Crystal's StorySite


The Protector-Hunted


Julie O


Chapter 51

Monday morning Ally sat down next to Joe and reviewed his conversations with Billy.

"I see that he pressed you again for your last name," noted Ally, as she read the printout of their latest conversation.

"Yes. I felt I should string him out a little bit more. I don't want to look too obvious," replied Joe.

Ally nodded. "It also looks like we've got this one all to ourselves. I haven't gotten any requests from the local police departments."

"I guess he feels he knows us well enough now," suggested Joe.

"That's possible. His profile said that he would be arrogant," replied Ally.

Donna walked in and sat down next to Ally and Joe. "You're both in early."

"He's here," announced Joe.

Ally and Donna swung around to monitor the computer screen.

Billy87: Good morning sweetie!

Tammy: Billy! Good morning! I was hoping you'd stop in early.

Billy87: And why is that? Something bothering you? Are you okay?

Tammy: Yes. I have to go by my new school this morning. I'm nervous.

Billy87: Don't be.

Tammy: I know that I shouldn't be.

Billy87: I wish I could give you a hug in person.

Tammy: So do I

Billy87: Why is that? You don't even trust me enough to tell me your last name.

Joe glanced over at Donna and Ally, who both nodded their approval.

Tammy: Don't laugh. It's Rose.

Billy87: That makes sense; you're as sweet as a rose!

Tammy: I'm blushing!

Billy87: I bet you look cute when you blush. Damn! Look at the time. I gotta go to work. I'll be back online this afternoon. We can talk about your school then. Okay? Kiss!

Tammy: Thanks. Kiss!

Billy87 then exited the chat room.

"If we're right, the school will be getting a call this morning," stated Ally. "Donna, I have a task for you."

"What's that?" asked Donna.

"Take the agency credit card and go shopping for Tammy," replied Ally, pointing at Joe.

"Cool! Oh, Tammy, you're going to look so cute!" giggled Donna.

"Thanks, Ally. I won't let you down," replied Joe, ignoring Donna's comments.

"I know you won't. You may not want to thank me after Donna gets through with you. I know that she's been wanting to dress you up for a while," stated Ally.

Donna ran her hands across each other and did her best mad scientist laugh. "You're mine, all mine!"

Ally left Donna and Joe and headed to her office. She checked her e-mail as she called Robert.

"Do you feel he'll want to make contact this week?" asked Robert.

"Either this week or next. I can't see him going much longer," replied Ally. She reached into her fridge and grabbed a Diet Coke.

"I want to see you and Steve in my office to discuss the case. Be here at 9:00," stated Robert.

"I will."

Ally hung up the phone and took a deep breath and let it out. In some ways she was glad that it was going down so soon. Starting the following Monday she would be without Donna, who was taking the week off to prepare for the wedding. Ally felt better about the case having Donna to assist her.

* * * *

Ally arrived outside Robert's office at the same time as Steve. "Good morning," she greeted.

He nodded. "You think it's going down soon?"

"Yes. I'll know for sure soon."

They walked into Robert's office and sat down. For the next twenty minutes they talked about the case and the stakeout.

"Kelly II will be delivered this afternoon," stated Steve.

"I told Kelly to buy two duplicate outfits, including jewelry," added Ally. "We don't want to overlook the smallest detail."

Robert nodded. "Is Joe ready to be the bait-teen?"

"Yes. He's a good agent. I'm really impressed with him," replied Ally.

"From what I read of the last stakeout, Billy didn't allow a lot of heads up time before the meeting. Do what you can to give us as much time as possible. If possible, suggest one of these places," stated Steve, as he handed Ally and Robert a list of places. "We've staked these out and they have good observation places."

"They're all close to the school. I hope Billy is cooperative," replied Ally.

Just then Ally's pager began vibrating. She checked the number. "Excuse me, this could be the news we've been waiting for." Ally dialed her cell phone and listened. "Really? Good. Thanks. I'll let them know."

"Well?" asked Steve.

"That was Donna. The high school was just contacted by a man requesting information on a student named Thomas Rose. He claimed to be from Georgetown University. The secretary told him that they had no student registered under that name. He went on to say that he was sure that Thomas was a new student. He was told again that there was no Thomas Rose in the database and that all new students had been entered into the system. We'll know for sure this afternoon, when Billy comes back in the room."

Robert and Steve nodded their approval.

"I'll have my teams standing by. I'll call you when Kelly II arrives," stated Steve.

Ally and Steve left Robert's office together.

"Ally, I'm heading down to the range this afternoon. You want to join me?"

"I'd like that. Thanks, what time?"

"Two. See you there," replied Steve.

Ally returned to her office. It would be going down soon, which was good, she thought.


Chapter 52

Ally arrived at the firing range, located in the basement. Steve was waiting for her by the door.

"You ready to have some fun?" asked Steve.

"Sure thing!" replied Ally.

Ally took the lane next to Steve. While the shoulder limited her mobility, she was still able to shoot, thanks to advice from several members of Spec-Ops. They had, for all practical purposes, adopted Ally. She found this amusing, but was proud that they had accepted her. They knew her physical status, but it didn't matter to them. She had proved herself in the field and that was all that mattered to them.

"Do you think Billy will go down easy?" asked Ally, as they reloaded.

"No. His profile tells me that he will fight it out. He wants to kill agents. I've briefed everyone not to take him lightly," answered Steve.

"I agree," replied Ally.

"By the way, thanks again for bringing Andrea back into Beth's life. You did good," stated Steve, as he slipped a clip into his semiautomatic pistol.

"Thanks," replied Ally. Steve's compliment meant a lot to her.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, Kelly II arrived. They did an incredible job."

"Great. I'll stop back and see her when we finish here," replied Ally.

Ally practiced putting her shots in the center mass of the target. She also practiced head shots. There was a possibility that Billy would be wearing a vest, and if it came down to shooting, she wanted to make sure that he went down.


Chapter 53

An hour later, Steve took Ally into the room where they were preparing Kelly II. The original Kelly was standing next to the double.

"The likeness is incredible," remarked Kelly.

Ally had to agree. At first glance you would think that Kelly had an identical twin.

"Watch this!" announced Cynthia, as she operated the servomechanism.

The head of Kelly II turned to the side. It was a surprisingly natural movement. Steve let out a low whistle of approval.

"If Billy shoots from the same distance, he'll never know he's shooting a dummy," stated Steve confidently.

Ally nodded in agreement "I concur. Great job, Cynthia."

"Thanks. Let me know when you get him," replied Cynthia.

Ally headed back to the office. She checked her watch and wondered if Billy had come back online.

She arrived and found Donna sitting next to a young woman with long brown hair. It took Ally a moment to realize that the girl was Joe.

"What do you think?" asked Donna proudly.

Ally motioned Joe to stand up and turn around. Joe was wearing a short denim skirt, sandals, and a pink top. He was also wearing a long brown wig. His makeup was a bit heavy, but not totally overdone. Overall he looked like a teenage transgendered girl, which was what they were going for.

"I tried to be less than perfect with the makeup," remarked Donna.

"I suggest you use more color in the eye shadow. Remember, Tammy is new to dressing up and would most likely use brighter colors. Overall, you did a great job! So what do you think, Joe?" asked Ally.

"The skirt takes some getting used to," he replied, as he adjusted the hemline.

"I know, but you'll get used to it," answered Ally with a laugh.

"I suggested that he stay dressed today and until the stakeout, so that he'll feel more comfortable," interjected Donna.

"How do you feel about that, Joe?" asked Ally

"I have to admit that it does put me more in character. But I will be glad when this case is over," replied Joe. "No offense, but I'm quite happy being a guy."

Ally smiled at Joe. "Has Billy come back on yet?"

"No, but it's still early. I expect to see him sometime in the next hour," answered Joe.

"Okay. By the way, has Kelly seen you yet?" asked Ally.

"No. We decided to surprise her," said Joe.

"Well, here she comes now," announced Donna.

Kelly walked back into the center and set her bag down. "You guys have to see Kelly II. It's so cool. Hey, who is the new girl?" A second later it hit her. "Oh my God! Joe, you're adorable!"

Joe was caught between feeling embarrassed and his growing attraction for Kelly. "Thanks."

"Seriously, you make a cute chick," continued Kelly.

"Enough, you made your point!" laughed Joe, turning back to the computer.

Kelly turned to Ally and Donna. "Well, he is cute."

"He's in!" announced Joe.

All attention returned to the screen.

Billy87: Hey sweetie. You okay? How did school go today?

Tammy: It was a pain. I spent the whole morning filling out forms.

Billy87: I'd have thought that they had all your information.

Tammy: They had my records. I had to fill out paperwork on computer usage, sizes for uniforms, elective choices, and stuff like that.

Billy87: Okay.

"That's it. We've got our man!" announced Donna.

Ally nodded in agreement. The next step would be Billy's. Ally suspected that he would want to talk to Tammy and then set up a meeting.

Tammy and Billy talked for another hour.

Billy87: Can I call you sometime? I mean we're friends now and you do trust me, don't you?

Tammy: I do trust you. I can't talk right now. Can we talk tomorrow morning? My parents will be out of the house then.

Billy87: I'd like that. Tell you what, tomorrow morning, I'll give you my number and you can call me. How's that for trust? Okay?

Tammy: Thanks. I look forward to it.

Billy then said goodbye and logged off.

"What do you think?" asked Donna.

"I suspect he'll be using a cell phone, most likely stolen. We'll try to run a trace, but I doubt if he'll be that sloppy," answered Ally. "Be prepared for a meeting anytime after tomorrow."

"When you talk tomorrow, I'll know for sure if it's him. I remember his voice from the last time," said Kelly.

Ally nodded. "I have some phone calls to make. Good work, everyone."


Chapter 54

Robert called everyone together to review the plans for the stakeout. Joe was told to suggest one of the three parks on the list that Steve provided. He promised that he could have his team in position in less than thirty minutes.

The plan was to have Kelly II sitting in the back of one of the vans. They fully expected that Billy wouldn't show up for his meeting with Tammy. After an hour, Joe would walk towards the van; the door would slide open exposing Kelly II. Her head would be made to turn away from the door.

"Remember, Joe, you need to walk slowly towards the van. If possible don't block Kelly II," instructed Steve.

"The weather has been a bit cooler the past few days. If it stays this way, you'll be able to wear a jacket. That would hide your Kevlar vest," stated Ally.

"Are we sure that Billy won't try to shoot another officer?" asked Steve.

"We're fairly confident that he will be aiming for Kelly, who he thinks is the Protector. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you more than that," answered Robert.

Steve nodded knowingly. "We have places selected for our MCU for the locations on the list. We'll be using the mobile home this time. Additionally, we'll have two teams secure the vicinity."

"What about the local police departments?" asked Ally.

"For now this is our operation. However, you may invite Detective Morgan," replied Robert.

"Are we giving them the arrest?" asked Kelly.

"We'll take him into custody. The jurisdiction for the trial will be decided later," answered Robert.

"I don't think jurisdiction will be an issue. I doubt he'll surrender," interjected Steve. "My teams will not allow him to get a second shot off."


Chapter 55

Ally arrived home and was pleased to see Carol's car in front of their home. She walked inside and found Carol in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"I'm marinating some chicken breasts. I figure we can barbecue them later. You want to go for a run?" asked Carol.

"I'd love it. I'll go change," replied Ally. Before she went upstairs, she leaned over and kissed Carol.

"What was that for?" asked Carol with a smile.

"Just for being you," replied Ally with a smile.

Ally stripped down and slipped on her jog-bra, shorts, socks, and top. She was feeling giddy with joy at the idea of going for a run with Carol. Due to their schedules, they rarely had the opportunity to exercise together.

Ally walked downstairs and put on her shoes. "Can I do anything while you're changing?" she asked as she tied her laces.

"No, the chicken is soaking and I already made the salad," replied Carol. "I'm going up to change."

Twenty minutes later Carol and Ally were running together. Thankfully the weather had been unseasonably cool and the humidity was low, so it was very pleasant.

They ran at a pace that allowed them to talk. "How's the case coming along?" asked Carol.

There was no need to ask which case. "We may be making contact in the next couple of days," replied Ally. "We're as ready as we can be."

"Good," replied Carol.

Ally knew that Carol's one word answer really meant "Be Careful."

"I will," replied Ally.

Carol turned and smiled. "I guess we're truly a couple now,"

Ally giggled.

"Seriously, I know you. You won't stay in the background. Be careful, this guy may think that Kelly is the target, but he might start shooting at every blonde," stated Carol.

"I'll wear my hair up," answered Ally.


Chapter 56

Tuesday morning, Ally was in the office early, sitting next to Joe, Donna, and Kelly.

"No skirt today?" Donna asked Joe. She cracked a wicked grin.

He subtly flipped her the bird. At the same time he had a smile on his face. "I've got everything in my locker."

"When do you think Billy will show up?" asked Donna.

Joe looked at his watch. "He should be in any time now."

Ally picked up the file on the case. She flipped through the file and found what she was looking for. The stakeout happened two days after the initial phone call. Ally then picked up the profile on Billy. The report noted that he was most likely the type of person who would stick to a routine or pattern. So it was very likely that if he called today that the meeting would go down Thursday, thought Ally.

Twenty minutes later Billy logged into the chat room.

Billy87: Hey Sweetie!

Tammy: Hi Billy! Hugs!

Billy87: You Okay?

Tammy: Yes. Still nervous about school starting.

Billy87: I understand. Do you want to talk about it?

Tammy: You mean in here?

Billy87: I think we know each other well enough now to talk on the phone. I'll give you my cell number. Okay?

Tammy: I don't know.

Ally nodded her approval at Joe's appearing to be shy and nervous.

Billy87: Come on, Sweetie. You can trust me.

Tammy: Okay. What's your number?

Billy gave his number to Tammy. Joe picked up the special phone and dialed the number. The phone would record the message and at the same time the agency would try to run a trace on the phone.

As Ally expected, Billy only talked for a few minutes. To the casual observer the conversation sounded like two friends talking, but Ally noticed how smooth Billy was as he reeled in his catch. Ally noted how Billy attempted to make "Tammy" feel at ease in order to establish a level of trust. Billy also established that he was in charge. He ordered "Tammy" to call him back at 5 PM. He then told "Tammy" that he had to go to work.

"I'm positive that it's the same person," announced Kelly confidently.

"We'll run a comparison to the previous tapes," replied Donna.

Ally called up the electronics techs. She talked to them for a few minutes and then hung up. "They got a partial trace on him. He's using a cell phone in the DC area. They also say that the phone is one that was recently reported stolen."

"That confirms that he's local. The last time he was traced to that same area," stated Donna.

"Okay, everyone continue with procedures. Joe, keep the cell phone with you. There is a good possibility that he'll call back. I suspect that he's smart enough to have got your number. I'll let Robert and Steve know that we've made contact," stated Ally.

"What about the other cases?" asked Donna.

"I'll check on them shortly," replied Ally. She began to walk away, but stopped suddenly. "Play back the tape again."

Donna nodded and began to rewind the tape. "You're onto something, aren't you?"

"I don't know. The voice sounds familiar. I just can't place it."

Donna replayed the conversation. Ally closed her eyes and appeared to be concentrating on the voice.

"Dammit! I know I've heard that voice somewhere before. I just can't remember when and where," exclaimed Ally.

"It'll come to you, Ally," stated Donna.

"I hope it does. Maybe we can catch him before the stakeout," replied Ally.


Chapter 57

"I don't think that Billy will give us more than a few hours once we agree to a meeting," stated Robert.

"I agree. I have my teams standing by. I imagine he'll set it up during the day," replied Steve.

"I agree. It would be harder to shoot at night, and he's already demonstrated that he's not a marksman," added Ally.

"Cynthia helped us dress Kelly II. We've got Kelly II in the van and ready to be a sitting duck," said Steve.

"All we can do for now is wait," remarked Ally.

"All things are ready if our minds be so," quoted Robert.

Ally smiled. "Henry the Fifth."

Steve nodded and then looked over at Ally. "Do you really think you recognize the voice?"

"I'm positive of it. I just can't remember where," replied Ally. The fact that she couldn't remember where she'd heard the voice was bothering her like an itch she couldn't scratch.

"Call me immediately once you do remember," replied Robert. "Until then, we plan for the stakeout."

For the next hour they discussed possible locations for the stakeout. They would try to convince Billy to meet Tammy at one of the spots that Steve had picked out. If that failed they would try to delay him as much as possible to allow the Spec-Ops teams to get in place.


Chapter 58

A little after one, Beth knocked on Ally's office door.

"Hi, Ally, we're here," greeted Beth.

Ally looked up from her desk and smiled as she saw Andrea and Beth standing in the doorway.

"It's good to see both of you," replied Ally.

"If this is a bad time you can give me the tour another time," stated Andrea.

"No, I need the diversion. Besides I want you to see what we do here," replied Ally.

Ally led Andrea and Beth into the operations center. Beth immediately split from them and walked over to see Donna. Ally slowly showed off her department to Andrea. She introduced Andrea to all the agents in the center, including Donna and Joe.

As Ally introduced Andrea to Donna, she remarked. "Donna, you said that you wanted to meet the woman who inspired me, well here's your chance."

Donna broke out in a big grin and thanked Andrea.

"I must admit that you have an incredible operation here," stated Andrea, as she sat down at the conference table.

"It's a work in progress. We're always trying to make it better," answered Ally, as she sat down next to Andrea. "I have a standing policy that anyone can make a recommendation."

"I'm very impressed and proud of you. Theodore was right to give you a chance."

"That means a lot to me," answered Ally, she felt her face getting warm. She hated the fact that she was blushing in front of her agents.

Thankfully, the agents were all looking at Andrea from their computer stations.

"You look worried. I can tell that something is on your mind," noted Andrea softly.

"It's that case I talked to you about. By the way, we had the dummy made and hopefully it will draw out the bad guy."

Andrea reached out and took Ally's hand. "Do you feel that you've done everything that you can?"

Ally nodded.

"Well, then you just have to trust in yourself and your agents. You can't control everything. Besides, if you did how much fun would it be?"

Ally laughed. "May I ask you something, Andrea?"

Andrea nodded.

"Did you really enjoy the thrill of the mission? I mean…"

"Yes. I did enjoy the danger. I would be lying if I said otherwise. The trick is to use it to your advantage. It can help keep your senses sharp. I saved myself several times by paying attention to the little things," interrupted Andrea.

"Really?" smiled Ally.

"Yes. It saved me several times during the war," replied Andrea.

"Gran, please tell us a story!" interrupted Beth loudly.

"Beth, these people don't want to hear some boring story," replied Andrea.

"No, but we'd like to hear one of your exciting ones," remarked Ally.

Andrea looked around and saw that all the agents had their eyes glued to her. "I suppose that I can tell you all one of my adventures."

In a flash, the agents were all sitting around Andrea, listening to her tale of espionage and intrigue.

Ally didn't mind the diversion. It was exactly the sort of thing her agents needed.

When Andrea finished, she had a whole room of fans.

"Andrea, you're always welcome here," announced Ally. "Now, everyone get back to work!"

"Yes, Mom!" chorused the agents.

Ally escorted Andrea and Beth out of the center. "You'll do fine, my dear," whispered Andrea to Ally.

"Thank you," replied Ally. She felt a bit better about the case, for the moment anyway.


Chapter 59

Ally found herself racing to the scene of the stakeout. How could they start it without her? she thought. When she arrived at the location of the stakeout she was shocked. Joe was lying dead by a park bench and Kelly was slumped down next to him. Everyone was glaring at her.

"This is all your fault!" screamed one of the agents.

"This is what happens when they let freaks into the agency!" growled another.

Ally tried to speak but couldn't. Then suddenly she looked up and saw the shooter on the roof of a building across the park. He was taking aim at her and there was nothing she could do. Everything was moving in slow motion. Suddenly there was a large explosion! Ally knew that she was about to die.

Ally woke up with a start. Her heart was beating fast and she was soaked in sweat.

"Ally, are you alright? You had a nightmare," comforted Carol.

Ally slowly shook off the nightmare. She then heard another explosion and shot up out of bed. The noise was thunder, but it took Ally a few seconds to realize this.

Carol got up and hugged Ally. "It's okay, Honey."

"Shit! That was realistic," exclaimed Ally.

They sat down together on the edge of the bed. Carol had her arm around Ally's waist and was stroking Ally's hair with the other hand, as Ally told her the dream.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've had one or two nightmares like that," remarked Carol. "I think it's your mind's way of clearing out all the stress and worst case scenarios."

"You've really had nightmares like that?" asked Ally.

Carol nodded.

Ally let out a long sigh. "Sorry for being a pain."

Carol leaned over and kissed Ally. "I don't mind. As pains go, you're worth it."

Ally returned the kiss. She then looked over at the clock; it read 4:45 AM. "I don't think its worth going back to sleep. I'm going to grab a shower. Thanks, again."

Carol nodded and kissed Ally again. The shower could wait a while.


Chapter 60

Ally arrived in the office. This could be the day, she thought. When she entered her office she found a blue pair of coveralls hanging up on the back of her door. Her name was embroidered over one of the pockets. There was a note pinned to it.


If you're going to be with us, you have to dress the part.


She smiled and put the note in her pocket. She then took out a large, dark blue gym bag. Inside was her Kevlar vest and other tactical equipment. She felt a twinge of excitement as she checked to make sure everything was there. It's strange; I'm looking forward to putting this gear on again, she thought.

The sound of Donna clearing her voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

"You expect it to go down today?" asked Donna.

"Yes. I just have a feeling," replied Ally.

"Me too," agreed Donna. "Joe's in the operations center. I can have him transformed into Tammy in less than an hour."

"Good. Although it feels strange seeing one of my male agents transformed into a teenage girl," replied Ally.

"It must bring back some old memories."

Ally cracked a small smile and nodded. "I'll tell you about them sometime."

"I'd like that. I have to admit that I'm curious. I can't imagine what it must be like to have such an emotional conflict over something so basic," replied Donna.

"Keep me appraised on the situation," stated Ally.

After Donna left, Ally played back the tape of Billy. She closed her eyes and tried to match the voice to a face. It was just beyond her reach.

Two hours later Billy entered the chat room.

Tammy: Hi Billy! Hugs!

Billy87: Hey Sweetie! You Okay?

Tammy: Yes, I am now!

Billy87: You want to talk about it?

Tammy: Yes. Can I call you?

Billy87: Sure Sweetie. You still have my number?

Tammy: Yes. I'm dialing it now.

Ally held her breath. This could be it. As Joe/Tammy talked to Billy, Ally called Robert. "It could be going down really soon."

"I'll be there shortly," he replied

This was new. Robert had never done this before. He must really be worried about this case, she thought.

Five minutes into the conversation Billy made his move.

"Look, you trust me, right?" asked Billy.

"Yes, I do," replied Tammy.

"Then why don't we meet? I know you may be nervous, but I want to meet you," stated Billy.

Ally picked up her phone and alerted Steve.

"I don't know," replied Tammy.

"Come on, I know you want to see me. I'll even let you pick the place. Okay?" he stated.

"Umm…okay. There's a park nearby. Promise you won't laugh at me!"

"Sweetie, I won't laugh," replied Billy.

They made the arrangements. Tammy would meet Billy in the west end of the park in two hours. As soon as Billy hung up, Joe rushed to the locker room to shower and shave.

Ally called up Steve. "It's the park, west end."

"Good. I've already got one MCU parked nearby. I gambled and had it moved there a few days ago. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes. We'll ride over in MCU Two," replied Steve.

"Good. Where can we pick up Detective Morgan?"

"I'm ahead of you. I'm sending one of my agents over to get him as we speak. He'll coordinate the police as soon as Billy makes his move."

Ally hung up the phone. "Donna, you get Tammy ready. She can catch the bus from here to the park." Ally was pointing to a large map posted on the wall.

"I'll have her ready. Kelly has already gone to change. She'll enter the surveillance van out in the parking lot."

They felt there was a possibility that Billy might be watching the agency, so Kelly would be dressed identically to her double, and enter the van out in the parking lot. Spec-Ops Team Three had the area under surveillance, just in case he tried to shoot her there.

Ally retired to her office and changed into the coveralls. She pushed her hair up under her ball cap. Ally then put her semi-automatic pistol in her holster. Hopefully she wouldn't have to use it, she thought. She remembered her target practice advice, aim for center body, and squeeze off the shots.

Just before she left, she called Carol. "It's on. I love you."

"I'll see you later. I love you too," replied Carol.


Chapter 61

Ally rode over towards the park in the MCU. It looked like an 18-wheeler, but inside was a modern communications center. The assault team was in the other MCU, which looked like a RV. In addition to the assault team, Steve had agents in civilian clothes throughout the park. What worried Steve and Ally were the apartment buildings and parking garage that bordered the park, behind the bench where Tammy would be sitting. They were the most likely spots for a shooter to hide. Steve had agents in some of the buildings and in the garage. There were also sniper teams in two buildings.

"The problem is that we couldn't put our snipers in the best locations because we had to leave them available for Billy," explained Steve.

Ally nodded. "Joe has been briefed to sprint out of the way as soon as the shooting starts. He knows to stay to the side of the van as he approaches it."

"I know, Ally. Don't worry. He's a good agent," replied Steve.

"I just wish the weather was cooler. I would feel better if he was wearing a vest," added Ally.

"Not much we can do about the weather."

The heat and humidity had returned and it was hot and sticky outside.

"Who's leading the team in other MCU?" asked Ally.

"Tom. Madison has a three-man team across the street from the parking garage. Jo has another three-man team near the apartments. You remember Jo, don't you?"

Ally smiled. Jo was the agent who had helped her capture Thomas Simon back in March. "I remember her."

"Ally, I've got my best here. We'll get him," reassured Steve.

"Is Maggie here?"

"She's pushing a baby stroller across the park," smiled Steve.


"It's got a directional ballistic detector inside. We've got another one in here, and there is one in the other MCU. As soon as he shoots we'll know exactly where he is," replied Steve.

"How soon will you be able to get that information out to the teams?"

"Almost instantly. It's tied into this computer and it will show on this three dimensional map. We'll instantly replay the exact location to the teams. That is, if Jackson and his teams don't get him first."

"I'd prefer we get him alive. I'd like to know how much he knows," stated Ally.

"I agree, but he won't get a second shot off," reiterated Steve. "Joe may be your agent, but he's under my protection and I've never lost an agent I've had covered."

Ally noted the deadly seriousness of Steve's tone. "I appreciate that."

"Nothing to do but wait. There's Diet Coke in the fridge. We got it just for you!"

Ally laughed and retrieved a couple of sodas. "By the way, will there be beer later on?"

"Of course. It's a tradition and you…"

"You don't mess with tradition," interrupted Ally.

Steve smiled. "Too bad you're so good at your job, I'd love to steal you for my team."

Ally felt choked up. This was one of the biggest honors she'd ever had.


Chapter 62

An hour later, Tammy arrived in the park. Ally watched as Tammy walked across the park and sat down on a park bench less than a hundred yards from the surveillance van with Kelly II. Tammy looked passable, thought Ally. She was dressed in a short denim skirt and had a pink sleeveless t-shirt on. Her makeup, even from a distance, was good, although deliberately overdone. Tammy sat there and read a magazine.

Ally checked her watch. Billy was due to meet her in ten minutes, but Ally knew he wouldn't show. In two hours the plan would go into action. Tammy would get up and walk towards the van. The door would slide open exposing Kelly II, sitting at a communications console. Kelly II's head would turn back towards the console, and hopefully be hit by a bullet.

Even in the air-conditioned comfort of the MCU, Ally felt hot. It was the waiting that was the worst part. Ally never liked it. It was easier being out as bait, she thought.

The minutes ticked off slowly. Ally kept hoping that Jackson, the sniper, would spot Billy. She looked at her watch. Twenty minutes to go.

"Reminder. Once he shoots, we'll be heading immediately to the location. Seal the building off immediately. Don't let anyone leave the structure without my permission," announced Steve.

Ally nodded and checked her watch again. Fifteen minutes to go.

Ally looked out the one-way window again and saw that Tammy was still alone. She was very proud of Joe. Being bait was always hard, this time it was even more stressful. She looked at her watch again, five minutes to go.

The last five minutes crawled by. No one in the MCU was talking. This was game time and everyone was totally keyed on his or her job. One minute to go.


Chapter 63

Ally watched as Tammy stood up and slowly walked towards the van parked in front of her. The van door slid open and Ally watched as Kelly II turned away. It really looked like her, thought Ally.

Suddenly the doppelganger was violently knocked down as a rifle bullet slammed into its head.

"Shot fired!" announced someone in the MCU.

Ally watched as Joe sprinted around the van into cover.

"Where did it come from," demanded Steve.

"Third level parking garage!" announced the agent at the computer. "East corner."

"All agents seal off the parking garage. Sniper teams, does anyone have a shot?"

"Negative. I saw the muzzle flash, but couldn't get a clear shot. The shooter has left the firing position," announced Jackson.

The MCU arrived outside the garage in less than a minute. By the time Ally stepped out of the MCU, agents surrounded the garage.

Steve was talking on his headset. Ally could hear that he was telling the police to seal off the surrounding area.

Ally entered with Madison's team. The garage was six levels and was full of cars. Ally was amazed with the efficiency that everyone was searched and questioned as they left.

Ally walked up towards the third level with Madison and his agents. "He'll try to slip out. But be on guard, he'll be armed," Madison reminded the other agents. "Suspect everyone."

Ally heard on her headset that they'd found the rifle. It was the same caliber as the one that killed Jamie.

Ally looked around at the line of people being questioned. She was looking for anything that looked unusual. She watched as the Spec-Ops teams began to sweep the parking garage. They were really efficient. There was no way Billy could have escaped, she thought. She wiped sweat off her brow and began to walk back down to the ground level.

Ally knew that all she could do was stay out of their way. She looked around and saw Jo talking to one of her agents. Ally walked over to Jo when she heard a familiar voice. She froze and closed her eyes and concentrated on the voice. She reopened her eyes, turned around slowly, and saw Det. Charles Hill talking to two of Steve's agents. He had his badge out and appeared totally at ease, as if he was part of the investigation. What was a DC detective doing here? thought Ally. She could hear his loud voice as he talked to the agents.

"I just happened to be in the lot when I saw you guys arrive. Let me know what I can do to help, okay?" asked Charles.

Ally concentrated as she listened to his voice and then it hit her. He was Billy!

"If you don't need any help, could you let me go? I have to get back to the office," stated Charles.

Ally was thirty feet away and debated what to do. She was positive he was Billy, but she needed proof before he walked out. She had to act immediately. In a moment it hit her. She walked over to Jo, who was now talking to Madison.

"I need you two to come with me. Follow my lead, I don't have time to explain," she whispered. She pulled her pistol out of the holster and quietly chambered a round

Both agents nodded and followed Ally as she walked over towards Charles. His back was turned to them and he never saw them coming. Ally stopped ten feet away and pulled out her cell phone. She dialed the number that Billy had given Tammy.

The sound of The William Tell Overture echoed in the garage from Charles' coat breast pocket. Charles reached for the phone without thinking. That was all that Ally needed. She checked her weapon, signaled Jo and Madison, and they moved in.

"Freeze!" yelled Ally, her pistol pointed at Charles.

"What the hell?" exclaimed Charles, as he turned around. He saw Ally with her weapon drawn and pointed at him. "I'm a cop, put that thing away."

"Don't move. You're under arrest!" repeated Ally, as she kept her gun pointed at him.

Charles began to make a move for his gun and was leveled by Madison, who slammed his 6-1 muscular body, into him. Charles's gun bounced across the parking lot floor. Charles was on the ground with Madison lying on top of him. He wasn't going anywhere. Jo and Ally had their guns pointed directly at his head.

"We've got you, you bastard!" whispered Ally into his ear, as Madison cuffed him.

"This is all a mistake. I'm a cop dammit!" screamed Charles. "Would someone get these idiots away from me?"

Steve ran up. "What's going on?"

"He's Billy. He's got the cell phone and I recognized his voice from the tapes," explained Ally.

Steve picked up the phone, which had fallen to the ground. He spoke into his headset. "Dial Billy's number."

A moment later The William Tell Overture started up again. Steve squatted down next to Charles. "Just to make it all official. I'm going to read you your rights."

"I found that phone. I was going to turn it in, I just forgot about it," pleaded Charles.

They searched Charles and found his car keys. "Can we search your car or do want us to get a warrant?" asked Steve.

Charles shook his head. "I want a lawyer."

"I bet you do. Is your will up to date?" replied Steve with a sneer.

The warrant arrived an hour later, and they searched Charles' car. Steve wanted to do everything perfectly. He wasn't about to let a bastard like Charles get off on a technicality. They found ammunition that matched the type for the rifle.

"I'm sure we'll find more when we search his home," stated Steve. "We have a team on the way to his place as we speak."

Ally departed to check on Joe and Kelly.

"Billy's a cop?" asked a shocked Joe, who was sitting in the MCU.

"Looks like it. They're searching everyone else just to make sure. We'll need both of you to hear him talk," stated Ally. "By the way, I've proud of both of you."

"Did you see what happened to Kelly II?" asked Joe, as he took a sip of water.

Kelly walked over to the van and reached in. She walked back to the MCU, carrying the disembodied head of her double. There was a large hole in the right temple.

"Just proves the old saying that two heads are better than one!" quipped Joe.

Ally and Kelly groaned at the bad joke, but it served its purpose to break the tension.

"Save that. It will be evidence for that bastard's trial," stated Ally.

"Will do. So what happens now?" asked Joe.

"Go back to the agency and write up your reports. I recommend you change first," smiled Ally.

"I'll do the report first. I want to get it down while it's clear in my mind. I'm just pissed that I didn't put on sunscreen!" replied Joe. "My tan line is going to be messed up for a while.

Ally saw that his legs and arms were slightly red. "Be happy that you weren't in a bikini."

Ally returned to the MCU. Steve was in there, finishing up the operation. "Team Two is staying behind to help clear up the area. You want in on the initial questioning?" Steve asked Ally.

"You bet!" replied Ally.

"Good. Afterwards we'll have a beer," replied Steve.


Chapter 64

Charles Hill sat in the interrogation room at the agency. He refused to speak until his lawyer arrived.

Ally stood outside the room, looking in through the one-way window. Robert was standing next to her along with Detective Jack Morgan.

Ally was still in her blue coveralls, there hadn't been time to change.

"I can't believe he's the shooter," stated Jack. "I've know him for years. We weren't exactly friends, but I never suspected that he was a killer."

"I couldn't believe it at first, but our sound techs confirmed he's Billy. We're searching his apartment as we speak. I'm hoping we find some more evidence before his lawyer gets here," stated Robert.

"Who gets to question him?" asked Ally.

"You can come in with me. Jack, I need you to stay out here," answered Robert.

Jack just nodded. He was still in shock that a fellow officer might have been the one that killed Jamie.

"You ready?" asked Robert.

Ally nodded and followed him in. They were joined by Steve, who never missed an opportunity to make a suspect squirm.

"I told you that I'm not talking until I get a lawyer," growled Charles.

"Can it, Chuck. Or should that be Billy? Save the macho act for later, you'll need it where you're going," stated Steve.

"You don't scare me," replied Charles.

"That's good. I'm not the one you need to be afraid of. I just want you to know that as soon as we get the paperwork, we're transferring you to the Arlington PD. They're very anxious to have you as their guest," continued Steve as he flashed his famous grin.

Charles got suddenly pale.

A few minutes later the lawyer arrived. "My client has nothing to say."

"That's fine, he can just listen. We've matched his voice to that of the tapes we have of the shooter, including the shooter of Officer Casey. I have three agents who also swear that he's Billy," stated Robert. "I just want to remind both of you that Charles is facing capital charges. I know for certain that the Arlington DA will be going for the death penalty."

Charles sat there glaring at them.

There was a tapping on the glass and Ally got up and walked out. She returned in five minutes with a huge grin on her face.

"Under warrant, a search of the apartment of Charles Hill found the following items," stated Ally. She then handed each of them a list.

There were several high-powered rifles with silencers found in his apartment. Computer techs found files on his computer loaded with child pornography. Additionally, his computer showed that he was Billy87, along with the other aliases used by the shooter.

"We're running ballistic checks on the rifles. We'll know in an hour if one of the rifles was the one used to kill Officer Casey," stated Ally. "The clock is ticking."

"May we speak in private?" asked the lawyer.

Robert nodded and they got up and walked out.

"What sort of deal are you going to offer him?" asked Jack, barely holding in his anger.

"Life without parole, in a Federal prison, in exchange for his help in convicting the men who were going to pay him the bounty. I know you want your pound of flesh, but he could give us high ranking organized crime leaders," explained Robert.

"You promise that he'll never get out?" asked Jack.

"He won't want to get out. He'll end up in Marion in solitary. He'll need that for his own protection. The mob won't be happy if he turns in some of their people," stated Robert.

Jack nodded. "I understand. I should be happy that you got him. Thanks."

Twenty minutes later they walked back in the room.

"What're you offering?" asked the lawyer.

"Life, without possibility of parole, in exchange for information," stated Robert.

"No way. Those people will kill me!" cried out Charles.

"Everyone dies. You have some choices on how and when. They may get you. We will get you. I have enough evidence to convict you for first-degree premeditated murder and attempted murder of a Federal officer. The fact that you killed a police officer will get you the needle in Virginia. If we keep the case, you'll also get the needle, only a lot faster. The appeals system moves a lot faster in the Federal Courts. Face it, Charles, you don't have much of a future," explained Robert.

"This isn't fair," mumbled Charles.

"No one said life is fair," commented Ally.

He glared at her.

"We'll let you talk about it. Also, part of the deal is that you give a full confession," stated Robert as he stood up.

They walked out of the room.

"Well?" asked Ally.

"I don't think he'll do it. He's too scared of them. Pity, it could be the last decent thing he does," stated Steve.

Jack closed his phone. "I talked to our DA. He's on his way over here. He said that he'll agree to your plan, but if he turns it down he wants to try him too."

"That's agreeable. Any word from ballistics?" asked Robert.

"Not yet," stated Steve.

An hour later they re-entered the room. Charles looked totally beaten.

"My client will plead not guilty to any charges. As for a deal, he doesn't know what you're talking about. He's innocent and therefore knows nothing about any bounty," stated the lawyer.

"You sure?" asked Robert.

Charles nodded and smiled. "I'm innocent."

"Just so you know. We just confirmed that the rifle used to kill Officer Casey was one of the rifles we found in your apartment. Additionally, we have DNA evidence from both shooting locations that will very likely match you," stated Robert. "You'll be charged with one count of premeditated murder and one of attempted murder."

"Only one?" asked Charles, with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, and the attempted murder of a Federal Agent."

"Attempted murder? I heard she was shot in the head! How could she live?"

"For someone who is innocent, you sure know a lot. Who'd you hear that from?" interrupted Ally.

Charles lawyer tried to shut him up, but was unsuccessful.

"I couldn't have missed! The cop was a mistake, but I shot that freak in the head today. I saw it!"

"Shut up, you idiot!" shouted the lawyer

"Sounds like a confession to me," smiled Steve. "Thanks, Chuckles."

"I know I hit that shemale freak in the head. There was no way I missed," shouted Charles.

Ally waved to the window and Kelly brought in her double's head. She held it next to her own head.

Charles just sat there and stared. "No! No…no! You tricked me!"

"One more thing, Chuckles, you didn't even have the right target," added Steve.

Charles sat there stunned.

No one said a word. Robert read Charles the charges against him as Ally, Kelly, and Steve left the room.

Kelly stood there beaming. "Thank you, Ally. I really appreciate that you let me do that."

"No problem. I figured that you had the right to do that."

Kelly smiled and walked away, carrying the head with her. "I'll drop this off at evidence."

"Well, we need to get going. The rest of the team will be waiting for us," stated Steve.

"Where're you going?" asked Jack.

"After mission beer party. You're invited if you want," stated Steve.

"I'll do you one better," smiled Jack.

An hour later Steve, Ally, and the rest of Spec-Ops were drinking beer at O'Hara's, courtesy of Jack Morgan.

"Thanks for allowing us to take over the place," Ally said to Jack.

"It's the least I can do," Jack stated to Ally. "It was actually nice to work with the Feds for a change."

Ally was sitting on a barstool, sipping a cold draft.

Jack leaned over to her. "Can I ask you one thing, Ally?"

Ally nodded.

"How committed are you to your relationship?" he asked with a smile and a wink.

Ally didn't say a word. She just held out her hand and showed off her ring.

"That's what I thought. I always fall for the ones with integrity!" laughed Jack.

Ally laughed. "We can still be friends."

"I'd like that, Ally. Thanks again for catching Jamie's killer."


A little after one AM, an Arlington Police car dropped Ally off in front of her home. Ally waved goodbye and walked slowly up the steps to her home. She went upstairs, stripped out of the coveralls, showered, and crawled into bed.

"And where have you been, young lady?" quipped Carol, as she rolled over and kissed Ally.

"Just a little post-mission celebration," stated Ally, who then told Carol what had happened.

"I'm so proud of you," stated Carol.

"I love you," replied Ally.

They fell asleep in each other's arms.


Chapter 65

Ally struggled to get to the office. She was fighting a slight hangover and kicked herself for drinking so much. Still, in spite of a headache, she felt good. Billy was caught and they could add another name to the wall. Her agents took great pride in writing the name of a captured predator on the wall of the operations center.

Ally went right to her computer and began to read her e-mail. She sipped her Diet Coke as she scanned the mail. There were several notes of congratulations concerning the capture of Billy.

While reading her mail, her phone rang. It was Robert.

"Good morning. I heard you had quite a little celebration at O'Hara's last night," stated Robert.

"Hmm, I guess you have your own spies!" laughed Ally. "I was just keeping up interdepartmental relationships."

"In some ways, I'm glad you have a wounded wing. If it wasn't for that I might lose you to Steve's merry band of misfits."

Ally laughed.

"It's good to see you back to normal. I forgot to tell you last night, but that was one hell of an arrest yesterday."

"Thanks. I knew I'd heard that voice before. I met him once while I was with Jack Morgan," replied Ally.

"One more thing. The Director wants to see you at 9:00."

Ally looked at her watch. She had a couple of hours to wake up. "Thanks"

Ally then made her morning rounds. She ran into Donna.

"Good morning, Ally. Gee, you look like hell!" greeted Donna.

"Good morning to you too!" laughed Ally. "Do me a favor and call everyone together."

"Sure thing."

"One more thing, do you have any aspirin?"

"I have some in my desk. I'll be right back," replied Donna.

Ally walked into the operations center a few minutes later. "I just wanted to thank everyone. This was a group effort and everyone in this department had a part in the arrest of Charles Hill, AKA Billy. Let's put the same effort into our other cases."

"Are you leaving us for Spec-Ops?" asked Kelly.

"No. I just like playing with them every now and then," replied Ally. "As you all know, Donna will be gone for a few weeks starting Monday. David will be second in command, when he returns from Chicago tomorrow."

"Figures he comes back once all the hard work is done!" quipped Donna.

There was a round of laughter.

"I want to give special note to Joe for his hard work on this case. I also want to thank Kelly for her assistance," continued Ally.

There was a round of applause and cheering.

"What will happen to Kelly II?" asked Joe.

"She's evidence for now, later she may wind up in the agency museum," stated Ally. "There will be a department pizza party Friday afternoon. Now, get back to work!"

"Yes, Mom!" chorused the agents.

As Ally walked out, she waved Kelly over. "Come with us, Kelly."

They walked into Ally's office. Kelly sat down across from Ally's desk, next to Donna.

"Donna will be sitting down with you the next few days. She will be going over several of the areas you were deficient in during the initial Billy investigation. If she is satisfied, then you will be back on full status."

"I understand. I look forward to it," stated Kelly.

"One more thing, when Donna returns from her honeymoon, you'll be temporarily assigned to work with Denise in profiling. That is, if you're still interested in that sort of thing," stated Ally.

"That's great! Thank you so much," replied Kelly.

"That temporary duty will depend on our workload."

"I understand," stated Kelly. There was a huge smile on her face.

Donna and Kelly left and Ally worked on her daily mountain of paperwork. At 8:45 Ally headed up to the Director's office. She made sure that she wouldn't be late.


Chapter 66

A little after 9:00, Ally was sitting across from the Director. "Excellent work, Ally. Too bad he won't cooperate with us, but who knows, he may change his mind after the reality of the situation sinks in," stated the Director.

"Thank you, sir. I want to point out that this was a team effort," Ally began to list all the other agents involved in the case.

"I'm fully aware of that. The actions of the other agents haven't gone unnoticed. Eventually, I would like to expand the operations of your department. There is no rush, but I would like you to make plans to add another ten agents to your department. Additionally, I'm considering starting a West Coast branch of your department. I want your recommendation for someone to be in charge of that section. I don't need it this moment, but I would like to hear back from you in the next month," stated the Director.

Ally's mind was swimming. Ten more agents! They could do so much more with those agents. She also began to think about whom she would recommend for the promotion.

"Thank you, sir. You'll have my recommendation within the week," replied Ally.

"One more thing. Agent Donna Harris stays here. She's too valuable to your department," added the Director.

Ally nodded. She knew that there was no sense in arguing this point.

"Besides, I'll want someone I can trust in your place while you're recovering. From what I've been told, you'll need several months recovery from the surgery," stated the Director. "Don't worry. I have plans for Agent Harris. She's showing great potential and I don't plan on wasting it."

"Thank you, sir," replied Ally. The Director's explanation made her feel better concerning Donna.

"I also have plans for you. Don't worry; I have no intention of taking you away from the department you started. On the contrary, I plan on giving you a lot more responsibility. I can't give you exact details yet, but the West Coast branch is just the start."

Ally sat there in silence, soaking in what he was saying.

"I can't tell you more than this at the moment. I just want you to know that if my budget is approved, you'll be taking on a lot more work. What do you think?"

Ally forced back her excitement. The Director was hinting that her department was about to become huge and that it would be hers to run. "It sounds like a wonderful opportunity."

He nodded in approval. "One last thing, I understand that you had Andrea Carlson address your department. What did they think?" asked the Director.

"They were totally impressed, as was I," answered Ally honestly.

The Director nodded and cracked a small smile. "That's a common reaction. Thank you for your time, Ally."

Ally knew that she was excused and departed. Her mind was awash with ideas, but for now she knew to concentrate on the present job. Still, she was excited about expanding her operations.


Chapter 68

"It has to be David," stated Donna, adding her recommendation for the future head of the West Coast branch. "I'm relieved that I'm out of the running."

"I agree with you concerning David. I think he'd do an excellent job. I'll hate to lose him. Although, I think you'd do an equally superb job," remarked Ally.

"I'm happy with my present position. Remember, I was just a computer tech a year ago. I still have a long way to go until I'm ready to run a department."

Ally shook her head in disagreement. "Don't downplay what you've done here."

"I appreciate your confidence in me. Eventually I'll be ready to step up. But for now, I'm content to be your number two," replied Donna.

"Shifting the topic, how're you holding up?" asked Ally.

Donna held out her hand and wiggled it back and forth. "Nervous, but excited at the same time. The wedding is more for everyone else; as far as Ed and I are concerned, we're already soul mates. I know that sounds silly, but I know that Ed's my life partner."

"It's not silly. I feel the same way about Carol," replied Ally.

Donna nodded. "So anything new regarding Billy?"

"Robert is going to give me an update later today. They're still hoping that he takes the deal."

"Where are they keeping him?"

"We have him. He's not objecting. I think he's afraid of being in the hands of the police."

"You don't think that they would do anything to him, do you?" asked Donna.

"I don't know. Still, he's a crooked cop, and he killed a fellow officer. I'm sure that there are those out there who would love to get some revenge."

"I guess you're right," replied Donna.

"Well, I need to check on the troops. We won a battle, but the war is far from over," stated Ally as she stood up.


Chapter 69

Later that day, Ally arrived at Robert's office to discuss the case.

"I just got a call regarding Charles from his lawyer. They're willing to discuss a deal," stated Robert. "I'm heading over there right now. I assume you would like to join me. We'll meet the prosecutor there."

Ally smiled and nodded. "I'd love to."

Thirty minutes later, they were sitting across from Charles and his lawyer. Charles was now wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. He was also in shackles. The look on his face told Ally that he was totally beaten.

"So, my client will get federal protection in exchange for information?" asked Tim Cooper, Charles' lawyer.

Ally studied him. He was in his mid-thirties and was very smug. He was very vain, as not a single hair was out of place on his head and his nails had been recently manicured. He probably took this case to get publicity, thought Ally.

"You client will get that, assuming he confesses to the crimes he is accused of and tells us everything he knows about the bounty and those who offered it. Otherwise, he goes to trial," stated the prosecutor.

The prosecutor's name was Jeffrey Manning. Ally was glad that he was handling this case. He had been the one who ensured the MNF killer had been locked away.

"I still think that life is a bit harsh. I was thinking twenty years…" stated Tim

"Let's go," interrupted Jeffrey, as he started to stand up.

"Whoa, wait a minute. I thought you wanted to negotiate," stated Tim, with a slight grin on his face.

"Your client is accused of killing a police officer and attempting to kill an agent. I can convict him without breaking a sweat. I also know that I will get the death penalty. I have told you what we're offering, life in solitary confinement, without any possibility of parole. That's it. If you want to play games, do it somewhere else," replied Jeffrey angrily. "Yes, your client has information that can help us, but I'm not giving him a free ride in exchange for it."

Ally looked over at Tim and smiled as she saw him wipe sweat off his brow. "I…I need to talk to my client in private," stammered Tim.

Jeffrey nodded and led Ally and Robert out of the room.

"Was I too over the top?" beamed Jeffrey.

Ally and Robert laughed.

"Egotistical little shit thinks he can waltz in here and get his piece of shit client a free ride," continued Jeffrey.

"Ally, did I mention that Jeffrey was once a field agent?" asked Robert.

Ally looked at the older man. He was 5-11, with gray hair and beard. It made him look very distinguished. Her respect for him just went up even higher.

Twenty minutes later they returned to the interrogation room.

"My client will assist in anyway he can," stated Tim meekly.

For the next two hours, Charles gave his confession. He admitted that he had shot officer Casey, but insisted that it was a mistake, and that he was actually aiming for Kelly.

"Why did you want to kill Agent Jenkins?" asked Robert.

"Why? Because those sort of people have no right to be in law enforcement! I mean, here I am arresting those freaks on a daily basis and your people give one an entire department. And what does she do with it? Does she go after real criminals? NO! She goes after freaks that are seeking sex with other freaks!" argued Charles, his face red with anger.

"And the bounty?" asked Charles.

"I saw some stuff about that on the net. I figured that I might as well be rewarded for my action. I'll give you everything I know about them. They're criminals and deserve to go to jail," stated Charles.

Ally shook her head at Charles distorted view of the law.

"What about the writer, Ron Matthews?" asked Robert.

"I used him to get info on the stakeout. I figured that I needed a smokescreen to cover up my actions. It should have worked," stated Charles.

Robert nodded. "Why did you think that Kelly was Protector?"

"Scuttlebutt that I heard around the station. I knew that the Protector was supposed to be pretty good looking and that she had blond hair. The agent I talked to had a lower voice than most women."

"So, you held your shot until you saw her in the van?" asked Ally.

Charles nodded. "I knew from Matthews that the Feds were in on this stakeout. I had been at three others in the past few months, but never saw a blond."

"You mean that you tried earlier?" asked Robert.

Charles nodded. "Two were stakeouts that our department was involved in, the other was with Alexandria. Unfortunately, things went wrong. Either I couldn't get a shot off, as the risk was too great, or I never saw the Protector. So, I decided to set up my own stakeout. I saw her leave with the Arlington PD and I knew I had her. That cheap silencer threw off my aim."

Ally felt a chill run down her spine. She had been at two of those stakeouts.

"You do know now that Agent Jenkins is a woman?" asked Ally.

"That's what they told me. I might have missed my intended target, but I get some satisfaction," stated Charles smugly.

"How's that?" asked Robert.

"I scared the real Protector. He'll probably want to get into a safer line of work and let a real agent take over his position. We don't need freaks in law enforcement," explained Charles with an evil grin on his face.

"What do you think about that?" Robert asked Ally.

"I couldn't agree more with him. We don't need freaks in law enforcement, especially ones with distorted views of justice," replied Ally, as she glared at Charles.

"Just so you know," added Robert, "it was the Protector who spotted your phone tip to Arlington as bogus and set up the entire Tammy/Tommy thing as a sting to get you. She also came up with the idea of the decoy mannequin. She didn't get her reputation as The Protector for nothing."

Charles stared at Robert with disbelief in his eyes.

When Robert got to the part of the questioning concerning the bounty, Ally excused herself. She'd got what she wanted. When she got up to leave, she looked over at Charles. "Just so you know, you didn't scare the Protector; if anything, you gave her a new incentive to go after more predators."

"You think so?" asked Charles with a smirk.

Ally didn't say a word; instead, she just winked at him and left.


Robert caught up with Ally an hour later. Back in his office, he told her what happened after she departed. "I wished you could have seen Charles after you left. It took a few minutes, but eventually it hit him that the Protector had been sitting across from him. He started screaming out a multitude of obscenities directed at you. He eventually calmed down and gave us the info we needed. Still, he was furious that you had been the one that caught him. Combined with what our investigation has learned, we're about to break up a sizable syndicate. I'll give the Protector an assist on that one."

"Good. Remember, I still would like to meet 'Casper' someday," answered Ally, referring to the deep undercover agent.

"I promise. I'll see you tomorrow."

Ally nodded and left. It was after seven, but it was worth it. Charles would be locked up and would never see freedom again. Ally was glad that there wouldn't be a trial, as she didn't want undue attention on her department and herself. It was better to stay in the shadows, she thought.


Chapter 70

The weekend was pleasantly boring. Saturday morning, Carol and Ally slept in late, went out for breakfast, and then ran errands together.

"What would you like for dinner?" asked Carol, over lunch.

"I'm not picky. I like everything you cook," replied Ally.

"Okay. I have recipe from an old friend up in Pennsylvania. Believe it or not, she sent me a great recipe for jambalaya. I've wanted to try it for a while. I have almost everything I need, except shrimp and the sausage. I also need some peppers," stated Carol as she went through the list of ingredients in her head.

They stopped at the fish market and Carol went inside to get the shrimp. Ally walked down to the bakery, a few shops away, and picked up a fresh French baguette. She then went into the liquor store and bought some beer.

Carol met her by their car. "I've got the shrimp."

"I got the bread, and since we're going Cajun for dinner, I picked up this," stated Ally, as she held up some Crimson Voodoo beer. "I had this once when I was down in New Orleans for a conference."

"Just one six-pack?" asked Carol with a laugh.

Ally smiled back. It felt good to only have the wedding to worry about.

When they got home, Carol began to prepare dinner. Ally couldn't find any Cajun music in their collection, so she played the latest Sting CD.

Ally helped by staying out of the way. Carol really loved cooking. It wasn't a task to her; it was her favorite form of relaxation. Ally sat back and watched.

"So, you'll be without Donna for a while," stated Carol as she chopped up the peppers.

"I know. I've really come to depend on her. I can't believe the wedding is next week. In fact, next week at this time we'll all be at the reception," answered Ally.

"I'm excited about the wedding. I can't wait to see you in a bridesmaid's gown," stated Carol as she smiled at Ally.

"I don't mind. Donna selected some beautiful gowns for us," replied Ally.

"Changing the topic, how're you feeling about the arrest of Billy?"

Ally looked over at Carol. "I'd be lying if I said it didn't bother me. The idea that another member of law enforcement was so angry with me that he went hunting for me is disturbing. The agency has created a safe work environment for me, and sometimes I forget that there are those out there that hate me and what I stand for," stated Ally.

"Are you disappointed that they made a deal with him?" asked Carol.

"Yes - and no, part of me wants my pound of flesh, but the agent in me understands the reason the deal was made. In some ways life in solitary confinement might be worse than the death penalty. Charles could live thirty or forty years sitting in a small room; I can't imagine existing like that."

Dinner was excellent and Carol approved of Ally's beer selection. "I guess we make a pretty good pair. I cook the meals and you select the perfect beverage."

"Donna said that when she met Ed she knew that he was the one. I feel the same way about you. I can't imagine where my life would be if I hadn't met you," confessed Ally.

Carol leaned over and kissed Ally. "When Donna gets back, we should take a long weekend off together. We never did get our fall weekend last year."

"I'd like that," replied Ally and they kissed again. Things were pretty good, thought Ally.


Chapter 71

The week flew by for Ally. They had several other ongoing investigations. David had mixed feelings about the promotion. He was honored and excited by the opportunity, but he didn't want to leave the department.

"Don't worry, Ally, I won't let you down," stated David.

"Just be yourself. I have full confidence in you, otherwise I wouldn't have recommended you for the position."

"So where on the left coast are they going to place this new department? Please don't tell me it's LA!"

"They haven't made up their minds. I've been told that it will either be Seattle or San Francisco," answered Ally.

"Cool. I like both cities, plus they have professional sports. When will this happen?"

"No idea, but from what I've heard, I imagine you'll be out there before the end of the year. Just so you don't have to start this up by yourself, I'll let you take one agent out of our department with you, and no, you can't take Donna," stated Ally with a smile.

"Well, since you're losing your left hand, I won't take your right," quipped David. "I'll let you know who I want later. I want to talk to a couple of people first."

"I want you to spend the time between then and now putting your department together, at least in terms of administration. I can give you my initial 'wish list' that I gave the agency when I came here."

"What about the rest of my agents?" asked David.

"Initially you will have a section of eight agents, that number will expand later. A memo will be sent to all agency offices, and you'll get to select from anyone who applies. I can also give you a list of agents who applied the last time we recruited."

"Cool. I have a few people in mind from the various departments I've trained in the last year. I think that I can put together a good department. I apologize now for all the stupid questions that I will be asking you as I put this together," smiled David.

"I don't mind," replied Ally.

"Can I ask you something right now?" asked David.

Ally nodded as she sipped her Diet Coke.

"Any truth to the rumor that you're going to be transferred?" asked David.

"Nothing for now. There's a possibility that I will be given a new department, but I don't expect to move anytime soon," replied Ally.

David nodded. "Well, I need to pay attention to my present job. I'd better go check on the kids."

Ally felt a bit sad that David would be leaving, but she also felt a sense of pride in knowing that the agency was committed to expanding the fight against Internet child abuse.

Later that afternoon David called her over to his computer.

"Just thought you'd want to see this," he stated, pointing to the screen.

Ally looked over and read the ongoing conversation. There were several men discussing the arrest of Charles. The general conversation was filled with scorn and hatred towards Charles.

"They're angry and scared at the possibility of being targeted by the Protector. They think that their activities will now be targeted, thanks to Charles," stated David. He had a big smile on his face.

"They're right," replied Ally. "I know I can't do it, but I'd love to log in as the Protector and say 'Boo' to them. It would be worth it just to see their reaction!"

David laughed. "I can tell you exactly what it would look like. Have you ever seen cockroaches scatter when the lights come on? Imagine a chat room version of that!"

Ally laughed. "Good. I want them scared."


Chapter 72

Saturday morning Ally was up early. There was so much to do, she thought, as she ate breakfast.

"That's quite a list in front of you," remarked Carol.

"It's off the Internet. It has all the duties and responsibilities for being the Maid of Honor. I've changed and added a few things. I'm picking up Donna, Beth, and the others in an hour, and we're off to get our hair and nails done. Then we're off to the hotel to change and get ready. The makeup artist will meet us there."

"It was nice of the reception hall to throw in a few hotel rooms," noted Carol.

"Well, considering how much we're spending there, it's the least they can do!" quipped Ally. "Actually, they have been nice. I dropped off several bags of stuff yesterday afternoon before the rehearsal and dinner. I did make it very clear that I'm a Federal Agent and that I'm armed."

Carol laughed. "I doubt they'll lose anything. Maggie will be picking me up at eleven. I'm glad Donna's having an early wedding."

"So am I. It works out well for Donna and Ed, as they're flying out early tomorrow to London."

"Well, if you find that you're missing anything, call me. I'll have my cell phone with me," offered Carol.

"Thanks," replied Ally. "You know, I've put more planning into this day than I have in some stakeouts!"

"Well, it has paid off so far. The rehearsal dinner was a smashing success," stated Carol.

"I agree. I think everyone had a good time. I still can't get over what Donna gave me!"

Ally was referring to the necklace that Donna gave her. It was a strand of genuine pearls. As lovely as they were, what really choked up Ally was the card that came with them

Dear Ally,

When I saw these I knew I had to give them to you. They're beautiful, classy, and feminine, just like you!



"I agree with her completely," concurred Carol.


Chapter 73

"My God, we're running behind schedule, we're not going to be ready!" bemoaned Donna, as she looked at her watch.

"Donna, chill! We're right on schedule," replied Ally, as they got into the car.

It was true they had taken more time than planned at the salon, but Ally had planned for this. She had deliberately padded the schedule, for just this sort of problem.

Donna laughed. "I can't believe that I'm such a wreck."

"True, it's only your wedding day," added Beth.

The others were riding in a different car.

"By the way, your hair looks great, Donna," complimented Ally.

"You think so?" asked Donna. "I wasn't sure about the color, but I really like it."

Donna's hair was in an elegant French twist. She had initially felt it was too fancy, but she was now very pleased with it. Additionally, she had had her normally brown hair slightly lightened.

"It's a big improvement over your normal ponytail!" quipped Ally.

"Great! I'm getting insulted by someone who used to have a crew cut!" retorted Donna, who then stuck her tongue out at Ally.

"I NEVER had a crew cut!" laughed Ally.

"So, what's next on the schedule?" asked Beth interrupting the verbal jousting.

"We have a light lunch in the hotel room, then we get dressed," answered Ally.

"I couldn't eat a thing!" exclaimed Donna.

"Try to eat a little. We can't have you passing out," quipped Ally.

"Don't even kid about that!" laughed Donna.

They arrived at the resort and went to their rooms. Ally was very pleased with the arrangements. They had three rooms next to each other. There were connecting doors that allowed easy access. One room had been reserved for the makeup artists, one was a lounge, and the last was for Donna. The others would change in the makeup room.

When they walked in, the others had already arrived and were looking over the buffet lunch. Ally was pleased as she looked over the food. She had ordered it from a local deli. The owner was a friend of Steve's.

Donna made herself a small sandwich and sat down. "I feel a bit more at ease now. It's only ten minutes to the park from here."

"Is your mom still pissed that you're not having your wedding in a church?" asked Jodi, one of Donna's cousins.

Donna shrugged her shoulders and then looked around the room. "She'll get over it. Actually, she tried to get me to reconsider as late as last night."

Donna's mom was in the other room and fortunately didn't hear the conversation.

"At least we have great weather," remarked Becky, another of Donna's cousins.

"I've always wanted an outdoor wedding. Ed didn't care one way or the other," remarked Donna.

"I can't wait to see Ed in his dress uniform!" stated Beth.

"I'm anxious to see his friend Trevor. I bet he looks hot in his white uniform!" laughed Jodi. "I've always loved a man in uniform."

Trevor was one of Ed's best friends and was part of the wedding party.

"Are they really going to do that sword thing?" asked Becky.

"Yes. Ed's fellow officers will give us a sword arch as we leave the ceremony," stated Donna.

Ally glanced over at Beth. She knew that it must be hard for her to be around so many naval officers. It must bring back some old memories. Beth looked over at Ally and forced a smile. Ally winked back.

"Won't your friend Steve look out of place?" He's the only man in the wedding party that won't be in uniform," stated Becky.

"Who said Steve won't be in uniform?" asked Ally. "He was recruited out of the navy by the agency, although I've never seen him in uniform."

"Dad doesn't talk about his time in that much. Mostly because he can't," interjected Beth.

Becky and Jodi nodded. They knew that Steve was also in the agency, although they had no idea of what sort of things he did.

"So, Beth, what's it like to have parents who are secret agents?" quipped Jodi.

"It's pretty cool. We get discounts at all new James Bond movies," replied Beth with a laugh.

"Okay, ladies, we need to get started. We'll get started on Donna and Ally first," interrupted the makeup artist.

Ally was very pleased that Donna had a chance to relax and laugh a little. She looked at her watch and saw that they were still ahead of the real schedule.


Chapter 74

The makeup artists were very good. Ally was happy with the way Donna looked. She had a very natural look, and not like the store mannequins that so many brides looked like. When Ally and Donna's makeup was finished, they went into the other room to change.

Everything was laid out and ready. Ally even had an extra garter belt and several spare pairs of stockings standing by.

It was now Ally's turn to be nervous, as she helped Donna get dressed.

Sensing her anxiety, Donna set her at ease. "Ally, relax. There is no one I would rather have helping me. You're my best friend and I trust you completely."

Ally smiled. "Thanks."

Thankfully, everything went perfectly. Ally was very careful, so that the dress stayed spotless.

Ally went down her list and made sure they hadn't forgotten anything. The something old was a dainty hand-embroidered white hanky that was made by Donna's great-grandmother for her own wedding, and Donna was the 4th generation bride to carry it. It was tucked into her bodice with just a tiny corner peeking out, so she didn't have to worry about dropping it.

"My mom would kill me if I lost it!" stated Donna.

The something new was the dress and the something borrowed was a pair of gorgeous diamond and pearl pendant earrings and the matching necklace.

"These belong to Aunt Ruth," stated Donna.

"Wasn't that the one who got into a fight with your cousins?" asked Ally.

"The same!"

The something blue was a pair of very sheer white panties with powder-blue lace and embroidery.

"I just hope no one asks me what the blue item is," quipped Donna.

"Tell them, but don't show them!"

They both laughed.

"Do I really have to take off and throw this stupid garter?" asked Donna.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted a traditional wedding. Here, give it to me. I'll slip it on for you," offered Ally. "I'll also help you get into your shoes."

Donna's shoes were plain white satin pumps with a 2"" heel.

"I'm glad you didn't go for a higher heel. With the way you're nervous today, you might trip going down the aisle!"

"Bite your tongue!" laughed Donna.

Ally stepped back and admired Donna in her dress. She looked spectacular.

Donna's dress was a dazzling white satin sheath with a short, but striking, fishtail train and a delicately embroidered corset bodice held up with tiny spaghetti straps. It perfectly suited her tall, slender figure. A sheer, elbow length, scalloped edge veil with tiny pearls and crystals sewn into it completed the image.

"I'm speechless, Donna," beamed Ally.

"I can't believe how I look. This is like a dream come true!"

Ally nodded and finished dressing. Sheila had done a wonderful job and her dress fit her like a glove. Ally was very pleased with her appearance.

"Ally you look great. Did you ever think that you would be in a wedding party?" asked Donna.

"Not in my wildest dreams. Thank you so much for including me."

"Hey, don't get all emotional on me! You're the one who has to stay in control!" joked Donna.

"Of course. Speaking of which, where is the ring?" asked Ally.

"I have it right here," stated Donna, as she reached into her purse. "Oh no! It's not here! Shit! I lost the ring!"

Ally began to speak. "Donna…."

"Ally! I lost Ed's ring. It has to be in here!" interrupted Donna, as she started to dump the contents out of the purse.


"It has to be here. I know I put it in my purse!" yelled a panicky Donna, as she sorted through the contents of the bag.

"Donna! You did. It's right here," stated Ally, as she held up Donna's bag. "That's Jodi's bag."

Donna looked over at Ally and laughed. "I'm such an idiot."

"Yes, you are, but it's understandable."

"Is everything okay in there?" asked Donna's mom from the other room.

"Yes, Mom, everything is fine. We'll be right out." Donna began to giggle again. "It' s funny, usually when I say that these days, I'm talking to you!"


Chapter 75

For Ally the wedding was a blur. There were specific moments that stood out to her. Donna's father could barely hold in his proud smile as he walked her down the aisle. Then there was how beautiful Donna looked standing next to Ed, who also looked very dashing in his full dress white naval uniform. Beth also looked wonderful in her bridesmaid dress. The ceremony itself was flawless, much to Ally's relief; she had had nightmares about dropping the ring as she handed it to Donna. The exchange was smooth as silk. . Donna's face had been radiant and her voice clear and strong as she said, "I most certainly do!" Donna's mom had been teary-eyed throughout, and Ally had shed a few herself, wishing that she could make her love for Carol as proudly visible to the world. The sword arch also stood out in her memories of the day. It was pretty cool watching Donna and Ed depart under an arch of swords. Ally also remembered everyone tossing popcorn at the bride and groom. That had been Beth's suggestion, as rice was bad for the birds.

As they arrived at the reception hall, Carol whispered to Ally, "You ready to give your toast?"

"I guess so," she replied.

"By the way, you looked stunning up there!" whispered Carol. "You should also try to learn whatever the makeup folks did with your cheekbones; it makes your eyes look absolutely bewitching."

Ally felt her face getting warm.

Carol leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "You look even cuter when you blush!"

The time flew by and soon it was Ally's turn to address the crowd. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"As most of you know, I'm also Donna's boss. I initially thought that the reason Donna selected me for this honor was to butter me up."

This comment was greeted by laughter.

"But I knew that that wasn't the case. Anyone with half a brain could see that she's a superb agent, and I know that much of our department's success is due to her hard work. I feel privileged to call Donna my friend. She is a funny and compassionate person. I know that Donna selected me because we're friends."

Ally looked over at Donna and Ed. "It goes without saying that I speak for everyone in wishing you two all the happiness in the world. You're blessed to have found each other, as it doesn't take a trained agent to see that you are perfect together."

Ally picked up her glass. "Donna, Ed, here's wishing you two all the happiness and love you so richly deserve."


Chapter 76

Later, Ally was sitting with Carol, Celeste, Beth, Maggie, and Steve. "Well, I imagine that will go down at the dumbest toast of all time," Ally remarked.

"I thought it was lovely," replied Carol.

"So did I!" concurred Beth.

"You did a great job, with the toast and everything," agreed Maggie.

Ally looked over at Steve, in his dress white naval uniform. In addition to four rows of medals, he wore the gold trident of the SEALS, the elite naval commandos on his chest. "Well? What did you think, Commander?"

"You did well, Ally," stated Steve, as he lifted his champagne glass to her. "To Ally!"

This action was followed by the others, and Ally felt her face turning warm again.

"Ally, I think they need you on the dance floor," noted Carol.

Ally looked up and saw that it was her turn to dance with Ed. Thankfully, the DJ had selected a slow tune.

"Thanks again for everything you've done," stated Ed as he held Ally.

"It was a privilege," replied Ally.

"Donna was smart to pick you," answered Ed with a smile.

The dance ended and Ally began to head back to her table when she was immediately led back to the dance floor by Donna's father.

"Not so fast, young lady! It's my turn now!" he announced.

Ally laughed and followed his lead. Donna's father was a very handsome man, thought Ally. He was 6-1, and appeared to be in great shape. Donna had told Ally that he had started working out immediately after he heard of Donna's engagement. His hair was totally gray. Donna had told Ally that it had always been that color.

Ally was pleased to see that he was also an excellent dancer.

"One of the benefits of being the father of the bride is that I get to dance with so many lovely ladies," he laughed. "After all, I'm paying for all this, I might as well enjoy myself a little."

Ally giggled.

"You know, Donna thinks the world of you," he stated. "I've always trusted her opinion and her choosing you was perfect. Anyone who doesn't see that is a numbskull!"

Without thinking, Ally leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you!"

"Ah, another benefit!" he laughed.

The dance ended and Ally headed back to her table. The conversation turned to work. "So, Maggie, how did Steve talk you into pushing that baby carriage around the park the other day?" asked Ally.

"I wanted to do my part and, well, I figured it would be good practice," replied Maggie with a sly smile on her face.

There was a moment of silence as Maggie's words sunk in.

Ally and Carol looked at each other and then Maggie. "You mean you're…."

"Yes, the doctor confirmed it this week. I'm pregnant!" exclaimed Maggie.

Beth nodded her head enthusiastically. "I wanted to call and tell you as soon as I found out, but they said they wanted to wait and tell you in person."

Ally and Carol hugged Maggie, and then hugged Steve and Beth.

"That's so cool! Congratulations!" stated Ally.

"We've talked about having a child and, well, we decided to go for it. Besides with Beth going to college next year, I didn't want an empty nest!" explained Maggie.

"Ally, Carol, I know this isn't exactly conventional, but we want you two to be our baby's godparents," announced Steve. "I can't think of anyone we'd rather have."

"We're honored," answered Carol.

"How do you feel about this, Beth?" asked Ally.

"I'm excited. I can't wait to be a big sister!" she replied with glee.

"Do you mind if I let everyone else know?" asked Ally excitedly.

Steve laughed. "Would it make any difference if I said no?"

"Go on, Ally, this isn't something we can keep secret anyway," added Maggie. "Besides, I can't think of anyone else we'd want to let everyone know."

Ally stood up and tapped on the side of her glass. She had a huge smile on her face as she spoke. "Excuse me, everyone, but I have an important announcement to make. Maggie and Steve are expecting a baby!"

Donna was one of the first to come over and congratulate them. "This will make today even more memorable. This is fantastic!"

"Just don't get any ideas, dear" quipped Ed, who was standing next to her, with his arm around her.

"Please!" exclaimed Donna, rolling her eyes. "I'm happy for them. That doesn't mean I want to get pregnant."

Ed leaned over and kissed her.

"Not yet, anyway!" added Donna, with a wink.

"I knew you were a bad influence on her!" joked Ed.


Chapter 77

Ally was sitting next to Carol as the reception continued into the night. Most of the formalities of the wedding were over. It was now a time to celebrate and relax. She noted, with pleasure that Kelly and Joe were still on the dance floor. They looked good together, thought Ally. She also noted, again with pleasure, that David had brought a date. She had always suspected he was gay, not that it made any difference to her. She did note that David and his friend, Danny, made a nice couple.

Ally turned to Carol and smiled. "I have to admit that for my first wedding as a woman, I did pretty well."

"I have to agree with you," replied Carol. "You looked so beautiful up there today." She then leaned over and kissed Ally.

"I have one more thing on my list to check off," noted Ally.

"What's that?" asked Carol. "The wedding is almost over."

Ally stood up and took Carol by the hand. She looked over at the DJ and gave a slight nod. He acknowledged and made a short dedication. "The next song is for Carol from Ally."

Carol gave Ally a look of bemusement and confusion as they walked out to the dance floor. Then the song came on. Carol immediately recognized it and broke out in a huge smile.

"Nice selection," she whispered as they began to dance slowly together.

Their close friends didn't miss the significance of the song and its lyrics and they smiled and nodded their heads in approval.

Carole King's lyrics filled the air

"Cause you make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like

A natural woman."

"I just want to express what you mean to me," Ally whispered back.

"When my soul was in the lost-and-found

You came along to claim it

I didn't know just what was wrong with me

Till your kiss helped me name it

Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for

Cause if I make you happy I don't need no more


"Cause you make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like

A natural woman."

Ally held onto Carol as they danced slowly together.

"Oh, baby, what you've done to me

You make me feel so good inside
And I just want to be close to you
You make me feel so alive.

"Cause you make me feel, you make me feel, you make me feel like

A natural woman."

As the song ended, Carol smiled and kissed her true love.


The End




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