Juliette cursing her fragility again.

'Come back into the shop and stay warm while I get one for you,' he offered generously.

'You have been most kind sir,' said Juliette who gratefully went back into the shop.

'Well Miss you did spend money in my shop and it is the least I can do for a pretty young lady,' he said. He closed the door behind her and silently locked it. He went to a neighbouring tobacconist and bought some cigarettes pretending to look for a cab. Juliette walked about the warm but deserted shop looking at the wares on sale. A pair of dark blue trousers looked good and she was busy sizing them up when he walked back into the shop.

'There isn't a cab to be had and that's most unusual,' he said on his return. 'They would never fit you Miss now where do you live?'

Juliette cleared her throat and stuttered out, 'Hampstead.'

'Oh that's fine I live nearby. I'm sure your parents will be unhappy to see such a young lady out in London on a bad night as this. I can't allow a young girl to go out unescorted with evil people such as Jack the Ripper about.'

At that moment the rain hammered harder against the door of the shop.

'Oh dear, hail too,' said the man reacting to the noise. 'You wouldn't last 5 minutes in this weather you have no overcoat,' he said handing her a new raincoat from the display.

Juliette silently cursed herself, her sisters were living just outside town at her Aunt's house and her parent's house was obviously boarded up while they were in Brazil. She had no home other than Marmion and this man was going to take her back again. Her escape had been thwarted again.

'It's all right,' she said trying to escape the kind man's assistance. As she looked outside, the wind picked up some more and the rain squalls looked inhospitable.

'Put this on, while I go and get my pony and trap from the rear of the shop, I'll just be a few minutes,' he said as he left closing the door. Juliette thought about changing into the male clothes while he was gone but he had relocked the door on his way out. She was locked in again and that surprised her. Juliette went back into the store and found a gas lamp. She lit it, and then sat down to wait his return.

Her corset and dress she wore pressed tightly against her ribs but it was the feeling of hunger that made her feel most uncomfortable. However the corset made her sit with a straight back, as usual she never slouched while seated these days. A noise at the door followed by a cold gust of wind ended Juliette's thoughts and she moved towards the door as he re-entered covered in wet melting snow. He walked over to the gaslight and turned it down until it went out.

So it was a little over 5 minutes later that Juliette found herself shivering in the trap beside the shopkeeper heading back towards Marmion. She might have male clothing in the parcel she hugged but being able to wear them was going to be another matter.

'Where are you going?' Asked Juliette as she saw the man not take the fork for Hampstead. 'I live that way.'

'Yes but I live this way,' he replied pointing in the direction of Paddington.

'Kindly stop here then and I will hail an omnibus,' replied Juliette trying to raise her voice above the howling wind and rain. She was already wet and cold.

'I'm cold and wet through and I live just along here,' he replied pointing and to emphasise the point he urged the horse forward to a trot. He drove straight into the garden of a large house and they went into a covered area where there was some respite from the rain and sleet at last. He quickly unhitched the steaming horse while Juliette stood under cover shivering with the cold.

The horse was led into her warm stall for the night while the oil lamp above the door flickered. He gave the animal something to eat before opening the rear door of the house.

'Come with me,' he ordered, his mild manner suddenly changing and then he beckoned Juliette towards the house. It was quite dark inside the house and dimly lit outside from the street but Juliette was sure that it was a big house. On entering the scullery door, Juliette was struck by the lack of heating or lights inside. He quickly found and struck a match and turned up a gas lamp and then lit an oil lamp.

'There's some kindling in that box and newspapers over there, get a fire going and we can have a hot drink,' he ordered again pointing to the range at one end of the kitchen. 'You'll find coal in the scuttle.'

'Give me a moment or two outside, I'll be right back,' he said as he rushed outside the door and into the worsening weather again carrying the oil lamp this time to illuminate the way.

Juliette removed her wet bonnet and taking the paper and wood she quickly built a fire and then lit it. The kettle was filled with water and laid on the hearth to boil while she added some coal to the blaze.

Juliette found a dirty towel and dried off her face then removed the wet overcoat he had loaned her. The wind was gusting and rain hitting the windows confirmed that she would be staying some time at this man's house.

Returning to the fire, Juliette carefully added more coal and could hear the coals crack as the heat built up. Looking around content that the fire would hold, Juliette could see the piles of dishes, cooking pots and plates in the sink and an equal pile of dirty laundry in a wicker basket alongside the sink.

It was obvious that the house lacked a woman's touch. There was a second gaslight in the kitchen and reaching up, Juliette turned it on. The fire now had a good hold and steam was coming from the spout of the kettle. Rather than make tea, Juliette found a second oil lamp and on lighting it, Juliette ventured further into the dark house.

The rooms beyond the kitchen had a damp musty smell and along the corridor she found what she took to be her host's bedroom. The oil lamp lighting the way easily but earily. She could see some dresses hanging in the open closet. Suddenly the back door slammed shut and her heart was in her mouth as she walked back to the kitchen.

He shook his raincoat and then took it off. 'Everything is safe and sound outside,' he smiled and motioned to Juliette to sit down next to the range. 'I'm afraid it looks like it is on for the night,' he smiled again and then added, 'which means that I get some female company for a change.'

'Why can't you get me a cab or an omnibus home?' Asked Juliette annoyed at her vulnerability and gullibility for trusting him. He seemed nice and helpful.

'Yes perhaps later when the wind and rain dies down but right now, you might like to make yourself useful and help me make something to eat,' he replied before adding 'I won't be a moment.'

He returned with a large dressing gown over his shoulders and slippers instead of his usual shoes.

'That's better,' he said undoing his tight collar and tie. 'I hate these starched collars,' he smiled again as he rubbed his chafed neck.

Juliette took the opportunity to study him. He was in his mid-thirties with short balding hair, short neat sideburns and despite the late hour he had no discernible beard growth. He was tall at 5 foot 10 and quite slim, probably the legacy of living on his own.

'You can see that I fend for myself, so female company is always welcome. It's been like this since my mother passed away two months ago,' he said by way of an explanation for his solitary existence. 'I have the shop and that keeps me busy but I very rarely meet pretty young ladies such as yourself.'

'I'm sorry,' said Juliette.

'For what?' He asked.

'Oh the loss of your mother,' Juliette replied. 'I love my mother dearly and I know how you must miss her.'

'Miss her I do but not for the reasons you might think,' he said picking up the now boiling kettle and pouring it into the waiting teapot.

'Why what was that?' Asked Juliette wishing she wasn't so curious.

'Oh just she insisted that I deport myself in ways that affected me to this very day,' he replied mysteriously and then put the tea cosy over the open pot.

Juliette found two clean china cups and saucers and laid them on the table and she started to pour the tea. As they drank they felt the warmth of the liquid inside them to join the radiated warmth from the growing fire. Juliette started to relax and tried to cross her legs but found her tight skirts prevented that. His jaw dropped at that movement as he easily crossed his legs and drank his tea. His pinkie turned out in an effeminate style that was picked up by Juliette. She slowly sipped at her cup feeling the chill disappear. Suddenly he spoke.

'You dress divinely Miss, you are also very pretty,' he said after draining his cup.

Juliette blushed and then said, 'I have just realised that I don't even know your name yet.'

'It's Alex,' he replied taking Juliette's empty cup and setting it on the table.

'I'm feeling rather sleepy,' said Juliette suddenly feeling her eyes droop after he turned to face her again. 'I think I need to lie down.'

'Come with me,' said Alex supporting Juliette's lightweight frame. He easily carried Juliette upstairs to a large bedroom and as she lay down, Juliette was already asleep. Alex lit the fire to take away the damp chill air that pervaded the room. He helped the unconscious girl out of her dress and shoes, underskirts and eventually exposing her corset. He loosened her stays slightly and then caressed her growing breasts.

'Very nice,' he said, 'very nice indeed.'

Juliette slept on undisturbed by his explorations of her body.

'Well I never,' he exclaimed as he drew down Juliette's pantaloons. He cupped the remnants of Juliette's testicles and laughed long and hard before going to a wardrobe and opening it up.


Chapter 12 - Trapped.

As Juliette lay in a drugged stupor, Leila was already afraid that Juliette was in trouble or had done something that she would regret later. At about 6:00pm she knocked on Colin's door.

'I'm worried that Juliette isn't home yet on such a night,' she said from the doorway.

'This is serious,' he replied suddenly concerned and jumping up from his chair where he had been studying for his University entrance exam, 'she could be anywhere, where did you see her last?'

'It would take too long to explain,' replied Leila, 'Do you know where Gordon Dewar lives in London?'

'He has a house in Holborn I believe,' said Colin buttoning up his waistcoat, 'let me ask father for his address.'

'All right,' said Leila, 'we must go and see him.' While Colin went off to see Sir Iain, Leila ordered a cab with the butler before going to get dressed in her warmest dress and coat.

As she disrobed to change, there was a knock on the door from Colin. 'I'm sorry Miss Mitterand there are no cabs to be had, the weather is so bad,' said Colin behind the door, 'but father has agreed to let Jones hitch up the carriage to take us out.'

'Merci beaucoup,' said Leila finishing off her dressing with Yvette's aid. Within 30 minutes she was sitting in a cold carriage wrapped in a blanket heading towards Gordon Dewar's house. The horse's steel shod hooves slipping on the wet slushy cobbled streets.

Meanwhile Juliette woke up to find that she was not alone in the room. There standing by the bed in the shadows was the shape of a woman in a skirt and blouse silhouetted by the dim oil lamp.

'Who are you?' Juliette asked alarmed and then discovered that her hands were tied behind her back and that most of her outer clothing was now gone.

'I'm your fairy godmother,' said the woman in a hoarse whisper that sounded strangely familiar. 'I'll be looking after you my dear.'

'Let me loose,' replied Juliette, 'I'll be missed.'

'That may be so but relax dearie, no-one knows you're here,' said the woman still in the shadows. Juliette tried to adjust her vision but the dimly lit room provided no opportunity for that until she stepped forward. When she sat down on the bed Juliette could at last see that it was Alex the shopkeeper who had kidnapped her. He was dressed up as a woman.

'Yes Juliette, you recognise me now don't you?' Alex said slowly in his usual voice. 'Unlike you I can never be pretty but I love the feel of women's clothes against my skin so that I can dress up like this for hours on end.

'You do?'

'Yes in many ways I am just like you,' said Alex.

'Like me?' Asked Juliette her mouth dropped.

'Yes I know that you are a boy in female clothes and I guessed right from the moment you stepped into my shop,' replied Alex lying. 'This bad weather has given me an ideal opportunity to kidnap you.'

'Kidnap?' Asked Juliette feeling her mouth go dry.

'Yes kidnap, you're in my mother's bedroom and I rather think that you will like living here. All her clothes will fit you and she my dear was the most feminine woman I have ever known until you came into my shop this evening. So you see I can't really permit you to dress as a man and tomorrow I'll just take your new male clothes back to the shop and resell them.'

'You can't keep me here against my will, I'll escape,' said Juliette beginning to get upset.

'Oh I can do anything I want,' replied Alex holding up a long chain and ankle shackle. 'This goes around your dainty ankle like so and this end can be attached to any suitable point. I don't think you will be leaving me anytime soon. Now will you?'

'No,' said Juliette sullenly as he demonstrated the security of his device to her.

'The chain is long enough to reach all parts of the house but sadly neither of the main outside doors. The windows are bolted shut and the shutters should stop any sounds escaping or anyone overhearing cries of help.'

Juliette groaned inwardly her eyes wide open in terror and frustration. She was so close to being Julian again only for this to happen. She looked him over and surveyed him closely again. Despite the ill fitting wig, the long 1880's period style dress and a pearl choker necklace around his neck beneath it all he looked like a man in a dress.

'May I ask you a small favour?' Asked Juliette recovering her composure and without waiting for a reply she spoke again. 'I would like to do my toilet and some food would be good I haven't eaten for a while.'

He eased up on his restrictions and released her hands and Juliette wearing only her corset and underclothes walked to the water closet. On her return there was a tray of hot food waiting including a bowl of vegetable broth and a bread roll. A cup of hot tea was waiting to wash it down. Eagerly she ate her supper and any thoughts of regretting her actions vanished as she gulped down the soup. Alex was busy sorting out some of his mother's clothes before waiting patiently for Juliette to finish eating. He moved the tray onto the dressing table when she was finished.

Returning he commanded, 'stand up.'

Juliette stood up and wiped her red lips and felt her empty stomach slowly accept the meal she had just swallowed.

'Arms up in the air,' he commanded again and Juliette grabbed hold of the lacing bar attached to the bed canopy. 'Good,' he said simply and he started to undo the stays on her corset.

Juliette had hated wearing a corset but now as it was removed she felt stabbing pains in her back as her support disappeared. She now needed to wear one all the time or it hurt. However it was always a relief to be without one even for 5 minutes, however that didn't last long as he wrapped a longer and more severe looking plain garment in place of her own patterned one.

Using a hand powered lacing machine, Alex brought Juliette's waist quickly down to 19 inches and then reduced it a little further. The length though was the something she never expected as it flattened her still growing breasts and hips. Juliette took shallow breaths but her rib cage was compressed unlike before and breathing was extremely difficult. However Alex's face was all smiles.

'Good I knew it would fit,' he said as the laces were finally tied off. Juliette felt the tightness in her ribs like never before. She really struggled for breath and she started taking short panting breaths, her bosom rising and falling rapidly.

'Very good Juliette, just like my dear Mama. She hated this corset too, especially when Papa laced her down to 16 inches and that's possible with you. Now stand a moment,' he ordered suddenly and he went over to the table to fetch his mother's clothes for Juliette to wear.

First on was a long cotton underskirt that seemed impossibly tight around her thighs.

'I can't wear this, I will never be able to walk without falling,' Juliette bleated

'You can and will,' he replied with some authority as he pulled up two more fuller underskirts up to her waist before tying them in the rear. The final garment was a pale yellow velvet dress with a large bustle and short frilly elbow length sleeves in white Belgian lace. Juliette reluctantly stepped slowly forward and he gently eased it up past the underskirts and Juliette's compressed hips. He eased both her arms inside. It had a high neck also in frilly lace and velvet and moulded exactly to Juliette's new curves. He slowly did up the dozens of small buttons in the rear. As each one was fastened the dress slowly moulded to her figure.

As each one was fastened, Juliette began to feel more and more confined until she noticed that the collar held her neck erect and she could no longer move it as before. He took some pearl drop earrings and inserted them in Juliette's ear lobes. A three strand pearl choker necklace was next and Juliette thought that he would be satisfied now. She was wrong of course.

He walked to a drawer and pulled out a wide leather belt and he buckled it up tightly so Juliette couldn't reach it behind her back.

'Dear God,' though Juliette as she took her first tentative steps in the bedroom. Her waist was slim, no visible bust and a bustle in the rear that did nothing to ease the tightness in her legs. The underskirt restricted her steps to no more than 12" at most.

'No woman ever wore fashions such as these,' said Juliette holding her waist in disbelief and almost gaining her breath.

'Yes you're right,' said Alex smiling and he clipped a lead to the belt around her waist. 'The underskirt is my design now sit here my dear.' He pointed to a chair.

'Lift your skirt and underskirts as high as you can.'

Juliette complied as best she could and Alex put on a pair of black leather ankle boots. Juliette was normally a size 7 and these boots although well worn were smaller by at least two sizes.

'There now, corsetted, dressed and shod, just one final touch and you're done,' said Alex who then took a pair of fingerless gloves and forced them onto Juliette's hands. With the gloves up to Juliette's elbows, he stood her up onto two feet and then said, 'welcome to my fashion house of slavery.'

On the other side of London, Leila and Colin had tracked down Gordon Dewar and despite the late hour had managed to get inside his residence.

'What did you do with her?' asked Leila.

'Where is she?' Asked an anxious Colin finding some bravery in support.

On the defensive Gordon replied, 'why isn't she home yet?' Then he added, 'she spent the night at my hotel perhaps she's still there?'

'Why else do you think we're here?' Leila sounded angry.

'I haven't seen her since this morning, I swear it. I gave her £100 so that she could buy herself something nice on the way back to Marmion.'

'Oh you fool Gordon,' said Leila with contempt and anger mounting as she added, 'you know she can just disappear now don't you?'

'I gave her the money in trust that she would buy herself some pretty new clothes and as a reward for spending the evening at the hotel,' replied Gordon trying to show that he was all heart and that it wasn't his fault that she had gone missing.

'I think I know where she might have gone,' said Leila to Gordon. 'I think she's gone to her aunt's house,' said Leila knowing that wasn't the case. Inwardly she knew that Juliette had spent the £100 on new clothes but not female clothes. 'One word in private Mr Dewar, excuse us Colin,' said Leila.

They walked into another room and continued the conversation without Colin.

'I think she's gone and used your money to buy some male clothes, didn’t you realise this would happen?' Leila was very unhappy.

'That makes sense, but there are many men's outfitters in London but she will go to the best in town I'll wager,' replied Gordon.

'If she found an outfitters somewhere and changed clothes, where could she be?' Asked Leila.

'Anywhere,' replied Gordon, 'absolutely anywhere.'

At that exact moment Juliette was learning to walk again much to the amusement of her captor, short mincing steps were required courtesy of the special underskirt she wore. The long dress covering it giving no indication of what lay beneath it and that she was moving like that out of being a dainty woman rather than as a requirement of her dress.

'Splendid Juliette, you may rest now,' Alex said helping her sit back down on the bed.

'Will you help me undress?' Juliette asked with pleading tired eyes.

'No not yet,' said Alex and he himself started to undress down to a frilly pair of pantaloons and a chemise before donning a silk female dressing gown.

As he sat down he spoke again. 'Now then Juliette, you may have wanted to return to the male world but that time is not just yet. Since my mother died I have missed female company and you my dear have just volunteered to take her place.'

'I never did,' replied Juliette naively, 'volunteer I mean.'

'No I volunteered you,' said Alex, 'so since you're not in a position, to my mind to object, you will become my live-in housekeeper and hopefully who knows my wife in due course.'

Alex wiped the tears rolling down her white cheeks. 'Don't cry! He shouted. 'Make no attempts to escape and you'll find me gentle and loving. Cross me and the dress you wear will be nothing to what you will have to endure,' he said slowly and softly.

Juliette unable to know how to react to this changeable man, just nodded her understanding, breathed as deep a sigh as she could and slowly drifted off to sleep still dressed in his mother's clothes.


Chapter 13 - Rescue

It had been a bad night for Juliette. The garments and her situation meant that little sleep was forthcoming. It didn't seem to matter but she couldn't get comfortable and mid-way through the night she needed to urinate. Alex sleeping beside her woke and helped to remove the petticoat. She was able to pee sitting down of course through the slit in her pantaloons into the chamber pot.

On returning to bed, Juliette was relieved that Alex was too tired to make her put on the underskirt again but that changed when he put his hand over her and hugged her close.

He whispered in her ears, 'welcome to my world get some sleep because you will be busy in the morning. You have a house to clean.'

Juliette didn't get much sleep as he pulled her over towards him in the bed. He fell asleep quickly with his arm wrapped tightly around her corseted waist. Juliette wide awake groaned inwardly.

It was eight the next morning when Juliette awoke to find him gone, a note pinned to the pillow gave details of what he required to have done before he returned that night. As she stood up she stood on the chain with her booted foot and saw that he had replaced the ankle cuff around her ankle. At least she could walk without that detestable underskirt and she rose up and did her toilet again.

Looking around she decided to wear the dress that she came in, she would never do up the buttons of his mother's dress without help. She walked out of the room trailing the chain behind her and set out to test its limits. It turned out not far as the chain links held fast three yards short of the front door. She could reach the back door but it was bolted and locked.

She cleared the grate in the hearth and set a new fire. Just as the kettle was beginning to steam on the new fire, there was a knock at the front door and she ran as best she could to find a letter on the rug. Through the obscure glass of the door, she could see the man depart out the front gate.

'Help,' shouted Juliette with real despair in her voice. 'Help!' She repeated feebly he was gone.

With the aid of a walking stick, Juliette retrieved the letter and put it on the table in the kitchen. Remembering her instructions, Juliette set to work making the kitchen more habitable, she boiled some more water, cleaned the table, cleaned the floors and everything else she could see.

After 2 hours, the kitchen looked much more presentable. Outside it was still dark and overcast and after another cup of tea, Juliette decided to explore the house. To one side of the range was a small door and it was locked when she tried it. Hanging beside it however was a key and on trying it, Juliette was able to gain access to a small square room.

The door was stiff and beyond was a world of femininity. Dresses of all descriptions, hats, gloves, coats, shoes, jewellery all arranged neatly and methodically. There was also a full length mirror against the far wall and a padded chair. Juliette sat down and noticed a note on the top of a trunk of clothes and it was addressed to her.

'Dear Juliette,

Welcome to your new wardrobe. Over the years ahead you will wear all these fine clothes. Some will fit, others wont but what doesn't fit, you will alter. There is a new sewing machine in the corner. When I get home tonight, I expect some dinner and you had better be a good cook.'

Juliette put her head in hands and cried real tears before reading some more of his letter.

'After a few years, you will learn to love being with me and when that happens you will be truly happy and want for nothing. Lay out my lilac coloured dress and the dark brown one for yourself. Iron my clothes. I will be home about 5:30pm.


She tugged helplessly at the chain and shackle around her ankle and it wouldn't budge. Resigned to her fate Juliette returned to the kitchen. She decided that it would make sense to try and make him feel better in some way. So she decided to make his dinner so that he would appreciate her more.

She found some meat in the pantry, sniffing it she found that it wasn't off and she diced it up into a dish ready to make a pie. Pastry was harder but soon that too was added to the dish with diced carrots, onions and turnips.

For someone who had never cooked before, making the pie was a great success with Juliette smiling as she placed it carefully to the back of the oven to bake. She peeled potatoes and then set them on the range hot plate to simmer. There were some cabbage and cauliflower too and she prepared generous helpings of both and placed them in pans of salted water to cook.

It was half past three when Juliette realised that Alex would be home within 30 minutes. During the course of the day her dress had become dirty with flour and cleaning. She had though struggled to come to terms with the corset that he had dressed her with. Nothing she could do would remove the compression on her body. Going up the stairs to the bedroom proved problematical and she stumbled on the bottom step and fell. As Julian, she took great delight bounding up the stairs two at a time, now as Juliette she could hardly make one with her legs seemingly glued together.

Suddenly as she was half way up the stairs there was a loud knock at the door and for some reason, Juliette did not call out but turned to see that it was a tall man behind the glass door panel.

'Hello anybody there?' The man asked. Juliette recognised his voice immediately as Gordon Dewar. Juliette didn't know what to do. Alex had been bad but Gordon had been much much worse. Keeping quiet seemed the easiest thing to do. She held her breath and that wasn't easy when she was panting because of the corset that compressed her ribs.

She could hear him swear and curse as he turned around and walked back to the garden gate. She head his footsteps disappear and suddenly she could hear her own heart beat again. She stood on the stairs, her hands on her waist and tears streamed down her face. She picked up the hem of her skirt and slowly went back to the kitchen. As she entered, staring through the window at her was a smiling Gordon Dewar.

'I was right,' he shouted and Juliette jumped with surprise, 'open the door lassie,' he said.

'I can't, I'm locked in and I have a chain around my ankle,' explained Juliette in a helpless tone.

'Stand back then, I'll break the window,' he explained and with that he kicked the window to small fragments with his feet.

She wiped the tears from her eyes as Gordon finally came in through the broken window. His feet crunching on the fragments of glass. He reached over and hugged her closely. For once she didn't feel like drawing back from him. She felt his arms envelope her and he looked in her eyes.

'Dinnae worry yersel now, I'm here,' he said. 'Come let's get ye back to Marmion where ye belong.'

'I can't, I'm chained,' replied Juliette showing him her ankle chain. 'I can hardly walk anyway in this dress and corset. My captor has me held here against my will.'

'I see,' said Gordon who promptly followed the thin chain upstairs to investigate the method by which it was attached to the wall. He spent a few minutes but came down shaking his head. 'Sorry lass but without tools or the key to the shackle, you're stuck here,' he continued with some disappointment.

'What will happen when he comes home to find the window broken?' Asked Juliette now concerned about her vulnerability. 'He's sure to punish me for that.'

'Take a guid look at me, what do ye see?' Asked Gordon.

'I see you, what a silly question,' replied Juliette wondering what he meant.

'Exactly and do you think I would just leave you here for him to punish you?' Gordon answered.

'No I don't think so,' said Juliette wondering what he had in mind.

'Well I'll just wait in here,' he said, 'for your kidnapper to come home and we will have you free then.'

'Thank you,' said Juliette.

'Lassie I know so. I used to be a prize fighter in my younger days on the Clyde. I had over 50 fights and won 40 by the time I left Scotland.'

Juliette felt reassured by that but knew that she would still have to face the wrath of Alex when he came home. Gordon deliberately kept the lights out as dusk descended and they relied on the full moon outside and the glow from the hearth for illumination. With the window open, the kitchen felt cold and Juliette was stopped from topping up the fire by Gordon who wanted complete darkness.

'No more coal on the fire,' he commanded.

'It's all right for you in your thick woollen clothes but this dress was designed for better weather I think,' Juliette replied in a slightly frosty manner.

Before he could reply, Gordon was interrupted by a noise at the back door. There was crunching underfoot as Alex stood on the broken glass.

Alex called out angrily, 'Juliette come here now! Who broke the window?'

However it was Gordon Dewar who answered the call and he quickly connected a punch to Alex's jaw followed by another to his nose. Juliette turned up the oil lamp and saw that Alex had a bleeding nose and a cut lip. Juliette felt some compassion and immediately emptied the contents of the kettle into a bowl and using some linen bathed his face where he lay on the ground.

'The keys man,' said Gordon wildly, 'undo the shackle.'

Alex didn't resist and undid the ankle shackle. Juliette rubbed her ankle where the cuff had rubbed.

'Right Juliette, let's leave this wretch,' Gordon continued.

'Just let me get my belongings,' said Juliette scurrying upstairs as fast as she could given her tight skirts. In the bedroom, Juliette cast around and found a carpet bag and put her clothes into it before heading back downstairs. On her return to the kitchen, Alex was found mopping his cuts having sprouted another two on his face since she had gone.

However undaunted by the beating he had just received, Alex grabbed the bag that had belonged to his mother. He didn’t want to see it go.

Juliette screamed in fright, 'unhand me Alex.'

The result was another punch on the jaw from Gordon who was in no mood to be taken lightly. This time Alex fell hard and appeared to hit his head on the range. That blow left his body slumped to the ground as they made their move to leave.

'Oh Gordon you've killed him,' she exclaimed as she rushed to Alex's aid again. The blood from Gordon's blows was staining the floor red as she stood up again.

'Yes we must leave and right now,' said Gordon with what appeared to be panic in his voice. 'My carriage is a few streets away, let me carry that bag.'

He ushered her out of the door taking one last look at Alex in disbelief. He had only meant to hit him hard to knock him out. He felt happy that he was reunited with Juliette and that he had rescued her.

'Where are we going?' Asked Juliette her steel tipped heeled boots making deafening noises on the wet cobbled pavement.

'As far away from here as possible,' said Gordon almost running to get to his carriage and pulling her along with him.

'You've killed him Gordon,' said Juliette, 'you could hang for that.'

'Yes I could and that's why we must get out of here. Come on hurry,' urged Gordon.

A plan hatched in Juliette's mind as she tried to match Gordon's fast moving pace by hitching up her skirts. 'It's difficult in these skirts but not for long,' thought Juliette, 'not for long.'



Chapter 14 - The long arm of the law

Juliette woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and she felt that the events of the last 24 hours had been like a bad dream. She reached out and felt Leila warm and soft beside her.

Juliette couldn't remember all that much of the night before, as she lay watching the winter sunshine grow stronger. The return to Marmion and getting ready for bed just didn't come into her mind. Juliette felt the reassuring hardness around her waist.

'Mmmm, good morning lover,' said Leila stretching, 'I'm glad you're back safe and sound.'

'I've missed you too,' replied Juliette staring into Leila's eyes and then kissing her cherry flavoured lips. She kissed and then felt an urgent need to pee.

She vainly tried to reach for the chamber pot under the bed but it proved elusive as her unyielding corset prevented her from bending to look for it.

'What's wrong ma cherie?' Asked Leila.

'Nothing Alex's corset is so tight, why not my own one?'

'Oh we will change it shortly,' said Leila. 'Tell me all that happened.'

'Don't you know what happened? Didn't Gordon tell you?' Asked Juliette.

Gordon left once you came inside rather than incur the wrath of Sir Iain. Almost immediately you feel asleep once you sat down. You were carried upstairs to bed and I joined you a little later.

'Oh I see,' replied Juliette who then began to recount her entire adventure including her attempt to escape. In return Leila told of how she had gone to Gordon's house and he had left angry and irate vowing to find Juliette.

'Of course you know he killed Alex in self-defence but he killed him nevertheless. Could he go to the gallows if he was caught?' Asked Juliette suddenly worried about her knight in shining armour. She had felt some affection for him since the rescue.

'I'm not sure about that but I think we have seen the last of Gordon Dewar,' replied Leila draping a housecoat around her because of the chill in the room.

'Yes I hope that's the case,' said Juliette who embraced her still wearing her loosened corset, pantaloons and not much else. They were shaken out of the embrace by a gentle knocking at the door. Yvette opened it when commanded and she didn't seem surprised to find the two women in close proximity in Juliette's bedroom.

'Strange things happened during the night Miss,' said Yvette unannounced. 'A man was murdered and it seems police are looking for a young woman and a tall man who were seen leaving the victim's house.'

Juliette swallowed or at least tried to but her mouth was dry. 'Oh how dreadful,' said Juliette glancing at Leila with a worried look. The thought that she would be caught up in a murder investigation was proving to be frightening.

However Leila was in no mood to think about what had happened and then announced, 'come let's get dressed we have so much to do today. Christmas is in a few days and we must buy some presents.'

'Oh yes I was forgetting,' sighed Juliette rising up.

Yvette noticed the old style clothing and boots that Juliette had left in the armchair the previous night but dutifully stored them in the wardrobe. She couldn't remember having seen them before. Juliette turned her back and Yvette loosened the stays of the corset so that the busk could be unhooked. Juliette did her toilet washing herself completely with perfumed soap and cold water from the wash hand basin.

Her chest bare rising and falling with each breath, Juliette waited for a new chemise before dutifully holding the bedpost as her usual corset was re-fitted down to her normal waist size. All this was done in silence with the two women reacting and following now well rehearsed motions.

Lounging in the chair, Leila waited her turn as she watched Yvette finish tightening Juliette's stays down to the required amount. Juliette felt more comfortable with her own corset than the one she had forcibly worn for the last 30 hours.

A Pale blue morning dress was quickly buttoned up. It had an embroidered bodice and in keeping with the late 1890's fashions a high frilly collar and puffed out sleeves and tight buttoned cuffs. Sitting for her shoes and stockings to be fitted, Juliette looked over at Leila and smiled. Yvette tended to Juliette's hair before helping Leila dress in her room.

Juliette brushed down her skirt and attached a bracelet and pearl necklace together with two small pearl earrings clipped to her ear lobes. When she was finished, Juliette sat in the bay window and looked out over the heath at the cold frosty morning before her and shivered. There coming up the drive was a couple of carriages carrying policemen. Her jaw dropped as she watched the uniformed policemen jump off and run to secure the perimeter of the house.

This could mean only one thing they were coming to speak to her! Gripping her skirts she descended the stairs with grace despite quaking inside with fear. As usual she went to have some breakfast and was hungry enough to eat a boiled egg and toast before Leila joined her.

'Ma cherie, the police are here,' said Leila.

'I know, hold me Leila I'm frightened.'

'Don't be frightened ma cherie, you're not guilty of any crime.'

'But I'm the cause of one and Sir Iain will be embarrassed by all these policemen being here,' said Juliette beginning to cry.

At that point, the door to the dining room suddenly burst open with Sir Iain and a pair of dark haired sombre looking men that Juliette realised were detectives.

Sir Iain spoke first, 'Juliette these two men are policemen, they need to talk to you about something that happened near here last night.'

'Thank you Sir Iain may we question the lady here,' said the older man.

'Yes you may, please call if you need me,' said Sir Iain aware of what was going on but unhappy that he was not allowed to stay and hear what was wrong.

'Now then Miss, I am Inspector Le Marie of Scotland Yard and this is Sergeant Bellows,' said the senior of the two men.

'Yes Inspector,' said Juliette slightly nervous. 'How may I help you?'

'You can help by telling us where you where yesterday?'

'Yesterday? All day yesterday?' Juliette asked to make sure.

'Yes Miss!'

'Umh, I was held prisoner at a house by the most odious man, I was able to escape late yesterday with the assistance of another man, who found me,' replied Juliette.

'Yes and how did you effect your escape? Did you use violence on this man?' Asked the Sergeant.

'No I was assisted in that area by a friend. In the violence that ensued between the two men, the man who kidnapped me was injured,' replied Juliette.

'Yes the man has since died,' continued Bellows. 'Who was that friend who helped your escape?'

Juliette looked at Leila who nodded that she should tell the police his name.

'His name is Gordon Dewar, he came to my rescue but I couldn't leave with him as my ankle was chained to the wall,' said Juliette, lifting her skirt she showed the men her ankle, 'look you can see the mark it made quite clearly.'

'What happened when the two men fought?' asked Le Marie trying to find out the facts.

'Well we had to wait a few minutes until Alex came home from work to get the keys to my shackle. When he did arrive there was a fight and Mr Dewar succeeded in getting the keys. I was released and when I came back with a bag of my clothes, there was another fight and when he fell, I think Alex hit his head.'

'Did Mr Dewar attack the man at this stage?'

'No all he did was try to get me free, but the man resisted in the first fight they had and he deliberately provoked the second fight by trying to grab me,' replied Juliette. 'We both thought he was knocked out and just left, we never knew he was dead.'

'According to the pathologist he died instantly when his head hit the side of the hearth,' said Barrows. 'Your Mr Dewar is behind bars and will, I'm sure be relieved to hear your words.'

'Oh dear, all he did was rescue me from the clutches of that evil man. Alex used to dress up in women's clothes and he held me prisoner for a day,' replied Juliette.

'Thank you Miss,' said Barrows writing down what Juliette had just said in his notebook.

'What happens now?' Asked Juliette feeling that the police were at least sympathetic towards her.

'You will have to come with us to Scotland Yard to give us a written statement of the events that took place yesterday,' said Le Marie with seriousness.

'Yes of course, may Miss Mitterand accompany me, she is my guardian now my parents are heading for Brazil.'

'Yes Miss Smythe,' nodded Barrows.

'My host, Sir Iain also needs to be informed about this, may I do that now?'

'By all means, Miss we'll wait,' replied Barrows who opened the door and ushered Sir Iain into the room.

Confidently Juliette began, 'Sir Iain, you need to know what has happened.'

'Yes Juliette, these gentlemen have told me very little. Are you in trouble?' Asked Sir Iain his eyes searching her face for an answer.

'Sir Iain I have been involved in a dreadful incident yesterday that has it seems led to the death of a man,' said Juliette quietly.

'Did this have anything to do with that scoundrel Dewar?' Sir Iain sounded angry.

'Yes it did but please hear me out and let me explain,' Juliette pleaded.

'Very well I shan't interrupt again.' Sir Iain said and he turned and sat down at the top of the table.

'I met Gordon Dewar two days ago at the theatre where I was watching rehearsals and he invited me to stay at his delightful new hotel in Kensington for the night. When I awoke, I found that he had left me some money, on the way back home I thought I would stop and buy some clothes for both you and Colin from a gentleman's outfitters. I bought some cravats, ties, gloves and scarves for you both. However when I set out to get back here it started to rain heavily. The shopkeeper invited me to wait while he got out his cart to give me a lift home.'

Juliette paused for effect and to gauge the reaction of Sir Iain.

'Please continue,' he said.

'However he never had any intentions of taking me home and I became a prisoner at this man's home. I don't know how but Gordon Dewar found me and we had to wait until the man came home to get released.'

'Released?' Sir Iain interrupted despite his promise.

'I was chained and padlocked to a wall,' explained Juliette.

'Oh my dear Juliette, this was monstrous,' said Sir Iain.

'During the altercation that followed, Mr Dewar hit the man and he fell awkwardly and hit his head. It appears that he was fatally injured,' said Juliette. 'Of course Mr Dewar brought me here late last night and I was so tired that I went straight to bed.'

'Oh you poor dear, so what happens now Gentlemen?' Asked Sir Iain to Barrows.

'We need a written statement from Miss Smythe and then we will press manslaughter charges against Mr Dewar,' said Barrows in reply.

Indignantly Sir Iain lashed out at that, 'I must protest. Gordon Dewar may be a countryman of mine and a scoundrel. He is however no murderer. If as Juliette has just said he did what he did then he has saved this young girls' honour and possibly her life.'

'Yes Sir,' said Barrows, 'if we find that to be the case then I'm sure that we will lower or abolish the charges.'

Juliette was given a kiss on the forehead by Sir Iain before she left to the police station with Leila. 'I will let Colin know what has happened when he returns from town.'

At the police station, a police constable took her to a small airless interview room with no windows and she sat alone waiting patiently for two hours. She asked to use the toilet and could feel the gaze of the policeman burn through her when it was allowed. After she returned, a cup of tea was brought and at last 3 hours later, her formal interrogation began.

'I'm sorry to keep you waiting, the relatives of the dead man arrived from Yorkshire to give evidence to make arrangements to view the body. Now then you are Juliette Smythe?'


'Currently staying at Marmion, West Hampstead, London?'



'16 years old.'

'Now then how did you come to be in the shop of the deceased a few days ago?' Asked Barrows.

'I was looking to buy some Christmas gifts,' said Juliette.

'Who would these gifts be for?' He asked.

'For Sir Iain and his son Colin,' she replied making her first lie.

'That may be so. Can you explain why none of the clothes we found in a parcel at the shop would have fitted anyone but you?'

Juliette felt perplexed and then decided that she had better tell the truth and quickly.

'All right I bought them for myself. I intended to wear them and run away.'

'Run away? Why Miss?' Asked the Policeman, 'you live at a wonderful house in the care of Sir Iain. I don't understand.'

'Yes but I have been unhappy of late and I wanted to get away,' replied Juliette without convincing him.

'So unhappy that you wanted to change your identity and gender,' he continued. 'Why?'

'Yes I admit that and it would be easier to do it dressed as a boy than as a girl.'

'Indeed,' said the Sergeant. 'So why did you really want to leave?'

'I wanted to see South America. My parents have just left for there,' said Juliette quickly and that seemed to convince him. However Juliette added, 'if I tried to go there dressed like this alone I would most assuredly be struggling to maintain my honour and indeed that was jeopardised by that mad shop keeper.'

'Yes point taken, so you would catch a boat to South America had you decided how you would do that?'

'I had been given some money so I intended to catch a train to Southampton,' replied Juliette.

'Yes the money, we understand that Mr Dewar gave you some money, how much did he give you?'

'It was £100,' replied Juliette.

'Why did he give you so much money?'

'Because of certain favours,' replied Juliette concerned.

'Favours Miss?'

'Yes favours, I spent the night at his hotel in his company,' said Juliette truthfully again.

'And these favours were they of a sexual nature?'

'Yes they were, we made love,' admitted Juliette embarrassed.

'You are old enough Miss but he is three times your age did you not that strike you as odd?'

'No not really, I didn't plan it and it just happened,' said Juliette.

'Now about the death of the man who you said held you captive,' said Barrows.

'How did you come to be in his clutches?'

Juliette explained about his kidnapping and how she had been drugged so that he could do what he wanted.

'Can you explain Gordon Dewar's arrival to the man's house?'

'No I can't, I don't know the answer. I thought I would never get free, Alex was kind enough but he had my leg shackled.'

'You were witness to the death of your kidnapper, what happened?'

'He must have struck his head hard against the range when he fell. Mr Dewar pushed him to defend himself. It was the result of his fall that hurt him. It was an accident, I mean all Mr Dewar wanted was the keys to release me and that's when the trouble started.'

'Two wrongs don't make a right though,' said the Policeman. 'In the circumstances, we will be pressing manslaughter charges against Mr Dewar and you will be our main witness. You witnessed the whole thing.'

'This is terrible, all Gordon did was try and release me,' said Juliette with tears running down her face.

'Your reaction has just confirmed that Gordon Dewar is not answerable and he should be released. One moment please,' he said. He got up out of his chair and left the room.

A minute later and Gordon entered smiling. 'I'm free to go and let's go and celebrate. The police have asked me to attend the inquest but otherwise I'm free to go.'

Lifting his hat and cane, Gordon continued, 'you will also need to attend as a witness Juliette, so you will have to remain a girl a few more months yet.'

'Oh god no,' thought Juliette to herself.

Juliette though allowed herself a smile when the two re-emerged into the hall to greet Leila who had waited through all the interrogation. Gordon took Juliette's hand and smiled at her thinking that her smile was directed at him. He on impulse though pulled Juliette close and they kissed. Leila looked on incredulous. Juliette kissed back happy that the man who rescued her had been set free.

'Right then ladies, I'm famished and my hotel I think is the best place,' he laughed taking their arms and marching out onto a wet London street.

'Before you do anything, Sir Iain has left us a message. He has had time to think and has decided that you Juliette are no longer welcome in his house. He has asked us to leave immediately and remove our belongings,' said Leila who had long admired Sir Iain.

'Did he say why?' Asked Gordon.

'Yes because of you,' she said ruefully, 'he hates you because you have prevented a liaison with Juliette and his son.

'There is no problem,' said Gordon, 'you can stay at my hotel for as long as you need. It is warm and comfortable and it's right in the heart of London.'

The conversation was subdued on the way to the hotel despite Gordon's obvious happiness that Juliette would be staying as his guest for a while.

'I find it hard to believe that Sir Iain would throw us out of the house like that,' said Juliette ruefully.

'You did nothing wrong ma cherie but obviously the stigma of a murder investigation was too much for him,' said Leila. 'He has a reputation to keep now.'

'I didn’t even say goodbye to Colin and I know that will hurt him too,' replied Juliette sniffing. She had come to like the boy who doted on her so much.

'Sir Iain was just protecting his reputation, never mind your difficulty,' interrupted Gordon as though he knew the real reason.

'So it seems, do you know anything else?' Asked Leila.

'No, it just makes sense, it's the sort of thing he would do,' replied Gordon, 'I hear he is being tipped for a seat in parliament. Of course he can't have anything to sully his reputation now can we?'

Not listening Juliette interrupted, 'what about my clothes and belongings?'

'We'll send a cab round in the morning to pick them up,' said Gordon who smiled inwardly. His plan had worked.


Chapter 15 - A fresh start

The carriage stopped and Gordon jumped out and then helped them down into the covered reception area. Despite that Juliette was forced to pick up her skirts revealing her ankles and tight lace boots to avoid the puddles and mud on the ground.

They walked inside, relieved to escape the biting cold wind. The elevator whisked them back up to the penthouse suite again and Gordon lost no time relaxing in the deep sofa.

'Come here Juliette,' he ordered after she had removed her bonnet, gloves and long coat. He beckoned her with his finger. As she approached, 'I want us to be good friends from now on,' he said, 'I appreciated what you did for me today.'

He turned to face her as she stood in front of him.

'I'm going to do all I can to make you happy,' he said and she lowered her eyes downward towards the gold pin he wore on his cravat.

Suddenly she lifted up her head, 'do you mean anything?'

'Anything,' he replied surprised by her sudden burst of energy.

'Well let me go back to being Julian again, that will make me truly happy,' said Juliette.

'Will it Juliette? I hae ma doubts lassie.'

'Yes Gordon,' she replied, 'and it's Julian not Juliette.'

'If afterwards ye realise that you cannae be Julian again what then?' He asked suddenly seriously.

'Then I will have to be Juliette won't I?' Juliette replied confidant that wouldn’t happen. 'Give me the chance please.'

Gordon picked up the telephone and barked some orders to his staff down at reception. Within 30 minutes a small mousy haired man appeared.

'Juliette this Henri my tailor, please stand so that he can take some measurements,' he said introducing the man after he had walked in the door.

Juliette happily stood and let Henri take measurements. He quickly jotted them down before walking back over to collect his coat and hat. Gordon escorted him to the door and as he left, Gordon slipped him a £10 note and asked him to make sure the clothes would still make Juliette look like a girl.

Both women retired to one of the bedrooms and Juliette and Leila started to undress. They both used the privacy of the room to embrace each other. They lay on the bed stroking each other and subsequently they fell asleep. Gordon woke them a couple of hours later with soft knocking and entered with a full suit of male clothes for Juliette to try on. When she saw them she jumped out of bed eager to begin.

'Leila, please remove my corset,' requested Juliette who was naked a few minutes later. Gordon savoured the unhindered view as Juliette started to dress as Julian for the first time in many months.

A pair of cotton long johns were first followed by a matching cotton short sleeved vest. Juliette began scratching her skin with her long nails as the garments rubbed against her now soft sensitive hairless skin. A long white shirt with a detachable collar was next. The collar was very loose but Julian did it up with a stud at the neck. The sleeves were also longer than his hands and the sleeves had to be rolled up slightly. Rough wool tweed trousers were next and they were held up using braces instead of a belt.

Gordon helped with the adjustment of the braces. 'You need them on the smallest setting,' he said as he finished.

Leila did up the cravat around Julian's neck and tried to brush out the feminine curls in his hair. A pair of black leather brogues were laced up and the jacket slipped on over his slim shoulders.

As he moved over to the wall mirror to get a look at his male attire, Julian was suddenly wracked in pain across his back as both his ribs and spine started to spread out after weeks of tight confinement.

Doing up the buttons on the jacket, Julian looked in the mirror and the image that presented back to him was that of a girlish boy or even a girl in a man's suit. He also saw that his chest stuck out. There was going to be some explaining needed to explain that in polite conversation.

'Cut my hair,' said Julian with determination, 'no man wears hair like this.'

'I have a better idea,' said Leila, 'take this cap and put it on.'

Julian tucked his hair inside the cap. It was large in comparison to his head but nevertheless it hid his bushy hair. He looked again in the mirror and removed the cameo style earrings from his ear lobes. He tried to make his eye brows bushy again but they were still tapered and arched just like any number of young women.

'How do you feel?' Asked Leila after the change was complete. Julian tried to adjust and alter how the clothes fit, however nothing really did change and he still looked like a young lady in a man's suit.

'Oh god, I really have changed so much this past few months,' said Julian shocked at the view in the mirror, 'haven't I?'

'Yes ma cherie you have,' replied Leila almost about to laugh at Julian's discomfort.

Julian gripped his waist and the jacket was so baggy. The trousers and shoes looked like they were made for a circus clown. They were tight at the hips and narrow at the waist. The shoes didn’t compress his feet but without the heels they hurt his ankles terribly.

Looking in the mirror, Julian tried to tuck his growing volume of hair inside the cap again and found his long nails getting in the way. At that point Gordon re-entered the room

'Well is it going to be Juliette or Julian now?' He asked seriously.

'I think it's still Juliette in men's clothing don’t you Mr Dewar?' Replied Leila.

'Yes I think so too, too pretty to be a boy, much too feminine to be a man.'

Julian looked in the mirror, tears streaming down his face; reluctantly he had to agree. He ran to the bed sobbing loudly.

'He even cries like a girl,' said Gordon unkindly and somewhat jubilantly. His plan had worked.

'So it seems,' said Leila sitting beside the prostrate figure and teasing Julian's long hair.

'Well then are we Julian or Juliette from now on?' Asked Gordon again.

In between sobs Juliette responded quietly, 'Juliette.'

Since this diversion had started, she had harboured the belief that she could throw off the female clothes and revert to being Julian and now the evidence was overwhelming that that could never happen. The male clothes itched, didn’t fit, looked ugly and plain, her ribs ached for the compress of the corsets and her ankles were unable to walk without hurting his feet. Most of all her face was so feminine from the pouty lips to high tapered eyebrows that nothing could be done but accept the inevitable. Finally her breasts had grown so that they were visible even under the baggy shirt.

Julian would be Juliette forever.

Juliette arose and walked over to the wardrobe. Inside she fished out her dress and underskirts and reluctantly handed them to Leila.

'Help me dress,' Juliette said.

Soon she was wearing her corset again, the dress was inched up her waist and buttoned in the rear. She stood in her heels and suddenly felt normal. She rushed to the mirror and realised she had changed and so much.

Now all that reminded her of her male past hung limply between her legs. 'It seemed out of place,' thought Juliette. It rarely got erect and oddly that was only when she felt vulnerable or helpless in some way.

'Right ladies, shall we dine?' Gordon asked holding out two arms so that they could slip their arms inside. 'Let's celebrate Juliette's rebirth and my release.'

The meal went quite slowly with good food wasted as both Leila and Juliette struggled to eat what was in front of them. Gordon though tucked in despite the revelation that he had just recovered from a heart attack about six months earlier.

'It was just a stabbing pain in ma chest,' he explained. 'I just couldn’t get ma breath and I felt really bad. The doctor told me I could get another at ony time and I vowed that I would just enjoy life from now on.'

'How do you feel now?' Asked Juliette concerned.

'Fit as a fiddle, I smoke cigars, I drink whiskey and I eat far too much but I am enjoying life more now than ever before.'

'How so?' Asked Juliette.

'Because I have you in my life my dear girl. I love you madly and I want to make sure that nothing bad befalls you as you start your new life.'

'My new life? As a woman?' Asked Juliette.

'No as my wife, marry me Juliette and you will lack for nothing,' he said.

'Marriage you are crazy,' said Leila interrupting, 'two men cannot get married.'

'Leila, Juliette is no longer a man and she has a birth certificate to prove it,' he said pulling out a birth certificate that showed Juliette's gender as female.

Juliette studied the document and said, 'this says I was born in Edinburgh, that's not true and my father is not determined. My mother was called Jean Munro?'

'Yes and you were adopted by your parents Mr and Mrs Smythe and taken to England to live where you met me,' he smiled swigging back a glass of port.

'I still can't marry you I am much too young,' Juliette said, 'I am just 16 and 17 in a few months.'

'Nae problem, you can marry at age 16 in Scotland without your parents consent,' he replied.

'I don’t love you,' said Juliette.

'What does that matter, most marriages are arranged with neither partner loving the other. Love can grow,' he sounded serious, 'marry me Juliette.'

He took out a black box and put it in her hand. She used her long nails to undo the clasp and it sprang open to reveal a diamond ring. Encrusted with emeralds and what looked like solid gold it looked expensive and Leila gasped when she looked at it.

'It is a family heirloom and it belonged to my mother and I gave it to my late wife who died two years ago. I want your hand in marriage and I know you will not regret it.' He paused and then said, 'what do you say?'

Juliette stared at the ring and then at Gordon unsmiling and waiting on her every move. He was under her control now and she liked that feeling.

'If I say yes, I would expect to be treated with respect and accord as your wife. I will require an allowance to maintain my appearance and dignity,' Juliette said eventually.

'Juliette you cannot be serious?' Asked Leila dropping her fork with clang so the other diners turned around.

Gordon though just replied, 'yes anything else?'

'I would like my guardian Leila to stay with me too,' said Juliette.

'Yes she can stay with you,' Gordon replied.

'I will want to help you run your affairs,' said Juliette, 'I want to be more that a decoration.'

'Yes I would welcome and encourage that,' he said. 'Marry me Juliette be my wife.'

'Why do you want me to marry you?'

'Apart from the obvious reasons, like love I think it would be wonderful to have you share my life and to give you whatever you desired,' he replied sincerely.

'You mean I won't just be some sex object,' replied Juliette.

'Sex and love will play an important role in our relationship but I need a partner, someone who will back me up with my important decisions,' said Gordon sounding suddenly vulnerable.

'What makes you think I can do that or be that with you?' Asked Juliette insistently.

'Well you see things from two sides, you will look elegant and demure at dinner parties like now but when we are alone I will ask you to listen and to help me plan my activities. Most women wouldn’t know where to begin with that, you would be just perfect in that respect,' he said after careful thought.

'Why do you want me to be your wife and what exactly would be in this for me?' Asked Juliette calmly.

'Nothing ma cherie,' said Leila interrupting and withering earning a look from Gordon in the process.

'You know you cannot go back to being Julian again, you have to live as Juliette and you need someone to look after you as you go through life as a woman. I know that the women's suffrage movement is growing but right now women need a man to take care of them or else tongues start wagging. There are many advantages to being married to a wealthy businessman like me,' he replied taking a sip of port. Then he added, 'finding and then telling a man that you are not what you seem would difficult if not impossible.'

Juliette looked at Leila who was strangely quiet and then at Gordon's ring and then at Gordon.

'Very well then the answer is yes,' said Juliette smiling. Leila groaned.

He reached forward and kissed her on the mouth so that she could share his port. He slipped the ring on her finger and said, 'Juliette ye'll no regret this I promise ye.'

After coffee they made their way back up to the hotel and there they split up with Gordon taking Juliette's hand and leading her to his bedroom. Leila sighed and went to bed alone.


Chapter 16 - Revelations

Juliette moaned softly after Gordon climbed off and lay beside her again. He lay back and lit a large Havana cigar and looked happy as Juliette naked minced over to the bathroom.

She felt abused and very sore as she wiped her rear cleaning up the mess that Gordon had left behind. Juliette ran a hot bath and she felt the bites on her tender young breasts and neck. She winced when she looked at the marks. Red now but destined to be black and blue in a day or so. One was on the side of her neck and she knew that some high neck dresses would be necessary to conceal that one.

As she bathed her tired body, she wondered how Colin would have reacted if he could see her now. She was lulled out of her thoughts when Gordon came in and sat down on the water closet.

'Come back to bed lassie,' he said.

She quickly dried off and got into the bed beside him and at once he began to cuddle and stroke her rounded body again.

'Don't you ever stop?' Asked Juliette remembering that they had already been awake half the night.

'Not with you I don't,' as he forced himself deep inside Juliette again.

'Why do you want me? A boy dressed in women's clothes,' she asked.

'Juliette ye are more than that. You look like a beautiful woman and what's why I want to marry you.'

Juliette squealed and then shrieked as Gordon withdrew only to ram home again. They fell asleep and when she awoke later Gordon was talking to Leila in the main room in a quite voice. Juliette happy and tired in the warm bed rolled over and fell asleep again.

In the main room Gordon took the precaution of closing the bedroom door after checking she was asleep. He tied up his silk dressing gown and sat beside Leila on the large couch. Leila was dressed and ready to leave but Gordon wanted to speak.

'I have to tell you something important,' he said asking her to sit beside him. 'I know how you feel about me but really I'm no that bad and I do love Juliette. I will marry her and take care of her.'

'I have always thought you bad Gordon, but I can see you do care about her. One thing I want to know is the truth surrounding the police and that man you struck. Why didn’t the police charge you with his death?'

'Oh that was all fixed up,' he said, 'I have friends in high places. Those two policemen were good friends of mine.'

'You mean Juliette doesn't know that you contrived the whole situation?' Asked Leila seriously.

'Yes,' replied Gordon. 'She thinks that I rescued her from a mad man! She thinks that I'm her saviour.'

'And now she's agreed to marry you?' Leila continued.

'Yes she can never go back to being a man again and she realises that it took a real man to rescue and protect her. It took that episode to prove to her that as a man she is a failure.'

'Did she talk about me? I heard you both,' Asked Leila curious about what Juliette and Gordon had talked about all night.

'She told me that she loves you deeply despite turning her into Juliette. She knows that she needs someone to protect her and you haven't been able to dae that,' Gordon replied sincerely and honestly. His words cut into Leila and she reeled back. Reluctantly she had to agree. Slowly she thought about a reply.

'What I created was a woman out of a boy who took some time to adjust. Now however the world is a better place with Juliette in it. Have you arranged a date for your wedding?'

'We can get married in Scotland quite legally with Juliette at 16 but first we need some time so that she can learn to be a good wife in all areas.'

'A good wife, I'll wager that means just being good in bed,' mocked Leila.

'NO! It's more than that, though she will have to learn to please me. She will have to look after me, my houses and my servants. It's a big responsibility sharing my life.' Gordon rose deciding the conversation was finished.

He showed Leila to the door and quietly went back to bed to his bride to be.


Chapter 17 - Marriage

Juliette had just turned 17 when she walked down the aisle with Gordon Dewar waiting by the alter. Her ornate long white wedding dress and long train were held by Gordon's nephews and nieces as she walked slowly and steadily towards him. She blinked through the net veil that she wore.

She moved each dainty foot in front of the other holding the large bouquet of flowers in front of her. The large church in Glasgow was full of Gordon's family and friends who cast envious glances at her as she progressed.

Needless to say, Juliette's parents were in Brazil and only her two sisters were present to act as bridesmaids. As she continued to walk, Gordon turned to watch her approach and he smiled.

The big man wore his hair short with his usual waxed moustache tuned to fine points contrasting with his face still covered in boyish freckles. He looked dashing in his kilt and jacket while she in her newly made wedding gown made to fit her 17' waist was like a fragile doll. When she arrived alongside him, he raised his hand and she took it in his. Their fingers intertwined. Despite her white kid gloves she could feel his warmth.

He leant down and whispered, 'you look awfy bonnie lassie.'

Juliette melted slightly at the sound of his Scots accent. They looked at one another as the priest started the ceremony. Gordon being Catholic, he had insisted on Juliette's conversion to the Catholic religion and she had been accepted. Juliette had laughed inside when the priest had said that all her children must be brought up to be Catholics too.

'What children,' she thought, 'it would take a miracle.'

Juliette was miles away thinking about what life would be like married to Gordon when the priest started the wedding vows that had to be repeated line by line. Juliette nervously spoke in a soft voice but it went flawlessly. A little shudder went through her when she uttered the words, 'I Do,' to signify her marriage to Gordon.

As they kissed, 'how can this be,' she thought, 'a boy married to a man older than my own father.' Juliette was helped with her veil and train as they started out back towards the entrance of the church.

As she moved down the aisle the wedding dress swishing behind her. She could see the rows of happy faces smiling at her. None of them knew her secret. 'Wouldn’t it be fun to let them know,' she thought

'I love you,' he whispered. Juliette found herself repeating it back to him as they stopped to sign the marriage certificate. He held her hand tightly as though she might try to escape his clutches but Juliette knew that all attempts of escape were over now. She could never escape him and she would be Mrs Dewar until she died.

She signed the registry forms and with them any hope of freedom. She was a belonging now, a chattel or an item. Something Gordon owned. He owned all her worldly goods, her small trust fund and even her body.

The priest commented on her wedding dress, 'you look lovely, quite the most lovely bride I've ever seen.'

Juliette pursed her ruby red lips and smiled and then blushed. Gordon dipped the pen into the ink well and quickly signed his name alongside hers. Henceforth she would be known as Mrs Gordon Dewar. After signing, Gordon tucked the licence into his sporran and led her back past the standing and happy invited guests to the door.

Juliette nodded tears streaming down her face. Tears of pain at the realisation of what she had done though of course it looked like tears of happiness. Juliette wished that she could hide behind the veil again but knew that it would not be possible. She had to be on display now as Gordon's new lovely bride.

As they reached the doorway, the warm September sun blinded them and the magnesium powder flash from the photographer's camera system also caused them to blink.

A further two photographs were taken before Gordon helped her aboard a carriage pulled by two grey mares. They headed off with Gordon throwing fistfuls of halfpennies, farthings and pennies to the waiting children.

A reception was held at a nearby city centre hotel that conveniently Gordon had just bought. Juliette in her tight wedding dress and massive train struggled down the steps of the carriage until Gordon bodily picked her up and set her down on the pavement.

Despite Gordon's happiness, Juliette was still struggling to come to terms with the enormity of what had happened. Gordon had taken steps that she would be his wife and not want for anything in the future. All she must do is look pretty and do all the things a young wife must do.

Juliette remembered the sad day two months earlier when Gordon had arranged for the removal of her testes. She had been drunk with too much champagne when he arranged for a doctor to remove them skilfully but not painlessly. It was not without a struggle but when the doctor lifted her skirts and made his two incisions Juliette was gagged and snorting heavily unable to break her bonds.

Now that small operation had provided a better figure, rounded hips and breasts. Only a small rarely functioning reminder of her past remained and as Gordon mounted her, he took great delight in saying that it was small and would remain small.

So she had nothing to gain by trying to avoid the inevitable. It had been through the tears after that awful thing that had convinced her that she was never going to be a man.

She would be his wife but she was determined that Mr Gordon Dewar would know that she would never be a second class citizen.

However no sooner had they entered the wedding suite when Gordon insisted that she undress him. His hairy body and musky smell contrasting with her flowery perfume.

'Lift your skirts Juliette,' he commanded.

Meekly she complied.

'Now bend over the end of the bed,' he ordered.

Juliette obedient did as he commanded and she felt him violate her rear. It wasn’t the first time but it was always a pleasurable experience for them both as Gordon pushed in and out.

Suddenly he collapsed in a heap on top of her. He revelled in the femininity of the woman he had married. Pinned down Juliette could feel his liquid ooze out and despite wanting to use the bathroom had to be content until he rose about 15 minutes later.

This was the way it was going to be from now on. Juliette would never be a father, brother or a husband but would be a wife, aunt and sister. It had been hard to accept but now it was done, Julian had really become Juliette.

On being Juliette, she would be dainty, feminine, have no rights to vote, her trust fund would become his to use as he saw fit. She had learnt to endure the corsets and tight dresses that Gordon ensured would be hers to wear. In return she would sew, knit and maintain his houses. Of course her career as an actress came to an abrupt end thanks to Gordon. Juliette smiled as Gordon kissed her.

'That was wonderful Mrs Dewar, thank you Juliette,' he said before leaving her alone on her wedding night as he attended to business.


Chapter 18 - Revelations.

Juliette's dream of a happy marriage were shattered by the insatiable demands of Gordon. Of course she did all she could to satisfy his needs and much more.

It was a busy time for Gordon who was busy building two new hotels in Manchester and Birmingham. Although she wanted to accompany him on the trips, he always said no and she was satisfied that he wasn’t unfaithful because of his demands on his return.

They always made love with passion and with vigour. Juliette was learning that she did have power over Gordon and his sex life. She would control the situation by gently lowering herself over his penis and raising his blood pressure accordingly.

Leila had gone back to Crawley to continue teaching and then ultimately back to her native France. Colin upset at losing Juliette continued with his studies while Sir Iain busied himself with his growing empire.

It was a month after Gordon's sudden death that Juliette received an unexpected visit from Leila. At that time, Juliette stayed in a large mansion not all that far from Marmion in Hampstead. The new house Gordon had called Waverley as a parody over Sir Iain's choice of naming his house after a place in a Sir Walter Scott novel.

Leila was ushered into an empty but warming drawing room and was offered tea and biscuits before Juliette arrived. When the lady of the house entered Leila could scarcely recognise her.

Juliette's hair was piled up and she wore a black long dress in keeping with her extended period of mourning. She wore black fingerless silk gloves and a black shawl and hat. Even her necklace was black.

'Oh my dear Juliette, I came once I heard of your loss, I'm dreadfully sorry,' said Leila standing up to greet her old ward. They kissed not on the cheeks but passionately on the lips. Juliette held her close.

'I have missed you so much but there is no need to be sorry,' replied Juliette pulling back and looking directly into Leila's eyes.

'Why don’t you miss him?' Leila asked curiously.

'Oh I miss his company, he knew how to make me laugh and how we made love but I don’t miss him as much as I have missed you these past several months,' said Juliette. Her look told Leila that was the truth.

'Oh,' said Leila suddenly speechless. She gracefully sat down on the sofa with her hands clasped together in her lap. Juliette in contrast sat down with a flourish entirely at ease with her dress and shoes. She sat at ease despite the large bustle that jutted out from her rear.

Leila was impressed that her old charge had progressed so much in deportment and confidence despite her not being present but gently broached the subject of Gordon's untimely death.

'How did he die?' She asked taking a sip from her freshly poured tea and then replacing the porcelain cup on the saucer.

'The doctors told me he died of heart failure,' replied Juliette pouring tea for herself and finding that she could not recline in the sofa as she would like.

'Oh I am sorry,' said Leila but before she could ask a further question Juliette continued.

'He died while he made love to me,' said Juliette sipping her tea and then saying, 'so I suppose he died happy.'

'Oh my dear Juliette I am so sorry.'

'Really there is no need to be sorry. I'm really very happy now. Gordon was more than generous in his will and I can be a lady of leisure when my period of mourning is over.

'A lady and not a gentleman?' Asked Leila trying to establish Juliette's feelings again.

'No a lady and always a lady. I can never go back to being Julian ever again, not ever. I'm expected to deport myself as a sad widow in front of servants and of course I have met Sir Iain and Colin Marshall who attended Gordon's funeral.'

'Well at least you are talking with them again,' said Leila happy that the situation and bad feeling had been resolved.

'Yes Sir Iain has agreed to help me manage Gordon's business and Colin is as hopeful as ever that he will marry me one day. Now I have attractions of being a rich young widow he is set on marriage. I am however quite happy the way things are.'

'Oh yes Colin, the last time I saw him was at Crawley before I left to go to Paris at the end of term. He told me that he thought about you constantly and couldn’t believe that you would marry Gordon,' Leila replied.

'Yes I know his feelings are strong but there isn't any way Colin will survive the shock of finding what is beneath this dress,' said Juliette. 'Besides Sir Iain has been making advances towards me in recent weeks too. Me a boy dressed as a rich widow being pursued by one of the richest men in the world. It's so funny when you think about it.'

Both laughed at that thought but Leila had come to tell Juliette what had transpired between Gordon and her and why she had come over to London to see her.

'I have something special to tell you and perhaps it will shock you,' said Leila after they had stopped laughing.

'Nothing can shock me now, nothing,' said Juliette.

'Oh this will shock you and it involves your late husband,' said Leila again.

'That rotten bastard, if he was alive I would take great delight in killing him right now,' said Juliette.

'You have been misled by him but his efforts have secured you riches, fine clothes and jewellery that many women can only dream about,' said Leila.

'That may be so,' said Juliette, 'but Gordon has convinced me now that Julian has gone forever so that I could only ever be his wife.'

'Tell me did you enjoy being his wife?'

'Yes and no. Oh that man! I could scream,' replied Juliette.

'Go on then,' joked Leila 'but what good would that do?'

Juliette shrugged and smiled ,'nothing now but perhaps six months ago.'

'You had no inkling about the events leading up to the death of the man you knew as Alex?'

'None until you tell me,' said Juliette beginning to appreciate that some cunning trick that had been played on her. 'You know that he insisted that I lose my ability to father children. Just before we married he had me castrated in Edinburgh by a surgeon friend of his. I can no longer have children.'

'That man was evil,' Leila replied, 'pure evil.'

'Well even after a couple of weeks, I filled out more up top and had to diet as I found that I put on weight. Imagine I was eating virtually nothing and yet I was always feeling bloated. I lost interest in sex but he didn't. His urges were insatiable. It was then I lost any ambition to get back to being Julian.'

'Well you took your time,' said Leila.

'He told me that you had deserted me and had gone back to France, when you had to leave Marmion,' continued Juliette.

'It was because Gordon threatened to expose you to Sir Iain that I had to leave for Paris. Yvette and I became lesbian lovers after you left and she went with me to Paris.'

'Oh that man,' said Juliette, 'he has much to answer for.'

'Darling it is over now, he has gone to meet his maker and we can be together again,' said Leila.

'No we can't his will has made it clear that you and I can never be together again,' replied Juliette.

'You realise what has happened?' Asked Leila.

'I think so,' said Juliette who couldn't imagine that Gordon could arrange all the duplicity.

'You don’t do you?'

'No I don't,' said Juliette truthfully.

'Let me explain then, remember the money?'

Juliette nodded, 'the £100 that he left behind in the hotel?'

'Yes Gordon knew you would try to use it for the purpose of being Julian again. Then the taxi cab driver took you exactly to the shop that you wanted to go to. The shop with Alex inside.'

'Alex was in this too?'

'Yes you allowed yourself to be kidnapped by a man who Gordon had dealings with. Cast your mind back as you both arrived in the sleet at Alex's house what did he do?'

'I don’t remember,' said Juliette, 'oh he went out again.'

'Have you ever thought why? The horse was in his box munching hay, the weather was foul, you had just arrived at his house and yet he goes outside again instead of making the house warm and secure,' said Leila teasing Juliette.

'Oh god, he met Gordon,' said Juliette realising what had happened.

'More than that, Gordon gave him a sleeping draft so that you would pass out and he could have the upper hand. Then Gordon seemingly alerted by me started looking for you but he already knew where you were,' replied Leila.

Juliette's jaw dropped.

'He found you too easily. Of course the fight with Alex that ended in his apparent death was staged. If you go back to that dingy house, you'll find him living in the house as a woman most of the time courtesy of the money Gordon gave him,' continued Leila.

'But the Police? What about them and the word that Alex had died,' said Juliette.

'Ah yes the Police, you know that even they can be bought. They might struggle to crack murder cases like Jack the Ripper but give them 6 months salary and they will bend the rules when they can,' Leila said seriously. 'They had no right or authority to detain you or Gordon because you were not guilty of any crime. Only the deception against you was reason.'

'So it seems,' said Juliette putting her hands on her unforgiving hips.

'Yes so you were duped, misled and even coerced into marrying Gordon Dewar,' Leila seemed relieved to have spelt it all out. 'Now at least he's dead you can enjoy the legacy he left behind. His money and property all are yours now, you inherit everything as his wife! You are Juliette now!'


© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.