Crystal's StorySite


Polly Merman

by Prudence Walker

Chapter 07


"Do you know which thoughts are yours and which are hers?" Ted asked, trying to calm Beth down.

"Sometimes, if they are contradictory to my own, but others sneak in if there's nothing opposing them. For instance when Shelly asked me about my hair. I told her, my mother had taught me. It just popped out like that, before I realized. I'm doing things that I never learned, like putting my hair into a French twist. See, I even know the name of the style." Beth explained.

"Please honey, fight back for me...for both of us and our future together," Ted implored, fighting back a tear himself, as he watched Beth struggle to keep her emotions under control.

"I'm trying, but it so hard. At least I'm alone in here. I couldn't stand it if Beth's mind was in here as well. All I got to do it fight off her memories." Ground out a determined Beth. She wasn't going down with out a fight, not when she had so much to lose now.

Ted encouraged her to come out into the lounge, where Shelly hugged the distraught Beth. Ted got a drink out of the liquor cabinet and poured out four glasses, handing them around, before taking one in to Jenna. Ted told Jenna about knowing what Beth was dealing with. Jenna turned and collapsed into Ted's chest, sobbing as she tried to speak.

"I just got to know my new sister, and now she is being taken away from me, inch by inch," she cried, as Ted held her gently. "We were bonding like true sisters and it felt great," she continued, trying to pull herself together.

"Me too," Ted agreed. "I love her and felt we have a future together. I can't watch her being torn apart like this. Are you sure there's nothing we can do?"

"I've trying to come up with an idea, but nothings coming. I feel there is an answer, but it's eluding me at the moment," Jenna answered, feeling frustrated.

Ted went back into the lounge and tilted his head towards the kitchen. Shelly took the unspoken hint to go see Jenna and got up and left the lounge, allowing Ted to be alone with Beth.

Ted, his curiosity piqued at something Beth had said earlier asked her, just for curiosities sake, what was the reason the original Beth didn't want stay with him.

Beth looked up, seeing Ted's eyes locked on hers. Searching though the miss mass of foreign memories, she tried to reply.

"She liked the sex," she started, blushing a little. "But I...she didn't want to commit to just one man. I hadn't had any serious relationships before that and had wondered if there might be another more suited for me. I guess I loved you, but wasn't in love with you," she paused, fiddling with her hair idly.

Ted was amazed, as Beth started recalling the memories of the dead Beth; she began to talk as if it was her memories, referring to herself in the first person. That was not all either; her mannerisms underwent a subtle change, reminding him of those the original Beth used. Gone was the slightly stiff, self-conscious manner of the transformed Colin. It seemed like the original Beth was sitting right there in front of him. He listened stunned, as Beth (which Beth?) continued talking.

"When you asked me to marry you, I was in a quandary, you were comfortable and nice to be with, but I couldn't envision being with you forever. That's why I said no." Beth concluded, looking sadly at Ted.

Fearing he'd lost her to the other, Ted asked a question he hoped would jar her back.

"Do you love me Beth?" he asked, praying for the right answer.

"No," she replied.

"Beth? Beth it's me, Ted… listen to yourself please. This isn't you talking," begged Ted as his heart ached.

"Huh? Oh! Ted I'm so sorry. I got so wrapped up in her memory that it was like recalling my own feelings. Please I didn't mean that, I do love you, please believe that," Beth cried grabbing onto Ted.

The relief Ted felt at that, made his heart soar again. She was back, the Beth he'd come to love. He kissed her on the lips as if reaffirming their commitment towards each other. Beth on her part was trying to over write the old ghost memories with brand new ones that she hoped would make the others fade.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Shelly was helping Jenna with the final preparations for dinner. Jenna had gone to wake Cathleen so she wouldn't be too sleepy to eat her food. Shelly was pleased to walk in on the two tonsil wrestlers in the lounge, seeing Beth more animated and smiling.

"Dinner will be ready soon; we're just waiting on Richard. Beth you might need to freshen up," Shelly added, looking at the ruin, tears had made of Beth's makeup. "Want some help?"

"Thanks Shelly, but I need to learn to do this by myself, I just wish my face had numbers marked on it," Beth laughed, seeing Shelly's puzzled look. "I was quite good at paint by number, when I was a kid."

Shelly giggled; feeling better that Beth still had her old sense of humour back about all of this. Jenna recovered her smiling cheerful self by the time Richard arrived and they sat down for dinner. Richard joked about adding another bedroom for the extra guests that stayed for dinner these days. That reminded Ted of something.

"The detective rang me today when he couldn't get hold of you," Ted started. "He gave me some good news about Martin and his associates."

"Oh, sorry about that, we were told to turn off our cell phones at the hospital and I forgot to turn mine back on," Beth apologized. "What did he say?"

"Well it seems they were caught trying to scam money out another victim, but without Martin's dubious presence, they stuffed up. The police nabbed them and they squealed on Martin trying to get a lighter charge."

"So I can go home now?" asked Beth, looking happier.

"Sure… although I would wait till tomorrow, I can knock off a few hours earlier and come over." Ted suggested hopefully.

"Can I come too? I haven't seen your place yet," asked Shelly.

"Mommy, can I goes with awntie Shelly to see Maggie's usser home. I be's real careful and not gets in trowble." Piped up Cathleen, eager to be in on this new adventure.

"You'll have to ask your auntie Beth, it's fine with me. Shelly can bring you back afterwards."

"Awntie Beth?"

"Sure honey, I guess Maggie can show you around," grinned Beth, tweaking Cathleen's nose.

The next day Sara called Beth to say that all the tests turned out as expected, with no real solutions to her memory problem. The good news was, that Beth was extremely healthy and all baby-making systems were online, according to the manufacturer's specifications. Jenna thought that was excellent news when Beth told her at lunch, but Beth sourly quipped that even she got pregnant now it could be the other Beth that might have to deal with the birth in 9 months.

Jenna spluttered, nearly choking on her food, before giving Beth a scornful look.

"You'll be there if and when you have a baby, not some ghost, even If I have to tie strings on your fingers as memory reminders." She said adamantly.

Later that day, Beth moved back home. She was pleased to be home, although she was going to miss being with Jenna. Shelly was moving too, into the room Beth had been staying in. Maggie went exploring with a little tagalong following. There were a few tears when Cathleen and Shelly left. Cathleen told Maggie to be good and that she'd miss her. Beth assured the tearful child that Maggie would be at the crèche tomorrow.

Finally only Ted remained. And Beth asked if he wanted to stay and take 'pot luck' for dinner. Later they cuddled and kissed, trying to get that feeling back that had nearly been destroyed by the intruding memories.

In bed that night, Beth sighed, she had wanted Ted to stay over, but her body was tired and she had to deny herself for a bit longer. She wanted the night she finally slept with Ted to a memorable one with perhaps a dinner out and a movie, something she could recall fondly, in the future. Sleep came eventually; her dreams filled with broken fragments of old memories mixed with new.

The week passed by with seemingly little change. Beth was getting much more capable at looking her best, both with makeup and her hair. She had made a date for Friday night to go for dinner and a movie with Ted, but fate intervened with a phone call on Friday afternoon just as she was getting ready.


"Beth Winslow?"

"Yes, who's calling?"

"Beth it's Cleo...remember me?"

Beth's mind went spinning as a memory of Cleo flashed into her mind. Cleo was an old friend of Beth's from high school. Cleo was the one voted most likely to get into trouble. She was always a big drug user and sometimes shared some of them with Beth.

"Yes, I remember."

"Look I know it's short notice but I wondered if we could get together tonight. I'm just here for a couple of days before I head north. I thought we could get together and have a night on the town like the old days. What do you think? I'll be at the old smoke house on Main Street at 6 pm. We can meet there, okay?"

"Okay, I'm nearly dressed anyway, I'll see you there," Beth said excitedly, before hanging up.

Ted arrived at Beth's place at 7pm to find the place dark and locked up. He knocked, but got no answer. He racked his brains, going over the plans they had made, making sure Beth had told him to pick her up at her place. He waited for a while, thinking that she may have popped out for something and had missed to the time passing. After 15 minutes, he tried ringing her cell phone as he hung outside her doorway. He hung up disgustedly when he heard the faint sounds of Beth's phone ringing inside the house. Ted was getting worried by now, so he rang Jenna to see if she'd heard or seen Beth. After finding out that they hadn't seen her, Ted went and checked the usual hidey place the old Beth used to put a spare key.

Finding it, he entered the house and turned on the lights. He searched the house looking for Beth or any sign of struggle or disarray. Nothing, Beth was gone, so was Maggie. Ted wondered where the kitten was, but saw no sign of her. Where Beth had vanished to was a mystery, and there were no notes or signs of where she had gone. Ted felt a sickening feeling of dread filling his stomach, as he debated his next move. He rang the detective who had been on the case before to give him a heads up, the response wasn't exactly what he wanted, but the man said he'd pass the word around to be on the lookout for Beth. A missing person bulletin could only be acted on, after 24 hours had passed.

Ted with nothing better in mind, started driving round in his car, after ringing Jenna and telling her the news. She and Shelly offered to do the same, wanting to be doing something positive and not just waiting for their sister to turn up. Jenna suggested going to all the usual haunts that both Colin and the original Beth knew.

"You seem different?" Cleo shouted into Beth's ear as they sat in the noisy bar.

"Oh! Maybe I've settled down now," giggled Beth, as she took another drag on the toke, Cleo had shared with her.

The music and drinks were starting to make Beth feel relaxed. She and Cleo had met and Beth had just let the woman talk, filling Beth's mind with the raunchy reminders of their shared history. As Cleo talked, the memories of her younger days seemed to firm, to become more real. Beth didn't seem to realize that she was being brainwashed into thinking more like the original Beth. Colin's memories were being suppressed as Cleo's recollections brought forward the recently recovered memories of Beth's former life.

"Hey get a load of those two, will you." Cleo said, pointing to two tall blonde men sitting further down the bar. Their Nordic ancestry was evident in their faces, along with the accent of the occasionally overheard word.

"Let's party. Come on, maybe we will get lucky tonight," winked Cleo, dragging Beth over to the two men.

Beth followed, putting aside her feeling that this was wrong. She smiled at the men, as Cleo boldly introduced themselves to the men. The men turned out to be Swedish, and spoke only limited English, but were pleasant and polite. An offer of dinner for the two women was eagerly accepted.

"I'm hungry tonight, and I always eat my vegetables," offered Cleo.

At the blank look from the men as they all walked outside to the less noisy street, Cleo elaborated with.

"I like to eat all my Swedes."

Swen and Peter both got that, and chortled together. They walked two blocks down and turned into a small restaurant, just moments before Ted cruised slowly past in his car. Several hours later Beth and Cleo exited the restaurant arm in arm with the two men, having enjoyed a leisurely meal there. A nightclub across the road beckoned them with its fancy flashing sign and the strains of subdued upbeat music escaping from within. Soon they were dancing, feeling the beat of the music counter pointing their own heart beat as shook their bodies in wild abandon.

Ted and the girls reluctantly called the search off at 2 am in the morning, feeling tired and worried. Ted decided to stay at Beth's house, in case she returned there.

Ted got a blanket and settled down on the couch, wanting to be ready to move at a moments notice. Just as he was starting to succumb to the blessed oblivion of sleep, his cell phone rang. He jolted awake grabbing and knocking the phone to the floor in his haste to answer it.

"Hello, Ted here." He answered finally.


"Hello, is anyone there?" He asked into the silence.

"Um.... Ted?" Came a hesitant whisper.

"Beth! Where are you?" Ted shouted, in relief as he recognized the voice.

"I'm not sure, I'm so confused. There's a man here in the room with me," the whispering voice answered.

"Is there anything around you that might tell me where you are?" Ted asked, feeling helpless and frustrated. His love was with a man in a room somewhere? His mind raced through the possibilities and didn't like the obvious one.

"There's a name here by the phone, the Hotel Continental. Is that any help?" Beth's confused voice wavered.

"Look for a room number," Ted replied, as he made his way to his car.

Ted heard the phone being put down and then silence, faintly he heard a door opening and then closing, then more silence, before he heard the phone being picked up.

"I'm in room 405, hurry please, I don't feel good," Beth's voice pleaded.

"I'm on my way, hang tight honey, remember I love you and I'll be there soon." Ted answered, trying to will some of his love to her over the phone.

The hotel continental loomed closer, as Ted sped though the early hours of morning. He'd rung Jenna and told her he was bringing Beth back to her place. There was no way Beth was going to go back to be alone in her own home. Jenna had said okay and would make new sleeping arrangements for them all, including Ted. Maggie, who had appeared from nowhere just before Ted had climbed back into the car to fetch Beth, had jumped in and was now sitting in the backseat mewing in agitation. Beth must have let the kitten outside and forgotten her when she inexplicably left.

"You and me both Maggie," Ted said trying to comfort the distressed kitten.

As soon as he found a place to park, Ted was off running. He stormed into the hotel and past the startled night staff and headed for the lift. The doors just closed as the looming face of the approaching night doorman tried to question him. Ted paced impatiently as the lift seemed to take forever to reach the forth floor. Squeezing out before the doors fully opened, he ran down the corridor looking for the right room.

It was locked, so he knocked loudly, barely resisting the urge to kick it down. A tall blonde haired man answered the door. Ted pushed his way past, not caring if the man objected. His mind was focused on only one thing... getting Beth.

Ted stopped seeing Beth huddled in a seat wearing just her underclothes and a sheet for modesty.

"Hey! You can't burst in here like that, this is my room." Peter said, confronting Ted.

"Yeah, but this is my girl. I'm taking her home, so don't even think of stopping me," Ted retorted, shrugging off the hand that Peter had placed on his shoulder.

"Look man, she came onto me, along with her friend. We just had dinner and danced. She drank too much and I brought her back here. We kissed a bit, and then she seemed to change just before she passed out. I took off her dress and shoes and was going to let her sleep it off. Nothing else happened, I don't take unfair advantage of girl's that way," offered Peter as an explanation.

"I'm sorry," Ted said. "Beth's been through a tough time recently and I think she just flipped out for a while. Oh my name is Ted, thanks for being a gentleman, and looking after her," Ted added, holding out a hand.

"No problem Ted, I hope she gets things sorted. Peter replied with concern in his voice as he shook Ted's hand.

Ted walked over to Beth, where she sat woodenly. She had a faraway look in her eyes, as she sat staring into space.

Ted knelt before her, taking her hands.

"Beth... it's me, Ted, are you okay?"

Slowly her eyes focused, she nodded and tried to get up, but the alcohol and the drugs had taken most of her muscle control and Ted had to assist her to stand. Beth was too out of it to walk much, so Ted slung her over his shoulder, removing the sheet and draped Beth's dress over her body. He didn't want to take the time to get her back into it, he wanted her safe, so getting the shoes Peter handed him and her purse, and he took the lift back down.

He wasn't accosted at the entry, even though he knew he looked strange with a near naked woman over one shoulder, her dress barely keeping her decent. Holding a pair of ladies heels in the other hand and a handbag slung on the opposite shoulder, he was sure that someone would question him. He got a few looks and one person looked like they wanted to stop him taking a guest out that way, but the determined expression on his face seemed to give him carte blanche, as they stepped aside.

Ted drove like a maniac getting to Jenna's in record time. He had the heater on so Beth wouldn't get a chill, sitting there in her under things. He had draped the dress across her front when he had fastened her safety belt before driving away from the hotel. Beth seemed to be drifting in and out of a confused state, which Ted knew wasn't good.

Jenna rushed out with Shelly close on her heels, when Ted arrived with Beth. They held her close as they ushered her inside. Sitting her down on the sofa, they offered her a brandy, but Beth shook her head and asked for a coffee. Shelly went to make one as Jenna hugged Beth close. They waited, not wanting to put any more stress on Beth by asking questions. Once Beth had drunk her coffee, the tale started to come out.

"I got a call from an old friend of Beth's, Cleo is her name. Once she started talking, a memory of Beth's popped up and seemed to fill my mind; it was as though it was the most important thing in my life. When she invited me to meet her, all thoughts about Ted and our date seemed to fade into the background. I accepted and left everything to go with her. Beth's old memories overwhelmed my own and I acted on them as if they were real. Beth shuddered as she recalled the night's experiences.

"Do you want to leave it and tell us in the morning?" asked a concerned Jenna, knowing it must be hard to spill out one's soul like this.

"No, I want to get this out while it's fresh in my memory. Anyway I left the house, forgetting about Maggie being outside, and just drove off. It was weird, I met Cleo and we talked and had a few drinks and shared a weed. Every thing she talked about seemed to reinforce the effects of the buried memories. The worst part of it was, it was me, not the other Beth. If it had been the other Beth doing the talking for me and acting as she did while I... the part of me that is Colin, was sitting back in her head, I could excuse my behaviour." Beth started to sob, as guilt for what she had done and the way she had blown off Ted's date, started to hit her.

"Hey stop blaming yourself," Ted interjected, giving Beth a supporting hug. "I think you are the bravest person for having had to deal with what happened to you."

"He's right," Jenna agreed. "You are going through a difficult time, something no one has had to deal with before. We love you and will stand by for you, no matter what," she added, giving Beth a warm smile.

"Thank you, but I don't think I'm worthy of your love, wait till I tell you what happened," Beth replied. "It felt like I was only using Beth's set of memories instead of my own, so I was acting and reacting as she would, even though I was in control. All my memories took a back seat as I used Beth's memories as a guide to how I should act. We picked up two Swedish guys and got ourselves invited to a meal.

Afterwards we went to a nightclub where we danced. I was feeling the effects of the drinks we were bought by the guys and I started feeling very horny and uninhibited. I started kissing Peter... the guy I was with. I ended up at their hotel with Cleo taking the other guy to his room. Peter gave me a drink and we started to make out. Somewhere during that, he started caressing my breasts. I had memories of Beth's, where she had been caressed, but it was different from the actual feeling I experienced.

That's when things started feeling odd. The more he touched me the more I felt that this wasn't right, that I hadn't ever done nor had these feelings before. Then it hit me. I was Colin/Beth, not Beth. I felt so sick that I reacted badly. I pulled away and tried to stand. The last drink must have hit me rather suddenly and I stumbled, and collapsed back down on the couch. Thinking quickly, I pretended to black out, going as limp as I could."

"God wasn't that taking a risk?" Jenna interrupted. "He could have raped you."

"No I don't think so; you see I could remember how he had treated me all evening. He seemed genuinely nice, so I took that chance. I did worry a little when he carried me too the bed and took my dress and shoes off. Fortunately he just pulled the covers over my body and he left to sleep on the couch."

"So let me guess the rest," Ted spoke up, letting Beth take a break. "You waited on the bed till you were sure Peter was asleep, before using the phone to ring me?"

"Yes, I sneaked past him to check on the room number, when I couldn't see anything by the phone," Beth confirmed.

"But if you remembered everything when you got back to being yourself, wouldn't you have remembered seeing the number?" queried Jenna.

Beth blushed before replying reluctantly. "Peter was quite a hunk, seeing him through Beth's eyes. I didn't take much notice of anything but him. In fact I was in front of him, giving him a kiss when he opened the door. I know he struggled to open it past my body," Beth answered, lowering her head and turning away so she couldn't see the anticipated pain in Ted's eyes. Tears started falling silently as she realised she had probably ended their budding relationship.

Ted reached out, grasping her lowered chin in his hand and slowly raised Beth's head so she could see the love in his eyes. The moment her eyes caught his, she wailed and flung herself into his arms. They stayed that way for a while, she sobbing and Ted holding her and whispering endearments in her ears. Jenna stood and nodded her head at Shelly, indicating they leave. As she passed Ted, she trailed a hand across his shoulder in reassurance, before leaving the two to their emotional reunion. Jenna knew the worst was past, and that Ted's love had been strong enough to overcome this setback.

Morning found Jenna up early, as she padded quietly into the lounge. She smiled to herself as she spotted Ted and Beth spooned together on the couch. They were still fully dressed bar their shoes, which had been kicked off and lay haphazardly on the floor. Ted had pulled one of the blankets Jenna had put out the night before over the pair of them, and had awkwardly gone to sleep there. The thing that made Jenna want to laugh was Maggie had found a precarious position between the two to sleep. As the pair breathed Maggie was forced to put out a paw to stop her falling off. How a kitten could do that automatically, and still be asleep, was beyond Jenna's understanding. Somehow, knowing the kitten would prefer that, than sleeping elsewhere, meant there was a special bond between them as well. Seeing that touching scene gave Jenna something to smile about.

Breakfast was well under way before the smell of bacon and eggs that drifted into the nostrils of those in the lounge managed to rouse the three slumberers.

Maggie pounced into the kitchen with a plaintive meow. Checking out her bowl in case the big person had kindly filled it again. Jenna laughed as she watched Maggie sit expectantly at her bowl, as if to say 'hurry up I'm waiting. I got important places to check out today.' Jenna placed a few strips of bacon in the kittens bowl. It was immediately inhaled as the hungry kitten quickly ate the offered treat. A generous amount of milk was poured into her other dish before Jenna went back to finishing breakfast.

A sleepy pair of visitors creaked into the kitchen, muttering about the perils of couch sleeping. Jenna grinned as the two tried to stretch out the kinks and strains of their night together.

"Why not go soak those aches out in the hot tub, before you have breakfast," Jenna suggested as she shooed them out the kitchen.

"But I don't have anything to wear," Beth complained, wincing as her muscles protested loudly.

"Well you could both go in naked, seeing no ones up yet," Jenna winked. "Or… I could loan you a bikini of mine and a pair of Richards's swimming trunks." She added as an afterthought.

Ted grinned, liking Jenna's first suggestion, but Beth pressed Jenna for the bikini, not realizing the suit just showed off her charms to the point that she may not as well have bothered.

While the pair soaked in the tub, Jenna woke Richard and Shelly with breakfast in bed. Seeing Cathleen was still in slumber land, Jenna took the advantage of a quick snuggle with Richard.

Beth lay in the bubbling hot water, feeling much better as Ted held her in his lap. She wanted to stay like this forever feeling the bubbles doing their tickling best as they passed though her legs and up past her breasts. She could feel Ted gently kneading her body, moving his hands slowly encountering every part as if trying to memorise every inch of her. She loved it when he massaged her breasts, lifting them and rubbing on the nipples. Her crotch tingled and sent interesting signals to her brain and she felt like she was melting.

Ted was in heaven, holding his love in the tub. He was supporting Beth in the water as she near floated with her eyes closed. He could see she liked his slow moving hands travelling over her body, by the relaxed smile on her face. He bent over and gently kissed her rosebud lips. Beth eyes flashed open in surprise, and then crinkled as she returned his kiss. Just as things were getting interesting a rumble was heard. Some one was hungry. Beth blushed as her stomach made its protest again.

Reluctantly, they climbed out of the tub, their bodies steamed in the morning's early light. Pulling the towels tight against themselves, they came slowly inside the house, still holding hands.

The doors to the patio being opened and closed again, alerted Jenna to the two's re-emergence from the tub. Jenna knew breakfast would be one of the things on their mind, along with something else, unless she missed her guess. Well at least she could satisfy one of their urges. She left Richard to his breakfast, stealing one more egg tasting kiss from him, before moving into the kitchen.

"You can change in the bathroom you two, breakfast is 5minutes away, so no hanky panky," laughed Jenna, as she saw the two embracing.

Shelly wandered into the kitchen, putting her plates and cup in the dishwasher, before giving her sister a thank you kiss. Seeing Beth and Ted eating at the breakfast bar, she came and sat too. Jenna was finishing her own breakfast, having eaten little bits during the cooking.

"What about these memories that keep popping up?" Shelly started. "We don't want a repeat of last night."

"I have a theory," Jenna mumbled past a mouthful of food. She swallowed the last bit of breakfast, before continuing. "Beth was being prompted by Cleo's constant reminders of the other Beth's life, when they separated to go into each guy's room, that influence disappeared, and with it, the constant reinforcing of the other Beth's memories. All we need to do is keep Beth away from people that knew her and might bring up past memories. Until Beth can lay new memories down over the old, we need to be very alert to this," Jenna finished.

"Sheesh, that's some job," offered Shelly disgustedly.

"Not really, I think the problem arises when our Beth doesn't have an appropriate memory already in place. For example our Beth hasn't had sex yet, so it's likely that she would draw upon the old memory when she thinks about it. Once she has sex, her new memory will be so much stronger and hopefully will over write the old one," Jenna stated, shrugging an apology at the red faced Beth.

"So I have to do all the things the old Beth did, to stop this?" asked Beth, fearing the worst.

"Well not all the things, but yes most of the common things. That way the influence will be lessened," Jenna offered.

"Um… I could help with the sex bit," Ted piped up hopefully, with an ear-to-ear grin on his face.

"Oh go soak your head," came a chorus of voices. Ted ducked the imaginary objects the girl's mock threatened to throw at him.

"Ouch ow ow," he wailed, seeming to fall off his stool. "Those hurt."

The girl's started laughing, and made as to grab something real to throw at the chastened Ted.

Richard came in then, bringing his breakfast tray. He kissed Jenna before commenting that they should hire a caravan for the extra guests that seemed to be swelling the household. Ted apologized to Richard for imposing on their hospitality, which was immediately waved of by both Richard and Jenna.

"Nonsense, you're more than welcome Ted," Richard said. "In fact with the other two ladies here doing the cooking, I haven't eaten so well," he finished, jokingly, before getting a thump from Jenna as she protested.

"MEN!" was all she said, disgustedly, before sniffing and lifting her nose in the air.

That got a chuckle from everyone including the men. Ted then asked Beth if they were still on for the missed date.

"Where are we going to go?" Beth considered.

"Well, there is that place you tried last night," grinned Ted.

"No way!" Protested Beth, indignant that he would suggest such a thing. "If I'm going on a first date, I want to go someplace that will leave a lasting impression on me," she demanded.

"Hey it was just a joke," Ted said, holding up his hands in surrender. "What about that new place, the Surf-N-Turf? I heard good things about their food. I'm not certain how high class it is though. If you have another suggestion… please say."

"Well I'd prefer the food to be good over some of those overrated classy joints." Beth observed, but I want a movie later, oh and flowers," she giggled, getting approving looks from her sisters.

"As you wish milady," bowed Ted, sweeping an imaginary hat from his head.

Giggling, Beth walked up to Ted and pecked him on the cheek, as she walked out to use the bathroom. There she looked at herself in the mirror as she washed her hands afterwards. Looking at the dress she had worn the night before, she realised she had to get rid of it. It was threatening to drag back memories that she didn't want to relive.

"Jenna?" she called out the bathroom door. "Have you got something I can wear, besides this?"

Jenna, hearing Beth call, excused herself and went to see what was up. Shelly trailed along, curious herself. Beth explained to her two sisters the problem and Jenna offered to swap something in exchange for the dress, as it was her size. Shelly pouted, saying she was jealous that it was two small for her, otherwise she would have snapped it up.

"Maybe when you take the polymer, you'll shrink and be the same size as us," consoled Beth, giving Shelly a hug.

"Oh! I hope not," laughed Jenna. "She'll be in my wardrobe like a shot trying on my best outfits. It was bad enough when she first started dressing. All my clothes got stretched out of shape."

Denied Shelly, blushing a little at the accusation. "I only tried on her stuff once to see if it fit."

"Lucky for you I caught you in my slip," Jenna replied gently, reminding herself of that first time she found out about Shelly.

"Yeah thanks sis, I don't know what I'd have done had you not been so understanding, probably run away or tried something stupid. Instead you just said, "If you're going to dress in my things, you need to get something in your size."

Jenna laughed. "Yes I dragged you out to Wal-Mart to the ladies department."

"At least you held up the dresses against you and not on me, when you asked if I liked it," confessed Shelly. "I would have died for sure otherwise."

"Hey I'm your sister; I would never embarrass my new sis to be." Jenna said looking hurt that anything else could be the case.

"I'm sorry I doubted you sis," Shelly sighed, hugging Jenna tight. But it was kinda scary, going out to buy clothes for myself."

Beth interrupted with a, "Hey! I'm getting cold here; can we continue this interesting story later, when I'm dressed?"

Jenna and Shelly giggled, and raced off to select something appropriate for Beth, coming back in record time with a nice sundress that set off Beth's hair. Shelly handed Beth a pair of sandals that were more suited to the dress than were the heels Beth had with her.

They all rejoined the men a few minutes later, getting a whistle from Ted, as he admired her attire. Richard looked at Jenna with a raised eyebrow; having recognised who the dress belonged to. She shook her head slightly indicating she'd tell him later, in that nonverbal shorthand that loving couples use.

Beth asked Ted to drop her off at home, as she had no car, and soon they were on their way. Maggie wanted to stay on Beth's lap seeming content to curl up and kitten nap. Ted said he'd ring her to tell her when he would come around to pick her up. They made small talk and Beth put her hand on Ted's leg rubbing it unconsciously as she talked. Ted wanted to stop the car several times as his growing ardour was making something harder. Only the fact that Beth was seemingly unaware of what she was doing and what effect it was having on him, made him continue. He wondered if he could use her toilet without her guessing what the real reason he needed it for.

Beth was putting Maggie in the kitchen, when they arrived. Ted excused himself and quickly used her toilet to get ahead of things that needed seeing to urgently. Flushing and spraying the floral scented aerosol in the air to eliminate a certain odour, Ted said his goodbyes before he lost control and did something to spoil the evening. Even the kiss Beth gave him, as he went outside to his car, had him grind his fingernails into his palm. She was so sexy in such an innocent way, unlike any woman he'd met before. He doubted that she even knew how she was driving him crazy.

When Ted left, Beth collapsed on the sofa and laughed till tears rolled down her cheeks. Poor Ted was being teased and didn't know it. She may be new at this woman thing, but she knew what turned men on, having been one till recently. Ted couldn't see past the surface. All he saw was innocence and purity, exactly as Beth wanted it. She revelled in the power a woman has over a man, when said man is thinking with his gonads. She did love Ted, that was a certainty, but she wanted to play with him a little, before giving him what he wanted. The stroking of his leg while he was driving was hilarious. She knew he was hard put not to show anything, as he raced to relieve himself in the toilet. This was going to be fun; she wanted to have sex with Ted, but at her instigation and her rules.

Checking the house for tidiness, she started doing a few cleaning chores, but decided to change first. Full dresses were comfortable and allowed plenty of air to circulate between her legs, but kneeling and bending to pick up things were made more awkward as the skirts got in the way. Selecting a pair of cut off jeans, she admired herself in the mirror, checking out her curvier butt. Pleased that it looked cute in her eyes, she turned away to start the job of cleaning the place up. Deciding the floor in the kitchen was need a coat of polish, she turned the radio to a music station, before she got down on her hands and knees and started applying the polish.

She was feeling oddly contented to be doing such a mundane job where she could sing along to the music and not think too deeply on anything. She surprised herself that she now had a decent singing voice and could hit all the high notes. She sang along with the popular female vocalists, until Maggie, who seemed curious about all the noise, interrupted her. Spotting the moving rag in Beth's hand, Maggie's eyes followed it intently, sensing the opportunity to play. Beth laughed, as she got pounced upon by Maggie. She dragged the playful kitten back and forth over the floor like a furry mop, as the kitten retained her grip on the rag. Finally, allowing Maggie to win her prize, Beth stood up, happy with her efforts. On an impulse, she put a bottle of champagne in the fridge to chill and checked to see if she needed any extra food items.

She had a light lunch, before attacking the laundry, something she'd been avoiding. Cautiously, she drew on the stored memories on how to wash the delicate items in her basket. Luckily it proved to be easier than expected and there was no loss of self as she raided the memories for her own benefit. She sorted the coloureds from the whites and used the delicate cycle with just a warm temp setting. She soon had those items that needed to be dripped dry, out on the line. She was glad of the small stepping stool by the line as her loss in height made the stretch up without it, near impossible. She stepped back looking at the washing with a new eye, seeing the delicate unmentionables hanging there, in their colourful display, where once would have been boring old cotton underwear.

Women may have to wear more clothes than men to be fully decent, but at least most ladies wear was sensual to the touch. Women dress to be and to feel pretty, while men dress to be functional and are not too concerned about how they feel. Beth thought it a pity that there was such a discrepancy between men's and women's clothes, now that she had that unique experience of being able to compare the two.

Going back inside, with Maggie trailing on behind, Beth decided to have that fashion parade she'd been promising herself. She stripped off to bra and panties, dropping the cut-offs down on the floor. Where the ever-curious Maggie poked them idly as they fell partly over her. Maggie pushed further into the pants, smelling the warm scent of Beth there. Beth heard a plaintiff cry as Maggie got herself trapped in the pants as she tried to push her body out through the leg opening. Beth nearly dropped the gown she was holding as she caught sight of Maggie's predicament. Laughing as she saw the funny sight of Maggie's nose poking out the leg of her discarded pants, she put down the gown to carefully extricate the trapped kitten.

"That will teach you to wear my clothes," she gasped, knowing the kitten could have used her ability to squeeze out, if she was really desperate.

"Mirrrooowwww," Maggie offered, looking properly chastened.

Beth placed Maggie on the bed so she would be out from underfoot, while she tried on the clothes. Beth had fun, changing into every out fit she had. Maggie watched carefully making sure there were no trailing threads of other things worthy of further investigation. One gown that Beth liked was an elegant ¾ length pale rose silk chiffon cocktail dress with a mix of stripes and flowers in its design. The ruffles and layers draped beautifully and the asymmetrical hemline with three tiers of ruffles gave it a soft feminine, whimsical appeal. The delicate spaghetti straps went down to a flattering cowl neckline. Being fully lined it revealed and concealed and it felt like a touch of heaven to wear. Maggie approved of it too, as she batted at the ruffles, when Beth ventured to close to the bed in one of her display twirls.

"This is the one," Beth exclaimed, feeling like a delicate rose surrounded by petals of fabric. "Ted will drool all night," she giggled to herself.

Realising the time had flown past, Beth put away the clothes she had tried on and went to check on the washing. Beth brought most of the dry stuff in, folding it and putting it away, before she undressed to go have a nice bath, in readiness for her first date.

She chose a rose scented bath oil to luxuriate in, so she would look and smell like a rose. This was one of the nice things about being female, the ability to relax in a bath and not worry about being called to task about it. Women were expected to take the time to get ready, even if men still grumbled about it to other men. After washing and drying her hair, Beth, clad only in the terry cloth robe walked back to her bedroom to start the task off looking her absolute best for Ted.

Using her borrowed skills, she braided her hair and swept it up pinning it up on her head leaving tendrils of hair to trail down each side of her face. She then got out a matching bra and panties in a rose shade and slipped them on. She adjusted herself within the demi bra so she was comfortable, before putting on a garter belt and light coloured stockings. She made sure she followed one of Shelly's tips and pulled the garter straps through her panties, before attaching the stockings. These particular stockings gave her legs a shiny almost iridescent sheen, she was sure Ted would love to run his fingers over.

Makeup was next, as she carefully blended and shaded her face with the some of the concealers and blushes she now owned. Getting her eyes to look perfect, took the longest time, with eye shadow and mascara needing to be exactly right. Lipstick finished the job and then Beth added the all-important perfume, which was dabbed into her cleavage and behind her ears, with some on her wrists, exactly as Jenna had shown her.

Something was missing, 'ah! Accessories,' she thought. Opening her jewellery box, she selected some simple, but elegant silver earrings, and added a silver chain with a heart shaped pendant on it, that just kissed the top of her breasts. She found a few bracelets and rings, which she tried on, finally settling on just a pair of bracelets. She found the clinking sound they made as she moved her wrists quite appealing and very feminine.

She left her shoes till last, awaiting the call that Ted was on his way before she would put them on. She was getting very excited by the prospect of having sex as a woman. Her few tentative explorations into her new sexuality, had shown her how easy it way to get pleasure with little effort. Even clamping her legs together and thinking erotic thoughts could send her into an emotional overload, as her body reacted to the stimuli.

She felt she was ready for the next step, to have a man take her to the heights only hinted at in her self-ministrations. Someone that she trusted would treat her with the gentleness she needed for her first real experience. Still in her daydream of the night's activities, Beth failed to notice the phone ringing at first. All of a flutter, she raced to the phone, pausing to catch her breath before picking it up.

"Hello, this is the Winslow residence, how may I help you?" Beth answered in a French accent, playing a maids role.

"Beth?" asked Ted in surprise.

"Who else were you expecting to answer?" Laughed Beth, resuming her normal voice.

"Oh, only the most gorgeous woman on the planet," offered Ted, realising although meant initially as a joke, to him, it was indeed true.

"I'm sorry; I think she's shooting a film right now. Will the second most gorgeous woman do?" giggled Beth, blushing from the compliment.

"Oh no! I'm going to have to kill myself," Ted answered in a very theatrical woebegone voice.

"If you don't hurry over here pronto buster, I'll save you the trouble," Beth snorted, trying to sound a bit like Cher.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, keep your panties on," Ted laughed.

"Do I have to?" Beth asked seductively, just before hanging up the phone. 'Ha, that will make you hurry,' thought Beth with a smile, trying to imagine the thoughts going through Ted's head.

Ted couldn't believe his ears when he heard that. Was he going to get lucky tonight? He hoped so, as did another part of him. He eased his erection that had sprung up at the mental image of Beth wearing no panties and wondered if he had time to relieve himself before heading out. No, trusting that junior would find a better option later that night, Ted just adjusted himself as he got in his car.

Not knowing how skilled Beth had become in the womanly arts, with her judicious use of the old mental database left behind by the original Beth. Ted wasn't sure of what to expect when he arrived to pick her up. The vision of femininity that welcomed him inside her home when he arrived was nothing short of breath taking. She looked spectacular, and smelled of roses as he graced her cheek with a kiss. She blushed prettily and thanked him for the rose he had presented to her. He was glad he'd chosen a rose when he'd picked it up on the way over. Her dress floated around her as she gracefully took the rose into the kitchen to put it in water. Ted was agog, amazed by the transformation. Nowhere did he see a sign that this fragile petal had once been his dear friend Colin.

Beth came back and stood looking at the stunned Ted. She smiled, and posed, knowing she had his undivided attention. Holding her small purse in one hand, she spread her arms wide, allowing the light wisp of fabric calling itself an excuse for a scarf to fall from around her neck into the crooks of her arms as she did a graceful pirouette.

"Do I still rate as the most gorgeous woman?"

"Honey, you are so far above other women, you're nearly another species," gobbled Ted, trying to get his tongue back in his mouth.

I hope I can still interbreed, maybe we'll have to experiment later," Beth winked meaningfully, seeing something pulse in Ted's pants.

Ted knew he was outclassed, seeing Beth dressed to the nines, no make that higher, made him worry that he wasn't good enough for her. She was stunning. Her makeup was flawless; the dress was exquisite, and her bubbly attitude all seemed to combine into a vision that Ted wanted to kneel before and worship. Beth could have any man she wanted, looking like as she did, that she was going out with him, felt like an honour, and would make other men green with envy. He made a silent vow, never to take her for granted, and would strive to be the ideal man for her.

Beth took his hands with hers, feeling both in control of the situation and yet somehow, wanting to be controlled. She kissed him lightly on the lips, allowing him to put his arms around her while her arms encircled his neck. She felt a delicious shiver run through her body as she surrendered to his superior strength, wanting only to melt and let Ted do what he willed with her body. Ted pulled her close deepening the kiss. Beth found just enough strength to resist pulling Ted to her bedroom and letting him have his way with her. Breaking away from the kiss, panting slightly, she told him that was just an appetiser for later.

Breaking away from the kiss, panting slightly, she told him that was just an appetiser for later. Beth opened her purse, retrieving the compact with its mirror and checked her lips. Repairing the smudged lipstick, she looked up at Ted who was watching her with an odd look on his face.

"What?" she asked, using the mirror again, thinking she had missed something.

"You are really amazing, you know that? You're so natural as a woman; it's uncanny. I keep expecting Colin to poke his head round the corner and say 'gotcha, it's just a joke.' When I look at you I see a woman, a one hundred and ten percent woman that I love with all my heart."

Beth blushed, and took his hand, pulling towards the front door.

"I feel like a woman when I kiss you Ted. I have deep feelings for you too. Colin is still here, just enveloped in the very female body. As Colin, I had feelings for you, but because I was male none of them were allowed to come out in the open or even allowed to be recognised by myself, let alone be expressed in any way. Now it is different, I can be the person that loves you without fear of branded homosexual, and I can finally release those feelings for you. Oh there is one more feeling I have," Beth paused, turning to lock the door.

"What's that?" Ted asked, sensing he was supposed to ask.

"I'm feeling hungry," laughed Beth.

The restaurant that Ted had booked a table at was certainly catering for the upper echelon of society. No riff raff here, Beth was nervous, even though Ted assured her, she was more than adequately attired. She certainly turned heads as they passed the other seated dinners as they were ushered to their table by an obsequious Maitre d'. It was flattering in a way, at least the quality of the men showed as she didn't see any leering looks or felt like she was being undressed with their eyes. She saw appreciation and most smiled at her as she in turn glanced at them.

Ted felt ten feet tall as he saw the attention Beth was getting. Knowing she was happy to be with him and not another, made him feel like he was walking on air. The Maitre d' pulled Beth's chair out, seating her before doing the same for Ted. Beth wondered just how much this was going to cost, if the service was this good. The maitre d' snapped his fingers and a waitress and a waiter appeared like magic at the table. Ted and Beth were given menus and had their napkins opened and placed on their laps. Beth wasn't surprised to see that there were no prices on the menu, as she looked down the list.

She folded her menu down indicating to Ted that he could order for her, as everything looked good. Ted ordered champagne and started to order an appetiser, but as he scanned the list, he looked up at Beth with a wink and decided to order the soup instead, saying he'd already tasted the appetiser.

Beth blushed, but then came back with, "I hope dessert is worth waiting for," her words having quite different meaning to both Ted and the waiter. Ted's eyes gleamed and he winked at Beth, saying nothing.

The meal was excellent, starting with a clear beef consume then a pepper steak with garden salad and jacket potatoes. Dessert was worth waiting for, as they tasted the chocolate gateau. Coffee came with the check, which Ted refused to let Beth see, even though she offered to pay her share. Beth availed herself of the use of the ladies, before they left. The visit left her a little flustered, as she mingled with several very attractive ladies of impeccable taste.

Most of her prior experience of going to the men's toilets usually meant a quick visit with little or not eye contact and hardly any conversation. Since her change, she hadn't had much experience, meeting other women in the ladies at work, so she was unprepared for the attention she received in the restaurant toilet. She was first surprised at the smell. Ladies perfumes were mingled with the flowery scents of the deodorisers; completely masking any normally expected smells. Several women were touching up their makeup at the mirror and another was washing her hands. They turned to look at Beth as she entered, giving her a once over and checking out her dress. One complimented her, saying it looked really lovely on her. Beth blushed thanking her and replied in same, which seemed to be the right response. She went into a stall and did her business with a minimum of fuss, hearing the conversation continue at the mirrors. Beth was surprised and a little embarrassed by the openness of strangers discussing and sharing personal information. She was glad her blushing couldn't be seen as she readjusted her clothes and flushed the toilet. On exiting, she moved to wash her hands; she saw the women were still there fussing with their hair, seeming in no hurry to leave. Checking her lipstick, Beth saw repairs were needed and she got out her lipstick from her bag. The woman nearest Beth commented on it, asking if she could try it, offering her own for Beth to try. Dumbfounded, Beth handed it over, unused to this sort of sharing. She was handed a coral pink lipstick for her passion red one. As she turned to apply it, the other woman handed her a moist lanolin paper wipe, 'to get rid of the remains of the darker lipstick,' she was informed. Nodding her understanding, Beth removed the last of her lipstick, before reapplying the borrowed colour. Turning from the mirror to face the women, she gave the lipstick back and the others agreed that it went better with the dress she was wearing. Smiling, Beth got her lipstick back, along with the name and shade of the other she had borrowed. She left then, hoping Ted wasn't getting impatient with her delay.

Ted, to his credit was waiting patiently and made no comment, other than he noticed the change in lipstick. Beth took his arm as they left going back to the car. Ted drove to the nearby cinema, where they sat though a film that Beth only half concentrated on. She was happy just to lean over towards Ted and lay her head against his shoulder, her eyes closed in thought. Ted had his hand around her, holding her close, occasionally giving her a gentle squeeze. Beth was anticipating the moment when she could be alone with Ted and was feeling her body reacting to his musky masculine scent, which was mixed with his deodorant. When the movie ended, she cuddled close to Ted as they made their way out back to the car.

"Ted, can you open the champagne?" Beth asked, as she slipped off her shoes, after getting inside her place.

"Sure honey," he replied, slipping off his jacket and loosening his tie.

Ted brought the bottle into the lounge, where Beth was seated, and holding two empty glasses. Soft music was playing, and the lights were dimmed, making it seem very romantic. Ted took the glasses and carefully filled them without spilling a drop. Handing one to Beth, he clinked the rims together in a toast. "To us," Beth echoed the toast, before taking a sip, never taking her eyes off Ted's. They finished the glass in silence, drinking in the others closeness. Beth put down her glass and made the first move to kiss Ted. As their lips touched, it seemed as if a spark jumped across their bodies, sending shivers of delight through them. Things began to heat up, as they began kissing harder and hands went fumbling, trying to loosen their clothes.

Soon Beth was panting, as Ted stroked her body, making it more aroused. Then Ted scooped her up in his arms and she wrapped her own around his neck, as he carried her to the bedroom. They had no eyes for a small kitten that padded silently after them. Ridding themselves of their remaining clothes, they looked at each other for a moment before becoming one in a tangle of arms and legs. This was it, the moment Beth had been waiting for. To find fulfilment as a woman and put behind her the doubts lingering on in the tiny voice that used to be Colin.

As the foreplay increased, and her body grew wet as it readied itself for the ultimate act of acquiescence to another, she knew this feeling transcended any she had experienced as a male. When Ted entered her finally, and she felt the sensation of being filled for the first time, it was like she was now complete. She squealed and bucked, reaching and grasping him hard on his ass, trying to pull him in deeper. Slowly their passions grew and Ted grunted as he thrusts increased in tempo. Her squeals of delight, spurred Ted's efforts, as the first of many orgasms lifted Beth's body, arching it from the bed despite Ted being on top of her.

Ted finally came with a surge, which threatened to overflow the hastily applied condom. Beth felt the hot liquid pulse into her body, just as another orgasm sent her skywards again.

They lay there, spent, still joined. Ted moved to lie next to Beth, caressing her nipples as their ardour slowly waned. They kissed languidly; content to remain as they were. A small noise and a light thump on the bed heralded the arrival of Maggie, who promptly clambered over the entwined naked bodies. Maggie sat on Beth's chest and started nuzzling the nipple of her breast. Beth squealed as the raspy tongue on her sensitive nipple became too much. She shoved the kitten towards Ted, wincing a little as the claws scrabbled for purchase. Ted laughed, lifting the kitten high in the air and then placing it on the pillow next to Beth's head. Maggie sat there looking accusingly at Beth, for being removed from her favourite spot. Beth craned her head up to look at the kitten, giggling as Maggie took the opportunity to bat at the upturned nose.

"I think there's only room on this bed for one pussy while Ted's here, laughed Beth, as she reached to tickle the kitten.

"Yup, so move over Beth and let me play with Maggie," agreed Ted, poking her in the side and reaching for Maggie.

"Hey you big lump, stop that or I'll send you and the kitten to the dog, umm cat box," snorted Beth, poking Ted in the ribs.

"Sorry Maggie, looks like the mistress gets to have it her way," Ted said mournfully, as he put Maggie on the floor.

Turning back to Beth, Ted looked her in the eye and asked her how she felt having had sex as a woman.

"At the moment, I'm feeling great and want to feel you close so I can snuggle. But the sex was better than I'd imagined. When you entered me I felt somehow complete, like it was more than just the act of sex. Something clicked inside me, and I was made whole, any lingering doubts that the Colin part of me may have had, has now gone. I am now a woman and glad of it, I reached heights of pleasure I didn't think was possible, and it's like an ocean wave, it grows then explodes then grows again and again."

Beth kissed Ted, stopping all further discussion, until only the sounds of two people making love, were again heard. Beth had assumed the dominant position on top of Ted, allowing her to control the act as she rode up and down Ted's rampant rod. Ted cupped Beth's breasts with his hands, gently massaging them as they bounced with Beth's movements. Climaxing together, Beth slumped onto Ted's chest, panting with her exertions as she came down from her post-orgasmic high. She dozed, happy just to stay there as Ted managed to pull a sheet over both of them before going to sleep.

To be continued




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