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This is dedicated to the hard working writers and administrators out there. Some times a wish is granted. Keep working folks. Also dedicated to those who take the time to read the stories posted here, also to the team at FM for their hard ceaseless work behind the scenes.
By Allie Elle


A Rose By Any Other Name

by Alice Ellis

part 1


A busnessman is caught in the middle of an industrial accident at his factory. He faces a fressh start looking at the world through a different set of guidelines.


Chapter One.

Where to start my tale, I suppose I'd better introduce my self. I am Simon Dervish now known as Jackline, I was a rather sucessful businessman now I struggle to make sense of the world around me. Everything is on a much larger scale and doing things for myself is hard. The other thing is don't get me started on the education system and its treatment of special children.

Chapter one: thorns.

I sat in the bar as was my usual habit on a friday evening, the week had been a hard one. I relaxed with a low alcohol beer as I avoided strong alcohol as I hated the loss of control. Racheal the full time bar maid was leaning against the bar top looking at me. She was a fairly good looking woman who also looked motherly with her good looks. I took a swallow of the watery brew as I considered my weekend, as usual I would be on my own. I was a plain looking man, not too overwieght or too thin. My face was fairly plain also, because of my work I did not have a social life apart from this one night sat drinking chemical beer every week.

As I sat there talking to Racheal ,William the other bar staff arrived and Racheal was finaly free from her job. She liked me it seemed, for about an hour after her shift she would sit and talk with me. These times were precious to me as I could relax and forget about the factory and the pressures of work with the laboratories. I avoided talk about my work with her and mainly talked about family and our pasts.I was an orphan as my parents had been killed in an auto accident when I was about three.

Racheal had been an only child and childless due to her lifestyle, she told me that she would love a daughter. I smiled and put myself in the mental position of being the person to give her, her wish. Not that I would get past first base with her. That night I was feeling particulaly lonely as I stayed past my usual time and was sat in the corner of the bar talking to Racheal. I was happy for the first time in many years, my life was work so talking to a pretty woman was a nice change. Racheal was a happy go lucky woman and was always ready with a joke or two to lift someones spirits.

I left the bar and walked back to my car in the lot, I was not feeling very sleepy so I drove back to the lab complex where I was the administrator. I had programed Racheal's number in my cell phone and thought that maybe I would call her about 8 am tomorrow. I walked into the lobby of the labs and nodded to the security officer that sat at his station. I walked slowly through the labs to my office, my broom closet sized office right next to the biomechanics lab. I sat at my desk and booted up the system, the department logo of the double helix flashed up on the screen for a few seconds as the computer warmed up.

I pulled up the files of the budget of the department and stared listlesly at the jumbled screen of number that marked my job. I sighed as I sat back to stre at the finances of the labs and the department and a ledger entry caught my eye. As I worked I stopped for a few seconds and flicked the switch that would lock the connecting door to this section. Now it was me time, with heart beating I opened up a file cabinet and from the base withdrew a small case. This was my secret my deepest wish, I acted adult and male holding down a well paid job. I was also fairly good at chatting up women but my biggest problem was that I saw any woman as either a big sister or a mommy.

With a slight tremble at being caught out I opened the case and gently with reverence lifted out the contents. First out was a ringlet wig, followed by a dress of deep green velvet with white collar and lace at the hem and the arm holes also a wide white satin sash belt. Under that there was a set of petticoats and under that there was frilly plastic lined rhumba panties with a cloth diaper. Also ankle socks with a pair of white mary jane shoes with a flower on the toes. I stripped and put on the diaper sealing the vecro and pulled the rhumba panties over the thick cloth. I made sure the daiper was sealed behind the elastic and plastic of the panties. I shrugged into the petticoats these I adjusted so they were fluffed out. Befor the dress I put on the ankle socks which had a lacy frill and the shoes. Then I got into the dress fastened the buttons at the front and clipped the sash belt together so the bow was sitting at my back. I pulled on the wig and fluffed that out too. I got a pink pacifier and started to suck on it as I worked.

I relaxed and the the inevitable happened as the chemical beer had worked through my system. Slowly I stood up and my guts cramped, I had no wish to soil the diaper so I walked through into the biomech lab. As I fumbled for a light switch on the unfamiliar controls, a red light on top of a camera lit up. I walked across the field of the camera and the sensors attached to it. I waddled because of the thickness of the daiper and its wetness. I made it to the bathroom just in time, I walked back into the lab and stood infront of the camera wondering what it was for.

Along side it was a platform and I stepped onto it to look at the top of the unit. A white light filled my vision and a grid of red lines scanned across my body. My body started to feel warm and twinges pulled at my muscles. The lab seemed to get larger or was it that I was shrinking, my clothes were getting larger. There was a strong tingling in my groin and my clothes slipped off my body. I did not realise that I had steeped onto the platform of the latest machine of the biomech boffins. I had been programmed to reform the subject into a juvenile female form.

As this transformation was taking place which lasted about fifteen painful minutes for me. Racheal had turned up at the lobby of the labs to return my wallet which I had left on the table at the bar. She walked up to the security officer at his station and talked him into letting her through to the area where I worked. The officer overrode the locks remotely and allowed her to walk through with directions to my office. As she reached the corridor that lead to the biomech labs, she looked through the observation windows and she swore at what she saw. On a platform there appeared to be a girl of about three surrounded by a thin metal cage. She was furious at the treatment of the child, she threw open the door and stormed into the lab. The computer system recognised the presence of a human who had entered the lab. It dropped the cage and she stepped forward to pick up the child in her arms.

"wacheal, it me thimom!"

"Hello honey whats you name?" Racheal asked gently.

"It me thimom, it me wacheal!" The child seemed to get agitated.

Racheal hugged the child held the child tightly and she walked back to the lobby. As she carried the child through the corridor towards the lobby she felt the front of her blouse get wet.The child struggled against the embrace of the woman. Inside I was screaming at racheal that it was me in here and wondered why she could not see it. Then a pressure in my bladder relaeased and I screamed aloud as I realised that I had just urinated all over the woman who I had hoped to become my girl friend. I started to struggle against the embrace as my body became warm through the embarresment.

Racheal reached the lobby and stood infront of the security station, she was shouting at the guard and the guard was as shocked as she was. He dialed the director of the labs and told Racheal to wait, the wait lasted for about half an hour in which time the guard had called a relative to deliver some clothes and diapers for the little girl.

Finaly I was dressed in a cute pink romper suit and the dreaded diaper, Racheal was tickling me to get me to smile. I had retreated to a state of passivity where I can allow the ministrations of others to take place with little reaction from me. The guard had pulled the camera images of the lab which had switched on as the transformation had completed. Thankfully it did not show me prancing around in the dress and diaper. The cleaning robots had cleaned away the clothes from the platform and had carried the clothes to the incinerator. So there was no evidence of my fetish to tell people what I had been up to that night. The robots had also cleaned my clothes from the office. The guard was trying the cameras to see if he could find my presence somewhere in the laboritories.

David arrived he was a brillaint man in his thirties, the best administrator for the labs. He bustled in and with a jovial voice, to him it was always first name terms with everyone.

"Well Wallis what has caused you to call me at this ungodly hour?"

"good day David there seems to be a problem. this child that the young lady is holding was found in lab seven."

"Good day to you my lady and little lady as well." David showed a smile. Racheal looked at the jovial young scientist. She looked hard at him wondering what his angle on this was as it was his lab complex. Racheal was about to launch into a tirade about the use of children in experimentation. David stopped her with a guesture and he looked sternly at the young lady holding the child in her arms.

"Miss I do not use any human conscripts in my works here, this child must be from the protestors but how they got her in is a mystery."

Racheal stood there holding the struggling infant, she nodded and turned to the door of the complex. She carried the child to her car to take the child to the authorities. Then she did a double take as the child had found a pen and paper. with a look of concentration it was as it seemed scribbling but it was writing ina childish script. It was three words and the words burned into her soul the further mystery of the lack of th presence of Simon was possibly answered. 'IT ME SIMON' it read and Racheal looked at the shaky script and she burst out laughing. The infant looked furious and punched a tiny fist onto the car seat, then she started to cry as the pain of the blow hit her hand.

Racheal picked the child up and looked into the eyes that met hers, they were a baby blue. She then made crooning noises to calm the sobbing infant.

"Is it you for rel Simon?" The child nodded and that caused Racheal to look deeper into the childs face. She saw the marks of the regular of her bar on the face. It was the face that would of been of any daughter from his genes.She had considered asking Simon to move in with her as he seemed a good person and she realised that, she would have to move in with her now as she could not live on her own be cause of her apperent age.

Racheal carried the child back into the lobby and stood facing the director.She explained to him who this child actually was. David looked at the small figure and he frowned, he then signed a cheque and told Racheal she now worked for him. Her job was to be my nanny, the death of my adult body would be arranged.The project I had unwittingly become a subject of was run by the government and now would have to be terminated. The termination of project adam would be an explosion in lab seven where a facsimily body made to a relica of my records which was being done now by robots would be found.

Wallis was having a good laugh at my predicament and David turned to him his face purple with rage. He bunched his fist and shook it at him. He was furious at the guard and he stood face to face.

"Wallis we have just lost a member of staff you heartless pratt!" He shouted " he was a member of the the god damned company show some fucking respect"

"Mister Travis watch you language please, there are ladies present."Racheal told him sternly.

"I'm sorry Ma'am mny apologies definately with a child present as well."

I was still in Racheals arms and was getting angry at the way they were talking about me. I started to fuss about the treatment I was recieving, to my surprise instead of my body tensing with the anger my now tiny bladder emptied into the daiper I was wearing. This caused me to struggle more, Racheal did the usual motherly dutie of checking my diaper which was only slightly wet. My emotions were rampant and I started to cry loudly.

"Me amt dead me here" I sobbed even my syntax was that of a toddler.

"Yes sweetie your here but Simon is dead, we cannot reverse the process as you would really die" David explained to me, the tone of his voice was that of an indulgant adult to a toddler who had asked a silly question.

Racheal then carried me back to her car, in the time that they had been speaking Davids driver had managed to get hold of a childs car seat. My anger at the world had turned to depression, here I was I had got my wis as an adult. To be treated as a baby girl by a woman why the hell was I not enjoying it. Racheal strapped me into the car seat in the passenger side of her car and my tears were making me drowsy. They say the cloothes maketh the man well let me tell you the body maketh the child. I was starting to feel my eyelids get heavy and I started to drowse.

Racheal and David had thrashed out a story for my presence, I was Francine her god daughter. My mommy was called Sandra who was a close friend from Racheals school days. She had given custody of me to Racheal as she had died of cancer. I was three and a half and the shock of losing my mommy had caused me to regress. Sandra had also left a large house on the outskirts of the city and her whoe fortune to Racheal to care for me. This was all a lie, the house was owned by Travis industries and at the present time a nursery was being decorated for me there.For the next few days I had to act the part of the disturbed child. Racheal was to act the part of the grieving friend. I was to live with Racheal at her apartment for a few days whilst the decorating fumes died down.

The sun was peeking over the skyline as Racheal pulled into the lot infront of a mall. She woke me up gently and after checking my diaper yet again she carried me into the mall. She headed straight for a store that solely sold baby equipment and using cash from a huge wad that David had given her bought a stroller, a diaper bag ,baby bottles and cloth diapers and rhumba panties. She changed me in the store straight into a thick cloth diaper and a pair of the frilliest pink rhumba panties she could of bought. Then came a confection of frills and ribbons that she had found in the store. She ordered the rest of my wardrobe and paid extra to have it delivered to her apartment.

We left the mall but instead of going back to the car she wheeled me to a park where she set the stroller facing a bench then she sat down.

"Simoon are you okay?"

"What do yu fimk!" I replied.

"David is sorry that this happened he has set us up nicely though."

"Me domt cawe, me stuk wike dis."

"theres one thing that makes me wonder sweetie, if it was anyone else they would be finding a way to throw that small body off a bridge or suffocating them selves."

The dam burst and in my infantile syntax I explained my fetish and fantasy, about the fact that I had even dressed in my diapers and dress at the lab if I was working late and no one was about. Racheals face went from disgust to shock to understanding then happiness in seconds. I went on to explain in the past I had paid proffesional mommies but it was never real. She then butted in to my explanations and with a smile said to me that she had mommied a couple of men like me over the net. To her it was a chance to have something like a child but it was never real.

We talked me in my toddleresse and her like a mom to her child. She censored alot of her talk to make it approriate for my apperent age. We made a pact I was to be Francine completely, she was to be my mommy to help me grow up again. During our talk she had filled a bottle with apple juice, she lifted me to her lap as we finished and she put the nipple to my lips. I was thirsty but the humiliation I still felt was formost in my mind and first off I refused the proffered nipple. Then the body took over and I reached forward and latched on slowly draining the sickly sweet juice. To my body this was ambrosia and soon the bottle was empty.

We went back to the car and we drove to her apartment, we pulled into the underground lot that served her building. As Racheal pushed me into the lobby of her building, the security officer looked up. He smiled as he saw what to him was a sweet toddler in a stroller. Racheal waved to him as she walked through the lobby. We entered the elevator and Racheal pressed the button for her floor, the ride was quiet as we travelled to her floor. We entered her apartment and by the door was the bags from the store, Racheal spent half an hour unpacking the bags into cases to keep up the pretense. I spent that time sat on the floor in her lounge playing with some toys. The tv was on and an advert for a doll flashed up, the bright colors caught my attention. I found myself wanting the doll and wondering if it was as bright as the advert proclaimed.

"Mama , mama!," I shouted and Racheal looked into the lounge, "ME, WAMT ME WAMT!" I pointed at the screen excited.

Racheal looked at me and shook her head at my behaviour. I did not realise I had just referred to Racheal as my mommy. I played happily whislt Racheal worked allowing the simple pleasures ant the lack of pressure to allow me to relax. After a meal where my food was most definately geared towards a toddler I was bathed and dressed for bed. My bed for the night was a travel crib set up next to Racheals bed. The bath was nice asRacheal stripped and held me in the water next to her as she washed me. She was dressed in a baby doll night dress with frilly panties, I was dressed in a matching baby doll and plastic lined rhumba panties and we cuddled on the sofa watching a disney movie. I fell asleep and Racheal carried me to her bed room but instead of putting me in the crib she cuddled me and I slept for the first time in my life in the same bed as a woman albeit I was a infant girl.

I slept with the thought that maybe nightmares were misunderstood fairy tales and wondered whatmy future would be. But that was to come

to be continued................................................

copyright Allie elle 2004




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