Crystal's StorySite

The Sisters of Athernia           By Diane Christy


 Part 1b.

Jack was just getting his purse open when Rick drew his dainty hand out of his purse clutching a bright silver, ladies cigarette case and a silver, ladies cigarette lighter!

I watched in shock as he started to open the long case and heard Kevin say, "Rick? What . . what are . . . are . . you . . . . " then his soft voice trailed off to nothing. I tried to say something, but found I could only smile and sit ladylike, watching the others! Apparently our session of free speech was over. Kevin's smiling face, unable to speak now, confirmed that.

As I watched Rick open the case and gracefully extract one of the long, slim, white, ladies cigarettes and place it ladylike between his extended, slender fingers, I could see Jack taking something out of his purse, too. I looked in disbelief as Rick closed the cigarette case and then held the feminine cigarette gracefully between the fingers of his right hand and turned the lighter in his left. I thought about what the woman had said earlier, about some of the things we would have to do, and I felt my anxiety grow as I remembered her words!

Jack was just lifting one of the ladies cigarettes from his own case as Rick, paying no mind to the rest of us, gracefully brought the slim, white

filter to his red lips and placed it lightly between them, his slim fingers gently holding his cigarette femininely, his girlish red nails extended in a very feminine fashion. He flicked the lighter and the flame came to life.

I felt the shame and desperation of our plight as I watched him bring the flame up to the end of his cigarette and then gracefully light it! He let the lighter go out as he drew lightly on the filter, a thin wisp of smoke rising from the lit end. Then I watched in disbelief as he withdrew the cigarette from between his painted lips and held it ladylike off to his side. He had opened his lips slightly to inhale and then he tilted his head up slightly as he blew a long stream of white smoke up and away from him. It was so strange to see that young, pretty face and see the white cigarette smoke blowing out from between the red, full lips!

My mind was pounding again with anxiety! He had done that like he had been smoking, . . . as a girl, . . . for years! It only drove home how much control over us they had! I felt terrible!

As Rick leaned back on the sofa and took another ladylike puff on his cigarette, I heard a lighter click and looked over to my side to see Jack holding a similar ladies cigarette between his own red lips, just as ladylike and lighting then end of it. A moment later he was blowing a column of smoke towards the ceiling and smiling, a look of satisfaction on his pretty face! Then he turned to me and spoke, in a playful and feminine tone.

"God that's good! I've been dying for a cigarette all evening!" He just smiled and took another puff, blowing the smoke over to one side as he exhaled! I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

I looked back at Rick as he, too, took another languid puff on the long, white cigarette. They didn't seem to be bothered by it at all! They just looked like . . . like two girls, fresh-faced and smiling, enjoying a cigarette like any woman might! It looked so bizarre! It made them look so . . . so different. . . . so ladylike and . . . provacative! I hated the sight!

But as I looked at Kevin, wondering why he and I had been spared from this.... . . . this thing, I saw him lean forward to get his own purse! Then I realized that I was leaning forward, too! Oh God! Please don't make me do this!

But my smiling, calm face wouldn't show my grief as I lifted the purse to my lap and opened it up to find a gold cigarette case on the bottom, next to a gold, ladies cigarette lighter! I tried to withdraw my hand, but when I did, it was holding the case and the lighter daintily between my slender fingers with their pink nails.

I didn't even look towards the others as I deftly opened the case and took one of the long cigarettes from the double row of slim, white cigarettes that was in it. I shut the case, my anxiety growing by the second and then saw that I was holding the cigarette between my fingers like only a woman would! A moment later, I was parting my pink lips as I brought the cigarette up between them and then lightly closed them around the filter as I lit the end and drew the smoke into my mouth. I withdrew the cigarette from my mouth as I parted my lips and involuntarily inhaled the smoke deep into my lungs. It didn't sting or hurt and I saw that I was now holding the cigarette gracefully up and away from my shoulder with my right hand as I tilted my head back and exhaled, letting a stream of smoke sail from between my pink lips.

I looked over to see Kevin, a lit cigarette in his left hand, femininely blowing a stream of smoke off to one side and smiling as he looked over to Rick and said, "I wish that we could go out this evening, . . . there's not much to do here." I noted the rose lipstick stain on the filtertip of his cigarette.

As we listened to him we realized we were in for another bout of female chatter.

Rick nodded as he leaned forward to the table and gracefully tipped the ash from his cigarette into one of the large ashtrays there, saying, "Oh, I knoowww! Wouldn't that be so fun? I wish we could go to a nightclub or something."

I was feeling embarassed and ashamed of the talk and of how we were behaving, sitting there smoking our cigarettes and acting like a group of girls all dressed up with no place to go, when I heard Jack talking to me.

He was still holding his cigarette off his shoulder, red lipstick on the end, and he was giving me a sly grin as he coyly said, "I wish we had dates tonight, don't you? I'm so bored."

I wanted to turn away as he spoke, but I just smiled and nodded as I took another puff on my cigarette, . drawing languidly on the filter as I held it lightly between my pink lips. Then, after I had exhaled a long stream of smoke out in front of me, I giggled and said, "That would be so fun! I'm tired of sitting home every night!" Then we both giggled.

For a while it went like that. We exchanged girlish chit-chat and finished smoking our cigarettes. By the time it ended, we had all smoked two cigarettes and repaired our lipstick three times! It was so humiliating!

Finally, after what seemed hours, we all stood up, grabbed our purses and walked back to our rooms.

I saw the alarm clock on the nightstand and realized that it was 9pm. How long had we been going through all this? I couldn't seem to remember that much time going by. But I was at least relieved that it appeared that I was about to get ready to go to sleep. I wanted the escape of forgetful sleep. I needed it! But I found I still had a few other things to do first.

As I walked over to the vanity and sat down, seeing my image again in the mirror, I thought that I was there to begin undressing so that I might go to bed. At least I hoped so, my mind couldn't take anymore tonight!

But instead of removing my jewlery and clothes, first I looked at myself for a few moments in the mirror. Then I found myself reaching into my purse and pulling out my cigarettes. I moaned inside as I took another cigarette from the case and was forced to watch myself in the mirror as I gracefully lit it and then hold it femininely up to one side, my elbow resting on the top of the vanity and my free hand playing with my hair while I occasionally took languid puffs from the long white cigarette and blew the smoke off to the side. Then, I found myself reaching into the drawer of the vanity and removing a small bottle and some tissue as I set my cigarette into the ashtray and began using the clear fluid to remove my pink fingernail polish, the pungent aroma of the fluid wafting into my nositrils. Occassionally I would stop, take another puff on the cigarette, until I had finished it and put it out in the small, crystal ashtray. By then I was done removing the polish from my nails.

It all seemed so unreal! How could I be sitting there, dressed as I was, acting the way I was, and knowing that it was really me?

Finally I began undressing. I never thought I would feel so good just getting undressed! To be out of thoses clothes! It was the only relief I'd had all day from this insanity.

But when I was completely stripped, I didn't go right to bed. Instead, I went over to the dresser and took out the pink nightie! I slipped it over my head and let it fall down to the middle of my thighs where the silky, lacy hem tickled my soft skin. I looked into the mirror and smiled back from it, noting that the nightie tented out slightly in the front where my new breasts pressed outwards.

In a moment, I was walking into the bathroom and then sitting down on the toilet to pee. While I was in there, Rick came in wearing a lavender nightie and sat on the toilet next to me. We didn't talk, just finished and then we both went over to the sinks.

I opened a drawer and removed some moist towelettes that were there. In a few moments, Rick and I were gently removing our make-up and then washing our faces with the soft washclothes provided. When we were done, I was at least glad to see that my face, feminine and girlish though it was, no longer had any make-up on it.

I took a toothbrush and some toothpaste from the drawer next to me and Rick did the same and a few minutes later, our teeth freshly brushed and gleaming white, we were walking back to our rooms. I heard Jack and Kevin go in a few minutes later and then pad back to their rooms silently.

I climbed into my bed, feeling the soft sheets caress my altered body and immediately felt sleep creeping over me. As I lay there, trying to make some sense or reason out of the bizarre situation I had found myself in, I noticed the lights about the whole room dimming.

For a few moments, I felt that I could move freely and though I didn't want to leave the comfort and security of the bed, I did slowly raise my left hand up until I could feel my fingers touching my swollen nipples and budding breasts through the soft nightgown. I tenatively felt the protrusions and even lightly cupped one of them with my small hand. But I quickly withdrew it again as I felt a pleasant warmth and tingling eminate from the girlish flesh.

I knew that I could have spoken freely if I wanted to just then, but . . . but there was nothing to say. Nothing that could be said to lessen the horror and the despair of our situation. I just wanted to forget. . . forget.

Then, as I drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep, I remembered thoughts flashing through my mind. Thoughts of shame, sorrow, and despair over the manhood I had lost, and the remaining remnants of it that I would lose forever in the morning.


I woke from a deep, forgetful sleep to the sound of a low buzz eminating from somewhere in my mind. As I gradually came awake, I realized that the noise came from the alarmclock next to my bed.

As I turned over in my bed and looked sleepily at the clock, I saw that it was 7am. I turned on my back, looking up at an unfamiliar ceiling. Then, slowly, thoughts came to my mind . . . memories of a bizarre and terrible dream. I lifted my hands to my eyes to rub the sleep from them and the touch of the soft, slender fingers against my soft face suddenly brought me into the present.

I felt my fear grow again as my hands brushed against the soft, silky material of my nightie as I threw back the coversand sat upright. Then I saw the lights begin to come up in the room until they were at their full brightness.

I tried to convince myself that I was still dreaming . . . that none of this had been real! But a brief glance down at the slightly bulging front of the pink nightie I was wearing forced the awful truth into my head. I was still on the accursed island, slowly, . . inexorably being changed into a woman!

A few moments later, I found myself getting out of bed against my own desires to remain there. I sat up on the edge and looked around the room and immediately noticed that something had changed.

The clothes I had worn the night before were no longer on the vanity chair. My purse was still on the dresser, where I had put it before going to bed, but the cosmetics and jewelery box were no longer on top of the vanity. But I didn't sit for long. I was up in a moment and padding over to the closet.

I opened it automatically and took out the white robe that I had worn the night before. It seemed fresh and clean, as though it had just been put out there. Then I slipped it over my nightie and went straight into the bathroom.

As I opened the robe and pulled my nightie up to sit down on the toilet, I felt any remaining hope disappear as I looked at the tiny, shrivelled penis that protruded only slightly from the base of the soft, feminine, triangular patch of blond pubic hair.

I finished at the toilet and then went over to the sink. As I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I was given ample opportunity to stare at my reflection in the mirror. Nothing had changed, I was still in possesion of my girlish, feminine features. All hope faded that I was still caught up in some kind of nightmare. This was all too real!

As I finished up, I saw Jack enter the bathroom out of the corner of my eye, wearing his white robe and, as I could see peeking out from the front of it, a peach colored nightie.

He went to the toilet and sat down, before coming over to the sink as I felt myself turning to leave. I looked at him for a second in the mirror and noticed that he smiled lightly as he said, "Good morning."

I felt my mind wince at the feminine voice eminating from his petulant mouth. But I could not stop from smiling back and, speaking in an equally girlish voice, say,"Good morning, Jack. Sleep well?"

He was smiling as he nodded and said, "Yes, thank you. . . . and you?"

I just smiled and nodded as I walked softly out of the bathroom, feeling the hard tile under my small, dainty feet as I walked back into my room. I just watched, went along for the ride, as I took off my robe and then my nightie, placing them on the bed. Then I put the robe back on and grabbed my purse from the dresser. As I turned to leave, I could see myself in the mirror of the vanity, looking like any young girl might as she went off to her own kitchen to eat breakfast. I knew it was hopeless. I couldn't stop myself.

The others all finished in the bathroom and then soon we were all back down in front of the food dispenser, our purses on our arms, taking out small rolls and cups of coffee from the unit and then sitting back down at the table as we ate and sipped our coffee.

After a few minutes, Jack spoke up, discovering that we could speak freely for the time being.

"I . . uh, . . I thought when I woke up that this had all been a dream, . . . a nightmare." Then he looked back into his cup, resting femininely on his lap and added, "But . . . that didn't last long." Then he took another sip, holding his pinky finger out in a ladylike way.

I looked at him and then at the others, now devoid of make-up and jewelery, and said, "I know. I did, too. I . . . I just wish this would all end. I can't stand waiting for something to happen." Kevin looked at me, his auburn-red hair falling softly on his small, feminine head and nodded.

"Me, too. I wish it were just over." he said in his high, sweet voice.

Rick looked over at us, his long eyelashes fluttering a second as he spoke in his new, female voice, "Yeah. Just . . . just get it over with. I . . I feel so . . . . . so ridculous like this." We all nodded, knowing what he meant. None of us harbored any hope that we wouldn't finish becoming women today.

Jack put his cup down and looked at me. He said, "When . . . when we had to . . . to smoke those . . cigarettes last night . . " he looked back at his cup, "I . . I thought I was going to die. I can't . . can't believe the things they're making us do!"

Rick nodded with the rest of us and said, "I know. I . . . I just couldn't help it. I . . I didn't want to, but. . . well, . . . you know." The others nodded with me and then we were silent for a while. It was then I noticed that the ashtrays on the table had been cleaned, I guessed it had been while we slept. Had people been in here last night? Or had this all happened automatically?!

Then, as we each finished our meal, each of us got up and placed our cups and dishes in the chute, which had conveniently opened as we finished our light breakfast. Then we all went, two at a time into the bathroom, brushed our shiny white teeth and returned to the sofa, presumably to wait for the next segment to start. I knew the others were as nervous as I was while we waited the next few moments for something to happen.

We didn't have to wait long.

The soft chimes sounded almost as the last one of us sat down and crossed our legs, sitting demurely on the sofa.

I felt my head look up at the monitor and knew that we were again under it's insidious control.

The monitor came on and the woman appeared, looking as beautiful as she had the day before. As she smiled for a moment before she began to speak, I wondered . . who she had been before they had changed her. What his name had been and what kind of misfortune had brought him here to this place, to be turned into the lovely creature that now handed out this terrible torture to the men unfortunate enough to find themselves stranded on this island.

But this fleeting thought was interupted as she beagn to speak.

"Good morning, ladies! I trust you all slept well last night? I'm glad to see you up and ready to begin already." As if we'd had a choice!

"Well, I can tell you that you're going to have a busy day ahead of you today! There is still alot to do this morning and I'm sure you're anxious to get started. So let's not waste any more time and get going right away. OK?" She nodded as she smiled and gave us all a wide grin. My anxiety was peaked as she started to speak again. What would they do to me now? What was next? Would they really carry it through?

"Before we begin," she added, "please remove your robes and place them on the table in front of you and take your places on the sofa."

Though I tried again in vain to remain seated, a moment later I was sitting back down on the sofa, as were the others, naked and afraid, our robes lying on the table before us. I could see my small breasts jutting out in front of me as I glanced at them while I sat down. They were a stark reminder of what they had already done to us, . . . and of what was to come!

"Alright, girls. I'm sure you're all familiar now with the process, so please pay attention as I tell about the first phase of this next, . . . and final segment.

"The first phase today will consist of Final Bone Modifications to complete female standards, Muscle Mass Alteration to final female standards, and Final Skin Tone Modification to complete female specifications.

"Although portions of this were completed in the First Segment, yesterday, this phase will complete those processes to the molecular level, including radical transformation of affected genes and chromosones into those of a female." Then she paused a second before adding, "Please remain still as the process is initiated."

I tensed up slightly as I felt complete control over my body being exerted. I couldn't have moved if I wanted to, . . . just like before. I braced my thoughts for the coming changes as my pulse quickened and my fear grew again. My mind struggled against the force exerted against me! But I just couldn't convert my will into action! I felt so utterly alone and helpless!

The glass structure above us had descended as she finished her speech and I heard the dreaded humming commence as the yellow light flooded over us.

As the light and humming faded a moment later, I felt the tingling sensation that had washed over me subside. I found that I could move my head as I closed my eyes and lowered my head to look down at myself. Again I felt dread at what I would see if I looked, but feared not knowing what had happened to me each time the yellow light took us. I opened my eyes slowly.

Though the changes were more subtle than before, I was immediately struck by how different my body looked now! Where I had at least had some vestiges of my previously muscular male build, . . . I now had none! I looked at my slender, feminine arms and legs, seeing no more muscle there than on a slim and feminine woman! No biceps, no calf muscles, no . . no male muscles at all! Just smooth, slender, soft arms and legs! I was crushed!

My skin glowed a healthy, feminine pink tone now and showed no signs of any hair except a very light and sparse dusting of feminine down on my forearms! I choked back a slight gasp as I realized that my skin was completely smooth and soft now! As soft and smooth as I had ever seen on a woman before! And I could actually feel the lack of muscle on me! I knew I had only the weak and frail strength in my arms that a young woman would have! I was sooo humiliated by it! How could I bear being so weak? How could I fight back now?

I looked again at my legs and I saw only the long, graceful shape of a pair of beautiful womans' legs. Narrow, thin ankles, . . . small knees, and smooth, shapely thighs! And they . . . they were mine!

As I gulped down my shame and took a breath, I looked over at the others.

Jack was still looking down at himself, shaking his head and blinking. If I had thought the others had looked feminine before, . . it was nothing compared to now! God! They all looked so slim and feminine! So . . . utterly frail and weak! So . . . so vulnerably soft and girlish!

Jacks' skin had become a darker, more olive shade than he'd had before! It gave him a southern european look with his dark hair and full lips! And Kevins' skin was almost alabaster! His auburn-red hair was a stark contrast to his smooth, glowing white, and very feminine skin! And Rick's girlish, slender build was now covered with a healthy, moderately tanned, smooth skin that seemed natural with his light brown hair.

But try as I might, I could see no sign of any maleness left in our appearance now. No sign that we had once had tall, masculine builds.

None of us said anything. What was there to say? We all knew we couldn't stop it! And there was just . . . just nothing to say.

As the woman on the monitor began to speak, I felt only fear and frustration as I looked back at her, hating her every word!

"That completes our first phase, ladies. I'm sure you'll agree that you all look much better without any of those awful male muscles and big bones left! And, of course, every woman enjoys having nice, wrinkle and blemish free, smooth, soft skin." She winked and then went on. My anxiety grew again as she outlined the next step of our transformation.

"The next phase will include: Hip and Waist Modifications to final female specifications, Upper Torso Modifications to complete female standards except for Final Breast Enhancement, which will come later, and Shoulder and Head Size Modifications to complete female standards. Please remain still as we begin."

I closed my eyes as the humming started and the yellow light bathed me. I couldn't help thinking that I was just a piece of clay! A pieace of clay for them to mold as they wished! Why wouldn't they just leave us alone?

The light faded and the humming stopped. My whole body had been tingling that time! Except maybe my lower legs. But they were already the lower legs of a woman!

I looked over at Jack, not wanting to see myself. But, . . . ooooh shit! I had to look away! All I'd seen was a woman sitting there! A woman with graceful, curving hips and shapely thighs! And a very small, feminine waist, with soft skinned, curvy hips! He had slender, straight shoulders, flowing into slender, girlish arms that looked soft and womanly. And his head was smaller and had the distinct and unmistakable shape of a womans'. There wasn't any doubt! My mind cried in anguish!

I looked again, confirming what I had seen, and I saw him looking at me with equal amazment. I glanced at Kevin and Rick, to be met with the same sight. . . . feminine, curvy hips, shapely thighs, soft, slender shoulders and arms . . . and feminine shaped heads! They were just looking at themselves and at each other, staring in disbelief at what had been done to them!

I looked back down at myself now, bracing my mind for what I'd find. But I still could hardly contain my shock as I saw my female hips and female thighs and saw my soft, slender arms . . . all girl! . . . all woman!

I glanced at my slight, soft, and womanly shoulders and down at my sleek, feminine arms, and knew that my head now had the much different shape only a woman had. The only thing any of us had left that even hinted at our former sex, was our tiny, pink penises and the vague resemblance to ourselves in our partially feminized faces. That and maybe our short hair. But even that was too different now, appearing longer now on our smaller, feminine shaped heads!

Jack looked up from his lap and hesitantly said, "Ooohhh, Goooddd, Dave! I . . . . I'm . . . . we're . . . . we're almost . . . . almost all the way there! I can't see anything of me left! I look . . . look so . . " But his feminine voice trailed off. He didn't have to finish saying it. I knew.

I heard Rick's feminine gasp as he breathed in hard, causing his small breasts to jut out on his all girl chest. His lower lip quivered and he looked up towards the screen, like a frightened girl as he cried, "Oooohhh pleeeease! Pleeease stop doing this to me! I don't want to be a girl! Pleeees. . . " But he was cut off from continuing, the device obviously silencing him as his tone grew more afraid and louder. Now he just sat still, staring up to the woman as she began to speak again.

"Now, ladies, we'll continue on to the next phase. This phase will consist of Final Facial Modifications to complete female standards, including Eye Shaping and Coloring, Final Eyelash Extension, Eyebrow Shaping, Cheekbone Contouring, Nose Remodeling, Final Jawline and Chin Contouring, and Final Mouth, Lip, and Tongue Modifications. This includes all internal and external changes through the molecular level, as will all phases of this segment. Also, this phase will include, permanent double ear piercing.

"Now please remain still as the process begins."

I wasn't able to look over at Jack or the others as the humming began immediately and the light fell down on to us. I had wanted to look at them one more time, . . . once more before . . . before I might not recognize them again!

But I could only stare straight ahead as I felt my face and head tingle as the light forced it's terrible changes on me!

I could feel something different about my face as the subtle shifting stopped when the tingling subsided. I knew that it had changed. But how much?

My answer came by looking over at the others.

I turned my now completely female head towards Jack. Jack? No. It wasn't Jack anymore. It was . . . was, oh, Jesus! . . . it was a girl!

If it was possible, . . there was the slightlest hint of his old image there. But, . . but I knew it was probably only my wishful thinking. For there, . . . looking back at me . . . was the . . . the beautiful, gorgeous face of a young woman! She had short dark hair, and classic european features! Her large, hazel, almond shaped eyes had long, beautiful lashes that curved upwards and away under dark, feminine shaped, seductively arched eyebrows. She had a cute, aquiline nose and wide, full lipped mouth with a large cupid's bow on the upper lip. Her high cheekbones shone softly from the luster of her soft, smooth skin!

I shook free of my train of thought as I realized I was refering to my best friend . . . . my male friend as a she in my mind! But there wasn't any way else to think of him! He was just so feminine! I saw how he looked older now, maybe nineteen or twenty, only his small breasts hinted that he hadn't fully grown up yet. I was stunned at the remarkable, yet . . yet so despairing image infront of me. I could feel my own eyes widen as I looked.

But I realized that he (she?) was staring back at me with equal disbelief. I knew that what he saw must have been just as alarming.

I let my gaze fall over to Kevin and I was met with equal despair and disbelief at the sight of his new face!

He looked so much like a young model now that I couldn't help but stare! His beautiful, green eyes were almond shaped and framed with long, fluttering lashes! His high cheekbones shined under his alabaster white skin and his pert nose was small and petite! His full, petulant, lips looked sensuous and inviting and his danity chin made them look all the more womanly. But there was no trace left in the image I saw of the Kevin I had known. He was gone and . . . and she was here now! I felt my anxiety grow and my hopes dashed! Oh, God! Where are my friends?!

I almost couldn't, but I was drawn to look over at Rick.

Rick? No. There wasn't any Rick left.

Instead, I looked at the face of a young, sexy woman. Her short, lustery hair framed a face that other women would die for. She had a slightly oval face that framed a pretty mouth, not too wide, but a little thinner than the classic lips Jack and Kevin now had. They formed a cute and pretty female shape, curving both above and below to form a beautiful smiling repose. Her button nose was very small and petite, set between high cheekbones that glowed under lightly tanned and smooth, youthful skin. Her eyes were bright and shiny, a pale blue in color and they were large and doe-like with long, beautiful lashes above and below. She had thin, neatly arched, feminine eyebrows that gave her a slight look of perpetual amazement!

Again, I caught myself analyzing one of my friends as though he wasn't there, and a woman was! But, . . . but that is what I saw! I couldn't see anything else now but these three, beautiful women! Women who, but for their small breasts and tiny penises, looked to be about twenty years old. It was a little hard to tell, and it occured to me that if they were made-up, they might look even older. They looked as though they were beautiful models, sitting around, maybe waiting to go to work! It dawned on me that I had thought the same way about the women I had seen here when we came into town. They had also looked like women that you only see on the pages of a fashion magazine. . . . almost unreal in their beauty.

My despairing thought was broken by the soft voice of Jack as he looked over at me from the others and slowly said, "D . . . Dave? I . . . . I can't . . . . can't believe . . . . it's you! Oh my God! . . . . . Have I . . . . have I changed that much, too?!" His slender hand was touching his beautiful cheeks as he asked me the horrifying question. But all I could do was nod my head and respond, "Yeah, . . . . yeah, Jack. You . . . you, too. I . . . I can't believe it, man! You're . . . . you're so . . . . so different!" I looked away. I couldn't look at that gorgeous face anymore! That couldn't be my friend Jack! No way!

I found my hand going to my face as I felt my high cheekbones and small, graceful nose. I didn't touch my eyes, but I had been looking through the longer eyelashes that fluttered in front of them when I blinked and knew that they, too, had changed.

My fingers passed over my lips and mouth, feeling a wider, fuller, softer set of lips there and then my hand just dropped it into my lap, not wanting to know more.

Kevin, or at least the beautiful girl that now sat where he had, was exchanging equally uncomfortable words with Rick about their changed

appearance, their transformation into . . . into . . . I couldn't think it, when . . . . . they suddenly stopped their anxious exchange and we all looked back at the screen.

I felt as though I would have given one of my limbs, right then and there, if I were allowed to escape that place!

But the young woman on the screen, . . . the young, beautiful woman whom we now shared so much in common with, continued to pronounce our doom to us.

"Well, ladies, wasn't that a pleasant change? I'm sure you'll all be quite satisfied with your new look. But there'll be time for a little self-admiration later, . . .we still have some things to finish yet." She winked again, nodding her pretty head as she did, as if to rub in our dilemma. I didn't care, though. All I could think of was trying to stop her from continuing! But, . . . . but how? I couldn't even move my finger!

"So we'll move right in to the next phase of your transformation. This phase will complete the conversion of your Hair and Fingernails to final feminine length and specifications. Any natural waving or curling will be completed with your hair and simple, natural styling will be added as the process is completed. Similarly, your nails will be adequately manicured as the process is finished.

"Now please be still as we begin."

I closed my eyes as the humming started and the yellow light began to grow bright again. If only there was some way to get out from under it! But I simply remained still as I felt the tingling on the top of my head grow in intensity. I splayed my fingers staright out in my lap as a buzzing, itchy feeling spread across my fingertips. A moment later, the sensations subsided. But I already knew what I'd see.

I had felt the light, tickling feeling of soft hair descend onto and over my soft shoulders and down onto my upper back. I could even feel the added weight on my head as I knew I now had a full compliment of feminine hair on my head! And I had felt the scratchy feeling of my long nails as I had clenched my small fists after the process had been complete, trying to ward off the sensations that lingered there.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my long, honey blonde hair falling down over my right eye and sweeping off to the side! I instictively raised my right hand to move the long locks out of the way and was shocked at the sight of long, feminine shaped nails protruding daintily from my fingertips! I looked in horror at my hands, holding them in front of me, fingers pointing upwards, and saw long, pretty nails, rounded and well shaped as they extended about half an inch past the tips of my girlish fingers!

I moved my head slightly, feeling my long hair brush over my shoulders and tickle the tops of my breasts and looked down at the soft, gently curled ends of my long, honey blonde hair. Touching it, when I had brushed it aside, only confirmed it's feminine, silky texture was as real as it looked!

I found it impossible not to look over at the others. I had to see!

As I turned my head to look over at Jack, I had to brush my hair off to the side again, away from my right eye where it tended to fall naturally to. The movement was feminine and gracefull as I saw my long nails flash in front of me, but I couldn't help it, each motion now was controlled in an ultra-feminine way!

I looked and saw Jack, though he didn't look like Jack at all anymore. I was met with the same beautiful face from before, only now it framed by long, shiny black hair that fell down in soft curls over his shoulders, becoming thicker and curlier at the ends that rested slightly down his back and over his small breasts. Sweeping bangs covered his small forehead and then swept back behind his small ears. It was . . . so . . . beautiful!

As I saw him look up at me, lowering his hands back to his lap after looking in disbelief at his long, shapely nails, at least as long as mine, I couldn't believe how all this had changed his appearance and made him look so . . . so much like. . . like a real woman! My heart ached at the sight! He wasn't Jack anymore, I didn't know who this woman was!

My attention was diverted from him by a flash of auburn hair as I looked over at Kevin. Kevin? Not any more!

His long, lightly curled, full head of reddish auburn hair was absolutely shining as he tossed his head to the side in a feminine way. He was looking down at his long nails, held femininely out in front of his beautiful face and shaking his head slightly, a pouty, pained expression on his lovely face. He had flipped his head to the side, causing his long hair to swish around off his shoulders and fall over his left side where it's long length covered his left breast! I know he didn't want to do it, it was so gracefull and feminine in the way it moved, but . . . . . but nothing we did now looked less than completely feminine and girlish. His reddish hair was so soft and beautiful that I had to look away, I couldn't believe how much he looked like a young, gorgeous woman!

But my gaze landed on Rick, now sporting a full head of long, soft brown locks! His hair swept across his face from one side and fell cascading down to his shoulders and beyond, straight near the top, parted naturally on his right side, and then thick and curly from about halfway down to the lush, full, mass of curled hair around his shoulders! His doe-like expression looked so sensuous from behind the wispy veil of hair that swept across the front of his face that I didn't know him at all anymore! God! He was beautiful! He was staring blankly, his lips in their perpetual smile, at his long, femininely shaped fingernails on his slender fingertips. He shook his head slightly, causing his curls to shake and quiver, as he looked down from his hands as they fell gracefully to his sides.

I wanted to die! We all did! This was so . . . so awful! How. . . why? Oh, God, we just looked so . . . so . . . .

We didn't speak, we weren't allowed to and a moment later she began to talk again.

"Allright, girls, . . . let's move right along into the next phase of your transformation. We still have a few more items to complete before you can begin getting ready to receive guests later."

Guests? I . . . I hadn't even thought about the fact that we were being prepared to . . . to leave here and . . . and . . . oh shit! It was bad enough . . . seeing each other this way . . . . but . . . I hadn't been thinking about why we were being changed into women! Now it all came back! The men we were being changed for! Our . . . (Oh, God!) . . . our husbands ! My fear and loathing grew at the thought! Oh, please! Please don't let anyone else see me this way! Please!

"This next phase will be devoted to Final Breast Enhancement. Your breast enlargement and contouring will include final nipple and aureola sizing. This process will be followed by a short break where you may take refreshment and relax before beginning the final phase of your physical transformation. Now please remain still as we begin." As she finished, the TV monitor faded out and she was gone.

My state of shock and fear grew as she had spoken. Final breast enhancement? Wha . . . . . ? My thoughts were cut off by the incesant

humming and glow of the yellow light from above.

As I stared ahead, my chest tingling like crazy and my mouth dry, I could actually feel weight being added to my front, my . . . . my upper body shifting slightly forward as I felt a strange, alien tugging, like a steady weight trying to drag me forward. Then the humming stopped and the light went out as the glass structure above us climbed back up to it's old position.

My head dropped forward as I was released from control. My mind screamed and my thoughts reeled at what my eyes beheld! Ohhhh, God! Noooooo!

There, . . attached to my narrow chest, . . were two. . . large,soft, and firm, . . . tits! Not the small, girlish breasts I'd been given the day before, . . . but a pair of large, fully developed and womanly breasts that would fill any man's dream! But they . . . they were on me !

I gasped, . . . . a feminine cry issuing from my female mouth. A gasp of fear, despair, and total humiliation! I now had the breasts that I had only hoped I'd one day be able to fondle on a woman! But, now . . . now I'd carry them around in front of me, displayed for other mens' pleasure. I was to be that woman!

As I looked back up, feeling my long, soft hair shift over my shoulders and fall delicately down on my perfect, C-Cup tits, the image of the large, pink-brown aureolas and large, upturned nipples remained in my mind. Perched high on my breasts! Ohhhh, God! They had done all these other things to me! Why? Why did I have to have such . . . such big tits? Why?

I shook my head and looked again at them . . . realizing that I'd never be able to look down my front again without being greeted by the the sight of my well endowed bosum! A womans' busom!

Similar cries of despair and humiliation brought my attention to the others.

I looked over at Jack, feeling my breasts sway with the motion of turning my upper body, no longer just jiggling lightly as they had before, . . and was met with the sight of the beautiful brunette I'd seen earlier, . . . only now she was looking down, mouth agape, at her large, firm tits. She . . . . he was cupping one with his right hand, the soft, olive skinned flesh spilling over his delicate hand. I realized then that his breasts were larger, more rounded than mine. Poor Jack! They had really done it to him! He looked like a centerfold model with his D-Cup tits dominating the upper part of his chest! He had large, dark aureloas and big, pointed nipples that stood out erect and firm! But his tits didn't sag, they just . . . just stuck out! So big and so obvious! I felt his pain and suffering along with my own.

I looked past him, seeing Kevin bringing his slender arms down from his front where he had been trying to cover his breasts up, like a woman caught unawares while nude. But he had only been trying to hide them from his own eyes. He couldn't stand looking at the pair of pink, lush tits now protruding from his chest. Their pink nipples standing out, erect and taught, surrounded by reddish-pink aureolas the size of a half dollar. His breasts were about the same size as mine and stood firmly out from his front, declaring his womanhood! He was looking down at them as I watched, his eyes blinking in disbelief at the latest additions to his feminine body. I knew just how he felt.

Jack looked over at me, saddness and despair on his pretty face, shaking his head and then turning to see the others. I looked past him again and saw that Rick was staring back at me, his beautiful eyes crying out for help as he looked in horror at the appendages growing out from my chest. He, too, now had a well developed pair of large, pert, beautiful tits that any woman would have been proud of! Firm, tanned like the rest of his body, but displaying large pink nipples that stood out a half-inch from the brown aureolas they were surrounded by. He was a C-Cup like Kevin and I and there was no doubt now that we were going to be as beautiful and well developed as the other women we had seen before. There was no escape from it.

I looked back at Jack as he turned back to face me, his large breasts quivering heavily on his chest. He crossed his slender arms over them and then bowed his head. He must have known that he had been given a larger set of tits and it must have made him feel all the more ashamed!

I knew we were free to move about and talk now, but I really didn't have the heart to say anything. I felt so ashamed and awkward that I just wanted to be left alone. But apparently that wasn't allowed, because a moment later I was speaking to the others in spite of my resistance.

"Don't you just love them? Isn't it great? I just wish mine were as big as Jack's! Some girls have all the luck!" Then I giggled and saw that Jack was now being forced to participate in the exchange.

"Oh, Dave! You're just teasing ! You know your titties are as sexy as mine! I think you look just great!" Then we both giggled and the others joined in.

I realized that if we didn't take advantage of our free-speech time, the device would take over for us, so I waited a moment for all the feminine prattle to calm down and then looked over at the others and said,

"I . . . I think . . . I think that we had better . . . talk about something else. I think . . . think it forces us to . . to talk like this if we don't say something ourselves."

Jack and Kevin nodded while Rick just looked blankly ahead, saddness registering on his pretty face.

I decided to see if I could put my robe back on and found that I could stand up without any restraint. But I also felt the awkward change in my center of gravity as I did. But I didn't have to adjust, my body did it automatically. Apparently we weren't allowed to appear anything less than gracefull. Still, I was ashamed at the way my tits swayed as I put on the robe. And it was embarassing to see the front of it tented out so far as I drew the front closed and tied the belt around my small waist.

I looked back down at Jack and the others and said, "I'm going to get some coffee. Does anybody else want some?" My cheery, feminine voice hid my somber feelings.

Jack nodded as he stood up to put on his robe, his large breasts swaying slightly more than mine as he did. And the front of his robe stood out even further than mine after he had donned it, . . . if that were possible. I felt like I was all tits out there!

The others slowly stirred as Jack and I walked over to the food unit, our hips swaying very seductively as we walked. We couldn't control it, they just rolled gracefully and seductively as we moved.

A few minutes later, we were all sitting back down and sipping at our cups, content for the moment to just relax. This whole thing was so mentally draining! I felt as though it had gone on for hours! I watched my feminine hands bring my cup up to my lips as I took another sip of coffee. I noticed how easily the control over my actions had altered the movement of my hands and fingers to compensate for my long fingernails, each movement now seeming ultra-feminine and delicate as I carefully and gracefully held the cup or picked it up. There was no need to learn how to handle the much longer, feminine nails. I noted how the others were doing the same.

"How long . . . . how long do you think it will . . . will be before . . . before she comes back?" I hesitantly asked Kevin as I caught him looking over at me, his large green eyes studying my image.

He shook his head, his red hair dancing across his shoulders.

"I . . . I don't know. Not long enough . . . I'm sure."

Rick spoke up for the first time since we had been given our latest additions to our bodies and slowly said, "Do . . d. do you think they'll ever let us . . . uh, you know . . . let us go back to being . . . being ourselves again?" He was taking this harder than any of us, if that was possible.

Jack looked over at him, his breasts swaying noticably even under his robe and replied, "I . . . I don't think they care about that. You know how long . . . how long they've been doing this. Remember what Mr. Lawson said? They started doing this quite a few years ago." Then he lowered his head and said, "I just wish they'd hurry up and get it over with. I hate it!"

I looked at him and said, "Don't give up, Jack. Something may happen."

Kevin gave a feminine, "Hah!" Then added, "The only thing that's going happen is that woman, or whatever she is, is going to come back on that screen in a minute and finish us off! You know what's next! There isn't anything else left to do but change our. . . our . . . " But his high, feminine voice trailed off as he shook his head and took another sip of his coffee. He was as frustrated as any of us but, even given the freedom to speak his mind, it came out in a feminine and girlish manner, being unable to control our voices enough to put in the anger we all felt! It almost made it not worth the effort.

I squeezed my thighs together in tensed fear, as if trying to protect the last vestige of my maleness that protruded slightly from my otherwise completely female body. I didn't want to think of that! Not that !

I was nervous and afraid inside, not wanting to think of anything except to hold on to some vague hope that something would happen soon to stop all of this. But I looked over at Jack, watching him gracefully lift his cup to his pretty lips and take a sip, noting the tented front of his robe, his long, shiny brunette hair cascading over his small shoulders so beautifully . . and I knew my hope was a slight one.

I found myself setting my cup down on the table in front of me and reaching for my purse. I hadn't wanted to, I still had some coffee in my cup and I wanted to finish drinking it. A moment later I was opening it up and reaching in to extract my gold cigarette case and lighter. Oh, no. Not this again! Then I had the case open and was deftly lifting out one of the long, white cigarettes, turning it to rest gracefully between my extended, long nailed fingers. I could see the others watching out of the corner of my eye as I gracefully brought the slim white filter up to my full lips and then lit the end.

As I exhaled a long stream of smoke out in front of me and placed my purse back on the table, I picked up my cup and held it in my lap with my left hand, while my right hand rested over my thigh, the long, feminine cigarette held daintily between my fingertips.

I looked over at Jack, noting that Rick had leaned forward for his own purse.

"I . . . I hate this! Why do they make us do this!", I said as I brought the cigarette back to my lips to take another puff on it.

He looked at me, his expression registering sympathy as he reached for his own purse and said, "I . . . I think I know why." And as he opened his purse, taking out his own cigarettes, he added, "You should see . . . see how . . . how it makes you look. It's makes you look so . . . So provacative." He finished his statement as I watched the beautiful brunnette sitting where he had been, bring her ladies cigarette up to her lips and light the end of it, confirming what he had said. He looked so . . . , God!, . . . so sexy the way he did that! I guessed that was why we did it. It added to the illusion (or more accurately, reality) of what we were supposed to be; sexy young women.

Rick was just tilting his head back, letting a long stream of smoke fly out from between his lips as Kevin reached for his own purse, too. A minute later, it was like the night before, except this time we were able to talk freely amongst ourselves as we sat there, smoking and finishing our coffee.

When our cups were drained and we had finished our cigarettes, we got up and placed the cups in the disposal chute, then sat back down on the sofa. I was slightly amazed to see that the ashtrays were clean as we sat down. Apparently, they must have emptied themselves! But I didn't dwell on it for long. Who cared anyway! There wasn't anything that had happened that wasn't downright amazing anyway! It was too unreal to understand.

Then we heard the softs chimes again and we all looked up to see her smiling down at us, her pink-red lips shining widely. I hated that image!

She parted her luscious lips and began to speak, my anxiety growing by leaps and bounds.

"Well I hope you enjoyed your short break, ladies. It's time to move along into the final phase of your physical transformation.

""This phase will consist of the following items: Final Internal Organ and Nervous System Mutation to female specifications, Transformation of all male reproductive systems into Female Reproductive Systems, and Genetic/DNA Level Mutation to female standards and equivalents. At the

completion of this phase, your sex change will be complete, down to the smallest detail, including functional vagina, clitoris, uterus, ovaries, and urinary tract. All aspects of female sexual activity, including orgasm and response will be enhanced and available, excepting child birth. This will

not be possible due to the fact that the process will render you sterile. However, all reproductive organs will be intact and will function normally, including monthly menstrual cycles. I will explain other aspects of this to you after we have completed this phase and then discuss some other behavioral changes that will soon take place.

"Now if you will remain still, . . . we will begin."

She smiled down from the screen as the glass structure lowered towards us, it's humming sounding louder as it approached.

Oh, Sweet Jesus! Stop this now! Don't let them turn me into a . . . a girl! But there was no answer as the light flooded over us for the last time and me eyes closed as the tingling, pulsating buzz grew in my lower abdomen and groin. Then, as it began to subside, a long shudder passed through me from head to toe, like an uncontrolled shiver, and I knew the change had been completed. I pressed my thighs together in fear, . . . feeling nothing between them.

As the glass structure retracted back to it's original position, I realized that I did feel different now. My lower abdomen and stomach felt strange, all rearranged and somehow different! I felt bare between my thighs, naked! There was something missing, . . . and I knew what it was.

I looked down at my robe covered lap and hesistantly slipped a slender hand between the folds. I pressed my long-nailed fingers lightly against my groin and felt . . . nothing! Well, not exactly nothing, I . . I could feel my soft blond pubic hair and . . . and the. . . the outline of . . . oh, god! . . . a woman's vagina!

I quickly removed my hand and looked straight ahead, my mind reeling with the impact of what had finally happened! I was now . . . now . . . I was . . . was . . . a girl!

I lowered my head, shaking it from side-to-side, my long blonde hair moving about and getting in front of my face. I didn't want to be a woman! Nooooo! Please! Nooooooooo! But I was . . . and there was nothing I could do about it!

I finally looked over at Jack, knowing that he was now a she. And Kevin and Rick, . . . all of us. . . . all of us . . . females! Women! . . . Girls! Complete with large breasts and vaginas! I was so humiliated and depressed! How could they! How dare they!

The others must have been thinking the same thing as they simply looked down into their feminine laps, shaking their heads with looks of abject horror on their faces, realizing what they now had between their legs!

The woman started to speak again, her cheerful, feminine voice never showing any concern over what had been done to us. She just went on,

telling us of our miserable fate . . . as women!

"Well, girls! That completes your sex-change transformation phase. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results when you have the opportunity to try out your new womanhood!" She winked and smiled, driving home further the understanding of why this had been done to us. Never! I would never let a man . . . ech!! No way! It was disgusting!

But I just smiled uncontrollably up at her as she spoke.

"Now, ladies, I'll explain a few other details to you about your new life and then let you start getting ready to meet your fiances' . . and the other

citizens of Athernia, so that you may take your place among the wonderful society we have built here.

"First, let me say that you will be received with open arms by the other residents of our small island. You will be accepted freely into our lives and given every opportunity to fufill your dreams of becoming a wife and companion to your husbands. You and your husbands will live together in the house of your dreams and you will find that your life as a homemaker and wife will be fullfilling and rewarding. Remember that if you have a hard time adjusting to your new life at first, . . don't worry, . . adequate control will be excersized at all times to make you act and behave correctly, in the manner befitting a young woman and wife.

"Just a note here, between us girls. In case you are a little worried about being able to satisfy your man when the time comes, you needn't worry at all. You'll find that you will be more than able to satisfy his needs at all times," and then she actually blushed a little as she said, "regardess of

his tastes and desires. And the best part is, . . . you'll be as satisfied . . or more . . than your partner is. It's a side benefit from the control that you will be using to help you along. But," and she straightened up slightly now, "I'll let you discover for yourselves how easy and enjoyable this will be."

I just let her words roll off me. I couldn't even comprehend what she was saying! It just wasn't real! How could she even talk about such things! I wouldn't! I couldn't! I won't! But my despair and frustration only grew deeper.

"Now I'll explain a few more details about some changes that must take place before you get started. First, you'll all notice that from now on, even during periods when you may move about and speak freely, you will always do so in a feminine and ladylike manner. Your movements will be restricted if you attempt to leave or otherwise misbehave and your speech will be controlled if you cannot control it yourselves. You may, for the most part, speak freely amongst yourselves or with the other women of the island, but you may not engage in subversive or disruptive conversation. If you are among the men, you will be required to assume a submissive and ladylike manner. You'll find it easier on yourself if you willingly go along with these simple rules." Never!, I cried in my mind.

"When I have finished, you will begin preparations for a visit from Mr. Lawson and your fiances'. You will find that each of your rooms has been supplied with the necessary items of apparel and other things you will need to accomplish this. And don't worry, . . . as before, you'll be able to use all of the items there without any problem, another benefit of the control system.

"Mr. Lawson will formally introduce you to your fiances' and then you will be able to leave with them to attend a small reception party at the local club. There you will meet a few of the other women and their husbands. I'm sure you'll find it will be an enjoyable experience. And by the way, your old names, of course, would no longer suit your new status as women. So, I would like to take this opportunity to tell each of you your new names. Of course, you will be able to keep your original surnames until after your weddings, which will take place tomorrow, at which time you will, of course, take the last name of your husbands."

Meet our fiances'! A reception party? Weddings? Me? As the bride? Oh, God, . . . she was even about to change our names! Ohhh please make this stop!

She looked up again smiling and she seemed to turn her gaze to my right, looking over towards Rick. I was able to move my head slightly as I saw him (her?) staring up at her.

"Rick Taylor," she began, "your new name shall be Rita Ann Taylor. Do not refer to yourself, or respond to any other name than Rita Ann Taylor, until you are married. At that time your new married name will be Rita Ann Sellers, Mrs. Rita Ann Sellers, or Mrs. Robert Sellers."

Then she looked over towards Kevin and continued, "Kevin Benning, your new name shall be Kathleen Louise Benning. Do not refer to yourself, or respond to any other name than Kathleen Louise Benning, until you are married. At that time, your new married name will be Kathleen Louise Collins, Mrs. Kathleen Louise Collins, or Mrs. Jeffery Collins."

Looking at Jack, she said, "Jack Thomas, your new name shall be Jennifer Sue Thomas. Do not refer to yourself, or respond to any other name than Jennifer Sue Thomas, until you are married. At that time, your new married name will be Jennifer Sue Weaver, Mrs. Jennifer Sue Weaver, or Mrs. Sam Weaver." Jack's blank stare didn't change as the woman spoke at him, declaring he no longer existed!

"Dave Johnson, " As she began to speak, my head snapped back to meet her eyes, my long blonde hair swishing around to fall across my shoulders. I didn't want to listen! Don't speak to me! But she intoned my name and I had to.

"Your new name shall be Diana Lynette Johnson. Do not refer to yourself, or respond to any other name than Diana Lynette Johnson, until you are married. At that time, your new married name will be Diana Lynette Miller, Mrs. Diana Lynette Miller, or Mrs. Peter Miller." As she finished her pronouncement, the name resounded in my head. Diana? Diana Lynette? Mrs. ?! I would never, EVER, let that happen!

"Now, ladies, please understand that you will not be able to respond to any other name than the female names you have just been given. Nor will you be able to refer to yourself, or any of the others in any name except that which you all have been assigned. This is necessary to provide proper continuity in your new roles. I'm sure you understand.

"Well, that about wraps up this session, girls. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I'm sure you'll all be glad to put this minor inconvenience behind you and get on with you lives now. Now please use your remaining time here well . . . and enjoy yourselves preparing to meet your friends and . . " she winked one last time, " . . the man of your dreams."

Then she was gone. The TV monitor blinked out and we were left sitting on the sofa in our white robes, breasts pressing out the front of them, our legs crossed, covering our new womanhood, and blank stares on our beautiful, sexy faces!

I wanted to die! I just didn't want to live anymore! But they wouldn’t even let us do that.

In a moment, we were all standing, collecting our purses and moving silently off to our rooms, totally under control again.

I felt my hips roll seductively as I padded off to my room, my large breasts bouncing under my robe and exerting a strange, tugging sensation against my chest. I noticed Jack walking into his room, his large tits obvious under the front of his robe, bouncing freely . . and his left forearm held horizontally against his waist, wrist limp and slender, feminine hand loosly hanging down. It was the same with all of us. No one . . . No one could have recognized us! We were four young, beautiful, sexy women, obviously about to go about preparing ourselves for . . . for . . . who


As I turned into my room, I caught a glimpse of Kevin, gliding gracefully into his room, his long auburn hair bouncing almost as much as the front of his robe, his slender hands swaying gracefully at his sides. Rick was already in his room, doing God-knows-what.

I entered and went straight to my vanity, now covered with all kinds of feminine things. Womens' things! Cosmetics, hairbrushes, combs, jewelery box, make-up case, lotions and bottles, and . . . who knew what else. I made a feeble mental effort to stop myself, but . . I knew it wouldn't work. My new body was intent on following orders . . and those orders had said I should get dressed. Dressed like a woman . . . to go out !

I went along for the ride, seeing, hearing, feeling everything as if I was doing it myself, but . . but I did it as though I was under a spell, unconsciously repeating ingrained habits. It was so damn frustrating to have to go through it all, having moments of self control and then . . finding myself doing things I would never have done! God, I was afraid! Afraid of what had already been done to me . . . and afraid of what I might do!

I set my purse down on the edge of the vanity and then turned towards the dresser. As I moved over to it, I caught a glimpse of my reflection as I passed the mirror. All I saw was a beautiful young blonde walking by! It took a brief second for me to realize that it was me! The tortured pain in my mind grew as I glimpsed her reflection, her long, beautiful blond hair cascading down over her shoulders, her beautiful face with wide, almond shaped eyes, and full, reddish-pink lips! And her figure! Even under the robe she was . . . stunning! Voluptuous and nubile, sexy and yet, demure. All these things flashed through my mind as the full force of the reality set in. They had changed me into a girl! Oh, God it was painfull to think of it!

I opened the top dresser drawer and pulled out a pair of lacy, rose-pink colored panties with a french-cut. A matching, lacy pink bra, much larger than the one I'd worn the night before went with it. The full C-cups were lightly wired underneath and obviously cut in order to wear it with a low-cut dress! I hated the soft, slinky feeling my fingers felt while placing them on my bed!

Then I opened the second drawer, pulling out a very lacy, pink and rose colored garter belt, with six rose colored garter straps per leg, each with a small embroidered rose on the clasps. I set it down next to the panties and bra. I couldn't even conceive of wearing those things! I wanted to rip them up and throw them out! But I just went about the room, getting everything I'd need.

I picked up a blow dryer from the next drawer of the dresser and a plastic, plug-in case of steam curlers, filled with pink curlers of various sizes and then turned out of the room, heading for the bathroom.

I met Jack coming out from his room as I turned towards the bathroom. He/she was carrying the same things as I was and was smiling lightly as he/she walked with me into the bathroom. I realized I was, too. We looked as if nothing was wrong, just two women getting ready to shower and do our hair. It was so depressingly real! No hint from the other that anything was wrong, . . . that we didn't really want to do this!

As I turned into the bathroom, I looked directly at myself in the large mirror. It was a shock I'll never forget!

There, staring back at me, a playful smile on her pretty mouth, was a beautiful, sexy blonde woman of about twenty or so! I . . I knew it was me, . . . .I even saw the faintest traces of my old image in the gorgeous face . . . but no more than a family resemblance now, no hint of masculinity left. My lips were full and soft, pursing out slightly to give me a provacative, sensuous look. A small, pert, feminine nose above, set between high, feminine cheekbones that were covered with rosy, soft skin. And my eyes! They were so . . . so big! And my pupils were so . . so blue and bright! Long, curved lashes fluttered gracefully over them as I blinked and looked at my face. My face? No. It was a young womans' face. Not mine.

Thin, dark blonde eyebrows curved gracefully over my eyes, totally feminine and arched just like a womans'. But it was my hair, . . . my long, soft, shiny, honey blonde hair that gave me the sexy, beautiful look that I had glimpsed earlier in the mirror. It was just that . . . that there was so much of it! And it fell so softly around my shoulders, cascading down over by front and back, nearly covering my bulging robe where my ample breasts were hidden.

It was so hard . . confronting my new image for the first time, knowing that it was mine . . . my new body . . . my female body!

I could see Jack looking closely at himself, the same playful smile on his full, reddish lips. He glanced over at me and then back at himself. I wanted him to say something, anything that could make me feel better, but . . what was there to say?

I moved to the end of the counter and placed the blow dryer and curlers down, plugging the curlers into the wall socket and then pulling off my robe.

I looked only momentarily at my nude body in the mirror. My large, firm breasts jutting proudly from my chest, my small, petite waist, my rounded, curvy hips and feminine derrier, descending into firm, soft skinned thighs. I glimpsed the triangular patch of soft, blonde, down that rested at my crotch, inwardly cringing at the sight of the top of two soft, pink, fleshy lips that marked ... marked where my new vagina was!

Then we both opened a drawer under each sink and took out our toothbrushes and toothpaste. I few minutes later our straight, white teeth were gleaming.

I turned, grabbing two plastic bottles from a group of them on the counter and walked into one of the showers.

As the warm water cascaded over my soft body, I rubbed the scented soap from the dispenser around, stopping more than I wanted at my breasts, lightly fondling them with my slender hands, feeling, . . . feeling strange sensations from my erect nipples. Fortunately, my hands didn't linger there too long, moving around to wash and explore the rest of my female shape.

But when my fingers moved towards my crotch, soaping the soft, downy pubic hair, a finger slid down for a moment, gently pressing against the lips of the opening there. I was abashed at the sexy sensation that ran through me as the lips of my girls vagina parted slightly, my fingernail sliding into the moist cavity and my soft fingertip pressed lightly against a sensitive, small, round protrusion hidden under the folds! Oh, Jesus! I had a clitoris! And . . . I . . . was touching it!, . . . fondling it! and . . . . . and it felt . . . good! Oh, Nooooo! Please don't make me feel like that! Don't touch yourself there!

My finger slid out and I finished rinsing off my body before soaking my long hair under the spray and then liberally applying shampoo from one of the bottles through it. There was just so much hair there! It took me several minutes to wash it and then rinse it, after I had applied the conditioner to it and let it soak a while. It seemed to take forever to rinse it all out, then squeeze it between my small fingers, pressing out the excess water. It felt so unusual having the heavy, wet hair laying on my shoulders and down the back of my slim neck. Then I reached out and grabbed one of the soft, fluffy towels hanging near the shower door and towelled myself dry in the shower, then wrapped it around my chest, above my breasts so it draped out over them.

At last I stepped out of the shower and moved over to the sink. I used another towel to pat my hair dry before leaning down, wrapping it around my head, like a girl would, and flipping it back behind me. I noticed that my flesh glowed a soft pink as I looked into the mirror, seeing a young woman staring back, smiling.

Jack came out of his shower and repeated the process. Then we both went back to our rooms, to return shortly with a comb and brush.

As I automatically began combing out my damp hair, I looked over at Jack, who was doing the same, and decided to try and talk to him. I felt so alone, as if I was in a room full of strangers.

"Are . . . are you, OK?" I asked softly, my lips still smiling as if I had no cares in the world.

"Yeah. . . I guess. . . Yeah, I'm, alright. You?"

"Yeah. I . . . I guess we're . . we're just going to have to get used to it. I can't stop. I try . . . . but . . . I just can't. Now that they’ve. . . Now that they’ve done everything it doesn’t seem like there’s anything to . . . But I can’t give up me. Even when I look in the mirror."

"We still know," he said.

"Oh, yeah," I agreed fully.

He nodded and resumed working with his long dark hair, combing out the ends and flipping it around to work on the other side, both of us tilting our heads off to one side, working it like the women we were. Then we turned on the blowdryers, a loud, whirring hum filling the bathroom as we brushed and blew our hair until it was dry, cascading again over our shoulders and down our backs.

He looked back at me as he brushed it out and then reached for one of the steaming curlers from the case he had brought in. I saw him deftly roll up a flat handful of hair and then clip it into place on the side of his head. I began doing the same and he looked again at me as he spoke.

"I . . . uh, was just wondering. Would you . . . you try calling me by my name? I . . . I was . . . wondering if what she said was really true. You know . . . about not being able to use our old names?"

I nodded as I finished clipping another large, hot, curler wrapped with blonde hair to my head.

I opened my mouth, fully meaning to say, "Sure, Jack."

But, as much to my surprise as his, I said, "Sure, Jennifer."

I winced inside, knowing that I was now incapable of calling him anything else. He just looked quickly away and mumbled, "That's what I thought."

Then he stopped putting the curlers in his hair for a second and stared into the mirror, hesitating before he slowly said, "My . . . my name is J . . . Jennifer. Jennifer Sue Thomas." He shook his nead slightly, looked down again and then continued placing the hot curlers in his hair, still smiling lightly.

I didn't really think anything would be different, but I asked anyway.

"J . . Jennifer?," He looked over at me, responding naturally to the feminine name, raising his eyebrows in answer.


"Would . . . would you call me by my name? My . . . real name?"

He smiled and quickly said, "Sure, Diana."

I inwardly cringed at the feminine sound of what he had called me. I looked back at my reflection, knowing the name fit the image, but determined to overcome this insanity. I set my resolve in my mind, preparing to state my name out loud to myself, to confirm who I was!

I stared at the blond woman looking at me and said, "My name . . . my name is D. . . Diana. Diana Lynette Johnson."

I saw Jack looking at me out of the corner of his eyes as I felt the hopelessness of our plight. We couldn't even refer to ourselves by our real names! Only the female names we had been assigned!

I looked over at Jack as we finished rolling up our hair and prepared to leave the bathroom. He looked so feminine with his hair up in curlers and the towel wrapped around his bosum. I felt the shame and humiliation of the moment and tried to console myself by saying something.

"Uh, . . Jennifer?" I couldn't get the other name out!

He looked at me as we turned to walk out.

"Yes, . . . Diana?" That name again!

"Uh, . . . let's . . let's not forget what we said before, . . OK? I mean . . . about sticking together and taking care of one another, . . . alright?"

He nodded again as we left the room. His perpetual smile hiding the shame he really felt.

"I know, Diana. I won't forget."

He gave a girlish wave as I went into my room and he walked off, turning into his own room, his hips swaying femininely as he did.

I walked over to the dresser and set down the curlers and the blowdryer. Then I went over to the vanity and sat down. Shorty, I could hear the sound of running water in the bathroom and I knew that Kevin and Rick were taking their turns.

I spent the next few minutes using some sort of lotion on my skin that smelled very feminine and assualted my senses with the aroma of flowers. After rubbing it in all over, I picked up a spraycan of ladies anti-perspirant and applied it to the bare skin under my arms. It smelled like the lilacs my mother grew in her backyard. How I wished I was there right now!

Then I looked at my reflection, seeming to study it for a moment before taking a small bottle of liquid make-up and opening it. The scent of the make-up repulsed me with it's sheer femininity, knowing I was about to put it on myself, but my fingers spread the light foundation quickly and smoothly into my face and upper neck, blending and smoothing it until it was undetectable. Then I picked up another small plastic compact and applied a light, pink-flesh tone, powdery make-up over the foundation. I looked at the effect it had to my appearance in the well lit mirror. I was chagrined at the dramatic way it added a softness to my already, too girlish skin!

When that was complete, I opened the small case of eyeshadow that my hand automatically went to and began using the small applicator brush to apply a pink-rose shadow above my upper lids. I watched in frustration as I blended the soft color outwards and up, creating a soft, but dramatic effect. Then I applied a slightly darker, rose purple shadow below the other, blending it on my upper lids and to the side. I even brushed a small amount on my lower lids, blending it out to the corner of my eyes and then upwards, creating an image of even larger and more almond shaped eyes than I already had!

With that done, I watched myself as I opened a thin tube, extracting a long, thin brush covered with a soft blue-black eyeliner. I struggled again with myself, trying with no success, as I expertly lined each eye. I was helpless to stop this! The worst part was having to constantly stare at my reflection as it became more and more beautiful and sexy!

A small brush, the shape of a thin toothbrush was now in my fingers, gently brushing a light brown color into my arched, feminine eyebrows and shaping them slightly as they swept over my eyes. Then another thin tube was in my hands and I was soon using a curved applicator brush to add a blue-black mascarra to my upper and lower eyelashes. I was humiliated by the effect it had on the already long and lush lashes! They seemed to grow as they separated and became even more visible than they already were, their curl seemed to increase as they floated above and below my eyes, fluttering gracefully as I blinked.

Then another, slightly larger case was opened to reveal a larger brush set next to a palette of rosy-pink blusher. I dabbed the brush in it and then I was applying it to my high cheekbones in upward sweeping motions, watching my cheeks grow rosier and more dramatic as the blusher flowed at an angle from my cheeks up to the middle and tops of my small ears! When that was finished, I smiled, turning my head and pursing my lips as I reviewed my image, the soft, sultry look I was taking on meeting with my approval as I nodded to myself. It was awful! No one watching would have ever guessed there was a man inside of this gorgeous woman, screaming to stop doing these things!

I dabbed a bit of the blusher across my pert nose and then over my small chin in a playful manner. I wanted to die.

Then I smiled once more at myself and stood up, walking over to the bed.

I removed my towel and then picked up the pink, lacy panties, sliding them up my legs and into place on my girlish hips. I could feel the silky, cool material as it passed over my soft skin. It was so . . . so feminine! And the way they felt, pressing against my new sex, it . . . it was too much of a reminder! And unlike the night before, there was now no bulge in the crotch. Only the smooth, V-shape of a woman.

I picked up the lacy, pink brassier, my breasts bouncing and swaying as I straightened up. I placed my slender arms throught the thin straps and then leaned forward, positioning my ample bosom into the soft cups. Leaning back, I reached behind and fastened the bra and then adjusted the front, noticing how the underwire bra made my tits press together and force them up, increasing my cleavage a great deal! It was so . . . So humiliating! I hated my appearance . . . yet I was doing everything it took to make it more feminine and . . . and sexy!

Then I went over to the vanity and opened the top drawer. I looked at my image in the mirror as I picked up something from the drawer. I could see my breasts pressing out from my sexy bra, my image that of a centerfold in curlers! I couldn't escape the image! It was so awful to know it was me!

A minute later I was sitting on my bed, my knee up near my shoulder, leaning forward and applying a bright rose-pink nail polish to my toenails. When they were done, I got up, went back over to the vanity and sat down. I picked up a small bottle of clear nail polish and put a coat of it on each of my long, feminine shaped fingernails. Then, when that was dry, out came the bright, rose-pink polish I'd used on my toenails. I smoothly applied two coats of it to my long nails, carefully brushing it on in long, even strokes. When I was done, my nails looked slick and wet, shining brightly at the ends of my female fingers. I still couldn't accept that these were now my hands! They were too pretty! Too girlish!

I sat at the vanity for a few minutes, blowing on my nails and waiting for them to dry. When they were, they still looked shiny and wet.

Next came the lace-lined garter belt. I got up and went back to the bed, picking it up. I fastened it about my narrow waist and then turned it around so that the clasp was in the rear. The short garter straps with their little rosebud ends, danced freely across my thighs. Then I went back over to the dresser and opened one of the drawers again.

This time I came up with a pair of smoky colored, full length, nylon hose. They felt so light and fragile in my soft fingers. Sitting on the side of the bed, I was soon rolling them up each leg, then standing as I fastened each top to the garter straps that hung down to the tops of my shapely thighs. I was shocked again by my image as I walked over to the mirror to survey the results. I was looking more and more feminine and sexy with each awful thing I did to myself! I strained in my mind to take control over my (my?) body, but . . . but I could only do what I was directed to do. I was helpless, knowing I was going through with all the things she had said I would! How could I do this! I wished again that I would just keel over from a heart attack!

But, my healthy, young, sexy body just turned away from the mirror and I went over to the closet. Opening it up, the first thing I saw was a lacy, pink half-slip hanging next to a dress. I tried to hold back my hand as it went out to the hangar, but a second later, I was pulling the soft, sheer slip from the closet and then stepping lightly into it, pulling it up over my nylon-clad legs, past my pink panties, and over the top of my lacy garter belt. I adjusted it about my small waist and felt it caress my feminine butt and hips as the lacy trimmed hem fell to about two inches below the tops of my hosiery. As I turned to check it in the mirror, I felt my mind cringe at the sight.

Then I turned again back to the closet and lifted the dress out. I held it up against me and looked down at it, holding it against my front with my free hand. The way a woman would do if she was checking to see if it would be her choice for the day!

I slipped it off the hangar and unzipped the back. Then I was slipping my arms up through the bottom of it, carefully lowering it down over my head, passed the curlers still atop my head, away from my face, arms slipping through the sleeves and then down over my ample bosom and into place.

I reached behind me and with some contortionist movements, managed to zip it up to where it ended just above my bra strap. Then I turned to the mirror and looked at myself again. Oh, God! This isn't me!

The tight dress was an off-pink, almost rose color. It was made of a soft, somewhat fuzzy, cashmier material. The dress had a semi-round, low-cut front, barely covering my bra and allowed my ample cleavage to be prominently displayed. The shoulders were lightly padded, and gave them a squared-off look, the sleeves hugging my slender arms down to a few inches above my slim wrists, ending in a tight, short, lacy cuff.

I watched my fingers fasten a three-inch wide, shiny, pink colored leather belt around my high, small waist to an oval shaped, gold buckle. The skirt was tight and poured over my girlish hips and hugged my thighs, falling just below my slip to about six inches above my nylon-clad knees. A walking slit ran up the back of the tight skirt, allowing a little more movement from my thighs, but not much.

I watched my fingers adjust the front of the dress, fixing the front so that I could display as much cleavage as possible without exposing the bra. Then I went back over and sat down at the vanity, noting how my steps were short and restricted by the tight skirt of the dress. As I sat down, my left hand smoothed the dress under my thighs, and though I kept my thighs together tightly, the hem of the skirt rode up to just below the tops of my nylons. I felt miserable!

Opening one of the side drawers of the vanity, I saw that it was empty and began removing the large curlers from my hair, dropping them into the drawer. I watched in contempt as long, soft locks of my blond hair fell softy on to my shoulders as I removed the curlers. When they were all out, I shut the drawer and picked up a wide hairbrush and began brushing out my hair into a very feminine and . . . and seductive hairstyle.

First I would tease it forwards, then brush it back, causing it to take on a fullness and body that I couldn't believe it possesed! Then I parted it in off to the left side, brushing the rest over to the right and letting it sweep across the front. Brushing the left side back and over my left ear, I reached up and held it there while my right hand went into the top drawer and came out with a pearl lined hairclip! It was about three inches long and an inch wide. I deftly placed it in my hair, causing the hair on my left side to sweep upwards from above my ear and then fall, cascading down in a mass of fluffy curls just behind it, to rest on and over my shoulder. Then I used the brush to sweep the hair that lay across my forehead and over the right side of my face, up and into a wave of soft blond that struck out and over my face in a gentle curve. I picked up a can of hairspray and sprayed the front of it, causing it remain there. Then I brushed the right side up and back, allowing the massive, fluffy curls on the bottom half of my hair to rest on my shoulder and cascade down onto my upper back. I teased and primped it for a while, until it looked full and soft, flowing femininely across the front of my head in an upward wave and then falling in massive, soft curls to my shoulders. A little more hairspray and I was done. I looked in disbelief at the results!

My face smiled back at me from the gorgeous image in the mirror. This just couldn't be happening to me! I am a man! Not . . . not this beautiful creature staring back at me! No!

Before I could contemplate my misery any longer, I found myself opening the jewelery case on the vanity. I reached into one of the many small compartments in the case and pulled out a double strand, pearl necklace. The two strands of soft white, luminescent pearls shown lustery in the light as I unclapsed the back and then reached to drape it around my long, slender neck.

The pearls felt cool and tickled the bare skin above my bosom as I fastened the clasp in front then turned the pearls around so that the clasp was on the back of my neck, covered completely by the mass of blonde curls there. The two strands fell to within an inch or so of the top of the deep Vee where my cleavage began. The effect in the mirror was what I expected, . . a look of sultry sophistication and elegance.

Then I reached in and found a matching, four strand wide bracelet with gold lacing that held the strands against one another. I placed it on my right wrist, instinctively figuring out the intricate clasp that held the strands together around it. They clicked lightly against each other as I moved my arm, the gold lacing shining against the luminous pearls.

I looked back in the jewelery case and selected a thin, gold, ladies watch to place on my left wrist, just below the lacy pink cuff of my dress sleeve. It shone with the dull sheen of real gold.

Then I reached back into the jewelery case again, lifting two small, quarter carat diamond studs from the box. For the first time, as I lifted one of the studs towards my ear, I noticed that each of my small, feminine ears had two small holes in them! They had already been pierced! Twice! It took me a moment to remember when that would have happened, but then I recalled the phase that the woman had said this process would be included in. I guess I just hadn't had the inclination to check it back then. Probably because of the other things that had been going on that seemed so much more terrible than just a double piercing of my ears!

A few moments later, the top hole of each ear had a shiny diamond stud attached to it! Then I was back rummaging through the jewelery box again, looking for something else.

My fingers came out of the box with another set of earrings, again made for pierced ears. These were much larger and more eleborate than the diamond studs and my mind cringed at the thought of wearing them!

The long, three stand, pearl earrings were attached to an oval shaped, rosy-pink opal lined with tiny diamonds. The small, pinkish pearls that made up the three inch strands were separated by tiny crystal beads as they went down. The opal was about an inch in diameter and covered the bottom of my earlobe as I poked the post through the lower hole of each ear, attaching the earrings to them. Once on, they shined and sparkled as the strands playfully swung against my neck. I felt so ashamed at my reflection. I didn't want to be this beautiful woman . . . I . . . I wanted to have her!

Then I stood up and went over to the closet. Reaching in, I picked up a pair of shiny leather, bright pink colored, high-heel pumps that matched my belt. Each pointed toe was adorned with a small, pink-rose colored, silk bow just behind it that spread the width of the shoe, a small gold button at the center. I looked at the pencil-thin, three and a half inch heels and groaned inside at the thought of trying to walk in them. They were just too thin and high! This was ridiculous!

But I sat on the edge of the bed and slipped them on to my small feet, feeling their perfect fit. I looked at the way they made my feet and legs look so provacative and sexy and I felt my shame grow. I stood up, feeling my posture adjust to the high, thin heels and thought I could actually feel the way my rear stood up and out with the forced change in my stance! Then I took a few mincing, hip swaying steps over to the closet and reached in again, noticing that I was a few inches taller now in the ultra-high heels.

I pulled out a shiny, pink colored, matching clutch purse with a gold clasp and took it over to the vanity with me. I sat down gracefully, noting how my knees came up much higher, now that I was wearing the spiked pumps and I set my new purse down in front of me on the vanity.

I picked up the old purse and found myself emptying it out on the vanity. I took the compact, the gold, ladies cigarette case, the gold cigarette lighter, and a small pack of tissues and placed them in my clutch-purse. Then I put the old purse in a drawer of the vanity.

I looked back over the top of the vanity and selected a few other things to go into the clutch-purse. Some mascarra, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blusher, eyebrow pencil, and make-up. Then I reached over to the pile of assorted make-up still on the table and looked at three different tubes of lipstick.

I felt my tension rise again at the thought of putting on more lipstick! I hated this more than all the other things! It was soooo . . . . sooo damn feminine!

I opened a tube of bright, pink-red lipstick and twisted it out. The shiny lipstick rolled out of the tube and I leaned into the mirror, spreading my lips apart ladylike as I brought the lipstick up to them and began to smooth the rich, shiny color onto them. The bright, shiny, luxurient reddish-pink color flowed onto my full, feminine lips, adding a finality of feminine, sensuous, color and texture to my make-up. I rolled my lips together, blending the color over them, then touched up the cupids bow of my upper lip until it was perfect. I leaned back, capping the lipstick as I smiled sexily at myself in the mirror.

I just couldn't believe how I looked! God! I . . . I was . . . . . . was gorgeous! Even in my state of shock and horror over what I had become, . . . there was no denying that I was absolutely gorgeous! It made my mind lust and hate at the same time. How . . . how could they have done this to me?

I smiled brightly at myself and then picked up a small bottle of perfume from the vanity top. I opened the small bottle, sprizing a light amount on my neck and on my slim wrists. The subtle, sweet, feminine aroma assualted my sense of smell with a feminine scent until it dissapated slightly, leaving a suble, feminine scent to follow me around, reminding me always of my status. I even gave a tiny spray onto a finger, then ran it in between the deep V of my cleavage, leaving behind the feminine scent there, too!

Then I smiled once more at my reflection and stood up, placing the lipstick and perfume in my purse.

I walked back over by my bed, taking small, mincing, ladylike steps and then turned around to face the mirror one more time. I looked once more at the gorgeous woman staring back at me, feeling the dress, panties, bra, garter, hose, and heels that I wore. Seeing them on me. Feeling my breasts strain against the front of the low-cut dress, feeling the void between my legs and the pressure of my tight panties against the new, sensitive flesh that was there. I felt my soft, long blond hair caress my head and neck and shoulders, and smelled the feminine scent of my perfume as it wafted around me, and tasted the lipstick that shined from my full, feminine lips. I looked at her . . . at me . . . and I knew what it was to feel like a woman. To physically be a woman! And my mind cried at what I was. I was so ashamed and humiliated! I just had to get out of there! I couldn't go on!

But go on I did. I turned and left the room, walking gracefully, seductively out onto the tiled open area that bordered the rooms to the pit area. I heard the sharp click of my heels as they made contact with the marble and I recognized the sound that signaled the approach of a woman. A woman in high-heels. And it was me!

I held my clutch purse gracefully at my side, under my ample busom as I walked towards the bar. My free hand swayed femininely at my side my hips rolling seductfully . . . like a woman.

I stepped lightly down the two steps and stood in front of the food synthesizer. I saw the flash of bright pink-red nails as my finger went out to the unit and made it's selection. A moment later I was walking around to one of the openings to the sofa and then sitting down on it, smoothing my tight dress under my shapely thighs as I did. I crossed my legs at my knees and set my purse down next to me, holding the small glass of white wine femininely in my right hand. I looked down at my legs and adjusted the hem of my dress to cover a little more of my exposed thigh. Then I brought the glass up to my lips and took a small sip of the sweet wine. I saw the lipstick mark on the rim of the glass as I brought it away from my lips and swallowed the cool, fragrant drink. I was about to bring it back to my lips again when I heard that unmistakeable sound again.

The sharp clicking sound of high heels on the tile caused me to stand up and turn around. As I did, I caught sight of someone walking towards me. It took a moment for my mind to register who it was, I was so taken by the sight. But, I knew it was Jack. . . . or . . . at least it used to be.

The beautiful brunette walked crisply, daintily towards me, her shiny red spiked heels clicking gracefully on the tile. My gaze went up her shapely legs, encased in dark, sheer nylons.

I looked up and saw her face. Gawd! What a beauty! I knew it was Jack, but, I couldn't put the two of them together. The person I saw reeked of raw sex and feminine sensuality! She moved like a model, hips rolling seductively under the tight skirt of her short red dress. The low-cut Vee of her silk dress exposed the deep cleavage of her large breasts, pressing outwards, barely contained by the shiny fabric. Her elbow length, black taffeta puffed sleeves, billowed out from her slender shoulders with a flare and fell to a tight, red lacy cuff above her elbows. She wore a single, large diamond pendant necklace that rested at the top of her billowy bosom, light dancing from it as she moved to me. She held a shiny red clutch purse in her hand, her long, bright, shiny red nails reflecting the light as she held the purse out daintily to the side as she negotiated the two steps down to the sofa. A wide diamond bracelet on her right wrist caught the light as she stepped down and I could make out a diamond cocktail ring on her right finger.

But when I focused on her face, my heart went out to my friend. I could vaguely make out the last remnants of Jacks' old face in the beautiful womans' face that smiled at me now. Some vague, tiny reminder of who she had been.

Her full, shiny red lips formed a seductive, friendly smile. Her lipstick was perfect, . . . bright, shiny red, . . . thick and rich. Her wide, green eyes were fully made-up with flowing, lush lashes beautifully accented with mascarra. The dark, flesh tone (with a hint of blue) eyeshadow made her eyes look deeper and wider than I had remembered. And the liner was thick towards the outside corners, accentuating the butterfly look of her sultry eyes. Her dark, arched eyebrows swept above her eyes in a classical style, coming to thin points as they fell off to the sides. And her high, feminine cheekbones looked prominent as the rose blush she wore swept up to her ears.

Her thick, rich, dark hair was swept back on the sides and down over her exposed ears to her shoulders, like a flowing lion's mane! Her hair parted on one side in the front, dark feathery bangs sweeping high on her forehead and out over her left eye, slighlty covering it from that angle. It was stunning!

I looked intently at her, my own painted lips smiling widely, and I saw the sparkle of her two long, diamond drop earrings as they swayed gently from her ears, lightly touching her long slender neck.

As she approached, stopping just in front of me, I caught the scent of her sweet, musky perfume as it mingled with my own scent, still wafting lightly in the air around me. I couldn't believe this gorgeous creature was (or had been) my schoolmate, my friend, my . . . my male friend!

We looked at each other for a second, then we both let out a girlish squeal, taking each others arms at the elbow and giggling! It was appaling to my mind!

"Oh, Diana!", she . . . uh, he squealed girlishly, "You look absolutely beautiful! I looove your dress and your hair! And that lipstick is just so dreamy!" I wanted to cringe, but I giggled back, smiling widely.

Then I turned around, pirouetting on my heels and said, "Do you like it? I think it's divine!" Then I stood back a step and looked coyishly at her, letting my feminine voice become syrupy and sexy.

"Gawd, Jennifer! You look absolutely scrumptous in that dress! It's sooooo sexy! And I think your hair is just soooo lovely!" I giggled again and so did he.

Then we gave each other a light hug and then he looked down at my glass, sitting on the table.

"Ohhhh! White wine! What a lovely idea!" Then he minced over to the food dispenser as I sat back down and came back with his own glass, held gracefully betwwen his red tipped fingers.

He sat down and crossed his legs, setting his red purse next to him and took a sip. I'm sure he saw the bright red lipmark on the rim of his glass as he drew it back from his sensuous lips and took a small swallow.

He looked over at me as I sipped my own wine and huskily said, "Ohhhh . . . that tastes gooood!" Then we both giggled again and I said, "Oh, Jennifer! Isn't this just too much?! I feel so . . . so beautiful and sexy! I can't wait to see Peter! I hope he likes my dress!"

I couldn't believe I had just said that! I struggled to control myself, but to no avail. We were completely under control now, acting like the young, beautiful women we appeared to be . . . the young, pretty ladies that . . . that we were! It seemed hopeless!

"Oh, God! I know!", she gushed back, her bright white teeth flashing behind her shiny red lips, "I feel so sexy! I get goosebumps just thinking about it! I can't wait to let Sam 'get a load of me'!" We laughed girlishly again and then settled down a bit. I took another sip of my wine and felt a little more control coming back to me. I felt my lips go back to the light smile I usually had to keep on them when I had some measure of control over myself.

I took the chance to venture a short sentence of my own, hoping we had been given back our free-speech.

"Uh, . . Jennifer? Can . . . can you talk?" I softly said, unable to use his real name.

He looked over at me, his bright red lips in a slight, pouty smile.

"I . . I think so, Diana." He looked down a bit as more control came to us, . . for how long we didn't know.

I felt my embarassement and frustration as I said, "I . . I think . . . I think I'm beginning to lose it, J . . Jennifer. I can't stop the strange feelings I have. It's like . . . like I'm not here anymore. I can't explain it . . . I can't be a . . . A woman! But . . . but I am ! Oh, God! I feel so bad inside! I wish there was something we could do!"

He looked up at me, his smile still there.

"I know, Diana. I feel it, too. It just got worse while I was getting dressed! I felt . . felt so . . so female! Please don't feel bad! We aren't to blame. Maybe, . . . . maybe it'll get easier after a while. I don't know what else we can do. I feel so powerless." His (her) voice was soothing and sweet, making me feel closer to him and a little better. He was right. There wasn't anything we could do. We just had to wait and see what happened.

I nodded, feeling my soft hair against my shoulders, and took another sip of my wine, on my own, wanting to keep the tension I felt at bay.

I looked back at the lovely young, woman next to me and said, "Well, . . . just don't forget our promise. We'll stick together and help each other, . . . right, Jennifer?"

He nodded and smiled, softly saying, "Of course we will, Diana. We'll all stick together. We have to. It’s our only hope." Then he smiled again and took a sip from his own glass.

We could hear the others moving about in their rooms and I wondered how long it would be before they would come out, too. But they had started getting ready some time after Jack and I and I knew it might be a while yet.

Looking back at Jack, he said, "At least they didn't turn us into ugly women. I guess that's some consolation." He laughed a little, a short, feminine laugh that was a vague reminder of his own. I knew he was just trying to cheer me up.

I smiled back and said, "Well, that's true. . . but . . . but they didn't have to give me such big tits! I swear . . . . they stick out like sore thumbs!" I laughed a little, the first time I'd done it on my own since this all began. It felt good to just laugh a little, even though it really wasn't a laughing

matter and was more of a tension release.

Jack laughed a little, saying "You think you have it bad! Look at these balloons they put on me! I swear . . . they must weigh a ton!" We both giggled a little at the absurdity of our situation. I did feel a little better now, though my fear and anxiety remained.

Then I watched Jack pick up his purse and open it. He took out his compact and his lipstick and held them daintily in his fingers. He was opening the compact and looking at his face as he said, "I still can't believe how easily they make us do all these things. One second I feel like I'm at least a little in control, the next . . . " Then he stopped talking as he uncapped his lipstick tube and twisted it out. Then he repaired his lips, using feminine, graceful movements and then rolled his lips together in a very seductive way, smoothing the bright red color on them. Then he put the lipstick away, and looked for a few moments in the mirror of the compact, patting his hair a little and primping. When he was done, he looked at me and said, "I hate it when I do that. I . . . I just can't stop."

I nodded, knowing full well what it was like.

A moment later, I was reaching for my own purse and doing the same. Repairing my bright, pink-rose lips and primping in the small mirror. The reflection reminded me again of my new beauty and feminine look. I was trying not to think about it. Apparently, . . . they didn't want me to forget.

As I put the lipstick and the compact back into my purse, I heard the now familiar sound of high heels clicking on the tile as one of the others approached. I braced my mind for the inevitable, girlish activities that I knew would soon follow.

We both looked up to see Kevin walking towards us. But now he was a gorgeous woman named Kathleen! She looked so beautiful! She had on a blue dress that hugged her every curve. The short skirt came half-way down her shapely thighs and ended in a lacy, tapered hem that crossed over in an upwards Vee at the front, allowing her thighs to poke through as she minced forward. Her flesh tone, sheer nylons made her legs shine a little as she walked, perched high on a pair of patent leather, shiny blue, sling-back pumps with stiletto heels about four inches high. Her waist was belted with a gold sash that hung down a few inches onto her left hip, quivering lightly as she walked. Her ample, white breasts pressed against the front of the squared collar of the silk dress, the top half of them poking out from the lace-lined edges. The puffy, short sleeves were made of a lighter, transparent material that ended a few inches down her slender, fair-skinned arms. A short, ruffled gold collar stood up around the sides of her neck,where it came in from the sides, near the shoulders and went around the back of her slender neck. The base of her neck was wrapped in a wide, white pearl choker, making her long, slender neck look even longer. Her wrists were both adorned with several gold circelets, loosely resting at her wrists and jangling lightly as she moved. Her left arm was held up slightly a blue purse strap resting in the crook of her elbow, the shiny blue purse dangling just below it. Her wrist was turned up, her slender hand loosely held up and back, long, shiny, coral colored nails shining from her fingertips.

I looked into his feminie face and saw his wide, almond shaped, light purple and rose shadowed eyes under fluttering, long lashes that spread out from them. His pink-rose blusher swept up from his high cheeks to his ears that were sporting a pair of long, drop earrings that hung down almost to his shoulders, comprised of many, quivering, thin strands of gold. The thin strands fell from a triangular shaped, gold post that covered his earlobe. There was a small gold stud in each of the upper holes of his pierced ears. His bright and shiny, coral colored lips smiled femininely as he walked into the pit area, gracefully stepping down.

His auburn hair was flowing down from high on the back of his head in a mass of curls that fell down to his upper back. The hair in front was pulled tightly back, held in place where the mass of auburn curls started by a long, gold hairclip that rested across the back half of the top of his head. It looked so beautiful and sophisticated! He was just so . . . so classically beautiful!

As he walked over to where we were standing, He brought his slender hand up to his throat in a feminine fashion and said, "Oh, you guys! You look soooo beautiful! I love your dresses! You look soooo pretty in them!" He giggled girlishly and then stepped back, turning once around, showing off his dress.

"Well?", he intoned in a high, feminine voice, "What do you think?" He struck a feminine pose, right hand on his hip, left hand out and up, holding the purse from the crook of his feminine arm.

Jack clapped gleefully and gushed out, "Ohhhhh, Kathleen! You look stunning!" Then he looked coquettishly at him and added, "Jeffery won't be able to keep his hands off you!" We all giggled girlishly as Kevin asked, "Oh, do you think so, Jennifer? I hope he likes me like this!"

I looked at Kevin and giggled, again unable to control my speech as I girlishly said, "You look just lovely, Kathleen. If Jeffery doesn't fall all over you, . . then he must be braindead!" We all laughed and squealed again.

"Thanks, Diana. But you look so . . . so beautiful. I'm sure you'll have plenty to do keeping Peter from pawing at you!" Then he winked and added, "That is . . . . if you want to stop him." Then we all giggled again and I could even feel my face blushing! This was so . . so sickening!

Kevin stepped over to the bar, getting a glass of wine and then came back over and sat down across from us, smoothing his lacy skirt under him as he did. He placed his blue purse on the table and then brought the glass of wine to his lips, taking a small sip and leaving a coral red lipstick stain on the glass.

We talked in girlish banter for a few minutes until Rick came out from his room, his arrival announced by the sharp clicking of his high heels on the tiled floor above.

We stopped our girlish chatter and looked up to see him swish down into the pit area, his hips swaying provacatively under the tight, black mini-dress he was wearing! It was the epitome of the 'little black dress'! It was an off-the-shoulder number with a low-cut, rounded front that allowed his firm, tanned breasts to spilled out considerably! The sleevless, flared shoulders were lined with frilly, black lace and the back plummetted to the top of his tiny waist! The tight skirt rode to just below his shapely hips, hugging his upper thighs tightly. His smoky nylons shimmered and as he turned towards us, I could see they had a straight, black seam running up the back of his gorgeous legs! His feet were perched in a pair a black suede, spiked heel pumps, the pencil-thin heels as high as ours! A small, silver, serpentine line traced from the toe to the side of the pumps on either side, adding an expensive, sophisticated look to them.

He was clutching a black leather purse in his right hand, a wide, silver, shiny bracelet on his wrist. His long fingernails were spread out on the side of the purse where he held it, shining with a wet, bright coral pink color. The beltless dress clung tightly to his small waist and his hips positively swivelled below as he glided over to us!

I looked up to see a single strand, silver necklace around his neck. It fell to the tops of his jutting bosom, a small silver heart-shaped pendant resting in between his cleavage.

Looking up into his face, . . . oh, god! . . . he was soooo sexy! Coral pink lipstick shone brightly from his pretty lips. He wore rose and pink eyeshadow on his large eyelids and his long, fluttering lashes shone lightly with a bluish black mascarra! His arched brows were raised slightly in the same perpetually, amazed look I'd seen earlier, but they had been darkened and now added a look of stylish sophistication to his soft, doe-like eyes! His pink blusher highlighted his high cheekbones and his otherwise tanned, facial features had been softened by a fresh, soft make-up.

His long, light brown hair swept down and back from the sides of his pretty head, parted in the middle and then cascading down over his shoulders where it curled lightly and softly at the ends and his forehead was covered with soft, feathery bangs. His ears peeked out from the sides, where his hair was swept back slightly. He wore a pair of tiny pearl studs on his upper lobes and a pair of coral colored, heart shaped, earrings that dangled on thin silver strands a couple of inches below his ears, attached to his lobes by one carat diamond studs. He looked so sexy!

God! We all did! It was depressing and yet . . . I couldn't help but be intrigued by the beauty all around me! My mind was reeling from the sight of us all!

Rick stopped across from us, next to Kevin and put a hand on his hip, turning around for us all to see him, looking sexily back over his soft, exposed shoulders, his soft hair framing his pretty face. He playfully laughed and said, "Well, ladies? What do you think? Do I pass?"

Kevin squealed girlishly, his reddish hair swishing around playfully on his head as he turned to him and said, "Ohhhh, Rita! You look so beautiful and so . . . . so naughty ! Gawd! Where did you get that dress! It's positvely sinful! I love it!" We all squealed in delight and Rick giggled and blushed.

He looked at each of us, commenting how pretty we all looked and then set his black purse down on the table and walked over to the food unit to get himself a glass of wine. We all watched him as he went around the sofa, his hips swaying very provacatively as he took small, feminine steps in his spiked heels. I still couldn't grasp that it was him! What a difference! His walked dripped with sexy abandon!

He came back around and sat down. As he gracefully, sexily crossed his long, shapely legs, I could glimpse the stocking tops of his right leg, seeing the small, dainty, black lace garter straps that held them up before he pulled down his hem to cover them. He just gave me a wicked smiled and giggled.

I found myself giggling again as I said, "Gaawwd, Rita! Robert is going to flip when he sees you. I'll bet he ravishes you right here!"

He laughed and blushed as he waved his long-nailed fingers at me in a feminine 'poo-poo' fashion, replying, "Oh, quit it! You should talk, Diana! You look just as sexy as everyone else and you know it! Besides, . . maybe I want Robert to notice me right away. After all, a girl only gets one chance to make a first impression." Then we all laughed again and chatted about meeting our fiances' and the upcoming engagement party that we would attend in a little while. It was humiliating to hear the things we said, knowing that it would all happen, regardless of our true, inner feelings.

As I watched Kevin reach for his purse and then take out his lipstick and compact, I felt some measure of control returning to me and found I could speak freely again. I noticed that Jack could sense it, too as he looked over at Rick and Kevin and said, "Uh, . . . R . .Rita? Kathleen?"

Kevin looked at him from over his compact and raised his eyebrows as he smoothed the lipstick over his full lips, rolling them femininely together. Rick tilted his pretty head up and looked at him.

"Uh . . Diana and I were talking earlier about . . . you know, . . . what's going on and . . . and we just want to make sure that we all stick togerther and help each other out. OK?"

Rick smiled and nodded, finding his own voice (though now a girls voice!) and replied, "I . . . I know, Jennifer. I'm . . . I'm a little better now. I . . think I can make it.", but he looked down a little as he said, "I . . . I just don't know if I can handle . . . you know . . . being with . . . with a man." He blushed slightly and I felt my own embarassment grow.

Kevin put away his lipstick and compact and softly said, "Don't worry, Rita. Maybe it . . . . .it won't happen. I mean . . . how could they do that to us, knowing that we're really . . . guys?" But there wasn't much conviction in his feminine tone. I still didn't want to think about it, and tried to switch my brain to another subject.

But Rick nodded his pretty head and reached for his glass, taking another sip of his wine. Then he placed the glass back on the table and picked up his purse. I figured he was going to have to fix his lipstick, like we had by now, when I saw him pulling his cigarette case and lighter out of the shiny black bag.

As he plucked one of the long, ladies cigarettes out of the case, he looked over at Kevin, who was still looking at him and said, "Jesus! I think I hate this part as much as having tits!"

Kevin nodded, knowing the frustration we all felt.

I looked at Rick as he gracefully lit the long, white cigarette and then blew a long column of smoke out from his pretty mouth. He placed his purse back on the table and leaned back, recrossing his long legs and taking another languid puff and then holding his cigarette femininely off to the side of his shoulder between the long-nailed fingers of his right hand, cupping his elbow in his slender left hand as it was crossed under his ample bosom. It struck me that he looked like a young fashion model, sitting there in his tight black dress, smoking his cigarette and looking as sexy as I'd ever seen a woman look! Jesus!, I thought, where would all this lead to?! Again I tried to close my mind to the thought and just enjoy the time with my friends.

Jack stood up a moment later, smoothing his red dress and picking up his purse and wine glass. He smiled at me as he walked past, saying, "I'm going for a refill. I can't just sit here and wait for something to happen. I’m all wound up."

I smiled and nodded, saying, "I know what you mean. I think I'll get one, too."

Then I stood up, smoothing the soft skirt of my dress very ladylike, then picked up my purse and glass to follow him/her to the bar.

I felt my hips move sensuously as I walked and noted that Jack did the same. Following him, I could see his long, curled brunette hair bouncing femininely against his shoulders. I knew mine was, too.

We stepped over to the bar and Jack placed his purse down on top of the unit. He placed his glass back in it, deftly pressed a button with his dainty finger and then withdrew the glass, re-filled with the amber wine. He stepped back and I did the same. As I took my glass out of the unit, I could see Kevin placing his purse back next to him on the sofa, a freshly lit cigarette in his fingers as he blew a long stream of smoke up and away from him. Rick was watching him and slightly shaking his pretty head and he took another puff from his own.

Jack picked up his purse and set his glass down on the bar. He took out a cigarette and lit it seductively before placing his cigarette case and lighter back in his purse and picked it up. He took his wine glass in the hand holding his cigarette and walked back around to the sofa, placing his glass on the table and his purse next to it. Then he sat down, crossing his legs in a sexy, feminine manner. He leaned back, taking another languid puff on the slim, white cigarette, then lazily blew a thick stream of smoke from between his bright red lips, parted slightly and sensuously, his eyelids half-closed and dreamy looking. Christ! He dripped sex!

I picked up my purse and and glass and followed him over to the sofa. I stood next to the table as I set my glass down and then opened my purse. I struggled with myself, . . . pleading with my body to obey me as I fought to keep my fingers from bringing the slim, white filter up to my bright pink lips. But a moment later I had a freshly lit cigarette between my extended fingers, holding it very ladylike and exhaling a long stream of smoke over towards the door, my head tilted slightly up. I sat down and looked at Jack as I crossed my legs and held my cigarette out to the side as my hand rested gracefully on my thigh.

"I . . . I still can't believe that . . . that this isn't a nightmare we'll all wake up from in a little while." I said softly, a light smile still playing across my lips. I took another puff on my cigarette as he nodded his pretty head, holding his cigarette daintily up near his shoulder, a thin stream of smoke rising up from the lit end.

"I know what you mean, Diana. This . . . this is so unreal. It's like . . . like it can't be happening, but then . . . you just know it is." As I blew a column of smoke out in front of me and then turned back to him, he added, "You . . . you can't imagine how you look when you do that. It makes you look so . . . so sexy."

I inwardly winced at his words, though my face just smiled. I nodded and replied, "Yeah. You, too." Then I looked over towards Rick and Kevin. They were talking softly between themselves and Rick was just tapping the ash of his cigarette in the large ashtray, leaning forward to reach it and blowing a stream of smoke out from between his coral pink lips. I nodded towards them and said, "They do, too. We all do. I'm sure it's just what they want. Every woman here is some kind of throw-back to the fifties. But with a modern look and even more obiedient."

I had been thinking this for some time, guessing that we all had to fit into some kind of community mold in order to satisfy their needs. I was positive that they had somehow mixed together old and new ideas about how a woman should act here. They seemed to have mastered the technology to get what they wanted. We certainly were proof of that!

Jack looked over at Kevin and Rick and nodded. He took another languid puff on his cigarette and then stubbed it out in the ashtray and stood up. It became obvious that our period of free-speech was over when he picked up his red purse, bending ladylike at his knees and said, "Well, ladies, . . . I'm going to the little girls room and freshen up before the men get here."

I saw Rick get up and grab his purse as he said, "Wait for me, Jennifer. I'll go with you." They walked off together, hips swaying and gesturing femininely as they chatted about their clothes on the way to the bathroom.

Kevin got up and came over to where I was sitting, moving gracefully and seductively as he stepped lightly in his spiked heels, his thighs peeking out from the tapered slit in the front of his blue silk dress. He sat down next to me and placed his slender hand on mine, looking coquettishly at me as he spoke, "Oh, Diana! I'm so excited about seeing Jeffery! I have butterflies in my stomach!"

I felt like shouting out, "No you're not! You're a man, remember!"

But instead I gave his hand a little squeeze and replied, "Oh, Kathleen! Me, too. I know he's going to just love you to death! You're so pretty!"

We both giggled and held hands for a moment, then Jack and Rick came out of the bathroom and took a seat on the sofa, chatting gaily about meeting the men again.

Kevin squeezed my hand and said, "Let's go to the ladies room and freshen up. I want to look my best!"

I nodded and we stood up, grabbed our purses and walked out of the pit area. We swished into the bathroom and Kevin immediately started primping in the mirror.

I walked over to one of the toilets and raised my dress up around my waist. I sat down and a moment later, I felt a rush of relief as I tinkled into the bowl. It was such a strange experience, feeling my new plumbing working like that. Then I took some toilet paper from the roll and wiped myself before standing up, flushing the toilet and then rearranging my underwear back into place. Christ it was embarassing!

I smoothed my dress and then walked over to the counter. Kevin smiled at me as he touched up his mascarra and said, "Don't you just love the way this mascarra lengthens and separates? I should have used this a long time ago." He giggled and fluttered his long lashes in the mirror, smiling seductively at his beautiful reflection. I wanted to turn away, but I only giggled with him as I took my compact out of my purse and expertly touched up my make-up. Then I took out my lipstick and applied a fresh coat of the bright, reddish-pink color to my lips. Then Kevin repaired his lips and we both added a little perfume to ourselves before heading back into the other room and sat back down on the sofa.

I looked at my tiny, feminine watch and noticed it was just after noon. I looked over at Kevin and said, "It shouldn't be long before the boys get here. I can't wait. I'm sooo tired of being couped up in here!"

Kevin nodded and Rick said, "I hope so. I'm soooo bored! I'm ready to party!"

Jack smiled and softly said, "I guess we just wait now, huh?"

"I guess, so." I hated hearing my new, feminine voice! But there wasn't any way around it.

Kevin looked over at us, resignation beginning to show on his beautiful face and said, "I wish they'd hurry up. I want to get this over with."

Before anyone could say anything else, we heard the door slide back and heard men talking as they entered the room. Ohhhh, God! Here they come! I felt myself come back under their control as the men, all dressed in nice, expensive looking suits, came down into the pit area and stood there, looking at us with smiles on their faces.

Mr. Lawson was with them and he looked at each of us before speaking.

"Well, ladies," he began, "you all look very lovely. If you're ready, I'd like to take this opportunity to indroduce you, once again, to each of your fiances." He smiled a little as he added, "It would seem appropriate to do so, since you've, shall we say, become a bit of a stranger to them since you last met." He grinned at his comment and I felt my embarassment inside grow.

He turned to Rick and walked towards him. Rick took his offered hand and stood up, standing femininely next to him as he turned to the men and said, "Miss Rita Ann Taylor, I'd like you to meet Mr. Robert Sellers."

Robert walked over to them and stood in front of Rick, a pleasant smile on his handsome face. He looked into his eyes, which stared up into his and said, "A pleasure to meet you, Rita. You look lovely."

He actually blushed and I could see his breasts moving up and down as he breathed heavily and replied, "Thank you, Robert. You look very handsome today." Then he smiled and Robert said, "Are you ready to go, my dear?"

Rick smiled widely and replied, "Yes. Just let me get my purse." He reached down and took his shiny black purse between his slender fingers and then took Robert's arm as they walked up to the door and stopped, waiting for the rest of us.

Jesus! You'd never know that he was being forced to go with him, the way his beautiful face beamed and the way his hips rolled seductively as he walked up there with him, holding gracefully on to his arm!

Then Mr. Lawson moved over near Kevin, offering his hand to him. He took it and stood up gracefully, carefully smoothing his silk blue dress as he waited.

"Miss Kathleen Louise Benning, I'd like you to meet Mr. Jeffery Collins."

Jeffery stepped over and took his hand in his, holding it in front of him and then bending down to kiss it lightly on the back. He looked down into Kevins' beautiful face and said, "I'm very pleased to meet you, Kathleen. You look quite beautiful today."

Kevin blushed a little and replied, "Thank you, Jeffery. I'm ready to go now." He picked up his purse and slipped his slender hand through Jeffery's arm and walked up with him to stand next to Robert and Rick.

I looked back and saw Mr. Lawson helping Jack up from the sofa. He was smiling brightly and looking up at Lawson as he smoothed his dress.

"Miss Jennifer Sue Thomas, I'd like you to meet Mr. Sam Weaver."

Sam took the few steps over to Jack and looked down into his sultry eyes. They locked like that for a moment as he said, "Hello, Jennifer. I'm looking forward to getting to know you."

Jack blushed and softly replied, "Hello, Sam. It's so nice to meet you. You look very nice."

Jack reached down and took his purse and they walked out of the pit area, arm in arm, up to the others and waited. He couldn't stop looking at Sam and smiling.

Then I saw Mr. Lawson step over to me. Ohhh, God! Here it comes! I was completely under their control and I felt the playfull smile on my lips as he extended his large hand to me. I reached up, placing my slender, feminine hand in his, noting how shiny my long nails appeared next to his tanned skin.

He held my hand gently as I uncrossed my legs and stood up next to him, reallizing how much shorter I was now as he towered above me. I felt so soft and frail!

He smiled at me and said, "Miss Diana Lynette Johnson, I'd like you to meet Mr. Peter Miller." He turned towards Peter and I looked towards him as he stepped over to me.

Ohhh, Jesus! This was it! I was meeting my . . . my fiance! And I was the woman! My mind screamed out, telling me to run, or hide, or . . . anything! But I only continued to act like a young lady as the control forced my shiny lips into a wide, seductive smile.

He stepped up to me and I looked up at him, seeing that my eyes only came up to his neck! I felt my head tilt back as I looked into his blue eyes and saw the smile on his handsome face. His dark blonde hair was neat and trimmed. I felt so . . . so small next to him.

He looked into my eyes and said, "I'm very pleased to meet you, Diana. You're very lovely. I'm sure we'll be very happy together."

My mind was reeling! This . . . this was the man I was going . . going to marry! I couldn't even think of all the things that meant!

But I still smiled brightly and then I softly said, "Thank you, Peter. I've been looking forward to seeing you."

I felt my face blush demurely and then I picked up my purse, took his arm and walked with him up to the door. My hips swivelled secuctively and I kept looking up at his smiling face, acting every bit the young woman in love.

Ohhh, it was awful! We stopped next to the others and Mr. Lawson came up behind us and stepped over to the door, extending his hand through it and saying, "If we're all ready, . . . we're expected over at the club. We've arranged a little get together for you. An engagement party of sorts. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves." He went out the door and we all followed. I walked with Peter, my hand lightly on his arm and we headed down the hallway and into the lobby. I could hear my high-heels clicking on the tiled floor as we walked and it reminded me constantly of my new life. I felt so humiliated inside! What had I done to deserve this?! Oh, God! Please just let me die!

Mr. Lawson was waiting in the lobby for us, a beautiful brunette woman standing next to him. She was dressed in a pretty, green cocktail dress held up with tiny straps over her white shoulders, her large breasts showing alot of cleavage out of the deep-vee cut front. The waist nipped in tight with small ruffles and the skirt was a short, flaring, ruffled mass of green taffetta, showing most of her shapely thighs, her legs encased in smoky, black nylons and her feet perched in a pair of bright green, spiked pumps.

Her long, dark hair was piled high on her pretty head and held there with a couple of sparkling, diamond berets. Her bright red lips smiled as she stood there, holding on to Mr. Lawsons' arm, her bright red, long nails shining.

Her neck sparkled where her long, diamond drop earrings swayed gently. She held a matching green purse in her other hand. She was gorgeous!

We walked up to meet them and Mr. Lawson said, "Ladies, I'd like you to meet my lovely wife, Karen." She smiled and looked up at him, a loving glow on her face. I wondered who he had been before all of this, and whether he had left a wife and children behind before he came here.

We all smiled and said, "Pleased to meet you, Karen.", as he introduced each of us to her (or him).

Then he led her towards the large glass doors of the lobby, opening them for her as she minced out into the bright sunshine.

We followed, thanking our escorts as they held the door for us and walked out onto the sidewalk. I could feel the warm air under my dress and on the exposed parts of my breasts, feeling very self-conscious of the new sensations and being keenly aware that I was now out in public. It was a public that knew exactly who we were and what had been done to us. I wished I could have just bolted and run away, escaping this madness I had found myself in! But I just walked gracefully along, holding Peter's arm as we walked down the street a short ways, then crossed over to the other side of the square, headed towards a modern looking nightclub.

We passed a few people on the street, women, or men, together or alone. All of them smiled and seemed very courteous, greeting us with smiles on their lips.

We approached the entrance to the club and Mr. Lawson held the door for us as we all walked in.

The inside of the club was well lit and very large, with a raised mezzanine around the entrance side of the large room and down one side. There were many tables both on our level and down in the lower section, where a shiny, hardwood dance floor was. The walls were alternately covered with dark, oak panels and floor to ceiling mirrors. There were white oak fans hanging from the ceiling and ornate carvings on the columns spread about that rose up twenty feet to the ceiling above. There were couches next to some of the walls and large, throw rugs were spread about the upper level. Large potted plants stood near walls and in the corners and there were tapestries here and there, hanging softly against the walls.

Near the entrance, where we stood, was a reception desk and a few chairs. I could see a few doors leading off from one side, near the entrance. One obviously went back to the kitchen area, and the other two seemed to swing open into a lounge or bar. There was a hallway off to my left that led to the restrooms.

There were maybe ten other couples in the room, already seated about. I was struck again by the handsome, youthful appearance of all the men . . . . . . . and by the sheer beauty of the women, who I now knew, had at one time all been men! They sat around the different tables in pairs and groups of four and seemed to be happily chatting away. Some of the men were smoking pipes, a drink in their hands and some of the women were smoking the same, long, slim, ladies cigarettes that we had smoked earlier. And all the women were dressed in beautiful cocktail dresses. It looked like a typical, nightclub scene. There was even a large screen near the dance floor for videos to play on or . . or whatever. But it was blank now, only a soft background music coming out of speakers in the ceiling.

As we entered the club, Peter and I stood behind Sam and Jack. Mr. Lawson was speaking to a pretty blonde seated at the desk and I looked over to my right. I found myself looking at my own reflection from the mirrored wall next to me. It caught me off guard as I saw the beautiful, buxomy blonde staring back at me, her pink lips smiling and her long lashes fluttering daintily. I was once again struck by my own, inward shame over what had happened to me! I looked sooooo sexy and beautiful! I looked down at my long, shapely legs, poking out from the hem of my dress and followed them down to my high-heels. In all my life, I never would have imagined that I could ever be the gorgeous creature that stared back at me now! Ohhhh, what could I doooo! I felt so helpless!

I found myself looking back at Peter and saying, "Ohhh, Peter! It's a beautiful place!" He smiled at me and said, "A beautiful place to take a beautiful woman!"

I giggled and drew close to him, hanging on to his arm. Oh, please don’t make me do this!

Then we were moving down onto the main floor, towards a few empty tables near the middle of the seating area. I felt the eyes of the other people in the room watching us as we stopped at the two tables near the edge of the dance floor. I felt only small comfort in the fact that at least half the people there truly understood the humiliation the four of us felt at that moment.

Peter held out a chair for me and I sat down gracefully, smoothing my tight dress under my thighs. I looked up at him, smiling and said, "Thank you, Peter." He smiled back and sat down next to me.

I saw Jack sitting down as Sam held his chair out. He fluffed his hair after he sat and looked up at Sam and seductively said, "Thank you kind sir." Sam just smiled and sat next to him. Jack smiled over at me and I felt myself smiling back. Jesus! We were acting just like a pair of girlfriends out on a double-date!

Kevin and Rick sat down at the table next to us, their 'fiances' holding their chairs for them as they did. They were smiling and Kevin even made a very feminine gesture with his dainty hand and said to Rick, "Isn't this a lovely club, Rita?"

Rick smiled back and then giggled and said, "Oh, Kathleen! It's just the place for a party! I love it!"

I felt my hatred for these people grow with every feminine, girlish thing I heard myself and my friends forced to say! Somehow, . . . I . . . I just had to stop all of this! But I just couldn't think of a way out!

Mr. Lawson and his wife, Karen sat down at a small table next to us. I watched as she smiled lovingly up at him as he helped her with her chair.

A moment later, a beautiful young blonde, wearing a black cocktail waitress outfit with shiny, patent leather spiked heels came over to our table and smiled down at us. God, she was beautiful! I wondered again, at who he had been and how he must now feel, standing there looking so sexy in that outfit. Her bright red lips shone out as she said, "Welcome to Club Athernia. What can I get for you?"

She looked genuinely happy as she waited for a reply. How humiliated he must feel!

Peter smiled at her and said, "I think I'll have a Scotch and Soda." Then he looked at me and raised his eyebrows questioningly as he asked me, "What would you like, Diana?"

I wanted to shout out, "I'd like to kill you and all the rest of your insane friends!"

But I just smiled and softly, girlishly said, "Ummm, I think I'll have a Pink Lady." More humiliation! When would it stop?

The waitress smiled at me and wrote down my order before looking over at Sam and Jack. Sam ordered a Voka Collins and Jack smiled as he asked for a White Wine Spritzer.

Then the waitress went to the other tables and took their orders. When she had left, Mr. Lawson stood up and went towards the entrance. I saw him go into the door where I thought there was a separate lounge. Karen just sat demurely in her chair, waiting for her husband to return. She even smiled over at me and I smiled back.

A few minutes later, Mr. Lawson returned and sat down, kissing Karen lightly on the cheek as she blushed. Then the waitress brought our drinks to us all and left, telling us to call her if we needed anything.

As I raised the cocktail glass to my lips, I could see Jack sipping lightly on his drink, looking over his glass at Sam and smiling. I found myself looking over at Peter and doing the same. As I put my glass back down, I noticed the bright lipstick mark on the rim. This was awful! I had to get out!

Then Mr. Lawson stood up and tapped on the side of his glass with a small spoon. The club quieted down and he spoke loud enough for everyone in the club to hear him.

"If I may have your attention please. This afternoon we have the pleasure of welcoming into our midsts, four lovely young ladies who have recently come to our beautiful island." He smiled over at us and then continued, "I would like to thank those of you who were able to attend our little get together. I know it was pretty short notice, but, I thought it would be nice for our new citizens to get to know a few of you before we hold their formal engagement party this evening."

A formal party? This evening? I was smiling brightly at him while I felt pangs of embarassment go through me at his words.

Then he introduced each of us as we stood up and smiled at the other people in the club. I felt so terrible! The other women just smiled at us and the men looked at us with satisfaction registering on their faces. I felt like a trophy up for display!

After he had introduced each of us, everyone went back to their conversations and I found myself looking at Peter and asking, "Peter? What time will the party be this evening?"

He smiled at me and said, "It will start at seven, darling. Don't worry, we'll be leaving soon, so you'll have plenty of time to relax and get ready."

I cringed inside at his use of the word 'darling'! I wasn't anybody's darling!

But I smiled back at him and softly said, "That'll be fine, honey. I want to look special for you tonight." I smiled sweetly at him.

I couldn't believe I had said that! I just . . . just couldn't stop!

Then I looked over at Kevin and Rick, watching them act femininely and playfully with their 'dates'. Rick was even touching Roberts arm in a feminine, loving way while he smiled and spoke softly to him! It was plain there wasn’t going to be any free-speech time here. We were all fully under their control.

I looked over at Mr. Lawson and saw Karen setting down her drink and reaching for her purse. A moment later she was holding a cigarette up to her bright red lips as Lawson lit it for her. She blew a long stream of smoke off to one side as she turned back to him and smiled, listening to him as they chatted. She looked to be totally infatuated with him and no one would have ever thought she was anything but a young woman in love.

I felt sorry for him and all of the rest of us women, forced to be the perfect ladies for our men!

I looked back at Peter and smiled. He took my slender hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. I felt my pulse quicken.

What was this? My heart was beating faster and . . . and I was . . . . was feeling a shiver run up my spine! I . . . I was reacting to his touch! Nooo! How could this happen?! They . . . they were making me feel like a girl now! That was definitely a sexual feeling! Jesus! I . . . I could even feel my . . . my vagina lubricating! Oh, damn! Please don't make me feel this way! Please!

Then he let go of my hand and I felt myself return to normal. Oh, Sweet Jesus! They could even make me feel excited by him! Not that! Please!

But, thank God, he didn't seem to want hold my hand now. I felt myself relax and tried to think of something else. I looked over at Jack in time to see him blushing as Sam kissed him lightly on the cheek! I wondered if he had felt the same thing I just had. I imagined that he must have. The others, too, by now. The depth of this insidious control was frightening!

As Jack smiled demurely at Sam, I saw him look back to the table and reach for his purse. He picked it up and opened it. He looked into the shiny red purse and then brougt out his cigarette case. Oh, God! Not this, too! Not here! Not in front of everyone! Stop Jack! Fight it!

But he just opened the case, still smiling, and gracefully took one of the long, white, slim ladies cigarettes out and held in daintily between his slender, feminine fingers. He brought the cigarette up near his shiny lips and looked up at Sam. Then he seductively said, "How about a light, handsome?"

Sam smiled and held out his lighter and flicked it to life as Jack's free hand went up to steady it, touching it gently while he looked down at the flame while bringing the slim cigarette gracefully between his full, shiny red lips and then guided the tip into the flame. He drew lightly on the filter and then leaned back, withdrawing it gracefully from his lips and holding it femininely off to his side as he blew a thick column of smoke over to one side. Then he smiled as he looked back at Sam and said, "Thank you, sweetheart." Sam just smiled back and reached into his coat pocket, taking out a pipe and then filling and lighting it.

Jack looked so sexy as he sat there, acting like a sophisticated woman with her date! I couldn't see my old friend anymore! Just that beautiful creature! My hopes faded with each passing moment.

I saw Rick leaning over as Robert lit his cigarette. I looked back at Peter, wanting to say something . . . anything . . to ask him to help me! Explain that I was not this woman he saw next to him! Try and get him to see that this was wrong! But I only smiled and said, "I'm having a nice time, honey. Thank you for bring me here." He smiled back as I reached for my purse.

I knew what I was about to do, even before I pulled my own cigarette case out of my purse. I took one out of the case and held it up to my lips as I turned to Peter. He smiled as he reached into his coat pocket and said, "Allow me."

I brought the slim filter up to my lips and placed my left hand on Peters' as he brought the flame up to the tip. I felt the smoke go deep into my lungs as I inhaled after withdrawing the cigarette from my lips. As I exhaled a stream of smoke up towards the ceiling, I could see the pink-red lipstick stain on the white filter. I was still wishing for a miracle as I smiled at Peter and said, "Thank you, dear." He just smiled back.

I looked of to one side of the room as I brought the cigarette back to my lips for another puff. I could see a blonde woman, a real pretty young lady, sitting at a table and drawing gracefully, seductively on her cigarette. Then she blew the smoke off to the side, smiling and looking provacative as she did. In a flash I realized I was looking into one of the many mirrors that lined the walls and realized that the sexy woman was me! Jesus! I had no idea I looked so . . . so damn sexy! God! I wish I was dead!

We stayed in the lounge for about another hour, chatting gaily and acting as if there was nothing wrong with any of us. As if . . . as if we'd always been girls and this was normal! I can't describe the feelings I had inside! And the constant girlish, sexual feelings I was forced to endure!

We met several other couples and I was always shocked by the manner in which I and the other women acted. We were the perfect dates!

Finally, Peter stood up and said it was time to go. He helped me with my chair and after I picked up my purse, we left the lounge. Jack, Rick, and Keven left with their fiances, too.

As Peter led me outside, I noticed that he steered us towards a red Mercedes 500 SL parked on the curb. All I could do was mince along in my heels and smile lovingly at him! God! It was horrible!

Swinging my legs gracefully into the car, I settled in and immediately lowered the passenger visor to primp in the mirror behind it. It reminded me of the trip to the ladies room I had made in the lounge with Jack/Jennifer when we both had to go. We must have stayed in there ten minutes before going back out to the others! We seemed to be obsessed with our appearance as we touched up all our make-up and our hair!

Peter slid in next to me and smiled. I smiled sexily back, unable to do otherwise, and we set off toward the housing area I'd seen on the way in. I could see the others getting into cars as we pulled away from the curb. I guessed it was time to go see our new home! The thought that I would soon share a home with the man seated next to me made me sick inside, but I didn't show it. Instead, I simply smiled lovingly at him as he drove towards (gulp!) our house!


End of Sisters of Alernia Part 1b

See Part Two to complete the story

© 2000
The above work is copyrighted material. It was reproduced here after diligent efforts to contact the authors did not produce results. It will be removed upon request by Diane Christy or Michelle Johnson.