Crystal's StorySite




Playing The Part

by Melissa Daniels

Illustrated by Renee Carter

© 2001


"What's wrong, Kyle?"

Jane came up and put her arm on Kyle's shoulder. He hated when she did that, flaunting her height over him. Today, though, he was far more concerned with the 8 X 12 sheet of paper posted in front of him.

"We're doing Barefoot in the Park," Kyle said. He heard the resentment in his own voice.

"You say it like it's a terminal disease," Jane said peering at the flier.

"It might as well be," he said slumping against the bulleting board, "I've done the show TWICE already. Once as Paul and once as Belasco. Those are the only two good male parts. I did 'em at a Rep theatre Janey. Doing a college version will be agony."

"Then don't do it," she smiled. It was that annoying, smug grin that made the two of them friends.

"What? And not do anything the last 4 months of my senior year?"

"Barefoot in the Park," she rolled the title around in her mouth, "That's Neil Simon, right?"

"Only one of the most classic romantic comedies of our time," Kyle said, "Do lesbians not read plays about hetero-sexual love?"

"Nah. It always feels like a let down when an attractive woman ends up falling in love with a man if it's so good, though, why don't you do it?"

"Here's what'll happen," Kyle said. There was no doubt in his voice. "I'll audition, get the part of Paul, and end up doing a performance worse than the one I did for sixty seven consecutive times last summer. It's not a challenge."

"What about the other part," she asked.

"Eh. Just as tedious. The character is very two-dimensional. Funny but boring to play. The only even remotely interesting part is Corie and well...I can't play that."


"The female lead."

She looked at him for a long moment. Her eyes twinkled with mischievous laughter. Suspicion began to kindle in the back of Kyle's mind.

"I have an idea," she said. Her smile practically circled her head.

* * * * *

"What are you? Crazy?"

Jane stared at him un-phased. She just smiled that same, smug smile.

"There is absolutely no way I could pull it off," he said pacing the room.

"Kyle. I'm a make-up artist AND I'm a costumer. When I say it's possible. It's possible."

He turned to glare at her.

"I am not going to audition for the female lead," he said. Kyle turned to walk out of the room but she stopped him.

"Listen." she said, "You're the right body type. I can make you look like an Honest-to-God woman. Not only that, but you'll be pretty. Promise. You said you wanted a challenge."

"Well, yeah...but..."

"Well, me too," she said, "Look at it this way. If you can pull this off, you could do any part you want. EVER!"

"But Janey..."

"Besides," she continued over him, "If we do this right, no one will ever know...except us."

"But Jane, I don't think..." But he didn't finish and Jane knew she had him.

"Kyle. Trust me."

"I do." His voice had a slight quiver to it. Jane melted when she heard it. He was scared at the thought of doing this. More scared than he would ever admit. And despite that fear, he would do it. For her. Her heart skipped a beat. She was so excited at the prospect of this. She wanted to start tonight. In fact...

"I'll tell you what, Kyle," she said. She put her arm around his neck, like a salesman clinching a deal, "Let me prove to you that you can play an ingénue. Right now."

"But Janey..." he said again. It was without conviction. He looked at her for a long moment before nodding agreement. She giggled with excitement. He didn't have a clue what she had in store for him.

* * * * *

"Sit still, will ya?"

Kyle squirmed again and Jane smacked him.

"You're gonna make it smear," she said leaning back to look at her work. God he was beautiful. Jane felt a twinge of jealousy even, but made herself stop. After all he was her creation. She had spent the last three hours getting him prepped. He had used the dressing room shower to remove his body hair. Just that simple step had made him a fairly androgynous person. It was amazing. The more Jane looked at him, the harder it was to see Kyle as a HIM.

After much protest, she had shaped his eyebrows. Not much. Just enough to pass for either direction. Kyle had not been thrilled by this. Not happy at all.

His makeup was nearly complete now and he was BREATHTAKING.

Twenty minutes later Jane finally let Kyle look at himself in the mirror. His face, or rather, HER face, gaped at the reflection. As Kyle looked at himself, Jane looked too. She was trying to appraise her work. Look for flaws and imperfections. She had done a damn good job. His eyes were gorgeous, with impossibly long, feminine lashes. Just a hint of blush on his cheeks. His lips painted and glossy, permanently moist. From the neck up he looked completely female. Except for one thing...

She left Kyle looking at himself in the mirror and walked to the back of the make-up room. There she got the boxes she had brought from the costume shop. She brought them back over to her friend. As she got back, she realized he hadn't moved. Not a muscle. He was still staring at his reflection in awe. Jane smiled.

"Wait till he sees this..." she thought to herself, pulling the shoulder length, brunette wig out of it's box. She quietly moved over to Kyle and placed it on his head. She spent a few minutes pinning it securely. The thing wasn't coming off, without most of his real hair coming with it. IN fact, she had managed to find a wig that was real close to his natural color. His bangs were mostly his natural hair. The effect was stunning.

"I'm..." Kyle stammered.

"Beautiful." Jane finished for him, "I know."

* * * * *

Kyle couldn't make himself stop looking in the mirror.

"That can't be me," he kept chanting to himself, "It can't be. She's beautiful." The wig was beginning to itch the side of his face and he instinctually reached up to brush the hair back. The girl in the mirror mimicked him exactly, her glossy long nails shining in the light. Then her lip curled into a smile.

"Come 'ere," Jane called from the dressing room. Kyle hadn't realized she had left. It was like he was in a trance. Conscious thought had stopped and all that was left was a dream like state. He walked into the dressing room and felt his heart stop.

Jane was holding up a skimpy, sequined dress.

"I'm not wearing that," Kyle said, trying desperately to breathe.

"I know, cutie," she giggled, "I just wanted to see how you'd react." Kyle tried to sputter a response, but nothing came out. "Oh RELAX! I got you some shorts and a tank top. Ready to get dressed?"

"Don't need to," Kyle said, his breath still a little uneven, "You've proven your point. So I CAN pass as a female."

"Oh no you don't," Jane said, putting her hands on his shoulders. "First off, we need to see if I can make your body look as good as your face. Second...I'm having fun. Now off with that undershirt." She was pulling it over his head before he could protest.

"I think for the audition we're gonna need to body shape you some," she said, "Maybe a corset. For now, though...put this on."

The bra slipped onto his shoulders and Jane was fastening it onto him before he knew what hit him. The cups were already filled with some kind of latex that jutted out impossibly on his chest.

"MY GOD!!!" Kyle said looking down, "THEY'RE HUGE!!!"

"I know, I know," Jane said sheepishly, "They're the only thing I could find on such short notice. We don't generally use a whole lot of fake breasts. We'll find some smaller ones for the audition."

"I should hope so," Kyle said. They were heavy and Kyle had to arch his back just to be comfortable. This just made them jut out further.

Jane made some adjustments to them and Kyle realized that he couldn't really tell where they stopped and his real chest started.

"They look good on you," Jane said, "You've got such a tiny waist anyway. A lot of women would kill for your figure."

"Look Jane," Kyle said, "I'm feeling a little uncomfortable with this. I just..."

"Kyle," she said, "Think of it as a character. Go ahead and get into the role. Pretend you want breast reduction surgery if you want, but go ahead and be a woman. You're a good enough actor to do that."

Kyle thought about that for a second and then smiled.

"You're right," he said. He cleared his throat. "How's this sound?" The voice that came out of his mouth could've belonged to a twenty-year-old sorority girl.

"That's damn good," she said, "A little too valley girl for my tastes but very believable. You sure you haven't done this before?"

"What?" Kyle asked in his new feminine voice, "Let another woman dress me? It's been a while." Kyle laughed. It was musical, giggly and very girly.

"Well now, that's the spirit," she said. Kyle never ceased to amaze her with his acting ability. He really was talented. It literally felt like she was talking to another woman. "Here, put these on."

Kyle stood up and took the garment she was holding out. He looked at it a second and then grinned at her.

"Turn around," Kyle said girlishly, "I don't normally take off my panties in front of other girls."

"Oh!" Jane said blushing. It had caught her of guard. She turned around quickly. "Of course."

Kyle removed his underwear and took a deep reassuring breath before stepping into the dancer belt. A part of him really didn't like the way this was going. Another part of him was almost brimming with excitement. He looked at the mirror and was shocked to see a beautiful woman looking back at him. From head to toe there was no sign of his maleness. The belt was cinching in his equipment. Hell, it felt like it was pushing his testicles up inside of him. It wasn't painful though. At least...not yet.

"All right," Kyle said steeling himself, "Now what?" Without turning around, Jane pointed to the box. "There's a pair of what look like biker shorts in there. They're black." He found them and slid them up his legs. They were excruciatingly tight and he had to breathe in to get them all the way up. "What are these?" he panted.

"It's a body shaper," Jane said. She turned around to look at him, "What do you think?"

Kyle looked down, but couldn't see past the huge obtrusions on his chest. He settled for looking in the mirror. It sure did shape his body. It gave him hips and a wider ass. Some kind of latex he expected, built into the material. It also pulled in his already tiny waist.

"Kinda tight," he replied.

"Oh," she laughed, "You're gonna love the corset." She giggled.

Kyle looked back into the mirror. Again his heart skipped a beat. He was a completely convincing woman in only his underwear. He stood on one leg, posing slightly.

"Oh stop ogling yourself," Jane chastised. In truth, she had been ogling him too. She hated to admit it, but he was damn sexy. Just her type. She crammed that thought away quickly though. "We're almost done," she said. She tossed him the blue jean shorts out of the box and Kyle squeezed them on. They just barely fit and seemed even tighter than the body shaper. At the rate this was going, she was going to squeeze him down to nothing. He thought about complaining, but knew that she'd just laugh it off again.

She tossed him a white cotton shirt and he wiggled it on, tugging it tightly down over the gigantic breasts.

"Where's the rest of it?" He asked in his sweet alto.

"Hey," she said, "It's the style to show your stomach."

"It's barely covering my tits!" he whined, realizing how weird it sounded with those words coming out of his mouth. It was true though. When he breathed in, the underside of his bra became visible ever so slightly.

"Guys like that," she smirked.

"Whoa!!!" Kyle said. He voice had suddenly reverted back to his normal male voice. It did little to help him look masculine though. He was a tenor anyway and even using his deepest voice he still sounded like a girl, looking like he did.

"Jane," he whined, "I'm not trying to pick up guys!"

"Oh relax," she said, "First off, the Director you're auditioning for is a guy and he likes what he sees your chances are better. And he WILL like you. Second of all, you're cute. You could pick up women this way too."

And before she knew what she was doing, she had pressed her lips against his. It was a soft, almost tentative kiss, which lasted for mere seconds. They felt long though. To both of them. The kiss broke and they both suddenly realized what had happened. Jane felt excited, nauseous, turned on and scared all at the same time. Kyle couldn't even begin to classify what HE felt.

"I'm...I'm gonna go find you some shoes," Jane said suddenly, and practically burst from the room. Kyle was still in shock. Jane had kissed him. The reigning champion of local lesbianism had kissed him. It hadn't been a friend kiss either. This had been sensual.

He looked in the mirror...

He looked in the mirror and saw the beautiful brunette. It had to be because he looked like this. He was attractive. More than attractive. He was a sexy woman. The girl in the mirror made a pouty expression, which Kyle thought looked silly and sexy at the same time. Jane liked him. He was sure of it. They need to talk about it though. Now. Before the moment was gone and the friendship with it. Kyle was hesitant about following her out into the costume shop though. It was a more public area. The make-up room never had anyone in it until the week before a show, but the costume shop was always a people place. On the other hand it was getting close to ten at night. There shouldn't be anyone around this late. Hell the building was probably even locked. His mind made up he took a deep breath and stepped out into the costume shop.

* * * * *

Jane's heart was beating a mile a minute. She had kissed A GUY!!! What was she thinking? She hadn't kissed a guy since she was 13. They didn't interest her. But this one did. Oh GOD, did he ever. She hadn't been able to stop herself from kissing him. Or rather, HER! Her cheeks were burning with embarrassment as she pulled a pair of low-heeled sandals out of the shoebox. She needed to go back in and talk to him, but the idea frightened the hell out of her. What was she supposed to say? She took a deep breath and steeled herself.

"Hey Janey," came a voice from behind her. She whirled in surprise. Standing in the doorway was Darrin. A drinking buddy from the biology department.

"Hey, Dar," she said shaking the fright from her voice, "Scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?"

"Saw the light on in here and figured it was you," he said, "We're the only ones crazy enough to keep these late hours." Jane was about to respond, when Kyle burst into the room. He saw Darrin and froze, his face paling. Jane started talking before she even knew what she was saying.

"Oh. Darrin, this is...Kelly. Kelly this is Darrin. We were just..."

"Say no more," Darrin said grinning. He walked over to Kyle. "Another one of Janey's conquests, eh?" There was a momentary pause. No more than a second, but Jane's heart froze waiting for Kyle to respond.

"Actually," Kyle said in his valley girl voice, "She's one of my conquests." Then he giggled girlishly an act, which made Jane absolutely adore him. Then hate him at the same time.

"Damnit!" she thought to herself, "She's a guy. He made me fall in love with her the prick!"

Meanwhile, Darrin was laughing.

"Nice to meet you," he said and then turned back to Jane, "Hey! Would you two like to join a few of us biology nerds on a late night greasy spoon run?"

Kyle was about to reject the offer, but Jane moved in front of him.

"We'd love to," she said steering Kyle toward the door. Kyle resisted with all his might. Darrin didn't notice. He was already out the door.

"We're parked down at the side exit," he said and was gone.

"Jane," Kyle whispered frantically in her ear as Darrin left.

"Come on," Jane said forcing him into the sandals before he could object. His cute little feet fit them perfectly. Jane's anger was rising. Kelly was perfect. Perfect in every way. Except she didn't exist. "It'll be fun," she said viscously.

"I don't want to," Kyle said. His fear was evident now. "You're gonna go," she said, "Or I'm gonna show Darrin who you really are!" Even as she said it, she felt guilty. This was her friend. This was Kyle. But anger had taken over now. She had met the perfect girl and Kyle had taken her away from her in a sense. She wasn't seeing straight and all she could think about was making Kyle suffer. Just a little bit.

Kyle's eyes went wide with her threat and he let himself be steered out the door.

* * * * *

"We can't all fit in that tiny, little car!"

Kyle and Jane were standing outside next to the small, beaten up Honda. Darrin was helping his three male friends into the back seat. They looked like sardines being packed.

"Well we can't take your car with you looking like that," Jane whispered to Kyle, "Can you imaging what would happen if you got pulled over. They like girls like you in prison."

Kyle wasn't amused.

"I don't see why we have to go at all," he mumbled. Jane glared at him. He had done nothing but grumble the whole way out the door and she was pissed. She smiled a cruel smile.

"All right ladies," Darrin said almost on cue, "How do you wanna do this?"

"Kelly's going to let me have shotgun," Jane said and practically crammed Kyle into the backseat on top of the guys. "That ought to teach him to grumble at me," she thought to herself.

The backseat was barely big enough to fit two people, much less four. The three guys were crammed shoulder to should along the seat and there was literally nowhere for Kyle to go. Except for RIGHT ON TOP OF THEM! It was as if he was in a bad dream. One from which he couldn't wake up. Here he was, dressed as a pretty woman...a gorgeous woman, stretched out across the lap of three guys. From their expressions they wouldn't have it any other way. Kyle shivered as they all found places to put their hands on him. They all seemed to find exposed flesh to rest on.

"You cold?" the guy under Kyle's upper body said. His name was either Kenny or Lenny and truthfully Kyle didn't care as long as he would mind his own business and keep his hands to himself. He wasn't. One arm was around Kyle's shoulder, holding him up, and the other one was on his exposed stomach. "Hey, Dar, turn up the heat," the guy said.

"Cars gotta warm up first," Darrin said as they pulled out of the parking lot, "Don't worry, it'll be plenty warm by the time we get there."

Kyle was afraid he was right.

* * * * *

Jane smiled sadistically, looking back at Kelly. She wasn't happy. All three guys were grinning like kids in a candy shop. And rightfully so. They were getting to fondle a very beautiful woman. Kenny had one hand on her stomach. Gene rubbing her legs in some pretense of trying to warm them and Bill...

Bill had a hand on her stomach and a hand of her upper thigh. He was obviously enjoying Kelly's ass rubbing against his crotch. In fact, Bill kept tickling her stomach to get her to wiggle around on him. Jane would bet money that Kelly had an uncomfortable lump poking into her butt right now.

Darrin was saying something, but Jane barely noticed. She was busy watching her creation. It dawned on her that she was actually getting turned on by watching this "girl" get felt up. In truth she was imagining herself rubbing her hands on Kelly. Her smile kept growing with her desire.

* * * * *

Kyle had gone into a mental retreat until the tickling started. The guy in the middle was lightly touching his inner thigh, right below the short shorts. "Inches from my crotch," he thought in horror. He wiggled involuntarily as Bill hit a particularly ticklish spot.

"You've got chill bumps, girl," the guy holding his legs said. He began to rub them, fast at first and then more slowly. More "leisurely." "I'll get them warm," he said.

Another involuntary spasm ran through Kyle as Bill tickled his stomach. Kyle was really uncomfortable. There was a pain underneath him. He thought it was a seatbelt; in fact he wasn't thinking clearly at all, and reached underneath himself to shift the obtrusion. It didn't dawn on him what he was touching until it pulsed against his hand. In horror, he tried to jerk away, but he didn't have the leverage and Bill was keeping his hand pinned. It throbbed against his palm again, and Bill grinned at him.

Revulsion began to grow in Kyle's stomach. He was touching a guy's dick. Hell he was practically massaging it. He tried again to get away, but there was nowhere to go. He was so concerned about the throbbing member underneath his hand that he hadn't noticed Lenny's hand. It had crept up and was slightly cupping the underside of his left breast. Kyle nearly screamed in fright. He pushed Lenny's hand down, but Lenny (or was it Kenny) just smiled. Of course he had moved his hand, which left his stomach unguarded. Another round of tickling followed, causing Kyle to squirm harder against Bill's crotch.

If anything the erection under his hand had gotten bigger. It was digging into Kyle's ass now, despite his hand being there.

* * * * *

Jane watched with satisfaction. Not only was Kelly getting felt up, but the guys were enjoying it.

"Damn am I a good make-up artist," she thought. The only problem was, she was enjoying watching them. She was practically dripping with excitement. Bill's hand had crept up onto Kelly's shorts, practically touching something he really wouldn't like. Kelly was actually doing very well warding off their advances, but the odds were against her. Six hands to two. To one really. It looked like she was practically giving Bill a hand job down there. Jane guessed that Kelly's hand probably had a little goo on it by now, even though there were jeans in the way.

Things were looking really desperate for Kelly, but lucky for her, they arrived at the restaurant. Kelly practically burst from the car.

""Help me," she whispered frantically to Jane. She shivered involuntarily.

"They were all over you," Jane whispered to Kelly, "You're a hot little vixen." Jane noticed even as she spoke that Kelly's right hand was all slimy, as was a good part of her ass. Bill had apparently had a real good time indeed. Suddenly she hated men. All of them. Well...all but one. The one dressed as the cute, little defenseless brunette. Jane felt really guilty. She had done this to her friend. On the other hand, she now felt even closer to her. Now she knew what it felt like.

"Please, Jane...please..." Kelly was begging softly, her eyes brimming with tears. She was really upset. Jane hadn't realized just how incredibly terrified she was. She put an arm around Kelly's shoulder.

"Hey," she said softly, "I'm sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn't have thrown you into this."

"It's just..." Kelly sobbed in her ear.

"Shh. The guys are out," she said, "We'll get through dinner and then it'll be over, ok? You can even ride in the front on the way home. Ok?" Kelly stared at her tentatively. "Come on chick," Jane said loud enough for the others to hear, and then quietly, "Let's get you cleaned up."

* * * * *

Dinner was fairly uneventful. After Jane had finally gotten Kelly to go INTO the ladies bathroom, it was easy enough to get her cleaned up. Dinner went by real quick. The guys really were Biology nerds and before long they were on their way back to campus. True to her word, Jane had ridden in back and had actually yelled at the guys before they thought about touching her.

They said goodnight and watched them drive off before Jane burst out laughing. Kyle was too relieved to do anything but stand there in the cold, shivering.

"We fooled em," Jane said giggling, "If they could've gotten in your pants, they would've."

"They almost did," Kyle said without humor, "They were all over me Janey. It was horrible. I felt him cum."

She was pulling Kyle along over to the costume shop door.

"That's why I don't like men," Jane said grinning. She tried the door and her grin faltered. Kyle felt tension build up in his stomach.

"What's wrong," he asked. He didn't need to. He already knew the answer.

"They locked the fucking building," she said, cursing herself, "Shit."

"Great," Kyle said sarcastically, "That's just great. I gotta get out of this stuff, Janey." Jane looked at him and smiled sadly. Kyle wasn't sure he liked that look.

* * * * *

"You mean I have to stay this way?"

"Kyle," Jane said, "You can't go to your dorm looking like that."

Kyle rubbed his arms for heat. Jane knew he must be freezing. She was cold herself and she was wearing pants. Kyle's exposed legs were covered solid with chill bumps. A cold wind blew against them.

"Come on," she said, "You're gonna freeze to death out here. You're already turning blue." She grabbed his hand and began pulling him toward her dorm room. He didn't resist. At least not until they got there.

"I can't go in there," he said, "It's after curfew."

Jane looked at him. He was so cute. His little pouty lip was out, trying to be brave but cold and scared as hell.

"Trust me," she said, "No one's gonna mistake you for a guy."

She pushed him through the door into the warmth.

Kyle relaxed visibly. Partially because there was no one in the lobby, but even more so because of the warmth rushing back into his body. Then Jane was pulling him up the stairs to her room. Kyle gave a silent thanks that the place was empty. He stumbled up the stairs, barely able to keep his balance in the accursed shoes.

The Jane was fumbling for her keys, trying to get them in the lock. Time seemed to stand still for Kyle as he waited to enter the room. The hall was still empty, but there were voices downstairs. Some girls had just come into the lobby.

"Hurry," he hissed to her. The voices were traveling, heading up the stairs towards them.

"I am," she hissed back. The lock clicked open and the door slowly swung inward. Only to be caught by the emergency bolt.

"Shit," Jane said, "KATE?"

She banged on the door. "KATE!!!"

"Just a minute..." came a voice from the other side of the door.

"You're roommate's here?" Kyle hissed frantically.

"She's not supposed to be. She was supposed to be off with her boyfriend tonight," she hissed back.

The voices down the hall were getting nearer now. Kyle was getting desperate.

Then the door was swinging open and Jane pushed Kyle into the room. Kyle went flying in, unable to stop his forward momentum. Fortunately he was stopped by something large. Someone large. Someone in his underwear.

Kyle slammed into the guy's bare chest. He caught her without effort. The guy was twice Kyle's size. Easily.

"Whoa!" the guy said, helping Kyle gain his balance, "You all right, babe?"

Kyle was too stunned to speak. Here he was in the arms of another guy.

Then Jane came to his rescue.

"Sorry. There's a bitch out there that we really didn't want to see." she said and came over to pull Kyle out of the guy's arms.

"Yeah...this dorm's full of em" Kate said behind them. "Jane meet my boyfriend Jonathan." Jonathan tipped an imaginary hat in salute. Despite being naked he managed to look chivalrous.

Jane smiled and said, "Kate, my girlfriend, Kelly."

* * * * *

"Can't we go somewhere else?"

Jane shook her head apologetically. "Sorry, I can't think of anywhere else to go."

"This means I have to stay this way all night." Kyle whispered.

"I know." Jane said, "And believe me, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I've been awful to you tonight."

"Jane I..."

"No listen," she whispered, "I..." She took a deep breath. "I think I have feelings for you. And it made me upset because of..." she looked over at the couple kissing in the bed, "what you are."

"Look I'll..."

"No," Jane whispered, "Let me finish. We need to talk about this, later. When we're alone. But for right now, just let me be your friend. I know this is awkward, but try to look at it like an adventure. Character research, ok? I'll make it up to. Whatever you want."

"Ok," Kyle whispered, "But Jane I..."

the phone interrupted him. Jane picked it up.


She tossed the phone to Kate, who reluctantly pulled her lips away from Jonathans.

The rest of the room watched a very animated one-sided conversation as Kate practically screamed into the phone. Apparently she was needed at work.

* * * * *

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but I have to go."

Jonathan was definitely not happy.

"What am I supposed to do?" he asked her, "I snuck in here to be with you tonight. It's too late for me to sneak out tonight."

"I'm sorry Jon," Kate said, "You'll have to stay here without me. Don't worry. Jane and Kelly will keep you company."

Eighteen or nineteen thousand kisses later, Kate finally left.

Jonathan looked at the two girls.

"Well..." he said, "Now what?"

* * * * *

"Just stay in character."

Kelly didn't need Jane whispering that in her ear. The last thing she wanted was for Jonathan to know who he really was.

The three of them sat there, watching TV. Jonathan was clearly depressed. After about ten minutes of awkward silence, he finally turned to look at the other two.

"You guys got anything to drink?" he asked.

"Cokes in the fridge," Jane said not taking her eyes off the TV. It seemed safer for both Jane and Kelly to just ignore him and watch the tube. Even though there was absolutely nothing on.

"I meant something a little stronger," Jonathan said.

Jane sighed, then got up and pulled a bottle of vodka out from behind her desk. She tossed it to Jonathan.

"Thanks," he said, "Listen. I'm sorry I'm ruining your evening. You two probably wanted to be alone." They didn't say anything in response, which Jonathan took as agreement. "Well, look...if you guys want to fool around or something, don't mind me. I'll even put on head phones or whatever you want."

Jane looked at Kelly and saw the huge blush on her face. She couldn't help but grin. The thought of them rolling around together was both funny and appealing to her. Not with Jonathan around though.

"Thanks anyway," she said, "But I think the mood's kinda gone."

"Tell me about it," Jonathan said. He took a huge swig of vodka and held it toward Jane. "Want some?"

Kelly grabbed it before Jane could get to it and took two gulps, twice the size of Jonathan's. The other two looked at her, amazed.

"Damn, girl," Jonathan said, "You must be more bummed than I am."

"You could say that," Kelly said. The valley girl accent was gone now, but her voice remained high and girly. Jane realized bemused that Kyle was fine-tuning the character. Even amidst all the chaos and confusion of the night, he was working on the role.

Kelly slouched down on the floor... 

Kelly slouched down on the floor as the vodka started coursing through her system.

"So whatcha into Kelly?" Jonathan asked, "I know Jane's in theatre, are you one of those dramatics?"

Kelly smiled and took another long swig of vodka, then handed it to Jane.

"I'm thinkin' about transferring into the theatre department," Kelly said sweetly, "I'm hoping to get a part in the next play."

Jane grinned. Close enough to the truth. She took a swig of vodka herself. Then another one. This had definitely been an interesting day.

* * * * *

"So what's it like bein' a lesbian?"

They had been talking for hours. The vodka had quickly disappeared and they had moved on to Scotch. They were all hammered beyond belief.

"It's like having sex with a woman," Jane replied.

"Well I figured," Jonathan said sarcastically, "I mean...have you been with a guy before? How is it different?"

Jane looked at Kelly who smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Jane put an arm around her. She couldn't help it. She was so cute, and sexy and sweet. Her head was swimmy and for a moment she forgot who Kelly really was. She kissed the side of her face, and the brunette look up at her with warm, loving eyes.

"Well," Jane said, massaging Kelly's shoulders, "Guys are completely self-centered about relationships. That's the biggest difference."

Kelly snorted a laugh. "Like you're not self-centered," she said, looking up at Jane again. Jane laughed with her and kissed her lips lightly. It lasted only briefly, but also forever.

When Jane opened her eyes again, she realized Jonathan was watching them.

"Sorry," he said embarrassed, "That was just SO sexy."

Kelly grinned. "You like that do you?"

"Of course he does," Jane said, "He's a man."

"Shut up and kiss me," Kelly said. Jane did. This one lasted longer. A deep sensual kiss. They were tasting each other. Exploring.

When it finally ended, Jane took a swig of Scotch, before handing it to Kelly. Part of her realized she was kissing a man. Kissing Kyle. But that part was buried beneath a thick layer of alcohol. She was really kissing Kelly. And she liked Kelly a lot. Kelly was so...perfect.

Kelly was on her second swig when Jonathan cleared his throat.

Jane started. She had forgotten he was here. She laughed at her own drunken stupidness.

"Damn that's hot," Jonathan said, taking the bottle from Kelly.

"You're tellin' me," Jane said laughing, "That's why I don't kiss men. They don't know how." Even as she said it she laughed at the situation and winked at Kelly.

"Men can kiss too," Kelly said winking back, "If they want to."

"So you like kissing men too?" Jonathan asked handing the bottle back to Kelly. Jane looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah Kelly," she said, "DO you like kissing men?"

"Do YOU?" Kelly said looking into Jane's eyes. Electricity was flowing between them. Heat. Jane wanted Kelly. Wanted to hold her. Feel every inch of her. Make love to her.

"I like kissing you," Jane said and kissed her. She felt Kelly's hand on her back. In her hair, on her ass. It was wonderful.

Again it slowly came to an end, Kelly wrapped in Jane's arms, snuggled into her in front of the TV.

Jonathan was staring at them. His eyes vacant and yet alert to every movement. Jane's eyes drifted downward and she saw the monolith sticking up under his boxer shorts. He noticed her looking and covered himself with a pillow. He blushed uncontrollably. It turned Jane on. Not him. He didn't interest her. Him watching them did though. Him getting exciting over their passion. She was so excited it hurt.

Kelly nuzzled against her neck and Jane's blood almost boiled. She ran her hands down Kelly's arms, barely touching the swell of her breasts. She knew deep down they were fake, but there was just enough alcohol in her to make it not matter. She began to rub, Kelly's chest. Slowly. Softly.

Kelly moaned. She was enjoying the attention too. Jane slowly laid her down on the couch, rubbing her smooth creamy skin. She kissed Kelly's lips, down her neck, then her stomach. Her hand slid down to Kelly's thigh and began doing light little circles closer and closer to her crotch. Kelly moaned again. Jane didn't know what she was doing, but by God it felt right.

* * * * *

Kelly loved Jane's kisses. They were so soft. So sensual. But they paled compared to her touch. Jane was rubbing her thigh. Her smooth, hairless, extra-sensitive thigh and it was driving her crazy. The little dancer belt was holding her too tight for an erection, but that made it all the more intense. She was kissing her stomach lightly, sending goose bumps up the back of her neck. It was the most erotic thing she had ever experienced. Then Jane's hand brushed against her crotch and an explosion practically rippled through her. It was an orgasm, just an intense burst of pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt before.

Then she was being kissed again. Being tasted. Being enjoyed. Kelly kissed back, reveling in the moment. The kiss went on and on and on, wonderfully soft and sweet. But something was bothering Kelly. She couldn't put her finger on what though. The liquor in her system combined with the pleasure her body was going through slowed down rational thought. She felt so good. Jane was rubbing her crotch hard now, kissing her stomach softly sensuously.

Then it occurred to her what was wrong.

Jane was still kissing her stomach.

Kelly opened her eyes in panic, her tongue still deep in Jonathan's mouth. Jonathan's eyes were closed his own tongue running circles around hers. She pushed him away in horror, sitting up. Jane looked up, oblivious to everything. She had been completely focused on Kelly.

"See," Jonathan said smugly, "I knew you couldn't tell the difference."

Jane caught on quick.

"He was kissing you?" She said angrily. "You kissed her?"

Kelly just sat there, unmoving. Kyle had resurfaced and he was utterly revolted. Not only had a guy been kissing him, he had been kissing back. A lot.

"How long was he kissing you?" Jane said to Kelly. She was angry. Angry at her. Here she was actually falling in love with a guy and he was kissing another guy. It pissed her off.

"Must have been three, four minutes," Jonathan said, "She never had a clue. She a good kisser too. Lots of tongue."

Jane turned red. Real red. Anger red. She rounded on Kelly.

"Did you like it!?!" she practically yelled, "Did you?"

"...I..." was all Kelly could get out. Kyle was still reeling. Unable to think at all.

"Maybe you want something else, stuck it that pretty mouth of yours?" she said inches away from Kelly's face now, "Maybe we should let that MAN fuck your mouth!" She spit the words. She was angrier than she had ever been.

Kelly's eyes were confused and then widened in horror as they caught up with what Jane was saying.

"In fact," Jane said, her voice turning icy cold, "I think that's a good idea. Come 'ere Jonathan."

Jonathan actually took a step back. Jane had scared him. She looked wild.

"...But..." he stammered.

"Come here and put your dick in her mouth," Jane said, "Or I'll tell Kate that you did a lot worse."

She turned to Kelly. Her eyes were about to pop out of her head with fear and revulsion. Jane wanted more.

"And you, slut," she said to the brunette, "You're gonna suck and lick and swallow him for all your worth...or I'll tell Kate something about YOU!!!"

Kelly's face went from shock to despair. Her mouth opened in horror.

It dropped open wider when she saw Jonathan walking toward her. He was pulling his boxers off. His cock stood to attention, even though Jonathan himself was a little skeptical.

He took another step forward, his dick only inches from Kelly's open mouth.

"Jane..." Kelly practically screamed, "Jane!"

"Kiss it, 'Kelly'," Jane said, "Kiss it, or I'll tell Jonathan here something about you too."

* * * * *

Kyle looked at the massive monster just inches from his face. It was like a nightmare. It had been so nice and then so bad so suddenly that he couldn't catch up. If he didn't do what Jane said, she would tell everybody, everything. He had no doubt about that. So what else could he do.

He pursed his lips. The liquor buzz had been scared out of him and he was painfully aware of every detail around him. He saw his own pouty red lips slowly press against the throbbing organ in front of him. He saw the red mark his lipstick left against it. He saw the small string of semen follow his lips away from the dripping beast.

"If you think cum on your hand is bad, wait till you taste it," Jane whispered cruelly in her ear. Then she looked up at Jonathan. "Close your eyes, Jonathan, and...enjoy!"

"Kiss it again, Kelly," Jane said, "Kiss it like you were kissing him earlier."

Kyle wanted to cry. He didn't want to be here, didn't want to be doing this. He felt like he was about to throw up. He brought his lips to Jonathan's dick again. This time pressing hard against it. It slid between his lips until it softly bumped against his teeth. It was like nothing he had ever tasted before and he wished he could spit it out as soon as he touched it.

"Use your tongue, Kelly," Jane whispered in her ear, "I know you can kiss better than that.

His tongue slowly slipped between his teeth against the hard slobbering erection. He touched it so lightly and still it throbbed against his lips.

Jane leaned all the way in, whispering into Kyle ear almost too quiet to hear.

"Are you still pretending to be Kelly?" she asked, "Are you still a woman? You better be. Otherwise, I'll have him stick this thing somewhere else in you. And you'll like that even less. If you're such a good actor, you better be able to prove to me that you're enjoying this. You better like this a lot. Otherwise, we're gonna keep doing it, until you get it right. Now OPEN YOUR MOUTH!"

Kelly did. She opened her mouth and let Jonathan slide right in. Her lips formed an O around him and began moving back and forth. Her tongue stroked it inside her mouth, back and forth. At Jane's command, she brought her hands up and began using them as an extension of her mouth. She sucked and licked for all she was worth. And it was working.

Jonathan was moaning. He had grabbed her head softly and was trying to push himself deeper into her throat.

He was choking her. Driving his massive erection practically down into her stomach. It was so big and so far back that she gagged, just barely managing to keep her stomach's contents down.

He pulled the beast back out, so that the tip rested on her tongue. She felt him throb, once...twice...

Then he exploded.

Most of it went down her throat, making her gag and sputter. The rest, dripped out of her mouth and down her chin. Jonathan left his dick in her mouth, enjoying the last few seconds of pleasure.

Kelly felt dirty. She looked up with mournful eyes into the face of her oral assailant.

It wasn't Jonathan.

It was Jane. It was Jane's face on top of Jonathan's body.

It wasn't possible. It just wasn't possible unless...

* * * * *

Kyle woke slowly. It had been a dream. At least...he thought it had. A very, VERY, disturbing dream.

He opened his eyes, letting the bright sunlight poor in. It hurt his head. The pain was driven away by the sight of the two globes jiggling underneath his shirt below his chin.

"Shit!" he thought, "It did happen. But how much. What was real and what was part of the dream."

Had he given Jonathan a blowjob? He didn't think so, but he couldn't really remember. He had been drinking. He knew that.

Had he kissed Jonathan? Had he kissed Jane? He just couldn't remember.

He stretched, but only got halfway through it. His heart began to beat at ten times its normal rate.

He was lying on Jonathan's bare chest.






© 2001 by Melissa Daniels. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.