Crystal's StorySite

Texas Gal



Texas Gal
by  C. Sprite
© 1999


Chapter Five       Grandma 

The first rays of dawn were peeking into the windows when I got out of bed to take a wonderfully warm bubble bath. I got dressed, applied my makeup, and brushed my hair. I walked down to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast. I squeezed some oranges, and brewed a pot of tea. I found some porridge in the cupboard and after reading the cooking directions, prepared enough for Auntie and myself. I set the table and then remembered my vitamins. I walked down to David's room and got the new bottle that Dr. Clark had given him for me. I had finished the old one yesterday. I took the new bottle into my bedroom and put it into a drawer in my clothes room, but not until I had extracted one of the capsules. When I had returned to the kitchen, I found Auntie there. We sat down to eat and I looked at the capsule in my hand. It was different than the last bottle. The old ones had been pink and yellow. This one was pink and green. I trusted that Dr. Clark had not made an error and popped the capsule into my mouth and took a sip of OJ to wash it down. Auntie commented on how nice it was to sit right down to a hot breakfast, and told me that if I weren't careful, I would end up spoiling her. I smiled and said that she would still have plenty to do in this big, old house.

We chatted on about hair styles and clothes and then she asked me for a favor. She had decided to change her hairstyle as we had discussed last night. She wanted to know if she could take my early appointment because she had a lot of things to do. I could wait until the next free time slot and then she would come back and pick me up. I agreed to that. I had nowhere else to be and would love to see her with a new hairdo. We finished breakfast, cleaned the table, and I washed and dried the dishes while she finished getting ready and went to get the car form the garage. I got my purse, put on my wristwatch, with the time corrected now, put on my bracelets and went to the front door. Auntie was just pulling up in front of the house. I stepped to the hall mirror, checked my hair and refreshed my lipstick, then entered the code in the alarm keypad. I stepped out onto the porch and locked the door with the key that Auntie had given me. I felt so grown up having my own key. I had always had to rely on my parents or Judy before to let me in when the house was locked.     

We drove down the long driveway and turned towards the city. The beauty salon was on the outskirts and we were there in twenty minutes. Mrs. Moore had just arrived and was talking with a woman wearing a blue smock. They came over to us and Mrs. Moore handled the introductions. Auntie knew Janet already, as she had been a customer for years. Mrs. Moore pulled me against her side and said, "And this beautiful young woman is Darla Anne. You MUST do something with her hair. It's such beautiful hair but this cut is absolutely wrong for her."

Janet nodded and said, "You do have beautiful hair, my dear, it just needs a little styling."

Auntie spoke up and told them what we had discussed about her going first. Janet said that it was no problem. She only had a few appointments for the day and she would get me very soon after Auntie. Auntie and Mrs. Moore went into a changing room and returned wearing pink smocks, then they both sat in the only two salon chairs and chatted as they waited for Janet.

I went to a chair in the waiting area of the room and began to look through the magazines on a table there. A good selection of teenage magazines showed the latest fashion styles in hair and clothes. The time flew as I read one magazine after another, and before I knew it, Auntie was finished and standing in front of me.

I stood up at looked at her as she turned to show me her hair. "Absolutely fabulous, Auntie. And it makes you look like you're 21 again. Janet did a beautiful job."

"Oh, Darla Anne, you are so good for my ego. And I do like it. I'm so glad that you talked me into it last night. I even feel younger. Honey, I have to run. I'll phone before I'm leaving to come get you."

"Okay, Auntie. See you later."

"Bye," she said as she left to meet her business appointment. 

Janet came over and told me I should go into the changing room, remove my dress and put on a smock. I should use a "petite" because of my slight build, then come sit in the salon chair that Kathy had been using. When I was seated, she said, "What would you like done?"

"Is it long enough to be done like my aunt's? I think that you did a marvelous job on her hair."

"No, we can't do that yet. It has to grow out some more. But we can do something similar that would look very good on you."

"Excellent, lets do it," I said.

Janet's assistant was just finishing Mabel. She came over and said, "Kathy looked wonderful. She told me that you talked her into changing her hair style last night."

"I only made a suggestion. The decision was all hers. And I agree the hairdo looks awesome on her. Janet is going to do something similar for me."

"That's marvelous," Mabel said. "Let me see your nails, honey. Tch, they need some work. Sweetheart, do you trust me?"

"Of course, Mabel."

"Okay, I am going to direct your make-over. Janet, Adele, lets talk."

They spoke in low tones. I heard Janet say, "No problem, Mabel. I don't have anybody coming in for several hours." They broke the huddle and Janet attacked my head while Adele tackled my hands and feet. I had my face rubbed, poked and prodded. After all my makeup was removed, something was smeared all over my face. The chair was dropped down in the back and my head was over a sink. My hair was then rinsed, shampooed and rinsed. The back of the chair was raised, and Janet cut my hair. Then she rolled my hair in curlers and squeezed some foul smelling stuff in it. She rolled a dryer behind me and turned it on. Adele had finished the pedicure and was starting on my hands. When Janet decided that my hair was dry, she turned off the dryer and rolled it away. She removed the curlers and combed, then brushed my hair. As she worked, she would use the scissors a little here and there. When she was satisfied, she put her implements away and worked on my face. She peeled the dried substance from my face. She plucked at my eyebrows a little and then started to makeup my face. After fifteen minutes, she announced that she was almost done.

Adele had finished with my hands, and I was admiring her handiwork when I felt a sharp pain in my right ear. I uttered a sound of pain and Janet said, "It only hurts for a second, honey."

Then I felt the same pain in my left ear. "What are you doing," I asked.

"Just piercing your ears, honey, we're all done."

"Oh," I said. It was too late now to object. Janet swabbed my ear lobes with something that stung a little, then pushed tiny studs into the holes telling me that if I stopped wearing earrings, the holes would close up and I would have to have them pierced again. After Janet had finished with the studs, she turned me around so that I could see myself in the mirror. I looked phenomenal. There was no doubt now that Darla Anne was a woman. The hairdo was as feminine as it could be. Janet was an artist with makeup too. With my manicure and pedicure, I felt like a woman from head to my toes. "What do you think, honey?"

"Janet, it's fantastic. I simply love it. You're an artist. I can't believe it's me. I can't wait until Aunt Kathy sees me. I'm speechless."

She laughed. "Honey, you look beautiful, but you're anything but speechless." I laughed also.

Mabel came over and said, "Darla Anne, you're lovely. Every young boy in the county is going to be chasing after you." I got out of the chair and hugged her.

"Thank you, Mabel, for suggesting that I come here today and for directing my makeover."

"You're most welcome, honey. Now why don't you get dressed." I went to Adele and thanked her then thanked Janet again.

As I stepped into the changing room, Janet's next appointment came in. I hung the smock up and put on my dress. When I exited the changing room, Mabel waved me over to where she was sitting. Kathy hasn't called yet, so I'll wait with you until she comes.

"I appreciate everything that you've done," I said, "but that's not necessary. I'll be fine here alone."

"Oh I know, honey, but I don't have anywhere to go today, so I'd like to visit with you for a while, rather than going back to that big empty house."

"Well, that's different," I said, "I'd love to visit with you. As long as I'm not keeping you from something else."

"Tell me about New Jersey," she said.

I must have talked for over an hour. I told her about my hometown, my school and my family. I told her about my three older sisters, how beautiful they are, and how much we love each other. I told her how Father & Mother had scrimped for years to build the construction business, and just when all their work was about to pay off, the accident occurred.

 "It's just not fair. Daddy worked so hard all those years. He always believed that people would pay a little more for quality homes so he only built that way, and people came to him because they trusted him, and his craftsmanship. He treated them honestly and fairly, while some other contractors cut corners and did shoddy work. For that reason, Father never lacked for customers for his homes. To build the business, we scrimped and saved and did without. Clothes were passed down to the next girl, as they were outgrown to save money. At least Daddy can rest easy that we'll be provided for. Aunt Kathy says that selling the business should secure our futures." I finished up by telling her about Mother's present condition and about my birthday party at the hospital. I showed her my new gold cross necklace.

 "Stand up, honey," she said to me. I looked at her quizzically, then stood. "Take a step back. Now turn around. I bet that's one of your sister's dresses."

I nodded. "Susan's," I said.

"I thought so, it's still a little big," she said, "What do you say that we go shopping and get you a new dress to go with that new hairdo."

"Thank you, Mabel, but I think that I should stay here and wait for Aunt Kathy."

"Oh don't be silly, Kathy won't mind."

"I'm afraid that I don't have any money for shopping."

"Honey, the last thing in the world that I'm worried about is money."

"I couldn't possibly let you buy me a dress, but thank you for offering."

"I won't take no for an answer. It's settled. Come on now. Come on." I followed in response to her steady gesturing. "Janet, when Kathy calls, tell her that Darla Anne and I have gone to Xavier's. She can reach us there." We waved to them and they returned our waves.

"Okay Mabel," Janet said. "Goodbye Darla Anne, come back again soon."

"Thank you, I will," I said.

We walked outside and Mabel gestured to a brand new Cadillac. As I got in I could smell the new car smell. We drove towards the city. Well, at least it's closer to Aunt Kathy's office and she can't be angry for having to go too far out of the way. Mabel said, "I hadn't realized yesterday that you have three sisters. How come they're not here too?"

I told her that my grades were a little bit better. "Since I couldn't improve over straight A's and it was highly unlikely that the final exam could pull down my average, the school allowed me to finish early, so that Aunt Kathy could come back to attend to business. My sisters were staying with family friends and it would have been more of a burden to have all four of us there."

"You must miss them very much."

"I do. But they will be here next month when school is over. And maybe mother if the doctors think that it's safe to transport her to a hospital here." 

"I'll pray for her speedy recovery."

"Thank you, Mabel."

"Ah, here we are," she said. 

Xavier's appeared to be a very upscale clothier. Mabel parked the car and continued to sit in the driver's seat. She seemed to be thinking about something. I said, "Are you alright, Mabel?"

"Yes, fine, dear…. Darla Anne?"

"Yes, Mabel."

"You understand about appearances and proprieties, don't you?"

"I think so, Mabel."

"Good. It would not appear proper to some people, for an older woman such as myself, to go shopping with a younger woman, such as yourself, without being related. And some people would not consider it proper for a young woman, such as yourself, to call an older woman, such as myself, by her first name."

"I understand, Mabel. Should we go back to Janet's?"

"Heaven's no. I promised you a new dress and you shall have it. I would just like to ask a favor of you."

"Anything, Mabel."

"May I refer to you as my granddaughter, and would you call me Grandma?"

I thought for a second and said, "I would be honored, Grandma."

"Thank you, Darla Anne. You are such a dear. I wish that you really were my granddaughter. My own daughter died in childhood, so I have no grandchildren."

"Well, you do now Grandma. My grandparents all passed away before I was born so I love having a new Grandma. From now on, I shall think of you that way." I reached over and squeezed her hands where she was holding them on her lap.

She put one of her hands over mine and squeezed me back. "Okay, Granddaughter, let's find you the prettiest dress in that store."

"Right, Grandma." We smiled and giggled, then stepped out of the car and walked into Xavier's, arm in arm.

A woman greeted us as soon as we stepped inside the door. "Hello, Mrs. Moore. It's so nice to see you again. How may we serve you today?"

"Hello Nancy, I want to find something nice for my granddaughter. Nancy, this is Darla Anne. Darla Anne, this is Nancy, the store manager." We exchanged greetings.

"Did you have something particular in mind?" Nancy asked.

"No, I promised her a new dress. She can have anything that strikes her fancy. Why don't you show us the latest fashions."

"Of course, come this way please." We walked to the rear of the store, and it WAS a walk. The store did not appear this large from the outside. A woman was summoned to measure me. Wearing the panty-girdle hid all trace of my little secret. So the woman who took my measurements never suspected it tucked back between my legs. In fact, I hadn't even thought about it anymore since David had left on his trip. The panty-girdle was just something to help my figure. The woman measured me in every way that you can be measured, and wrote down all the measurements on a form with my name at the top.

Over the next few hours, I must have tried on twenty-five dresses. I loved them all, and grandma appeared to be having a good time just watching me enjoy trying on all the beautiful clothes. Grandma had me stand, turn and walk in all of them. Along with each dress a clerk brought accessories such as shoes, purses, hats and gloves. I felt like a model at a fashion show. No sooner was one dress lifted off of me, then another was pulled over my head. Then Grandma had me try on skirts, blouses, and sweaters. Nancy, the store manager, came over to talk to her for a minute then left. When I modeled the next outfit, Grandma said, "Kathy called looking for you. I said that we would wait here for her. Oh, that outfit is delightful. Try on this other one that I selected."

Several outfits later, Auntie came in and was with Grandma when I came out of the changing room. She looked at me and smiled, "Darla Anne, you look beautiful. I love the new hairdo, and the outfit."

I smiled, "Thank you, Auntie. I asked Janet if she could do my hair like yours. She did the best that she could even though it wasn't really long enough to be just like yours. I love it though."

"Darla Anne, turn around and walk for me."

"Yes, Grandma" I noticed that Auntie raised an eyebrow when I said "Grandma" but I didn't say anything. After two more changes and my runway modeling for Grandma, Auntie said, "that's enough, Darla Anne. Make a selection. We have to be going. The store will be closing soon." I had tried on so many beautiful things that it was difficult to decide but I had particularly liked a mauve party dress. Grandma had the clerk retrieve it along with shoes, purse, gloves, and hat. I put it on again and modeled it for Grandma and Auntie. They both nodded their approval of my selection. Grandma asked if I would like to wear it home and I quickly said yes. The clerk wrapped my other dress and shoes and handed me the box. We walked to the front door together but Grandma said that she had to pick up something else before we she left, so we parted at the door. I hugged her and kissed her and said, "Grandma, thank you for the beautiful outfit and the wonderful day. I shall never forget it."

"Your most welcome my dear. You know that you're my favorite granddaughter." We smiled at the inside joke, kissed again, and then Auntie and I left.

As we drove away, Auntie said, "Grandma?"

I looked at her and told her what Mabel had said in the car before going into the clothier. "She's been so wonderful to me, I feel like she's my Grandma. It feels natural calling her that. And if it makes her happy, then it makes me happy."

"Darla Anne, only you could win the heart of Mabel Moore in just one day. 'Grandma' it is then. You don't suppose that she'll want me to call her 'mother' do you?" We both giggled.

When we arrived home, Auntie thought that I should change out of the party dress. I loved it so much that I didn't want to, but I knew that she was right. I would want it to remain perfect for a special occasion. I changed into my pink skirt and blouse outfit. While I was changing, I sat at my makeup table and studied my face. I tried to remember everything that Janet had done to my face with makeup, so that I could repeat it, since she had done such a wonderful job. I completed changing and went to the upstairs kitchen.

Auntie was browning ground meat when I entered the kitchen. She said that she had developed a 'hankering' for good old Texas chili today. "If you going to live in Texas, you have to know how to cook a good chili," she said. "My Gabby loved my chili. Every gal in Texas has her own special recipe for chili. I'll show you mine, and then you can experiment with different ingredients until you find a recipe that suits you. When you get married, your husband will probably want you to make his mother's recipe, unless he thinks that yours is better. But that hardly ever happens, because he grew up with hers and he's used to it. So what you do is take her recipe and very slowly change it over several years until you're back to your own recipe. Your husband will never know the difference if the change is gradual enough. Of course, your husband may have his own recipe. Chili is one thing that our men don't mind cooking; that and barbeques. The rest of the time though, they figure that cooking is woman's work.

She showed me the spices that should be added, and told me the proper quantities of them, and the other ingredients. I carefully followed her directions as she stood at my shoulder the entire time. When we were finished, we put the pot on a trivet which had been placed in the center of the table, and sat down to eat. The chili was no less than fantastic. I told her that I understood why Gabby had loved it so. I told her that she should can it and sell it around the world. She laughed and said that that was high praise indeed. I told her that I would love to eat more but that I was afraid that I would not fit into my new dress anymore. She said that it was Okay because her chili was even better when reheated. We put it in plastic containers and stored them in the refrigerator's freezer for another night. We cleaned the kitchen and put on our nighties before going down to the theatre. There wasn't much on TV that night but we watched for an hour before deciding to retire. We walked upstairs together, with our arms around each other's waist, kissed cheeks and said goodnight as I entered my bedroom and she continued down to hers.

 That night I dreamed that a pirate captured me as I traveled to the Caribbean. He killed everyone on the ship on which I was a passenger except me. I struck at him when he tried to kiss me, and I kicked him when he laughed at my feeble blow. He grabbed me, tied my hands behind me, and tied my ankles so that I couldn't kick him any more. Then he took me to his cabin and tied me to a support post. He said that I would stay like that until I willingly submitted to him. I uttered an oath, and spit at him, and so he gagged me. He lay down on his bed and slept as I hung in my bonds. The next day, a canon sounded, and within minutes a pitched battle was under way. A British man-of-war defeated the pirate ship. As the pirate ship started to sink, a young British officer found me and cut the ropes that held me to the support post. I fell into his arms, and he tossed me over his shoulder, still bound and gagged. The ship was going down fast, as he grabbed a rope and swung us across to the British ship. When we were on the deck of the man-of-war, the captain approached and the young officer saluted him and said, "I recovered a captive, sir."

"Very good, Mr. Booth. Take her below."

"Aye, aye, captain."

Once again I was thrown over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes, and taken below decks to a cabin. He laid me on the bunk, and got a pan of water and a washcloth. He began to gently wash my face and neck. I just lay there as he worked. When he was done, he sat on the edge of the bunk just staring at me, and telling me how beautiful I was and how lovely my hair was. I mewled though my gag until he removed the sash that had been wrapped around my head and the sopping wad of cloth that had filled my mouth. I worked my mouth to get some feeling back into it. I said, "Mr. Booth, will you untie my hands and ankles, please."

"There's nowhere to run to, and you have no need for you hands right now," he said. "Aren't you going to reward me for saving your life?"

Then he lifted me partially up and bent to kiss me. I awoke and found myself once again in my own bed and completely unfettered. I thought about this dream and the others that I had been having. I wondered if there was a deeper meaning. Susan and Judy had told me that most girls have such dreams, but wasn't I ever going to get to enjoy the kiss without waking up. "Well, maybe next time," I said to myself. "I can hardly wait," I added, then giggled.

I saw from the clock that it was almost time to get up. I went to the bathroom and ran a bath. While the tub was filling, I made my bed and I got out the white dress that I had worn yesterday. I still only had three outfits, my pink skirt and blouse, Susan's white dress, and the new mauve party dress. I had washed my undies last night and hung them in the clothes room to dry. I slipped into the bath and luxuriated in the warm water for a while, then washed myself before exiting the tub. I dressed and put on my makeup. I managed a better job than before by incorporating the tips that I had learned from watching Janet. I brushed my hair and it sprang into place almost immediately. I sprayed some perfume, stepped in it, and I was ready to greet the day.

I went to the kitchen, squeezed some fresh orange juice, made a pot of tea, mixed a bowl of pancake batter, cut a cantaloupe into slices, and put a frying pan on low heat in preparation for making the pancakes. I set the table, put the cantaloupe on it, and added maple syrup to the condiments. Then I sat down and read one of Auntie's women's magazines until she came in. I turned up the heat on the frying pan and in a minute it was ready to cook the pancakes. I poured the batter, waited until the bubbles formed and popped, then flipped them over until they were a golden brown. I made three pancakes for each of us, then turned off the stove and carried the dishes to the table. Auntie was just finishing her OJ as she checked over her schedule for the day. She said that she had been able to do a lot of catching up over the past three days, so her schedule would start to be a little bit more relaxed now, and within two weeks should be back to normal. We ate the pancakes, munched on the cantaloupe, and drank a final cup of tea. She was about to get up to leave when the front door bell rang. She looked at me and said, "I wonder who that can be at this hour?"

We walked downstairs and answered the door. A deliveryman was standing there. "Bliss Residence?" he asked.

"Yes," my aunt said. "I have a delivery for Darla Anne Drake."

Auntie looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders while raising my forearms, palms up, in a gesture to show that I didn't know anything about it. She looked back at the deliveryman and said, "Who is the shipper?"

"Xavier's Clothing Store."

"Okay, I'll take it for her. Where do I sign?"

"Right here, Mrs. Bliss."

After she had signed, he took the clipboard, and asked, "Where would you like it put?"

"I'll take it."

"It's rather large, Mrs. Bliss."

"Very well, up the stairs, turn left, then the first room on the left."

"Okay, Ma'am," he said and walked out the door.

A different deliveryman wheeled in a handcart with an enormous box. Another deliveryman walked behind him and together they struggled to carry it up the stairs. We walked behind them up the stairs. Auntie said, "It looks like "Grandma" selected a couple of other things for you after we left." They carried the box into my bedroom and put it against the far wall. I thought it a little strange that with the entire room to put it in, they should put it so far out of the way. Then two more deliverymen carried another box in. Then two more with another box. Then the first two were back again. Auntie just stood there with her mouth open as box after box was brought in until more than a half dozen of the enormous boxes, and several dozen small ones were stacked up in the room. Auntie got her wallet and gave a generous tip to each deliveryman.

The head deliveryman handed me a card and said, "Compliments of Mrs. Moore."

"Thank you," I told him and smiled at him.

He smiled back and said, "My pleasure, Miss. If you'll just call the store when you've unpacked, we'll be happy to pick up the empty cartons. Good day!"

"Good day!" we said, and then they were gone.

I opened the card and read aloud, "You looked so lovely in all these outfits that I just couldn't resist getting them for my favorite granddaughter. Signed, Grandma.  P.S. I added a few incidentals to round out your new wardrobe."

"Did I say, 'win her heart' yesterday?" Auntie said. "Obviously, I was understating the affection that she seems to feel towards you."

"She told me that she's lonely in her big, empty house."

"I can certainly understand that. Her husband passed away many years ago, and she has no children."

"She told me that her daughter died in childhood."

"That I didn't know, but then I've only known Mabel for about 8 years. She appears to have opened her heart to you quite a bit."

"We had a long talk yesterday at the salon. I was afraid of boring her but she kept encouraging me to talk, so I did."

"Whatever, you said, she apparently took a real liking to you. This is a substantial wardrobe. Do you feel that you should accept it?"

"No, much as I would love to, I wouldn't want to take advantage of her friendship."

"Let's call her then and tell her that we have to send it back."

 We went into Auntie's bedroom to place the call. As she dialed, Auntie said, "We'll have to put a phone put in your room. The connection is already there; it just has to be plugged in. Hello, Mrs. Moore please, Katherine Bliss calling….  The housekeeper is seeing if she's awake yet…. Good morning Mabel, your 'little' surprise just arrived. Yes, she's overjoyed with the gift but she doesn't feel that she can accept it. It's too much. Uh huh….. uh huh….. uh huh…. Oh Mabel, are you really sure?….. Very well, Mabel……Of course……. When?…. Tomorrow?…. Noon?….. Okay Mabel, we'll see you then. Goodbye, Mabel."

Auntie put down the phone and said, "She absolutely refuses to let the clothes be returned. She said that you both went through too much work to select them, and she insists that you keep them. Besides, some of them have been altered already to fit you. So I guess that you're "stuck" with them, sweetheart. Also she wants us to come for lunch tomorrow, and she told me to bring the contracts that I been trying to get her to sign for the oil drilling rights on her big ranch. Darla Anne, if she signs them, then the credit all goes to you.

I put a pouty look on my face and said, "I guess if I am stuck with all those clothes, I might as well make the best of it."

Auntie looked at me with a sly smile and poked me in the ribs, "You little minx, go put your clothes away. I have to go to work. If I'm going to be at Mabel's tomorrow, I have to shuffle my schedule and get everything done today. Plus I have to have the oil drilling contracts prepared with the proper dates. Can you clean the breakfast things, honey?"

I nodded and said, "Of course, Auntie. I think of that as my job now. You can't do everything. I'll help out in any way that I can."

She hugged me and said, "You're wonderful. It's so clear why Mabel took a shine to you so quickly. I love that you're here with me. It's so nice to have another girl to talk to, and work with. I should be home about 6 o'clock. There's a roast in the fridge if you think that you're up to trying your hand at cooking it. I've been very impressed with the cooking skills that you've displayed so far. Many girls your age have trouble boiling water. Have to run, honey. See you tonight." She had been getting ready as she talked. Now she grabbed her purse and ran out the door, blowing me a kiss as she left. In a few minutes I heard her car as she roared down the driveway.

I went to the kitchen and put on my apron. Then I cleared the table, washed, dried and put away the dishes and cooking utensils, and swept the floor. A quick glance around told me that all was in order. Then I walked into my bedroom to begin the task of putting my new wardrobe in my clothes room.  The very large boxes had a piece of tape holding them closed along one corner, from top to bottom. I cut the tape with a pair of cuticle scissors and found that the front flap opened like a closet door. Inside was a wood bar, like in a closet, and everything was arranged on hangers. This made it exceedingly easy. I simply lifted the clothes off the bar in small groups and carried them into my clothes room and hung them on a rack. As I put them away I organized them by type. In no time, I had emptied the large boxes, and, several of the racks in my clothes room contained hanger after hanger of plastic bag covered clothing items. With the clothes removed, the boxes were manageable, so I dragged them down to the empty bedroom across from the kitchen for temporary storage. This gave me a lot more room to move around in my bedroom.

Then I began to work on the smaller boxes. Box after box opened to reveal their wonderful contents as I used my tiny scissors on the tape that held them closed. Boxes of accessories, such as gloves and hats, I placed in one area. Lingerie, hose, and sleepwear went in another. Shoes and boots went in a third area of the bedroom. One box contained a large jewelry case filled with rings, broaches, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets. Nothing super expensive, but certainly not cheap costume jewelry like they sell in the five and dime. With all of the boxes open I began to put the items away, in my clothes room. When I had emptied all of the boxes, I carried them to the same bedroom where I had stored the large ones. The hallway was a mess from all the traffic and dragging the boxes, so I took the vacuum cleaner and cleaned the hallway, stairs, and my bedroom. It was lunchtime, so I fixed myself half a sandwich, ate an apple and cleaned the kitchen. With the cleaning chores done, I decided to try on some new clothes.

I had worn many of the things yesterday, but Grandma had added much more that I had not seen. There were not many more dresses but there were a lot more skirts and blouses. I removed my dress and hung it up. I took off my camisole and bra. I decided to put on one of the new bras since the old one that I had been using was starting to irritate my skin. My nipples had become red and slightly swollen over the past week. They were also very sensitive to my touch. The new bra was not padded like the old one so I used some tissues to 'puff' up just a little. I replaced the camisole and starting trying on outfits. They were all wonderful.

Over the next four hours, I tried on every outfit that I hadn't tried on in the store, and most of the shoes. It was getting late and I had to start dinner soon so I looked around to decide what to wear. There were number of Denim skirts. They reminded me of jeans, the standard in work and play clothes, so I selected a full length, faded denim, prairie skirt, and a gingham blouse. The skirt dragged on the floor. It was very full so I first put on a layered petticoat, which pushed it up and away from my body. After I was dressed, I made sure my gold cross necklace hung outside my blouse. I never took it off any more. I removed my ear studs, swabbed the holes with some of the antiseptic that Janet had given me, and selected a pair of dangly earrings. I brushed my hair, touched up my makeup and lipstick and went to select a pair of shoes. I picked out a pair of beautiful, black, cowgirl boots with thick high heels and slipped into them. They fit perfectly. I looked at myself in the mirrors, turned, and twirled. The skirt was about three feet across, and with the three-inch heels of the boots, was only about an inch from the floor when I stood still. When I twirled, it stretched to about six feet. Satisfied with my appearance, I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

I looked through Auntie's aprons until I found one that would fall just short of the floor so that it would cover my skirt. I got the pot roast out of the fridge and removed the wrapper. I had watched my mother prepare one many times, even though I had never participated in the cooking, and they hadn't seemed to be that difficult to cook. I put the oven on to preheat as she had always done, then taking aluminum foil, I lined a roasting pan, leaving enough hanging over the edge so that I would be able to enclose the pot roast. After placing the roast in the center of the pan, I coated it first with a can of Campbell's mushroom soup, then with a package of Lipton's onion soup. The mushroom soup was so thick, without any water having been added, that the onion soup stuck like it was glued. As the roast cooked, the steam from the meat would cause the two soup mixtures to drip over, around, and through every part of the meat. Then I closed the top by bringing the long ends of the aluminum foil together and sealed them like a tent. This would keep all the moisture sealed inside. When it was sealed, I put the roast in to cook.

 Next I cleaned several potatoes, peeled and cut them up, and put them on to boil. By the time I had finished making a salad and a fresh dressing, the potatoes were cooked so I turned off the burner. I found a box of Bisquick, and since the mixing directions were so simple, I prepared some for biscuits. I set the table after placing a clean tablecloth on it. I put the salad, dressing, and the condiments on it. I took a package of frozen corn from the freezer and dropped it into some boiling water. I put the cooked potatoes into a bowl, added milk and butter and started mixing them, adding milk as I controlled the consistency. When the potatoes were completely mashed, I put a hunk of butter on top and placed the bowl on the table, with a dish on top to keep in the heat. The corn was ready so I drained the water, put butter on top, and put the cover on the pan to keep the heat in. It was almost six o'clock so I placed dollops of Bisquick on a cookie pan. I heard the front door, so I took the roast from the oven, and put the biscuit pan in. I carefully opened the aluminum tent so that I would not burn myself from the steam. While it cooled a little, I put the corn into a serving bowl and placed it on the table with a dish cover. I put the milk and butter on the table, then turned to the task of carving the roast.

 While I wielded the knife in my attack on the roast, Auntie came in after having put her things in her bedroom. She came over to me, kissed my cheek, glanced over my shoulder, and said, "Hello honey, gee that smells good."

"Hello Auntie, dinner will be ready in a minute."

"What can I do?"

"Everything is done. Just take a seat."  I carried the slices of meat that I had carved to the table, returned and filled a gravy boat from the pan, and checked on the biscuits. They were just turning a golden brown so I removed them from the oven, placed them on a dish, and added them and the gravy boat to the food on the table. I took the apron off, and walked over to where Aunt Kathy was seating. I put my arms around her from behind and kissed her cheek. "I am sorry that I didn't greet you properly, I didn't want to turn to kiss you while I was carving with that big knife. That's how accidents happen after all."

"You were quite right, dear. I like my ears just fine where they are."

I giggled and sat down, and Auntie said grace.

"Darla Anne, you're a marvel. I never expected to find dinner all ready to sit down to."

"I'm glad that you were right on time. It makes it a lot easier to have a hot meal ready when you can plan the completion time of the cooking."

"And everything smells so good. Let's eat." We ate a salad and filled our plates with the meat, potatoes, and corn. As we ate, Auntie kept complimenting me. "You're really spoiling me, honey. A ready breakfast this morning and now a ready dinner. And both so delicious. I had no idea that you were such an accomplished cook, and I've been trying to give YOU lessons."

"I didn't know how to make chili, Auntie. You taught me that."

"This pot roast is delicious. Wherever did you learn to cook it like this?"

"From watching Mother prepare one. I only know how to cook what I was able to see her make as I was growing up."

"Darla Anne, you're going to make some lucky man a wonderful wife. Beauty and cooking talent is an unbeatable combination when you're looking for a husband. I love your outfit, too."

"Thank you, I really like it also." I got up and walked around the table so that I could model it for her. I turned around, then twirled around, stopped and lifted my skirt so that she could see the petticoats, then lifted them so that she could see my cowgirl boots.

"You really look like a Texas gal now. That outfit could be right out of the turn of the century. All you need is a corset to complete it."

"What would a corset do to complete it?"

"At the turn of the century, almost all women wore corsets. They trim the waist and push up the bosom. They give you an hourglass figure."

"I think that I'd like to try one."

"Oh, Darla Anne, they are most uncomfortable, and you can't just put one on and expect to have an hourglass figure. You have to train your waist over a period of time. When you first start wearing one, you can only wear it for a short time. You gradually increase the time until you can wear it for long periods. They have special sleeping corsets and there are several different kinds of corsets also."

"How small would it make my waist?"

"A grown woman can usually achieve an 18 or 19 inch waist with long term training. Some women go to 17 inches. A young girl like you would have little trouble getting to 16 inches."

"That's seven inches less than I am now."

"You wouldn't be able to achieve that right away. Initially, you would only get about a 3 or possibly a 4 inch reduction."

"Auntie, could I try one to see if I might want to start training my waist."

"If I can't talk you out of it, yes, you can try. You're almost the right age to start the training. When corsets were in fashion, ages 12 to 13 were the average starting age. It's easier to train your waist as your body changes than to get your body to conform later on. I will have to look for it, but I had one years ago. I tried to train my waist but it was too difficult and I couldn't stick with it. Of course, if you get serious about it, then you will have to have custom corsets made to fit your body exactly. You should have three or four so that you can rotate them. I'll look right after dinner."

"Thank you, Auntie."

We finished dinner, while Auntie told me about her day at work. I was starting to recognize names and places from having heard them before. I was also starting to pickup an understanding of the terminology used in the oil drilling business. Auntie was pleased with my questions. She remarked how perceptive they were. She said that she had prepared a new set of contracts for Mabel. If Mabel signed, then both parties stood to both make a great deal of money. Since she thought that I was chiefly responsible for Mabel's change of heart, then I should get a reward when the contracts were signed. She asked me what I would like.

"I always wanted my own horse," I said, "and we do have a stable here."

"You can't ride a horse dressed like that."

"I'll go side-saddle," I said.

She laughed and said, "Now that's a sight I'd like to see. I can picture you now with your full length riding habit, complete with corset, riding side-saddle, to the hounds, like in the old British movies." We both laughed.

I put on a British accent and said, "My dear woman, I'll have you know that a true lady would never ride any other way. The queen would have a seizure if one of the nobility ever hitched up her skirts and rode like a man. Simply unthinkable. It would absolutely cause a scandal from London to Wales."

She started laughing from the moment I started and laughed so hard that tears started to roll down her cheeks. I stopped my play-acting and she wiped her eyes with her napkin. "Oh, Darla Anne, you're wonderful. I haven't laughed that hard since Gabby passed away. Beauty, an excellent cook, a good listener, and now a comedienne and actress. The man who gets you for a wife is going to be a lucky man indeed. Let's cleanup and I'll go look for my old corset."

I put on my apron and started to clear the table. With two of us working, we were finished in no time. When I took off my apron, Auntie hugged me and said, "Thank you for a wonderful meal. It's been a long time since I've felt so pampered. I just want you to know that I will not be upset with you in any way if Mabel doesn't sign tomorrow. I've been chasing after her for years. A little longer won't make any difference. And I'm going to get you your horse anyway. We'll call it a belated birthday present. I never got you anything back in New Jersey."

"Auntie, you've done so much for me, for all of us, I don't need anything more."

"Darla Anne, I want to do this. Please don't stop me."

"Okay, Auntie, I really would love a horse."

"Good." She smiled mischievously at me and added, "And a side-saddle for milady." We both laughed. "Now, come with me young lady and I'll show what a feeling of constriction REALLY is."

We went to her bedroom and then to her clothes room. She walked over to several rows of drawers, and started to look through one at a time until she located the corset. It was rolled up like an old newspaper with strings around it. She said, "You should use the bathroom now before we put this on you." I left and used my bathroom as she suggested. When I returned she told me to remove my skirt, blouse and petticoats. She put the corset around me with the laces in the back. In front were two steel bars that hooked together and closed the corset. She called it a busk. Once it was closed she walked behind me and started working on the laces. "This is a twenty-two inch corset. That means that the waist will close down to 18 inches when fully tightened." She began to tighten the laces and I began to learn what she meant by "a feeling of constriction." After the initial slack was taken in, I was still feeling fine. Then she started to tug on the two laces where they met in the middle of the corset. When she had reduced my waist by two inches, she halted and said we should stop for a couple of minutes to get used to this level. It felt very tight but I wasn't having any difficulty breathing or anything.

 After a few minutes, during which we talked about women's fashions and corsets, she resumed the lacing. She took in about another inch. My waist was now about 20 inches. Breathing was a little difficult if I tried to take a "full" breath, but was fine for normal breathing. After another five minutes she took in another inch. The corset was more than molded to my body now; it was molding my body. She told me to just stand where I was and concentrate on breathing properly and evenly. After awhile, I found that my breathing was normal and somewhat comfortable. She had put the corset on over my camisole, so she went to my bedroom and got a slip. She put it on me and then put my blouse on me. Then my petticoats and skirt. The waist of the skirt was loose but my hips kept it up. They had expanded, as had my bosom. Dressed again, she asked me how I feel.

"Constricted," I answered.

"Do you want out?"

"No. I'd like to try to wear it for a while." I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. There was no denying the effect that it had on my figure.

"Would you like to watch a little television," she asked. I answered,

"Sure, if you'll help me get downstairs."

"Of course, sweetheart. Here, take my arm."

When we were in the theatre downstairs, I let go of her arm. I said that I wanted to try to sit by myself. She took her seat and turned on the TV. I went to my customary chair and slowly lowered myself onto its edge. I found that I must sit with my back ramrod straight. Judy would not have to scold me for slouching while I had this corset on. We watched TV for about 2 hours then decided to go to sleep. I rose from my chair, where I had been sitting very uncomfortably, on my own. Auntie offered me her arm, and I gratefully accepted it. We climbed the stairs and entered my bedroom. Auntie undressed me far enough to get to the corset. She untied the laces where they had been secured around my waist, then started to loosen them at the eyelets. When they were loose enough she stepped around me and unhooked the busk. I took my first full breath in two hours. Then I rubbed and kneaded the flesh where the corset had covered me. I discovered that the best part about wearing a corset is when you take it off.

"Well, what do you think?" Auntie asked. "Had enough of corsets?"

"I think that I have to give it more time. I was starting to get used to it a little. It's only been two hours. I don't want to give it up yet. I loved what it did for my figure."

"Okay honey, it's your choice. Two hours for your first time is a good start. Remember though, for truly serious training you will have to wear one almost 24 hours a day. Good night, dear."

"Good night, Auntie, thank you." She smiled and left. I took the corset into my clothes room and hung it up so that it could "breathe" overnight as auntie had instructed me. After hours on my body, it might have absorbed moisture. I finished undressing and washed my underthings. I removed my makeup, removed my earrings and put the little gold suds in, performed my nightly rituals, then put on my nightgown and climbed into bed. I thought about the corset and how it constricted my movements and shaped my body. I knew that I would definitely wear it again.

That night I had the same dream about the pirate and the British officer except that this time I was wearing a corset during the dream. It caused me great discomfort when I was tied to the support post and when I was tossed over the officer's shoulder, but I looked absolutely gorgeous in my dress when I had the corset on. I woke up again as the officer lifted me slightly to kiss me. The first rays of the dawn sun were coming in my window as I arose, bathed, made up my face, and put on a knee length denim skirt, a white, western style blouse with a short fringe on the front and across the shoulders blades on the back, and a pair of white cowgirl boots. I removed the studs from my ears and swabbed the puncture holes again with the antiseptic, then selected a pair of earrings that had little prairie schooners dangling from the ear studs. I brushed my hair and put on some perfume. Then I went to the kitchen.

I made the fresh OJ, mixed up some cornmeal for muffins, cut up a cantaloupe and washed some strawberries. We had been here for five days now and we would have to shop soon. I made a pot of tea and got the bacon and eggs from the fridge. I set the table, put a pot of water on to boil, and fried some bacon for Auntie. As I was taking the muffins from the oven, Auntie came in. I put the muffins on the table, kissed auntie, and exchanged morning greetings. I asked her, "Fried, soft boiled or poached?"


"Scrambled, sunny side, or over-easy?"


"Rye, Pumpernickel, whole-wheat, or white?"


"Coming up." I popped two slices of pumpernickel in the toaster, removed the bacon from the pan, cracked four eggs into the frying pan, and turned the pot of water off now that we wouldn't need it. The toast popped up and I put in two more slices. The eggs were almost ready to turn, so I got two dishes ready and stood by with the spatula. When they were exactly right, I turned them carefully, counted to five, scooped them up carefully, and placed two on each dish. I put several slices of bacon on Auntie's dish as the toaster popped again. Two slices went on each plate and I carried them to the table. I put Auntie's in front of her and carried mine to my place.

Auntie said grace as soon as I was seated. "These muffins are wonderful" she said.

"Thank you. We'll have to go shopping soon, we're running very low on fresh vegetables and fruits, plus the other usual items."

"Make a list and we can stop this afternoon or tomorrow. I don't know how long we'll be at Mabel's."

"Is lunch today, formal, semi, or informal?"


"Then the outfit that I selected will be Okay?"

"Yes. I think that it's very cute. I like those earrings."

"Yes? I do too."

"No corset today?" Auntie asked.

"I didn't want to have to change again before we go to Grandma's and I wasn't sure how she would react, so I decided against it."

"I agree with your decision. Do you know what kind of horse that you want?"

"Uh, A white one?"

She laughed. "No, I mean what breed?"

"I don't know. I never really expected to have one so I haven't done any research. I'll look into it. I assume that there are some books in your wonderful library."

"I'm sure that there must be something. Gabby told the designers to make sure that it was complete."

"Gabby wanted the library?"

"Yes. He felt that every quality home should have one. He was a bit of a roughneck but he wanted to be accepted in society circles. When we got our first big strike, we found that having tons of money was all it took these days. But he had already planned a library, and he was consistent in everything that he did."

"I'm glad that he did. It's a wonderful library. I've only sampled a small part so far, but it's marvelous to have it available." We finished our eggs and then munched on some fruit. Auntie took some papers out of her briefcase and started reading them.

I cleared the table as Auntie had another cup of tea. I washed the dishes and cooking utensils and then dried them and put them away. I wiped down the counters and refrigerator, then sat down at the table, to enjoy another cup of tea while I prepared a grocery list. Auntie had been reviewing the oil drilling contracts that she was to give to Grandma. She finished her review and put the papers back in her briefcase. She had been so absorbed in her review that she had not realized that I had cleaned the kitchen. "Darla Anne, why didn't you wait for me to help you?"

"Auntie, I've told you that I consider it MY job. You have so much to do. I need to feel useful too."

She looked at me and said, "Yes, I understand. We all need to feel useful, needed, and loved. Well, let me assure you that you are. I'm beginning to wonder how I got along before you came. You've shown me how empty my life was. After I lost Gabby, I knew that my life was empty and I filled the void with work, convincing myself that I was happy. But work doesn't make you feel needed or loved. You have done that for me."

I walked around the table and we embraced and cheek kissed. "I do love you Auntie."

"And I love you Darla Anne."     

We separated and Auntie looked at her watch. We have three hours before we're due at Mabel's. What shall we do?"

"We could do the grocery shopping if it's not too far."

"It's always 'work before pleasure' with you. You're a girl after my own heart. I can really see your mother's influence in you. Very well, grab your hat and purse, and we'll pick up some supplies."

I went to my bedroom, selected a purse, and transferred the contents from my last one. I was about to go when I thought about a hat, so I went to my closet and selected a cowgirl hat that seemed to go well with my outfit. I put it on and stepped into the hallway as Auntie came from her bedroom.

She said, "You look like you're on your way to a hoe-down."

I pointed to the hat, "Too much?"

"Heavens no, it's perfect. Nobody would ever think of you as a girl from New Jersey dressed like that."

"That's nice. I want to fit in."

"Everybody who sees you will be certain that you're a born and breed Texas filly. As long as you don't talk too much. You still have a New Jersey accent."

"Shucks, ah can drap that any time I wont to. Y'all know that we Texas gals can't keep from talkin' fer very long. The words'll just keep pourin outa me," I said in my best Texas drawl.

Auntie just stood and stared at me. "Young lady, you never cease to amaze me. You have an uncanny ear to have picked up our accent so quickly. Just talk like that and everyone will swear that you were born and reared in this state."

We set the intruder alarm and walked to the car. The ride to the supermarket took all of fifteen minutes. I had always hated going to the market with Mother. But now it was different, I was selecting food items and not just walking along with the shopping cart, like a pet. The involvement in the purchasing made all the difference. We spent a lot of time in the produce department selecting fresh vegetables and fruit, then almost as much in the meat department. After that we whisked through most of the aisles until we got to the feminine hygiene products aisle. Auntie spent a lot of time reading labels and selecting products there. She picked up a box of tampons and said to me, "Have you started to menstruate yet?" I shook my head, and she continued with her next selection. After we finished in this aisle, we zipped through the rest of the store selecting frozen food, and dairy products last. We had filled two shopping carts but except for fresh produce and dairy, we would not have to shop for a month.

We went to the checkout and put our selections on the conveyer belt so that the clerk could ring them up. A bag boy placed all of our things in large brown bags, the type always found in supermarkets. I had been the first through the checkout aisle, ahead of Auntie, and the bag boy, his lapel name tag said "Scott," stared at me whenever he didn't have to watch where he was putting something. He was cute and looked to be about 16. I glanced at him once and he flashed me a big smile. I allowed myself a small smile and nodded at him merely to acknowledge him. I remembered what Judy had told me about the dangers of flirting. When he was all done bagging, and while Auntie was paying the clerk, I thanked him for his work. He smiled broadly and said, "You're most welcome miss. My name is Scott. Y'all come back any time."

"I'm sure that we'll be in again, Scott. Goodbye." When I said his name, his face lit up even more. Then I began to push one of the carts as Auntie had finished with the clerk and come up behind me.

As we pushed the carts through the parking lot, she said, "It looks like you've met a new friend. He couldn't take his eyes off you."

"Oh, you know teenage boys. Anything in a skirt, and their hormones start raging."

"Darla Anne, it sounds like you've already learned the basics of boy/girl relationships, so I won't bore you by repeating all the do's and don'ts. But I want to remind you that all boys, and many men for that matter, only want one thing. In spite of how we feel, we women must keep our legs together and our skirts down, until we find a husband, if possible."

"I know, Auntie. Mother has told me the same thing."

"Your mother has done a good job of raising you. I'm proud to be your aunt."

"And I love having you for an aunt, even though you look more like my sister now, with your new hairdo."

"Oh stop it. Nobody would buy that."

"I bet that we could pull it off without any trouble whatsoever. Would you like to try this weekend?"

"You're on," she said, and we both giggled. 

We drove home and carried the bags to the elevator, then into the kitchen. I put things in the refrigerator while Auntie packed the pantry. When I could get no more in, I still had a number of frozen foods left. Auntie told me to take them downstairs to the big walk-in freezer. When I walked into the freezer I was astounded. It looked like a supermarket's freezer in there. I stored the extra items and ran out to get warm again. Next time I go in there, I'm bringing a coat, I thought to myself. Auntie had finished filling the pantry when I went back upstairs. I said that I didn't know that she had so much frozen food in the house. She told me that it was kind of like emergency rations. She rotated it every so often but liked to keep enough on hand to handle any emergency. I said that that was fine as long as the power doesn't go out too. She told me that there is an emergency generator in the garage building that runs off a propane tank. The enormous tank was buried for safety. The generator was old military surplus that Gabby had picked up somewhere. It could handle the entire house and outbuildings for 30 days. The same company that services the elevator fires it up once a year to test it. The house was built on this hill so that we were safe from floods. Half the state of Texas would have to be underwater before the water got as high as the bottom of the cellar floor. There was no way of protecting against twisters though, other than to head to the cellar and wait them out. She said that it was getting late and we had to be going, so we touched up our makeup and headed for Grandma's house.

Grandma lived about 25 minutes away. When we entered her estate, you knew that this was wealth. After driving for about two miles, we came to a house that looked like something you would find in England or Europe. It was a massive three story stone structure that was reminiscent of Buckingham Palace. When we knocked at the door, a butler opened it. A real butler. He escorted us in saying that, "Madame is expecting you. She's on the veranda. This way please." We followed him through the house to the back yard. Grandma was sitting at a large circular patio table reading through some papers. The butler announced us. "Mrs. Bliss and Miss Drake have arrived Madame." "Thank you Charles." He turned and left as Grandma rose to greet us.

I ran smiling, into her arms and squeezed her. "Oh, Grandma, thank for all the lovely clothes that you sent. I don't know how to thank you."

"Your smile is thanks enough, sweetheart. That outfit is very becoming. And very Texas. Hello Kathy."

"Hello Mabel."

The other woman was looking at us and Grandma said, "Kathy, you know Mrs. Prescott, don't you?"

"Of course I do. Hello, Edna, how have you been."

"Hello Kathy. Quite well thank you."

"And your husband, Bill, and your family."

"All well, thank you."

"That's wonderful."

Grandma spoke up, "And this is my granddaughter, Darla Anne." "I'm very pleased to meet you, Mrs. Prescott."

"And I'm pleased to meet you Darla Anne. Mabel, I don't recall you ever telling me that you had a granddaughter. She's very pretty."

Grandma said, "Yes, she's beautiful. She's been living back east until now. Kathy, Darla Anne, please, sit down." We sat where she indicated. She placed me on her left, with Auntie to my left.

Grandma said, "Would you care for some tea?" and indicated a pot on the table. We both said yes, and I moved forward to pour a cup for Auntie and myself. Grandma waited until we had put in our milk and honey, and I had sat back, then said, "Kathy, Edna and I have discussed our environmental concerns at great length. You have a wonderful reputation for taking care of the land where you drill. Darla Anne and I talked together for quite a while yesterday, and she suggested an idea for how we can both benefit. We know that it costs substantially more to run an "environmentally sound" drilling operation then the way that some other drillers operate. This effort should be rewarded in order to encourage others to follow suit. Therefore, we want to name your company as number one on our official list of recommended drillers. At present, you will be the only one on our list. We hope that other drillers will see the economic advantages of being a recommended driller and will want to be added to that list. Of course, they must pass a stringent examination of their practices to be on it, and periodic review to remain on it. We know that you can't openly join our group but you do espouse our views.

"I will sell you drilling rights to all my properties where you wish to drill. Edna will encourage her husband to do the same, which basically means that you will have the rights. He runs the company but the ranch land is in her name. I believe that some of our other members may be encouraged to sell their drilling rights to you. There are lands all over Texas and Oklahoma that have never been touched by a drilling rig because people didn't need the money bad enough to ruin their land. We'll work to get YOU those rights. Darla Anne was right about people willing to pay a little more for quality. Or in this case, getting a little smaller return on their oil to preserve their land and save their heritage."

"I'm honored by the confidence that you're showing in me," Auntie said, "and I promise that I will not disappoint you. I brought the contracts for your big ranch with me. I will leave them for you and your attorney to review."

"Fine, I have received proposals from every driller in Texas so I am familiar with the standard forms."

"These are a little different. My company makes explicit promises about our environmental efforts to preserve the land. I hope that they will satisfy your concerns."

"Wonderful. We'll review them and get them back to you early next week. Now, let's have lunch. Edna, can you stay?"

"I'm sorry, Mabel. I'd love to, but I have to get back. Bill and I are flying up to Chicago to the meat-producers convention."

"Oh yes, several of my VP's are going as well. Have a safe trip and I'll see you next week."

We all said goodbye and Mrs. Prescott left. 

Grandma rang a small bell that was on the table and Charles appeared. "We're ready to eat now Charles."

"Very good, madam."

He disappeared, and reappeared several minutes later carrying a tray, and then proceeded to set dishes and silverware in front of each of us. A maid, or cook, appeared a few seconds later carrying another tray, which she set on a side table. Charles served us french onion soup, then when Grandma rang again, he brought out a tray with platters of Lobster and Prime Rib. Being a Roman Catholic and forbidden to eat meat on Friday, I chose the Lobster only. It was delicious when dipped into the melted butter. For desert, we had a kind of custard pie with berries and whipped creme. Everything was delicious and I was really glad that I had not worn the corset. I would not have been able to enjoy much of the wonderful meal.

 After lunch, Grandma took us on a tour of the house. She told us her grandfather had built the house after he took a trip to Europe in the late 1800's. Pride in her family's heritage is the only thing that kept her here. "It's too big to be comfortable in. I only use a small section for my living quarters, and the quarters of my servants. When I'm gone, the place will probably fall down. It's too far from the city to have any real commercial value."

"That's sad," I said, "it really is a beautiful old house. Just like the ones that I see in the pictures of the ones in England."

"Grandfather got the plans from an architect in England whose firm had built this identical house over there in the 17th Century. He was told that that house had been destroyed by fire, so we can't compare it to theirs." We completed our tour and then returned to the veranda to talk.

 I learned that Grandma had just four servants; a cook, Charles her butler, a housekeeper, and a secretary. When she was not in residence, a groundskeeper stayed in the house while her three servants traveled with her. We had a wonderful afternoon. I told her all about unpacking all the wonderful clothes and how I had spent all afternoon yesterday trying on the outfits that I had not already worn. I told her of wearing the corset that Auntie had loaned me. Rather than being put-off, she thought that the idea was 'charming.' She told me that as a young woman, she had worn one for many years, but had discarded it when they went out of fashion. She remembered how most of the women had such beautiful shapes back then, when "Men were men, and women were women." She said that they had made a small sort of comeback with the wasp-waisted suits of the fifties and asked if I was going to continue with it. I told her that I really liked what it had done for my figure, and that I was going to see if I could bear it. I told her how I'd had to sit rigidly upright and I thought that it would be good for my posture if I could stand it. She agreed, saying that too many young girls slouched these days, like boys. I commented that she had perfect posture, and she said that it was the result of early training, including the corset training. In addition to the corset, she had worn a posture harness. It was a sort of strap that pulled your shoulders back and forced you to have correct posture. It had been very uncomfortable at the time but she didn't regret how it had helped her.

As the afternoon shadows started to lengthen, Charles came out on the veranda and said, "Madam, I just wanted to remind you that you have a dinner engagement in the city tonight."

Looking at her watch she said, "Oh heavens. Yes, thank you, Charles." She stood up. "Kathy, Darla Anne, I'm sorry, but I've been having such a wonderful time that I've lost all track of the hour. I hate to end our visit but I must get ready to leave. I've loved having you both here today. I hope that we can get together again very soon. Charles will show you out." She rang her little bell and Charles came out onto the veranda. "Charles, in the future, will you please announce Miss Drake as my "granddaughter" when she comes to visit." 

Without the slightest hint of surprise, he said "Very good, Madam."

"And now would you please escort Mrs. Bliss and my granddaughter to the door." I went to Grandma and we embraced and cheek kissed.

"Thank you again for the lovely clothes, Grandma."

"You are most welcome, my dear. Kathy, I'll be in touch about those contracts very soon." We said good-bye and Charles showed us the way out.

As we drove away, Auntie said, "WOW, what an afternoon. It looks like our little oil drilling company is going to grow up very fast. The other lady, who was there today, Mrs. Prescott, is the wife of William Prescott. He's the chairman of Westtex Foods. They have ranches and farms all over the Midwest and southwest. Cattle, grains, vegetables, and processing plants for all of it. Their properties alone could keep me busy for years. And I owe it all to you, Darla Anne."

"Auntie, I haven't done anything. You conscientious treatment of the environment is responsible for getting you the oil rights."

"To a degree, sweetheart. But Mabel's adoration of you is what's driving all this. You should see how she looks at you, and hangs on your every word. She acts like she really is your grandmother, and that you're her favorite granddaughter." 

"I think that she's wonderful, and I meant it when I told her that I would think of her as my grandmother. Since yours and Fathers parents all passed away before I was born, Mabel is the only grandmother that I have ever known."

We arrived home a little earlier than our normal dinner hour of 6 PM. While Auntie made a salad, I broiled a swordfish steak in butter and made some fresh biscuits. During dinner, Auntie and I talked about oil drilling. She started to educate me about the different types of wells and drilling techniques. I learned that Auntie had earned a college degree in geology. At 7 o'clock, Auntie suggested that we call my sisters. We left the dinner dishes on the table and we went downstairs to the office. Because of the two hour time difference we wanted to call before it got too late, and we had gone to the office because it had a speakerphone.

 Auntie dialed the Marcoti's house and Gina answered the phone. Auntie recognized her voice and said, "Hello Gina, this is Katherine Bliss, how are you?"

"Oh, Mrs. Bliss, I'm fine, thank you. Hold on, I'll call the girls." She must have cupped her hand over the receiver because we could only hear muffled noises for a few seconds, then Judy's voice came on the line.

"Aunt Katherine?"

"Yes, hello Judy, I'm here with Darla Anne. We're on the speakerphone so we can both talk and hear you at the same time."

I heard her say, "Darla Anne? Darla Anne is with you NOW?" 

I said, "Hello Judy, it's Darla Anne. I'm so glad to hear your voice. I've missed you. I've missed you all so much."

"And we've missed you. Susan and Mary just came in to the room. Hold on. It's Aunt Katherine and… Darla Anne calling. They can both hear and talk at the same time."

Susan got on the phone. "Hello, Aunt Katherine."

"Hello Susan. How have you been?"

"Fine, Aunt Katherine. Judy said that Darla Anne is on the phone also?"

"Hi, Suz. It's Darla Anne. I've missed you."

"And I've missed my little sister. Hold on Mary wants to say Hi."

"Hi, Darla Anne."

"Hi, Mary. It's good to hear your voice. I've missed you. Aunt Katherine is here with me. We're are on the speakerphone so she can hear and talk at the same time as me."

Aunt Katherine spoke up, "Hello Mary, I hope that you're well."

"We're all fine Aunt Katherine, we just miss you and Darla Anne. We wish you were both here."

"As do we," Aunt Katherine said, "but you'll be down here soon enough. Less than a month from now, we'll all be together.   

We talked in the "round robin" phone call arrangement for about an hour. My sisters kept passing the phone around every couple of minutes. Even Gina and Maria got on at least once. I learned that my sisters visited my mother every single day. Mother was improving and should be well enough to be transported to Texas near the end of June. My sisters were starting the semester review process in preparation for their final exams. When it came time to end the call, I was sad. We said our good-byes and hung up. I knew that we would be together again in just four weeks, but I wanted to be with them now. But I had to settle for phone calls for now. From that day on we talked every few days, for at least a half-hour, until we were re-united. It was too late to call the hospital and speak to mother, but Auntie said that we could call her on Sunday.

Auntie and I climbed the stairs to the kitchen and cleaned up.

We sat at the table after we finished. I had made a pot of tea and we enjoyed a cup in silence, with our thoughts. Then I asked a couple of questions about oil drilling and, for the next three hours, Auntie instructed me in the intricacies of the oil business. It was after eleven when Auntie said that is was past my bedtime. I had become so absorbed in our discussion that I hadn't realized the time. We washed the tea things and went to bed. I was tired and fell asleep almost as soon as I lay down.

That night I dreamt that I was an English noblewoman, out riding on my father's vast estate when I suddenly realized I was lost. I rode for hours trying to find my way back. Ultimately I came upon a small cottage and dismounted. There didn't appear to be anybody around so I went to the well to get a drink. As I started to drink, a dirty and smelly peasant emerged from the nearby woods.

He came over to me and said, "Stealn warder snot loud round ere. You LADIES n GENTS thinks you owns the ole world. I'll show you ow we treats thieves ere."

I was going to offer to pay for the water but he pounced upon me and in short order had me bound hand and foot. I tried to scream but my corset prevented me from filling my lungs sufficiently to really let loose. He dragged me to the cottage and pushed open the door. Then he dropped me unceremoniously on a pile of straw that I assumed to be a bed. As he started to remove his shirt, the door burst open again and a tall nobleman strode in and, quickly sizing up the situation, swung his cane as the peasant charged. The peasant dropped like a rock as the cane came into contact with his head.

The nobleman approached me and said, "Lucky that I was near enough to hear your screams, Milady." He bent down over me and I thought he was going to untie me but instead he picked me up in his arms and said, "Your father has put out an alarm that you're missing. My hunting party postponed our hunt so that we could join in the search. I am very glad now, that we did."

As he started to carry me outside, I said, "Sir, I thank God that you arrived when you did. But if you will untie me I can walk unaided."

"That's quite all right milady, I am not having any difficulty with your slender form. I consider the opportunity to carry you part of my reward for saving you."

"Only part of your reward?" I said as we reached our horses.

"Yes, here's the other part," he said just before he lowered his head to my lips and kissed me passionately. I started to react to his kiss as he tightened his embrace.

Suddenly, I was awake and back in my own bed. I lay there thinking about the dream. The recurring theme of being helpless, while strong, handsome men kissed me started to worry me. I would have to ask Auntie about it. I remembered what my sisters had said about all girls having this kind of dream, but why almost every night?

As it was almost dawn, I arose and prepared myself for the day. After my bath, I examined myself in the mirror. My chest was still bothering me. My nipples were still very sensitive and the whole area was swollen. Maybe I was reacting to the soap that I was using to wash my bra. I would buy a different brand at my next opportunity. If it didn't improve soon, I would have to mention it to Auntie. I would hold off as long as possible though, because I feared that she might want me to leave and let David come back. I loved it here and I didn't want to leave. Auntie seemed to have totally forgotten all about my brother, the same way that my mother and sisters forgot about him when he was away on one of his trips. I was only supposed to be here until Thursday, but here it was Saturday, and Auntie had not even suggested that I contact David about returning. I resolved to stay as long as I could, and not bring up anything that might make her think of David.

I selected a dark blue a-line skirt and satiny, floral print blouse and I made myself up to look as old as I could. Normally, my makeup was very subdued because I was, after all, only eleven and Mother had limited its use. But today, Auntie and I were going to try to look like sisters, so I wanted to look as old as I could appear. I used eye makeup for this special day. I "puffed" up my bra with tissues, carefully tucking them into my bra over my very sensitive breasts. I dressed after selecting dark nylons instead of my normal neutral color. Most eleven-year old girls did not wear nylons, but I had been allowed to wear them since Mother had first permitted it weeks ago. Auntie never objected, and I loved the sensation, so I would continue until forbidden to wear them. When I was dressed, I went to look over my shoes. Only my boots had heels higher than 2 inches. I wanted something a little higher to wear today so I finished my preparations, and walked down the hall to the room where my sister's clothing was stored. I found the box that I had seen the other day, which contained Judy's shoes. I selected a pair of black, single strap heels. Judy's very petite foot wasn't much larger than mine was so the fit was comfortable and the strap would insure that they would not fall off. I walked around the room a few times to re-acquaint myself with walking in narrow, high heels as I had not done it since I had worn the bridesmaid dress many weeks ago. I began to feel comfortable in only a few minutes, so I left the room and walked to the kitchen.

I put on my apron and squeezed fresh OJ after setting the table. Then I cut a grapefruit in half and loosened the sections with the special knife. It squirted at me but my apron intercepted all the juice. I put a halved maraschino cherry on each and placed them on the table. I cut up a cantaloupe and a small dish of strawberries, and made a pot of tea. Then I put the frying pan on to slowly warm while I took eggs, milk, and cinnamon and made my French toast mixture. I got out the white bread and the maple syrup and sat to wait for Auntie. I looked through a cookbook that I had found in the pantry while I waited. I had a lot to learn and was looking for ways to improve my cooking skills. So far I had prepared only basic and easy dishes.

Auntie came in, still wearing her nightgown, and I rose to greet here. She immediately noticed my increased height and eye makeup. I told her that they were Judy's heels, and reminded her that today we were going to try to fool people about being sisters.

"That's right," she said, "I had forgotten. I'll get ready after breakfast and we'll go shopping. Now what shall we have for breakfast today?"

"Breakfast today is fresh orange juice, half a sectioned grapefruit, fresh cantaloupe with fresh strawberries, and cinnamon french toast. Beverages are milk or tea. May I take your order for the French Toast, Miss Bliss?"

She laughed, and looking at the food waiting on the table said, "I'll start on the French toast."

I said "Oh, Mademoiselle, ze cook has already prepared everyzing for ze toast. We only need to know how much slices you would like and ze ordah will be delivered to ze table in moments."

"Very well, then. Two."

"Ah, bon." I pulled out her chair and beckoned her to sit down. I went to the stove and put four slices of bread into the mixture that I had prepared, as I turned the heat up on the frying pan. I dropped some butter into the pan as it quickly came to temperature. When the butter sizzled, I carefully put the four slices of mixture-soaked bread in to fry. I stood by with the spatula and turned it when it was browned. When the other side was done, I divided them between the two plates and brought them to the table. I set one plate in front of Auntie and said, "Your ordah, mademoiselle, we hope that it pleases. Enjoy your meal and zank you for coming to Café Darla."

Auntie laughed and said, "This is fast becoming my favorite restaurant."

I put my dish down at my place and curtseyed to Auntie. "Zank you Mademoiselle, you're most kind. Ze entire staff appreciates your continued patron-ahge."

As we ate, Auntie told me about the shopping centers around the city. We decided on a couple of stores that catered to teens and young ladies, as good places to start. After breakfast, I shooed her out of the kitchen. I was all dressed while she still had to get ready. So I cleaned the kitchen while she returned to her bedroom.

When I had finished, I knocked at Auntie's door and got no response. I poked my head in and called out, "Auntie?"

"In the bathroom honey. Come on in." I walked into her bathroom and saw that she was in the tub. "Almost finished with my bath. Would you hand me that towel please" she said pointing to a towel on her sink counter. She stood up as I walked over, retrieved it, and handed it to her. "Thank you, dear." She dried herself off and stepped from the tub. She was beautiful. Her full breasts jiggled as she walked and her slim waist didn't need a corset to show her natural curves. She walked to a full-length mirror and inspected her naked body as if she were alone in the room. I sat on the couch and we talked as she finished patting herself dry, powered herself and put on her undies. She sat and made up her face after tweezing and checking it over.

We walked into her clothes room and spent a lot of time looking through her clothes until we found a skirt and sweater combination that gave her a young look. She brushed her hair and put on a pair of black single strap flats. She put on some perfume that I selected rather than what she normally used and we stood together in front of the mirror. The similarity was striking. While nobody could ever be convinced that we were the same age, our same hair and eye color, similar hairstyles, and very similar facial structure clearly showed that we were related. I stood just four inches shorter than she did, with my high heels, while she was barefoot. We decided that for today, she would be Miss Kathy Bliss, age 23, and I would be Miss Darla Anne Bliss, age 14. I selected some jewelry for her to wear, and we left. Auntie started the car, then opened her purse and took out her wallet. She selected some bills and handed them to me. She said, "A girl should always have some cash on her when she is going shopping so here's your allowance." I told her that I didn't need any money but she insisted I take it. So I thanked her and put it in my little change bag in my purse.

We planned to make Springer's our first stop. They advertised that they were 'specializing in youthful fashions.' On this Saturday morning, the store was already crowded with teens and their mothers. A few fathers stood around looking bored and probably wishing that they could head over to the ballpark. We spent the next two hours looking for the 'right look' for Auntie. We settled on a pretty, tangerine colored, knit mini-dress, and a black leather mini-skirt. Auntie definitely had the body and legs to wear them. The mini skirt looked wonderful with sweater that she was wearing so she decided to wear it immediately. The clerk wrapped her original skirt with the mini-dress. We put her purchases in the car and went for a walk to find a place for lunch. Every male head that we passed turned to watch Auntie as we strode along the street. The effect was not lost on her. Although she maintained a staid expression on her face as we walked, after we entered the restaurant, her smile could have illuminated our way in a darkened theatre. We decided that no further shopping was necessary today, so after lunch we went for a walk in the City Park.

The walk in the park was much the same as the walk on the city street. Every male head turned as we passed, and we both knew that they were not looking me, much as I would have wished they were. We had only eaten a sandwich in the restaurant, so we stopped to get an ice-cream bar from a pushcart vendor. I ordered a chocolate covered chocolate ice cream bar, and after handing it to me, the vendor said, "And what will your pretty sister have?" Auntie ordered a sugar cone with vanilla ice cream. After she paid the vendor, he said, "Thank you girls, enjoy your afternoon in the park." We thanked him and walked away as we enjoyed our ice cream. When we were well out of hearing range of the vendor, I said, "You lose, sis." Auntie just put her arm around me and continued to lick her ice cream but I could see that she was smiling.

 Several hours later we left the park and were returning to our car when a man holding a city map and looking up at the street signs on the corner put up his hand to me as we approached. He said, "Excuse me, Miss, could you, or you sister, point me towards Division Street. I'm all turned around and I'm late for an appointment."

"Kathy, do you know the way?" I asked.

"Yes, go down that way two blocks. Make a left, and Division Street is one block down on your right," she said, pointing the way that he should go.

"God bless you both," he said. "Thank you, girls," he said as he almost ran the way that Auntie had pointed.

I looked at her and said, "Well that's two for two. Need any more proof?"

She laughed and said, "No, you win. Let's go home." We found the car, and in half an hour we were back at the house.

After dinner we changed into our sleepwear and went down to watch some TV. I couldn't develop any interest in a movie that Auntie seemed to be enjoying so I went to the library. After a short search, I found a book about horse breeds. After reading about the various breeds, I settled on two that appealed to me, the "American White" and the "Tennessee Walking Horse." I returned to the theatre as the movie was just ending. I told Auntie of my selection of the breeds and she said that she was familiar with the breeds and thought that they were a fine choice. We walked upstairs after turning off the lights and continued talking about horses.

We went into her bedroom while she was telling me of the horse shows that she and Gabby used to go to, as their schedules had permitted. They had owned a number of horses, but after Gabby passed away, Auntie had sold off all her stock as she spent more and more time with the business. We had moved to the bed and were lying on it with our heads on propped up pillows as we talked.

"A horse is a big responsibility," she said. "It has to be fed and cared for seven days a week. I won't have any poor dumb animal mistreated. If you fail to care for it, I will not hesitate to sell it. Okay?"

"Okay, Auntie. I agree with everything that you've said."

"I think that you're ready for the responsibility or I would not have agreed to it earlier. You have shown me every day that you're much more mature than most girls your age are. You not only do not shirk work, you constantly look to take more on your small shoulders. I am very proud that you're my niece." She pulled me closer to wrap her arms around me. I rested my head on her shoulder. "If I had had a daughter, I would want her to be just like you, Darla Anne. You've changed my life for the better in just one short week. My loneliness is just a memory now. I look forward to getting up in the morning, and to coming home at night. I love having you here to share things with. I'm going to be jealous when you start dating and I have to share you with all the boys in this county."

"There's nothing to stop you from dating, Auntie. Maybe it's time for you to start looking for another good man

"Do you think that we should double date? Maybe we can find two brothers that we like," she joked.

"I think that my "other" sisters would be jealous if I get to start dating before they do." We both laughed.

"That was fun today," she said. "Shall I wear the mini-dress to services tomorrow?"

"Only if you want to be banned from the church."

"The minister would fall out of the pulpit for sure. Well, then I'll save it for a special occasion when we can be sisters again." 

"When Judy, Mary, and Susan get here we can be the 'Five Bliss Sisters,'" I said.

"That sounds like fun. Do you think that your sisters are going to like it here?"

"Yes, I think that they will. They're going to miss seeing Gina and Maria of course. They've been best friends almost since they were born. Do you think that Gina and Maria could visit us sometime? We do have a lot of room here?"

"Of course. Anytime that they want to, sweetheart." We continued talking like that and at some point we both drifted off to sleep, with me still loosely cradled in Auntie's arms. I slept calmly that night with none of my usual dreams. I only dreamt of sharing good times with my family.


(continued in Part 6)




© 1999 by C. Sprite. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of the copyright holder.