Crystal's StorySite

Note: Story written from the diaries of M. Owens and S. Jordan with additional information gleaned from historical documents covering the period.


Space Quest






Revenge. Three years ago, I had everything. A wife, one and a half daughters, our loving parents, a brother I could respect and a sister I adored. I had a career in the Patrol and the near promise of my own ship. The Patrol is essentially a joint paramilitary police force. True we could conjure up some pretty heavy weaponry but our greatest threat was from small bands of pirates. Usually each band had only one ship with less than 50 men. Some were pretty nasty and had quite a punch of their own. Many had reliable inside information. Consequently, they were rarely cornered or had to slug it out with a Patrol ship.

I had just arrived, after taking passage on a supply freighter that supplied my world. I was on extended leave for the birth of my second daughter. Unexpected repairs, to my ship, allowed me to leave but without time to notify my family that I was coming.

While searching for ground transportation, they attacked. At the time, I had never heard of this particular group of pirates. Their attack was swift and deadly. They hit the military base first followed quickly by attacks on police, fire, government offices and then the residential district with emphasis on larger houses likely to house the leadership of the planet. Their goal was the Intercluster Banking Center. Their prize: the depository for all cluster banking held at the IBC.

My father was on the city council; my brother was in the Patrol reserve. Their remains were never found. My mother's house was within 30 meters of the fireballs center. My house was 50 meters away. My sister's house was 10 meters inside the area of total destruction.

The first indication that I had was the bright flash in the sky from the freighter. Numerous flashes and concussions followed. From the locations, I could guess which areas were being hit. I refused to dwell on the probability that my family was dying as I watched.

Using my rank in the Patrol as authority, I assembled as many police and security people that I could find. My first priority was to clear the likely path of the coming invasion. There was very little communications that still operated. They had excellent intelligence as far as command and control targets were concerned. We still had some hand held communicators and a few private communications sites. From this, I knew that others were trying to help victims as they could. I cautioned those using the communications devices to use them sparingly. If they were mobile, I suggested that they should move often. Radio communication could make you a likely target.

I knew that we could never stop them. To even slow them down for more than 5 minutes was a pipe dream. The one hope was to capture one of them to obtain vital information about the group. With orders to clear the area of all civilians, I took a few daring individuals to keep watch on our invaders.

It was logical that they would land at the spaceport. I assembled my team and instructed them to observe only. Above all remain hidden and out of the way. If they were moving in your direction, angle off by 90 degrees. Our only job was to identify the raiders if possible but above all to prevent civilian casualties.

They landed shortly after sunset. I passed the word that we could expect them to be heavily armed and have thermal imaging capability. Darkness would not hinder them but it would us. They exited their ship in a disciplined skirmish line. Next a perimeter and patrol were established around their ship. Finally, they headed toward the city. I lost two men in the dark when their body heat exposed them to the raiders thermal systems.

While the main group was off raiding, I sent a team in to survey the ship. By pure luck, we managed to capture one as he was patrolling their perimeter. We bundled him off to a nearby building for interrogation. The interrogation was neither pretty nor legal. None of us were particularly concerned at the time. An hour into the interrogation, without warning, there was a bright flash and a loud noise followed by excruciating pain.

Sometime later, I was allowed to attain a semi-conscious state. I could sense that I was floating but I had no sense of breathing. Sounds penetrated my awareness. Soothing sounds, more felt than heard. A steady beat, a heartbeat. A calming and sometimes annoying thumping, with its distinctive 'thub-dub' sound. Later came a voice, an anchor to restore sanity. Then came the realization that I was in a recovery tank. Now that the body was healed, it was time for the mind to follow. I was removed from the life support attachments. In many ways it was like a rebirth. First remove the body from the chamber, next remove all the umbilical attachments, and last learn to breath air again.

Over the next few days I learned what had happened. As I suspected, they had wiped out most of the local government and city services. None of my extended family could be found among the survivors. They were still searching but held out little hope. The pirates were after the precious metals depository at the Intercluster Banking Center. They made one major miscalculation. When they cut city power, they locked most of their target loot in lower levels serviced only by elevators. All the elevators were useless without electrical power. In the end, they only removed a fraction of what they could have gotten.

Upon their return, they sent out a search party for their missing man. They weren't concerned with his recovery. They simple destroyed the building we were in. Only 2 out of the 10 in the building survived. We were rushed to the hospital as the raiders lifted off planet. As a fringe world, Mander III had it's own MedRejuv Chamber. Used only for immediate life or death medical treatment. The person or organization that authorized its use came under immediate review. Doctors who staffed the Medical Board of Examiners all had an axe to grind against the makers of the MedRejuv System.

Medical specialists controlled the medical community. An ounce of prevention didn't pay as much as a pound of cure did to the doctors' pockets. The fact that no medical degree was required to operate the MedRejuv was a deadly threat to the medical community. Amidst the furor over the system, the maker DataStream, Inc. tried to hide a programming flaw. As default setting, the program always chose a single X-chromosome strand as its source pattern. There were other settings that allowed choices of one or both, either / neither /or none. Most of the time this had little or no observed affects. If the patient was female, a 50/50 chance of selecting a defective gene went unnoticed. However in males, with only one X-chromosome, this setting caused a 25 percent higher mortality rate for males over females receiving treatment.

The company's cover-up was finally brought to light. The resulting lawsuit placed the company into receivership and eventually under government control and ownership. The dam really burst when it was discovered that organized crime was using the MedRejuv to give new identities to wanted criminals and turning debtors into women prostitutes until their debt was paid. The investigators were unable to find anyone that had been returned to their former male status.

The MedRejuv was too important to destroy and too dangerous to have around. The dangers on the fringe worlds created a coalition of worlds to lobby for allowing the use of the MedRejuv. The Medical review Board rejected any use out of hand. It was finally decided that only fringe worlds could have one, but only under severe restrictions. The Patrol would police the usage of each machine and unjustified usage could be punished as a court directed. The punishment could even include death.

As an Officer and potential ships Executive or Commanding Officer, I was sent through additional training on mission objectives and the history behind those objectives. One of those objectives was to ensure the proper use of the MedRejuv. As part of our training, we were presented with a small portion of the information collected on MedRejuv abuses.

They ranged from simple identity theft to criminal experimentation. Much of the criminal testing was sealed by court orders barring ALL access. Samples of experimentation documented mixed animal / human DNA linking with hideous results. Others experiments documented splicing DNA chains in various combinations with equal hideous results for no other reason than curiosity. Now here I was, the recipient of this great medical breakthrough as viewed by some or this Frankenstein's toy as proclaimed by others.

The pandemonium that accompanied the attack had everyone rattled. After the attack was over, the injured and dying were transported to waiting medical centers. Many from the outlying areas didn't make it to the hospitals. I was lucky. Being near the port, the hospital was gearing up for the flood of wounded. The MedRejuv was made ready and several others and I were prepped and immersed into the chambers.

The initial operator had never been through an actual treatment of a live patient. He followed the drill and left the default selection set. My treatment required the replacement of all epidermal, dermal and partial hypodermic tissue. I had received severe burns over 80 percent of my body. The default selection changed my skin to that of a female me. The bone structure and the underlying muscle tissue were left intact. The skin was softer and hairless for the most part. A minor inconvenience, as long as I was alive. I looked about the same only younger.

Several mass memorials were held for those that were never found. When I was able, I consulted an attorney to take care of all the details necessary after a death in the family. I couldn't stand to remain under the existing conditions. I directed that all assets be liquidated and put in an account that I could access from anywhere. With those preparations made I left to return to my command. I still remembered most of what I had learned from the interrogation. I didn't want justice. I wanted vengeance.

I returned to my base on one of the Patrol frigates sent to investigate the attack. I was debriefed on my actions and all the information that I could recall. Well most of it anyway. I had some plans of my own and the Patrol was not part of them.

Upon my return to my Command, I immediately submitted my resignation. This was not received with smiles. There was much commiseration over my loss and more resistance to my departure. I had to force my resignation processing up each level of command. At each level, I received the same lecture. "Don't leave the service, you'll ruin your life, you have so much going for you, you're wasting all the years that you have put in, you're up for Command consideration, or we need your experience / expertise.

I was finally in front of THE Admiral. Admiral Howe. He was their last big gun to try and keep me in ranks.

"Commander," said the secretary, "the Admiral will see you now."

"Thank you." I responded as I walked toward the office door.

'Commander Owens reporting, Sir." I said as I entered the office and stood at attention in front of the desk.

"At ease Commander." Responded the Admiral. "Sit down and tell me what the hooray of you leaving is all about."

"Well Admiral," I began, "with the loss of my family the only thing that I think about is finding the scum that did this and destroy them. I have no other thoughts or concerns. If I stayed in, I would be limited as to when or where I could look for them. If I caught them, I would have to try to capture them alive and bring them to trial. As a civilian, the rules are different. As far as I'm concerned, they've had their trial and been found guilty. I just have to catch up to them and administer justice."

"Mark, I can understand how you feel.' Confided the Admiral. "I can't honestly say that I would do any different then you. However, I hope that I would have some friends to try to moderate my actions."

"Admiral," I began, "I don't want to be tied down by the rules and regulations of the Patrol."

"Why don't we just say that you are on an extended leave of absence?" Suggested the Admiral. "You may find that at sometime your rank may open doors or provide you with some assistance at an unanticipated time or place. I want those scum as badly as you do. At the same time I don't want to lose a good man."

After a long discussion, I agreed to an extended leave of absence. Within a week all the paperwork was processed. I had turned over all classified documents that I had signed for. I was relieved of all duties on my ship with a farewell party to boot. I was medically processed out with notations of all physical changes that had occurred from the incident on Mander III. I was briefed and debriefed on what I was allowed to say and do in my indefinite leave status.

I then proceeded directly to Dupres 7 by the most roundabout way that I could find. I would book passage on one transport, only to change at the very last second. I didn't want anyone to follow me. Specifically, I didn't want my friends to follow.

Three months later, I arrived at my destination. It should have taken one week by a more direct route. Along the way, I had changed my name and appearance. My experience in the Patrol allowed me to obtain false documents. At least they were good enough for my purpose. They included identity papers and logs of work experience as junior officer that was released for unspecified problems. Hopefully it was shady enough to be attractive to the raiders. I knew that I was one of several worlds that the raiders called home base. Now all I had to do is find them while they were here. If they were here at all that is.

I started by hitting all the dives in the area. I was looking for anyone that looked familiar. I was also trying to set up a reputation of a hard drinking out of work spacer spending the last of his severance pay. After 3 weeks without any hint of finding the raiders I altered my plans. Any normal spacer would be running out of money and would be looking for work. So I started to check for a berth on one of the local freighters. I would still drink hard at night and then wait around the spaceport looking for any work. My night drinking wasn't a complete sham. I still woke up from cold sweats at night from the incessant nightmares.

At first I would get a few short local hops. More monkey / flunky work than what I was qualified for on my papers. I knew that I would have to pay my dues and show my worth before anything worthwhile would come my way. So I took what I could and continued my nightly routine when in port.

Over a year had gone by. My reputation had grown, but was mixed as planned. I was able to find local work more in line with my false papers. I still hadn't seen any sign of the raiders that I was looking for. At this point my drinking had become more real than act. I was in despair of ever finding the culprits and still in deep pain over my loss.

One of the groups that hired me on a semi-regular basis was a small family operation. There was the father with several sons and son-in-laws. They had just purchased a second freighter and I was hired as a temporary hand to fill out their manning. With two freighters there weren't enough son-in-laws to go around. On this run, they had a high value cargo with a bonus for on time delivery. I was hired as an extra set of hands primarily, but could also handle the navigation / communications consoles.

My dad had made the Patrol a career before entering politics. From the time I could walk and talk I hung around Patrol people of all ranks. I learned that it was not enough just to know how to push buttons and read meters. You had to know HOW it worked. When the chips were down and your console was a smoking ruin, it was up to you to make it work. You weren't walking home unless you made the ship bring you there first. Their 'Battle Damage' training course taught you how to use spit, chewing gum, bailing wire and a wooden mop handle to fix anything. I tried to leave nothing to chance. I always carried a few 'extra' items.

When Captain George Manley hired me for this trip, he advised me of the probability of someone trying to intercept us. He also expressed his determination that he wouldn't stop for anything. If I signed on it was with the knowledge of possible danger. I signed on with the provision that I could bring some extra things with me.

The first two days outbound were without incident as expected. I spent my time upgrading the old SSB9 Communications console. Twenty years ago it was the top of the line. With my training, I was able to modify it to triple the detection range. I could actually double that but only using confidential information that I couldn't leave installed after I left.

When pirates started to operate in space, the need for the Patrol was born. Even after the Patrol had been formed, merchant ships had to carry electronic countermeasures, both on-board and in drones. It didn't take a very large missile to destroy a drive engine or leave you in an airless hull. Emergency air packs only lasted so long. The arming of civilian ships was a hotly debated subject. Were they arming for defense or were they really the pirates buying arms?

I spent the two days modifying the SSB9 console and the defensive countermeasure drones. I wanted something that would make them more cautious and give us more time to clear the area.

On the third day, my sensor array picked up their drive signal. We should have been easily picked up from our drives high power setting. What they couldn't know was that we saw them. On this ship like many smaller freighters, the communications console was on the bridge.

"Captain,' I called, "we have a weak drive signal from up ahead. I suspect this is the trouble that you were expecting. We still have about 3 hours until we are close enough to worry about anything."

"OK, Mark," acknowledged the Captain, "I'm going to rest in my bunk. Call me when we are about an hour out."

Later. "Captain." I called over the intercom. "We are about an hour away from intercept."

"Acknowledged." Responded the Captain. "I'm on my way to the bridge. Let's eat before we get too busy. We may need it soon."

After a quick meal we all manned our positions. Not much else to do. As the estimated time of intercept passed, we received a message to shut down our drive and prepare to be boarded or have our drive destroyed.

I immediately launched a preprogrammed jamming drone.

On board the Adventurer: "Captain, sensors report a launch. Looks like a Second Generation Jammer model 914 series. Threat from Jammer is negligible."

It's course was designed to head below and under their ship and up on the other side. To the pirates it was a noisemaker that electronically hid our ship. It was effective only as long as it was between our two ships.

The secondary program required the jammer's guidance to find a null guidance signal from our ship. As long as the pirate ship was between the drone and our ship, it received no guidance commands. The launch of the second thru tenth drones were masked by the noise of the first.

The second thru sixth drones went into a boost and coast mode with occasional small steering bursts. They were programmed to home in on the first drones jamming signal. Like the first drone, it was searching for the weakest signal it could find. That could only occur when the pirate ship was directly between the two drones. With no drive signal and no active tracking, the drones were arrowing like an invisible bullet straight for the pirates.

The remaining drones were initially to mimic the second. The difference was that they were decoys for the other drones.

On board the Adventurer: "Captain, sensors report three missiles on collision course close to the hull. Point defense activated and engaging missiles. Hull breach, losing air. Port thruster off line." "Captain. Damage control reports 3 hull breaches, but controllable. Estimated repair time 6 hours. Port thruster will take twelve hours and replacement at next port."

The detection and destruction of the last drones at the pirate's minimum defensive firing range was planned. This accomplished two things. First, it covered the approach of several drones. Second, it carried a frequency reflective paint that would disperse and cover the pirates ship when the drones were destroyed. This paint would also reduce the sensory and communications range of the pirate's equipment by about 20 percent.

I don't know how much damage we did. It couldn't have been crippling, but the damage and uncertainty of the cause was enough to let us get away. Safe this time but we were now high on the pirate's enemy's list.

We arrived four days later, on time, without further incidents. We made several other cargo deliveries and returned to Dupres 7 eight weeks later. As we approached our parking orbit, I scanned the other ships. Off in the distance, I received the return caused by my reflective paint. I now knew that I was close to my quarry. That night I cruised the bars but didn't recognize anyone from the pirates' crew. The next day the ship was gone.

The ship was listed in the Dock Master's log as the 'Adventurer' out of Bellow Woods II. Bellow Woods II was a backwater planet among any list of backwater planets you cared to list. They obviously would list any ship for a fee.

It would be a long time before I would see that ship again. My performance with the pirates increased my worth in the eyes of the Manley's. I was soon more than just an occasional hire. I now had a permanent berth. As money would allow, I upgraded the defensive ability of both ships for the Manley's. Another year went by with only routine cargo transfers. Some vague rumors of pirate attacks here or there but nothing specific relating to my group of interest. Occasionally, I would hear that the Adventurer had been in port for a few days while we were gone.

We had just returned from a trip that had taken the better part of six weeks. It was routine to the point of boredom. Our return to Dupres 7 was a chance to relax and enjoy. Captain Manley was now in negotiations for a valuable cargo to be delivered in two weeks. That night I caught a quick glimpse of one of the pirates that I recognized. By morning their ship was gone. I couldn't mention my knowledge to the Captain but I was sure that we would have another meeting in the near future.

We were awarded the contract for delivery. Again it was a high priority /high value cargo. They had been impressed with our last delivery and felt safer with us. Cargo loading was completed on time and we left 6 hours earlier than planned. On our first day out, I confided with the Captain of my 'feelings' that we would again be intercepted by pirates.

Going to our first jump point was uneventful. As soon as our sensor recovered from the jump they started to register another ship. Sensor readings quickly identified the ship as the Adventurer.

"Captain." I called for his attention. "I have a ship on my sensors. It appears to be the same one that tried to intercept us last time."

"How much longer before we are in their range." Inquired the Captain.

"No more than one hour, Captain." I responded.

"Begin countermeasures as planned." Intoned the Captain.

At his command I launched 3 drones each echoing our power signature. One was on our exact course. The other two had 5 and 15-degree variations. At the same time we altered our course by 10 degree.

Onboard the Adventurer: "Captain, sensors show multiple contacts. They have launched decoy drones. I can't identify the main contact at this range." Reported the sensor technician. "Alter course 5-degrees. Follow the second contact." Ordered the Captain.

For fifteen minutes we waited. The pirates made a small course change to intercept. Their sensors couldn't pick us out from the drones. They still thought that we were the first of the drones launched. We repeated the launch with four drones and a change of course only this time we altered course by 15-degrees with drones at 0,5,10 and –5 degrees.

Onboard the Adventurer: "Captain, more decoys launched. I think that they are trying to prevent us from matching velocities by angling away from us. I think that they are the fifth contact." "I agree." Said the Captain. "Alter course by 15 degrees and lay course to intercept the fifth contact."

With the confirmation of the pirates course change, we launched 5 more decoys. This time we followed the decoy that was launched on our original course. After the course change, we shut down all systems and coasted.

Onboard the Adventurer: "Captain, another set of decoys have been launched." Reported the sensor technician. "Follow the contact with the widest course deviation." Ordered the Captain.

"Captain Manley, they are taking the bait and are on a course that is about 45 degree off our currant course. If they continue with this, for another 15 minutes, they will be unable to match course and velocities with us before we can set up for the next jump." I reported.

"Very Well." He replied.

"Captain." I reported. "They are too far off our course to match velocities. We are out of all weapons ranges except missiles. We are approaching jump coordinates and will start count down in one minute thirty seconds."

'Very Well." He replied. "Well done to all hands."

We finished the voyage without any other mishaps. Delivery was on time and intact. The rumors of what would happen to us if the pirates ever caught us made for some interesting tales. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to continue to outwit this crew. I was here after all for revenge not to play cat and mouse games with them.

Several weeks passed and the Captain was negotiating to carry another highly valuable cargo. That night I requested a meeting with him and his son, and second in command, Marcus Manley.

"Good evening Captain, Marcus." I greeted them as I entered their office.

They nodded their greeting. "Captain, I have to leave your employ soon." I continued on before they could protest. "I have personal business that has been on hold for a long time now. I now think that I have a chance to finish it, permanently."

"We're sorry to hear that, Mark." Responded the Captain. "You've been an excellent addition to our crew. Am I correct that I can't persuade you to stay?"

"You're correct, Captain." I said. "Nothing can induce me to stay now. I've enjoyed my time working for you. Working with your whole family, in fact. Circumstances have changed. I can't explain right now. I may never be able to explain what is happening or going to happen. However, I do need to make a couple requests of you. They may seem strange to you but I assure you that they are important to me. If you don't follow my requests, then it could indirectly cause my death."

"Now you have me interested." Commented the Captain.

"Captain, Marcus when I leave here, it must look like we are parting as enemies and that we have bad blood between us." I began. "In fact, when I depart you must beat me to make it look convincing. Mostly it will be for visual effects. Visible bruising around the arms and face would be most effective. I want certain people to think that I have been hurt much worse than I have been.

"That is a hard thing to ask." Stated the Captain. "Not an easy thing to do beat up a friend."

"I want it to appear that I am working against you." I explained. "I will take a copy of your scheduled flight plan for the next contract. In fact, make a false route and give me a crumpled copy. Until you actually leave, pretend that you plan on taking the false route. If anyone later asks why you changed your plans, blame it on not trusting me."

"Why are you doing this, Mark?" Asked Marcus.

"I can't explain it now." I said. "I'm placing my trust in you and pray that I haven't said too much already. Perhaps one day I will be able to explain. Right now it is too risky for anyone else to have that knowledge. If I can I will let you know someday. My real name is Mark Owens."

The rest of the night was spent in explaining the modifications made in the ships defensive systems. Marcus would have to learn the modifications if they were to use them effectively. Finally we set up the choreography of the planned beating. We had to have sufficient witnesses of the bad blood and the aftermath of the beating. These witnesses would be the passports for my entry into the fellowship of pirates.

Note to self; fire this person that came up with the idea of a beating.

The scene came off exactly as planned. Marcus has a talent for leaving his mark on another. As planned he left bruises on my arms and face. I could fake having the rest of my body bruised and marked up. The pain from my arms and face was sufficient for my needs. More pain from my body would be beyond the call of duty.

There were more than enough bystanders around when Marcus threw me off the shuttle with my meager bag of goods. We kept to our scripted insult fest with very few adlibs. There was no doubt in the minds of anyone within hearing that there was bad blood between us. It would be the talk of the bar district within the hour.

I picked up my gear and pretended to limp away to find transportation. Actually I didn't have to pretend too hard. I hurt!!! I proceeded to the bar that I had discovered was frequented by at least a few of the pirates. I then began to drink and bad mouth the Manley's. I was bragging how it was my work that had foiled the pirates several times. I downplayed what the Manley's had done and exaggerated my accomplishments.

During the night, I noticed several men in a booth. Among them was one of the pirates that I recognized. Eventually one of them came to my table and started a conversation. During the conversation, I let slip that the Manley's had fired me without paying me. I hinted that I was in need of money and not too particular about how I got it.

I bid my companion good night early in the morning and went to find a place to sleep. The next day, I went to the Port looking for work. As planned, the Manley's had black listed me. Few would even talk to me. None would offer a job.

That night I returned to the bar with more vile words and feeling for the Manley's. Again I had the same commiserating company for the evening. As the week went on and my funds appeared to dwindle, I pretended to become more desperate for work. I was hoping that the pirates would try to pick me up.

My drinking companion finally rewarded me with an offer for an interview with his Captain. The next day I met with the pirate captain. After a long discussion, I convinced the Captain that I was willing to do anything. As the discussion was coming to a close, I pretended to remember something. I informed the Captain about the negotiations by Captain Manley. I then told him that they should be easy pickings now that I wasn't there to fend off would be attackers. In fact, I exclaimed I have a copy of their flight plan. I then reached into my pocket and removed a crumpled paper with the Manley's bogus flight plan. On the back I had made some inconsequential notes as if I had taken the flight plan by accident.

The next day I was brought up to their ship. I explained to the Captain about the coating that was covering the ship and how it reduced the sensor system effectiveness. A cleaning crew was immediately sent out to clean all the sensor arrays. However, I didn't mention anything about the reflective coating that was also applied at the same time. This would still give the Manley's an extra edge.

After a tour of the ships sensors, offensive and defensive systems I offered several suggestions for improvement. I then explained some of the modifications that I could do to the sensors and especially to the drones. The Captain immediately requested a list of parts and equipment that I would need. When our parts were delivered we left orbit for an unknown destination.

I suspected that we were following the flight path that I had given the Captain. After three days of travel we reentered normal space. For two days we held the same location in space. At the end of that time the crew and Captain were edgy and starting to get hostile towards me. We left our stationary position and proceeded to the planet where the Manley's were to deliver their cargo. The Captain and a few men made the circuit of the local bars. The Manley's were gleefully passing the word that they had completely fooled the pirates by filing a false flight plan. They were also loudly proclaiming that they didn't trust their former shipmate and had changed schedules for that reason also.

The pirates weren't happy but I was off the hook for now. We left orbit and headed off to an unknown destination. I spent the next ten days trying to install all the parts we had brought on board and modifying the sensors and other systems. I was about eighty percent complete when we arrived at our destination. All I could make out was that it was an asteroid mining colony.

What was more interesting was the ship that was parked nearby. From my career, it was easily recognizable. It was an auxiliary Patrol ship. Despite an attempt to disguise its appearance and identity, I could make out enough information to discover its true identity. The hull number could be made out through the different shades of paint (82463). I could only read a few letters off the name but could read ESTE__H___. I would later learn that the hull number and letters matched the cutter Esterhaus from planet Brodenfaust.

I was able to get this information while we transferred two missile canisters to our ship from the cutter. From the information on the containers I was able to tell that they were an older version of the Bo Weasel. These should have been phased out already or used as practice weapons in crew readiness exercises. They were definitely not to be sold to commercial ships and especially NOT to pirates.

Over the next several months we traveled to different planets apparently looking for likely targets. With the new sensor capabilities we were able to read the slight changes of movement that indicates what a ship may intend to do. We easily intimidated these ships captains to give up their cargo without having to do more than demonstrate our power. I think that without the new sensor systems at least one would have tried to fight back. Any resistance would have resulted in one or more deaths and severe damage to those ships.

On one visit to gather information on potential targets, the Captain and party returned with news of a deal that would set us all up for life. We immediately left orbit and headed to parts unknown. At least they were unknown to me then.

We had been out of hyperspace for several days when my energy sensor array showed energy weapon's usage coming from our destination Sigma 7. The energy level on my display was more than should have come from any three planets normal defense arrays.

"Bridge, Comm." I called.

"Bridge, Aye." Responded the Captain.

"Heavy energy patterns coming from dead ahead." I reported. "Too heavy for standard defensive weapons. I don't think they want any witnesses left behind to talk."

Over the sound of the Battle Station klaxon, the XO announced, "Battle Stations, all hands Battle Stations"

"Communications manned and ready." I announced as the other tech arrived. "Sensors reading heavy jamming on all transmission bands. Surface launches detected. I count five emergency beacon pods. Several minutes later: transmissions have ceased on two, no four of the pods. It seems like they have been destroyed. One pod is accelerating for transit out of the system."

'Can you get a reading on how many ships are circling the planet?" Came the Captain's inquiry.

"It only appears to be one, Captain." I reported. "There could be one on the opposite side of the planet, but nothing was terra-formed on that side of the planet."

"Understood." Replied the Captain. "Keep a watch for other ships just in case. We don't want to run into any more surprises than we already have."

"Bridge, Comm." I called. "Energy levels subsiding. Jamming still in progress. I can now read the energy signature of a single ship. Class M or larger by the energy readings."

"Bridge, Aye." Responded the Captain.

"Unknown ship appears to be moving out of planetary orbit." I continued to report. "Trajectory would suggest the Epsilon Quadrant or Helix Junction."

"Bridge, Aye."

For the next several hours, all we could do was wait. We were on a preplanned orbital entry course. Even slight course changes required massive amounts of energy and reaction mass. Energy we had, reaction mass we lacked. The unknown ship rapidly accelerated away from us at an acute angle. We couldn't follow if we had to. We had no desire to tangle with that much destructive weaponry.

With alarms and lights to alert me I had nothing to do but think. What insane quirk of fate put me here? I became lost in thought about the loss of my entire family.

Forty-five minutes from orbit insertion, my sensors detected a change from the unknown ship.

"Bridge, Comm." I called. "Wring Worm missile launch detected. Deploying countermeasures."

"Bridge, Aye." Came the XO's voice. "Keep us informed."

"Bridge, Comm." I called. "Countermeasure decoys have no effect, repeat no effect. Those missiles have to be WW8's or 9's, at least, to ignore our decoys. We're screwed skipper."

"All hands, prepare for emergency crash landing on the planet." Announced the Captain. "If we can beat it to the ground, we have a chance to abandon ship before it hits."

"Bridge, Comm." I called. "Sensors show widespread destruction on the surface. Fires everywhere."

"Comm, Bridge." Came the Captain's call.

"Comm Aye." I responded.

"Give me your best recommendation for weapons deployment, Mark." Requested the Captain.

"Start with two Jammer drones. Follow with six stealth drones and two specially modified drones. Next follow the stealth drones with four Jammers with the same programming as the stealth's. End with the Bo Weevils followed by four Jammers.

The first three and one mod drone should have primary tracking locked on the first Jammer. Secondary lock is to be set on tracking the second Jammer. If the secondary lock is lost due to target intervention then primary tracking will shift to null mode tracking. This will cause the drones to home on the target. The second set of drones will have similar programming for the second Jammer.

They should leave the Jammers alone. The stealth drones won't be tracking the target so that they may be passed over. The modified drones are a little noisier and will be targeted by the Point Defense System. When destroyed, this will cover their sensors with a degrading coating. The following Jammers will distract their Point Defense System. The Bo Weevils will be set to track like the stealth's. The degraded system and the last Jammers should hide the Bo Weevils until it is too late. We should use frequency hopping for tracking our own drones and we if we don't actually track their ship, their Countermeasure should be ineffective.

"Weapons, Bridge." Came the Captain's voice over the Weapons Control Panel speaker. "Program all weapons as suggested."

"Bridge, Weapons." Came George's response. "That is all the offensive power we have skipper. Can't we save it for a better chance to use them?"

"This is the ONLY chance to use them." Tersely replied the Captain. We are going in and going in hard!"

"Aye, Aye, Skipper." Acknowledged George. "Calculating now. Launch sequence begins in 34 seconds."

I could feel the launch sequence begin. A slight jar every time a launch occurred.

"All Stations." Announced the XO. "Prepare for violent maneuvers, atmospheric entry and hard landing."

The next 45 minutes had everyone's nose bleeding and then we hit HARD. I awoke stunned and disoriented. As I unstrapped myself from the seat, I could hear yelling and shouting to abandon ship. Walls were buckled and equipment was dislodged and scatted everywhere. The weapons locker was open, half empty. I absently took a gun as I passed.

Each space I passed was empty until I reached engineering. Pinned under a support beam was Jerry. He wasn't his usual pompous and bulling self. He was begging for me to help him. He was beyond help. The beam had not only pinned him but almost cut him in half. I shot him in the face. I've never been able to decide if it was being merciful to him or if it was part of my revenge.

As I descended the ships ladder, I noticed that Lou had fallen and had a broken leg. He was crawling away from the ship ignoring the protruding bone. I stopped long enough to pick him up in a fireman's carry and ran to catch the others. As I ran, I could see that we had landed in the middle of a city, but a city in utter ruins. All around the buildings looked as if a giant's foot had crushed them. Fires were everywhere. Only one structure off in the distance appeared semi intact. It looked like one wing of a hospital complex.

As I ran, I was slowly falling behind the others. A high-pitched whine began to penetrate my awareness. It seemed to increase to an impossible pitch and then instantaneous fiery pain and then nothing.

"I roused to a floating painless queasy feeling. I had felt this before under heavy pain medication. I could only assume that the Wring Worm Missile had found the ships power plant as designed. We were lucky to be so close to the planet. Otherwise we would have been destroyed with the ship. I assumed that I had been too close to the explosion but wasn't sure how badly I was hurt.

I drifted in and out of awareness for an unknown period of time. During a lucid moment amidst the pain, I could hear bits and pieces of conversation. I could also tell, by the surroundings, that I was in the remains of the local hospital.

"I say let him die." Said Pete's voice. "We can't waste any supplies we may need later." Good old Pete, a friend to make your heart warm.

"I'm still in command here." I heard the Captain say. "We still may need him. No sense throwing away any tool that still can be used. Has anyone found any survivors from the colonists?"

"Everyone has reported in negative," replied the Exec, "except the Doc and he is somewhere here in the hospital."

"I have found one survivor." Informed the Doc as he entered the next room. "However, this one can't give us any of the information that we could find useful. Nor can I tell for certain how long she will survive."

"A woman?" Questioned Bull. "You found a live woman? Where is she?"

"Calm down Bull!" Shouted the Doc's voice. "She may never be old enough to do you any good. She is at most 3 weeks old."

"Only 3 weeks old?" Questioned everyone's voice at once.

"How can that be?" Asked the Captain. "How can a baby survive when no one else could?"

"Apparently this one has Jaundice." Explained Doc. "They were using a Class 1 infant survival pod as an incubator."

"What does Joe In Dice have to do with anything?" Asked Bull.

"You dope, Bull." Came an unrecognizable voice. "The kid wasn't ripe yet and had to go back in for a while."

"That makes sense." Replied Bull, with a belated. "Don't call me a dope, Sonny."

"You said you weren't sure how long she could survive, Doc." Questioned the Captain. "Why is that, if she is in a full Class 1 Chamber?"

"It's an older model and as I read the nutrient levels she has at most 2 weeks more before she has to be removed or she will die." Explained the Doc. "The only food we've found, so far, is emergency rations. We can survive eating those until another ship comes along. That infant will starve within a few days of being removed from the pod."

"We don't need no stinkin' kid to complicate the situation." Remarked Bull.

"Not so fast, Bull." Spoke up the Captain. "Remember that distress beacon that was launched. The next ship to visit here just might be a Patrol frigate or something bigger. We are going to have to look like colonists to get off this rock and stay free. Thirty men with no women will look a little suspicious. We can't afford an in-depth background investigation. They have most of our descriptions if they think to check. The remains of our ship in the middle of town doesn't help us any either."

"Hey, Skipper." Interjected the Exec. "We had to set down there. We just barely made it out before it blew as it was."

"Mac, I wasn't faulting your piloting or your choice of landing areas." Remarked the Captain. "I was just commenting on what fate has left us to deal with."

"I found something that might help us." Said Jerry's voice. "I found some chemical suits that could have saved some colonists if they had been able to get to them. We can use that to explain why we are still alive. We can claim to be part of the colonists militia or something."

"That's a possibility." Agreed the Captain. "Anyone else."

"There are a couple Adult Class 1 Pods in the basement." Remarked the Doc. "Better than that, there is a full 'MedRejuv' chamber for 40 people."

"I thought they outlawed those 20 years ago." Commented the Captain.

"They did on most planets." Explained the Doc. "Many of the early colonists originally brought them along knowing that any other medical help was light years away. They still have a few out here on the fringe for that same reason. They are always under strict usage monitoring by the Patrol. If one is used, then those involved have to present justifiable evidence why it had to be used. They can only be used to save the life of someone caused by an immediate life threatening injury."

"Mark is a candidate right now." Continued the Doc. "If he wasn't carrying Lou, they would both be dead now. Lou wasn't so lucky. Take Mark to the basement. Down the stairs and turn left. Third door on the right is a small wardroom. Put him in there until I can get the MedRejuv ready for use"

"Doc." Called the Captain. "I have some questions about what I've heard about what the MedRejuv can really do."

As they were talking I was carried out of listening range. None of my companions can claim that they have any gentle nurturing instincts. As I was roughly carried down the stairs I faded out again.

I was awakened from my dream state by the pungent odor of ammonia. A voice was calling for attention.

"Mark…Mark…Mark." The familiar voice of the Doc intoned. "Wake up."

"It worked just as you said it would, Doc." Exclaimed the Captain. "Now the masquerade will be more believable."

"Not so fast, Captain." Cautioned the Doc. "We have to see how the drugs and subliminal conditioning takes hold first. I'm optimistic that it will hold but we have to wait and see."

As awareness returned, I noticed that I was strapped to the bed. "Doc," I inquired, "why am I tied down?"

"We didn't want you to hurt yourself when you woke up." Answered Doc. "You were badly burned from the explosion that we had to put you in the MedRejuv chamber. We then realized that when the Patrol showed up, we had to have foolproof disguises. You were the first experiment. It would look odd if only 30 men survived the attack. We also realized that if the baby were alive it would only add to the believability of our claim. The big catch was to keep the baby alive. The Captain remembered that the main reason for the banning of the chamber was the abusive uses that it had been used for. The only solution to keeping the baby alive was to provide for a method to feed her until rescue arrived. You were already in the tank, so you were elected. You are still doped up to keep you calm as you adjust to your new appearance."

I was still in the dark about what he was talking about. I struggled with my bindings but when I stopped, not all of my body did. Then I noticed the tenting effect of the sheets over my chest and it sank in. I was a woman, or at least had breasts. I should have been screaming and hollering at them for what they had done. All I felt was a dull calm acceptance. This confused me more than anything else until I remembered about being doped up while I accepted my NEW APPEARANCE.

"Captain, now we know that the conditioning worked." Commented Doc. "No yelling or making a scene. Just calm acceptance of the situation. I have to introduce the mother and daughter now. I'll be back in a little while with your new bundle of joy."

"How do you feel, Mark?" Inquired the Captain. "Sorry we had to do this but you were the logical choice at the time. Soon we will all use the MedRejuv chamber to alter us to look similar to some of the other real colonists. With you and a baby, no one will think twice about the 30 male colonists that survived. We can then claim that the same pirates that destroyed our planet kidnapped most of our women. We might even get a resettlement grant with enough credit to get another ship. At the same time, a certain pirate group will disappear forever. We all get off with a clean slate and can start new lives. In a year or two, you can dump the kid and come back here and reclaim your manhood."

There were only a couple small holes in his plan. He had already taken away my wife, my son and two daughters, my parents and as far as I knew both my younger brother and sister when they raided my home planet of Mander III. Now he had taken my manhood, conditioned me to accept it and he thought all would be well.

I knew what they had done. I was well aware of what the MedRejuv tank could do. Having been born on a fringe world, I knew about the MedRejuv chambers. As a senior officer in the Patrol, I was tasked with monitoring the usage of them on many fringe worlds.

More recently, I had already been the recipient of its original design healing capabilities. In fact, it was indirectly the reason that I was in this spot to begin with.

The MedRejuv was a boon to colonization. Now any colony could have lifesaving medical care. No longer would a colony have to scour the known universe in search of a medical team. Especially one that was willing to relocate to nowhere and live in primitive conditions.

The medical community was opposed to any use of the chamber. They envisioned the obsolescence of the medical field replaced by semi-skilled button pushers.

The manufacturer on the other hand covered up some design problems with the system. These problems, while dutifully entered into small print on the original purchase documents, never seemed to make it into the operator's manual. There was a high mortality rate among men and certain ethnic groups. Internal company papers identified certain recessive genes. Detailed mapping of the genes had to be done, to identify these potential dangers, before treatment was initiated. Without this mapping, the programming simply took the easiest route and used information from the X-chromosome.

Was this an accident caused by using a DNA sample taken from my skin? No someone said it was done to keep some baby alive. This was done to help them to build a better disguise. Now I remember, I'm with the pirates that attacked my planet. Things became clearer the longer I was awake. As I thought about what was I going to do. I had no idea what it would take to maintain a female body. Cleanliness, proper diet and nutrition were starters. As these questions formed in my head answers seemed to follow. I knew they were not my memories but they did give me information that I needed and some confidence in that ability.

From outside the room came the unmistakable sounds of a newborn crying. The sound approached and soon Doc appeared with an infant crying its heart out. The Doc came up to my bedside. "She's very hungry. You are the only one that can feed her now." Saying that he pulled down my sheet and placed the baby up to my new breast. She latched on to that nipple as if her life depended on it. The more I thought about it, I guess it really did depend on it. It was strange. It felt good yet it hurt a little. I was confused. She was starting to slip down so I had to readjust her position. So many innocents have died. Here is one that through my own personal effort I can save. I think it is called bonding. I surely didn't want to be a woman but to save this life, I could endure for a time.

After a while I noticed that she was asleep but still occasionally sucking on my nipple. I remembered my wife complaining about our first daughter doing that. When she tried to place her in her crib she would wake still hungry. We had to make sure she stayed awake until she was satisfied and then place her in a crib. Otherwise she would try to nurse and doze on and off all day. As I lay there nursing I decided that she would be called Lisa. It was to be the name of the daughter I almost had.

An hour later the Doc returned to check on progress. Lisa was quietly sleeping at my side by then. "Doc?" I asked. "Why is it that my breasts are producing milk already. I thought it took time for breast milk to start to flow? Since I didn't just deliver this baby the hormones shouldn't be right for all of a sudden to start to make milk."

"You're right." Responded the Doc. "I have been giving you shots to stimulate milk production."

"That answers part of it Doc, but not all." I pressed. "The breast must also be physically stimulated usually by the baby sucking to produce the milk. The milk was already there when you brought the baby in. I'm no expert but I think that was the first time she was on a nipple. How do you explain it, Doc?"

"Are you sure you want that answer?" Inquired the Doc. "You may not like the answer I give you."

"I need the answer, Doc!" I almost shouted. "I don't care what you have to say. I need to know."

"OK, Mark." Said the Doc. "After giving you the shot to produce milk, I realized that someone or something had to express the breast to start the milk flowing. There was only one or two ways to do it and that way was for someone to do it manually several times a day. Bull offered to do it."

When I heard that Bull had been playing with or sucking on my breasts I became physically sick. I know I went into hysterics then. Doc had to give me some kind of shot to calm me down. I promised that I would kill Bull if I ever had the chance. I also avowed that it would be a cold day in hell before he had a chance to touch my breasts again.

Thus began my routine: Feed Lisa, clean Lisa. Newborn babies produce toxic waste. I didn't mind. I was falling in love with her. In between feeding I started to move around. At first all I had was a hospital gown. I convinced the Captain to find all of us a suitable change of clothes. They had already been at work.

They cleared out all the bodies they could get to without collapsing part of the building. They had ensured that the hospital generator was going to stay on line. They had found a source of fresh water for cooking and washing / bathing. They had discovered a nearby department store with salvageable clothes. Food wasn't much of a problem. There were plenty of canned goods but the section for babies was under a collapsed roof.

Sometime before I awoke, it had been decided that all of the pirates would undergo an identity change. They all had criminal records that could easily be discovered if the Patrol ever caught them. This was an opportunity to become someone else and start a fresh career without a record. To have a fresh start and be younger to boot, what more could a criminal want?

On my ninth day awake, Doc dialed in the settings and started to place the Captain and crew into the MedRejuv. This would take four days. Lisa was sleeping on my shoulder as I watched. They planned to leave one man to watch the readouts and me. He didn't have much of a record yet. That was mostly due to luck and a fire bombing of his local police headquarters. I did not feel easy in his company and avoided him as much as possible. I decided that I needed to protect myself. As I wandered around with Lisa, I searched for a weapon. The only thing I was able to find was appropriate for the location.

The second night after everyone else was in the chamber he tried to rape me as I dozed next to Lisa. As he tried to kiss and grope me, I tried to reason with him. It would be more comfortable for both of us if Lisa were on another bed. He allowed me to make Lisa comfortable before he tried to continue his advances. I held him off by first giving him what must have been a truly terrible striptease. He didn't really notice my ineptitude for stripping. When I was nude, I lay on my bed and invited him to me. I allowed him to grope and kiss me until he was inattentive to what I was doing. I pulled a scalpel from under my pillow and while pretending to want to kiss his throat, I slit him ear to ear. Completing the cut with one arm around his head, I then jammed the blade through the back of his neck and wiggled it until he stopped moving.

I cleaned myself up as much as possible and then moved Lisa and myself to another room. The next day while feeding Lisa I considered my options. I considered just turning off the MedRejuv machine but that left me with an empty feeling. I considered using the scalpel to finish each one off, as they were helpless in the tank. Again, this left me with an empty feeling. I could just leave them in the tanks until the Patrol showed up and then turn them over explaining who they were. However, that would involve explaining who I was. None of these plans would bring any of my loved ones back. Nothing would. For the first time, I truly cried for my family's loss.

I dozed with Lisa the rest of the day, feeding and cleaning her as necessary. During one of my naps, I came to a decision. I went to the MedRejuv and started to make adjustments in each of the settings. As I was now, I certainly couldn't control twenty some men even if they were weak from the MedRejuv chamber. That I couldn't allow.

The original setting would have made all changes within 3-7 days. My new settings would take at least 14 days. With the new settings in place, I had some preparations to make. With Lisa, food and water I began exploring the local area for the things I needed. I commandeered a gurney as my shopping cart. I located some of the items I wanted but they were in too hazardous a location to recover them. I searched on. By the seventh day I had located all that I thought that I could find. Not everything but enough to get by.

The next few days I knew would be busy ones. I had twenty some people to take out of the tanks and revive. It would be busy, busy, busy. Lisa's nocturnal feedings were starting to wear on me by now. I now had to start removing them from their tanks. They had each wanted to be younger, so I accommodated them all.

I knew that I couldn't handle twenty some odd men, but could I handle that many children? Can personality death be considered capital punishment? Is being reduced to 7 years old more or less of a punishment than being made 6 months old? Is being made younger a punishment at all? Or is it really a second chance at life? Considering all those factors, is it any more or less of a punishment to be made a girl in the same process?

I knew from the classes that I had taken that to be reduced to any age under about 3 years old involved an almost total adult memory loss. Between 3 and 7 years of age was a toss up as to how much was lost. There was a 6-month period of time after the age regression where memory that was reinforced could be maintained. Without reinforcement, memories would slowly fade like a bad dream.

I started to remove those that would be physically older. I had decided that those that had been less aggressive toward Mark would remain slightly older. Any memories would tend to be less hazardous to me. I could have made them all infants but that I know I couldn't have handled by myself.

The first six that I removed had been regressed to about age 7. I named them Alice, Ellen, Irene, Olivia, Ursula, and Yvonne. I would need some help with the younger girls. I was able to impart enough knowledge to my bigger helpers so that they could keep their new anatomy clean and assist me with the younger ones. Throughout the night, I was awakened either by Lisa demanding to be feed or the nightmares of one or more of the girls. Towards morning they all settled down and I was able to get a little bit of rest.

As I started on the second group, I allowed the new girls to play in an adjacent room. I had managed to find some dolls and other girls' toys for them to play with. This permitted them to reinforce their new gender with appropriate playtime. I also organized a little shopping trip outside the hospital for things they might find interesting.

The next group consisted of 8 that had been regressed to age 6. They were named: Dorothy, Doris (twins), Rebecca, Mary, Faith, Sally, Loretta, and Teresa. Lisa and the new girls again kept me awake. Luckily the first group seemed to sleep through the night with only occasional soft whimpers. Another trip outside the hospital during the day kept them interested.

The girls now had each other to occupy most of their day. A few potty accidents were quickly taken care of. A little gentle remedial training for those who had unfortunate accidents. I now had a new task, cooking for 15. How to make a nutritious meal from what could be salvaged.

The third day I removed those who had been regressed to age 5. I named them: Frances, Angel, Cora, and Elena. I had scrounged all the hospital mattresses that I could find. I paired the younger and older girls together for sleeping. That night I was able to sleep a little bit easier. The older girls helped some on the younger girls nightmares.

I next removed the four 4 year olds. I named them: April, May, June, and Julie. (You name 27 girls and keep them straight.) I was starting to tire. With the help of the older girls, we were getting them potty trained and into a routine. Again the usual nightmares occurred and Lisa was still hungry at odd hours.

Next on my list were the two 3 year olds. Twins I named Marion and Melissa. These I wished that I had strangled with my bare hands more than once when they were adults. Now they depended upon me. The older girls were becoming indispensable to me now. They helped in clean up and general "MOMMY'S Helpers". They were always there to alert me to the needs of those too small to be potty trained.

I decided to remove the last three on the same day. The First Officer was now only 2 years old. Her name was now Amy. Strong willed and difficult to potty train but she eventually would grow up the most beautiful. Heart breaker extraordinaire, but that is another story.

The last two out were the Captain and Bull. The Captain was now 8 months old and named Tennille. Bull was about 6 months old and renamed Grace.

With everyone out of the chambers, I had to cover the use of the MedRejuv Unit. My former training came in handy again. I knew the proper codes to reset the programming so that it appeared that only the suspension chambers had been used for the children.

I was exhausted but now had another factor that I had failed to consider. Lisa had progressed to a regular schedule for feeding but now I had two more. The Captain and Bull now required breast-feeding. During their combined first feeding something occurred to me after Lisa was finished. I picked up Bull and as I placed him to my other breast I said, "well Bull, I guess it just became a cold day in Hell hasn't it?"

The first full day was a nightmare and then things became a blur. Feeding my new gaggle and myself was mechanical. Each breast-feeding seemed to drain all the energy from my body. Everything I did was in a haze gray world. After the third day I couldn't keep track of day and night. From the fourth day on I couldn't count to three.

That was the way the relief party found us. The children were alive albeit dirty and perpetually hungry. I was dehydrated, malnourished and semi conscious. They tried to separate us to allow me to rest but we all went a little berserk when we were out of sight of each other.

After a week of vitamin supplements, glucose IV's and as much rest as a mother that is breastfeeding 3 can get I was questioned on what had occurred. I professed to know only what one lone surviving pirate had told me. So I told them this story. (Taken from transcript of investigation.)

Patrol Investigator: "Can you tell us your name?"

Marcia: My name is Marcia Owens."

Patrol Investigator: "OK Marcia, can you tell us what happened? Start at the beginning as far as you can tell."

Marcia: "Well, my sister had come here to deliver a baby. This is her, Lisa, sleeping on my right. She was premature and during the delivery my sister had an embolism. Before they could do anything, my sister was dead. They were hard put to save Lisa as small as she was. When Lisa was ready to come home, I offered to breast feed her for my brother. I was here to pick up Lisa and learn what was necessary to properly breast feed her. That was when the attack occurred. I was knocked unconscious and awoke to Lisa's crying. In the semi darkness I located Lisa in her crib and feed her. There was no one else around then. My explorations revealed that the machine with all the tanks was full of children. I guess they put the entire children's ward inside or something like that.

Patrol Investigator: "What happened next?"

Marcia: "I found a semi private room near the children. It had its own bathroom attached so that I didn't have to go outside. While searching for food, I was found by one of the pirates. He told me that he was the only one left."

Patrol Investigator: "Did the pirate ever tell you his name or the name of his ship?"

Marcia: "I think it was the Venture, the Adventure or something like that."

Patrol Investigator: "What did the pirate tell you about what happened?"

Marcia: "He said that they had just entered the system when they discovered that another ship was already attacking the planet. They were committed to their orbital entry and could only watch. The unknown ship left orbit but launched a missile at them. His captain ordered his ship to crash land on the planet to try to escape being hit by the missile in space. At the same time he launched two missiles of his own at the unknown ship. The unknown ship was heading for the Epsilletian something or other.

Patrol Investigator: "Do you mean the Epsilon Quadrant?"

Marcia: "That sounds about right but I'm no good at those foreign names."

Patrol Investigator: "Lt Smith, inform the Captain that we need to send a ship out toward the Epsilon Quadrant to see if there is any trace of a second pirate ship."

Lt Smith: "Aye Aye, Sir. Right away." With that Lt Smith left the room.

Patrol Investigator: "Now what happened next, Mrs. Owens?"

Marcia: "He said that after his ship crashed he was the first and almost only one off. As he ran from the ship, the pirate's missile hit his ship. He had just barely made it to cover before the blast blew over him. A couple of his friends weren't so lucky."

Patrol Investigator: "Go on, what happened after that?"

Marcia: "For the first couple days he was nice to me. However, he started to turn harsh and trying to hint that I should be extra nice to him. I tried to avoid and ignore him as much as possible. When I expressed concern for the children in the tanks, his only comment was that they could fend for themselves. I became more and more frightened as the days went on. I eventually found a scalpel and kept it with me just in case."

Patrol Investigator: "What happened after that?"

Marcia: "One night while resting after feeding Lisa, he entered my room and tried to attack me, hitting me several times. I then pretended to go along with him but as he climbed atop me I used the scalpel to slit his throat." With the reminder of these memories and the emotions they brought up I broke down in tears. The doctor administered a sedative and I dropped off to sleep.

The next day the investigator returned to hear the rest of my story. I finished my tale by telling him that I was afraid for the children. If the life support system or power failed with the children inside I wouldn't have enough time to remove them all. With that fear in the back of my mind, I started to remove the children from the tanks. By the time that they were all out, I realized that I couldn't handle that many at one time. I tried my best but I was fighting a losing battle. I was nearly dead when we were found.

The investigator finished taking my story and said he would review it to see if he had any other questions. The next day he returned and started asking the same questions. I gave him the same answers. Or at least close I thought. He returned the next day and the next asking the same things. On his 4th return I asked him why he kept asking the same stupid questions.

Patrol Investigator: "Mrs. Owens, your story has a few holes in it that you refuse to explain. I'm just trying to get to the truth."

Marcia: "OK you refuse to believe me. Is that right?"

Patrol Investigator: "If you want to put it that way, yes."

Marcia: "Fine. Then we are through talking. Quickly writing a note on some paper, I handed him the note and said, "Send this to Admiral Howe. Good day to you." With that I stormed out of the room and to my quarters.

Opening the note the investigator read:

To: Admiral Howe

From: M.O.

Admiral, you once stated that the need for the Patrol might one day become necessary. I need your help now. Mander III is avenged. M.O.


Returning to his ship the investigator wrote up his report and handed it to his Captain with his recommendation.

"Captain, Commander Blakely to see you." Came the voice of the yeoman.

"Send him in Burk." Responded the Captain to his yeoman.

"Sit down, Bill." Greeted the Captain as the Commander entered. "I've read your report but I'm confused about a few things."

"Frankly Sir so am I." Responded the Commander. "Her story is fantastic. It is a tale of personal survival against impossibly great odds. Every physical fact that we can verify supports her story. At the same time there are holes in it that she refuses to answer. Then when I push for answers, she clams up and says, "Send this to the Admiral."

"Bill, here's another piece in the puzzle." Commented the Captain. "The Swift Wind just sent this preliminary report. They found a ship adrift out toward the Epsilon Quadrant route. It was armed to the teeth with energy weapons and missiles. It matches the meager description of the unknown pirate ship. It appears that it was hit by at least one missile. The drive was destroyed as well as the primary life support systems. The actual damage to the rest of the ship was minimal. With dwindling life support 58-armed pirates and no hope of rescue, it became a mad house. The carnage inside was so bad that the three men that entered were so affected that they were put under sedation when they returned. Again all the physical evidence supports her story."

"Well Captain." Responded the Commander. "The only thing I can think of is to kick it upstairs and see what Admiral Howe has to say."

"I agree, Bill." Assented the Captain. "Write it up and submit it ASAP. The sooner it gets upstairs the sooner it's out of our hands. Dismissed."

"Admiral Howe," called the yeoman, "priority message from the Captain of the Winston."

"Very Well," yeoman, " bring it in."


From: C.O. FPS Winston

To: CFPHQ Admiral Howe

Subject: Investigation of attack on Sigma 7

Preliminary investigation indicates that two separate pirate ships involved. First ships attack appears to be the cause of all damage and loss of life. Second pirate ship appearance resulted in a missile battle between the two. The first ship found drifting in space with all aboard dead. Result of at least one missile hit from second ship. Second ship managed to crash land but only one crewman escaped alive. Crewman later killed by lone adult survivor on planet.

Survivors: 1(one) adult female Miss Marcia Owens

27(twenty-seven) female children

Mrs. Owens' story has many inconsistencies, when pressed for clarification she requested that the follow message be sent to Admiral Howe.

To: Admiral Howe

From: M.O.

Admiral, you once stated that the need for the Patrol might one day become necessary. I need your help now. Mander III is avenged. M.O.

Request your advice on proceeding with investigation.

End Message.


Continued Chapter 2




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