Crystal's StorySite


The Reward

by Lidija Jay


The executioner effortlessly lifted Lorani onto the altar and laying him down tied him with golden rope to its worn and cold surface. The manacles of gold that had bound Lorani were removed and passed to the Priest. Made of finest gold though they were it was the custom that they be cast into the bottomless waters at the base of the cliff with the body, not only to weigh the body down but as an added offering to the Gods. According to the Priests own custom the solid gold chains were surreptitiously exchanged for simple iron chains behind the altar and the gold was then hidden in sackcloth bags. The High Priest had become enormously wealthy in this way, especially as he had spent many years accusing and executing many of the Great City's most wealthy citizens whose fortunes then became the property of the church. The noise of the chains clanking into the leather sack was pushed away out to sea by the light wind. None were able to tell the difference between the sound of gold and iron, a rattling chain was just that and the Priest chuckled inwardly at his good fortune.

The Priest and the executioner traded places and from his new position in front of the altar upon which Lorani lay helpless, the detail of the crime and the punishment were read out in the strong clear voice. The huge black checked his handiwork having bound the bag of chains to the waist of Lorani with lengths of golden wire. Then picking up the moonstone statue in his huge hands he raised it and aimed the arms, which were to be the daggers, directly at Lorani's fast beating heart.

The Priest finished reciting the method and the reason of the execution and the people showed their horror involuntarily moving forward as one with hatred for the priest in their hearts and murder on their minds. The ring of soldiers between them and the clearing being the only thing that brought them up short. Katelina's face was ashen; she trembled slightly in the night wind and dragging her eyes from Lorani to her father and with a look of pleading, begged him to show mercy. The King could not face her and turned away. As he did so his heart broke, for Lorani had been as a son to him and he loved him almost as much as he loved his beautiful daughter Katelina, and now they were both lost to him forever.

Katalina began to speak, and as the chain was raised to curtail her words the Kings voice boomed out. "Let her speak." The priestess holding the chain let it drop as though it had been plucked thoughtlessly from a furnace and all was silent as Katalina's sorrow filled voice rang out clearly into the chill night air.

"Though you are taken from me my sweet love Lorani, I will always be with you to protect and guide you. I will search endlessly until I find the one who will free your soul and I will say to the chosen one. 'Be thou not what ye seem. Come unto me and release us both from this torment and I will give you my beauty as reward for I have nothing else to give. To set us free thou must speak my own true name but thrice while holding me towards the brightness and enlightenment will follow'. I swear upon the Gods of the Great Moon that one day I will find the one who will reunite me with my own true love Lorani."

As the echo of her words ringing around the cliffs died away the priest nodded, the executioner flexed his great frame and the statue was brought down with such force that it's arms pierced the strong chest of Lorani and sank deep into his beating heart. Upon witnessing this Katalina died where she stood. Her heart bursting with her love and grief for Lorani, she was dead before she hit the floor. With the statue embedded in his heart the last thing Lorani saw as the darkness engulfed him was the beautiful face of the woman he loved.

The King wept as he knelt to lift the body of his beloved daughter and carrying her towards the altar his tears splashing onto her face, he carefully laid her down in the arms of her beloved Lorani. He took hold of the statue and pulled it forcefully from the body of his Captain and holding it's blood drenched arms above his beautiful daughter, he allowed drops of warm pure blood from the heart of Lorani to fall onto the sweet lips of his Katalina.

Standing now with the statue cradled in his strong arms he turned to the executioner and ordered him to build a funeral pyre around the altar and his children, to light it and stand over it until the ashes were cold. He was then to crush the ashes and the altar to dust and cast them all out to sea. The priest screamed and spittle flying launched himself at the King. "No! You can't destroy my altar you have no right." His fury was cut short as he tripped over the bag containing the gold chains that he had stolen; he landed in a heap on the bag, rattling the gold links within. Despite his grief the King heard the loud chink of metal and moved towards the fallen priest plucking him from the ground with one hand and sending him spinning into the arms of the executioner. "Hold him," he ordered.

Kneeling he slit open the leather bag and the canvas sack with his dagger, at once he saw the gold and iron chain and saw also that it was the iron chain that was bound to the body of Lorani. "So, you would dare to steal from the Gods you vile creature, you already know the punishment for such a crime." Before he had a chance to deny his thieving, the King nodded toward the cliffs and the executioner smiled. He picked up the priest by scrawny neck and thigh then moving to the cliff's edge cast him out over the abyss as far as his strength would allow. The pitiful screams as the old man flew to his death went almost unnoticed in the low voiced cheer of approval from those in the mourning crowd that were close enough to have witnessed what had happened.

"There will be no more executions, the Gods have had their fill of the blood of my children and my people." Turning to the executioner he spoke again, "Set the fire and cast out the ashes, then take the gold chain and find a quiet corner, we no longer have need of an executioner." The huge black smiled and saluted his King, then watched with sadness as the broken hearted man turned and carrying the statue walked away alone through the now silent masses of his people.

I finished speaking and opened my eyes to see Hannah sitting beside me; tears rolled down her cheeks as she leaned forward and kissed me tenderly. "What a beautiful, sad story," she whispered softly, "Then the Katalina you saw in your dream was the soul of the Katalina that pledged to find a chosen one to free Lorani's soul from the bounds of the statue." "I suppose that must be what all that has happened means, but how do I do it, and what happens when I do?" I asked. "We'll figure that one out a little later but for now you must rest, while I write down everything you have told me, if I miss anything you can add it later okay?" I was asleep almost before she had finished speaking and tucking the duvet around me she slipped quietly from the room.




I awoke some time later having had a deep untroubled sleep; Hannah wasn't with me so I got up, put on my dressing gown and went to find her. I found her in the living room reading through the notes she had written. I watched her quietly for a few minutes as she alternatively read from her notes and looked up at the statue we knew as Kate. She must have been engrossed in her thoughts because she hadn't heard me turn up and when I moved into the room she was startled. Hannah told me to come and sit down and read through her notes while she made us both a cup of tea.

I moved forward to sit down and noticed in the mirror that at some stage Hannah had removed my make up and loosely tied my hair back with a scrap of silk. I couldn't remember her doing that and wondered when she had found the time to clean me up. I didn't have long to wait to find out. I picked up the papers and began to read through what she had written, it was only a few pages and I finished just as Hannah came back in with the teacups. "Did I get it all," Hannah asked. "It's as if you wrote it down as I was speaking, it's word for word, you missed nothing that I can see." She told me that as she remembered it to write it all down she could almost hear me telling the story all over again, that was how she had managed to get it all down on paper so accurately.

She asked me how I was feeling and I explained to her that I hadn't felt so refreshed and rejuvenated in a long time. "I'm not surprised," she smiled, "Oh and why not?" I asked her. "Well including the last two hours since you told me what happened you have been asleep for the last twenty six hours." I nearly choked on my tea, and quickly set the cup down on the coffee table to wipe my mouth with a tissue. "You have got to be joking, do you mean to tell me that I've been asleep for a whole day?" "Yes I do and yes you have, it was yesterday that I found you passed out on the floor in here. I nearly called the doctor immediately and I probably would have done if you hadn't suddenly smiled in your sleep or unconsciousness or whatever it was."

Hannah told me that she had come downstairs after arranging a surprise for me in the bedroom to find me sprawled on the floor as though I'd fainted. She had crept upstairs to lay out a surprise present for me; it was the beautiful dress we had decided not to buy because it had been so expensive. She had sneaked back to the boutique when I went off on my own to buy some shoes. At first when she had found me lying on the floor she had thought I was messing about but when she finally realised I wasn't she had become very worried that she couldn't seem to wake me up. It was while she was calling my name trying to rouse me that I'd smiled and she had sensed a peculiar but very strong feeling of well being. This is what had made her decide not to call the doctor but instead had telephoned Rebecca who, we had discovered, was not only a qualified nurse but also lived quite nearby.

Rebecca had come round straight away and between them they had managed to carry me up the stairs and get me into bed. Realising that I had been naked while in bed made me ask her whom it was that had stripped me of my clothing. "Actually," grinned Hannah, "We both did, although I must say Rebecca was very courteous and polite and only sneaked a look at your naked body about a dozen times." Hannah laughed out loud now, "Actually she was quite taken with both you and me, seems to think we're the bees knees as far as married couples go." She told me that Rebecca had sat quietly with her as she watched over me through the night. Just in case she had been needed for anything and had actually only left earlier that morning to go home and get some fresh clothes and a few other things that she thought we might need.

Hannah told me that she had phoned Rebecca to tell her that I had woken up for a little while but that I was now resting. She had also told her to stay home and get some sleep and then come over later when she was feeling a little more refreshed to see us both and then she would be able to catch up on everything that had been happening. Rebecca had been really glad and was relieved that I was okay then promising to come round later said goodbye and hung up.

Hannah was still showing some concern for my well being but I eventually managed to convince her that I was okay. She came and sat next to me on the settee, cuddling in to me and making sure I was warm enough. I asked if she was okay and she told me that now that she knew I was all right she was feeling just fine. "What do you think all this means," she asked, "Does it mean that you are the 'chosen one' as Kate said in the dream or do you think there might be another reason that you are having these strange dreams and visitations from ghostly entities?" I told her that I wasn't really sure but I knew that there must be a reason I was having these episodes. The statue was still on the table and I looked at it intently trying to see through it to discover what the reasons were behind all that was going on, but there was no enlightenment there, everything remained as mysterious as it had been before.

The only really scary part had been the presence of Old Mary's ghost in the market, the one who had given me the statue of Kate in the first place. That had given both Hannah and I a bit of a shock, but the more I thought about it, the less scared I was and the more excited I became, it was turning out to be quite an adventure. "Oh my God it couldn't be," I suddenly sat bolt upright," Could it? Yes that must be it, of course why didn't I see it before." "What is it? What's wrong."? Hannah was showing concern again, a worried look furrowed her brow as she looked at me. I smiled at her, "Don't worry darling, I think I may have worked out what is going on."

Before I could say any more the front doorbell rang and I had to prod Hannah before she realised that it needed answering. She got up quickly, "That will probably be Rebecca, she said she would come round to see how we were." Leaving me alone she went to answer the door and she was right it was Rebecca, I could hear her voice in the hallway. "He's awake, that's wonderful, how is he, is everything okay, can I see him?" I heard Hannah laugh gently and say, "Of course you can he's downstairs in the living room, come on through and we'll tell you all about it." Rebecca literally bounded through the door and into the room coming straight over to me to give me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You're all right, that's wonderful, how are you feeling, are you okay, is there anything wrong still, have you got a headache or anything, did you hurt yourself when you fell?" "Whoa, hold on Rebecca, one thing at a time."

Her smile was radiant and it warmed my heart to know that she was smiling for me because I was okay. She looked wonderful so fresh and happy and alive, she reminded me of Tigger in Winnie the Pooh she was so bubbly. Hannah and I managed to calm her down enough to get her to sit down and have a cup of tea. She kept asking questions about my well being until I was finally able to convince her that I was absolutely fine, in fact, I told her, I had never felt better. "I was so worried, I kept thinking about my poor brother and praying that you were going to be all right." I could see that she had been really upset by what had happened so I gently reached for her and kissed her on the cheek, thanking her for her concern and for helping Hannah to look after me.

A few more minutes passed before she was calm enough to listen to our story and as we told her, her expression went from surprise to wonder to sadness then back to surprise again. As I finished telling her the tale she looked at me then at Hannah then back at me again then said "But don't you see what this means?" I smiled and told her I believed I knew exactly what it all meant, and then I had to shush her so that I could ask Hannah if she knew too. "I think I do," she said, "Only the enormity of it all is quite overwhelming and I can't get my head around it all just yet." I offered to make us all another cup of tea and when they both said yes they would like one I left them in the sitting room while I went to put the kettle on.

I could hear them chatting together like long lost friends, which was pretty amazing when you thought that we had only known Rebecca for two days. She was extremely likeable and I hoped that one day she would find someone special and be lucky enough to have a relationship that was as extra special as Hannah's and mine. By the time I went back into the living room with the tea tray, Rebecca was reading Hannah's written account of what I'd told her about my strange experience, I didn't want to call it a dream because I believed it had been so much more than that. I poured the tea and sat down opposite the girls, suddenly Rebecca said, "There's something missing here, there's something else in all this that plays a key role but I can't quite put my finger on it and it's driving me nuts!"

"Look," said Hannah, "We've all had a bit of a shock and if like you think there is something missing then dwelling on it is not going to make it become clear to you. Why don't we all try to forget it for a while and take a break from the whole thing and just relax." "That sounds like an excellent idea," I said, "Even though I am enthralled by what has happened over the last two days I have to admit that I am fast reaching saturation point and I think I need a break from it all." "Well that's settled then," Hannah agreed, "We try not to mention any of this for the rest of the evening, then tomorrow we can view it all through fresh eyes." "I know," I said, "Why don't we all get changed then go down to the pub and have something to eat and a few drinks, I for one don't feel like cooking tonight and I seriously doubt if either of you do." It was agreed then and there, the pub it was. Rebecca had only come in jeans and a top but we were sure that either Hannah or myself would have something suitable for her to wear, it's not as if there wouldn't be enough to choose from what with two full wardrobes of clothes to look through.

We had a lot of fun over the next hour or so, rushing around trying to find something suitable for Rebecca to wear. We couldn't decide whether to get dressed up to the nines and go somewhere swanky or dress casually and slum it for the night. We were all amazed at how well we were getting on together, despite the fact that we were virtually strangers having known each other for just a few short hours. Rebecca was so like Hannah and I in both character and in the way she viewed life and we were all acting as though we had been friends for years. Even in the bedroom, I was just about to leave so that Rebecca could get changed in private when she suddenly whipped her top off to reveal a simply gorgeous pair of breasts and slipped her jeans off to stand there in only her silky panties with no embarrassment whatsoever. Taking our cue from her Hannah and I stripped to our undies too and taking it in turn to use the bathroom, the dressing table and the make up we all got ready together. Rebecca even did my hair for me as she was ready first and it looked really nice, just as though I'd just come back from the hairdressers.

We had decided to really push the boat out and get dressed up; we thought that we would use this evening as an excuse to celebrate our newfound friendship with each other. So, little more than ninety minutes after making the decision to go out, the three of us were ready to hit the town and have a ball. Hannah looked sensational in her off the shoulder black party dress with a tight bodice and full skirt and black high heels. Rebecca wore an off the shoulder white lace blouse and a gypsy style full skirt. I was wearing a mini skirt and a soft angora wool crop top both in pearl white and we were all wearing some of the sexiest lingerie that Hannah and I owned along with the sheerest stockings we could find. Rebecca was amazed at the amount of underwear and clothes I had, I told her that I'd been buying things for years but had never really worn them properly until recently and then only on the odd occasion at night if I ever went out in the car. That was until Hannah had decided to take me for my first real outing as Kate just a couple of days ago. When she discovered that it had been my first time out, Rebecca was extravagant in her praise saying how well I'd done and congratulated Hannah for bringing the very best out in me.

I went downstairs and called a taxi to take us out to the pub, none of us wanted to drive which was understandable, we were all having far too much fun to want to have to remain sober. We decided not to wear coats despite the fact that the frost was already hanging heavy in the air and even at this early hour was already laying down a sparkling white carpet on the ground. We waited by the front door until we heard the taxi driver toot his horn then hurried down the path and piled into the cab, handbags and legs everywhere. We were all in stitches laughing, much to the bemusement of the driver. The three of us had decided to forego the pleasures of going into Preston for the night and instead had opted for a well-frequented pub not too far from home, but not one that we would normally use. Rebecca had thought it wise not to stray too far from home just in case I happened to keel over again, although I was fairly sure that I wouldn't. We were at the pub in a matter of minutes and after Hannah had paid the driver his fare, we all piled into the pub and went straight to the bar. It was about half full inside and luckily the music hadn't been turned up to 'burst your eardrums and shout yourself hoarse' volume yet. I was glad because I was enjoying our conversations with Rebecca very much and I wanted to continue them.

Hannah and Rebecca were getting along famously, which in itself was unusual as Hannah had always been very particular when it came to choosing her friends, quite often finding people were false or so self centred she tired of them very quickly. She seemed to have an innate ability to quickly and accurately identify someone's character even if they were trying hard to disguise their faults. I had lost count of the number of times she had proved herself to be correct in her initial appraisal of some one who was seeking to befriend her for all the wrong reasons. As far as Rebecca was concerned I think Hannah had at last found someone whom with time could be counted on as a true friend. The fact that she was so knowledgeable of my own leanings, though it played a part was not of paramount importance in Hannah's decision to accept Rebecca and welcome her so readily.

As I watched them chatting when I wasn't an immediate part of the current conversation, I could see that not only did Hannah like Rebecca enormously, she also trusted her. To be able to win Hannah's trust in such a short time was no mean feat and showed just how genuine and lovely Rebecca really was. As the evening went on we were taking it in turns to go to the bar and more than once, whoever was at the bar, myself included, would find themselves being chatted up by fella's. Who, as usual, seemed to spend the whole evening wanting to do nothing more than prop the bar up with their mates? Drinking far too much then going home to wank over fantasies of what would have happened if only the right girl had been there for them to pick up. While I found it mildly amusing to be chatted up, Hannah and Rebecca found it hilarious each time I went to the bar and was accosted by a pimply youth. I would rejoin them only to be ribbed something rotten about my poor choice of suitor, it was all done in good humour and I took it that way, I had no intention of becoming involved in any way with men and both the girls knew that. We were all getting just a little bit tipsy but we were having a great time, really getting to know each other, discovering to our amazement that Rebecca's likes and dislikes were very similar to my own and Hannah's. I of course was ecstatic; to be in the company of two beautiful women would be wonderful at any time. But to be able to enjoy their company while dressed as Kate, and in a crowded pub where everyone else thought I was an attractive girl too was wild. I was having so much fun and enjoying myself so much that I'd almost forgotten about the statue of Katelina. I suppose I could have blamed the drinks but the truth of it was I was basically just having a ball.

It was Rebecca who brought the statue into the conversation once more, she looked really deep in thought and when I asked her if she was all right she told me she was still trying to figure out what it was about the whole thing that we were all missing. She was certain that it was something really important as well as being obvious, but it was so obvious that none of us could see it for looking. Over the next half hour or so the evening began to wind down a bit as lots of the other customers made their way off to the night-clubs and the pub began to empty out a fair bit. A few die-hards were still at the bar trying to convince Hannah Rebecca and I to go on to a club with them, but the three of us were of the opinion that we would be far better off either staying in the pub or making our way home. It wasn't that late but I think we were all feeling the effects of the excitement of the last few days, at least I know I was.

I knew from the glint in Hannah's eyes that she was about to start winding them up, possibly by flirting outrageously with them before dumping them flat on their faces. I thought that, given the situation, it was probably not a good idea, not tonight anyway so I declared that it was time that we were on our way home, we could carry on chatting and drinking there if we wanted to. Finishing up our drinks, we collected our handbags and went to the loo before we left. This time it was Rebecca who quietly reminded me to sit down to use the loo, once again, inside the cubicle, as I pulled up my skirt and slipped my panties down I discovered I had an erection. Although I was frequently aware that my cock was hard and stiff I had been having such a great time that I had become used to it and seeing it poking out erect and proud almost tempted me to do something with it there and then. I decided that it would be much better if I waited until I got home, after all, if I was this excited, then who knows, perhaps Hannah might be feeling randy too.

Back in the bar we made ourselves ready to leave while Hannah phoned for a taxi, it was a shame that we hadn't brought our coats after all, I thought it might have been nice if we had all walked home together arm in arm. Although it was cold and frosty outside, it was a lovely clear fresh night and it would have been a perfect way to end the evening. By now there were very few people left in the pub, most of those remaining were just finishing their drinks and waiting for their rides home or to the clubs in town. After a few moments a bloke of about fifty poked his head around the front door and called out that he was a driver looking for his fare.

One girl from another group asked if he was there for them but when she gave her name he said no. Hannah called out our name and the driver nodded then went back out to his car. As we followed him the first girl that had spoken to the driver called me a 'tart' as I walked past, she'd had lots to drink and was obviously annoyed that the cab wasn't for her. I turned back to her and quietly enough for her and no one else to hear, and in my normal male voice I said "I very much doubt it darling, but thanks for the lovely compliment anyway!" Her face was an absolute picture, I knew that I shouldn't have said anything but I just couldn't resist it and to see her standing there in shock with her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish made it all the more satisfying and worthwhile.




I carried on, rejoining the girls and as soon as we were outside we climbed into the taxi and were soon on our way home. Hannah asked me what I had said to the girl and why and when I told her she and Rebecca laughed until the tears were tripping them. The poor driver didn't know what was going on and just shook his head muttering something about pissed up girls under his breath. We were still giggling like schoolgirls when we pulled up outside the house, this time Rebecca paid despite Hannah telling her she didn't have to. Two minutes later we were still standing on the step trying to get Hannah to stop laughing so much so that she could get the front door unlocked. Eventually I had to take the keys from her and stood on the step in her place as Hannah stepped down to stand next to Rebecca. I soon had the door open and as I turned to usher them inside I noticed that it had suddenly gone peculiarly quiet. They were both looking at me; eyes wide open in astonishment, "What's wrong, what is it?" I asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Look! It's all around you," gasped Hannah, "It's like nothing I've ever seen before!" "What is, tell me will you!" I was getting worried and an icy finger of fear traced its way up my spine.

"It's beautiful," whispered Rebecca, then she suddenly exclaimed, "It's the moon, the moon has come out and it's full, it's a full moon!" "You don't mean…..?" Hannah started, "Yes that's it, that's what has been missing, that's what we couldn't see earlier." Rebecca was ecstatic, "Don't you see, Sam must be the chosen one, the moon glow proves it, and it must mean that whatever needs to be done must be done tonight." "What moon glow, what are you two loonies on about?" I was no longer scared but I still didn't have a clue as to what they were on about. Perhaps it was the drinks I'd had or maybe I was just being a bit thick or something. Hannah seemed to have grasped immediately what Rebecca was saying and the looks on their faces were a true picture of wonder and amazement. "But what do we do and what happens when we do it?" asked Hannah, "I don't know," said Rebecca, "but I can't wait to find out, come on quick lets get inside and see if we can't work it all out." "Will one of you please tell me what the bloody hell is going on, you're acting like a couple of complete nutters!" I was exasperated with them. "Let's do as Rebecca suggested, let's go inside and we'll tell you what happened and what we believe it all means." Hannah said by now calm and collected as usual.

We went inside, quickly sobering up as we did so. Not that any of us were drunk but we'd had a few drinks and were quite merry. I wasn't too sure what was going on here, but I had to admit that my curiosity was definitely getting the better of me. Once inside Hannah asked me to put the kettle on and make hot drinks while she and Rebecca tried to work out the reason behind everything that had happened and what it all really meant, then perhaps try to formulate some sort of plan. Quite happy to be out of the way until they had sorted everything into some form of comprehensible explanation, I busied myself in the kitchen making snack sandwiches and hot drinks.

They were still discussing things when I finally re-entered the living room. The statue of Kate was once more on the coffee table in front of them and they were going over Hannah's written account of what I'd told her, while at the same time making what appeared to be a list or notes of some kind. As I placed the tray on the coffee table next to the statue, Hannah glanced up and her face suddenly lit up in surprise. "Good God Rebecca, I think you are right, look at that." She looked in the direction Hannah indicated then jumped up from the sofa and went over to turn the main lights out. I saw it but I could hardly believe it. The statue had begun to glow with a silvery blue light, although it had been faint and barely visible in the bright room lighting, once they had been switched off it was really quite strong and noticeable. I moved towards the statue to touch it and the light became stronger and brighter, at the same time I could see that a similar light was beginning to shine from my hand and arm, the nearer I got to the statue the stronger the light became.

Rebecca switched the room lights back on and returned to her seat next to Hannah. The strange aura was barely visible now that the light was back on and somewhat confused by everything that was happening I sank down onto the rug on the opposite side of the table to the girls. They were still discussing what was happening and I began to feel a little left out of things. So once again I reached for the statue of Kate to look at her and to wonder at her beauty as well as to puzzle over the strange aura of colour that surrounded her. Slowly I became aware that the quiet but excited conversation between Hannah and Rebecca had ceased and as I glanced up at them I found them both watching me and smiling radiantly.

"We think we know what is happening and why, and also what we can do about it. How to do it, and what we think will happen afterwards." Hannah was confident as she spoke; which from experience I knew to mean that she was probably right about whatever it was that she was saying. She looked at Rebecca and smiled, she returned her smile then nodded and reached for Hannah's hand holding it tightly as Hannah continued to speak while looking directly at me. "Okay then, you know all about what happened to Katalina and Lorani, and you also know that she swore an oath to the Gods before she died of a broken heart," She waited until I'd nodded before continuing, "Well what Rebecca and I think is this…."

I listened amazed as she told me what they thought was the reason behind everything that had happened over the last few days. Hannah explained that Old Mary had been charged by the spirit of Katalina to search for a suitable envoy for her spirit to guide and show the way in order for them to free Lorani's soul from the moonstone statue. Then at last they would be reunited and joined together in peace for all eternity. The old lady had chosen me according to the words Katalina had spoken in her oath to the Gods. 'Be thou not what ye may seem'. That much at least made sense, when Old Mary had appeared I was not what I seemed to be. I had looked like and was dressed as a girl, what with my pretty clothes and my hair and make-up but I was really a man. She knew this of course and it was confirmed to her when she placed her hand on the back of mine when I stood at her stall in the market.

This was the reason then as to why she had given me the beautiful statue, so that she, Katalina, could be in direct contact with me through the statue that bore her image. It was all beginning to make sense, it was amazing and fantastic but it made sense. When I had been alone with the statue after our return from Manchester and was trying to read the words on the plinth, which was when Katalina's spirit had come to me and taken me on the journey to her world. She must have recognised in me a kindred spirit and had decided that I was to be the 'chosen one' who would reunite the long dead lover's souls. That was why she had taken me on the journey to her world. To show me what had happened and how unjust and cruel it had been for Lorani to be committed to spend all eternity trapped inside the statue of Katalina, much like the spirit of my own Kate was trapped inside me. Although it wasn't quite the same because I could free the feminine side of my character almost at will, whereas Lorani had been trapped for ages untold.

On the journey with Katalina I had been shown how I could free Lorani from his bondage, I'd also been told of my reward, all that seemed necessary to do now was to set them free and then, if I wanted to, I could claim the reward due to me. But what exactly was the reward; it was still unclear to me. It was not however, unclear to either Rebecca or Hannah, it appeared that some how they had worked out what the reward was and surprisingly they both appeared to be more than happy that the reward was indeed what they thought it might be. Hannah reminded me that when Katalina had sworn the oath at the ceremony of the moon she had said, "Release us both from this torment and I will give you my beauty as reward for I have nothing else to give…." I understood that much at least, then Hannah went on to explain that the reason I had been chosen was because deep down I was the same as Katalina. She thought that, 'her beauty as reward', meant that somehow my facial features would change from the way I looked now to becoming the image of Katalina.

I found this all rather difficult to believe, but I knew deep down inside that it would be a blessing if it were possible for me to look anywhere near as beautiful as I knew Katalina had been. Even if I had never seen her spirit I had only to look at her statue to know how incredibly beautiful and stunning she was. I just stuttered, "But how, and even if I did change what would become of you and me? Everything would be different; you'd have a husband who looked like a woman from the neck up but like a man from the neck down. How on earth could we make that work? "Well," said Hannah, "Perhaps it would be that you would only change when there was a full moon and the rest of the time you would still be Sam, just think of the fun we could have then!" Rebecca and Hannah looked at each other, and then Hannah spoke again. "We've watched you over the last couple of days and Rebecca has quickly come to realise something that I have known for a long time now. We both agree that you would be far happier if you looked like Katalina, even if it was just when there was a full moon, just think how gorgeous Kate would look then when she was dressed up.

Rebecca said, "Think of it this way, not only would you be setting both Katalina and Lorani free but in a way you would be setting yourself free too!" Hannah added, "To be perfectly honest, I prefer you as Kate anyway, you are altogether a much nicer person, you become far more thoughtful and a lot more pleasant to be with." Rebecca nodded her agreement while Hannah went on to say, "If the decision were ours we wouldn't hesitate to get you to set them free and to claim the reward. But as it is you who needs to make the decision we can only tell you how we feel and then leave it up to you." Rebecca then said, "Just think, you would finally have the looks to become what and who you have always wanted to be, and besides you'd never need to worry about people discovering your secret anymore. With Katalina's looks no one in their right mind could ever accuse you of being a fella dressed up. Remember this too, although you look pretty now when you are dressed and made up, it's going to get a lot harder for you to look as feminine as you do now as you get older and your masculine features become more defined."

Hannah agreed and said, "Whether it works or not and there is no guarantee that it will, you will always have me beside you, and I will always love you no matter what. Rebecca will always be our friend too regardless of what happens." Rebecca nodded emphatically as Hannah continued, "Can you imagine what it would be like to look like a beautiful woman all the time and not just for a few stolen hours, with or without make-up. Look at yourself now, you look really pretty in your make-up and clothes, do you really want the day to come in the future when no matter what you do you'd still only look like a man in drag? Because one day when you are older it will probably happen and I know you wouldn't be able to take the disappointment."

My head was spinning and I had to sit down, I could hardly believe that this was happening. Here was my wife telling me that she would prefer me to look like Katalina rather than myself if only because she knew that some day I'd lose my youthfulness and not look pretty anymore as Kate. I felt a stab of hurt that Sam wasn't liked quite as much as I thought, although I knew Hannah still loved me deeply, but even I had to admit that I had become a little bit set in my ways if not boring and predictable. Well, if what the girls thought would happen was true then all that would change, my life would be very different from then on, and I'd never need to have to worry about disguising myself with make-up ever again.

Throughout my life I'd often wondered what it would be like if I looked more like a girl instead of a boy and it looked as though I might be about to find out. It was really strange, I felt as though a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I just looked at Hannah with a big dopey grin and a fat wet tear rolling down my cheek. "I take it this means you have decided to go ahead with this," asked Hannah. "My only concern is that I'm not one hundred percent sure about the reward, what happens if you and Rebecca are wrong, but I do think it would be tragic and very wrong of me to allow Lorani and Katalina to remain separated. Especially as I seem to be the only one who can reunite them, God only knows how long they have been searching for someone to set them free!" "Come on, let's do it anyway," said Rebecca, "We never know, you may get to see Katalina again, then you can ask her what will happen to you if you claim the reward." They both sounded pretty confident that everything would work out just fine and so I told them I would do it. The only problem was, just what it was that I was supposed to do?




It was now nearly midnight and we'd been home for about an hour. Rebecca suggested that if we were going to do something then we ought to get a move on, as far as she could work out it was at midnight that everything was supposed to be happening. This news didn't leave me a lot of time to have a change of heart and so I allowed myself to be directed and guided by Hannah and Rebecca who believed they knew what to do. Although it was very cold outside it was decided that whatever we had to do should be done in the garden at the rear of the house. The garden was totally secluded so no matter what happened we wouldn't be seen by anyone. Not that anyone would be watching out for three loonies messing about in a freezing cold garden at that time of the night.

Before we went outside Hannah told me that I had better strip off to my lacy panties just in case my clothes interfered with proceedings, she suggested I wear just my coat against the cold, although I thought she must be mad, I complied with her suggestion 'just in case'. After all there was no telling what would happen to me out there in the cold night, I just hoped that whatever did happen wouldn't take too long. I soon stripped off and I noticed Rebecca watching me with interest, as my slim body became almost naked, she smiled saying, "You're not embarrassed are you? You shouldn't be anyway, I've seen your body before and it's very nice, I wish I was as slim as you." She smiled mischievously at Hannah and I couldn't help wondering what, if anything, was going on between them.

After I had put my coat and shoes back on I moved over to the drinks cabinet. "I don't know about you two but I could use a drink, how about it?" They both said yes and after I'd poured them we were standing holding the drinks in front of us when Hannah said, "To Katalina and Lorani, may they be reunited for all eternity and to Sam for making it happen." We toasted them and then drank the fiery liquid down in one gulp.

It was barely two minutes to midnight now and taking control Hannah suggested that we move out into the garden. Rebecca carefully picked up the statue of Katalina, and as Hannah opened the door and I pulled my coat tightly around me, we stepped out into the cold dark garden. We stood quietly in the centre of the lawn wondering what to do next. It was very dark. The clouds were scudding overhead in the fresh breeze but somehow it didn't seem to be quite as cold as it had felt earlier despite the fact that I was wearing only creamy white lace panties, high heeled shoes and my coat.

Rebecca passed me the statue which immediately began to glow again, then leaving me standing in the centre of the lawn the two girls backed off until they were a couple of yards away from me. They stood watching me with their arms linked together and an air of expectancy about them. I looked at Hannah and she smiled beautifully, telling me that she loved me very much and that she would always be here for me. Rebecca smiled too and wished me well and good luck, she told me not to worry, that everything would be fine. I felt all warm and tingly inside knowing that whatever happened I would always have Hannah's love and Rebecca's friendship to keep me safe from harm.

A few more moments passed and it was suddenly very bright as the moon showed itself as if on cue from behind the clouds. Strangely the sky was now clear, apart from the huge bright full moon and the twinkling stars there was not a cloud to be seen anywhere. The silvery blue glow emanating from the statue became a bright white light the moment that the moonlight bathed us in its crisp clear rays. From somewhere beyond the brightness I heard Hannah urgently calling to me, "Now Sam, say it now!" I lifted the increasingly heavy statue, holding it out towards the spectacular moon and I called out clear and loud, "Katalina, Katalina, Katalina!" Instantly the weight in the statue was gone though I knew I was still holding it. I felt a surge of energy and the light surrounding me became so intense that I had to close my eyes tightly. I felt as light as air and no longer cold, I could feel the warmth of the air around me, caressing my bare skin, my coat was gone and I felt naked and more alive than ever before.

As the strength of the light diminished, I found myself standing on the cliff-tops where the altar had been when I had first journeyed with Katalina. All the greyness I had experienced last time was gone and almost as though it was a midsummer's day I could see the vivid colour of the landscape around me. The grass was lush and green and the strange but beautiful flowers were a kaleidoscope of blazing colour. I looked out over the cliffs and saw the vast blue ocean, its white crested waves rippling in the bright glare of the moonlight. Someone called my name and I turned to look behind me. Standing there hand in hand were Katalina and Lorani, they were beautiful and they were together at last, their smiles were beaming they kept looking at each other and then at me. Nothing was said for a few seconds, then letting go of Katalinas hand Lorani stepped forward and gently placed his hand on my shoulder. He looked me straight in the eye and smiling gently he said, "I do not know of the words that could describe my thanks to you for what you have done for us, may you always live in peace, health and happiness, thank you." I couldn't think of anything to say except, "No problem!" Pretty daft I know but I wasn't used to this sort of thing happening, it's not everyday you rescue someone's soul and reunite them with a long lost love!

Lorani returned to Katalinas side and placed his arm around her naked waist; they looked at each other and smiled with a happiness that can only be imagined. Almost imperceptibly they nodded at one another and then Katalina was standing in front of me, her beautiful body so close I could feel the warmth of her soul, her perfect breasts were only inches from my chest at she looked at me, smiling wonderfully. She reached up and placed her hands gently on my face, her touch feather light and sensual. "Thank you Sam, you have succeeded where those before you have failed, truly you are blessed with love and are the chosen one. Here is your reward, it will not harm you." She kissed me then, not on the cheeks but fully, softly and wonderfully right on my lips. I began to feel light headed and warm through to my very inner being. "Go in peace and be happy, return home to Hannah and love her always. Farewell Sam."

Those words were the last I heard as I was once again enveloped in pure bright whiteness. I could see nothing in the harsh but somehow gentle glare of the light that surrounded me, my body felt as though it had been charged with electricity. I could feel the energy coursing through my veins and my skin tingled, sensitive to the strange elements surrounding me. Slowly the light dimmed and I had the strange sensation that I was falling through a void. I could almost feel the air rushing past as I continued on, down and down, endlessly dropping as though through time itself. All the while the light became dimmer until there was only darkness left. I felt myself slowing down as though I had been riding in an express lift that had reached it's destination, for a brief second there was a bright flash of light then only the inky black darkness as I slipped into unconsciousness.




Something in the dark recesses of my mind told me it was time to wake up. I didn't want to, I felt too tired, I wanted to stay asleep forever, I told myself to stay where I was, not to go towards wakefulness. Please, just a few more minutes; let me be, I don't want to wake up yet. I suppose I must have drifted off again and later when my body was rested, I obeyed when my subconscious told me it was time to wake up. I gradually became aware of the fact that I was in a bed, I was warm and comfortable and snug and the soft clean bed linen felt marvellous against my bare skin. With my eyes still closed I became alert to the soft noises in the room, someone moving about quietly as though trying not to disturb me. I heard a click and the swish of air as the door opened and soft footfalls entered the room.

I heard whispering from somewhere near the bed and wondered who might be there. I tried to open my eyes and discovered I couldn't, there was something lying over my upper face, warm and moist, not unpleasant but slightly claustrophobic. I moved my arm in an attempt to remove whatever was on my face bringing a reaction from the others in the room. A softly spoken, gentle whisper, "Sam, are you awake," I was instantly relieved to hear and recognise Hannah's voice, but I couldn't answer her, my mouth was dry and my tongue felt gritty and swollen. "Turn the lights off please Rebecca, we don't want to hurt his eyes." I heard a click, then the flick of a cigarette lighter as though someone was lighting a cigarette or a candle. "Lie still darling, take it slowly, relax and let us take care of things for you." I had been trying to raise my arm to remove the covering over my eyes, but I felt too weak to do so, it was a really weird feeling.

I heard Rebecca's voice then; "Here Hannah let me help, keep your eyes closed Sam just while I take the towel off." I managed a grunt, relieved that Hannah and Rebecca were with me. Though I couldn't understand why I should feel relief. The darkness behind my eyelids became slightly less black as the towel was gently lifted clear from my eyes and my face was dabbed softly with a dry tissue, which gently stroked across my forehead and eyelids. I waited a few seconds before trying to open my eyes, when I did they felt scratchy and grainy as though I had slept for ages. Once they were open I could see both Hannah and Rebecca smiling down at me, they both looked tired, really tired and Hannah's face was etched with worry and concern.

I was so very glad to see them; especially Hannah and I tried to speak to her. My mouth and throat felt too thick and furry and I could only make little noises that wouldn't be shaped into words. Rebecca offered me a plastic cup full of juice with a straw in it and placed the tip of the straw against my dry lips. Eagerly I began to suck the delicious liquid into my throat. After I had managed to swallow about one third of the fluid Rebecca pulled the straw and the cup away and told me to slow down, I could have another drink in a few more minutes. Meanwhile Hannah had reached under the bedclothes, which were pulled right up to my neck leaving only my head exposed and had sought out and found my hand which she held tightly as she waited for me to finish drinking and to wake up fully.

I didn't recognise the bedroom, it wasn't mine and Hannah's, so I assumed that as Rebecca was here with us that it must have been hers and that for some reason we were in her house and not our own. Hannah saw me looking around and said, "We are at Rebecca place, we brought you here as soon as you re-appeared because of all the attention our house was getting from the neighbours." She must have seen a quizzical look on my face and she continued, "Don't worry sweetheart, I'll tell you all about it as soon as you are a bit stronger, what you need now is some rest." I'd never felt less like resting; I wanted to know what she had meant about the house and why I was in bed and feeling so weak.

Rebecca stood next to Hannah and gently laid an arm across her shoulders, "It's you that needs to rest Hannah, You've been awake now almost non stop for days, it's obvious Sam is going to be okay now so why don't you go and lie down and get some sleep." I didn't miss Rebecca's reference to the days Hannah had been without a proper sleep and I wondered what the Hell had happened. I tried to speak but though my throat felt much easier, I still couldn't make myself understood. Hannah offered me the drink again and I took the straw between my lips and gratefully began to suck up the juice. Once my throat was wet I let the straw go and asked what had happened, my voice was a bit squeaky and gravely but I managed at last to get the words formed and out of my mouth.

"Oh Sam, it was wonderful," began Hannah, then Rebecca quickly interrupted, "We saw her, we saw Katalina, God she was beautiful, she spoke to us after you'd gone and told us what we would need to do. I nearly wet myself when she appeared right there in front of us." All this came out in a rush, she was obviously very excited and Hannah smiled as she told Rebecca to calm down a bit. "Let's just say it was very unusual," said Hannah, "We'll tell you all about it in detail later but for now I'll just give you an outline of what happened okay?" I nodded and though I desperately wanted to know the whole story, I was beginning to tire and I knew that despite myself I wouldn't be able to stay awake for long.

Hannah began to tell me how, when we were standing in the garden, that she had called to me to say Katalinas name three times as we'd planned. They, Hannah and Rebecca, had then watched fascinated as, bathed in the glow of the statue I had raised it up towards the moon and repeated the name Katalina three times. The light had then become so much stronger that they'd had to shield their eyes to protect them. Incredibly as they watched, a shaft of light appeared spiking into the clear night sky further than they could see and I began to rise off the ground still holding the statue aloft and had seemed to hover a few feet from the floor.

Suddenly, and with a super bright flash, the shaft of light compacted down into me and in the blink of an eye the statue and me were gone and all was in darkness yet again. Hannah and Rebecca had been stunned and were shocked to discover I had disappeared altogether, they stood hugging each other waiting for something to happen, when a small shining light appeared and hovered over the spot where a few seconds before I had been standing with the statue.

The moving dancing spot of light had slowed and stilled then stopped about four feet from the ground and a few feet away from the nervous girls. Slowly the light changed shape and became the image of Katalina, standing naked and proud before them. She spoke to them softly, telling them that I was all right and that there was no need to worry, that all would be well and that I was quite safe and would return soon. She added that when I came back I would need tender care for a while and though I might appear to be in great pain I would in fact not be able to feel anything at all. They were to keep me warm and covered and to make sure I took plenty of fluids, as I would need them to help me to recover more quickly.

After Hannah and Rebecca had agreed to her instructions, Katalina had thanked them, as she knew that without their love for me then I couldn't have been the chosen one. It was their love that was seeing the whole thing through and that without it none of this would have been possible. Katalina thanked them again and wished them farewell; saying as she parted that the golden chains binding Lorani had been broken and were now theirs to do with as they wished. Once more she wished them happiness and with a last beautiful smile slowly faded away to nothing.

With a bright flash a hole appeared in the air right in front of them, rimmed with red and glowing magically it was as black as could be inside and hovered just in front of the two entranced women. After half a minute when nothing had happened, Rebecca had stepped forward for a closer look when they both heard the clank and clatter of metal as though someone was rattling a chain nearby. Hannah immediately pulled Rebecca to safety just as there was a bright yellow flash from the hole in the air and suddenly half a link of chain dropped as if from nowhere out of the hole to land with a dull thud on the lawn before them.

This time as Hannah crept closer to see what it was there was a soft roar which grew steadily louder and louder until a great pile of broken links of golden chain cascaded from the hole and fell noisily rattling and clanking into a pile on the grass. After a few seconds it stopped but not before a great pile of pieces of yellow metal had formed on the dewy frosty grass in front of the girls. With a noise like a giant zipper being pulled shut the hole in the air through which the chains had appeared suddenly closed up tight and the redness around the edges disappeared. Once they had got over the initial shock the two excited women spent the next few minutes scurrying back and forth to the house carrying as much of the chain as they could manage, until all that was left were the dents in the lawn where the broken links of gold had landed. Not knowing what else to do with the soft yellow metal they had hidden it all inside the dry food larder in the kitchen where we normally kept the flour and sugar and suchlike.

I asked how much there was and what it was like so Hannah reached into a canvas bag next to the bed and lifted out a piece of the chain to show to me. It was about one inch in diameter and about four inches long. Judging by its shape the whole link must have been about seven or eight inches around its length. It looked heavy and Hannah said that once they had got a chance they had weighed the scrap pieces of gold on the bathroom scales and had come up with a rough total of how much there was altogether. "Well come on then tell me, how much was there?" I was brimming with curiosity. "Well," said Hannah, "This is only a rough estimate but altogether there is about four hundred and fifty pounds of solid gold!" I gasped at the enormity of the amount, it must be worth millions, and then I remembered that Lorani had been carrying all this for ages untold and the very thought brought me back to reality with a bump.

Rebecca and Hannah had huge grins on their faces, I was simply stunned, but there was more to come. Hannah continued with the tale of what had happened. When she and Rebecca had put all the metal in the house they got back to the garden to find me lying on the grass unconscious and naked and clutching the statue of Katalina. Their first concern had been for me and they had carried me between them into the house then laid me on the couch in the living room before wrapping me up in warm blankets. Rebecca had carefully checked me over to make sure I was okay while Hannah had watched anxiously. As soon as she had decided that I was all right she left Hannah to watch over me and then went back into the garden to fetch the statue. Bending down to pick it up Rebecca noticed that there was something different about the statue. It was so heavy that she was barely able to lift it but eventually she succeeded and with a struggle carried it into the house where she placed it on the counter top in the kitchen.

Rebecca called for Hannah to come and see the statue and, as if the golden chain wasn't enough, somehow the statue had been changed from moonstone into what appeared to be solid platinum. They were completely dumbstruck, if anything the statue of Katalina was even more beautiful than before and was obviously worth a huge amount of money. Not that she would ever consider selling it though. I asked her where it was and Hannah told me to hold on a second. On a tea trolley, which creaked ominously as she pushed it towards the bed where I could see it, stood the statue. It was magnificent, perfect in every detail and glowing silvery white in the light of the candles. I couldn't see what it was made from now but it looked incredible. This was all too much and I closed my eyes for a moment to take it all in. Hannah immediately declared that I should get some rest and despite my protestations tucked me up firmly in the bed and kissed me gently before the two lovely girls left the room blowing out the candles as they went. I think I was asleep before the door closed behind them.





Sometime later I woke up, it was now daytime, I could see the light behind the curtains and I could also see Hannah sitting in an armchair next to the bed, writing something down in a large notebook. She must have sensed that I had woken up because she looked up at me and smiled, "Hello sleepy head," she said, closing the notebook and standing up next to me. Leaning over she kissed me on the forehead and smiled again, "How are you feeling now darling, are you okay?" I nodded still a bit groggy from my sleep, "You just lie there and try not to move about too much until you get your bearings, okay?" I nodded again as Hannah went to the bedroom door to call Rebecca. I could hear her running up the stairs and fully expected another rush of questions as soon as she saw that I was awake. I felt good, really good, and now that I was almost fully awake I felt rested and relaxed and more than ready to get up and about.

Hannah looked at me again and asked how I was feeling, once I had told her she agreed that I was looking surprisingly well and said that after we'd had a bit of a chat that there was no reason why I shouldn't get up out of the bed. "There shouldn't be any problem at all with that at all," added Rebecca, as she bounced into the bedroom like Tigger and gave me a lovely warm hug and a kiss on my cheek. When I asked why I couldn't get up first and then we could chat she said simply that there were things that I needed to be told before I got up from the bed and that hopefully it shouldn't take too long. I hoped not, the warmth of the bed and the weight of the bedclothes was becoming stifling. Rebecca noticed that I looked uncomfortable and opened the bedroom windows for me. I was about to sit up in bed but Hannah gently pressed a hand against my shoulder and asked me to wait a minute; there were things she needed to say to me first.

She was still smiling so I wasn't unduly worried or concerned, and as the open windows were helping me to feel less stifled I lay back relaxing until she was ready to speak. "Go on Hannah, tell him, it's not fair to keep him waiting like this." Rebecca was looking radiant and smiling fit to burst. I was just beginning to wonder what was going on when Hannah began to speak. "Remember how we discussed what the reward might be before you went off to free Lorani and to re-unite him with Katalina?" I told her I did, wondering what she was leading up to. "Well we were only partly right about what might happen!" She asked me if I remembered her telling me about the golden chain links and how the statue of Kate had changed. I told that I did and that as it must have only been a couple of hours since she told me so why should I not remember? Hannah glanced at Rebecca and then back at me. "It wasn't just a few hours ago my love, it was four days ago, you've been asleep since then." "Fuck me!" I said, totally surprised and taken aback. "We can do that later," she said with a laugh, "but only if you are up to it though."

"Four days, how can that be? Hadn't I already slept for ages before that, my God, just how long is it then since we came back from the pub and went into the garden?" Hannah spoke quietly, "It's been quite some time, but you definitely needed the rest, you've been through a lot and your body needed time to recuperate as it progressed through the changes." "What do you mean changes?" I asked almost afraid of the answer. Hannah began to tell me what had happened since I had reappeared that cold night when I went off to free Lorani.

I could hardly believe my ears and was absolutely stunned as what she said began to sink in. "Since you came back and we carried you first into our house, then, when we got the chance, here to Rebeccas, you have undergone what I can only describe as a complete metamorphosis, much like a butterfly but without the cocoon." Hannah paused. "You mean my face has changed don't you?" I said. "No my darling, you've changed completely, well almost completely anyway." She corrected herself. "After you were settled here, Rebecca noticed that your hand was bruising and when I looked I could tell that somehow it had become smaller and slimmer and the bruising was the result of the changing or shrinking of your hand." She looked up at Rebecca who nodded. "As the days passed we kept checking you over and during the course of time your whole body became bruised and a little swollen at first, then the massive bruising came through as you seemed to lose weight or appeared to grow smaller if that makes any sense."

My head was beginning to spin but I had to hear everything she had to say to me. "Eventually you were bruised from head to toe as your transformation took place. After a couple of more days the bruises began to disappear almost in the same order in which they had originally appeared. Your hands and feet first, then your arms and legs and finally your head and upper and lower body." She smiled again and took a long breath before continuing. "You were really something to see when you were covered in the bruises, if it hadn't been for the fact that Rebecca is a nurse and kept reassuring me that everything was going to be all right, I would probably have panicked."

Rebecca spoke now for the first time. "Hannah was in a right state and it was only when I promised to get a doctor in to look at you if your condition appeared to deteriorate, even fractionally, that Hannah began to calm down and trust me." Rebecca grinned, "You were so swollen and bruised that if a doctor had come to check on you he would probably have had you in a hospital bed within the hour and we'd have probably gone straight to jail." Hannah smiled at Rebecca then picked up the thread of what she had been saying, "Once the bruising and the swelling finally began to disappear it became patently obvious that you had undergone a massive and complete transformation into what you have now become."

I was trembling as I asked, "And just what is it that I have become?" "We thought you might ask that so we have prepared some photographs for you of the stages that you have been through so that hopefully the shock won't be too great. We took one photo on the hour every hour since you came back to me so there are quite a few of them, luckily Rebecca thought to number them otherwise they would get all mixed up and out of order. I have spent the last day or so putting them into the correct sequence in photo albums so that you can see them clearly." Hannah pointed at a stack of albums on the dressing table. There were lots of them and I wondered once more just how long I had been in bed. "Just how long is it exactly that I have been here in this bed?" "Well including the last four days, altogether it's been nineteen days now since you came back to me!" I was totally stunned by that, I'd expected Hannah to say I'd been here five or six days at the most, but nineteen days, it was unbelievable. "How do you feel about all this?" asked Hannah. "Well to be honest I'm completely and utterly stunned," I replied, "I'm almost afraid to look at myself now, can't I just stay here in bed?" Rebecca laughed softly, "No you can't, and besides there's absolutely no reason for you to be afraid to look at yourself, because you look wonderful."

Hannah asked me if I would rather take a look at the photographs in the albums or simply get up and take a look at myself in the mirror. "At least that way you would be able to see the new you all in one go rather than bit by bit in the photo's, which could be a bit scary. Do you want some time to think about it?" I had already made up my mind. After all I could always look at the photographs later. "I'll get up and look in the mirror," I said. "Are you sure sweetheart?" "About as sure as I'll ever be, can you help me up please before I change my mind?" "Hold on a second, put this over your eyes then you won't spoil the surprise." Hannah gave me a silk scarf and I tied it over my eyes like a blindfold. "Are you ready?" Hannah asked when I nodded she and Rebecca pulled the bedclothes away and helped me slowly from the bed. The air was quite cold as the windows were still open and the sudden chill gave me goosebumps.




I felt really strange as I allowed myself to be led over to where, presumably, the mirror was. Sort of unbalanced and wobbly, yet I felt okay, my chest felt heavy and I could feel something tickling my bare backside. The girls stopped me and turned me slightly to face the proper direction. "Whatever you do don't be frightened, no matter what happens now or in the future I will always love you and I will always be here for you. Nothing will ever change that I promise, do you believe me?" I said I did and then I could feel her untying the knot at the back of the scarf. I closed my eyes, extremely nervous of what I was about to see. What had happened to me, what had I become? Would I like myself, would I be able to cope with what I had become, how would Hannah and I be able to work things out together, I began to feel afraid for us both, then I thought about what she had just said to me and I felt stronger.

The blindfold came off but I kept my eyes closed, perhaps I had made a mistake, I wondered if I should have looked at the photo's first then it all wouldn't come as too much of a shock. "Open your eyes my darling, I hope you like what you see because I do, I love you even more now than ever before." Slowly I opened my eyes and I was stunned, the reflection looking back wasn't me but a strikingly beautiful woman perfect in every detail, I staggered slightly with the enormous shock of it all and the girls immediately came closer and supported me gently by my elbows. "Don't be afraid, we are here for you," Rebecca said softly, "You'll never be alone, we'll be together the three of us always." I had closed my eyes but the image of the woman in the mirror was etched onto my eyelids. "Look at yourself babe' you're beautiful, go on look, and don't be scared." Hannah gave me a little shake as she spoke. I looked again and was amazed, I had changed completely, gone was the drab male body that I'd always known as my own, in its place was the body of a girl, or rather a beautiful woman and instantly I loved it. There were no words to describe how I felt as I took in my reflection. I was totally in awe of myself, how could this be real, how could I possibly have become so completely feminine. I thought that I must be hallucinating, this couldn't be happening, could it? It was absolutely unbelievable, and one hell of a shock, for a few long minutes I couldn't say a word, I just stared at my new self and slowly shook my head. It was just awesome. Slowly it began to dawn on me that the image I saw in the mirror was the new me, and no amount of self-denial would change me back. I looked at myself critically and was amazed at who I had become.

I was still slightly taller than Hannah but only by an inch or two. I now had thick lustrous hair that hung heavily down past my waist, which was now as narrow as any I had ever seen before. My face had become so different too, it looked a little like Linda Evangelistas only more beautiful, but at the same time I could still recognise myself. My new jade green eyes were perfectly spaced above a gorgeous nose and full sensuous lips. I had proud cheekbones and a long graceful neck, my ears were smaller and more delicate and my eyebrows were perfect arabesque arches. Even my teeth were perfectly white and evenly spaced and my skin was flawless.

My chest had felt heavy because of the wonderfully shaped firm proud breasts that now adorned it; my whole frame had become smaller and unmistakably female. A narrow waist, toned and trim tummy and softly flared hips. Long elegantly shaped legs ending with narrow ankles and smaller, daintier feet. Even my hands were smaller with long slim fingers and long perfectly shaped nails. It was as though I had bloomed into a beautiful rose from a small unattractive flower. My heart was beating loudly in my chest as I looked unbelievingly at the new me, I turned around slowly and saw my pert bum, the tickling I had felt was my long thick wavy hair brushing gently across my cheeks, even my shoulders were much narrower than before. My chest and back were much smaller and completely perfect for my new breasts, tipped as they were by dark pink nipples. I was mesmerised and couldn't help touching myself; my nipples stiffened as I cupped my breasts and ran my fingers down over my flat stomach and wide hips. My skin was smooth, hairless and as soft as a baby's completely blemish free. I felt incredible and when I looked at Hannah I saw tears in her eyes, "I'm so happy for you my darling," she said quietly, "We both are." I turned to face the mirror again, this time I was aware of a new feeling deep down inside me. A feeling of awareness and arousal and, as I watched, I both felt and saw my thick heavy cock engorge and fill with blood, swelling and thickening, lengthening and hardening until it stood proud and rigid, jutting out towards my image in the mirror.

It was then I got my final surprise, nestled below my hard cock I could see that my balls were no longer there and in their place was a perfectly beautiful, slightly swollen and very moist pussy. "My God," I exclaimed, "I've got a cock and a pussy!" "We know," gasped Hannah, all excited for me now, "Isn't it wonderful, just think of all the fantastic things we'll we will be able to get up to now." I staggered back to the bed and sat down, my swollen rigid cock still pointing towards the ceiling. "This is what she meant," I said, "This is what Katalina meant when she said she would give her beauty as reward." I felt as though I might go into shock and had to really force myself not to be overcome by what had happened to me. "That's why she was a priestess and regarded as so special."

Hannah spoke softly but excitedly, "This was why she was so revered in her time both as a sage and as a High Priestess, because she too was as you are now, that's why Lorani's punishment was so severe. " She went on, becoming even more excited, "We hadn't mentioned it before, any of us, but the statue is the same too. It only added to her beauty and didn't detract from it in any way, in fact, she wouldn't have seemed so beautiful without the twin bulge of her genitals." Hannah suddenly became very serious and meaningful, "It doesn't mean that you are a freak or anything, it means you are special, so very special, the chosen one as Katalina so rightly put it."




Hannah and Rebecca sat either side of me on the bed. Hannah put her arm around my waist and the other hand rested on my smooth, now hairless thigh. My cock twitched and as I turned to look at her with tears in my eyes she kissed me tenderly and lovingly. I felt her hand move and she slipped her cool fingers around my throbbing shaft; it jerked its approval in her hand as she stroked it, caressing it softly yet firmly as we kissed. Suddenly I felt a new sensation which made me gasp with pleasure, Rebecca had leaned forward and cupping my breast she took my hard nipple into her lips and was sucking and nibbling it while gently squeezing my firm breast with her gentle fingers. My first reaction was to pull away but Hannah simply said, "Go with it my darling we know what we are doing, just relax and let yourself go." She squeezed my cock firmly and I felt rather than saw the bead of pre-come juice appear at the swollen, bulbous tip of my prick.

Something else was happening; I could feel myself becoming moist and damp lower down and I realised with a jolt of pure joy that my new pussy was working just as well as my cock. I suddenly felt like I'd never been so turned on, so completely aroused in my life before and I needed and wanted to make love right then and there. I reached down and tugged Hannah's loose skirt up. She helped by quickly slipping out of it and removing the rest of her clothing, the blouse and the underwear too. Rebecca joined in and was soon as naked as both Hannah and I. Almost trembling with my desire for this wonderful woman, I slid my long slim fingers along her upper thigh and stroked Hannah's pussy, it was slick with her juices and I couldn't help wondering if my own felt as good. We began kissing, hungrily and deeply savouring the taste of one another.

Gently inserting two fingers inside her I began to stroke and rub and then push them in and out of her, she gasped and our lips parted as we both needed to take a breath in order to continue. I felt another set of fingers on my straining cock as Rebecca's hand joined Hannah's, wrapping themselves firmly around my throbbing length. She was still feasting on my nipple and the excitement that this generated inside me was simply amazing. I looked over at Hannah and she smiled and winked as my free hand made its way towards Rebecca's thighs and the love nest in between. She moved her legs apart to allow me easier access to her secret place and a sharp intake of breath was the only acknowledgement as I slipped two fingers into her tight pussy. Slowly I pumped them in and out, gently teasing her clitoris as I did so with my thumb.

We were all breathing heavily and I thought my cock was going to explode as the two sets of fingers gently pumping and squeezing began to rub harder. Hannah leaned down and took my other erect nipple into her warm wet mouth, now they were both chewing and licking at my breasts and it was awesome, I'd never known it would be like this, how could I? Something inside my head clicked and I was suddenly aware that Rebecca's hand was slowly pushing Hannah's further and further down the shaft of my rigid cock. They stopped sucking my nipples and raised their heads looked at each other; I couldn't believe this was happening. They kissed long and deep, full on the lips, it was wonderful to see these two beautiful girls sharing their feelings for one another and my cock twitched and throbbed with the sheer eroticism of the whole scene being played out before me.

Their lips parted and I heard Rebecca whisper to Hannah, "Go on, you first, show Kate what its like." With that I felt Hannah's fingers release my cock and travel lower down towards my pussy where the heat and the wetness was causing me untold excitement. No matter how excited and turned on I had been before that moment nothing would ever compare with the way I felt as Hannah's skilful fingers traced their way along my swollen cunt lips for the first time ever. I could feel her spreading my own juices over them as she looked up at me with a wondrous expression on her lovely face.

With a quick flick of her wrist she pushed her fingers into my hot welcoming virginal pussy and I nearly passed out with the totally awesome feeling of being slowly stretched and filled. Rebecca was still pumping her hand up and down my bloated throbbing cock and as Hannah pushed her slim fingers into my soft furry pussy I came explosively and massively. Jets of hot creamy spunk were everywhere; it sprayed from deep inside me up into the air and all over my firm round tits and flat tummy. Rebecca's sweet mouth closed over the end of my prick and greedily began to suck the remaining juices from inside me as they spurted from my thick heavy shaft. Hannah continued to push her silky fingers in and out of my hot cunt and I was almost in a state of shock as I felt the muscles inside gripping and squeezing her fingers. My cock slowly began to soften as I felt Rebecca rub and squeeze it, massaging my own spunk into the semi-hard shaft and all around my lower tummy, at the same time licking my cock head clean of my love juice. As I recovered, my own fingers began once more to caress the steamy hot pussies of both Hannah and Rebecca. I must have stopped as I climaxed but I soon had the presence of mind to begin again. Rebecca was making small mewling noises in her throat as I thrust my fingers into her a little harder and more forcefully pressed and rubbed her clitoris each time. Hannah was back at my proud hard nipple sucking and chewing the rubbery teat as Rebecca massaged my own creamy juices into the skin of my stomach and breasts.

Incredibly my prick began to harden and thicken again even as my pussy began to contract more spasmodically around Hannah's diligent fingers. I had no idea whether I would or even could come in my new pussy but I couldn't wait to find out. Hannah pushed me backward to lie on the bed and I slid up until I was lying down in the middle. Taking their cue the sexy girls changed position too. Rebecca knelt over my face her legs apart either side of my head and lowered herself onto my mouth. I immediately began to attend to her juicy wet hole with my searching probing tongue and lapped hungrily at her soft furry creamy pussy as she pressed herself down onto me.

Further down I could feel Hannah positioning herself over my, once more, poker like cock, with relish I felt her lower herself down onto me and push my thick pole deep into her tight cunt. She immediately began to push herself up and down literally fucking my rigid cock. It was at this moment that Rebecca came with a loud moan and a gush of hot sticky juices and try as I might I couldn't lap them all up as she shivered and trembled her way through an obviously powerful orgasm. She leaned forward and I felt Hannah do the same and I could imagine them kissing and fondling each other's firm luscious tits. My cock was deeply embedded inside Hannah's hungry quim when I felt my own tits being grasped and squeezed almost roughly, it must have been Rebecca because I felt Hannah reaching behind herself, her searching fingers probing once more for my hot sticky aching pussy. Slipping her fingers into me she began to fuck me once again even as she continued to bounce up and down on my solid throbbing prick.

Rebecca raised herself up and got off me she seemed to be struggling to move and I realised it was just the after effects of her climax that was still coursing through her beautiful body. After a few more moments Hannah left my pussy alone and fell forward so that our tits, lubricated by sweat and spunk, met and rubbed together as she ground herself onto my cock rubbing her hot sex bud against my furry pubes. Little cries of pleasure escaped her lips each time she rubbed herself across me, my whole body felt as though it was about to erupt. Nothing could compare to the incredible feelings I was experiencing, every nerve end was screaming at me and I knew that as soon as Hannah began to come I would explode under her into an orgasmic frenzy. Then came the revelation that Rebecca, without my realising, had repositioned herself between my legs and started to rub and probe my steamy juicy pussy, I could feel her hot breath on my swollen pussy lips as I involuntarily raised my knees slightly and parted my thighs for her. Hannah was on the verge of coming; she bit into my shoulder and pressed herself even harder against my cock, her small cries of pleasure giving way to loud moans.

The moment Rebecca's tongue snaked into my pussy would be one I would never forget. The exquisite agony of being totally excited as the lips of my cunt opened under the flickering probing tongue and were pushed aside as it forced itself surprisingly deeply into me almost caused my heart to burst. Hannah half sat up still devouring my cock with her skilful pussy and now began to rub and knead my breasts as her eyes glazed over and she began to come. She threw her head back as she surrendered to her orgasm and it was so magical to see this gorgeous wonderful woman climaxing over me, I reciprocated by grabbing handfuls of her tits and bum and starting to squeeze them hard. My pussy felt as though it was on fire, the sensations I was experiencing from Rebecca's probing tongue and hungry mouth were too much and with a flash of light and a dazzling display of fireworks in my head, my body exploded into its first ever pussy induced climax. I could feel my insides churning and going into spasm. The muscles lining my superheated love tunnel trying to grip Rebecca's tongue as she continued to relentlessly fuck me with it.

She obviously knew what was happening to me as she ruthlessly pushed her long fingers right up inside me and fucked me fast and furiously until I went right over the edge into a mind blowing fully-fledged orgasm. I hardly knew what had hit me; I was on fire, burning up with pleasure and wonderful feelings of sheer joy. At some stage during my first ever pussy come, my cock had joined in and was spurting thick creamy jets of hot spunk deep into Hannah's tight dripping cunt. I remember screaming out loud as the double orgasm wracked through my almost exhausted body, my head was swimming and I was gasping for breath. Hannah lay across me, trying to catch her breath, Rebecca was still lapping the juices from my sticky pussy and my cock was still jerking helplessly inside Hannah's wonderfully tight hole. I shuddered moaned and trembled my way through the most sensational, shattering orgasmic experience of my life and I knew then and there that I wanted more of the same.

Slowly things began to swim back into focus, Hannah was now lying next to me, her head in my shoulder, kissing my neck softly and whispering sweet words of love. Rebecca was kneeling between us gently and lovingly stroking our tummy's, both Hannah's and mine. I felt alive, more so than ever before, every inch of my new soft flawless skin was tingling. I felt rejuvenated and absolutely fulfilled, I had never been happier than I was right then at that exact moment. I had the love of a beautiful woman who wanted more than anything for me to be happy and contented, and I was both. We had Rebecca's friendship to treasure and together I knew that we would be happy always, don't ask me how I knew, I just did, it was just so right nothing could go wrong for us now.




Cuddling up to Hannah in the now warm room, our breasts gently squashed together and with Rebecca still gently stroking our tummies began to arouse me again and with soft strokes and featherlight touches Rebecca soon had my cock standing hard and proud once more. Rebecca giggled as she played with my hardness and Hannah was quick to notice that my nipples were getting hard and stiff too. Hannah told me to close my eyes and made me promise to keep them closed. All movement stopped and it was strangely quiet after the girls got up off the bed. I was curious as to what they were up to and sneaked a peek. What I saw was very, very sexy indeed. Rebecca and Hannah were in each other's arms, holding one another tightly, their hips and breasts pressed together. They were kissing passionately but very sensuously, my cock twitched as I closed my eyes again keeping the picture of the two of them fresh in my mind.

A few moments later I felt one of them clamber back onto the bed where I began to be treated to featherlight touches caresses and kisses from my neck to my knees and everywhere in between. The soft wispy trails of hair brushing against my sensitive skin was lovely and it was all so extremely erotic, especially as I didn't even know which of the two wonderful girls was playing with me. With the special sensuality of the moment I resolved to keep my eyes firmly closed until told otherwise.

Cool fingers trailed over my skin, deftly touching me and sending little tremors through my body, they seemed to be everywhere at once. My breasts and nipples, then my tummy thighs and straining now bloated cock. I began to raise my arms to return the touch but they were gently but firmly pushed back down and pressed softly to the bed to tell me to lie still. The unseen lips kissed my nipples whisper softly, sending waves of pleasure through me. Then suddenly it was the turn of my cock, gentle kisses on the tip and the shaft and then the wonderful warm wet moistness of a tongue trailing flickeringly from the tip down to the base and on to my still slightly swollen pussy lips then back again. I could only gasp my pleasure as the unseen tongue and fingers toyed with me.

I could feel my cock getting harder as the mystery lips first kissed the tip and then opened to envelop the dark swollen head within the soft warm mouth. While that alone was superb, the next sensation made me gasp out loud, with one hand on my full ripe breasts and my thick heavy cock in her mouth the fingers of her other hand slowly slid along my puffy cunt lips, gently probing and rubbing as they went. I felt a gush of juices inside myself and with a well lubricated push the searching fingers slipped inside me and once again began a steady rhythm as they moved slowly in and out. By this time I was wholly aroused and ready for anything, what did happen though was the last thing I ever expected.

All movement upon my body stopped abruptly and the fingers and mouth left me lying there almost panting with pleasure and desire and desperate for release. Rebecca whispered to me to roll over and kneel on all fours, as I did so I realised she was manoeuvring herself so that she could lie beneath me. Now we were in the classic 'sixty nine' position, with her lying on her back on the bed and me kneeling over her. I was told to open my eyes and when I did I found I was looking directly at her dewy swollen cunt lips and she once again enveloped my throbbing cock in her hungry mouth. I leaned forward eagerly and quite energetically began to suck and lick and nibble at her sweet honey pot.

What happened next will remain engraved on the inside of my skull until the day I die. While I was slowly bringing Rebecca towards her climax and she was enthusiastically sucking and licking my incredibly hard cock Hannah had joined in the fun and was kneeling on the bed behind me. Gently stroking my bum cheeks before sliding her fingers into my soaking wet pussy and spreading my juices all over my puffy lips.

Suddenly with both her hands still on my hips, I felt something soft yet firm nudging against the soaking wet lips of my aching pussy, where it began to slide up and down my slit spreading my juices even more. Totally unexpectedly she gave a push and with complete shock I found I was being stretched and filled by something that felt as though it would split me in two. I yelped in surprise and almost screamed out loud as I realised Hannah was fucking me. She was wearing a strap on cock, and she was plunging it deep inside my welcoming pussy, slowly but surely filling me up, I could have fainted with the sheer joy and pleasure of it.

There was a brief flash of intense pain, which soon passed, and the seemingly huge rubber prick became more lubricated as she slid it deep inside me. Once the pain was gone I was able to relax and begin to enjoy the sensation of being full to bursting point. It was absolutely amazing, as gripping my hips firmly Hannah began to slowly withdraw and then push back in. She was very careful and went quite slowly at first, after all I was still technically a virgin up until that moment but as soon as she thought I was ready she started to speed up a little and began to fuck me properly. My tight little pussy seemed to have a will of its own and I could feel the muscles inside gripping and releasing as she slid in and out of me. Rebecca meanwhile was using the rhythm created by Hannah's steady thrusting to allow my fat hard prick to slide in and out of her hungry wet mouth. It was mind blowing, nothing could ever have prepared me for this and I momentarily forgot to attend to Rebecca's pussy as I raised my head and turned to look at Hannah whose face was a picture of lust and concentration.

As soon as I saw her I felt my stomach contract and my cock began to spit its creamy load into Rebecca's willing and warm throat. It was difficult to allow Hannah to continue fucking my eager pussy while my cock was spraying come into Rebecca's mouth but somehow I managed not to collapse with the totally shattering orgasm that I was experiencing. Even before my cock had finished coming Hannah began to speed up her thrusts, fucking me the way I had fucked her on so many occasions in the past. Rebecca had soon realised that I would be unable to repay her in kind for the climax I'd had and wriggled out from underneath me with a huge smile on her face. Now I could concentrate on what Hannah was doing to me. Remembering how Hannah and I had made love in the past I began to push back towards her as she thrust the glistening cock into my tight hungry pussy. I could hear her panting with the effort she was putting into deflowering me which heightened my sexual arousal even further to a place I never knew existed.

I could feel my wonderful firm breasts bouncing in time to her thrusts and my nipples were hard buds throbbing with pleasure. Just as I thought I might be able to last out a little while longer, especially as Rebecca was no longer servicing my cock, Hannah proved me wrong. Reaching down she pushed her finger into my soaking wet pussy along with the strap on cock and pressed hard against all the right places. I had no chance at all; it was as though someone had set a grenade off deep inside me, everything happened at once.

Hannah thrust into me hard and fast, my pussy gripping and releasing the slick rubbery cock. When I was right on the verge of coming Hannah groaned loudly, pushed the fat cock all the way into my hot pussy then squeezed the soft rubber balls squirting warm thick cream into my thirsty cunt. I went spiralling over the edge; my head felt detached from my body and I had to squeeze my eyes tightly shut as I came to the most orgasmic climax of my entire life. My body shuddered and trembled as I screamed my pleasure. Almost passing out with sheer uncontrollable joy. Panting for breath I collapsed forward onto the bed as Hannah fell on top of me, just the way I used to onto her and grabbing my tits she squeezed almost harshly as she wrung every last drop of energy into my orgasm.

I could hardly speak as she stroked me gently, easing me back to awareness I could feel my juices soaking my inner thighs and the heat from my swollen, well fucked pussy would have lit a fire. It was wonderful, beautiful and absolutely magnificent and I couldn't believe how I felt right then and there in the after glow of the climax from my very first fuck. With a sense of loss I felt Hannah slowly withdraw the firm rubber cock from me and I lay on the bed almost exhausted. I watched amazed as Hannah then withdrew a second thick rubber cock from her own wet pussy. It hadn't been a strap on after all, it was two cocks in one and all the time she had been fucking me with it she had been pleasuring herself at the same time, no wonder she looked as happy as I felt. Hannah and Rebecca joined me on the bed and we lay together arms and legs entwined just quietly enjoying the afterglow of our lovemaking. I'd never known anything like it and for no apparent reason I was suddenly jealous that the two girls had been able to enjoy sex such as this for all their adult lives where for me it had been the first time.

Now I was convinced that men had the short end of the stick as far as sex and sexuality were concerned. Nothing could compare to the joy of sex as a woman and I knew that the three of us would be having some pretty spectacular adventures in the near future. Now I'd had a taste of what it was like to enjoy sex as a female I wanted a lot more and with my new equipment I was sure the girls would be only too happy to teach me about the pleasures I could have. Hannah broke the silence and asked me how I felt, I told her I felt re-born, I felt that now I was the person I had been destined to become and that I'd never been happier in my entire life.

Both Hannah and Rebecca were made up for me and they both gave me a huge hug before Hannah covered the three of us with the duvet and cuddling up together we all relaxed warm happy and content. Still cuddled up we all fell asleep, my body still tingled all over, my pussy ached in the nicest way imaginable and my cock felt drained. I was exhausted, and as I slowly slipped off to sleep, my final thought was of Katalina and Lorani and I silently thanked them and prayed that wherever they were that they were together and as incredibly happy as I now was.




I woke up with a start, I was freezing cold and soaking wet, someone was hammering on the front door and making one hell of a racket. Totally surprised and disoriented, I found I was lying in a bathtub full of cold water, my book was floating; sodden, in the last of the foam bubbles. It took me a few seconds to realise just where I was and that I needed to get out of the tub as soon as possible. As I quickly climbed out of the bath my heart sank to see that I was Sam again and that my beautiful feminine body had disappeared. As quickly as I could, I towelled myself dry and put on my silky robe, I was almost in tears as I wrapped a towel around my wet hair, and the sense of loss and grief that I felt was overpowering. I made my way to the front door, shivering uncontrollably as I went and trying desperately not to fall into an abyss of depression. I opened the door to find Hannah standing there extremely agitated but obviously worried that I hadn't answered the door and more than a little angry that I wasn't ready for our night out together.

I was feeling really low and depressed and Hannah immediately caught on asking if I was okay or not, she closed the door behind her and took me in her arms where I very nearly burst into tears. She could feel me shivering and I told her I had stupidly fallen asleep in the bath. When I asked her what time it was I realised I had been in the water for nearly four hours, luckily the boiler had only gone off twenty-five minutes ago which was why the bathwater had been so cold. From trickling hot water into the tub it had been topping it up with cold water. Hannah told me to take a hot shower to warm myself up while she lit the fire in the living room. We wouldn't be going out tonight after all, it was much too late and neither of us was in a fit state to be going anywhere, I was still shivering with the cold and Hannah was still angry about her car.

Apparently, on top of everything else Hannah's car had broken down and it had taken the AA two hours to get to her and another hour and a half to fix the car. I told her not to worry, there was always tomorrow. After my shower and when I had finally stopped shivering, we were both cuddled up together on the sheepskin rugs in front of the fire drinking mugs of hot chocolate when I told her all about my dream. Hannah was perfectly quiet and listened to my tale completely captivated as I described to her in detail how wonderful it had been and how real in every way. I told the story in the best way I knew how, remembering all the things I'd seen and done. I tried and succeeded in remembering everything that had happened and everything that had been said. When I eventually finished my story I told her how I had been so surprised and upset when I woke up to find none of it had really happened.

It took me ages to tell her all about my adventure, about Katalina and Lorani, the King and the evil priest and old Mary and the beautiful statue. Hannah held my hand as I told her all about Rebecca and everything the three of us had done together as, for once in my life, I was able to remember every single detail of my dream, I forgot nothing, absolutely nothing at all. Hannah was quiet as a mouse as I told her the whole story from getting home after work to waking up in the bath. When I had finished there were tears in her eyes as she told me how wonderful it must have been and what a beautiful story it was.

She told me how sorry she was for me that none of it had actually been real. She looked thoughtful for a few moments then surprised me again by saying that tomorrow we would both get up early and then I, with her help, would get dressed as Kate properly fully clothed and made up and with my hair done. We would then go out together for a long drive in the countryside. We were, she told me, going to make a special trip to visit the Bygone Times Warehouse "After all," she said with a beautiful smile, "You never know my love, maybe, just maybe, we will find the statue of Katalina.






© 2004 by Lidija Jay. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.