Crystal's StorySite



by Peter Joseph


7. Conferences

In Conference work, I would normally greet a business man off the plane and take him to his hotel. I would provide him with briefing papers and assist him to access internet, show him the office services available in the hotel, help him organization his laundry and other such practical matters.

I would then wait in the foyer to escort him to his first meeting with his clients – who employed me through TransInternational.

At the end of a day, I would take him back to the hotel, do any errands and provide any other assistance he required.

I would offer to accompany him for his evening meal and be available if he wanted to talk over matters of the day.

I would then be available with a choice of trips and visits so he was not bored with his free time

The clients would acquaint him with the range of services available through me, and they would stress the requirements of 'out of hours service' be arranged by phone, where he would tap in his number and my code.

In very many cases I would need to reaffirm this protocol, to make it clear that I was not a 'pick-up' and that our relationship was professional.

We would often had the ludicrous situation that after a relaxing meal, he would make a call and tap in numbers on his cell phone, and mine would simultaneously receive a text message of my next dedication. We would wink at one another, and proceed to destination.

Ludicrous as it appeared, it did define relationship, because my dedication was a professional service of care and comfort and release which did not have obligation of commitment.

In my Conference career, I was in constant and intricate liaison with the committee overseeing development of the telecommunications and internet industries. It was immensely technical and initially beyond my reach, but in time I understood this world and was valued for my capacity to provide technical contribution.

Routinely, I would read complicated briefings each morning and be told of what focus I should pursue. Then at night I would tap in my report of achievements and perspectives gleaned during the day.

When I received a cell phone text message, I would proceed to and knock on the door and say "Good Evening, I believe I am expected!", and then follow Shakti dedication protocols as I had been taught. The exception was that we would often sit around in dressing gowns having a night cap and talking after or between dedications. The guys would relax, enjoy having someone with whom to share with and listen to. I leant a lot and contributed a great deal in these situations.

I would always retire to my own room after the final dedication. But my cell phone was always ready to receive a call, if someone had needs in the early hours of the new day.

The weekends were relaxing, taking a movie, playing tennis, swimming or walking in the rain forests. Life was relaxing where there was mingling of my Liaison and Comforting roles. But always the cell phone 'call to arms' operated signal the distinction between the two roles.

It was not surprising that I found myself vulnerable when assigned full time to a particular person.

With one guy, there would be an early morning joust, a briefing at breakfast, a heavy day in negotiation, a candle lit meal and a 'de-briefing second dedication' to end the day. I found myself wishing that the association would continue, deepen and never end.

In panic I mentioned this in my involuntary musing in my nightly report - I found it smart to be brutally honest in these reports! I received wonderful advice that I should talk to him of his home life, find out where the tensions were, help him to analyze these tensions and work him harder in bed with focus on how he could better mediate when he returned to his home. A Shakti lady was sent and I was told to take a snap shot of them together. The instant photo was then given to him, to leave around at home as the lady Prue who had helped his business trip to be such a success.

I followed this direction despite the fact of being personally confused, and found that he opened up and started talking about his difficulties and confessing how he could do more for his wife. I set about helping him make these changes and tried to fill out and round off his insight.

Strangely, he slowly became less dependent on our 'jousting' and was more orientated to stoking the home fires and in time I received a note of appreciation from his wife for my intervention as a 'counselor'. She said she was glad her husband made this particular trip and it was a wonderful thing that an older person such as me had been made available as an assistant!

In conferencing, I would alternate between assignment to a particular individuals and the assignment of hosting a team. It was much easier with the teams, for in these cases I would be less exposed and vulnerable because I could mother, offer hospitality and provide other services to the whole group. But the cell phone worked harder, 'Go to Room xxx at 9.30pm, Room xx 10.15pm and so on. None of the parties suspected that I shared my dedication, and because of the impersonal operation of the Shakti protocol, none were left with the 'wink, wink, nudge, nudge – we have something special going on' looks that may otherwise have occurred.

Conference better than the Special Assignments, where I tired of all the 'deep heart to heart' questioning I had to endure. My dedicational task was simple: help a guy who was away from home to relax, and to offer the relief in comfort – so a tired traveler had a smidgeon of no-obligation-pleasure and good sleep at night.

From time to time I ran into cases of sexual dysfunctionality. I sought help on how to handle this problem and interestingly, Charlene offered the best advice. One guy declared he was incapable of having and maintaining an erection.

Following Charlene's advice, I told him not to worry, that this was a medical condition that I had perceived in him. I then asked him if I could provide a soothing massage.

So I proceeded with this massage and relaxed the tension build-up in his shoulders, arms and thighs and pretty soon he relaxed and without any provocation at all, was standing to attention impressively. Then, saying "I hope you don't mind", I seized the opportunity and rode him hard, using the tricks I had leaned to hold him at plateau and delay climax. In this particularly case, I had this guy working for half an hour before his geyser blew and he was bursting with pride at his success.

I told him that I had lied about the 'medical condition' and perception of incapacity, and that clearly he was a stallion – perhaps better than I had met in years. I encouraged to take heed of my sage advice, and to disregard advice to the contrary once he arrived home.

The liaison work involved me in helping each side of the contracts to understand the other's positions. I achieved most success in the nightly briefing, debriefing. But some times I had to be with my own committee and help them realize what was holding back the settlement of an issue. I was acknowledged to be quite expert in the technicalities and in the problems of negotiating through the barriers created by culture.

It always pleased me greatly when I had letters of appreciation from wives, of returning conferees. I was referred to as a "Sister of Mercy' helping to transcend a dark night, for thee is no better gift than sex to recreate a hurting heart. With my background, I was actually good at helping people unearth the disease of guilt and to let rational decision supercede superego values. Many actually need a 're-bore' and a new approach and I am sure I sent guys home regenerated and capable of breathing life into tired relationship.

'You need to take time out and refresh yourself. Train in another gym, learn new exercises, play different melodies. My dedications were to help your rebirth and to send you home free and unshackled. My dedication was to provide you with skill and strategies so you can free the lady back home who had also been locked into repressive routine.

Between conference commitments I accepted every opportunity to get back to Penang. I enjoyed splashing with the girls and loved going out for a meal with Krishna. I was privileged to hear her story

She described that when she was born her mother was accosted by the surgical team who spoke of 'certain genital abnormalities' that needed to be corrected immediately. Her mother was not too fluent in English, but would not countenance surgical interference and sent them away.

Krishna described her case as a condition that occurs one in twenty five thousand births, and tended to happen more frequently in some families.

Medically she was labeled as Intersexual 'ambiguously-formed genitalia with stunted penis; divided scrotum; and vagina' and a "True Hermaphrodite" with a DNA chromosome karyotype of 46 XXXY mosaic.

She was classified as a female at birth but her parents were aware of the inadequacy of this classification and were aware that as time passed Krishna would be touched by often inconsistent and conflicting chromosomes, genes, glandular/hormonal output, and different brain circuitry. They were aware that simple gender identification was not sufficient.

It was custom to talk of the Hermaphrodite as a 'daughter of the moon' and a special incarnation with special intercessional capacities. From the age of three she began to spend time with her 'Aunt' who resided in a Shakti community.

She was given tuition and attended a special school and ushered through designed courses at University which prepared her for a different role in life.

As she grew older she spent more and more time with her aunts and by the time she was fifteen the Shakti house was her principal residence. Her parents were treated with reverence in the local community because they had been gifted with a daughter who became a Shakti

In the Shakti Krishna was accustomed to nakedness for the Spa was a place of special significance and she was taught the map of the human body and encouraged to experiment and understand with bodily pleasure apart from commitment across the gender contention line that caused disparagement and tension with normal marriage. .

She was taught the erotic and encouraged to indulge as she wished and had exposure to male and female undergoing the pinking processes. She was also taught the Shakti spirituality of reserving sexuality energy for expression in service of all. She saw the deep calm that came to people who had worked their way beyond the torrents of desire, and she was instructed in the special roles of service available to her through Shakti

She told me how of the history the hermaphrodites had played in the development of   Hindu, Moslem, and Buddhist traditions, and how in so many cultures Judges and Ceremony people assumed the androgynous motif to as witness to impartiality

She was freed from the Genderized psychological programming which divides us from birth into either Blue or Pink camp or produces the animosities of false expectations and perceptions of gender delusions.

She was socialized as Female because as she suggested, this was the normal condition which is altered by the one SRY gene so some develop as males.

As a Shakti lady she was taught to give her body when there was need, but never to possess another. She was taught to live in service to all with respect and savor because of the special gifts and wisdoms she possessed.

I found her description breathtaking because it was generous, loving and liberated compared with my repressed, selfish and sutured tradition.


There were times in the Conferences when I would not be operating in my telecommunications specialty. One notable, was when four of us were assigned to assist a conference of bishops – and they came from back home.

We were dressed in vestal fashion and our task was to mingle when with these guys between their meetings, pass the plates and glasses and escort them around the city.

TransInternational offered to assist this meeting because the bishops could influence public opinion, and it was hoped that tax breaks might be allowed to assist housing for workers in the developing Electronics Manufacture and Assembly Industry.

On one occasion I was required to illustrate the need to develop workers housing to correct dislocation caused when the whole populations were relocated so rubber could be produced for the Western Motor Vehicle Industry.

We relaxed with the bishops and I held my own with some on the tennis court. There were a few pats on the bum, and a dedication was organized for one of the girls.

One of the bishops approached me with and meekly apologized for any scandal he caused, for he recognized me as the one with whom he had shared a dedication a month earlier. I asked him to explain what he meant by 'scandal'. I told him that I knew who he was at the time and had in fact devoted special attention to him so he might relax.

He explained that he was away on his own and someone had mischievously provided him with a BizLounge membership and when the option was there he decided to take it. He explained how his loneliness and sexual detachment was gnawing at him. He explained that he was even wondering if he was homosexual and was fearful where he might break out. He explained this as the reason why he had used me for a dedication.

I commiserated with him telling him I understood the special pressures he experienced with people assuming he was androgynous.

I asked him if our meeting had been helpful for him. He responded saying that he did not think it had helped much, because it was a human experience without relationship and was for him therefore an experience in a vacuum. He thought it had actually added to his confusion but did establish for him that he could operate as a normal male.

I responded telling him that I understood. I confessed that in my work, expressed my sexuality without relationship and that this was a problem.

He was wondering if I would go away with him for a time. But I told him that I would be delighted to and handed him my card showing him the TransInternational number he would have to ring. I told him that a Special Commitment with me would be expensive and that I always operated commercially at the market rate. I explained that my reason for being strictly commercial was to avoid confusion as to the basis of my associations.

But by and large I found the week to be rather futile week because these guys were so beguiled and arrogant in their irrelevance, that they were untouchable. One of the girls suggested that we divide them up, and go door to door banging them one after the other in the hope that it might loosen them up. But we concluded that they were probably too far gone to help.

Whenever it was possible, I would go back to Penang and take a few nights of assignments, so I could have fun with the other girls in the spa.

I learned of an assignment in Rangoon where I was scheduled to meet the Vishnu who was the principal of Shakti and I had to go to headquarters.


8. Shakti

At the airport I was met by Vishnu and assistants Kali and BaMinh, all dressed in white sari. Vishnu looked at me keenly and said "Oh Prue, You have been nicely assembled and have cared for our investment. Welcome, and thank you for your contributions. You have not met Kali, and you were not conscious when you met BaMinh."

Back at headquarters, I ventured surprise that with all the girls in Shakti service, she knew of me.

"Oh no, we were all interested when a person of your background applied,
and especially so when your medicals arrived. We closely watched you between pinking"

With a blush I responded: "I hope you did not see everything!"

"Oh yes, we saw everything. Very poignant!" she said with a smile.

"Oh dear", I said.

"Adjustment to pinking is extraordinarily difficult; no one should manage it easily. We were impressed that you accepted reality and proceeded."

"I loved your repartee "accepted your body as gift to be used in service for all men! Good stuff, Very good stuff!"

"Let's continue this discussion in the spa, for we wand to inspect your body especially BaMinh who is a doctor and our Conversion Engineer."

So there we were me starkers and the other three topless. I asked, BaMinh what were the ingredients she sought for successful Pinking.

"There is no universal model of beauty. Everyone has unique and inherent beauty. We commence by assessing body proportion from x-rays, photos and doctor's report, we check body fat and dispersion of bulk.

The conversion involves four elements of change: Directed, Rapid, Controlled and Gender Related body change.

On arrival our doctor implants electronic chips, and the formulary leaves the body awash with hormones. The sexual encounter with another prepared person is catalyst for altering the Y chromosome balance. Then with Ultra Sound and Electronic Field we direct the reengineering."

"Prue was naturally endowed with proportion and sound structure and had a fit body. She was ideally suited to our program

"Could you please stand Prue? We never had doubt that this chest and those shoulders would be enhanced with well proportioned breasts. We reassigned bulk from here in chest and shoulders and redistributed body mass from the waist to hips and buttocks so the. As you see the buttocks and the breasts are firm, shapely and soft. We work on the formula of the standard formula of the waist being seventy percent of the hip measurement. The Shakti potion did the usual mutation of the penis to clitoris, the gonad retracted and to produce vagina, vulva, labia…. And Voila, Prue"

"A wonderful product BaMinh. Well managed Prue, you look as virginal as a blushing novice Nun! How do you do it, you are a very active girl! You should consider staying with us Prue, a tragic waste."

"Tell us Prue, how did you handle the change from celibate to parlor maid? We observed you were pristine with Tenang and Tam, and eager with Sylvia and enthusiastic ever since. What was gong on?"

"That is a total life question and a little embarrassing. With Tenang I felt constrained, chastened by the damage I have seen caused by irresponsible sex. After pinking, my reality had changed. I had a different 'calling'! My calling involved responding to the needy. After the release mediated by Sylvia, I found I was hyper-normal and found sex was an enjoyable human experience.

"I saw myself as an instrument of service, a body to provide relief for needy. I thought this to be noble. I discharged it with fidelity and purpose. My encounter with Sylvia was when I was in the depth of my depression – it unlocked me, where I was suppressed, repressed."

'Perhaps the dyke of a lifetime's repression was breached with Sylvia - 'like the piranha coming off the vegetarian diet'!"

"But beyond that first week, Prue, you describe yourself as insatiable! What adjustment have you made to be so erogenous? How did you learn to 'lie down and take it like a woman'?"

"You put me on the spot, but celibacy meant I could be with and support those cheated from rights to happiness, I could be with them and broker a fairer deal."

"After pinking I realized it was going to be different. I had to take these guys one after the other. That was hard coming at me stiff and merciless. At first with the new parts, I got by with lust. But then with prospect of guy after guy each night, I knew this alone could not help me.

So I considered that in an act of Dedication I had to be active and did not want to be merely passive. So I decided to match their build-up athletically so I could affirm, comfort and give kindness with actively and I found that I could match them with energy and even tire them out.

"Good stuff, Prue. You do it well, you negotiate well in conferences and you are a bundle of fun for the other girls."

"However we did not invite you here to discuss your body and adjustments, we want to offer you a special job."

"We contend with the prurience of the western press who would love to make a feature of Shakti – would it not be a sensational read!"

If that were to happen, this organization would cease to operate!"

"We monitor those who want to do an exposé. This sensitive area is in the control of Kali."

"We are to invite you to help Kali to palliate warnings that need be given"

"The difficulty with this assignment, Prue is that it may require you to prolong your tour of duty by three months. There are other dimensions to this special assignment that we will broach with you later, but I ask: Would you be happy to help us Prue?"

"Yes, Vishnu, I would be happy to help"

"Good, then we would like you to do a few dedications tonight in a parlor populated with girls from our ancient and principal conversion centre, Thati.

Tomorrow Kali will take you by helicopter trip to Thati, out in the delta of the Irrawaddy River. Then you will know more of the traditions of Shakti and be better equipped to help us."

Kali took me to the parlor and provided me with a room. I met the girls. They were friendly, a mixture of Malays a few Europeans and they came from all over the region.

I had a meal and further briefing with Kali and then did three dedications. I enjoyed the younger more active patrons. They were seafarers, and none of them spoke English. It was quite challenging to pit myself against these enthusiastic young men. We shared a language of the body with little effort.

I then joined the girls in the after-work spa session. I struggled with the communication but there was the same mixture of breast flashing nakedness and fun and I enjoyed the company.

Next morning arriving at Thati, we went straight to the cafeteria where there well over a hundred people sitting down to eat.

I noticed the weird composition. Some were very masculine and wearing dresses, while others looked quite feminine and were dressed as men. I asked Kali and she explained that when inductees arrived, they were strapped in the 'red chair' and given a presentation of why they were to be pinked and how they should act. While in the chair they were doused with formulary and the chills were implanted. Upon waking they had pinking encounter which impacted on the top half of the body. Over the ensuing two weeks a feminization occurred when a second pinking changed the genitalia. After the second pinking they would immediately go to a parlor.

Those returning for depinking would go through the reverse process, and the repatriated would return home with money in the pocket and assurance that no one would dare to ridicule them for their experience - firstly because they knew they could face pinking themselves, and secondly because those who had been Associate of Shakti were changed people, were respected and generally became very successful. Many of prominent in the newspaper had been Shakti associates.

I said: "It is obvious that those who had recently been subjected to Pinking are finding it hard."

Kali told me that this was so, but the guests of Thati did a lot of exercises, they grew their own vegetables and they provided care provided for the elderly in an adjoining hostel. She explained that they tried to keep them busy as distraction from the woes, and the woes were inevitable.

I was introduced to Ricky a British photographer who had recently joined the program.

I told her not to be embarrassed because I had also been shanghaied by Shakti. Unfortunately my words did little to remediate his mortification.

He told me how difficult it was to be a male with breasts. He was still shaving each day and found the conversion to be horrendous. He hated wearing dresses and found it hard living where few spoke English. He was blindingly fearful of what would happen in the parlor.

I told him that I serve in a parlor, and the experience is not crippling and could be enjoyable.

He told me he had been stupid and persisted in an assignment after he had been warned.

Since being here she was being educated in the ways Shakti and already had the answers to all the questions she was pursuing.

"I was silly", he said "it is a story that does not need to be told!"

Kali told Ricky that she had a plan that could curtail his sentence if he was prepared to cooperate. She promised to speak to him with further detail later. .

My next interviewee was a tremendous shock

"Hello," said this smiling and vaguely familiar face.

"Good God, it is Tenang!" I exclaimed and I lunged forward to grasp in embrace.

"No, not exactly, it is now Tenau!" he said with a widening smile.

"I had no idea! How long have you been here? You no longer have those beautiful bouncing breasts, but as I now you even more attractive with those strong arms and shoulders".

"I am waiting for my second pinking, so my 'plumbing' remains the same as yours, Prue."

"Pity, I said with a laugh, "I might have made claim you I suppressed when first we met!"

"What of Tam?" I asked

"Yes, Prue, pity all round. Tam, she still has three months to serve."

"It was a great posting for me to be at your Conversion Centre. We loved working with you. Sorry about the fun at your expenses, dressing you up and all that…"

"That's okay Tenau; we all have to survive and it was happening to me, there was no escape, and your fun forced me to flirt with what was inevitable. It helped in the long run. How did get to be at Thati."

"I was incorrigible. I was warned, but I kept being silly. My own family participated in the decision. I have no one to blame but myself, it has overall been a good time for me; but I am pleased to be going back home."

"What are you going back to, Tenau."

"I am going back to be married. A girl was promised to me, to my family, long ago. She knows something of where I have been for the last year, but nobody dares speak about Thati."

I enjoyed a wonderful chat with Tenau. We went over incidents that we had shared and he told me of other things that had happened in his tenure.

At the end of the day I was exhausted, and asked Kali if she would mind sleeping with me for I needed someone to hold, and as I said:

"I wanted to get at those cute little tits of yours!"

"For the good of mankind," she said, with a wry grin.


Our first assignment back in Rangoon was with a Dr Barry Munro. Barry was working with an International Justice Commission.

Kali briefed me thoroughly on Barry and his proclivities and arranged that I should, as an employee of TransInternational visit him as an agent of an unnamed party.

When meeting with Dr Barry, I explained that his imposition of an alien morality was cultural imperialism. I quickly realized I was wasting my time.

Barry explained that his purpose was to investigate 'Shakti'. He had heard snippets of information, but his difficulty getting to anyone who was prepared to talk. All that he had heard had come from 'nutters' who were physically mutated. His purpose in coming to Rangoon was to investigate a mythic place located somewhere in the Delta of the Irrawaddy River.

I proceeded to ask Barry if he feared sanctions that might be applied if he persisted in his enquiry. But he believed he was adequately insulated and protected.

I looked to Kali, and we exchanged a signal of the futility of this mission, but Barry pressed on saying that he saw benefit in further discussion.

I had no doubt of the benefits Barry had in mind, so I told him that I was confining contacts to my brief, but I would leave him papers on recruitment to the Hijras and of their Irrawaddy sacred temple to Lakshmi.

I bid Barry farewell and suggested he might contact me only if he was prepared to discuss an amelioration of his research focus.

We were not surprised that Barry contacted me later that afternoon, pressing for further discussion. I acceded suggesting though, that we meet for a meal in my hotel suite as our discussion might flow better in private.

Kali, acting as my maid and associate, was proficient in serving the meal room service had brought to up and was inconspicuous except when a glass needed blessing.

After the meal, Barry asked that he be shown around our suite. In showing the balcony view, his hand reached around my waist, in showing the kitchenette, his lips brushed my ear, and in showing him the bedroom he shed me of my gown and buried his face in my breasts... I felt powerless and decided to exhaust what he had to offer and the exceed his activity. I was successful and to rejuvenate the exhausted man, I suggested we adjourn to the spa.

There, Kali entered with a bottle and three glasses.

She removed her shoes, sat on the edge with her feet in the water, and poured three drinks. I sat back bemused while Barry seemed a little compromised.

"Barry", she said "You are interested in Shakti. You are interested in the sacred hills of Lakshmi. But you have shown little interest in Prue's intercession. I will take you to our temple of fecundity under strict and stringent conditions that you allocate us one month of your time, that you accompanied only by Prue and I, and that your published reports follow consultation with me.

Barry discussed the conditions with Kali and upon agreement travel arrangements were made for the visit.


We arrived at night, and the red Induction room appeared rather spooky, but Barry was rather titillated up, during the helicopter trip, his hand rarely strayed from my thigh and other places.

Kali noticed and mused that the Conversion centre had a fecund atmosphere.

"O, you are so right Kali." Said Barry, "I don't want to be crude, but everything about this place makes me think of breasts."

"You are intuitive Barry, in mythology this is a sexual fountain where young men are given in holy supplication."

"You are a warm and sensual person Barry, sit and relax and see the presentation given to inductees"

Barry sat in the red chair stretched himself, and tested the multiple positions this comfortable chair permitted him to assume...

"Hey this is comfortable' said Barry.

"Let me make it more comfortable," Kali replied, as she modified the headrest, pressed the button for lumbar support, and adjusted the thigh height."

"Thank you Kali!" said Barry as he leant back. Kali then flicked a switch that secured Barry's arms, shoulders and legs.

"I am not able to move with these constraints, Kali. Are they necessary"

"Oh, I believe so Barry. Watch this and you will understand."

Kali reacted forward and the monitor before Barry's face sprung into colour Vishnu, dressed in her white Sari said:

"Welcome to Thati Dr Barry Munro"

"You have wanted to know about Shakti and we now promise to make you our associate so you can learn of our traditions."

Barry seemed very excited to hear this.

Kali now affixed the Velcro strips across Barry's chest, waist and thighs.

"How do you feel" Kali asked.

"This is a dream come true" Barry said.

"Dr Barry, as an associate of Shakti and so that you truly appreciate our life, we need to make some modifications……:

The presentation began to describe what was to happen and to state the expectations that Barry was to meet.

A Shakti nurse entered and attached the intravenous formulary feed line to Barry's arm.

I saw the slow transformation that took place on Barry's face as he realized what was to happen. He began to splutter a protest and I saw complete horror cross his face.

I reached over and touched his hand and kissed him on the cheek and promised to be back to offer on going support.


After leaving Barry at Thati, I had visits to make in Madras and Djakarta but was able to return in just over a week.

At that stage Barry's second pinking was imminent. His facial features had rounded, his skin texture was smooth, he was resplendent with breasts and was rather shapely in his red gown.

"I am sorry that this has happened to you Bernice. It happened to me as well".

Bernice had been very chastened by her experience; confessed that she now knew why I was trying to dissuade him from his exposé. She admitted that she had been bull headed, and wondered how this was going to end.

I gave her hope saying that Kali had an offer to make and promised to return to be with her in Rangoon when first she reached the parlor

I was back working in the parlor with Ricky when Bernice made her first night.

Next day we dressed up and I took them to dinner at the hotel.

Bernice declared that she found the first night a bit difficult. She found the encounters hard, that the guys were just wanting to 'shoot their load' and go, and she felt herself a victim of the process.

I told them I understood. We are all different and in a way and confront our own histories as we live.

"I sometimes think the guys are the predictable one, they just want to fire a salvo and go. They have simple needs, we are the complex ones".

"Is it unkind to remind you Bernice, but when first we met, my gown came off so quickly, before I knew you were moving."

"Yes but you were a willing participant, Prue"

"No Bernice, you have that completely wrong: Barry was not having me, I was having Barry. I knew what he wanted, and I gave it to him, perhaps more than he could take. I pushed him to his limit! I decided to work that guy as hard as I could, to have as much fun as possible. I thought I wore him out in fact! Did I?"

With that, Bernice started laughing and swung her head back in delirium. "I had it completely wrong! Where you successful? You did me over properly" said Bernice.

"I call it my athletic response. I am fit and healthy and I try to match vigor for vigor. In coupling, you had the protrusion, I had the intrusion, and the fun was being hard and fast up against one another. I know how to make it happen and beside, it was an opportunity to give you something intense, relief and leave you feeling good. It was a service I provided. Did I not Barry/Bernice."

"Did you ever Prue!"

"For one thing is certain, Ladies!" I said, "We are in this situation and we have not choice but to work out way out of it!"

"We might as well enjoy it!"

But this time both Ricky and Bernice were laughing their heads off, raucously and shamelessly, and in this they were attracting attention and I believe interest from men at adjoining tables.

I pointed this out, and Bernice said

"Oh my, better quieten down, I don't want to attract wanton attention and I need to keep the powder dry for tonight!"


Kali asked me to accompany her for a visit with Hijra communities in Calcutta. From her briefing, I understood that Hijra had in tradition been under Shakti authority but separated become home for transvestites who did 'Les Girls' style of dancing and offered Blessing at Ceremonies and Weddings. Communities were organized around a teacher and joining a community severed contact with families. Nowadays, with waiting interest in their blessing, Hijra would arrive at weddings extorting money that they leave and for income Hijra involved in lowest level prostitution.

I was introduced to the Principal mother Chaman. I recognized Chaman immediately, as one with whom I had had my first Special Commitment. Kali proceeded to explain to the Hijras that community leaders had asked Shakti to meet with this chapter of Hijras communities because of the concern of the way the young were forcibly recruited for Hijra membership.

She explained that I had been brought along as an example of Shakti morphing and she explained I would understand little of the negotiation which was to be conducted in local dialect.

Kali and I sat together and around us Hijra leaders with members of the families, gathered behind. As Kali spoke I looked at this exotic collection of flamboyantly dressed, heavily made-up men posing as women. Most of them prominently featured their breasts. I was told that many had mutilated their genitals, and for some this had been forced on them. Horrific as this was, I recalled the castrati that the Roman Church tolerated well into this century – and probably they too were 'man-handled' before the flower of youth was plucked. I was studying their faces as Kali talked and noticed at one point, their attention 'to a man' turned to me and thereafter, I was enviously studies. As Kali spoke there was a fair amount of disagreement and gesticulation, but I did not need to know what was going on.

Kali turned to me and said:

"Prue, I will tell you later what is going on, but I told them that you had been pinked, and now they are asking to see your parts. Would you mind stripping off and parading up and down?"

"No, Kali. I don't mind!"

So I stood up removed my shoes, my skirt undies shirt and bra and at first stood and then walked around before the group. It did not bother me at all, and when Kali indicated, I walked among the people and several of them touched and pried into me to see if I was real.

When Kali indicated, I returned to clothes, dressed and sat down as before.

When the talking had concluded, some of the ladies began to dance. They were obviously providing an exhibition for my benefit and I found it captivating and enthralling. It was so feminine and provocative, energetic and screamingly funny. I could see the fun they had and understood why the support they offered would entice individuals to join the community.

Kali told me that no other outsider other than a Shakti would have been permitted entry to that chapter. She told me that while individual houses have autonomy, the do confederate in regional and other chapters.

She told me she had insisted that contact be permitted with families of birth and threatened intervention where there had been forcible induction of neophytes.

I asked how the 'threat' and she explained that as with pinking, the police unofficially pick up and deliver to the conversion centre and the Pinking outcome would not be pleasant.

She had negotiated that Shakti would organize for a more kindly exposé of the Hijra life and that on her next visit Bernice and Ricky would join her to develop a story and she told me of a role that I and Shakti might have to assume to assist families when their young were considering the Hijra life.


Vishnu asked me to attend a conference where the work of Shakti was under review by community leaders.

"Particularly, they have a request that we have one of the girls available so tell their story and answer questions. The conference will be structured so you face the questions of ten representatives while others will observe by video conferencing."

"The ten you faced are well versed in English, and a translation simultaneous will be available for the others."

"Are you concerned that they are auditing the work, Vishnu?" I asked.

"No Prue, we welcome this. We have always subjected our work to audit so a committee can monitor how the conversions houses work; especially the ten we operate for Europeans.

"So please do not worry Prue. There is more going on now that I can devolve at this time, but I am heartened by your care. Could you prepare an honest and full story of what has happened for you that we can circulate before hand?"

I told Vishnu that I would prepare a story and have it ready and that I was pleased to face the questions I was asked!"

I was welcomed to the meeting. I sat behind a desk and my questioners were arrayed before me in a semi circle, each had a desk and writing materials.

The chairperson introduced me as a Green Gown, who normally would have four months to serve before depinking.

She began by putting on the screens photographs of me before and after pinking, photos taken by the doctor back home, and photos taken by Sylvia before I departed for Penang, juxtapositioning naked and clothed images. She highlighted the areas where changes to my body had been made.

I was then asked a series of questions:

1. What was your reaction to the pinking?

"The pinking caused me profound shock, or magnitude I thought impossible. The shock came from the realization of the change done, causing me to confront and sort the good and bad of cultural assumptions that had been part of my emergence as a young man."

2. Did you think it was unjust?

"I thought it was profoundly unjust to do this to me. But as I became aware of injustices done by Europeans in this region, I was content to accept my fate as expiation for the sins of others."

3. Did you find it degrading to live as a woman and in a Parlor?

"I told you I had to face the good and bad cultural accretions of my upbringing, and I am shamed to confess that I found it more degrading to be a woman, than to be working in the parlor. The formulary suffused me with such desire, which was liberating because of the peculiarities of my previous life and I never found the parlor to be degrading because Shakti always treated us with great respect, and local people also treated us as special, and we were insulated from views of my own people beyond the grateful appreciation of the travelers we served."

4. Was I concerned of the difficulties depinking would bring me.

"I can only read the websites and I understand that others have satisfactorily made the tradition back to normal male life. For myself, I feel to a degree redeemed because I had been a celibate and needed to be freed from the unbalanced Catholic Church view of sexuality.

5. How have you felt working for Shakti and participating the pinking of others.

"I have profound respect for Shakti and was prepared to assist perhaps in whatever. But in the cases where my interventions led to a pinking, I believe that the 'Freedom claimed by the Press' had to be tempered by 'Responsibility' most especially when it intruded beyond a culture. In these matters, I did a simple cost benefit analysis, and thought the cost of the penalty was not undue. I retain contact and friendship with the particular person, and I am sure he would concur with what I have expressed.

I was thanked for my participation and Vishnu led me from the room and invited me to stay to watch the next person through the two way mirror.

I was surprised that it was my friend Joe, brought back to answer questions.

1. What difficulties have you had in reentering beyond your Pinking:

"At first I felt wonderfully whole, to be a person who understood from each side of the gender divide. But as time went on, if found it different to unpack and put away the dreams that came each night. The time with Shakti was so full and wholesome compared to other experiences, that I became confused.

2. How did you handle this confusion?

"Previously I had been inclined to 'cross-dressing' and I had some forays in communities of such people. But cross-dressing was never like the real thing, and I realize that I was a normal heterosexual and did not want to dally in the 'thrill seeking' world of those with sexual ambivalence.

3. Have you found it difficult developing new relationships?

"I have found it hard making contact with women because I knew too much and was intolerant of 'feminine whiles, or mystique'. I found it hard to relax in the intimacy that I had experienced with the Parlor girls after work.

4. Do you think you are sexually confused from your time with Shakti

"No I do not. I think I am profoundly sound because of Shakti. I found it hard being so sound in a world that is confused. Men are so insecure in their sexuality that they are taking pills, wearing exotic scents, and pushing iron for cosmetic effect. Women are dressing like men, are so aggressive, marriage is so tenuous and with both genders overt and covert homosexuality is everywhere.

5. How do you feel you will re discover your place back home?

"I believe my best chance is to team up with a returning Parlor girl who has declined de-pinking. I believe the experience was so intensive, that this is my only chance of relationship

Vishnu came forward to thank Jo for coming back to help, and led him out through to where I was standing.

"Jo," I said, lunging forward to give him a warm hug.

"I had no idea you were back in town".

Jo and I went off for a meal together and he told me that he had written to Shakti asking if he could write with some of the returning girls who were ambivalent about returning as male. He told me that Charlene had been his great helper and that he had commenced discussion with one girl who was able to and prepared to come home to him. He mentioned that it was early days and that this girl was to commence de-briefing imminently and that he was sure they could together make some sort of a life.

They had discussed the option of adopting and returning with children and Shakti had the contacts to make such an adoption retrospective so immigration concerns could be allayed.

I was so happy to meet with him and he told me how I could get a copy of his 'Story' as released for this conference.

I could have spent more time with Jo but was called out by Kali for a further consultation. Jo and I promised to keep in contact. I mentioned that I would be home in the near future and would be thankful if free to visit with him and his family.


I felt wonderful when I graduated to Gold Gown because the clothes were beautiful and because people I met, even those I passed in the streets, knew that I was someone and very special. This was more so even, because Vishnu presented me with the Shakti Gold Medallion. I understood this to be a rare honour and knew of no one else who wore the medallion. I was told that I was to wear it constantly, even beyond depinking.

It was clear that People knew the significance, and I was greeted with a gasp of deference, they moved aside so I got the first taxi and I was always upgraded I air travel.

We had a special dinner with Vishnu, Krishna, Kali and Tam for the presentation. I was invited to relax with the extra chardonnay and we were to adjourn to the Spa and then wobble off to bed.

It was so wonderful to meet with my provocateur, Tam once again!

We had a lovely meal and Vishnu, who declared she never drank, joined us with the chardonnay and we were all relaxed when we reached the Spa.

My speech was a little affected, but it did not worry me, for I was there to relax.

"Prue, I have wanted to tell you this since first we met, but did not want to burden you with a secret to hold from your friends.

"We have closed the ten non-Asian Pinking houses. The KUL was the last to close, you and Charlene were among the very last to undergo pinking. We have been gradually repopulating our parlors with Asian girls as you have no doubt you have noticed that Penang was infused with Greens as the other parlors became completely Asian. Penang has for the past been receiving Pinks from Thati and we will infuse Blues so the balance becomes Asian quickly.

The last European Golds will be moving on soon.

"For the past three months, all depinking has occurred at Thati and we have preserved this secret by not using European girls to assist reentry.

"We have made these changes because the depinked have had difficulty finding their way and integrating back home."

"We have actually asked you to stay the extra three months to help us iron out difficulties in the transition. We requested that Charlene remain an extra month but she will be repatriated six to eight weeks before you depart."

"We would have preferred to retain you as a female associate. But we know you need to return home. Charlene however has chosen to remain as a woman, remain an associate of Shakti and will not undergo depinking."

"Oh Dear", I said in profound shock, my mind racing back to the agony Pinking had caused Charlene. "Would you mind refilling my glass, and fill it to the fullest". I need to sip so I might think, and I need the effect of this lovely wine so I do not think!"

"Firstly," I said as I attempted to gather composure, "I look forward to talking with Charlene so she can tell me of her decision. I am sure she will want to tell me directly, so do not feel obligated to tell her I have been forewarned."

"Of myself, I am so thankful for my time with Shakti. I have been liberated as a Shakti girl. The words of Jo at the conference are ringing in my ears; I expect there will be problems of adjustment. In truth, I do not think it really matters if I am male or female. I can strut my wares either way! And now, I have lived like this so I lust for a male, as once I lusted to possess a female. I confess that I have always been what they call back home, 'tit freak'. Women's breasts always made me wretchedly incomplete and forlornly wanting. But now I have lived gloriously as a woman, I look at a finely strutting male and feel similarly undone. I have lived each side of the gender divide, and have felt the same hunger. I appreciate the blessing of someone born like Sylvia, Krishna or you – who are blessed equally as male and female and have a completion we long for. I need to return as male or my brothers and sisters, parents and cousins would be in dismay. They could not handle me returning like this! Our society is too confused."

"Having said all that, I am pleased to help you in any way possible"

Tam then spoke. "Prue I was rather mean to you when first you were pinked. I felt such freedom becoming a woman. I was new to the job and wanted to have your sexually and involuntarily. I wanted to make you a woman so you could be like me. I did not know what was going on in my life, and I apologize. I believe we had fun and you enjoyed some of that fun."

"Tam, my time with you and Tenang is in the richest drawer of my heart's treasury."

'Prue, I want to tell you that I am not going back via Pinking. I have visited with my family, and they have understood and accepted my decision. They are proud and would boast that I will continue as a Shakti associate. I suspect sexual roles are better defined and more balanced in our society. My decision will not cause my family pain. In fact, I intend to go home with Joe."

"Would you mind refilling my glass again, Vishnu", I asked.

"This has all been too much. But I think you will be wonderful company for one another. I confess I am legless!"

"Proceeding, we have asked that you and Charlene continue to work in the Parlor as the final transitioning is completed."

"Charlene has been asked to help with the re-integration of the depinked when they have returned home. We are to employ her to manage web communication and there will be times when she will return to be with us in Rangoon. Tam will be an assistant with Charlene."

"The other shock that I must share is that Charlene and Sandra are to form a partnership. Sandy accepts de-pinking in the near future. Then as Sandy, he will then return home and establish a home base. Charlene will return a month later. You will remain here for a further month. We are asking if you can be the 'last man out' as they say."

"I just cannot drink anymore, and I am too slurry in my speech now, but I should drink more. I should drink a lot more!"

"Thank you Prue," said Vishnu

We ask that you continue to be available for special assignments. We will negotiate with you for the suitable time for your depinking. We would like you to work in the Penang parlor as the Ultimate Gold to help the transitional. We ask that you spend more time in the BizLounge and in the final period move from the parlor into a suite in the hotel when you can be a supernumerary and a presence that gives the girls confidence and support.

We ask that you help the new team deployed for the Conferencing work. We are separated the Parlor Liaisoning duties into a separate divisions. You excelled in both but we need you to help the young men and women in liaison work to feel confident. We would be thankful if you could assist our training of our liaisoning corps up to and beyond your pinking.

"I say beyond your pinking, because after Thati we would like you to come to Rangoon and deepen your understanding of the web back up liaison support. We would like you to be hands on with our Liaison team after you have been through depinking.

Beyond Rangoon, we would be thankful if you could take an assistant with you when you go back home for a time and set up an office so you can continue as a consultant for the next two years.

We were hoping that you could set up this office and then return to Rangoon for a further two months and thereafter commute between there and home.

We were proposing that Krishna should be your personal assistant for the next six months as you adjust to this different deployment.

How do you feel about this offer?"

"This is absolutely wonderful" I said, "You have removed so many of my anxieties for I have been out of the flow of normal life for too many years."

"It is wonderful that you have awarded me Krishna as my assistant. She is such a sterling character. My family would be blessed to know her and she has been such a stalwart of support for anyone in Conferencing work/"

"Oh my God, this has been far to much, but I have never felt more secure"

"Let me help you draw that busty chest of yours from the spa" laughed Vishnu.

"Have been the handmaid for the lord!" I muffled as their laugher accompanied me from the water.


9. Gold

My discussion with Charlene was aided by the presence of Sandra.

I expressed shock that they had decided to live together and marry, but assured them that I thought they were well matched and possessing complimentary personalities.

"But tell me Charlene, I can't get out of my mind your blushing cheek every time your breasts swayed! You were in such shock to find yourself as women. You hated it when men pawed at you, and hated your self when you liked the pawing".

"What has gone on? Is it the frilly undies, the negligees, or is that you have become attached to those bouncing precocious tits of yours?"

"None of the above" said Charlene.

"Let me confess that I judge Charles to have been an incontrovertible, recalcitrant shit head. He was the worst of fucking predators. He was so bad that such a person should not be allowed to reemerge wearing a penis, for the chances are he might ride again, leaving destruction wherever.

"However Charlene, learnt that her body was an instrument for assurance and could do wonderful things to ease the tired and comfort the afflicted. I have learnt to give kindness not only sexually, but in all things. I think Charlene could sell papers on the corner and every man and woman she served would go away a little the better for the transaction.

"I do not dare take depinking. I could not stand to hate myself again."

"I want to live with Sandra or Sandy because you have to live with someone and time is moving on. I do not believe in the "eternal love" business – great loves emerge from great needs. I will love Sandy, and I will do so more each day because we are considerate and caring of one another. And together we will be kind and sharing with others. "

"Charlene, Sandra, Good on you. I am so pleased! I said. "That was music for my ears. I hope you will have a spare room for me, for I will need support when I return home?"

"We will Prue," said Sandra "We most certainly will!"

"It will probably happen, when the male hormones course through me Sandra, that you will from time to time catch me nostalgically peeing at your wife's breasts and thinking of paradise lost! I hope you will not mind?"

"Oh Prue, how difficult an experience we will have to adjust from". I wonder if we will feel free enough to step into the spa once again. Probably, being such a contained person, I might even feel jealous!"

"Yes Sandra, we will have trouble taking intimacy with us to the other side!"

"We will work it out as we go!"

"I undergo Thati depinking imminently" said Sandy. "I was so forlorn when it first happened, and I am almost forlorn now it is ending. What a mystery we are to ourselves!"


I met with Ricky and Dr. Barry after they had been depinked. We were in Rangoon for a Press Conference where they presented their report on time spent with the 'Hijras'. They attempted to demystify the Hijra and describe them as no different to female impersonators in the west, allowing men to exercise their fetish with female clothing and the voyeurs and outing!

They explained that no longer were Hijra engaged in forcible induction and that they allowed the families opportunity to mediate and perhaps dissuade a neophyte from joining the Hijra.

Barry and made a noble effort to represent the spiritual roots of the third way and the beautify of hermaphrodite contribution in eastern society so his efforts were to dissuade the voyeuristic fascination of western media and affirm the contribution Hijra made to the spectacle and colour of public ceremony

The photographic record Ricky had assembled was magnificent and both felt they had made a contribution.

Barry Ricky and I crept away that night for a meal, and I asked "Tell me, how you handled the experience as a woman?"

"How could I" Barry responded "I think I am a better person from the experience. I am more culturally sensitive and I feel I will never be as exploitative with women again. I think I have been cured of a sexaholicism and can I claim I may be more modest in my work aspirations."

"I would like to help Hijras with further research and I need to spend a lot of time undoing the damage I have done in rough shodding over my wife".

"I have done terrible damage to her and need the assistance of someone such as Charlene to restore some semblance to our marriage. I know I can't do anything, because I have been such an unconscionable bastard for so long".

"All I can say is: 'I am sorry', and tell me what you want to be done differently'. I am saying in my emails. But I do need Charlene's intervention and I am flying my wife out to Penang so they can meet."

The Ricky feared that Hijras were caught in the 'no-mans land' and the most degenerate level of 'she-male' prostitution. He saw little future in the tradition Hijra had played in blessing the new born, marriages… He thought the age of 'mumbo jumbo' whether in Latin or Sanskrit was at an end.

Barry intended to do further work on the damage of the steroids being indiscriminately available for men to grow breasts. I deplored their growing us in western homosexual communities and in fashion circles.

Both saw little success likely from Shakti negotiation because the local mothers, the transvestite superior in each 'dhera' house were dedicated to retaining the young who could earn income. Ricky who was more cynical than Barry likened the organization to the decline of the European Church because the 'Mothers', like Bishops were so imperiously locked-in with arrogance to see the erosion and deprivation of the life they lived.


As golds habituating the meeting room and less the parlors, Charlene and I began to gather different type of work.

Charlene was prorogued to assist wives and began group teaching sessions.

Initially the interest arose from Asians, but in time Gillian and her friends came too

Charlene believed in the woman's role was especially privileged in Sexual Communication, and was excellent helping people overcome the dysfunctionality that came when relationships became tired.

She began giving classes to men as well and because of the endorsement of Shakti she was highly esteemed.

My role was less illustrious but following the intercessory role I played with Hijra parents would bring in their boys who would otherwise be neophytes of Hijra communities. I found this a little difficult because of language barriers help cross dressers, and I told them of what Tam and Tenang had done to me. I exposed them to the finery of clothes. We would dress up parade down stairs in the coffee shop, and they would describe the feelings they had.

It was know that I was a Shakti medallion holder and my authority was well accepted.

I told them of work we had had Hijras and of the difficulty Hijras people had as they aged and became too old for the parlors.

Always I found that in time another dimension would appear, a 'horrible secret', and a buried set of memories that needed to be set loose.

It was beyond me to engage in such psychiatric analysis, but Charlene could take them further, and was available from time to time to do so.

I could however take them beyond the thrill of the dress-up to glories of man - woman encounter. I took them to the heights and I held them there and I enlisted some of my younger Thati Pinks colleagues, and they described how a young boy should and should not act. They reinforced who showed that the heights could be accessed with any good woman.

I would always give a report to the parents and sometimes this would be a problem, because invariably there would be problems that they too must now face.


Krishna, Gillian and I took Charlene to the plane the day she left to go back home. That was the hardest day for me, because then I would be alone for a further two months. I had been out of the parlor and in the hotel for a week by that time. Charlene was much different to me, more deliberate, more resolute and more powerful, more impetuous. I felt the poorer for her going and I felt lonely also.

Thankfully there was Gillian.

Sitting with a whisky in the Ensign club, I said to Gillian:" You know Charlene and I have done very interesting and active work – don't you?"

"If you are saying what I think you are saying, I have know that 'comfort' is a large part of your work since we first met"

"Oh dear", I said "I thought that was my secret. I did not think you would like me if you knew."

"Prue, you are the best. You have been such a blessing and I have known everything from the start. I can't tell you who told me, but one of the servant girls said to me 'there is something you should know about that girl dressed in pink!' I did not want to know all that much because I am not very curious, but I found you fascinating and lovable despite and irrespective of that!"

"Oh Dear, I am really naked, you can see me all over. Where do I hide now you know"

"But Prue, you don't need to hide. My husband does not know – he could not handle it anyway. His things you are the hottest thing and boasts about Gillian's mate to his friends. But you don't need to hide, it is absolutely, stone cold motherless irrelevant! Believe me!"

"Well, here I am. The last of the Mohicans. I am gong to be here at least for a month. If I had not the friendship of you and this regal, elegant, stately and calm friend Krishna, I would be shred and unraveled."

"But I have to keep going. What if you and the hubby join me for dinner at the hotel on Friday night? We will eat in the Empress Room and then enjoy coffee on the balcony at the suite.

The next day and for the next two nights I was in Rangoon working with the programmer on the web site. I came back on Thursday night and did some dedications to support the girls in the parlor.

Gillian and Brian arrived for our special 'slap up' meal. Then we took the lift to the twenty-fifth floor life for coffee and drinks on the balcony of my suite.

I was dressed resplendently in my gold gown, with the gleaming solid gold Shakti medallion.

As I leant down handling Brian his coffee – he reached up and took the medallion in his hand, read 'Shakti', looked startled, stared at my gown and said 'Gold' stared some more, then looked me straight in the eye, with colour drained from his face said:

"Prue, Gold, Shakti. I don't believe it. Morphed! Are you one of them? You are a poof, a man…."

Then he stared blandly at me and obviously he was not seeing anything, so wrapped was he in his thinking

Gillian looking daggers, admonished Brian, and ordered him to shut up.

But I felt need interject and cut through the tension and do something before my friendship with these people became irreparable, so I said:

"Come Brian. Come Gillian. Let's take our drinks to the spa. We need to go through with this and lay it all bare.

I gave each of them a towel, and I slipped off my clothes, not caring what they thought and lowered myself into the water that was now bubbling luxuriantly.

"Come on stupid!" Gillian said. "You have to stop being a prude sometime. This has been raised now, take your clothes off like I am doing and get into the water. If you don't want to, just go home on your own. Pour me another drink Prue!"

Brian did as he was bid and in turn, took his own glass and sat in one corner drinking quietly – and quickly.

"Prue, you are even more beautiful naked" said Gillian. "Your breasts stand out beautifully. Would you think of posing for our drawing class"?

"Gillian, I would be delighted. But could I select the best of the drawings as a memento, for when I go home? And my time is up now. I will be home soon."

"You thought I was a nun, but actually I was a priest and responded to this advertisement to assist in development work. I saw it as a painless escape to give me time to adjust and avoid gallons of questions. When I arrived they put me on medications and one day I went to sleep and work up like this. My choices were to work out the year in the parlor, or run away and grow out of control and become a freak. I accepted the role, I took it on and am surprised that I quite enjoyed my time and I have done good work. "

"When I am de-pinked, I will go back and I will be looking for someone to marry and live with. Someone like you Gillian! You might not jut out like me, but I was made for the market. You are wholesome, warm, all-over-the-place and good fun. Get me your sister or someone, will you?"

"But how did you handle it" said Brian, as he put down his drink, resuscitated by it, and acute with what I suspected would be a battery of questions.

"How did you handle it to lose your balls and walk around like a woman"?

I stood up and slowly circled in my body before him.

"Like a woman Brian? Tell me which part is not 'like a woman'. How am I different to Gillian or any other woman on the planet?"

"But in your head and in your memory you are a male, and when a man fondles your new tits, your old memory is working and presses his dick into you, you are being fucked by a man. A man fucking a man!"

"Brian" shouts Gillian. "You outrageous prig. You know nothing and can't be told!"

"That is okay Gillian" I said. "But Brian, he was touching my mammary Brian, not my memory, and the mammary has its own 'on button' and it buzzes me all over. The fondle did nothing to my memory of possessing a dick and balls, but did wonderful things to the replacement parts! I responded as I was, and I was so soaped up with chemicals that I responded voraciously!"

"But then they were rooting you! It is all a bit disgusting" said Brian as he filled his glass, right to the top, and then some.

"Brian" interjects Gillian again!

"But remember" I said, "I was pretty repressed, I had these new parts and they took me to the moon. It was an amazingly new feeling for me. And Brian, from a person who lived a life repressing sexual appetite, I came out liberated, free and very hungry. I liked getting 'rooted' as you call it. I liked it a lot, and why should I not have liked it? I was given these working parts and they were working for me. It was good!"

"I am hoping that when I resume being a male that I like sex just as much – but then I need to direct my likings intensely as you do with Gillian. Now I just meet each patron as they come. Then I will need to develop my relationship life more intensely and sex is medium for that – but you and Gillian obviously enjoy one another greatly, so you know what I mean!

"Okay Prue, you got big boobs and were feeling sexy and were fucked yourself silly. But what of your conscience, how have you suppressed your knowledge of what is right and wrong?"

"Brian!!" said Gillian. "You insensitive dirty bore!"

"Let's look at it Brian, as we both grew up assimilating a load of 'shoulds' and tenets on decency. They were imposed, so we needed to evaluate and either embrace or discard and this sorting deemed us as either a 'class act' or a 'sleaze'. When I looked down and saw the boobs and realized what I was in for, I had to re-pack my conscience big time!"

"Shit Prue, it must have been horrible to look down and see those breasts – gorgeous as they are, but what a change".

"In fact Brian it was worse that that, for in the first week the plumbing was changed and there was a gradual rounding and softening going on. So I was thinking of myself as a male, without the beacon of that little cluster between the legs. I knew female parts were there but did not have the accouterments of tits that acknowledge womanhood. I was forlorn and bereft of 'station identification' and was caste into the most abject of depression. Then at the end of the week, I was 'rooted' -sorry about this male-to-male talk, Gillian - giving me the most catatonic of thrills, jolting my repression, loosening my conscience so I could live a new life. Then I went to sleep again, and woke up two days later with these breasts, which every guy has wanted to get his hands on ever since. By you included – so Gillian tells me. So I have thrown myself into my work, done it well and enjoyed it immensely. Wouldn't you?"

"Shit Prue. You poor bastard! You lucky bastard! What an amazing experience."

"Don't' you talk of this to anyone Brian. You will find yourself getting done-over yourselves. They must be mega-intolerant about loose lips. Don't even think about this in the presence of your great grand children – you could be putting them at risk.

"Stand up again Prue! Would you mind Gillian, if I felt around like you said I want to. I am very curious, quite apart from having a dirty mind!"

"Do it stupid, but don't enjoy it too much or I will 'even up' when Prue comes back! Can we meet you when you come back Prue? What will be your name?"

"I would like to meet you again, but only if you work it over and not see me as a freak, and only if you get me that sister I was joking about.

"I would like to be your friend and it would be wonderful for me if I could claim your friendship on the other side. Perhaps you could tell the kids that I was Prue's brother."

"It will be a big job to knit together my memories and I will need friends to have walked with me on both sides."

"I like Shakti and they like me, so I have further consultative work to do, and in fact will be coming back here intermittently for the next few years. I would be happy if you would continue to meet with me, Can I meet with you again?"

"Yes you can," said Brian "It will be most important that you do. It will be hard for me and perhaps less hard for Gillian. But I will do the work because you are such good value and will be good value in any form."

"I have not got a sister, and I don't even have someone to offer you, but please come and perhaps we can meet again like this."

"Will you be homophobic like Brian, Pete? Will you two be able to be naked with me in the spa when you come back?"

"Don't talk bullshit Gillian. I am here starkers with two females. Why do women have to go on with that 'put the fellow down' crap Prue? Don't answer my question now, answer it later!"

"Look, I want to say just one more thing. My view is that these people have been done over badly by Europeans in colonial times and perhaps until the present. I figure that my service is a small price to pay as expiation for what has happened, and in retrospect, I am glad that this has all happened to me".

I spent that night crying in Krishna's arms.

"I have had tension like this for a year, and now I have to lose what little security I have. How am I going to cope? Will you still sleep with me when I have changed back Krishna?

"I would love to give you a dedication, Prue. But you know I am different. I am for everyone; and for no one. We are all Shakti. But I am looking forward to being, being energetic with you, and helping you build a new life!"


I received a call from Kali who rang saying that there was a request for a Special Commitment with the Hijras 'mother' Chaman. Kali asked if I was prepared to do it. I said:

"Regardless of race or creed or ambivalence – it is my job, providing s/he knows I am 'straight down the middle' and don't do kinky stuff!"

Kali laughed and said "Yes, I will make that clear".

Kali suggested that I should dress very glamorously for my dinner I did this and it was two very elegant women dressed in great finery who met for a meal that night.

Not surprisingly, Chaman questioned me closely on how I had adapted from celibacy to sexual trafficking. I told her how much I enjoyed the say with her community and how exhilaratingly feminine the community was. I shared with her the fun of dressing up and I stressed how Shakti had build us to be ravishing and then supported us with the exercise routines, food and designer clothes, so we always felt wonderful when we stepped out.

When the meal was finished Chaman was asking how I enjoyed the daily formulary Shakti administered. I told her that I was always took it as directed because it kept me in the mood to do my work well. Chaman then winked at me, and suggested that we go up to her room to test how it was working tonight.

Chaman proved to be extremely competent in the amorous arts, and when I was transcended in a state of serial orgasms, I discovered Chaman was trying to jab his penis into my rear. I came down from the mountain and said,

"Please No, Chaman. I don't receive my friends there!"

Chaman said nothing desisted and went about his business until he had me again distracted in the same trance of serial orgasm. Once more I found he was attempting an anal entry. Again I desisted

"Chaman, this is a wonderful experience, but I receive my guests through the front door!"

Again he said nothing, and this time, he just moved to one side and left me alone, suspended in this heightened excitement.

I said: "Oh dear Chaman, you are a talented person; I have never known such a sexual high. Why don't you come over me now and let me feel you gush. You astound me that you have such control, to move away when we were both arching sparks. You obviously have purpose in exercising this control."

"You speak very straight, Prue!"

"I wonder why you seek out the Shakti girls and I note that you want to tail me! You did not when first you had me a year ago"

"You do shoot straight Prue! I do have my own little community and they meet my needs for most of the time, but occasionally it is nice to 'eat out at a restaurant' and there is none better than a Shakti girl!"

"Is it a special conquest to bang a Shakti Gold in the tail? It must be a real turn-on? "

"Let's be naked, Prue: we play the amorous arts with mixed motives. Everyone loves the chase, the conquest. I love going after the Golds! They are all so self assured and self confident. It is good to get through the defenses, and sharing their enjoyment; for many it is the highlight of a 'naughty' year! I have even met up with Golds after their depinking!"

"Wow" I said, "It did make me very vulnerable when you had me up there, electrically charged … and then you just left me. I can see how you are successful. You have astounding control, for you yourself must want to just 'get your rocks off'!"

"Yes, my self-control has been important in managing my own little community. It is hard to keep the prima donnas behaving."

"Shakti does not understand how our communities work. We often have a neophyte who wants to come in but is scared to take the step. They come through me first. I ask them to take the hormone pills from day one. We make them dress in the most extravagant of feminine clothes and layer the make-up from the very beginning. Of course they protest that it is against their will. It is a defense mechanism. Their families stay they were brought in captive also. A defense mechanism! They get so sexually high that become beholden to us."

"They chose to be here in the first place. We not require them to doctor their genitals. When that happens, it is because a choice was made."

"It is hard to explain us. I guess we were all attracted to the feminine side of humanity. Some of us are completely homosexual but most are ambivalent like me. They wanted you to come and spend time with us. Would you? Not that they want to have you sexually, they would just like to have you sharing our life with us. Golds are always so welcome they add such spice to life."

"That is a good offer, but I am a working girl and am expensive. My fees are always market driven and I suspect beyond the community's reach! Would that be right?

"Yes sadly, you are beyond our financial reach!"

"I am interested in your control Chaman. I wonder if I could wrest that control from you?" I said.

"Well Prue, that you can try, if you wish"

With this statement, I twiddled him until he gained an erection and, and then straddled him and began a rapid gyration agitation as I felt him liven up. I keep altering my movement with his breathing rate, and when I felt I had him I went in for the kill!

He gave up his spirit and lay beside me exhausted and breathing heavily.

"You win Prue"

"Yes Chaman, on this road surviving and winning are intertwined. Especially for a Shakti girl who is to return soon! Tell me your story Chaman?"

"I did University in England. I was successful with the ladies and with the men. I was always fascinated by the extravagance of femininity and when I began the association with some of the 'mothers' when I returned. Because I had the wealth, they helped me set up my own house and trained me in the arts without the need of doing a direct apprenticeship. Many came to my house, and we have a good community operating here. But I do worry of what will happen when it is my time to move on. My wealth will not carry this community forever!"


That night I was back with Kali and told her what I had been through. She said told me that the Hijra tend to eulogize the common origins with Shakti and the period of power with the 'Eunuchs' in the Mogul courts. She told me that these were not the high points of the tradition. The Eunuchs were usually physically abused and were not particularly a model for anyone. I commented that in the Catholic Tradition Bishops had risen to power from the days of Charlemagne because they too had not heirs to challenge the King's sons. Kali described the separation between Hijras and Shakti was on the definition of hermaphrodite with the Hijras permitting more latitude for psychological needs.

During this period in Rangoon we finalized the schedule of seminars to be held during the next three years during which time protocols were to be developed differentiating between Liaisonees and Parlor functions. The website database was to be used for gathering and consolidating experience into on-going protocols.

As I left, Vishnu asked me to update the story I had delivered at the conference. She asked that I change a few names and places etc so there was no embarrassment but she felt this story should be placed on the web as a record of the service provided by the non-Asian Shakti girls.

Back in Penang, I wanted to do a few weeks in the Parlor. Unfortunately I did not do as many dedications as I would have wished, for I was needed more in the reception room helping the new Golds as they came through, helping them in the hosting role so patrons relaxed and enjoyed the facilities. Our task was to gather up the needy, show them how to make the telephone calls, and then direct them to the Pinks and Mauves waiting upstairs.


10. De-Pinked

My final Special Commitment, with The American-Philippine I had met twelve months earlier. It was a weekend assignment in a luxury off shore holiday house.

The Commitment began with a lingering meal on the Friday night and thankfully he did not question me as he had done before. I offered my dedication and then went to my room for sleep.

Next morning we were eating a fresh fruit breakfast, on the patio near the pool, when he said:

"I wanted to claim this extra time Prue, because I was very intrusive when last we me and though you handled it with great dignity' I looked at him, and to my surprise I broke out in sobbing which worsened and became out of my control.

"What is wrong", he asked.

"I had trouble talking to him through my distress, but did manage to say "I don't know; nothing, everything!"

He put his hand on my shoulder and said:

"Let it come out Prue. It has been a big year. It must have been tough for you before you joined Shakti, and now you are exhausted. This is not a breakdown; it is a safety valve. Keep sobbing Prue. I will say no more. I will just sit with you".

I continued to sip his coffee and read the paper. He filled my coffee and refilled my orange drink and I felt the freedom to keep sobbing and it was good to let it all go.

I did not talk much as we swum and still less when we walked in the rainforest. He suggested that I might stay longer. I responded that I would enjoy that and would ask Shakti when I returned.

Upon return I went on line and reported to Shakti how I had burst into tears and had been close to tears all day. And when I returned to ready for the evening meal, a message in reply read:

"Prue you have had a stress filled year and have accepted additional responsibilities. We suggest you should take two weeks so you can spend extra time on your story and relax before you proceed to the next stage. Krishna"

As we sat enjoying the evening meal, I told him that I had been encouraged to stay longer. I told him that I would stop giving dedications at this point and would instead do as I want.

He replied: "you are good company in any circumstances, Prue. But I think I understand what you are saying. Would you care to explain further?"

"I will try: I have provided 'loving services'. I have not responded to a person and to a moment. I cannot continue to live like this!"

"How could it be different?"

"I was always fearful of personal encounter, because I always knew I was vulnerable. I would always be 'in control, providing service'. I was fearful of my sexuality, because I knew I was holding back the tide. I worked myself hard, I would go for runs, I would go to bed exhausted that I slept immediately and was crudely awoken from sleep by an alarm. I avoided the nether world half awake, half asleep. I would have mountains of guilt so even if I had a wet dream, I questioned if it was involuntary, or did I participate in the dream."

"Then Shakti intervened and I awoke to find I had lost my maleness and I nearly drowned in tears."

"I was trapped in this world, but I knew I was attractive, and I surrendered to sex and resumed a life pattern of subjecting myself to the needs of service."

"I did not handle the questions. I just proceeded. The questions are now catching up with me!"

"May I Prue, be so bold as to ask you ask once again the questions I asked you a year ago?"

"How did you feel when you discovered you had been morphed?"

"I am embarrassed to admit it, but I felt degraded. As a man, I was bigger and stronger than most. As a woman, I felt vulnerable, and once again I am ashamed to admit it, but I felt I was a person produced to be 'done over'!"

"How did you respond to these feelings?

"I took stock and used what I had been given, became creative and too charge. I feinted innocence, I wriggled and flashed and disheveled the hunters; I vanquished them, no one had me, I had them! I wore them out!"

"How did you feel about this response?"

"I did not ask the question. I hid from it saying I had no choice, it was for a temporary time, and I would resume my previous self beyond this interregnum.

"Do you like yourself with this response?"

"I surrendered all to the wish to be of service. I was taught to forget my own needs, and to give my life in service. I have used this to shield myself. But this was not the truth. I did satisfy the needy, but I did not in fact give myself in service for I was always in control. And when these guys had had their fill, it was I who stepped over them. They had been vanquished!"

"How have you thought of yourself as you have gone to sleep?"

"I have continued to be tired as I go to bed. I always sleep immediately. But I fear I have never lived, I have not shared, and I have not grown with another person. My only sharing has been in the spa with other Shakti girls, well breasted morphs, drinking chardonnay, naked, laughing and splashing in a bath!"

"So you feel you have not loved?"

"I have not loved?"

"Had you loved before?"

"Yes I had loved before, but in a different way. I always felt loved in public ceremony and I knew that I was whittling myself each day from scripture. I knew I was loved! But it was not love that surrendered control. I have never been sundered, broken up, out of control, and been rendered powerless by love"

"Will you sleep with me tonight?"

"Yes" I said, "Do you want me naked and pathetic, close to tears all day, lost and vulnerable?

I slept well that night, He had me at night and he had me again in the morning. I participated as I felt like it. I wore no condom and I felt sticky. Then I sat naked with my orange juice and coffee at breakfast. There was nothing coiffed about me and he hardly looked up from the paper as I waded in and swam laps in the pool. I decided I would not care. I wanted no power. So drying off, I sat naked again and read a book. My breasts held no mystery and could have had no allure. And yet, he did put his paper down at one point and had sex with me. Strange, that he would have wanted me, I though as I walked to the shower feeling his stickiness running down my leg.

Later we walked along the beach, heading to have a sandwich and cappuccino for lunch. I mentioned that he had had me three times and asked him why.

"I just wanted to do it. I was not even feeling very horny except for last night. It was there, so I took advantage. I wanted it and it was okay.

"That's okay" I said. "I think I will claim you when we get home, I think I would like sex now, for no special reason. I just think I will take you!"

And I thought, why not. It is not that significant. I don't worry and about having another coffee and I do not keep count of the coffees I have had. If I felt like sex, I would just claim it. It is not that momentous. Sex made me a bit tired and languid. And it is much better to be having sex than always thinking about it as a celibate. As a celibate, I realized that the sexual question was always happening, scrolling away in the background. It was strange, become a celibate and have sex on your mind 24/7. I then thought I would look forward to the time when I would be normal again, and not built to allure as were all Shakti girls. I wanted to be ordinary and to get fat and old.

We took a boat to the island that afternoon, came home had a nice meal and a bit of sex and he went off the next day. He said he would be back in a few days.

Trying to be strictly honest, I told him that this time of relaxation had been what I really needed. I told him I had some writing to do and would love to see him back. I told him that if circumstances changed and he did not make it back, he should not feel guilty because I did not see him as having any obligation.

I asked if he minded my staying on in his house.

"No enjoy yourself Prue."

He did come back but it was most of a week before I saw him again. He phoned and said he would be down in the late afternoon. Meanwhile, I had done a lot of reading, a lot of writing, had long walks on the beach each afternoon and religiously did my exercises.

At dinner that night, he put his fork down and said:

"Prue, even when you are not taking charge and are controlling everything, you are still an awfully good fuck. You are no trouble and you are very interesting in conversation. You are still a massive enigma to me, no less perhaps than you are to yourself. Pity you could not stay on!"

"Hmm", I said "I wonder how many years I could get out of these breasts before they are not noticed. Wonder what guarantee's Shakti offer, do they have a 'Two years, 50,000 km'. I guess everything loses its shine after a while?"

"Yes Prue. I get the message", he said "but we will sleep together tonight?"

"I was hoping you would want to" I said.

"Shit Prue, it is all so amazing that you have managed this great change without the enigma being vacuous"

"It is all in the eyes of the enigma"


I had a final lunch with Brian and Gillian. It was in their home, so raucous kids spared us from deliberating on the momentous. And this was just as well. So bristling with a kiss and a hug from each, I boarded the plane to Rangoon and then took the boat up to Thati. Sylvia was there to meet and greet me. She told me that depinking was not as seamless as the old way and apologized that as the last of the recruited, I needed to fall into line with Thati ways. I had not problems with this. She explained that she had been commissioned to modify the system so it is more humane, for as she said 'candidates come here as punishment, not for punishment'.

I told her I could handle anything after all I had been through.

She provided me with VIP accommodation, the same suite I had shared with Kali.

For the first day, I had an exhaustive three session doing the exercises that would limber me for the physical changes. Thankfully, under Krishna's guidance, I had been doing these exercises now for a month

On the second day and powerfully build young Asian man named Berau was brought in.

He looked extremely distressed and regarded me with considerable fear. But I assured him that I would force him to do nothing and that he was completely safe in my presence. I explained that although he had been assigned to me for transgendering so I could resume as male, I was sure if he chose not to cooperate I would be offered another candidate.

He was adamant that he would not cooperate, so I suggested that notwithstanding, we should do the assigned exercises and after a few days, I would alert Sylvia that he had chosen to stay as he was.

Berau found this acceptable and we did the exercises together. He was strong but not as fit as I was, and I found him out and he became very stiff at night. I offered him a massage and this gave him relief.

I mentioned to Sylvia that I was prepared to be patient with Berau and she told me he could take his time, for there was not hurry.

We had these typically exhausting sessions for the next two days and on the second and third day he joined me at the evening meal – and then afterwards back in the apartment for a glass of my favorite chardonnay.

He accepted without reluctance and it was clear that he no longer felt threatened.

During our chat he asked me about my twelve months and I told him a few of my stories.

He asked me what I thought of his resistance, and expressed surprise that I had supported him

I told him that he had to be happy with what he did and it was not for me to trick him, but that I thought it was all in fact futile because he had had the implants, was well dosed with formulary so the outcome was inevitable.

He quietly nodded his head and after a time, said that maybe we should now precede, as the sooner he started this thing; the sooner his year would be over and he would be back home.

I congratulated him on his insight, gave him his formulary and suggested he strip off to all but the wrap around mini skirt garment. I told him to lie face down on the gurney.

I then poured the lavender liniment lotion explaining that his would relax him, and remove the body hair which would otherwise be an embarrassment. The lotion was dramatically effective, and his hair came off as sludge on the towel.

Berau started to sob gently, and more so as I told him to lie on his back. He started to cry uncontrollably saying: "I don't want this to happen! Let me stay as I am"

I was near finished, and as he had an erection, I gave him an assuring kiss on the cheek, climbed up on him, and gently lowered myself on his prize I said:

"Come to me now Berau, come, we will both be free".

I rhythmically worked him and as soon as he came he fell into a deep sleep.

They came in and wheeled him out, and then giving me my formulary, helped me on to my gurney and as I was wheeled down the corridor, I felt myself slipping backwards down in sleep.

Two days later I awoke to a gentle shaking by Sylvia. She assisted me to my feet, and rubbing her hands over my shoulders and chest, she said "It has happened my friend, a 'great weight has been lifted from your shoulders', you have squared up and you look more powerful in chests and shoulders. You look nice my friend."

I ran my hand over my chest, and said "It is a nice feeling to recover myself" I enjoy being like I was without having heavy breasts hanging from me. I am so pleased to be back – or half way back!"

"How is my friend Berang," I asked.

"Have a quick shower, put on your new black clothes, and go to her Prue, and I should say Pete. You are the one to help Berang"

I went in to where she was in a bed Berhang. Her face had rounded and I could tell she would be a beauty. Kneeling down beside her, I put my hands on her breasts and gently fondled her nipples until she was awake.

"What has happened to me" she asked.

"Yes, it has happened my dear, and you are already looking beautiful. Your plumbing is the same, but your upper body is in the process of gradual change"

"Let me help you to your feet. I will count to three One Two Three"

She arose, and looking down began to cry. I moved her quickly through the shower and had her dressed in bra, red top and exercise shorts before she could reflect too much on what had happened

"I have been through this Honey, you must move forward" I said

"Oh dear, you are well stacked" I said, as we began a light program of exercises.

After a gentle session, I helped her into a full length, deliciously low cut red gown, and escorted her to join everyone at the evening meals. As Berhang entered the room, everyone stood and applauded.

Sylvia came up and wrapping her arms around Berhang, said:

"I am so sorry it has happened to you. But we must move on now, and you look so beautiful, you are incredibly beautiful."

Berhang began to cry, but as all the other girls were hugging, rubbing her on the back and assuring her, it did not last long.

For the next several days we did exercises together. At first he was the stronger and lasted longer than I, but as the gender effect progressed, by the end of the week it had reversed. I was exercising with heavier weights and I was going longer. Her rounding had continued and I was starting to sprout facial and body hair.

Sylvia met with me each day, and led me through the re-entry presentation for the De-Pinked. She apologized that normally these sessions were done in a group, but as I was last I would have to rely on the program. The sessions dwelt on the fact that I had been pressed into the 'loving trade' and that upon reentry, I would need to be circumspect in my dealings with the other gender.

I did my time looking after the elderly, and I joined the group exercises and discussions with other depinked. Although there were many languages spoken, we could understand one another.

I enjoyed my time with Sylvia and invited her to visit me one night for a 'dedication'. She said she would be delighted!

After glorious sex, I asked why she had become sexual with me when first I was pinked.

"I was expecting you to ask me that Prue. Tenang, Tam and I were discussing you each day. We were so aware of your agony and what you were going through. We figured that you needed some help to overcome your past and adjust yourself to the new life. So we hyped up your formulary and I decided to offer you a dedication to help you 'over the hump' as one might say! Of course I like you Prue. I am not taking anything back in saying that you are special, everyone was special. But I felt that I could help you by offering you a dedication and I felt it would help you if I went with you to Kuala Lumpur. Besides, we knew you would be in especial demand and I figured it would help you get your savings off to a flying start!"

"I knew that you liked me, but I knew that you were a Shakti and I have not seen Shakti ladies going all out for sex!"

"Yes Prue. We have a style of celibacy predicated on the reality of our not being made for coupling. I do a dedication when it is needed, and I always enjoy being with my friends, especially with you now."

"Well, Sylvia, if this is my time, let me say that it is now 'Gentleman's call', and since I am always so insatiable, and everything is to change once again, I am going to press you for another round."

"Oh my God Prue, or Pete, half way done, and you are still a wild insatiable animal!"

"Maybe we could we meet again after my second pinking?"

"No" said Sylvia "My parts do not work. I have only token female representation down there. It is not large enough to receive a good friend. I am different to the others."

"Pity," I said "You are a great woman in all other dimensions.

There were about two hundred people in the Pinking process. The place was much more dignified than on my first meeting.

The dining room was better, the clothes were better and it was apparent that the place operated to prepare people to live with grace

The time came for the final pinking and after our meal in the dining room Berhang sauntered off, hand in hand to my apartment so our destinies might finally cross.

"We have to proceed she said!" We were both rather keyed up by the formulary we had been given.

I commented that the depinking had worked on me for I was feeling like a male and had almost an uncontrollable desire to get my hands on her breasts. I told Berhang they looked fabulous.

"They are for sharing, she said, as I slipped her shoulder straps.

"But I know, that I have another part you really want" she said with a giggle.

I said: "So do what you like you sexy thing, but when we get down to the 'him or the hymn' part, I will take over and I will fix up good and proper"

When we were done, Berang was soundly asleep and had been wheeled out in the gurney.

I write a further few words on the computer to compete this story; I save and now, send it off per Email to Vishnu.

"Are you done?" asks Sylvia waiting my formulary flask in hand

"Yes Sylvia, I hear myself saying, it is my tail, it is done, and I am ready to move on!"


We asked Prue to write this story so there is a record of the generous service given to people of our region. For thirty years men have accepted this commission with reluctance but have responded wholeheartedly and wholesomely. In publishing this story we acknowledge their service and we thank them for their silent service to redress the wrongs of the colonial era. We make it clear that Shakti will not offer pinking on request to anyone. This story is copyrighted to Pete but it has been published in our name and we will respond to any questions it inspires, for Pete needs the space to get on with his life

Vishnu March 17, 2003.

COPYRIGHT: Pruetail (Version 1.1) Copyright © 2003 by Pete Joseph. This file may be freely archived, copied, transmitted, and redistributed, provide that it remains in its original form with all warnings, copyright, author credit, and other info intact. It may NOT be distributed for profit or sold for profit.




© 2003 by Peter Joseph. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.