Crystal's StorySite


The Oracle Of New Delphi                   By: Hypatia


Part 4

The charges were murder and treason against Williams and the same with rape of a minor against the Sergeant other charges were placed against the men but I told them we would deal with only the crimes that would be punishable by death today. Both men went white at this.

Anderson worked on the objecting to everything line.

His clients didn’t recognise the authority of this court. Well this court recognises his clients and the crimes that had been presented and will proceed if they recognise me or not.

His clients objected to the fact that this Judge was a minor. Well the senior military officer here recognised me as his superior and under the rules of New Delphi I was not a minor as I was willing to bear arms for the group.

His clients felt the judge and prosecution were biased against his clients. Well what have your clients done that might be misunderstood by myself or the prosecution.


This carried on for the first three quarters of an hour until I had enough of the stupid objections.

"There are no precedents in this court as this court has never sat before so if you object again over a matter of procedure I will find you in contempt of this court." I told him.

Plea’s of not guilty were received and a jury sworn in. Sample charges presented and witnesses were called from the crowd of military and civilians. The defence was that Wilson was legal due to the state of emergency so I questioned Bernard as an authority in military law and found that it was a load crap what he was saying. Sally was brought onto the stand to answer questions as of the rape. Anderson tried to beat her down verbally until I explained that his questions would be put in a polite manner and a pleasant tone or I would shoot him.

Wendy’s evidence was shocking the girl had been burnt with cigarettes raped and sodamised, bruises were all over her body and she had a couple of broken ribs.

"What expertise is you evidence given on" asked Anderson after Sally had been led off by Tina

"The expertise of blood and semen leaking from her bodily orifices the finger marks around her neck and genitals and the fact I was trying to carefully wash ash out of burns on her breasts and genitals last night." Wendy replied shutting him up.

The jury retired and returned a guilty verdict on all counts on Wilson on the Sergeant only the rape was a unanimous decision.


"Sergeant Mitchell you have been found guilty of the rape of a minor. Captain Wilson you have been found guilty of treason and murder do either of you have any reason why the death penalty should not be passed on you?"

"I do not recognise this court" screamed Wilson. Mitchell was silent.

"Does anyone here wish to plead clemency in this matter before I pass sentence, this will not be in anyway used against you at any point." I said and waited

"Having been found guilty of capitol crimes unanimously by a jury and hearing no plea’s for clemency I here by sentence you to death."

"Ma’am I wish to appeal" Anderson said

"One moment Mister Anderson" I said and stood up and walked in front of the two men.

"Having had the death penalty passed on you by this court sentence now shall be carried out may your gods have mercy on you" I drew and fired twice before they could open there mouths both slumped and the area behind them was covered with blood, brains and bone. The body’s slumped down one of them landing on Andersons lap and I returned to my desk and chair.

"You had some further business with this court Mister Anderson" I asked

"You, You .." he started "You killed them" he shouted

"Yes this was a capitol crime they were informed of the possible punishment. They were then found guilty sentence passed and executed." I said

"What about appeals?" he shouted

"It seems rather pointless but I will hear your appeal" I said

"No you shot them" he said his mouth flapping

"You defended them the jury found them guilty, so I passed sentence then carried out the sentence" I said

"But what about an appeal?" he said

"I gave plenty of time before I passed sentence for any reasonable reason not to sentence them to death to be brought to my attention none came" I said

"But you killed them" He said

"Yes I sentenced them and executed them as one can not be separated from the other. If you can’t carry out the sentence you have no right to pass sentence this court is closed thank you very much." I stood up and walked to the bedroom and took some deep breaths and wiped my face.

I stepped out again no one had moved.

"Jimmy" I shouted "detail someone to dispose of those" I shouted and he did.

"Bernard can I have you a minute?" I shouted and he walked over

"Rather dramatic dear but nobody will ever forget that" he said

"Good, can you find twenty or twenty five men with mechanical, electrical and general engineering knowledge please, then you Wendy and Jimmy meet me in the mess in ten minutes." I told him


I sat down at a table on my own Harris appeared with a drink

"Thanks can you stick up a note on the door closed for half an hour?"

"Yes Ma’am" he said

Wendy appeared first then Jimmy finally Bernard arrived.

"The unpleasant job done now we have to move on. Twenty five men will stay here to help the people her get some essential services going they can liase with Bob who will be at New Delphi. Lieutenant Anderson is in command here and will have Sergeant Harris to help him. Bernard you are to threaten Anderson all you want." I said and Bernard agreed.

"Those guards yesterday and our corporal who shot Jimmy I would like assigned to my protection squad. Jimmy can you review their basic skills." I looked at Jimmy

"Yes Ma’am"

"Two days time we move on Newcastle I will need the helicopter though so we need more fuel and the men in Darlington moved up here ask for volunteers from the locals here and Wendy see about training them. I want every thing ready to move into Newcastle at dawn three days from now. Any comments or suggestions?"

"If I send Mike we can ferry Men and equipment here use this as a forward coordination point. Bring everything down from Scotland I think the time has come to move over were all the action is" Bernard said

"Leave a skeleton crew there its always nice to have a bolt hole" I suggested

"Any more?" I asked

"Good any problems shout for me" I said


Dawn broke wet and miserable we were less than five hundred yards from the outer defences. Bernard and Tom should be in position by now I though Jimmy looked at his watch three more minutes he indicated. Three thirty is not an honest time for a person to be up and about I thought, and hoped the gang felt the same. We had done a leaflet drop over the past two days warning people that we were coming and if they wanted to avoid death have no weapons and head North. Mike on his trips in had seen groups escaping and had coordinated Wendy’s bikes into rounding them up.


Mikes flights and leaflet drops had also had another affect he had flown in from the North and back out to the North. They had strengthened their defences to the north leaving the south west almost clear. I had over twelve hundred men heading in and another fifty medics ran now by Andrea and Trisha. Bill was ready with three doctors in his wagon and I had two hundred and fifty people from Middlesbrough I was using as second line troops for prisoner escort duties I would have had nearly a thousand but I couldn’t move them and didn’t want to use them in full combat till they were in better health.


Jimmy waved his first two teams in one lead by Jones one by Hankinson , Jones had been very upset about his promotion in public but in private I had seen him looking at the stripes. Jimmy by my side had been the most objectionable about his change in rank as he worked for a living so despite the fact everyone called him Captain and Sir he hadn’t changed his uniform.


I started moving forward my imperial guard in close beside me. Looked to check on a certain officious corporal and the drunken guards to make sure they were close. I had warned them that If I saw them more than thirty yard further away from the enemy than me that I would shoot them. Wendy and Jimmy had words as well which I never found out the details. I looked up Jones was beaconing. I ran up to him my biblical shadows matching me step for step, while the rest of the imperial guard were fanned out covering all directions with me at the centre.


"We have them all Ma’am twenty seven prisoners one of theirs dead he struggled" Jones whispered.

"Any information on defence layout?" I asked

"Yes Ma’am Hankinson cut the throat on the corpse without telling them he was dead already and they became little angels" he said

"Good how are they working?"

"One guard house of about twenty men in each district they do a seven day stint out here then rotate into the city centre for fun and games for a week. They are all worse for alcohol and pills" Jimmy said


"Ma’am" came a voice from beside me "Message from Bernard and Tom objectives achieved" came the message from the latest member of my team a young, well under twenty years, Chinese girl from Middlesbrough. Her family including four brothers and Suki here had all survived. Her father Dr Chang was with Bill at the moment, Mrs Chang was coordinating communications about five miles back. Suki as she insisted on being called and her four brothers all spoke fluent Mandarin so we now had a fairly secure radio system.


"Jimmy split them into four groups take the guard houses one by one any resistance pull back" I said "I’m going to find Bernard"


I cut through the side streets on my left heading up north towards Bernard’s force in the centre at one point a window opened and a face looked out at me as I had dived into a garden.

"Who are you?" an old lady asked in a whisper

"We’re from New Delphi I’m The Oracle" I said back

"Never heard of you what sort of music do you play" she answered

"Get back inside its safe there if they start shooting" I told her and she did.


We carried on through the back streets when I heard some thing moving the men scattered into the gardens silently at a hand signal. Four figures were moving through the shadows, towards us I made a series of gestures indicating four groups of four were to capture them without killing or noise.


As they went past the low wall we were hiding behind they were grabbed and pulled over the wall to hit the ground with a thud and a whoosh of air. They were held on the ground and four guns were placed at their heads including one of mine.


"The hand on your mouth is going to be removed and when it is you will keep your mouth shut or your dead" I said in a whisper still keeping down on the floor.

"Why are you running around in the shadows you don’t look like the gangs?" I said

"Whey man no" the young man whispered with a Jordie accent that was difficult to understand.

"Who are you what are you?" I demanded.

"Were the Tyneside Resistance now who the fuck are you screwing up the operation. Your in the wrong sector man" The man said though I had to translate it from "Werethetyineesiddrestancenoowhoothwfookareyooscroowingooptheooperatioom. Yoorinnthewroongsectoor man"

"Wrong sector? what the fucks going on" I demanded

"We are hitting this one you must be one of the others" he said again without any gaps between the words

"Hitting what?" I said

"Your not resistance?" he said

"No were New Delphi forces we are here to help you" I said

"Fuck you are coming in from the north aren’t you?" he said panic on his face

"No this side and now" I said

"Shit there’s six other teams out there trying to draw attention to this end to make things easier when you attack from the north." The man said

"Suki warn Bernard, Tom and Jimmy we have armed friendlies in this area." I whispered.

"Where are they and what are they planning?" I demanded as we stood up

"Ifyoouthinkayamgooongtooteelyooanythingyoomoostbefookingcrasyman" was his answer.

"If you think I am going to tell you anything you must be fucking crazy man" I translated after a moment.

"Listen I have too many men out there for you to fuck about" I told him

"And I don’t give a shit" he replied looking down at me his nose inches from mine

"Fuckhead I have over a thousand men out there moving in quietly and you’re just about to turn all attention this way. We have to warn them and stop them or all hell is going to let loose here." I informed him "come on move with us I need to speak to Bernard"


We carried on moving north till we caught sight of some men shuffling along around twenty of them.

"I come in search of Merlin" I whispered and the guns turned on me.

"Shit Ma’am where did you come from" a man said.

"Look we have armed civilians in the area trying to cause a diversion for are attack from the north, watch out for them" I said

"Yes Ma’am" they whispered back and we carried on moving.

"Milligan?" I said to a figure guarding a group of men.

"Yes Ma’am" he said

"Where’s Bernard?"

"Inside Ma’am" he answered

We entered the house and found Bernard and a soldier I didn’t know getting few answers from a young man who they were questioning.

"Hello my dear, having fun?" Bernard said

"No we have a problem, but finish here first" I said

"He is reluctant to talk" Bernard said

"Jones solved that problem take him outside cut his throat in front of the others then ask the next one" I said

"Is that an order Ma’am" Bernard asked

"No a suggestion" I said

"Take him outside cut his dick off and send him back with the prisoners then ask the next one and so on till they tell you where the next guardhouses are." Bernard said to the man "I don’t think killing is necessary a couple of dicks on the floor should make someone talk"

"I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you" said the man as he was led off.

"Now my dear" he said when the man had gone "what can I do for you and who’s this"

"Are you the boss man here?" the resistance man asked

"No I don’t have that responsibility" Bernard answered

"Well get me to him now my men are going to be starting some shit around here very soon" he said

"You’ve told me already now we have to warn them and stop them" I said

"Yes that’s why I need to speak to your boss man" he said

"You were talking to our Boss Lady now speak" Bernard said

"What…you mean, fuck, right we have six more groups of four out there at six they start making as much shit as possible to get all attention back down this way to try and help you lot as you come in from the North." He said

"Well we’ll just have to find them with your help we should be able to grab them. Show me on this map where there hitting" I said pulling a battered street map out of my inside pocket.


Leaving one of the mans men with Bernard I took the other three with me, the man we had left knew the location of the one remaining team in Bernard’s sector and all of the Guard house on the way in.

"Milligan" I said on the way out

"Yes Ma’am"

"Stick close to Bernard no matter what he says" I said

"Yes Ma’am, we have already had this discussion and I told him Ma’am" Milligan said and I knew Bernard wouldn’t escape the six men Jimmy had charged with keeping him safe.


We moved south again through the streets trying to keep a decent pace without any noise we hit the next main road and I found I was well behind Jimmy’s forces and was in the second line troops escorting prisoners back.

"Where’s Jimmy?" I asked and followed the directions.

"Jimmy" I said as I caught sight of him.

"Ma’am, we have some unexpected people wandering the area" he answered

"I know I sent the message" I replied

"We have two groups but they aren’t talking about what was there job here" Jimmy replied.

"They are a resistance group who thought we were coming in from the north so had decided to stir shit here." I got the map out again and we found that the rest of them were to the right of Jimmy’s forces baring one more group in Jimmy’s area. I left Jimmy with one of the men from the resistance group and was led by the man leading the group further south.


The first two groups were located easily and after a few words and a lot of suspicious looks they headed off to join with Jimmy’s crew. We carried on looking around for the last team but couldn’t find them anywhere.

"If they aren’t here then they have been caught so forget them they won’t be a problem for you." The man said

"Where will they be held then?" I asked

"Forget it woman if their not dead yet then I feel sorry for them" he said

"Listen I don’t give a shit what kind of big shot you think you are, when I want your opinion I will ask till then just tell me what I want to know" I snapped at him

"Listen little girl you don’t speak to me like that, my brothers with that team, you might get hurt." He said

"Listen little boy" Mathew said "my brothers and I here" Mark and Luke moved in closer "have promised to protect Kathy here from getting hurt no matter what. We have made no such promises on the part of you" the man looked up at them the height difference between him and them almost as great as between him and me.

"Look we are going to get your brother out with his team now tell me where they are going to be." I said


He led us off about half a mile to a large house with electricity.

"Area commanders house if they are still alive they are in there." He said and a scream from the house reinforced this belief.

"Right there’s one at the door, knives only keep the noise down." I said

Mathew took the man out at the door sneaking around in the shadows a hand over the mans mouth and a knife into the kidneys soon finished him. I was going to make first entry when Mark pulled me to one side and Mathew and Luke went in followed by me Mark and the resistance man. We were in a large hall with a staircase and rooms coming off both sides from one at the end light could be seen the others dark.

"Split up pick a room three or more to a room on my signal in quietly don’t worry about taking prisoners alive. Go in quietly."


One by one the downstairs rooms were taken five people were captured, leaving just the room downstairs with the light on.

"You lot pick a door upstairs if you hear noise down here then go in otherwise wait." I said and then giving it a minute for them to get into position I opened the door.

In the room three figures were tied to chairs one body was lying on the tiled floor with blood all around and I could see two men one of them appeared to be trying to cut a mans hand off with a bread knife.

"Who?" said the man who was directing the surgery and I dived forward at the back of the man who was cutting. I was jostled slightly by the resistance man as I ran forward but I landed on the amateur surgeons back and grabbed his hair yanking his head back. This allowed me to draw the razor sharp serrated blade of the knife Jimmy had given me, a little bit better than those shit ones there as he had said, to slice his throat open from artery to artery. The blood fountained as I slid off his back and Mathew and Mark hit the second man. I turned around and found our resistance man with a man on top of him, he was fighting for his life. I ran forward and slid my knife between his ribs on the rear left hand side and leant my weight on it hard the man sank forward and relaxed.

I tried to pull the body off the man and with his help I managed to and gave him a hand up. Looking around Mathew and Mark were standing over the body of the man they had tackled, Luke had had to hold down the man who’s throat I had cut as he had struggled as he died. I ran to the prisoners three men one woman. Two of them a man and the woman were badly beaten but otherwise fine, the man on the floor was alive but had lost a hell of a lot of blood as they had removed his hands. The last man the one who was tied in the chair had the bread knife lodged about three quarters of an inch into his left wrist.

"Simon, oh fuck Simon," the resistance man said as he ran to him.

"Don’t pull that out" I said as he reached for the knife I grabbed a field dressing off Mathew and threw it to him.

"Get that over it leave it to the doctor to pull it out you might do more damage." I told him

I started to try to staunch the bleeding on the man with no hands using the field dressings and in the end managed to with enough pressure. The smell of blood and the sight of the bone flesh and gristle making me queasy, but I carried on.

"Ma’am" came a quiet voice behind me.

"Yes Suki" I said gently to the girl without turning around or stopping work.

"Ma’am all secure upstairs and a medical team is on the way in I have a resistance man showing them the way in" Suki said

"That’s it Suki always sensible, thank you, now get your bum outside. You don’t need this shit" I said


I knelt in the blood by the man I had worked on watching his chest rise and fall, rise and fall and…it didn’t move. I felt at his neck for a pulse I couldn’t get one. I rolled him on his back in the pool of his own blood ran my hand up till I found his sternum, moved up and left and with both hands together I started cardiac massage.

"You" I shouted at the resistance man "I don’t know your name start Mouth to Mouth"

"I don’t know how." He said

"Easy tilt his head back, check nothings blocking his airway pinch his nose and blow" I shouted and he did"

"Five to one, I do this five times you blow once" I told him then counted out the five compressions

"Blow" I said and he did

I kept checking for a pulse after each set of compressions a couple of times I thought I might of got some thing but then nothing Mathew took my place after five minutes and then Luke took over from the resistance man on the next breath and we sat there in the blood panting trying to get our breath back.

"Hello Kathy I’m Paul" he said and held out his hand

"Hello Paul" I looked around we where sat in the blood of five people a hand lay on the floor to one side and a body was touching my feet. I looked at Paul and beneath the blood I could see there was a pleasant looking young man possibly seventeen.


I was just about to take over from Mathew on the cardiac massage when Bill came in wearing his blue working uniform and a Beret on his head. He looked at the scene of carnage and didn’t blink though Trisha following him did hesitate a second before coming in, Jones accompanying them took one look and turned around.

"How long has he been down?" Bill asked

"Moments after you were called" I said

"Any of this bloods yours?" Bill said looking at me

"No" I answered

"Get out and let me work then" he said dismissing us but keeping Mathew and Luke.


Outside I started gasping for breath as the cold air brought the bile up to the back of my throat making it burn.

"Are you hurt at all Ma’am?" Jones asked me looking at me very carefully

"No Jones I’m fine" I said

"Good, when I saw you on the floor in there with all that blood…." He trailed off

"No I’m fine," I said


Mathew and Luke came out after a few minutes.

"Is he?" they shook their heads "Shit" I said

"Too much blood loss, the young lad will be fine though." Luke said

"Right that’s one good thing then" I said "Lets move it out"


By eight in the morning we were in control of the city south of the Tyne and we were lucky a fog had descended on the river blocking us from view. Jimmy, Bernard, Paul, Tom and me stood looking at the dark grey water.


"We have to get over and then move fast, hit them before they know what has happened." I said, "So far we only have two casualties. From here on in I can’t see any way to avoid them."

"Some times casualties are inevitable and if you don’t risk them you can never win" Bernard said "and are you sure your team doesn’t want to clean up?"

"No I’m fine but can anyone see any better way of doing it than taking the far end of that bridge and then sending you lot out in all direction’s from the other side?" I asked and got no reply.


"Once we have the other side bring your men across split them into groups of one hundred for the moment they head out in a fan if things get easy split down again into twenty four groups of fifty. If you encounter problems shout me and start building up your numbers at that point, fifty up to one hundred, one hundred up to two hundred. Go warn your men and warn them about civilians and the fact there will be groups working either side of you while I figure how to take that bridge" I said


My team walked to one end of the great railway bridge and looked down the line the fog was reducing visibility to twenty yards then within a moment it was up to two hundred and fifty and back down to nothing.


"All the defences are set up for us attacking from that end?" I asked Paul the dried blood on him and the fog making a very surreal horror film set-up.

"Yes all at that end to stop you getting across to here"

"And the other bridges and the tunnels?"

"Gone they blew them when they heard about you lot"


So it has to be here I thought and it has to be now.

"Suki stay here count to sixty then tell Bernard to move out over the bridge." I told her

"What Ma’am" she said

"Count to sixty then tell them I went that way," I pointed into the fog

"Right now team we are going that way at the jog when you see them I want the most blood curdling screams you have got from you. I want them to think the devil and ten thousand demons are coming to get them and some of you have to stay close you know who you are. Paul you don’t have to play here" I said

"eyjusthapeendtoobedganningthatwayactooaly" he said and lost me for a moment

"I just happened to be going that way actually" he said again slowly annunciating each word

"Fine At the jog men" we started jogging along the railway line the stones crunching as we crossed the water.


I took the pace up a little stretching the muscles that were stiff from crouching and sneaking around in the dark. My jeans chafing a little as the dried blood stiffened them up. We were half way across now I could hear the men close by my side and I reached in and grabbed my pistol and chambered a round without breaking stride the fog was thickening now down to almost nothing visibility wise. It closed in tight then cleared a bit I saw the end of the bridge about two hundred and fifty metres away sand bagged with four men one of them on a machine gun, all had their backs to us the fog closed in again and I moved to a full run and on the last twenty feet started screaming as if my monsters from the night had returned.


I shot the man who was trying to turn the machine gun around unsuccessfully due to the sandbags and took control of the weapon I cocked it and started spraying the area in front of the gun a wide clear killing zone and screams could be heard with the occasional shot. I carried on laying down fire and caught a glimpse of bodies in the clearing as the fog thinned.


"Just what the fuck do you think you are doing" came Jimmy’s voice from behind me I let loose another stream the belt of ammunition sliding through the mechanism smoothly.

"Shooting the bad guys. Now we have a big clear area here, if we lay down a shit load of fire we should be able to take it and then were clear of this bottle neck." I said

"Fine you are one short on your team as well" he said

"Who did I lose?" I asked fearfully

"Corporal Howard got lost in the fog he was going the wrong way. I am afraid I presumed he was the enemy and shot him Ma’am" Jimmy said

"Well it happens doesn’t it Captain. Accidents" I said the emphasis on the last word

"Yes Ma’am" Jimmy said and started organising things.


With a momentous increase in fire for a moment or two Jimmy’s team was gone and we sat back for a moment. Catching our breath after the excitement and letting the men flow through. Bernard saw me sitting there.


"I know, I know" I said "I won’t do it again till next time. I promise" and waved him on.

"Suki, Suki were are you" I shouted

"Here" came the reply and she emerged from the fog with a smile

"Bernard was very angry you know and Captain Jimmy went purple," she said still smiling.

"What did Tom say?" I asked her

"Tom said Oh shit not again," Tom said appearing behind her

"Well it worked didn’t it?" I said

"Move your bums this isn’t the church picnic you know" he shouted at his men then turned back to me "Of course it worked you’re the fucking Oracle" and he was gone.

"Suki tell Wendy to start now." I said. This would mean that Wendy’s forces started sniping at the northerly front lines making them think we were attacking from the north. I looked around to find the first of the second line troops arriving.

"Ma’am, Ma’am are you ok" a man in his twenties ran forward his red cross visible on his arm and white tunic he wore.

"I’m fine it’s not my blood," I said

"Good we couldn’t afford to lose you" he said and carried on

"If everyone is ready now, rested up properly then let go and see if we can take this city" I said looking around

"You’re an oracle" Paul said his mouth open

"No just fucking lucky. Move it people" and we moved


The morning was a mixture of mass fire fights and mass surrenders we were also receiving lots of assistance from the people of Newcastle who had just been waiting for the time to rise. A lot of my time was spent stopping civilians lynching people, but even I managed to see my fair share of action.


In one of these I lost Luke. We were walking along a street that was supposedly cleared when a shot rang out hitting a paving stone inches from my foot. Before I knew it I was on the floor against the wall with the three brothers shielding me while my team tried to see where it was coming from. A second shot rang out and Luke in the middle slumped down half his head missing. As I lay there looking at him my men opened fire on the window that hid the sniper, when it was confirmed he was dead Mathew and Mark allowed me up and began to attend to their brother. Whispering prayers then they looked at me with their eyes full of sadness.

"I’m sorry" I said my eyes full of tears

"Don’t be he is with The Lord now and will be watching over you still because he promised to look after you" said Mathew

"Come on Kathy you can grieve with us after and I know Luke would like it if you would say a prayer for him" Mark said tears streaming down his face.

"Do you two want to head back?" I asked them

"No" came the determined reply and Mark wiped his nose on the back of his sleeve. I detailed four people to take his body back and we carried on.


Three in the afternoon we had come to a standstill the defending forces were entrenched in a thin crescent at the north of the city in the defences that had been strengthened to protect the city from our attack. Neither side was at any advantage nor did I have the men to overrun their defences by force. Carving them up from each end was a possibility but that would cost a lot of lives.


Bernard, Tom, Jimmy and I were discussing this situation trying to figure out a way to take them and the argument was heated.

"Why not ask them to surrender?" came a voice from behind me

"What?" the four of us said and turned around.

"Sorry" said Suki sitting there.

"No, no my dear you might have just hit the nail on the head" said Bernard who was looking rather pale.

"That’s got to be worth a try," I said

"Who goes out there?" Tom asked

"Bernard and me it has to be but we need a volunteer first to send across to see if they will honour a flag of truce" I said

"I will do it" said Mark behind me "but if anything happens to me you" he pointed to Bernard, Tom and Jimmy "have to promise me that you will not let Kathy get hurt out there. Even if she tries to go out on her own you must stop her"

The three men looked at each other and nodded.


Ten minutes later we watched as Mark waved a flag from around the corner of a building and when no shots were fired he walked out. My heart was in my mouth as he walked up towards the defences and stopped.

"Our commander wishes to talk to your senior officer to discuss your surrender he may walk out here with one other man side arms only are allowed. Any attempts to fight under this flag of truce and our commander will release the reserve troops and kill every man here." Mark turned around and walked back leaving the flag standing up in the rubble in the middle of the road.


Five minutes later two men arrived and walked out to the flag me and Bernard walked out to the flag.

"You are in charge here?" Bernard asked an Asian man in his early twenties as the white man with him was obviously there for muscle at over six foot six.

"Yo and whose the skirt with the shit all over her" the man said

"This is.." Bernard started to say and I waved him quiet

"I am The Oracle of New Delphi. I apologise for how I look but I have been busy today, you don’t realise how blood gets everywhere till you slice a mans throat open." I said

"She’s shitting me yes" the man said looking at Bernard

"Which part?" Bernard asked

"A little chick like this couldn’t cut a mans throat" he said

"Oh I assure you she did, though she has been told repeatedly to go in between the ribs." Bernard told him.

"So you’re The Oracle then" he said "Shit"

"Yes I am" I said "these are the conditions if your men lay down their weapons and walk out with their hands up I personally guarantee they will be well treated and taken prisoner. If they do not then I am going to call in the Helicopters again, bomb the shit out of you. Then I will bring in my reserves and mop up whoever is left alive. You have ten minutes to decide"


We walked back to the lines and Mark and Mathew relaxed.

"Helicopters? Reserves?" Bernard said when we got back.

"Well ok I exaggerated but let’s see what happens" I said


Seven long minutes went by, the longest seven minutes of my life but no shots were fired.

"Were coming out don’t shoot" came a voice from the distance and one man stood up and came towards us then more then hundreds we had won.


Prisoners were marched north into the countryside and men were sent to collect weapons and ammunition. I sat there on the curb not believing we had done it. Jimmy came walking over

"Do you want the casualty numbers?" he asked

"Go on what is it two or three hundred?" I asked

"Sixty seven dead perhaps twice that number wounded" he said

Well I thought that wasn’t as bad as it might have been.

"You lost less than five percent of your forces you are a fucking genius Ma’am" he said

"No I’m not." I protested

"Listen when you have as many years experience as the two of us then you can argue with us until then you can except the praise you fucking little miracle" Bernard said "Now come on lets head south into town and spread the word to the people" Tom said

The four of us plus my personal guard, the Middlesbrough team and Paul started to walk back through the streets in front of us a few people scattered

"Eytpmindeywonmon" Paul said

"Wait up man they won" I translated for Jimmy who was looking confused

"Eydtswhaytisadmun" Paul replied

"Yes that’s what I said man" I translated

"I thought the Mandarin was tricky to understand" Jimmy said

"Yootaknthepissmun" Paul answered with a grin.


As we walked through the city people started emerging from the buildings, not in a brilliant condition but immeasurably better than in those poor people in Middlesbrough. We reached an open square a large one with the statue of some long forgotten hero standing there decorated in graffiti and the crowd surged forward patting the men on the back shaking hands and some crying. We were surrounded and Mathew and Mark were getting edgy. We took shelter on the plinth of the statue the five of us standing there and the team and the Imperial Guard keeping them back gently.


"People of Newcastle" Bernard shouted "I give you back your city in the name of New Delphi" the cheering was deafening at this point and he had to stop.

"People of Newcastle" he shouted again when he could be heard "Many of you have tried to thank me for this liberation I thank you for that but it is misplaced. One person has brought us here, it was one vision that started all this and devised the plan to rescue you. That person led the charge over the Bridge and took the machinegun that guarded it allowing us to save you. People of Newcastle may I give you the commander of these force and the leader of New Delphi Katherine The Oracle Of New Delphi" he said.


The crowd erupted I had been to football matches and rock concerts in the past but they were nothing compared to this. Twenty thousand people cheering screaming and crying for one small girl covered in blood. Bernard waved them quiet and eventually got it after a long time.

"People of Newcastle I return your city to you, care for it and make it a great city again." I said "For this city has been paid for in blood, the blood of resistance men your blood and our blood and that is something that must never be taken lightly. Go and celebrate your liberation but forgive us if we do not."


I had utter and complete silence when one voice came out of the crowd.

"Well why not girl?" getting shushes all around.

"Today we must grieve for our fallen and tend our wounded but when those things are done and the tears dried. I Kathy The Oracle of New Delphi promise you the people we came to save, that we will show you how to party" The crowd erupted I had never know anything like it I indicated that it was time to quieten down again.

"For now we have things to do any help any of you can give will be received gladly but also think of what help you can give to the people either side of you. For now I must leave you to bury a friend who has laughed with me and cried with me and to say a prayer for him. But I thank you for your gratitude and you will see me again soon"


I got down of the plinth with Jimmy’s help and we started moving out of the square through the silent crowd which parted without any problem as we started to leave the square the clapping and cheering started again and Bernard turned and looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

"Bernard?" I said and he slumped to the floor.

"Bernard" I screamed as he went down Jimmy had him before he hit the ground.


I felt his pulse it was irregular and weak his colour was absolutely awful.

"Shit why now?" he said in a weak voice

"What is it Bernard" I demanded

"Heart…been warned about it for the last fifteen years…but never had a problem till now" he mumbled his breathing weak.

He grabbed my hand tight.

"Kathy promise me.." he said

"Promise you what? anything" I cried

"Promise me to finish this and if I can I will keep those demons away of a night" He gasped out in a rush

"I promise, I promise," I shouted at him "But don’t you fucking give up on me. That is an order Soldier. Get some help Suki get a fucking doctor in here," I shouted

"I am sorry Ma’am I don’t think I can obey that order" Bernard whispered and his hand loosened on mine.

"Bernard, Bernard don’t you fucking dare die not now" I screamed Jimmy was starting cardiac massage Jones was on the mouth to mouth.


People were rushing around now a man came forward with a black bag and removed a stethoscope and for the next half hour they fought to keep him alive Bill arrived on the back of a motorbike and the two of them then tried together to save him I never took my eyes of his face or my hand off his and as it cooled in my hand.

"Its over Bill, he’s gone" I said the tears running down my face.

"Maybe I can…" Bill said his face full of tears too.

"He has gone" I put his hand down and kissed him on the lips and stood up.

"His body is to come with us home. Get Sheila and get the Helicopter here" I said to whoever was listening.

"I want all our fallen back tonight tomorrow at sunset we lay them to rest with honour for they died with honour. Go tell their loved ones they died as hero’s" I said

"Was he a Catholic?" came a voice from my side and I looked at a man in a tattered black robe with a dirty dog collar.

"I don’t know," I answered honestly through my tears

"May I anyway?" he asked I nodded and he made the sign of the cross over the body and started muttering in Latin.


I stood there crying covered in blood as the Priest finished then he thanked me.

"For what" I asked dazed

"May I ask the crowd to say a prayer?" he said I just nodded

"What was his name child?" he said

"Major General Bernard Brown DSO MC VC and Bar. The hero of Salamis and my friend." I said

"Brothers and Sisters" The priest said "I know that we are of many faiths here but may I ask you all to join in a prayer for this man." He received murmurs of agreement from the crowd.


"Lord we ask you to receive Major General Bernard Brown to you at this time. We ask that you care for him as he cared for us and many others like us over the years. He was a soldier a great man and a hero to many, many times over. His courage can’t be overstated this was a man who received the Victoria Cross twice, but was human enough to make these brave men and women our saviours cry at his passing."

"Please Lord ease their grief at this time as we think of them."

"We will now say the Lords prayer"


As the crowd repeated the prayer I fell to my knees.

"No" I screamed at the heavens Paul and Jimmy were there at my side helping me up.

"Who will keep the demons away now?" I asked.


The sound of the helicopter coming in did not stop the crowd from saying the prayer. The men cleared an area for the aircraft to land the people moved willingly and Mike shut down the rotors and the engines. Sheila and Mike descended from the helicopter both looking stunned.

Someone in the crowd started singing hymns and The Lord is my Shepard was sung by the crowd as it parted for Sheila to reach us.

"I’m sorry" I said the tears running down my face

"Don’t be" said Sheila after she had kissed him tears running down her face. "He died a hero again after seeing his moment of victory can you think of a better way to go?"

I said nothing.


Jimmy, Tom, Jones and Paul carried Bernard’s Body through the crowd to the helicopter Sheila and I followed. I looked up through my tears to the faces around me now singing Abide with me and saw tears on their faces too, then they cleared as we climbed onto the helicopter and Mike started it burning and turning and we were up in the air.


At New Delphi we landed in the field and Bernard’s body was carefully removed and taken to a makeshift mortuary. Anne and Bob walked Sheila and me inside and despite the look of horror I first received at my appearance they hugged me after hugging Sheila. Inside people were recoiling from my appearance every time they saw me one girl screamed and ran.

"What’s up?" I asked

"Have you looked at yourself today?" Bob said

"No it’s been rather busy." I said

"Look in the mirror before you have a bath" Anne said "I will bring you a coffee with something. You too Sheila you are both going to be at dinner"

"No not tonight please" I said

"We have all lost a friend here tonight and as many people as we can are coming back here to grieve for him so you will be ready and you will tell the world on the radio." Anne said


I looked in the mirror and saw why people were recoiling from me. Dried blood matted my long hair into a rigid mess most of my face was covered in blood except for the streaks down my cheeks from the tears. The once white sheepskin of my coat was black where blood and dirt had coagulated and my jeans were crunching with the matted filth.

"You see why people were worried now?" Anne said

"Yes I am a bit worse for wear but nobody in Newcastle will ever recognise me" I said forcing a smile

"How bad was it I Know Middlesbrough was awful" Anne said

"Middlesbrough cracked me up totally, I lost it only Bernard pulled me back and now he’s gone." I said calmly there were no tears left.

"We will look after you don’t worry" Anne said now lets get you sorted.

I was stripped off and shoved into the shower before being taken out of the shower to go in the bath, after it had been washed out. After a second bath I was declared clean by Anne.

I looked at myself in the mirror the young girl was disappearing the exercise had toned my body and I was developing rapidly my boobs and bum were bigger and the hair covering my pussy was now more of a thatch. I also had scratches and bruises everywhere most of which I couldn’t remember getting. The scars on my leg and upper chest were fading the one on my side had virtually gone. I was still looking when Anne returned.

"You look good you know?" she said

"So do you the weights falling off you" I told her

"Half a stone so far but you should see Andrea. With Brian’s support and some decent food she looks fantastic." Anne said

"Good she deserves it. Who’s looking after Sheila?" I asked her

"Ian, though she’s not in the same state you are" Anne said

"He kept my monsters away in the night" I told her and didn’t get an answer.

"How is the baby that was brought in?" I asked

"She’s alive though I don’t know how, perhaps a bit stronger" Anne said

I got dressed in a long black dress that Anne appeared with split up the side matching black underwear and black stockings. Anne sorted out my hair and makeup and I slipped in some gold hoop earrings and put on my little gold watch. The heels felt strange on my feet and I had to walk around for a bit to get use to them again.


I sat there as Anne got ready looking at Sarah who was crawling around the floor happily gurgling and laughing.

"Sarah’s coming on in leaps and bounds now" I said

"Yes thanks to you" Anne said

"When is everyone getting down here?" I asked

"I will be going in, in a moment you and some others are the special people tonight so you just wait here, I am going to put Sarah in her cot" She put Sarah in her cot and left closing the door.


Five minutes later I was feeling neglected when there was a knock at the door. I opened it Tom was there in a suit, as was Jimmy now wearing full dress uniform of a Captain with a sword.

"Ma’am" he saluted

"You look smart," I said

"Look who’s talking, if I had know how good you looked I would have thought twice about letting you go" Jimmy said

"Well if you fancy trying to stop her your welcome to try," Tom said


We walked towards the dining room Jimmy’s team was there as was Paul looking smart in a suit and tie, as was Wendy all dressed up.

"What’s going on?" I asked her

"I don’t know I thought it was something you had arranged I am so sorry about Bernard." She said


Jones arrived escorting Sheila also looking confused and we hugged.

"Any idea what’s up?" She asked

"No idea" we both said


The doors opened and Anne stuck her head out to look.

"Good your all here, Captain can you form your squad up?"

"You heard the Lady move it" Jimmy said and the men did.

"You four behind" she indicated Jimmy, Tom, Paul and Sheila "then you two." She pointed to Wendy and me.

"Right the men first in you go" she said and stopped Jimmy, Tom and Sheila following them in.


There was the noise of speaking and clapping from inside then it quietened down again. The door opened and Sheila, Tom, Paul and Jimmy were beckoned in again this time more noise for longer. Then the silence again as Anne’s head appeared.

"Wendy" Anne said and Wendy disappeared for and there was the sound of a voice for a long time, then clapping cheering and whistling.


"Kathy your turn" Anne said


I walked through the door and someone grabbed my hand. There was the flash of a camera and I was blind for a second. I looked to see who was holding my hand and found Bob there.


"Ladies and Gentlemen may I present the inspiration behind this group. One of the original seven who fought here" came a mans voice I didn’t recognise.

"The lady who was critically injured saving those seven and then while still not recovered fought to save the town of Keld. This is the hero who charged the barricades of Doncaster and slipped into Middlesbrough at tremendous risk and personally captured Captain Wilson the orchestrator of the horrors that occurred there. Today I have been informed she personally saved four resistance men in Newcastle before taking the defences on the one remaining bridge over the Tyne in a gallant charge, which she led. Ladies and Gentlemen may I present our leader Katherine the Oracle of New Delphi." The man finished

"What’s going on?" I said to Bob

"Smile I’ll tell you in a minute" he said and I did sort of smile there was another flash of a camera.


I was led to a seat and I looked around. Some people I recognised Mathew and Mark were there with their father others I didn’t know. And who the hell was that who was running around with the camera?

"You look a little confused my dear" I looked up to see the face of the priest who performed the last rights on Bernard still in a threadbare robe but with a clean dog collar.

"After you left a few of the supposedly important people of Newcastle talked to a young girl who was with you Suki" he said "they convinced her that the people of Newcastle had a responsibility to be at the funeral to pay their respects to the fallen"

"Suki being a good follower of the Shinto religion knew the responsibilities of duties to the dead and called her mother. She arranged for the lorry to come and pick us up. But your little girl there pulled a ringer" he waved at her and smiled. "They took twenty seven resistance men and women who fought with you, our lady Mayor and her husband and the man with the camera who is what is left of our local paper, though he has had three issues a week out since it started. I am sorry I am here but Suki insisted, in fact she wouldn’t leave without me much to the disgust of the so called dignitaries who didn’t get a place." He said

"I must admit I am surprised by all this I admit but the philosophy of this place is that anyone is welcome" I assured him

"Even a useless old Catholic priest?" he said

"You were not useless today I told him you were there when you were needed" I said

A woman and a man were obviously trying to get my attention but I ignored them.

"What is your name Father?" I asked

"Harrison, William Harrison" he answered

"Well Father Harrison can you tell me who that is trying to get my attention?" I asked

"That is our Lady Mayor and her husband she’s Karen Gilles him I don’t know. I have met them they aren’t too bad as politicians go." He said

"I have to say hello don’t I" I said

"Well yes" he agreed

"Well lets do it, but can you do me a favour?" I asked him

"Jimmy over there ask him to come and get me in thirty seconds" and I stood up.


The Lady Mayor put out her hand and I shook it.

"Karen Gilles pleased to meet you at last. I have heard your broadcasts till radios were banned. This is my husband Howard," she said and Howard shook my hand.

"I didn’t catch your last name Kathy" Karen said

"Just Kathy any last names could leave people I care about open to attack" I said and was suddenly blinded again by the flash of the camera.

"Look mate can you lay off the camera?" I asked

"Why this is news," he said

"Look there is a lot of people here who are very jittery about unexpected flashes so don’t. Please" I said

"But" he started to say

"Listen buddy" said Jones with his hand on the mans shoulder "The Lady here saw one flash that blew away a friend of hers earlier today took off half his head as he was trying to protect her. She is just a little bit jumpy and if she jumps you are going to need a good Proctologist with a rubber glove up to his elbow before you can take any more pictures. Understand?"

"Yes" the man said

"I promise I will let you have some before the end. Its just the flashes" I told him

"Thank you and thank you for saving us" he said

"Ma’am the Captain would like to see you" Jones said

"Thank you Jones," I said

"Lady Mayor, Howard I will catch you later" I said and walked away

"Kathy may I have a moment of your time?" the photographer said

"Yes ok" I said to the man

"I was a reporter with The Express up here, ever since they took over I have been running ‘The Underground Rumble’ a single sheet paper mainly to stir people up" he said

"Well it worked you can ask our Tyne Resistance members and what’s your name" I asked him

"Frazier, Tony Frazier but every one calls me Frazier" he said

"Well go on Frazier," I said

"I am doing one last issue of the rumble before we close down a proper one more than a couple of sides. I was out taking photographs all through the fighting today and I would like you to look through them to see if there are any you would like in or any you would rather stay out" he said

"Are you serious if I said no you wouldn’t print it?" I asked

"Totally and utterly serious. I would like to keep a copy of all these as they were momentous events but otherwise I will not print them" he said

"Come on lets show Jimmy and grab something to eat." I said


Jimmy, Tom, Sheila and I started looking through the photographs. They started after we had crossed he Tyne bridge, with the bodies on the floor around the cleared area that I had strafed. Then we had men running out of the fog Jimmy organising everything with a rifle in his hand and the other had pointing at something. One of them was Bernard running down the road towards the camera with the two sides of his face clearly visible. The photos kept on coming one of me running from the bridge pistol in my hand with Mathew, Mark and Luke laughing as we ran out.

"I want a couple of copies of this one" I said

"I was going to publish this one if it is ok with you should I know something about it?" He asked probing

"Luke there died a couple of hours later, he died protecting me" I said "can you sort out a copy for me and one for his family over there?" I asked

"I will make sure of it." He said

The crowd of onlookers increased as we worked through the pictures one of me came up again. My face was a mask of anger with the blood visible on my face and in my hair my pistol was raised and I was slamming a new clip in it so it looked like I was holding the silver pistol in both hands.

"Who is that?" came Karen Gilles contemptuous voice.

"That is Kathy in battle" said Father Harrison "and may god have mercy on those who oppose her"

"You can say that again father," said Jones

"I would like to print that one if I may" Frazier said "next to the one of when you entered here just"

"I don’t know," I said

"Yes you can" said Anne

Except for the last few the photos were more of the same, then we came to the end of the battle the truce and the incident at the statue with the five of us stood there. Paul, Jimmy, Bernard, Tom and me looking out over a sea of faces.

"I want five of those please, one for Sheila and one for each of us." I said and Frazier noted it down. The last six were the most disturbing one of Bernard falling, one of me holding his hand, one of the crowd working around him and one of me kissing him. The last two again were disturbing in a different way one of the men carrying his body to the helicopter with a woman’s face a mask of grief in the foreground and the last photo was one of me bloodstained my jacket open the pistols on view. I was on my knees the tears had caused clean streaks on my face and my head was tilted back I was screaming no.

"Those last ones are rather powerful" Jimmy said wiping his eyes

"Can I print any of those last ones" Frazier asked

"Not the one of him falling or the people working on him. The last few ask Sheila about"

"Yes" she said through her tears

"Thank you" he said "The paper is going to be in two halves salvation and the price that was paid. I promise it will do him justice."

"It better" said Jones the tears running down is face.

"Do you mind if I talk to people here and ask questions?" Frazier asked

"No but be gentle and let them know what you are doing" I told him and he left.


I ate little and I drank little that evening I did a recording for Ian to play saying Newcastle was free and the death of Bernard. I was sitting down on my own when I saw Paul looking very lost, Frazier has just been talking to him and now our Lady Mayor had descended on him.


"Hey you promised me a dance" I said interrupting her ladyship in mid-sentence "come on get your bum up" I told him and led him to the dance floor.


Only Anne and Bob were dancing as we got out there and I did feel rather self conscious.

"I can’t dance Kathy" Paul protested

"I can’t walk in these things let alone dance so I just hold onto you so I don’t fall over and we sway a bit" I told and he laughed a strange sound with how it had been the past week but infectious and I found myself grinning.

"You know you look completely different from what you did this morning" he said

"Do I" I said

"Yes and I like them both" and he hugged me "thank you for saving my brothers life"

"How is he?" I asked him

"Well he won’t be juggling for a couple of months but after that he will be fine" he told me as I moved around.

"Excuse me" my turn said Jimmy and I was in his arms only to be replaced by Jones and one by one the whole team. Eventually I escaped them and went to do a job I didn’t want to do.

Simon Thompson was sat there with Mathew and Mark I walked up to him.

"Mr Thompson I would like to say how sorry and upset I am over the loss of Luke" I told him

"He was a good boy a little stubborn at times but if he knew something was right he couldn’t be stopped from doing it. I saw the people from Doncaster and Middlesbrough I know it needed to be done. Besides my faith the one thing that gives me comfort is that it wasn’t a case that he was ordered to do some thing by someone miles away sipping coffee. If you believe something needs to be done you do it yourself rather than sending someone into risk." Simon said

"Frazier this is Simon Thompson you have a picture there of his son who died today do you mind showing him?" I said and left Frazier going through the pictures with Simon.

"Are you ok" I asked Paul

"A long day that’s all catching up" he said

"Has Anne told you were you kipping down yet?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I have a promise to keep then I will sort you out" I said

"Frazier if you want to take some photo’s now is the time. It’s now half past one and most of us have had a long day." I told him and he took three or four photographs of the team and then of Jimmy, Paul, Tom and Me.


"Finally Ladies and Gentlemen if you grab a glass I would like to propose a toast" I said and gave everyone a minute to get a glass "Ladies and Gentlemen to those who have fallen, may they always be loved, remembered and honoured"


The toast completed I was about to start organising people for bed when Jones spoke up.

"Excuse me Ma’am Ladies and Gentlemen." He said "I’m not very good at this crap I am afraid. I’m just a grunt with a gun and speaking my mind isn’t easy"

"Bull" said Jimmy.

"Come on Captain give me a chance" Jones said "I have heard a few whispers about how Kathy looked today in those photo’s there, she look’s like a creature possessed, how could she run around like that what must she have done to look like that. Well she did what had to be done and didn’t flinch till it was over. She killed those who had to be killed and spared all that she could. Last week if you told me that I would be calling her Ma’am and following her into the hell that was Middlesbrough I would have told you where to go."

"I have followed her into Hell and survived it thanks to her alone as has all of my team. From the hell of Middlesbrough she took us into Newcastle and led from the front as have all of our officers The Boss included, may he rest in peace. But through that battle she never stopped till it was over not even to wash the blood from her face as she was too busy making sure that we were safe. What I am trying to say if any one has anything bad to say about The Boss Lady, Kathy, The Oracle of New Delphi then they speak to me man or woman and I will put them straight as will anyone who has chased after her into battle. Ladies and Gentlemen I ask for two toasts The Boss Major General Brown, a great hero and Kathy, The Boss Lady a light in our darkness." He finished.


The toast completed I caught Karen Gilles giving me the once over again, perhaps she was use to being the centre of attention but this was my home and our day.

"Sheila where are you planning on kipping tonight?" I asked Sheila as she went past

"Well I was going to talk to you about that I want someone to hold me tonight so I was going to be in Ian’s room" she said all apologetic.

"No don’t worry I am going to stick Paul in your bed as he seems a bit lost and given the choice of roommates he is pleasant." I said "If the beds not claimed I could end up with Karen there sharing."

"She’s not having Ian’s double bed that’s claimed" Sheila said

"Well get there quick or you might end up sharing with someone else" I told her

"Anne how are you doing this rooms wise" I asked

"God only knows some of our guests will be sleeping in here" she said

"I am going to desert you I’m dead on my feet I’ve been up for over twenty four hours and busy ones at that. If you can keep the lads as they are, I am going to stick Paul in Sheila’s bed as she has other arrangements. Goodnight and I don’t know how you did tonight you’re a miracle worker" I told her as I kissed her

"Look who’s talking" Anne answered.


On the roof I made my usual check as Paul got sorted for bed, I had made it clear that that was his bed and he seemed to accept that it was a sleeping arrangement and nothing else. The night was wet and cold no stars to be seen the high guard were well wrapped up.

"Any problems?" I asked

"Yes you" came Jimmy’s voice

"I have to check or I won’t sleep at all" I told him

"You did enough today relax, sleep and recharge those batteries" he said

"But there is still such a lot to do" I told him

"Yes and you can’t save the whole world today"

"But I have to try or how will I face the night" I replied

"The nightmares bad?" he asked me

"Yes they had eased for a bit with Bernard watching over me of a night. Do you think that’s what…"

"Forget that idea now. The Boss has a heart condition that should have killed him years ago. He had told me about it but I was sworn to secrecy. He wanted to be able to leave this revolution, movement or whatever you want to call it in a good situation." Jimmy said

"He wasn’t worried about you or your people here, he was worried how you would be accepted by the military as it was rebuilt and the pompous officious bureaucrats and political types. He felt you had a miraculous ability to read a battle, courage beyond anything he had seen even in his darkest hour and a compassion that was heart wrenching with how you suffer for your victories. The people love you and for that reason you are an easy target for anyone who wants to make themselves feel more important. How are you going to deal with the Karen Gilles of this world who get upset when the room doesn’t revolve around them?" Jimmy asked

"They are beneath my notice, Frazier there tried to do something in his newspaper, the people of Middlesbrough suffered and survived. She is wearing a designer dress of her own while the Father down there is in rags and the others are borrowing clothes" I said

"Exactly and because of that these people are going to be trying to grab a piece of you, what do you think that photo of you shaking her hand after the battle will do for her credibility?" I considered this for a moment.

"Can you ask Frazier to make sure that shot doesn’t come out?" I asked Jimmy "as if I do it’s a bit of a tricky situation"

"Now your getting the idea, get to bed and get some sleep" he said

"Jimmy is it possible for a Captain to give someone he calls Ma’am a hug as I am scared, lonely and cold" I asked

"Certainly and whenever you want a hug ask me or any of the lads, last week it would be seen as a sign of weakness now it’s a sign of your humanity" he said as he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

"Goodnight" I said after I finished trembling.


In the room Paul was mumbling something in his sleep, I sneaked into the bathroom and got undressed wiped the makeup off and found the longest most concealing nightdress I had, the pyjamas were a bit to tight in some places. I then slipped into bed after checking my guns and prepared for the nightmares.


It was the night in Middlesbrough and worse they came in force with bullet wounds and knife wounds, those who starved and those who bled to death as their hands were removed. They wanted to know why I had done it and why I hadn’t.


I screamed as they got close a scream that made them hesitate.

"Bernard where are you, you promised to keep them away" I shouted as loud as I could.

"I’m here my dear turn around" came his voice and I did the man I had never knew was standing there his face whole and handsome, the age and worries wiped from his face.

"Turn your back on them and sleep I will guard your back" he said and walked past me to face my monsters. I then slept without the dreams.


"Time to get up Kathy" Anne’s voice said

"What time is it?" I muttered

"Ten in the morning but a lot has to be done today" she said and I sat up.

"Where’s Paul" I asked

"He’s been up since half six, he said he couldn’t sleep again after your little outburst." Anne said

"I think I know what you’re talking about but go on." I said

"About four this morning you scared the life out of us all with a scream the like of I have never heard before. You then started shouting for Bernard, by the time I got upstairs Wendy said you were asleep and a lot more relaxed than you had been for a long time." Anne explained

"Sorry" I said

"Don’t be, you have seen more than anyone here with more responsibility, a few quirks are allowed" Anne said "Get dressed get some food in you, you didn’t eat last night. I worry."

"Thank you for worrying some times I feel everyone expects but very few care" I said and left her to get sorted.


"Ma’am can I claim a second of your time" Jones asked as I got downstairs

"Yes go on" I said

"Its about The Boss and Luke" he said obviously upset about having to bring it up with me "do you mind if we bury them either side of the grave at the front there. I know he was someone special to you but I would rather they were in a place of honour at the front."

"Jones you do what you think is right and you won’t be wrong. John would be proud to be in such company" I told him "but keep records we have no headstones we have to know were people are for their families sake."


The dining room was back together now a few people were eating including Karen Gilles and Frazier. I sat down with Frazier and a coffee.

"The Captain had a word and no problem its not as if I would publish her picture anyway" he said glancing at her.

"Thanks but I have one last favour, can you do a full set of the pictures you showed us last night to keep here at New Delphi to show people in the future how those men out there died." I asked him

"Including those ones you didn’t want me to print?" he asked

"Yes the whole story if people care enough to come here then they should be able to see everything. I’ll catch you later thanks." I said as headed into the kitchen.

"There goes a very disturbed little girl, did you here her last night?" said Karen Gilles as I left her line of sight.

"Don’t talk crap all your life, she wasn’t sat on her arse sucking up to punks, she was fighting for our lives" Frazier said


Outside work was well underway for the burial the field that John was buried in was now going to be a cemetery, the cows were moved and the area cleaned up. The horses were watching from the other side of the road the mare starting to show with her pregnancy, perhaps I would have been happier there?


"Milligan" I said as he walked past "the lads don’t have to do this you know, there are plenty of people to help"

"This isn’t a duty or a job Ma’am it’s an obligation" he said and I left them to it.


I tried to keep myself secluded during the day but the families of the lost were being brought in eventually I escaped to the roof I wasn’t ready to meet these people yet. Everyone was rushing around and I was a disruption wherever I showed my face.


"Ma’am" came Jimmy’s voice

"Yes Jimmy" I answered

"The lads feel that although you look great in a dress today’s occasion merits some sort of uniform if you are willing to try it?" he said

"I hadn’t even thought of it" I admitted

"Do you mind if a couple of them get some things together to try out" he asked

"For them anything" I said.

"I won’t say that, you have graciously agreed to try it for the men" Jimmy said and he left.


I looked out at the preparations and though the sight saddened me, I knew it could be so much worse.

"Paul" I shouted down to the young man looking very lost, he looked up and I waved him up.

"You did good yesterday, what are your plans?" I asked him.

"I don’t know, I haven’t given it a thought yet I was just worried about Simon that’s why I tagged along." He said

"Look your welcome to stick around for as long as you want, I can’t promise it will be safe but it will never be boring.." I told him

"I might just do that I’ve nothing else to head home for" he replied

"Family?" I asked

"Not any more" was his answer "except Simon. Do you think Mathew and Mark might be a bit less than friendly? We did have that slight disagreement yesterday morning"

"Come with me let me introduce you properly" I said and dragged him down stairs.

"Simon" I said to Luke’s father who was with Mathew and Mark "can I introduce Paul he was there at the end with Luke, he was a member of the resistance that was trying to help us"

"He was a brave man who I knew only a short time" said Paul

"He was a brave one, but if you were there with this young lady you have no cause for shame" Simon said

"Mathew, Mark I am sorry for the loss of your brother and I hope that if I stay here we can be friends" Paul said

"Look we had a minor disagreement at first" Mathew said seeing Paul was uneasy "but that is all it was, we are more than friends you are my comrade in the true meaning of the word come sit with us."


Father Harrison was doing a good job talking to the people arriving and getting other people to talk to relatives rather than me. But he was having some problems with some of the arrivals, from where they came I don’t know. They were coming with all these wonderful ideas which involved them being my best friend and seeing me right as one of them an obnoxious man said. Some ideas were welcome the engineers who wanted to try and get water and electric back on I thanked, the nurses and the doctors were welcomed, but thanks to me saying I wanted peoples help they were all heading this way to tell me about it. I grabbed Ian and Sheila and told them to start a group of people blocking them and weeding out the ones I didn’t need to talk to.


Late afternoon I was asked to try on some clothes it was a simple working dress that the soldiers had been wearing all through the battle, green trousers, shirt, highly polished boots and a beret. Milligan was waiting while I dressed someone had been tailoring the shirt and the trousers they didn’t disguise the fact I was female they enhanced what I had. A name tape was over the pocket with The Oracle printed on it. No symbols of rank were visible but someone had made a badge for the arm a Greek statues head with two pistols over his head. The beret was bearing the badge that was on Bernard’s beret and the belt of the trousers had two holsters for the pistols I wore. I wrapped the green bandages I knew were called putties around my ankles trapping the top of the trousers and the top of the boots and walked outside.


The whole team was waiting outside my room and insisted on dragging me upstairs onto the roof to have a look and with a few adjustments to the beret and the putties I was declared fit for presentation to Anne who had the final say.


"It works, it definitely works you did a good job Milligan" Anne said

"Your work, a bit of a dark horse aren’t you?" I said

"Ah, my dads an old fashioned tailor, I learned a few things" Milligan said blushing I kissed him and he blushed even more.


I looked through the list of the dead with a little about what had happened if it was known and the eighty five names including Bernard chilled me. How few of them I could put a face to Anthony White medic died at the barricades of Darlington who was he I should know him we have so few. Jane Harper died at the Tyne bridge and I hadn’t seen her fall, Luke was there died protecting The Oracle from a sniper, Raymond Stubbs killed by sniper Darlington, he was one of my guard and I hadn’t noticed. I walked outside where the crowds of almost a thousand people stood awaiting me.

"Ladies and gentlemen those of you who have come to honour the fallen or grieve for those you have lost, I welcome you. I would like to pass this service over to two people in a minute Father Harrison who was there in Newcastle for the fighting though he hasn’t told me I have been told he was crawling through the areas under the heaviest fire to offer comfort and prayers for the wounded and the lost. Also to Simon Thompson who lost his son Luke who died trying to protect me from a sniper."

"I can’t promise comfort from my words but they need to be said because the responsibility of every one of those people’s death is mine and mine alone. I can’t say I knew every one of them most of them were just faces and names, faces that smiled as they saw me people who trusted me and believed in what I want to do. Men and women who went to their fate with their eyes open, hero’s who died for my beliefs and names that will be forever honoured." I said,


I took a deep breath and looked at the people, the faces expressing their sorrow at this time and tried not to start crying myself these people deserved the acknowledgment that I felt their loss before I broke down in tears.

"These men and women" I continued "will be laid to rest here at the place we call New Delphi with my friend the first to die for my ideas as a hero in our darkest hour. But even in the darkest hour when we least expect it friends can arrive to light up the night to rescue us and give us hope of a future despite our loss. That is what these people were a light for many people a hope for the future and all those who have been brought from the dark share your loss for the people who gave all they had to try and save them. I will now read out the names of the fallen."


I started with John at the Battle of New Delphi and the last was Bernard who fell at the moment of triumph, the little bits of information I had I told them.

"for those who I haven’t mentioned what happened this doesn’t mean their deeds were not noteworthy it just means I haven’t had the time to find out what happened yet, it is I who have failed you, as they did not fail me. I will try and find out personally what happened to each person and it will be written in a book by the people who knew them, by the people who were there how each one of those people was taken from you, from us. For they deserve their stories to be known." I had tears running down my face again as I looked around at the corpses wrapped in sheets as coffins were unavailable.


Simon took over at this point as I could not speak further and between him and the Father they made a good job of a difficult service making everyone feel that the service was for them personally. The last post was played by a lad from Keld on a bugle as he had volunteered to Jimmy and as the last post was played the lost were lowered into the graves. I threw a handful of earth on Bernard after Sheila had then on Luke and then I had to repeat it over and over again at the end of this I was led inside by Anne as rational thought and free action had deserted me with my tears.


That evening we shipped the visitors back home and just had a few of the relative staying over due to the fact they had nowhere else to go, many of the relatives were from Keld an easy trip home. One lady came up to me in her late forties to talk about her husband who died north of the River Tyne.

"I was unsure how I would cope with today, it hasn’t sunk in yet the fact he’s gone. The thing that makes it easier is the fact you do care, I came here wanting to hate you for dragging him off to die but I can’t because his death has caused you more pain than I feel…Yet" She said renewing my tears. The radio broadcast was made, I again made a recording rather than sit there and as usual Ian put it all together with some bits recorded from the service.

"Kathy I’ll move my stuff out later if that’s ok with you" Paul said as I was sat at a table alone for a moment.

"Why got a better offer, or did my screams scare you that much?" I joked with little humour in my voice.

"No it’s just it’s your room and I thought now there is more room here you would want it back" he replied

"Look the moment that bed is empty Anne will find someone to shove in it to keep an eye on me. If you have nowhere else planned yet please stay at least until this place returns to some form of normality, for me please." I said

"Won’t Bob say something?" he asked

"I hope not last time he tried to interfere in things that he felt he should Wendy was chasing him around the house with a gun and no clothes on, she’s more tolerant than me." I said

"You’re joking"

"No ask him some time" I told him


The evening was not a time to dance or have fun it was a long evening full of tears and sadness, bedtime was a relief as I now was hating the evenings at New Delphi the one time I now felt comfortable was in the heat of battle. During battle I didn’t have to think I just did, I wasn’t the hero I was made out to be just another person unable to face the day today realities of life now.


The next month put things into perspective for me what do we do from here. The issues raised included the old favourite money as all economies had crashed and the computerised records had gone how could we buy things and how could we pay people? I was at the centre of these discussions and everyone of these people wanted me to put them in charge of the rebuilding of the economic structure of the country.

"Look here gentlemen I don’t give a toss what your personal worth was or how important you were, money is the least of my problems. There are few things that count for anything now food, medicines, clothing and weapons are the most basic needs that people have to face. Before any of you get the idea of placing a stranglehold on any of these items I will personally execute any person who hoards any of these items for his or her betterment. The rules are easy now you need your neighbour to watch your back so you better not be screwing him over."

"But an economic system is needed" one man protested

"An economic system is needed is it for your happiness and comfort and well being. Well every one of you is here thanks to me you have all come from occupied areas. You owe me" I said

"Yes we realise that and with structure we can see that you are compensated" the man said

"Yes I want to be compensated but not in the way you think. I want to be compensated for the men who lie out there they have paid for your ability to sit here and talk shit. We have liberated a small area of this country from the oppression it was under, you want me to listen to you seriously on our next battle where ever and whenever it is you join me on my team then you will have my respect, then we will see if your priorities are the same when you get back. Have any of you been to Middlesbrough?" I asked they shook their heads.

"Jimmy arrange a tour of Middlesbrough for these men a couple of days at least let Milligan show them around they can help with the clean up" I said and the protesting men were shown out.

"Jimmy we are sitting here on our bums and have been for a month now" I said as the men went away "we have reports from Birmingham and Glasgow about the shit going on there and if we sit here much longer we are going to drown in the bull shit and the people like them. Where do we go from here North or South I favour North head up to Edinburgh and then turn left towards Glasgow. Shit we are up to our eyes in business men, politicians and accountants and we haven’t even got a decent map." I complained

"Look Jimmy I’m not getting at you I have just been adding up the figures we have liberated less than fifty thousand people out of a population in this country of what seventy five million. Lets say only one in ten survive" I started to say

"Rethink that estimation take off thirty percent off the population due to the burning of London and the fusion plants, twenty percent for the old, the young and the ill. That gives you half the people dead before you start working in disease, gangs accident and the inability to survive without the technological marvels that make our lives so pleasant. I think if we are lucky we are talking five percent at the very most just about four million or so I think are still alive." Jimmy said

"That few seventy one million dead bodies roughly out there just in Britain. Shit we could lose the whole fucking population with a decent epidemic." I said

"Or a bad winter" Jimmy said

"How many of the people who came with us into Newcastle do you think we would get if we marched again?" I asked him fearing his answer

"Around a thousand" he answered

"Well then lets start spreading the word that The Oracle is heading North. Once we have the men together what do you think about stopping at Newcastle to claim that party off Karen Gilles. We need food, transport, weapons and ammunition and a shit load of luck, how long do you think before we can think of moving?" I asked

"Six weeks possibly a bit longer, how many men do you want?" Jimmy asked me

"Five thousand at least but no more than ten thousand. Five thousand will make most places just give up without a fight" I explained "over ten thousand is a nightmare I wouldn’t fancy trying to move"

"It’s going to mean raiding Newcastle for the things we need and Karen Gilles isn’t going to be pleased by that. I don’t think she will like that" said Jimmy

"If I have to raid them I will but if I have to depose her I will. This is not about the well being of a few it is about the many" I told him


The spring was warm and pleasant as was the start of summer. The people we had on hand were used to the full in Darlington, Middlesbrough and Newcastle we did a search of the towns around the North East and found only Sunderland had any population left the gangs having fled after the fall of Newcastle. I started relief operations in the town and had a warm welcome on my arrival as I was well known. Paul accompanied me everywhere though nothing had happen between us he filled a void in my life that Wendy had filled for many years and Bernard for a short time, someone who accepted me for who I was alone and did not expect anything from me. He was a friend my only friend. Bob and Anne had a lot on their plate, with a child and their jobs around the place. Andrea and Trisha were working their bums off to learn all they could about battlefield medicine both had been upset over people they lost on the battlefield. Wendy was in charge of perimeter security a large area now and using cars, bikes and trucks was keeping the area we held secure with a hand from Jones, their interest in each other was obvious. Sheila and Ian were inseparable and working together to turn Radio New Delphi into a proper radio station music, news and anything else they could find, such as Father Harrison’s religious spot and Toms advice to new farmers. I was in limbo a General without an army, a war to fight but preparations to be made. I found Bernard’s advice about keeping out of the way and letting them get on with it worked I caused chaos were ever I turned up all work would stop.


So Paul and Me made use of the small Honda’s from the shed with a radio and food from Anne we started heading out into the countryside of North Yorkshire at first then further out. This was initially based on the idea of adding to the random security sweeps but after a few trips this pretence was dropped and Anne started telling us not to be careful but to have fun. This was concerning me greatly the fact that I was not pulling my weight when everyone else was working their bum off. I talked to Jimmy about this.

"Look you still make all the decisions and come up with the smart ideas. I wouldn’t of thought of moving people around the country by ferries, Christ the number of people we can get on one ferry if we pack them in we don’t even need to drive the cars and trucks up there. You go enjoy yourself you will be needed again soon and you have to be fresh for what is to come. Anyway Milligan said the other day wasn’t it nice the fact you haven’t woke us all up screaming for weeks, if you do the men’s morale good then its fine by me. How are things working between you and Paul?"

I thought about it for a while "I don’t know at the moment we are just friends nothing else, I haven’t pushed it neither has he. Unfortunately." I answered

"Look you’re a lot to take in he is probably apprehensive about trying it on with The Oracle of New Delphi and The Boss Lady." He said

"I was wondering whether it was the fact that shortly after I met him I was cutting a mans throat?" I said

"No I don’t think so, I think he is apprehensive about it all everyone here wants to look after you and make sure your safe. It’s a hell of a thing for a young lad to face"

"What’s your opinion then, I’ve had he’s too old, I’m too young, there’s lots more to do yet and the religious arguments as well so lets here what you have to say." I told him

"My view is the same as all the lads who went into Middlesbrough with you and yes we have been talking about it. If it makes you happy we are all for it. You are smart enough to get us out of Middlesbrough alive so you are smart enough to decide other things. The only thing I say is take care, don’t get hurt and he seems like a good lad he’s brave and he is hardly rushing you so go with how you feel" Jimmy smiled "and if you tell Anne or Bob I said any of this then I will deny all knowledge of it."

"I understand and Jimmy thank you" I told him

"Anytime Boss Lady and if you want any of the lads to cover for you just ask them as since you managed to get those unit badges made up for all of them they have decided anything you say goes." Jimmy said referring to the Greek statues head with the two pistols I had organised to be made by a lady in Keld for all those who went into Middlesbrough with me. It was a copy of the painted one that Milligan had done for me that now decorated my wall in a frame.


I thought about it as we ate that night. It had crept up on me without any initial passion, I couldn’t think of carrying on without Paul at my side. I think he was feeling sort of the same about me he was never far from my side but he never asked me to dance of an evening after that first night. I thought do I think about Paul in a sexual way and soon realised I did most assuredly think of him in a sexual way it was the sex that I had not been thinking of with all the shit going on in my life. I was scared of making attachments in case I lost them, like Bernard and John.


I sought out Anne and found her very busy so went looking for Sheila as normal she and Ian were by the radio.

"Sheila can I pinch you for a few minutes" I asked

"No problem I think it’s safe to leave him for a while" she said with a smile

"He knows one look at another woman and he deals with me" I said

"After I’m through with him" Sheila said

I led her through to the front of the house but it was busy with people rushing around doing things, as had the kitchen been.

"Shit is nowhere quiet in this place to talk" I said

"Look Alex is on high guard she will keep out of the way while we talk so come on" Sheila said.

Up on the roof we sat down on the sandbags in the sun and Alex came over to say hello.

"Alex, Kathy wants a quiet natter and this is the only place that hasn’t got none stop traffic. Do you min if we sit here?" Sheila asked

"Certainly, I’ll be over there if you need me" Alex said

"Sorry" I muttered

"Sod off with your apologies" Alex said "Its not as if you have ever done anything around here we never see you coming out here in the early hours just to see if we are ok and then you demand a couple of minutes privacy to talk. Just who do you think you are The Boss?" she walked off with a big smile.

"Sheila I’ve got a problem and I’m after some advice" I said

"Must be serious I don’t think I’ve known you stumped yet, come on lets hear it." She said

"Well it’s Paul" I said

"I thought you two were doing great, your almost inseparable" Sheila said looking confused "he’s not pushing it is he"

"No, that’s the problem he is the perfect gentleman who hasn’t laid a finger on me, at all." I said

"Oh, that is a puzzler. You two have been sharing a room now for weeks I thought things were proceeding nicely. He’s not gay is he?"

"I don’t think so. But its not as if I can turn around and ask him, is it?" I said

"No I am pretty sure he’s not gay, from what I remember last time we danced. I don’t think I have seen you two dancing since the first night" Sheila said

"He hasn’t and despite the fact he’s sharing a room with me he always manages to find something to do every time I’m changing or were alone. Though what ever I am doing he is never far from me always watching" I said

"Has he got someone waiting?" Sheila asked

"He said he hadn’t and I think he was telling the truth" I told her

"You have a problem then girl a shy one" Sheila said "Alex over here a minute"

Sheila explained the situation to Alex leaving me blushing.

"Don’t worry my girls here will not say anything even if they have heard anything and nobody talks to me up here" Alex said

"I seem to have seen Hankinson here quite often and surprisingly it’s always when you’re on duty" I said her face dropped "Look anything that makes being stuck out here more pleasant is to be welcomed, I know I was out here enough in the cold and the wet. Anyway an extra pair of eyes are always welcome"

"You cow" said Sheila "you never told me"

"I haven’t told anyone and I didn’t think anyone knew" Alex said blushing as much as I was a moment ago.

"Only us three know and you keep my secret, I keep yours and if Sheila can’t keep quiet then we both get her" I said causing both of them to laugh.

"What do we do with her then Alex" Sheila asked

"The problem is when she’s dressed up of an evening she is surrounded by people who want to talk to her, look after her and dance. Rather intimidating if you’re a bit shy." Alex said

"Yes I understand that but what am I supposed to do go out for a quiet candle lit dinner?" I asked

"During the day" Alex said ignoring what I said "She has the right idea out into the country with nobody around. But add the uniform and the guns again it is a bit much for someone who is a bit unsure of themselves. Then when you add this whole Boss Lady and The Oracle a few tens of thousands of people declaring you’re a hero and the fact that you have killed more people than anyone here, he might be a bit nervous of initiating things" Alex said

"I have seen him fight he wasn’t scared" I protested

"Look two totally different things a lad shy around girls will quite happily march to his death but freeze when trying to make a move" Sheila said "You don’t strike me as the sort of person who will make a move on him here like I had to with Ian"

"Not really everyone is watching whatever I do here, if I start chasing him here he will just withdraw" I agreed

"Well Kathy we have to set this up right" Alex said "and get you out of that uniform and those guns"

"Swimming" said Sheila "on the next trip out if it’s a nice day get him out swimming"

"But I don’t have a costume" I protested

"Well if you wait ten minutes I knock off and we can all go and raid Anne’s Magic room" Alex said


When Alex relief had arrived we all headed down to the kitchen to see Anne.

"Anne can we have your key?" Alex asked

"Why?" Anne looked suspiciously at Alex and Sheila wondering what they had got me into.

"Well its Kathy here she fancies swimming on one of her trips out if its nice, to try and strengthen her leg" Sheila said

"We were just wondering if you had any bikinis or costumes" Alex said

"There you go there’s the key and I am only giving it to you because you might get her out of that uniform for once." Anne said pretending to be gruff "second room"


In what Wendy and I had decided were the staff quarters Anne had a collection of things that she had collected and got other people to collect on various shopping excursions. If any one wanted anything from a pair of socks and shoes to a full evening dress for dinner, they asked Anne. Sheila and Alex were acting like they had been given access to Aladdin’s cave.


They started routing through the boxes of clothing that filled the room showing things to each other and glancing at me.

"Come on get stuck in" Alex said

"Look I will quite happily storm a fortified position but here I am lost, totally out of my depth" I said

"What do you mean?" Sheila said

"Let loose in a large shop I was done in five minutes, jeans, t-shirts jumpers and out" I said.

"It takes me longer to decide where to start" Sheila said laughing.

They each grabbed handful’s of things and started dragging me with them, telling Anne on the way past that anything they didn’t use would be returned. I was dragged through to Sheila and Ian’s room only to find Ian there, so we headed up to my room.

"So this is what you get for being Boss Lady is it" Alex said

"Yes a shared room that’s a bit bigger than most of them and a hell of a lot of shit with it" Sheila replied defending me

"No that’s not what I mean" Alex said quickly "It’s a case that despite all the things you do your just living like this" she glanced around the room as I tried to straighten my unmade bed and hide a pair of knickers on the floor.

"Don’t worry you can’t find the floor in my room" Alex said.

"Right lets try some of these on and see what looks best" Sheila said passing me the first item.


I went in the bathroom and stripped off and looked at what she had passed me a lime green bikini with string straps and tie sides on the bottoms.

"If you think I am going to wear this thing you have got another thing coming" I shouted

"Shut up woman and try it on at least" came Alex voice and I put the garment on.

"No not until those scars fade a bit more" came Shelia’s comment as I stood before them nervously.

"And you will have to either shave or wax to get rid of the spiders legs" Alex said

"What?" I said

"Your going to have to trim your bush a bit, your bikini line" Sheila said

I looked down at the tiny bottoms and saw a few hairs escaping at the top and the leg holes and blushed.

"Hey come here" Alex said "You’re not being forced into anything and yes my humours a bit rough at time it’s never meant to be nasty. These are things you would learn from your mum or Wendy so with Wendy busy and gather you lost your mum a long time ago, we are going to have to help you out. If you will let us" Alex said

"Anne has you looking wonderful of an evening, every inch The Oracle our Boss Lady but no disrespect to Anne your after a different image, look at me Paul I am a girl honestly" Sheila said

"I’m sorry I just don’t know these things" I said

"Look do you here me apologising for not being able to lead an army to war?" Alex asked me "No I don’t I leave it to you. If I want to know something about radios I ask Ian so you could do with a hand over what to wear, I ask Sheila her opinion she asks me my opinion that’s how it works. I know you’re new to all this relationship crap and it wont get easier so ask."

"Now this is going to make you blush even more but do you know how everything works" Sheila asked "You know SEX"

"Oh yes" I said

"Too comfortable with that answer Sheila wasn’t she" Alex said

"Yes who was he and when" Sheila said

"Well it was recently" I admitted "and with the world falling to shit and the odds being against me being alive a month later I decided to try it"

"We are a dark horse, I won’t want an answer to who it was but did you have fun?" Alex asked

"Yes I enjoyed it, though I was sore after" I admitted

"Tell me about it I could barely walk" Sheila said laughing

"Yes I saw you last week" Alex threw in.

"Have a quiet word with Bill he seems to have cornered the worlds market in contraceptive pills, see what he can do" Sheila said

"Pity he hasn’t got the six month implants" Alex said

"He has what do you think I use, I can’t remember where I put my shoes, taking a pill every day is too risky" Sheila said

"Come on you have more things to try on" Alex said


I tried on things for an hour eventually coming down to two outfits that I didn’t find too objectionable. One was a bikini sort of, the top was a longer type that came down to my ribs and showed no cleavage the bottoms coming up almost to my belly button both in dark blue with red edging. The other was a one piece suit cut low at the back with a single string from the front around my neck, it was in various shades of blue a sort of underwater scene and was not cut too high on the leg. Both these choices disappointed Alex and Sheila both.

"Look you have the body why not flaunt it a bit more" Sheila said

"I don’t want too much on show with these scars" I said "Maybe when they fade a bit more" I threw in diplomatically.

"Well not the two piece one, it looks too much like another uniform" Alex said

"Right now that’s sorted have you got some decent undies and nightdresses?" Sheila asked

"Yes there all new things" I said

"No good stuff" Alex said

"Which drawer is it" Sheila said looking at my uncomprehending face and the two of them started nosing

"No good you only have a couple of decent things there lets get back down to Anne don’t get dressed we will go" Alex said grabbing the things I had turned down.


I sat there in the blue one piece swimming suit thinking to my self what the hell had I got myself into as the suit clung in lots of places that I didn’t want it to cling. Then I thought about Paul and how much he meant to me and decided as my nipples sprang up and my pussy got damp that it might be worth it.


"Try this on Sheila" said passing me a cream coloured satin thing as she came in. I went into the bathroom again and looked at it, it was a teddy with lots of lace everywhere. I figured out how to get into the thing but it seemed tight to me and the studs at the crotch were a pain, eventually I went to show them.


"I think she’s right" Alex said "The one piece ones suit her better than the two piece at least till you grow a little bit more"

"Yes it covers the scars well" Sheila agreed.

"Right next" Alex said


I was paraded around for hours different things were added to my wardrobe until both of them were sort of satisfied a lot of the things I had agreed to just to keep them happy.

"Now Kathy get dressed again. No not the uniform those shorts" Alex said indicating a pair of denim shorts that I had never intended to wear as they were too tight.

"Now that yellow crop top" I was ordered "No lose the bra"

I looked at her imploringly as I was handed the sleeveless top but neither of them were willing to help me.

"Now these sandals" and I was given some low heeled sandals.

"Come on with us we have a few more things to do" Sheila said.


I was lead outside the cool air even on a sunny day like today making my nipples react and causing me great embarrassment.

"Don’t worry you look great" Sheila said taking my hand "It’s fun to tease a bit"

"Who do you want to go in with you?" Alex said

"What are you talking about?" I said

"Bill is expecting you to sort out birth control, who do you want to go in with you?" Alex said.

"No I said I would sort it out myself" I had been thinking of having a word with Wendy

"No you are going in now, your thinking about sex you should be thinking about precautions" Sheila said "You wait here Alex if I need you to help hold her down I will shout"


Bill was waiting inside for me and Sheila shut the door.

"Ah Kathy your after some form of contraception I believe" Bill said and I blushed.

"I have been wondering if I should have a word with you, with you and Paul but with everything being arranged to move out I forgot. Its very remiss of me."

"No, No I…we haven’t yet" I spluttered

"Good someone with sense at last, unlike some people" Bill said looking at Sheila.

"I er, I had a scare" Sheila said

"Well your covered now so no harm done" Bill said

"That’s why I brought Kathy here, the last thing she needs is a possible pregnancy hanging over her head while she’s in battle"

"If that scare has given you some sense, good for you Sheila" Bill said "which method were you thinking of Kathy?"

"If I am honest I was going to have a word with Wendy and see if she could get me the pill." I told Bill.

"Well I now control all drugs here, as good as Wendy is she will admit she’s not a doctor" Bill said "Are you sexually active?"

"Not at the moment" I said "Though I have been, once. Before you came here." My voice trailed off at the end.

"Any problems afterwards?" Bill asked

"What do you call problems, I was sore for a while" I admitted

"Right I’m not after names but was it someone here now?" Bill asked

"Yes" I said and I could see Sheila trying to work out who it was.

"Good well you should be ok disease wise then and yes I am trying to scare you a bit. You don’t remember the African Aids epidemic do you" Bill asked

"No but I have read about it, forty percent of their population had contracted it before the vaccine was found in 2005" I said

"Yes and some of the bugs around can make you very sick or stop you having children in the future" Bill replied

"I know and I am not planning to play the field" I told him

"Good, strip off and lets do an internal" Bill said

"What" I said

"I need to check you internally before I think about prescribing, also I will take your blood pressure." Bill said gently.

"Come on Kathy I’ll hold your hand, its no fun believe me I found out a few weeks ago" Sheila said and I was led over to an area that had been curtained off.

"Why did you get me into this" I asked her

"Because she cares" Bill shouted from the other side of the curtains.

In my whole life as a man I don’t think I had been to the doctors with a sexual based problem. The nearest I had come to showing myself to a doctor was dropping my trousers for a tetanus shot and now I was going to have a doctor probing around. I slowly dropped my shorts and panties, the bloody thong that Alex had insisted on because the shorts were tight and I climbed up on the bed and lay on my back pulling a blanket over me.

"Are you ready?" Bill asked and came walking in with a small tray

"Right we don’t have stirrups here yet so bend your knees and bring your feet up towards your bum" Bill said and I did "Now let your knees fall apart"

I had never felt so exposed or vulnerable in my life, I couldn’t see what he was doing down there because of the blanket and a cold rubber encased finger with some cold goo on it made entry into me. I bit my bottom lip as the finger felt around a bit and he pressed on my stomach.

"Don’t worry soon be over" Sheila said squeezing my hand

"Right fine so far" Bill said from beneath the blanket "this might be a bit cold"

"Where does the might come into it? You keep that thing in the fridge" Sheila said

"Only for you dear" Bill answered as a cold object started to make its way into me.

"Oooo" I said as it filled me with a fair bit of pain and no pleasure. Then Bill did something and it got bigger inside me.

"Ow that hurts" I gasped

"Only a second…there done" Bill said as it started to be pulled out of me.

"God it’s enough to put you off sex for life" I said

"Sex or no sex that needs to be done every couple of years and while I’m your doctor it will be. You can put your legs down now" Bill said and I did, I was sore and messy down there.

"Do you check your breasts" Bill asked

"Yes and they are there every morning. Still surprises me" I said

"You are young to worry about it but breast examination is a habit to get into early" Bill told me with a serious face.

"I would give you a leaflet normally but if you can put up with it I can show you how to or you can ask Sheila I had to show her as well" Bill said

"Yes you can but I bet you enjoy it" I said

"There are worse jobs, but a friend of mine was sex mad at University couldn’t keep him away from the ladies and became a gynaecologist, two years later I met him again at a reunion with his boyfriend. The morale of this story is too many sweets make you feel sick" Bill said laughing "If you have looked at hundreds of pairs of breasts they lose some of their mystery and appeal I am afraid"

He started to examine my breasts when I removed my top working around each breast in quarters, he wasn’t gentle in fact occasionally it hurt but he was explaining everything he was doing and the fact I should be doing this regularly.

"Right you can get dressed now Kathy" he said walking out and Sheila passed me a big handful of tissues and I wiped myself grimacing.

"I know it was my first one a few weeks ago that’s why I knew you could do with someone holding your hand" Sheila said "Thank god its worth it though"

"You enjoying yourself with Ian?" I asked

"Oh yes" she said taking on a very pink tinge.

"He’s a good lad and more importantly he’s good for you. I was worried about you after Bernard." I said as I got dressed.

"I know and for the first couple of weeks after granddad died he just slept with me of a night holding me. I nearly had to rape him to get him to do any more." Sheila told me going even redder.

"Don’t worry I wont tell anyone" I assured her as we walked out from behind the curtains.

"Tell anyone what?" Bill said

"My lips are sealed" I told him

"Fine don’t tell your doctor, the man who knows you more intimately than you know yourself." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"At this point Kathy I am legally bound to tell you that the age of consent is sixteen and that anyone who has sex with you is committing a crime. Which is a law to protect emotionally vulnerable youngsters from exploitation by others, I don’t think it applies to you. How are the dreams now?" Bill asked

"They are still there but not as bad Bernard promised to keep them away if I promised to see this through and he does" I glanced at Sheila.

"Granddad had the same problem for years, he said it was because he had a conscience that he was plagued by them and if he can stop them whereever he is he will." Sheila said

"Well I am not gong to discuss Philosophy or Psychology with you. My view is if it works why worry, though I did here you had a bad time in Middlesbrough"

"I did, I felt that my pissing about had cost time and lives. That with the sight of what happened there I think was too much for me and my mind just couldn’t cope for a while" I said

"Yes I saw it only for a while and it still sends shivers down my spine" Bill admitted as he started taking my blood pressure.

"That’s fine and lets listen to your chest." Bill said and a cold stethoscope was placed on my back "Fine again"

"Well physical health wise you are perfect" Bill said and looked at me.

"But mentally" I said

"Mentally you are totally messed up. You take suicidal risks to protect others, you feel like you are responsible for everything that is going on. You have nightmares that not only wake you up screaming but you wake the whole house up in terror. You believe a dead man is protecting your dreams and you are sexually precocious for your age." Bill said and I tried to protest but he stopped me.

"But you are leader of a large group of armed survivors in a post apocalyptic world. Most of these people owe you their lives and ask your opinions on everything. You are regularly involved in major battles where I have been told you fight like a demon. Last time you fought I found you sitting in a room full of blood where a man had had his hands cut off and died of blood loss despite the attempts of you to save him. One of the men you killed with a knife" he looked at me shaking my head and glanced at my fingers "sorry two of them and you have visited a place that has a horrible similarity to the Second World War concentration camps. Two of your close friends have died despite your best efforts to save them one of which ended up with you severely injured. I think a few bad dreams are to be expected and if you find religion or if Bernard is watching over you, if he can he will be, helps then that’s fine. You don’t use drugs and you lay off the drink so I can live with it." Bill said

"But" he added in a very serious voice "your dreams get worse or your sleep gets more disturbed or any other problems like Middlesbrough I want your promise you will come and see me. Then I will prescribe contraception" Bill said waiting for my reply.

"I promise" I whispered

"Good, now can I suggest an implant a new one every six months till you are ready to try for children as I don’t think your lifestyle will allow you to remember the pill." He said

"Fine" I told him and twenty minutes later under the skin of my upper arm I had a small rod inserted about an inch long and about as thick as a pencil lead. With the local anaesthetic it didn’t hurt and Sheila said hers was fine the next day.

"Don’t be worried about coming to see me if you want to. Even if its only for a chat" Bill asked and I promised I would.

"She sorted out" Alex asked as we came out and I showed her my plaster, she showed me a red mark on her arm as did Sheila

"Better safe than Mommy" Alex said and I did have to agree with her reasoning.


Alex and Sheila wanted to get me dressed up that night by them but I said no I didn’t want any thing different to give Paul any warning, plus as I told them I wanted to have a word with Anne first.


That night as I got ready for dinner Anne noticed the plaster and asked what it was.

"Precautions" I answered and she nodded.

"Good, that was the first thing I saw Bill about when he moved in. Though I have noticed both beds are still being used in your room" Anne said

"Yes nothings happened he doesn’t seem to want to take it further. But I’m just making sure I’m covered" I said

"Good girl, that’s the way" Anne said

"Thank Sheila she dragged me in there" I answered honestly

"I will" Anne replied "He hasn’t tried anything with you, That surprises me he never takes his eyes off you"

"I didn’t know that but I’m taking him swimming tomorrow. That might ease his fears a bit" I said

"What are you wearing?" Anne asked

"That blue one piece suit" I told her

"That shouldn’t be to blatant as if you’re too obvious you might scare him off as well" Anne said

"You don’t mind?" I asked her

"Not at all, he’s a nice polite and handsome lad, you could do a hell of a lot worse. How do you feel about him?" Anne asked as we carried on getting ready.

"I didn’t realise, it sort of sneaked up on me the fact that he meant so much to me. I wake up in the morning and make more noise than necessary just to hear his voice and the thought of him not being there is unthinkable" I said

"But des he turn you on?" Anne asked

"Oh yes he does" I said and I could feel my breasts tighten and my nipples react at the thought of him.

"Good that’s the important thing for now" Anne said "Get a bit of lust and passion in your life"

"Your talking to me a lot differently to what you did when you first arrived" I said

"Yes then I thought you were a child. Now I know you are an adult who just happens to still be young" Anne said and I hugged her tightly

"Watch the makeup" She protested.

"Thank you for being here for me" I told her.


That night again I couldn’t get Paul to dance and looking carefully now Anne had mentioned it I could see that he was watching me and when he saw me looking back he blushed and looked away. He hit bed before me as normal and was reading as I crawled in.

"Paul do you fancy heading out tomorrow if its nice" I asked as I came out of the bathroom.

"Yes I’ll play" he said

"Good I saw Bill today and he said I have to exercise this leg more" I pulled up my knee length cotton nightshirt showing him a fair bit of thigh with the scar on it.

"He said swimming was about the best exercise so I thought we could head out to that lake we saw that other week" I said

"Haven’t got any trunks" he said

"Don’t worry Anne will have some. I’m sorted with a costume, though Sheila wanted me in a bikini" I told him as I slipped into bed

"Fine with me then, it will be fun" he said

"Goodnight" I said and turned off my bedside light.

I lay there in the dark planning out my actions tomorrow when I became aware of a noise in the dark a rhythmic rustling at first I couldn’t figure out what it was and I was just about to ask him when I heard him gasp quietly and I nearly climbed into bed with him then. Instead not wanting to embarrass him at such a personal moment I lay there listening to him masturbating as I slid my hand inside my panties and gently stroked myself for the first time since before John died.


"Good morning" I said to Paul as I woke up to find him looking at me from his bed where he was sitting dressed.

"Sorry I didn’t mean to disturb you" he said

"You didn’t so relax" I said as I crawled out of the bed not pulling the nightshirt down as I sat there trying to wake up.

"Is it time for breakfast?" I asked

"Yes I’ll meet you down there." Paul said looking away from me.

"Don’t forget to ask Anne about a swimming costume" I reminded him as he left.


I jumped in the shower to wake up properly and then decided to lose the uniform for today. Tight Jeans and yesterdays crop top with no bra I thought and the flying jacket for protection on the bike, I wasn’t suicidal enough to risk even the little Honda without some thick clothing between me and the road. I tied my hair back in a pony tail and just put on a little lipstick. The jeans were tight and uncomfortable, my unfettered breasts bounced around as I walked down the stairs and I felt hellishly on display without the all covering protection of the uniform. During the day I was The Boss Lady, Valkirie warrior in my uniform of my men. Of a night I was The Oracle of New Delphi, elegant, beautiful and diplomatic hostess to all those who visited us and those who stayed with us. There were two other Kathy’s at least, one mad with blood lust and one just mad who woke screaming in the night but all aspects of my male personality except my knowledge had been lost. As I walked into the kitchen I thought lets start finding a new me.

"Morning Anne" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Well isn’t that a change? I thought I would never see you willingly out of that uniform" Anne said as I sat opposite Paul.

"Well I decided to try and find Kathy again not what everyone expects and wants me to be. Till The Boss Lady or The Oracle are needed again." I told her

"Good you need some fun in your life, and you young man are too serious by far." Anne said to him

"But I am trying to be useful" Paul protested

"He’s coming swimming with me today have you got any trunks in your magic room?" I said

"Give me a minute I’m sure I can find some" Anne replied "It’ll do you good to have a bit of fun"


By nine in the morning we were heading out into the country the two nineties running quite happily. I had a rucksack with all the swimming gear Paul had one with all the food. We headed out to the lake we had seen weeks before and parked up. No one was to be seen anywhere and we walked down to the waters edge.

"Looks cold" said Paul

"Chicken but lets have a walk around it first just to check out the area" I told him.


We walked around the small lake the sun beating down. I left my coat at the bikes Paul carried his as we tried to skip stones on the flat water. The birds around the bottom end of the lake shrieked their annoyance at our intrusion into their quiet world and squirrels scampered away. By the time we got back to the bikes it was around eleven and the sun was high and the weather hot.

"Come on here’s your stuff" I told him passing him a towel and his trunks and I walked behind a hedge to get changed. My heart was beating like I was under fire my stomach was turning summersaults and my breasts were hurting my nipples had been hard so long. I was terrified but so turned on by being with this young man, I slipped on the costume and decided that I would have to get in the water before my excitement became obvious as it soaked through the crotch of the suit. I walked back to Paul carrying my clothes and my weapons and left them near the bags Paul was walking down to the water. I went running down to catch up with him splashing my way into the water. I found that if you have boobs then you float differently and they add drag when you try to swim, even my modest ones. We swam for a while in the warmish water and eventually I started playing about splashing him with the water. He looked at me for a moment then through himself into the game drenching me as I stood there water up to my neck spluttering he came over to see if I was ok.

"No I’m not" I said as he came near and he came in close to help me.

"Because you seem to be ignoring me" I said diving on him and pulling him under the water. We both came up spluttering and Paul turned towards me and was about to grab me to push me under and stopped.

"Paul please" I said "What is it about me that you don’t like?"

"Nothing at all your beautiful and wonderful" he said

"Then hold me, hug me tight please" I pleaded

"Kathy" he said

"Why won’t you dance with me, hold me, hug me or kiss me. You won’t even look at me if you know I know" I told him

"Kathy…I just don’t want to screw everything up" He blurted out.

"What" I said

"The first couple of weeks I would have quite happily made a move, except for the fact that you are a little young, you tend to be well armed and you tend to be surrounded by a lot of big men with guns" He said

"Yes I can understand that but what’s up now" I demanded

"Well it’s the fact I share a room with you and have got to know you, I like it your fun pretty to look at and I like your company. If I pushed it you might not want me as a roommate, I would hate being with someone else after living with you" He told me.

"You dozy sod I have been thinking I was doing something wrong. I’m not very good at this being a girl thing. In a battle I know what to do, with you I didn’t and for weeks all I have wanted to do was slip into that bed next to you and hold you tight all night." I said virtually in tears.

"Don’t please" he said

"Why?" I asked crying for real now

"Because once I start I might not stop and your young" he said

"Look I have killed men in battle, led armies and lost men through my choices, I have been judge and executioner and as far as I can figure out I am the leader of this country and now you worry about me being young. The only reason you are here is the fact the army I led liberated your city and if you think you could do anything to me I didn’t want you to your opinion of yourself is too high" I shouted at him and started storming out of the water.

"Kathy, Kathy" he said grabbing me by the shoulders to stop me.

"Listen Paul, you either hold me properly or let go. If you value the use of your arms" I told him.

"Kathy please turn around" Paul asked gently and I did his arms slipped around me pulling me tightly to him, My breasts were crushed against his chest and I could feel the heat of his body through the thin costume and my body seemed to become limp in his arms.

"Kathy I love you and I have known it for a while now, the thing is I lust after you as well and I didn’t want to initiate anything in case I fucked up our friendship by pushing you, because you are young and you might not welcome it." He said as he crushed me against him.

"You silly bastard I want you as a friend and as a lover, I want to wake up from my nightmares to find you holding me and I want to feel your passion for me" I threw my arms around him and found his mouth with mine. His hands moved down my bare back to my bum and caressed it through the swimming costume and a large hot lump was in the region of my belly button.

"Paul" I said breaking off the kiss "I have one request"

"Anything" he answered kissing my neck which was making speech very difficult.

"Paul the first time we make love together is going to be tonight, in bed and taking our time, not a fumble in the grass." I slid my hand down between us and gave him a squeeze through his trunks "Though anything else goes" I told him finding his mouth again.


He picked me up and carried me out of the water till he slipped on a stone and we both ended up under water.

"Kathy oh Kathy I’m sorry" He said as he helped me up I just slid down again and sat in the water unable to stop laughing. Eventually I managed to get up and I grabbed his hand and led him up to the towels which we laid out on the grass and then lay on looking at each other.

"You mean this, your not just going to have a good laugh about it later?" he said concern on his face.

"I might have a laugh about the fact that you swept me off my feet only to try and drown me, but every thing else I am very serious about now hold me please" I told him and he did just hold me for a while and it was so good.


After a few minutes his hands started exploring my back sliding a fingertip under the back of the suit, then getting a bit bolder till I had a hand down the back of my suit cupping my left buttock. We reached an impasse for a long while I was thoroughly enjoying the kissing and cuddling but once he had his hand on my bare bum he seemed very reluctant to relinquish it, and me well I wanted his hands everywhere. I let him hold it for about half an hour then decided to change the situation a bit.

"Paul all this excitement is making me hungry, how about we eat." I suggested

"Mmm" he said nuzzling my neck and eventually sliding his hand out reluctantly. I got up and walked over to his rucksack and sitting next to him so our legs were just touching we sat and ate. I finished first and lay back on my towel and trailed a finger up and down his back.

"You don’t know how happy I feel at the moment" I said to him

"I do" he said as he rolled on his side to face me "I feel the same"

His hand stroked my face then moved down my chest to start creeping up the slope of my breasts where my nipples could be plainly seen. I reached behind my neck and untied the swimming costume so the top could be pulled down. He peeled it slowly down and as they became visible he bent and kissed my nipple sending pleasure from my nipple straight to my groin. I put an arm around his head holding him to my breast and squeezed my thighs together. His hand started playing with the nipple he wasn’t sucking then slid down my stomach grazing my groin to start working on my legs. It started on my knee then moved to my inner thigh, I parted my legs a bit to allow him more access. His hand was now only inches from my pussy which was wet, swollen and urgently requiring attention. He cupped my pussy but the pressure wasn’t enough I thrust my hips up and that was better

"Oh, please" I moaned as his hand moved off my sex but he then slipped his fingers under the crotch of the suit, probing at the outer lips which were swollen and slick with my passion. A finger propped between them brushing my clitoris in his inexperienced search for an opening then he slipped it in and I moaned my appreciation.

"Yessss" a second finger worked its way in causing me a little pain and a lot of pleasure I clamped down on them and the feeling of having something inside me providing resistance to my squeezing was starting to take me over the edge with his mouth attacking my nipple.

As his fingers started to work in and out of me his thumb slid up between the lips of my pussy searching for my clitoris, he found it but was too rough breaking the moment slightly.

"Oooh gently with that thumb please" I said to him

"I’m sorry Kathy did I hurt you" he asked removing his fingers.

"Just a little bit rough on sensitive areas" I said

"Sorry I didn’t know, I didn’t mean to hurt you" he told me while sitting up.

"Look you didn’t know" I told him slipping an arm around him "but wouldn’t you rather I tell you how I like things done to me, you know train you up just for my pleasure. Rather than pretending your doing it right for years and not enjoying it, I have been wanting you and I intend to enjoy you, use you and abuse you"` It didn’t seem to make it any better.

"Look Paul this is the beginning of us getting to know each other if I can’t tell you what I like and don’t like then I am not going to be very happy and I promise to make your life a living hell. How would you like me walking around half naked in front of you only to decide I don’t feel like any fun" I asked him giving him a squeeze at the same time.

"No its not the fact of you telling me Kathy, its just that I have my hands on you for two minutes and I hurt you." He said

I stood up and pulled down the costume and stood before him nude I reached down and grabbed his hand pulling it between my legs and placing my hand on top of it to stop him pulling away.

"You feel how hot and wet I am, that’s because I want you inside me, I want to feel your body on mine hot and hard" I started guiding his hand encouraging him to slip his fingers back inside me and to rub the front of my pussy with the heel of his hand.

"Oh god that’s it" I told him breathlessly and rested my hands on his shoulders as my legs were having problems keeping me upright.

"Yes that’s it, a but faster please. Oh Paul yes ooooh" my hips started moving of there own volition as my passion built up and my orgasm exploded from my groin through my body.

"Your turn now" I told him as I got my breath back

He started protesting "You don’t have to Kathy"

"Listen I want to lie back and relax" I told him and I did want to give him pleasure back for what he gave me. I moved down to the waistband of the trunks his passion was obvious and speaking from experience that situation can be very uncomfortable. I pealed down the front of the trunks and the head of his prick came into view.

"Lift your bum up we don’t need these anymore do we?" I asked him and he allowed me to pull the black trunks down freeing his penis.

I looked at it comparisons with my old one were difficult because of acclimatising to my new body but it was a fair bit bigger than Brian’s. I grasped it with my hand and pulled back the foreskin revealing the purple head and kissed it making it twitch. I opened my mouth and took the hot item into my mouth a warm musty smell, his smell filled my nostrils and I tasted the salty product of his excitement and started moving my head up and down making sure I didn’t catch him with my teeth. My movements became more rapid and he started moaning my name, I started sucking hard and he exploded in my mouth I swallowed rapidly and kept on sucking till he became limp. Cracking open the bottle of orangeade I took a big drink before snuggling up to him and finding his lips with mine.

"Thank you Kathy" he said as our lips parted

"I enjoyed it as much as you did and tonight well?" and I curled up resting my head on his chest listening to his heartbeats slow down while holding him tight. Later on we rinsed off in the lake and gradually got dressed with occasional caresses and kisses.

"Did I do that?" I asked

"You know you did" he replied

"Good we have to save your strength for tonight" I said as I stood there in just my jeans.

"That will not be a problem you can make me hard anytime"

"Like last night?" I asked him and he blushed

"I thought you were asleep" he told me blushing

"Well I would have been but I was rather horny thanks to a certain man who means so much to me. I was listening to you while I was doing the same, you were nearly raped" I hugged him tight and tilted my head back so he could kiss me again.


Back at the house we parked the bikes in the front and we walked in my arm around his waist and me tucked under his armpit I felt everyone was looking at me but I was proud this was my man.

"Can I pinch you for a minute Kathy?" Jimmy said then looked at the two of us "You two have got yourselves sorted out at last, good about bloody time"


That was the reaction from most people, they were glad I was happy and glad that it was someone like Paul, "with some balls" as Wendy put it later. The only hostility came from some of the Middlesbrough team who were rather protective of me which I soon sorted out, without violence and Trisha’s father who was trying to do the parental bit with me. I let Tom loose on him as the situation between Andrea and Brian had been accepted, due to his realisation that we all might be dead tomorrow Joe thought differently due to the lack of action he had seen.


That night we made our excused early and headed up to bed. I was nervous like I hadn’t been earlier he undid the zip on my dress letting it fall to the floor. I was stood there in bra and panties, stockings and suspenders still wearing my shoes and he hugged me replacing my fear with excitement.

"God Kathy you are beautiful, why did you pick someone like me?" he asked

"Because your handsome, charming, fun to be around, brave, you have a big dick" I smiled at this then continued unsure how he would take it "and I cant bear the thought of life without you. I think I love you, if that doesn’t sound too corny."

"Good because I have loved you for a while but I was scared that if I showed it you might reject me, I might scare you off." He told me as he undid my bra, it might be bull shit said in the heat of passion but it was nice to hear and I think he meant it.

He worked my panties down and was trying to figure out what to do with my shoes and stockings while kissing and stroking me when I interrupted proceedings.

"Look you randy beast you are going to have to wait for a moment because if you think I am going to get told off by Anne if these stockings are ruined you have another thing coming" I pushed him away and sat down on the edge of the bed and undid my shoes then slid my stockings off slowly making a show of it, done I slipped into the bed pulling the covers up to my chin. Paul dropped his clothes and slid in next to me, his hands moving to my body. I rolled towards him, held him and kissed him, his penis making wet trails on my belly. He rolled me on my back impatient for me and kissed my nipples while one hand parted my legs. He manoeuvred his body over me I could feel him nudging my legs further apart, I raised my knees to help him and felt his prick search for an entry.

"Go slowly my love, you’re rather big" I asked him scared, vulnerable and exposed he grunted his agreement and found his target.

My vagina stretched to allow the tip then the head to gain entry to me, slowly he slid up inside me forcing things like my bladder and other internal organs out of the way. His pubic hair met mine and I was stretched to the limit, it hurt a bit but the feeling of being filled by hot flesh was worth it. I kissed him feeling trapped under his weight and escape was prevented by his arms either side of me and the flesh rod pinning me to the bed. He started moving backwards till just the tip of him was inside me leaving me feeling empty and wanting, then with force enough to move me up the bed he thrust back into me, repeating it set my boobs bouncing. He kept it up faster and faster with no thought of me though I was getting pleasure from being used like this. I locked my heels behind his legs so I leverage to start to meet his thrusts which were becoming more and more forceful. His weight descended on my body forcing the breath from me as he thrust for the last few times then erupted inside me. He lay on top of me as he got his breath back and I put my arms around him holding my lover to me. Though I was unsatisfied I was happy and proud of his pleasure. I could still feel him inside me, I squeezed on the soft mass and it responded, I did it again and it was harder. I kissed the side of his neck and held him tight to me keeping up the pressure on him inside me.

"My turn now my love" I whispered in his ear and I started moving my hips.

With just a little movement I was able to rock my clitoris against his pubic bone and with the hot hard rod that felt like it was past my belly button, inside me my passion was building. He tried to move to help me.

"Follow my lead gently and slowly. Kiss me you wonderful man" he did

Holding him tight to me his weight was uncomfortable and oppressive but so nice. My movements increased rapidly and my legs locked my crotch to his as I came then fell back on the bed relaxing in the afterglow, except Paul hadn’t finished he carried on and suddenly a second unexpected orgasm hit me from nowhere.

"Oh Paul," I gasped as my body arched up to meet his he carried on pumping away into me and a third smaller one hit me as he erupted inside me again.

I lay there with him on top of me as our mixed juices cooled on my thighs and pooled on the sheet below me. He lifted his head up and kissed me.

"Oh Kathy I’m sorry." He said

"Sorry for what?" I asked confused

"Well I was just too excited, it should have lasted longer" he told me

I hugged him tight "Much more that second time and I wouldn’t have survived, you were fantastic. Now let me get up and clean off"

He slid over and I walked to the bathroom with his sperm leaking from me in big white streams, I sat on the loo and dripped into the bowl for a while before cleaning up with tissues and then a flannel. I was a little bit sore but not as bad as my first time and glancing down at the swollen and wet lips of my vagina I could see no damage. I dried off after a quick pee, my bladder objecting to all the action, and slipped back into bed. I moved his barely conscious body over to the edge of the bed then curled up in his arms just out of the large wet spot, and slept.

I woke up to a breast being played with the nipple tweaked then the other one received attention.

"Mmm" I said wiggling my bum back to find his hardness.

He slipped it forwards between my legs and slipped into me.

"Ah yes that’s nice" I told him as he filled me

He started moving slowly, kissing my neck and shoulders as his hand played with my nipple. His hand slipped down from my breast when I pulled it off and moved it down to my pussy.

"That’s it gently there, yes my love" I encouraged him as he brought me more and more pleasure.

"Oh Kathy" he moaned behind me.

"That’s it, oh yes, don’t stop please, oh yes, yes ohh yesss" I moaned as I talked him through my orgasm and clamped down hard on him provoking his orgasm to flood inside me.

"Kathy I love you" he whispered as he regained the power of speech

"And I love you, even if you are going to cost us a fortune in toilet rolls" I told him as I started leaking again.

"What" he asked

"I’m dripping on the bed I don’t want to move yet but I am going to have to get up and wiped off" I explained "tonight we bring a towel to bed" I told him as I slipped out of the bed.

"What time is it?" I asked him as I sat there on the toilet.

"Half nine we slept in" Paul replied

"But I enjoyed it" I told him and flushed the toilet.

"I’m going to have to hit the shower after all that action" I told him

"You’re not the only one, want some company?" he asked

"Yes I do but if I do then I will need another shower after so no" I explained


We both got dressed with lots of touching and kissing. I decided for the first time for a long time to put on a skirt. I left tights off due to the heat and the fact my legs didn’t look too bad after yesterdays sun. As I tried to put on some makeup he started stroking my leg at first through the skirt then slipping his hand under.

"Look" I said pushing his hand away "I’m trying to make myself pretty for you and to put on a couple of years for all those I have to deal with who don’t know me, which isn’t easy so leave me alone. Before I rape you and I have to do all this again."


The next week was spent in a mad frenzy of sex and preparations and sex and sex and sex. Wendy grabbed me towards the end of that week for a talk.

"Are you happy?" she asked

"Oh yes I am, very happy" I told her

"Happier than with us two?"

"That’s an unfair question. I was happy and in love with you Wendy as you was. In that body I still dearly love the wife I care more about than my life. But I have been in this body too long. I still love you dearly and would do anything for you, but I don’t desire you any more than you desire me now" I explained

"Good because if you forget me I will kill you little sis. Is he any good? Are you enjoying yourself? How does it compare?" Wendy asked smiling

"Yes. Yes. I can’t compare its so different to be dominated and penetrated rather than the other way around. Though with a little bit of training for him I am thoroughly enjoying it." I admitted

"It took me years to train you, you haven’t got him sorted in a week have you?"

"No but that can take years as I am enjoying it. Though I don’t remember being so insatiable when I was his age." I moaned

"Believe me you were a horny little boy when I first met you. I use to think you would never grow out of it and was glad you didn’t. There is nothing that quite makes you feel better, after a shit day, like being wanted, being desired and being loved" She said

"I know" and kissed her cheek as we parted.


The next week the second after I seduced Paul was chaos we were almost at the point of being ready to move. We had a ship and crew, two in fact but I wasn’t hopeful about getting the men I needed. Friction had been building up between the Lady Mayor of Newcastle and our group. Resources were needed food and weapons, on the weapons side I had Jimmy go in with a team to claim all we wanted and received a letter of protest. This letter required permission before I entered the city and forbid us from taking any of the resources required at this time in the city.

"Fuck this Jimmy. That city owes us and owes us big" I said waving the letter under his nose.

"Yes but what do we do go in shooting?" he asked

"No we go in all of us everyone who fought there. We go in with food and drink and claim our party." I said "Then as we eat and drink with our friends The Oracle will ask for the help and support of the brave citizens to bring the gift of freedom to others." I said "Lets move out everyone. Anne, Jenny and her mum the wounded we can move the lot"


It was a major exercise to move everyone and it was two days later that our convoy of anything that could move was stopped on the outskirts of the Metropolitan district of Newcastle a huge area that encompassed North and South Shields and Gateshead, barring our way was a van across the road with two armed men.

"Turn around and go back" came the first mans voice.

"No firing no matter what happens, do you all understand me?" I said and waited for agreement all around.

"Wendy I want you to promise me whatever happens here you will not fire"

"Sis?" Wendy said

"No I want your word" I said

"Fine I promise" She said reluctantly enough for me to know she meant it.


I got out of the leading Land Rover and walked forward.

"Stop there we have orders that you are not allowed to enter the city" the man shouted

"Do you realise who I am? I am the person who liberated this city and I promised the people I would return for a party to celebrate their freedom" I said

"I don’t give a fuck what you promised you are to stay out or I am to shoot you." The man said

"And who would give you such orders. Orders that would get you killed here alone?" I continued walking forward.

"The Mayor, she said you’re a sneaky little bitch who might try something like this. If you try to enter the city your to be prevented or shot" he said drawing a pistol

"That’s nice I have two of those and I could kill you from here if I wished to or I could have said the word and you would have been dead from afar without the chance to explain why you feel you must sacrifice yourselves for her" I carried on walking slowly.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" the second one asked.

"Well I defeated a force of three hundred with seven people, do you think a force of two will hold a thousand with two pistols?" I was within fifty feet now the first man raised his gun and fired missing wildly.

"NO" screamed Paul behind me.

"Jimmy" I shouted "Stop him and if he tries to shoot stop him. But don’t hurt him please"

"Yes Ma’am" Jimmy shouted back "The first person to try and fire deals with me. But if you go down Ma’am I will destroy them"

A second shot rang out "We were told by the people of this city we would be welcomed what has happened to change this? My men and women died for you we have committed no hostile act so why?" another shot hit the tarmac near my foot the bits causing pain as they struck my leg.

"We have orders that you are to stay out. If necessary we kill you, that was the deal when she released us" he said

"So you know my forces, you know you can’t win so why die" I asked I was about thirty feet away now another shot rang out and I was spun around.

"The first person who fires I will shoot in the leg" I screamed "and that includes you Jimmy"

"Ma’am if he fires again he’s dead and I don’t give a fuck if you shoot me in the head" Jimmy shouted back

I looked at my left arm which was bleeding strange the fact that the body doesn’t notice the pain at first I thought, I picked up the beret and replaced it on my head with my working arm.

"You kill me and you are dead so drop your weapons now. She does not share the risk or the duties so how can you die for her? Do you love her, fear her or admire her? No then don’t die for her." The men dropped their weapons and held their hands up.

"No you were following orders you are not prisoners. Stay, go or join us the choice is yours but you are under my protection" I shouted that last bit so Wendy could here "and nothing shall happen to you. Now move that van out the way and come and join the party."


"Are you ok" Anne asked as I got back in the car.

"No but leave it for the moment we are going to milk this to the full. Did you get some good shots?" I asked Frazier who came from the far side with his camera and a young man with a video camera.

"Yes we did we’ve got the whole lot and if I ever have to stand there and watch you get shot at again you can shoot me." Frazier answered

"What about projection equipment?" I asked

"Sorted Computer controlled commercial projection equipment is set up in the square and it will only take a couple of minutes to run it."

"Good" I said and was silent as my arm was hurting now.


Frazier guided us through to the large square where Bernard died. Our arrival caused lots and lots of attention and when a large crowd many thousands of people arrived I was helped out of the car. I walked around to the statue we took refuge on and Bob and Anne helped me up.


"People of Newcastle I came here because I promised to. I promised you a party to celebrate your freedom and I came. I came with women and children, with food and drink to the warm welcome I was expecting from the people who grieved with me for the loss of my friend." I shouted

"But what do I find the roads blocked our entrance forbidden and the guards the same men I liberated you from ordered to shoot me. Though I drew no weapon they shot me, though non of my men committed a hostile act they drew blood. Why?" I left them murmuring the anger building as they looked at my blood stained shirt.


Karen Gilles came through the crowd with an armed guard of ten men pushing through the people and was help up next to me she scowled.

"Pull all the faces you want" I whispered "your going down bitch"

"We’ll see little girl" Karen replied

"People of Newcastle this has been a misunderstanding. My friends do you think I would give such an order? Obviously they scared the men on guard and this is what happened if they had warned me of their visit it wouldn’t have happened." Karen shouted. Behind her on the side of the building a picture appeared of our convoy appearing and me getting out she didn’t realise.

"Friends let us celebrate with The Oracle…."

From loudspeakers came the voice of the first man across the crowd "The Mayor, she said you’re a sneaky little bitch who might try something like this. If you try to enter the city your to be prevented or shot"


The crowd erupted in anger at this and it took my men to hold them back as the film continued. At the end I turned to face the crowd.

"New Delphi saved you for no selfish reason. Our people died for no reward but I am going to be selfish I am going to ask something of you." I shouted and got answering calls of what do you want and anything.

"I know you have not had long to recover from what happened but I have three requests. The first is to celebrate with you your freedom, you grieved with me so I have to show you how to party" I was drowned by the cheering crowd.

Eventually order returned and I was able to speak again "Second is something for you to think over. You are safe here now, you will never allow what happened to happen again, but I head north into Scotland to help others. I ask of you no more than I asked of those who saved you. If you feel you can follow me into battle, I promise whatever risks you take I take with you and if I can give my life to prevent any one of you being killed I will without hesitation. But don’t decide on that yet think about it, talk about it with your loved ones for it is their concern as well. Last I want Newcastle never to deny the access of friends who ever they are, so I ask the question which made me leader of this group and the question that is asked on every possible occasion. I am Katherine The Oracle of New Delphi, The Boss Lady of all who follow New Delphi. We decide who will lead us by asking the question who here wishes me to continue leading this group then I leave and I am told if I may fade back into obscurity like I desire or if I must continue with this crusade. So I ask of you here who will accept me as leader as you are all part of our family. Decide and I shall return."

"Jimmy take a vote and can you get Bill as I think I am going to pass out" I slumped down on the plinth and was carried off. As Bill attended me I could hear Jimmy asking them the question and receiving a roar of accent.

"Will you stop getting holes in you please" said Bill

"Sorry I didn’t think he would actually hit me, and I don’t think he did either." I said wincing as he injected a local in my arm.

"It could be a lot worse he just grazed you nothing else, I’ll clean it up and it will be fine" Bill informed me as Anne hovered over him.

"Anne we have to get these people now by the heart get some clothes for me and get dressed up full evening dress. Tell Brian and Trisha sod it get all the original ones dressed up and the unit leaders from the battle for here." I said

"Wait a second" Bill said "I didn’t say you are fine. I said you will be fine, if you look at your shirt you lost a fair amount of the red stuff."

"Look I’m not fighting any battles today and winning these people over might just mean we have a force large enough to make people surrender rather than make us attack" I told him as he bandaged my left arm.

"Get a goodnights sleep, no all night meetings and don’t hit the booze, not that you do normally" I was instructed.

"Thank you Bill," I said and grabbed some clothes that Anne had brought back with her. I dressed the fastest I ever have as a female and redid my makeup total time ten minutes a shoddy job but passable. I slipped on my shoes and the pistols over the black dress and walked out of Bills mobile hospital.

"Are you ok?" Jimmy and Paul demanded

"Fine now lets go and try to get an army" I said as Anne appeared dressed up with Bob in a suit.


We walked out to the statue again, Karen Gilles could not be seen though some of her guard were enjoying the fun. I looked up at the plinth of the Statue trying to figure out how to get up there dressed like this. Bob and Jimmy climbed up first they with the help of Tom and Paul got me up there through pulling on my arms and pushing on my bum.

"Well" I shouted "am I still Boss Lady or can I go back to bed" I asked them and they roared their approval.

"Well I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Anyway I am a bit disappointed with you lot?" again roars of why, what have we done.

I waited for them to calm down "Well we are all dressed up, we have food and drink for lots of people but not enough for everyone. If you want to come to my party you have got to bring a bottle." The crowd roared again.

"We have enough food for a couple of thousand hot dogs and sandwiches, but not enough for all of you. So we will see you back here at half past seven and we will have some fun. If you think your up to it" I said and again they roared approval.

"Last thing if any of you are good with cooking please come and tell us so we can get a rota going so every one can have some fun. Now go home make yourselves pretty and handsome and I will see you in two hours" I shouted.


The people gradually filtered away leaving lots of stragglers offering assistance who I filtered through various people so I only had to talk to a few.

"Where’s Karen Gilles?" I asked Frazier

"Don’t know, don’t care either" he replied

"Well you should as city manager she might cause trouble" I told him


"You’re the city manager get this place back on its feet with minimal fuss and inconvenience" I told him

"You wouldn’t"

"Only if the people agree to it" I told him


Harris got the food going and people started arriving to help out. The loudspeakers that had helped turn people against Karen Gilles had been moved so that the whole square had sound, with power from mobile generators we had lights as well. As the square filled I shook more and more peoples hands with Paul casting a wary eye over them as they came. I picked up a microphone that Ian had connected into the sound system.

"Welcome all before we kick off this party I have one bit of business I need to discuss with you because that is the way I do things." Cheers and a few boo’s greeted this announcement

"Look I’ll keep it quick. You need someone in charge here to get this place running again. I propose Frazier here who kept the people of Newcastle informed at risk to his own life to get The Underground Rumble out, he loves this city and the people and" I dropped my voice slightly to make it sound more intimate "he doesn’t want the job. That sounds like the sort of person you need in charge someone who is brave, honest, dedicated to his home and dislikes the job enough that he wont be playing politics. If you want him shout now" again a roar.

"Anyone not want him, rather want Karen Gilles back?" virtual silence

"That’s it then you want to party now?" I asked

"Yes" came the deafening roar.


This was the thing that had kept me busy for over an hour after we got rid of them to get ready. What do you play to a crowd that size to start it off?

Wendy solved it with one of her grandmothers favourites "Let Me Entertain You" by Robbie Williams, before he got religion.

"Good choice" the DJ shouted to Wendy as the crowd roared appreciatively.

We kept it up till the early hours and I must admit I had fun, though unfortunately I think Paul felt slightly snubbed. I had made use of his brother to get into the city and warn Frazier of our approach. Not telling anyone insured the proper reactions from everyone on the tape, though getting shot was not part of the plan.


That night in bed in a room of a deserted house he turned to me.

"Would you have shot me Kathy?"

"Yes we couldn’t risk starting a fire fight because it would have destroyed my position and reinforced that Gilles woman’s hold here. I wouldn’t have hit anything vital honestly" I told him hugging him

"Why does it have to always be you?" he demanded

"Because nobody else is loony enough to do it without me there in the front leading, plus it works. Look at how many people I’ve lost in total less than I could have ever hoped for yet more than I ever wanted." I told him

"And what will it take to make you stop?" he asked me

"The freedom of everyone, it was thanks to me getting caught that all this shit happened so I have got to try and sort it." I explained and with him pondering on this answer I fell asleep holding him tight.


The next morning dressed in uniform again I helped with the clean up, the people who were already there soon got the idea and after an hour we had the place looking spotless. By noon I had got my head around my next move, Jimmy was arranging the supplies to be loaded onto the two ferries and I made a trip to Wallsend where the prisoners were being held. After a visit I ended up with eight hundred and fifty volunteers to add to whatever men we could get from Newcastle.


Four days later we were disembarking at a deserted town called Kirkcaldy North of Edinburgh, the problem I was having at the moment was the fact that I had heard nothing about Edinburgh. Glasgow we knew was under gang control, Bernard had found that out but Edinburgh was a mystery to us. Mikes flights over the city showed the barricades but none of the destruction I had come to associate with the gangs. Some area’s of the city even had electricity which was very unusual. I didn’t feel confident launching an attack against forces that might not be hostile. That night I was talking about it with Paul as we lay in sleeping bags in a room we had claimed.

"Look Kathy there’s only one way you are going to be happy and that is if you have a look. But when you go I go too" he said

"Paul I don’t want to put…" I started to say.

"Me at risk, well if you go I go understand?" Paul informed me determinedly

"Well we’re talking twenty miles to the city" I told him "do you want to play?"

"Well the little Honda’s are out there with the vehicles so yes, dump the bikes outside the city" he answered.

"You’re getting the idea, my big brother who has been looking after me for a while." I said

"Yes Mum and Dad never returned after the first night, they were down in York" he replied having got the idea.


I packed a rucksack with some bits and pieces slipped a skirt and top on but kept my flying jacket and we slipped out leaving a note "Back in two days. Do nothing till then if all else fails Jimmy is in charge Kathy" outside we had minimal guards and at the early hour it was easy to wheel the bikes out of the town. When we were a fair distance away, fifteen or twenty minutes walking we started the bikes and were gone.


We followed the road signs towards the city all the roads were reasonably clear so we made good time and by three in the morning we had crossed a bridge over a river the Forth I believe and dumped the bikes in a place called South Queensferry. We were now less than four miles from Edinburgh an hours walk.

"You are the reasonable big brother I am the totally unreasonable little sister ok?" I asked him as we approached the city.

"That’s fine with me but does that mean I have to keep my hands off you?" he asked as his hand slid up the back of my skirt.

"Yes it does and I don’t intend to ride that bike in a skirt again. It was a bit breezy around the nether regions"

"I can warm them up" he answered

"Yes I would like that but we have a job to do" I told him reluctantly pushing his hand away.


We came to the edge of the city ahead of us we could see the glow of some street lighting and three men where manning a wood and barbed wire barricade.

"Halt" one of them shouted

"Why" I shouted back

"Because we are armed, walk forward slowly" he told us and we did.

"Is this Edinburgh?" I asked

"Yes now what is it to you?" The man demanded

"Our parents were supposed to be here we waited as long as we could then the men came so we ran" I said

"What men where?" a man who seemed to be in charge asked.

"Kathy no, we don’t know if this is gang territory or what?" Paul told me

"We’re not gangs" said the man who hadn’t spoken yet "We sorted that out sharpish. We are a people’s militia"

"No I’m not talking to you and if your smart you wont either Paul we don’t know what’s going on here" I said

"Come on what men" The leader of the group said.

"I’m sorry I will tell someone in authority but that is it I’m not sure what the situation is here and having heard things that are going on it’s our only bargaining point" Paul told him.

They discussed things for a while and then decided that we could go in to the city under escort to speak to someone. Paul was searched for weapons and none were found then they searched me, attention was then turned to my bag which I refused to give them.

"If you think I’m letting anyone look through my dirty underwear and pads and things you have got another thing coming" I told Paul.

"But Kathy they have to search you." He replied imploringly

"No way brother of mine, let them find out about the men and those little tank things themselves. I’m out of here, I don’t think three men can protect us for more than four or five seconds" I told them walking back towards the barricade.

"Wait, WAIT" the man in charge ordered then ran after me putting his hand on my shoulder, my fist caught his balls and he crumpled.

"See what I mean Paul we’re better running we at least have a chance of survival. I could quite happily of taken his gun thingy here" I indicated a rifle that the man wore "they aren’t going to save us from thousands are they"

"I’m sorry when she’s like this you just can’t reason with her" Paul said "helping the fallen man to his feet "and I have had this since this shit started. If it wasn’t for the fact she’s my sister…." He let it tail off there.

"Yes I can see what you mean" the man replied walking uncomfortably. "Look Kathy will you please come and see our commander just to tell him what you have seen?"

"Why should I?" I demanded from the far side of the barricade

"Because it might save a lot of lives and if your parents are here we’ll help you to find them" he said in a conciliatory tone.

"Who is your Boss? Does he know what he is doing?" I said

"Major Bruce is a seasoned veteran he was in Greece, but I don’t think that will mean anything to you." He said.

"Fine take us to him" I said surprising him.

"No I am taking you to our commander" He answered

"See they’re pissing us about" I shouted to Paul "What was it dad used to say talk to the bottom and you only get shit" and continued walking into the night.

"Kathy" Paul came running after me, after I had got a few hundred yards "were into see this Bruce bloke what have you got planned"

"I heard things that you didn’t play my lead" I told him and we walked back


The drive into the city centre was informative they had a decent layout of defensive emplacements, a lot of the houses were still lived in and there were signs of recent fighting in the streets. The Majors HQ was the castle which dominated the skyline that was rapidly lightening in the east.

"Major Bruce should see you" the watch commander said as he drove up to the structure on the rock "but you better not mess him about, because patience and tolerance for being messed around are something he doesn’t have."

"Well I’m sure I can impress him a little" I told him

"We shall see" was his reply


This was different from Middlesbrough the castle was bustling with activity civilian and military all working together, the people on guard were relaxed as were the few people we saw in the city. I was right this wasn’t a city with an enslaved population, this was a city working to protect it’s self. We were led into a modest office, not a grand hall to await Major Bruce.

"You wait here he will be here in a moment or two" We were told

"Is that a toilet?" I pointed to the other door the man had a moment or two of indecision then nodded.

"Go on but don’t make a mess" he told me.


Inside I shut the door and stripped a quick wash at a small sink and a touch of lipstick, as I put it on I thought now I can’t face an important meeting without my lippy. I got my brush and sorted out my hair and was finishing putting on the uniform that I had in the bag when I heard a mans voice in the office the other side of the door. I put the beret on and then slipped the two pistols home.

"Now what is this about young man? It better be important I am a busy man" came from the other side of the door. It was an educated Scottish accent, not like Bernard who hid nothing of his roots, but despite being irritated he was polite. I took one last look in the mirror and opened the door.

"I assure you Major Bruce it is important" I said walking out from behind him. The watch commanders mouth dropped open as I walked around to the side of the desk where Paul was standing and sat down.

"Take a seat" I said.

"Atkinson who is this girl and what’s she doing armed? I told you to search everyone entering the city" Major Bruce said

"Don’t blame him Major it’s a trick I used in Middlesbrough and that was a hell of a lot easier to secure than this place." I said smiling

"Who are you young lady" He demanded

"Well that is the question, to Paul here I am Kathy, too the eight and a half thousand armed people who are to your north I am The Boss Lady. To the monsters who turned Middlesbrough into hell on earth I was Judge and Executioner and to the people of Newcastle I am their salvation. I am Kathy The Oracle of New Delphi" I told him

"I am sure we have a few psychiatrists left around here my girl so if you wish to keep up your delusions I can get you some help." Major Bruce said turning to address Atkinson.

"Listen Major, you where in Greece I believe, a fair few years ago now that. Where were you.?" I asked him

"I have no time to talk to you girl I have thing.." he stopped as my pistol appeared.

"Listen to me, where were you based in Greece?" I asked him chambering a round.

"I was part of the relief force that went in after Salamis" He said not showing any nervousness but his eyes were glancing behind me.

"Atkinson if you move another inch he is dead. So you’re the lot that wouldn’t come in to help Bernard then?" I said

"What?" he said

"Tall gentleman, strong Scottish accent, dirty mind and even worse sense of humour. He used to wear this on a dark red beret which he wore with pride and he was rather messed up on one side of his face to such an extent he lost an eye." I said

"Carry on you have my interest" Major Bruce said and I slipped the pistol away.

"Had a most inconspicuous of ribbons on his uniform with a bar to it. Though he didn’t like the fact it was given by an accountant rather than a member of the Royal Family" I told him and heard noise behind me again.

"Send him out before he gets you hurt" I said

"Atkinson wait outside" Major Bruce ordered him "Is Major General Brown out there?" he asked as the man left

"No, Bernard died of a coronary after the battle of Newcastle, he died in his moment of triumph and has been buried with honour. He shall be missed by all." I said

"Buster Brown gone, that is a sad thing for all especially the people of Scotland we were proud of our double VC winner." Major Bruce said as he sat down "We could have done with his leadership at this time"

Paul jumped in at this point "Hey wait a second here it wasn’t him leading" I stopped him.

"Who was in command then if not him?" Bruce demanded

"I was" I said

"I think were into the.."

"Shut up and listen." I told him "I led the force into Middlesbrough., with less than twenty men we got in. I shot the Captain who had set up his own little dictatorship and the next day after a trial I personally executed him and his Sergeant."

"But" he said

"I led the charge on Darlington, I led the attack over the Tyne Bridge and I have almost one hundred graves back home including Bernard’s to remind me of what being The Boss means. Anyway this is easily solved lets get in your car out there bring as many men as you want, who can be trusted not to start a firefight and we can go for a half hour drive" I told him, he sat there for a moment thinking about it when the door behind me burst open.

"Ah Atkinson good get another car and get these men in it we are going on a little trip" he said picking up his cap.


Atkinson caused some problems on the way out when I insisted that the bikes were brought with us as he felt anyone who was leader of a military force wouldn’t conduct themselves like I was, I responded with "It’s a nice night lads do you fancy a swim" which Major Bruce recognised and smiled but Atkinson didn’t recognise the reference to Bernard.


As we approached Kirkcaldy I suddenly thought and pulled out a white t shirt from my bag and passed it to Atkinson sat on the front seat.

"Open your window and start waving" I told him.

"Why we don’t surrender?" He answered.

"It’s a flag of truce it will stop you getting your brains blown out." I told him and he waved in earnest.


We approached the town and no one could be seen at the outskirts as we came up to the first buildings I told them we walk from here.

"See sir I told you she’s making it up there’s nobody here" Atkinson said

"I wouldn’t say that ace" came Jimmy’s voice "are you hurt Ma’am?"

"Fine Jimmy these are friends stand down" I said and people came out from the surrounding buildings including Wendy and Tom.

"What the hell do you think you are playing at I didn’t know you were gone till I went to wake you to tell you we had incoming" Wendy demanded

"Don’t blame the girl" Bruce said she was just trying to help out.

"I’m not blaming the girl but with the number of holes she has in her I think she’s taken enough risks" Wendy said to him

"Well children will take risks and have accidents" Bruce said kindly

"She means bullet holes Major" Jimmy said "She always insists on the rough jobs herself despite the fact that that’s what we’re here for"

"Come on you can discus my faults later has Harris got the kettle on" I said leading them all to the town hall that Sergeant Harris had claimed for a kitchen.

"We sat at a table and Harris came over "Are you ready for breakfast Ma’am"

"Coffee please for the moment, I’m rather behind on sleep" I said

"I’ve told you about that rich food late at night" Harris told me "Coffee or tea Major and do you fancy some breakfast"

"Er, tea and yes" Major Bruce said and Harris toddled off to sort it out.

"Major Bruce may I introduce James Houston my Chief of the armed forces at this time." I said

"Wait a moment he’s not in charge?"

"No Major hasn’t it been explained to you?" Jimmy asked

"Well I heard something but why don’t you tell me Captain isn’t it" Bruce said


I sat there drinking my coffee as Tom, Wendy and Jimmy explained the situation with a few embellishments from other people who came in for breakfast, such as Jones. My actions were played up to the full much to my embarrassment but I must admit it was nice to be appreciated.


"I’m sorry for what I said earlier" Atkinson said when the tales finished.

"Don’t worry about it, if I looked a believable military leader then it wouldn’t have worked trying to get in like I did." I answered.

"Why did you go in" Tom demanded.

"I didn’t think Edinburgh was under gang control, but if we went visiting with lots of armed people someone might start shooting" I told them

"What about letting one of us do it" Jimmy asked

"Well if I was wrong I needed to be able to change my plan" I explained to no ones satisfaction.

"This situation is not exactly conventional is it?" Major Bruce said

"Not at all, but it works" Jimmy replied

"What are you doing up here?" the Major asked "You have a hell of a lot of men for a social call"

"Don’t worry our target is the gang held towns, if we can crack the big centres such as Newcastle we have found the small places just fold" I explained "We hadn’t heard anything about Edinburgh so I decided to visit before we caused any unexpected problems."

"We sorted out Edinburgh three weeks ago, the people had heard of the fall of Newcastle and basically had enough. Though we are having problems with raids from Glasgow. Just probing raids at the moment but I think some major shit is coming our way." The Major explained.

"We will be glad to play, what information have you got about it?" I asked

"Well we have prisoners but they aren’t talking at the moment" he admitted.

"Well let’s go and visit and ask more forcefully." I said

"How many people do you have here"

"In excess of eight thousand but I don’t want that known so all your men need to be sworn to secrecy" I said

"That could be a large surprise for any attacking force" Bruce said

"Exactly" I said


We drove back into the city and were taken to a large police station where five people captured in the last raid were being held. I was taken along to the cells by Major Bruce and shown each of the prisoners. Three men two women the oldest not yet twenty five.

"What information have you got out of them so far?" I asked

"Absolutely nothing they know their rights" a policeman still in uniform said.

"Lets get them outside, into the yard. I want five chairs all in a big circle then I want them out there handcuffed and sat in the chairs." I told the policeman, he looked at Major Bruce who nodded.


"Ladies and gentlemen, I believe that you have decided not to give any information about what is being planned at Glasgow and furthermore you murdered citizens of this city." I said standing in the middle turning around slowly.

"Fuck off bitch" one of the younger men said "it isn’t murder in a war. All you will get is our name and rank"

"So it is a war is it, right as you are accused of murdering non combatants and being behind our lines out of uniform you shall then be treated as spies. You shall, unless I am convinced you have value to me, be taken from this place and on the outskirts of the city shot and your bodies shall be left on the road as a warning to others." Thank you very much.

"Who the fuck do you think you are cunt, we have rights you know" the older man said.

I kept my back to him and started speaking "I am death the destroyer of lives I am one of the seven who faced the three hundred, I am the liberator of Newcastle, I am Kathy The Oracle of New Delphi. You are nothing you are less than an animal with no rights do you understand?"

"Fuck off" he said and I turned and shot him through the leg. Nothing major just a graze to wake him up but the shot and how he started screaming brought people out of the police station.

"She’s a crazy fucking bitch she shot me stop her" The injured man said

"These animals who wish to cause death and suffering to you and your families are no longer your concern." I said "As spies, saboteurs and murderers they now come under the jurisdiction of New Delphi as I believe at the moment we are the only elected civilian authority in existence in this country"

"This is not right" an older policeman protested then glanced down at the pistol I was still holding.

"Don’t worry Officer, this has only been used in anger against those who commit atrocities against the people of this country" I told him as I slipped the pistol away. "speak you mind without fear"

"Well this isn’t right, you cant go torturing people, its just not right and I wont stand for it" the officer said.

"No I don’t intend to torture him if I did I would have shot him in the stomach or balls and left him. But he doesn’t seem to believe the penalty for murder is now death." I told him

"Who gave you that right, to change the law?" he asked.

"I was given that right by the fact I was elected into office and declared by the senior Army Officer available at the time, a Major General, to be the recognised civilian government at the time. With that I declared the law to be that for rape, murder, genocide or slavery the penalty is death. They shall be tried before a jury of twelve people they will have council and if they are found guilty they will be executed by the judge at the end of the trial" I told him.

"If its sort of legal and you don’t intend to cut these people up then that’s fine" the officer said and started walking back inside.

"You cant leave us with this crazy bitch" one of the women said

"Don’t talk like that about the person who will be judging your trial" Jimmy said.

"I’m under sixteen I’m a minor" the youngest man said

"Anyone who bares arms and is willing to put their life on the line for what they believe is an adult. How do you think I am The Boss Lady. Keep an eye on them if I can rustle up twelve people we can try them and be done before dinner. Get someone to bury them after dinner" I said and started walking off.

"That bitch isn’t for real" I heard as I walked off

"She’s as real as it comes" Jimmy said


Inside the police station Major Bruce pulled me over to one side I shook his hand of me and glared at him.

"You can’t be serious about this trial shit" he said

"Major Bruce, what’s your name" I asked

"Colin, Colin Bruce" He answered

"Colin, I am ever so serious about this trial shit as you put it and if they are found guilty I will execute them immediately after. I have seen shit that makes this seem civilised, Young women kept locked up for the gangs personal use in Darlington, Middlesbrough made seasoned soldiers who were willing to risk their lives in a suicide mission cry. I have left the area outside my home covered with the dead who attack us and I have buried friends and cried for their sacrifice. If you think I wont conduct a proper trial you can defend them the choice is yours. But there is one last point I would like to raise with you."

"Yes what"

"If you ever touch me again without my permission I will shoot you." I said and walked back to Jimmy.

"The Major here doesn’t seem to have the balls for a trial so we shoot them as spies I’m taking responsibility for this" I said

"You can not do that" Major Bruce said.

"Major you lay one finger on me or Captain Houston here and you will feel the full weight of eight and a half thousand men hit your city as I will not be able to stop them." I said

"Major you met Major General Brown" Jimmy said

"Yes I had the pleasure of meeting him" he answered

"Good you know that his men would follow him into hell and die for him" Jimmy said.

"Yes they did as well" the Major said

"This girl has led most of these people out of hell alive they will not only die for her if they think that your city is responsible for harm that comes to her then Edinburgh will no longer exist. Giving the orders back there at the moment are this young woman’s sister who is lethal in action without the restraint of Kathy here and a young man who owes his life and the life of his wife and child to her actions" Jimmy said

"Listen Major, shut up or fuck off" I said and drew my pistol.

"Do any of you have any last words before I execute you"

"You can’t do that" one of the girls said

"Almost as good as I don’t recognise the authority of this court isn’t it Jimmy" I said

"Yes but that defences face as the body fell on his lap." Jimmy said "I thought he was going to shit himself"

"Anyway this is getting us nowhere have any of you any thing you wish to say?" I asked and got no answer. I walked up to the older one that I shot in the leg, "can I have your name for my records?" I asked

"Go fuck yourself" he answered

"Strange name Jimmy this one first and turn those around so they cant see him executed we don’t want the Major accusing me of cruel and unusual punishment" He dragged the man in his chair against a wall. As he did I whispered to him.

I fired the shot into the air and Jimmy hit him hard with the butt of the rifle then I dipped my fingers in the blood drenched trouser leg and wiped some of his blood on my face and the front of my uniform.

"Ew Jimmy he splattered" I said

"It will happen if you shoot from three inches give it a couple of feet" Jimmy said as we walked back in to the line of sight of the other prisoners.

"I’ve got brains, I’ve got brains all over me" I said

"Yes but it will wash off who next" Jimmy asked

"The little boy there before he wets himself, oh too late" I said as the lads bladder cut loose in fear "Him anyway I don’t want him sat around wet for too long"

"Fine" Jimmy said starting to tilt his chair back to drag it.

"And what is your name for my records" I asked

"I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you anything" the lad screamed.

"Ask him what you want Jimmy I’m going to wash up, give me a shout if I can kill him" I said and walked back in.

"You wouldn’t have executed them it was all a show" Major Bruce said as we got inside.

"If you believe that then you are a fool. I have killed men in battle and as executioner, the only reason I have kept them alive is I want the information out of them" I told him

"We have shit coming this way" Jimmy said coming running in "Their massing at Falkirk. They didn’t have the transport to get every one moved at once"

"Any time scale Jimmy?" I asked

"Twelve to thirty six hours and we’re talking over fifteen thousand troops" he answered

"Shit I need a map someone get me a decent map" I shouted "Major how many armed men can you put up"

"Two possibly two and a half thousand" the Major replied

"Shit that’s not enough to do anything with right we are going to have to move the men up to Stirling and then work up behind them they are going to start running this way fast. Jimmy with four or five hundred men can you hold a bridge till we get there?" I asked

"Yes no problem what about the second bridge?" he asked

"Well if we can get them running down here and Major Bruce can bounce them here they have a choice cross the bridge where we have five hundred men waiting plus Jimmy’s team from the first bridge, or south which gives them plenty of room to run and us the opportunity to hunt them down" I explained

"Seven and a half thousand to make more than fifteen thousand run?" Major Bruce said

"That is not the problem, can your men hold the line because there is going to be a shit load of men coming your way" I asked him

"How long do you want them held for?" Major Bruce asked

"One charge because then we will be up their arse and they will have to split left or right" I said

"We can but try" he answered

"What the hell do you mean try if they break you this city will look like a slaughter house they will come through killing everything they can see." I shouted at him "They do it or they don’t"

"Well it’s a case that I just don’t know" The Major said

"Fuck this. Jimmy how many men would you need to bounce them once?" I asked Jimmy

"If you can keep me informed on where they are going to hit I could do it with two thousand"

"Who would you put on this bridge" I indicated the bridge over the Forth near Falkirk?"

"Jones, he can do it" Jimmy said

"Fine we want everyone on the far side of the bridge ASAP, Major get your men ready to move out" I said

"Wait a moment" He protested "What gives you the right to start ordering me and my men around?"

"The fact that I am The Boss Lady, recognised as the civilian authority by Bernard and the fact that you may be able to pull together two and a half thousand men and I control nearly nine thousand if you count medical and support services. You want to save your city you listen to me" I told him

"No, no, no I am not putting my men in the hands of a child" Major Bruce shouted.

"Fuck this lets go and ask the people come on Jimmy" I shouted as we walked into the main part of the station.

"Who’s the boss here?" I asked one young police officer as he went past.

"We have got a DCI running things sort of" the constable said

"Get me to him" I demanded and with a puzzled look was led off to an office.


"What can I do for you two" a pleasant man in his forties asked us as we entered the room.

"You need to clear the west of the city of anyone who can’t fight" I said without introduction.

"Wait a second little lady, now Captain" he said after studying Jimmy’s uniform "what can I help you with?"

"What the fuck is it with this place Bernard used to tell me how much he loved this city and that I would love it here. It seems to me unless you’ve got a dick the men of this place cant hear you speak." I shouted "Listen to me read my lips, you talk to the organ grinder not the fucking monkey. Sorry Jimmy not meaning you’re a monkey."

"No problem Ma’am" he said trying not to laugh.

"DCI Royle" I said looking at the little name plate on his desk "Some time in the next thirty six hours fifteen thousand armed men are going to hit the west of this city. If you are lucky and we have time, there will be less than fifteen thousand left and my men are going to be cutting them to bits from behind. Jimmy here will have a couple of thousand of my men on the outskirts of the town to stop them. But if they break through then you are fucked. You want every person who cant fight over the eastern half of the city."

"Ssss I don’t know" he let his breath escape through his clenched teeth.

"Jimmy fuck this for a game of soldiers we’re moving out we haven’t got time to fuck around like this." I said and walked out of the office.


I walked out of the police station with Jimmy in tow and found the car that we had arrived in.

"Get out now" I said to Atkinson.

"Why what’s up" he demanded

"Because I have an army to fight and nobody in this city seems to want to help" I shouted at him.

"Jimmy without the help at this end do we meet them head on or dig in here?" I asked

"I don’t know Kathy, I wouldn’t even suggest taking eight and a half thousand against fifteen the numbers don’t work but you have never worried about that before." He said

"Fuck, that’s no bloody help, I have to stop them somehow and the only way I can see involves us getting cut to bits" I threw back at him

"What’s going on here" Atkinson asked

"Your city is about to be hit hard from the west and your chief of police and your Major aren’t willing to do anything about it." I told him

"Talk to the people, he isn’t that popular as he only turned up after the fighting taking charge of everything" Atkinson said

"He wasn’t voted in?" I asked

"No he assumed the position was his as the senior military officer" he said

"This is a big change of attitude for you" I said

"A mans allowed to admit he was wrong isn’t he?"

"Yes how do I get the people together?" I asked

"We have work details, every morning people gather to find out where they are needed at nine each morning" Atkinson explained.

"Take us there" I said


We were taken to a large car park of a shopping centre where people were already gathering, all voluntary no coercion involved. I stepped out of the car with Jimmy and we walked to a group of people organising things at the front.

"Forget the work details today" Atkinson said to one of them.

"How many people will we get here?" I asked

"Twenty to thirty thousand" he answered

"and he can only rustle up two and a half thousand troops" I said disgusted

"The Major will only allow people with previous military experience to have weapons" Atkinson said

"Fuck that if they can hold a weapon they can fight" I said and grabbed a megaphone off a man who had been organising things.

"People of Edinburgh, can I have your attention for a moment" I said my voice echoing around the buildings, I waited for quiet.

"Some of you may have heard me before, I am told you fought for your city after hearing of the liberation of Newcastle. I am Katherine also known as The Oracle Of New Delphi." This was received with cheers and applause.

"I came here keeping a promise to a hero of this city, a man who followed me into Newcastle and was victorious though he died of a heart attack as the crowds rejoiced around him. The people of Newcastle saw the sacrifice of Major General Bernard Brown and came with me to help you." I told them

"Bit late weren’t you" came a voice from the crowd.

"I don’t think so, you have over fifteen thousand men massing at Falkirk for an attack to retake this city." I said bringing gasps all around.

"My men will be attacking them tonight but I need your help. I need people to evacuate the west of the city of anyone who might be hurt as they come running this way, I need people brave people to join two thousand of my men in the west of the city to stop that attack cold when it hits and finally I want as many of you who are fit to join my men attacking and pursuing these animals at Falkirk. It will not be easy it will not be safe but now is the time for this city to make its stand as we have done at New Delphi and make this land ours again" I told them


At this point people started talking amongst their selves and I decided to give them some time.

"If any one here is a ham radio operator with a VHF set can they please come up here as I need to pass some messages" I said "the rest of you think about it you have a couple of hours to decide on whether you fight or not but if you can start the evacuation even if its only spreading the word then please do."

I got a middle age man turn up saying he had a VHF rig still working.

"Right flick through the channels till you find oriental chatter, ask for Suki. Tell her I want the Imperial Guard here now, Wendy’s team is to scout between here and Falkirk but do not engage just stay hidden and monitor the situation the others are to get to the far side of the Forth bridge as fast as possible" I told him and he disappeared.

"What else do we need Jimmy" I asked the lack of sleep getting to me.

"Medical staff and weapons" Jimmy said "and you need a couple of hours sleep before we go into battle"

"Are there any Doctors or Nurses here?" I asked

"They have got a hospital up and running" Atkinson answered

"Fine we’ll go there in a moment, weapons?" I asked

"All held in the castle" he said

"Ladies and Gentlemen decide what you are going to do and anyone who wants to help meet here at one o’clock I will see you then and good luck to all of you" I said

"Lets get to that hospital and warn them of incoming" I said


I dozed in the car over to the hospital and Jimmy gave me a shake as we arrived.

"Yes I’m awake" I said and we stepped out and walked into the casualty unit.

I would have thought it was a normal situation nurses were running around in uniform, there were the usual selection of mothers and children next to work based accidents and even a receptionist was on duty with a triage nurse.

"Who is in charge here" I asked

"Well Mr Thompson is running the hospital at the moment" the receptionist said

"Well I need Mr Thompson, the senior casualty nurse and probably the senior anaesthesiologist as well please" I said

"Who do you think you are expecting to see these people? They are important people and busy" The receptionist said in the snotty manner of medical receptionists throughout the years.

"Look within two days there are going to be a minimum of twenty three thousand men fighting on the outskirts of this city I want your hospital to coordinate with my medics and surgical units because I think they will need to. Also any one who needs moving to safer locations has at the most twelve hours before it becomes too dangerous so move your bum and start things happening" I told her and sat down.

"Are you ok?" a staff nurse asked me as I sat in the chair trying to stay awake.

"Yes just too many hours without sleep, though I could probably do with a new dressing on my arm" I told her

"Lets take you into a cubical and have a look then" she said guiding me away though I was protesting.

"Get yourself sorted Kathy, I will get things moving here" Jimmy said laughing at my objections.

"Lets have a look then" the Staff nurse said and I slipped the guns off then the shirt, showing her the blood stained dressing on my arm. She peeled it off and had a look at the wound on my arm from Newcastle, due to all the use it wasn’t healing very well and I hadn’t let Bill at it since the first dressing went on. She disappeared for a moment and returned with a doctor.

"Hello I’m Doctor Young" he said "What have you been up to then?"

"Look stop the patronising crap" I said "I caught a round in my arm clean it up and tape it up. What are you a senior registrar?" I asked

"Well at the start of the year I was a newly qualified doctor, now I do whatever needs doing" he said

"Well who do I talk to around here, you have a major battle going to start in the next two days and the receptionist isn’t much help. Ouch that hurts" I protested as he started poking at the wound.

"I’ll tell you what let Monica here" he indicated the staff nurse "clean that up and I will get the people you need to talk to together"

"What no arguments?" I said

"Look you have seen plenty of action, you have scars of bullets that you only just survived and you come in warning of a battle wearing those pistols. I have listened to you on the radio so lets get you sorted and get prepared Oracle" he said

"Thank you but its Kathy, please" I said

"I’m Hamish then Kathy" he said and on the way out had a word with the nurse and was gone.

"So you’re the Oracle of New Delphi then" Monica said as she started cleaning up my arm.

"For my sins yes" I replied

"I heard you on the radio, people started talking about you around the city so I tuned in." She said

"How long have you been listening?"

"Well I know how you got these" she indicated my side and the scar on my chest. "Hamish there didn’t really recognise you I did, but it keeps him happy if he claims the credit."

"To be honest if it gets things moving I don’t give a toss who claims the credit but thank you" I told her "I have had enough of dealing with idiots today."

"That bad?" she asked

"Yes and lack of sleep doesn’t help" I admitted

"Look you talk to the people you need to and I will find somewhere for you to sleep for a few hours" Monica said.

"I will be eternally in your debt" I said smiling then wincing as she set on my arm again, "If I survive the treatment"

"Stop whining and keep still" she said


(continued in part 5)




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