Crystal's StorySite

Texas Gal



Texas Gal
by   C. Sprite
© 1999


Chapter Eight     Did I Really Say Make It Tight?

After I bathed, I examined myself in the mirror and then put on my undies. I sat at my makeup table, put on my face, and brushed my hair. I went into my clothes room, put on my corset and full slip, and selected an outfit. I put on a calf length denim skirt and a white blouse. I put on my black cowgirl boots with the high heels and went to select some earring and bracelets. I sprayed some perfume and stepped into it, and took one of my vitamins after grabbing my purse. I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. Auntie came in all dressed for work and we ate. Then I hurriedly cleared the table as she drank her tea and just stacked the dishes in the sink after rinsing them off. I would wash them when I got home. When she was ready we grabbed our purses, and she her briefcase, and left. She dropped me off at the Karen's and we cheek kissed. I told her that I would see her tonight and she pulled away. Karen greeted me at the door.

She was similarly dressed except that her skirt was knee length. We cheek kissed and I entered the house. "Did you have breakfast, or are you hungry?"

"I ate already, how about you?"

"Finished about a half hour ago. Come on up to my room. We went upstairs. Where her bedroom had been neat before, today it was spotless. I looked at her and saw that she was waiting for me to say something so I didn't disappoint her.

"Karen, your room is beautiful. Have you caught the Monday Cleaning Madness that's going around?"

"Guess so. I thought about all the things that we discussed and wanted to be a little more like you, Darla. I had such a good time at your house, and felt so good about being useful."

"Well, your room looks lovely. It's so easy to keep clean if you do it every morning."

We embraced and she said, "Darla, I've been wanting to ask you something."

"Anything, Karen."

"Do you wear corsets?"

I hesitated for a second. "Yes. I know that some people disapprove but I love what they do for my figure and posture. What do you think?" I walked around the room a little and turned around a couple of times.

"I think that you look fabulous, but isn't it painful."

"It was at first, but now I forget that I even have it on most of the time. Grandma bought me several custom made corsets and they are very comfortable compared to the one that I had originally borrowed from Auntie."

"Do you think that I could try one sometime?"

"Of course, whenever you want. Next time you come over to my house, we'll lace you in so that you can see what it's like."

"Great. And speaking of seeing what it's like, do you still want to see what it's like to be tied up?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well let's go out to the barn."

We walked outside, and as we passed Mr. Wang, we stopped so that we could schmooze him a little. He really did have a wonderful talent for gardening. We continued onto the barn after a while and climbed the stairs to the loft. Karen told me to take off my bracelets and wristwatch so that they didn't get damaged or hurt me. I removed them, noticing that it was a little before 9 a.m., and put them in a paper bag that she gave me so that they would stay together. She told me where to stand and then to put my hands behind my back with my palms together. I did as she said and she walked behind me with a large brown paper bag. She started to wrap a piece of rope around my wrists. When she tied it off, it was quite loose.

I said, "Karen, don't take it easy on me. I want it to be very tight, like you like it."

"Okay, you're the customer. Very tight it is."

She did something and the rope suddenly became very tight. Now I had no play in the rope at all. She took some more rope and stooped down to tie my ankles together. They were loose at first and then she did something to make the rope suddenly become very tight. She lifted my skirt up and tied a rope just above my knees. Like the others it was loose at first, then suddenly tightened. It squeezed my knees together and pinched the insides of my legs. Karen suddenly lifted my skirt up to my waist. I said, "Karen, what are you doing?"

"Quiet, Slave. I'm just looking at your half-slip. A slave does not question her mistress or call her by name. Why do you wear one that is so tight?"

"Is this worthless slave permitted to speak, Mistress?"

"Of course, a slave must always answer a direct question, but only speak when spoken to. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress. This worthless slave wears the tight slip because it makes her take shorter, more dainty, more feminine steps."

"I see," and she dropped my skirt back down.

She walked around in front of me. She opened another bag that she had and reached in. She pulled out a long piece of fabric. As I looked at it, I realized that it was two pieces of fabric tied together in an enormous knot. I said, "Are those men's neck ties?"

She bent down and took out something about the size of her fist. She walked around behind and said, "I told you, slaves may only talk when spoken to." She put her hand on my forehead and pulled my head suddenly backward so that I was staring at the roof. I opened my mouth to apologize and she stuffed something into it. It must have been the fist-sized thing that she had taken out of the bag. She pushed the entire thing into my mouth. I was shocked at first and offered no resistance, but as she filled my mouth, I started to push against it with my tongue. But it did no good and soon the entire thing was inside my mouth, puffing out my cheeks and forcing my jaws apart. She took the thing that I thought were men's ties and pushed the enormous knot into my mouth as well. Then she wrapped the thing around and around my head and tied it off very tightly.

 She walked around to the bag again and took out another of the fist-sized items. I wondered where she was going to insert this one. She then unwrapped it. When she was done, it hung from her hands and I saw that it appeared to be a folded-over strip of cloth that might have been torn from a bed sheet. It looked like an eight-foot bandage. It was about three inches wide in its folded form. She held it up to find the middle so that about four feet hung on either side of her hand and walked behind me. She carefully placed the center against my face, with one edge just under my nose, and the other extended down to the bottom of my chin. Then she carefully wrapped it tightly around my head and tied it off. She said, "There, that makes it look a bit neater."

I felt her take another piece of rope and start wrapping it around my arms, just above the elbows. She tugged on it pulling my arms together until my elbows almost touched. She tied that off, and then wrapped another piece around my body a dozen times, which pulled my arms tightly against me. I was now completely incapacitated. I tried to talk but nothing came out. I could only make little mewling noises. Karen looked me in the face and said, "That's right. This is what happens to slaves who talk without being spoken to." I mewled again. "It does no good to apologize now. Next time, you'll mind your mistress. Now slave, hop over here." She turned me toward a support post. It was about 6 inches square. I saw that on one side, thick nails had been driven in every inch from the bottom, up to about six feet from the floor. The flattened heads of the nails protruded out about an inch and a half. None of the nails extended out the other side, which was smooth, as if it had been sanded.

She positioned me against the smooth side and then moved me out about a foot. She went and got a large square block of wood with a piece of rope attached to one end, and placed it against the base of the post. Then she stood in front of me, bent and put her shoulder into me below my midriff and told me to bend forward. I was confused and just stood there. She straightened up and looked at me. "Slave, when your mistress gives you an order, you will obey immediately. You just earned yourself an extra hour in confinement. Now when I tell you to do something you will do it without question, understand?" I looked at her, and tried to mewl an answer though the gag. "That earns you another hour, Slave. It doesn't take much effort to nod or shake your head. You must want to stay like that." She smiled and said, "You must be enjoying it." She bent over again with her shoulder into my waist and told me to bend. This time I didn't hesitate. I bent forward over her shoulder. When I was lying on her back she straightened up slightly lifting me onto the block of wood and against the post. I now stood about 8 inches higher than a minute ago. She took a short piece of rope and loosely tied it around my thighs and the post so that I wouldn't fall.

She walked over to another bag and took out a long coil of rope. She wrapped one end around the post and me at my waist. She pulled it as hard as she could and tied it off. I was now very securely tied to the post. She removed the temporary piece that had held me there. Then, holding the rope in her hands, she walked around the post and me, pulling the rope as tight as she could with every pass. When she ran out of rope she had worked her way down to my ankles. She tied it off and got another coil. She started at my waist again and this time she worked her way up, finishing at my shoulders. She stepped back to examine her work. I was beginning to regret telling her to tie me very tightly. She examined the ropes and they felt as tight as guitar strings. Then she reached down, and grabbing the rope attached to the block that I was standing on, she gave it a hard yard and pulled it out from under me.

I slid down the pole several inches. Then I realized the reason for the nails on the back. They would not allow the ropes to slide down. I was being suspended against the post. I struggled a little and slipped another inch but I was still four inches from the floor. I tipped my toes down to see if I could touch. They were the only part of my body that I could move. As I struggled I slipped a little more but I was still nowhere near the floor. Meanwhile Karen had returned to her "gags" bag and removed another of the bed sheet rolls. She unrolled it and stepped behind me. She applied it as she had the first, but this time she wrapped it completely around the post. When she had tied it off, my head was as firmly attached to the post as if "nailed" there.

I tested all my bonds. I couldn't move a thing. My arms were trapped between my body and the pole and my body's weight was being used against me to hold me in a tight suspension. Karen walked around me and examined my situation. "Slave, I have some things to do. You wait here for me. I'll be back to check on you and you had better be here or else." With that, she just left me there. I hung there for about ten minutes and decided that she was going to leave me like that, so I began to struggle to see if I could find any way out of the ropes. As I struggled, I slipped down a little more. The more that I slipped, the tighter that my bonds became. My arms were beginning to ache where they had been pulled back to make my elbows touch, but I was totally captive and couldn't do anything to relieve the strain.

After a while, Karen came back. She was carrying a book, apple and bottle of soda. She spread out a blanket on a pile of hay and laid down to read her book, and eat her apple. I wasn't hungry but my mouth felt like the Sahara desert. The gag must have absorbed all my saliva. Karen continued to read her book and every once in a while took a drink from her soda. I mewled through my gag every once in a while but she ignored me. After a couple of hours, she put down her book and approached me. She said, "Well Slave, have you learned your lesson. I tried to nod my head but I couldn't move it. "You know that you're supposed to respond to your Mistress when she talks to you. You must really enjoy being bound because you just earned another two hours for not responding." I groaned. "It's too late to apologize now. But you know that. You're purposely trying to make me punish you, Slave. Some slaves just love to be tightly tied up I guess." She turned and left the loft again.

 My arms were aching and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I couldn't move, couldn't talk, and my thirst was growing by the minute. After a while, Karen came back. I guess that she couldn't see that I had been crying in the dim light where I was a prisoner. She said, "Good news. I found your aunt's work phone number in your purse and I called her. She said that it's Okay to stay the night. She would like you to be back tomorrow morning though. I told our cook that you have left already, so nobody will be looking for you. You can stay tied up like this until tomorrow morning. Isn't that wonderful?" I groaned. "No. Don't thank me. I would do the same for any slave. It's almost noon so I'm going to have lunch. Maybe I'll bring you something when I'm done." She turned and left again. 

Some time later, I heard her coming up the stairs again. But, no, it was Mike. He came over to me and said, "Hey, why didn't you guys wait for me, I like to play too. I see that she tied you in the suspension tie. That's her favorite because it's so tight. She says that she'd like to stay in it all night some time. I'm going to join your side and I'll get her when she comes back. She never leaves a tied and helpless victim for long. We don't want any injuries." He went over to the blanket that was laid out on the hay and worked himself under it so that he was completely hidden. If I didn't know, I would never have suspected that he was lying there in wait. I heard Karen coming back upstairs. She was carrying a plate with a sandwich and two bottles of soda. She put the food down and Mike jumped her from behind.

She struggled saying, "No Mike, don't." He quickly tied her hands behind her back. I saw that he first tied a rope that was a little loose, then another that went perpendicular to the first and drew the two sides together in the middle of her wrists. So this was why the ropes were so very tight and there was no room to wiggle out. Once her hands were tied, she stopped struggling. He tied her ankles, then gagged her as tightly as she had gagged me. We exchanged glances as she sat on the floor while he tied her knees, then her elbows. Soon she was almost as helpless as I was. He had placed one of the bed sheet pieces around her face to cover the ugly neckties. It looked like her face was bandaged from a serious accident. He rolled her onto her stomach and used a piece of rope to attach her wrists to her ankles. She groaned as he pulled it taut until her hands touched her feet. She was bowed backward. It looked very painful but she had a strange, calm expression on her face. He lifted her and carried her to a support post across from me.

Laying her on her stomach next to the post, He lashed her wrists and ankles to the post. When he was done, she was as much a part of that post as I was of this one. Then he took out his portable radio and put the two tiny earphones in his ears. He adjusted the radio to a station playing rock music and adjusted the volume. He bent and placed the earphones in her ears and set the radio on the floor next to her. He took another of the bed sheet strips and wrapped it around her head covering both her eyes and ears. The earphones couldn't be dislodged until it was removed, and she was now blindfolded. He came over to me and said, "Spy stuff. Sensory deprivation. She can't see or hear us." He removed the gag strip holding my head to the post. It felt wonderful to be able to move my head. I rolled it around on my neck working out the kinks while he removed the top rope that was holding me to the post. He got the block of wood and lifted me onto it. Then he took the bed sheet strip that had been holding my head to the post, and wrapped it around my eyes and head as a blindfold, tying it off behind me. I began to wonder what he was going to do now, as he removed the bottom rope. As he untied the final knot that held me to the post, he pulled me onto his shoulder and I bent forward, as I had for Karen.

He straightened up and adjusted me on his shoulder. I had thought that he was just going to lift me off the block, but instead he starting walking with his captive tossed over his shoulder. I started struggling to be let down but instead of setting me down, he spanked me, hard, several times. I struggled again and he spanked me again. "Now stop wiggling, you might make me drop you and you'll get hurt. I struggled again and he spanked me again, three times. My derriere was on fire. Mike was very strong and his spanks hurt. I stopped struggling. "Good. Now don't wiggle." I felt him carry me down the stairs and after a brief walk he lowered me from his shoulder. He laid me down on a bed of hay. We must still be in the barn, I thought. I was still tied up. I had only been removed from the post. And now I was blindfolded. I sensed him walking away and leaving me there.

I struggled but it was useless. I had seen Mike tie Karen and if I was tied the same way then I was not going to get loose on my own. A few minutes later, I sensed him coming back. He untied the bed sheet strip that was around my mouth, and removed it. Then he untied the men's neckties but before removing it he said, "You're going to want to push the gag out with your tongue immediately but you mustn't. After it's been in for a while, it absorbs your saliva and sticks to your cheeks and gums. If you push it right out, it rips the lining of your mouth. Do you understand what I'm telling you? Nod if you understand." I nodded. "Good. Now after I remove the neckties, I'll pour water in your mouth. Take as much as you can and hold it in your mouth. It will loosen the gag from your cheeks and gums in about a minute. Okay?" I nodded again. He removed the neckties and put a bottle to my lips and slowly poured water into my mouth on top of the gag. I wanted a drink very badly but held off drinking any of the liquid. After about a minute, he slowly pushed his finger into my mouth between the gag and my cheeks, then he slowly pried it from the roof and floor of my mouth. He gently pulled it from my mouth very slowly so as not to cause any damage. When it was out, I groaned, gratefully drank the liquid in my mouth, and worked my jaw around.

After a couple of minutes, he said, "What game are you playing, "Spy" or "Black Rock"?"

"Neither, she was just introducing me to being tied up. I guess that you could call the game 'Slave.' She called me Slave and I had to call her Mistress."

"I like that. You will call me Master. Understand, Slave?"

I hesitated.

"Slave, I asked if you understood?"

"Yes, Master. I understand."

"Good. But you've earned a spanking for hesitating."

"Oh please Master, this worthless slave begs your forgiveness. She'll be good. She promises."

He turned me over so that I was across his legs. "You get 10 spanks. Each time you make any noise you get ten more. If you cry out, you will be gagged again. Understand?"

"Please Master"

"That's five more. Do you understand?"


"That's five more. Do you understand?"

"Yes…yes…yes. This slave understands, Master."

"Good. About time."

Tied up and blindfolded, I had no choice but to go along. I was going to be spanked twenty times. I had to agree or get more added to my sentence until I gave in.

Mike started to spank me and count them off. He spanked me 5 times on each side of my rear end. The spanks were very hard and my backside felt like it had been set on fire. He paused to give me a breather before administering the other spanks. I had not made a sound. Suddenly, he resumed spanking me without any warning. On the first spank, I involuntarily moaned. "That's 10 more." He continued to count them off until he reached 20 and stopped for another breather. My rear felt like it was glowing a cherry red. He again started to spank me without warning but I didn't cry out. By the time that he got to 26 I was into the rhythm of his spanks and began anticipating them. They were no longer hurting as much and I was getting a warm feeling all over. On spank number 29 he changed his rhythm and the severity of the spank. It caught my off guard and I made a noise of surprise. "That's 10 more." I clamped my jaws shut and relaxed on his lap as he administered the remainder of the spanks. At 39 he stopped and said. "Any more noises?" I figured that any response on my part would earn me 10 more so I said nothing. "40. Okay Slave, your punishment is complete."

"Thank you Master, this worthless slave apologizes that she forced you to hurt your hand."

"That's okay. I just have to rub it a little to get some feeling back into it." He chose to rub it on my bottom. I didn't complain because I couldn't rub it myself. I was lying across his lap with my left hip at his stomach. As he rubbed my backside, I could feel his manhood start to grow beneath me. I couldn't say anything, and I started to get nervous. I was helpless and if he chose to gag me again and take advantage of me, there would me nothing that I could do to stop him. He rolled me over onto the hay pile so that I was lying face up on top of my tied arms. Suddenly I felt something at my lips. I tensed. He was going to gag me, I thought, and then he could do whatever he wanted. Then he pressed his lips to mine. I relaxed as I realized that he was only kissing me. As he felt the tension go out my body, he took it as a sign of willingness and surrender to the kiss. He pressed harder against my lips. Then I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and start to toy with mine.

We lay there together, locked in a passionate kiss, for a long time. A master with his helpless slave girl, kissing her, and with her responding and kissing back. I told myself that I didn't have any choice. I was a prisoner. A slave. If I refused I would be punished again. My master could do with me as he chose. At one point, while we kissed, he started to rub my breasts. I would have tried to stop him if my hands were free, but my mouth was filled with his tongue when he started kneading my breasts. I felt my nipples grow and harden. I'm sure that he felt it too. I started to get strange feelings inside my tummy. My heart started to pound. I started to suck on his tongue. I felt myself losing control. I forced myself to stop and forced his tongue from my mouth. I said, "Master, what about slave Karen. Shouldn't we be getting back? She might be in trouble. She told this worthless slave that someone should be checked on regularly when tied up and helpless."

"What? Karen? Oh God, Karen. Open your mouth."

I did as he instructed. He put the gag back in and tied the neck ties around me, then the bed sheet strip. I submitted willingly, not that I would have been able to resist. He picked me up and put me on his shoulder. I did not wiggle at all this time. His hand rested on my backside as he carried me and he squeezed me a few times.

He carried me up the stairs and laid me gently on the blanket. Then he removed my blindfold. I blinked as I saw light for the first time in over an hour. I watched as he went to Karen and untied her from the post. As I had thought, she had not been able to loosen a single knot. Although she may not have even tried. Mike took the blindfold off of her eyes, the earphones out, and untied the rope that held her hands to her feet. I saw him massage her hands and arms but he didn't untie her. Then he massaged her ankles and legs. She moaned in her gag. He asked her if she was all right. She nodded. He picked her up and carried her over to where I was and put her down next to me. She looked at me as he untied her bed sheet strip, and neckties. He poured water into her mouth as he had done for me and removed her gag. She worked her jaw around to get the feeling back into it. "Mike, that was wonderful."

"Quiet slave, nobody asked you to talk."

He examined her legs and arms. "Slave, do you have feelings in your arms and legs. You may address me as Master."

"Yes, Master. I feel pins and needles in my hands so I guess the circulation is returning. My ankles and legs were never a problem."

"Good. Sorry to leave you so long. Slave Darla needed to be punished for non-cooperation." She looked at me for an explanation but gagged as I was, I couldn't even mouth an answer. He put the gag back up to her mouth and she opened to receive it. He packed her mouth with the gag and put the neck ties knot in her mouth, then pulled it around her head and tied it off. He took the bed sheet strip and secured it over the top of the neckties. He stood us both up, facing each other. Taking a piece of rope, he tied us together at our waists and then loosely tied a rope around our necks so that our cheeks were touching. There was no danger of strangulation; we just couldn't pull our heads away from each other. He tied a rope between our ankles, which kept us toe to toe. Then he laid us back down on the blanket.

He spotted the bag containing my watch and bracelets and picked it up. He took my watch out and said, "1:30 and I haven't had any lunch" he put my watch back in the bag and returned it to where it had been. Then he picked up the sandwich that Karen had brought earlier and munched it while he watched us. The way that we were lying, Karen's face was under mine on the blanket, so I was struggling to not put any weight on her head, which would push it into the blanket. I had been tied up now for four and a half hours. My arms were aching and my mouth was drying out again. My backside was still throbbing a little. I was helpless, tied and gagged like in one of my dreams. When Mike had finished his sandwich and drank a bottle of soda, he separated Karen and me, leaving only the rope between our ankles to hold us together. We rolled on our backs and relaxed. Mike got up and said that he was going up to the house to get another sandwich, and then left.

As soon as he was gone, Karen started working her way around me trying to get at my ropes. The ropes holding our legs together slowed her down but she managed to get behind me and started working on my wrists. Since she had tied the knots she knew exactly how to open them. In a few minutes my hands were free. Then she untied the rope pinning my arms and the rope holding my elbows. I was amazed at how quickly she untied me with her own hands and elbows tied behind her back. Years of practice I thought to myself. I stretched my arms for the first time in hours. It actually hurt at first.

Karen started tugging at me to untie her so I turned over and untied her wrists and elbows. As soon as she was free she bent to untie her knees and ankles. Then she removed her gag. "Darla, hurry up, get yourself free before he gets back, unless you want to stay like this all afternoon." I untied my ankles and knees, and worked to remove the gag. Karen helped me.

When I was free, I stood up and stretched. It felt so good to move around. Karen said, "Here, take this piece of rope. We'll jump him as soon as he comes in the barn. We have to surprise him before he realizes that we're free. We went downstairs and stood on either side of the door. He would be momentarily blind coming in out of the bright sun until his eyes adjusted. We watched through cracks in the boards for his appearance.

"I shouldn't be helping you," I said, "you were going to leave me tied up all night hanging on that post."

"Weren't you enjoying it?"

"It hurt."

"Of course, but weren't you enjoying it?"

"My arms were killing me."

"Of course, but weren't you enjoying it?"

"My mouth felt like the Sahara desert."

"Of course, but weren't you enjoying it."

"Here comes Mike."

"Yeah, you were enjoying it."

Mike opened the door and stepped into the barn. He never suspected a thing until we jumped on his back and dragged him to the ground. In seconds his arms were twisted up behind his back and Karen was tying them like she had tied mine. As soon as his hands were secure, I tied his knees like Karen had tied mine. We didn't tie his ankles because we needed him to walk, so that we wouldn't have to carry him. We lifted him up and Karen tied his elbows. Then we pushed him to the stairs and helped him as he struggled to climb.

When we got to the top, Karen tied his ankles while I blindfolded him with one of the bed sheet strips. "How did you get free so fast?" he asked.

Karen reached up and pulled his hair, "Nobody said that you could talk, Slave."


"You will call us Mistress Karen and Mistress Darla, do you understand Slave?"

"Yes, Mistress Karen."

I walked over and said, "Slave, can you give me a good reason why you should not be spanked?" He opened his mouth, but said nothing. "Slave, I asked you a question. For not answering you will receive 10 spanks."

Karen and I dragged him over to a hay bale and draped him over it. I found an old, heavy, paint stirring paddle on a shelf and returned to our slave.

"Now this is the way that it works, Slave. Each time you make any noise you get ten more. If you cry out, you will be gagged. Understand?"


"That's 5 more. You were told to call me Mistress Darla. Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes, Mistress Darla"


 Without warning I administered the first spank. He yelled "Ouch."

"That's 10 more."

Karen smiled as I administered four more and then five on the other side. I gave him a breather as he had done for me. After a few minutes, I went back to stand next to him. He tensed expecting the next spank. I waited until he started to relax than then swatted him. He jumped and made a noise of surprise.

"That's 10 more. I administered another 14 spanks alternating between sides. Karen was smiling broadly. I said, "Okay Slave, just ten more to go unless you would like to add to the count." I motioned to Karen to come take the paddle. She hesitated then came and took it from me. I said, "Ready, Slave?" He said nothing but he nodded. Karen paddled him as I had. When she was done, I said, "35. That's 5 less than someone else received today. Would you like another 5 spanks, slave?"

"No, Mistress Darla. Thank you for offering, but I've had enough."

Karen was barely suppressing her laughter so she walked over and hugged me. I smiled back.

I walked over to Mike, knelt down next to him and rubbed his backside as he had rubbed mine. Karen watched me but didn't offer to help; after all he WAS her brother. After several minutes, we picked Mike up off the hay bale and laid him on the blanket. He grimaced as his weight came down on his backside. Karen got the bag with my wristwatch and bracelets and handed it to me, so that I could put them on. She said, "Slave, we're going up to the house for a while. You can stay here and relax. Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress Karen." Then she gagged him and tied a rope from his ankles to one of the support posts. He couldn't roll away from the post, and the rope was too short to get his hands on it.

We walked downstairs and out into the bright sun. "What will we tell the cook?" I asked.

She stared at me in a perplexed manner for a few seconds, then smiled and said, "I was just joking. I never called your Aunt. I wasn't going to leave you hanging on that post all night."

I smiled back, "You brat, I believed you. I should give you a spanking."

"Did it hurt very much when Mike spanked you?"

"My tushy felt like somebody had set it on fire during the first 10. Then it felt like a volcano for the next 10. Then something started to happen. It stopped hurting as much, and I started to get a warm feeling in my tummy."

"I've experienced that myself from being tied up. It hurts like the devil and then suddenly the pain diminishes. I get a warm feeling all over. I start to enjoy the pain. I don't understand it. Boys don't seem to have the same reaction. The pain stays with them for a lot longer. I bet that Mike's 35 spanks hurt a lot more that your 40. They don't have as much padding as we do also."

We walked into the house and I asked if we could get a drink because I was thirsty as the devil. Karen got two glasses, filled them with ice, and took a pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator. We took it all upstairs to her bedroom. I looked at my watch. It was almost 3 o'clock.

We sat on the floor and talked about the day. "Now be completely honest," she said, "did you have fun?"

I thought for a minute and said, "Overall, it was an exciting day. Yes, I would have to say that I had fun. At times I hurt, I was thirsty most of the time, and I was very scared a couple of times. It doesn't make sense but I had fun."

"It's like watching a scary movie. You don't know why, but you keep coming back for more. What else did you do with Mike besides the spanking?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, don't hold out. I saw the way that you rubbed his bottom."

"He rubbed mine after he spanked me. It helps to dissipate the pain. I was just returning the favor since he was tied up and couldn't do it for himself."

"You're holding out, tell me the rest. Come on."

"I don't know what you mean."

"Oh, Darla, I saw your lipstick on Mike's mouth."

I blushed. "Oh."

"Now spill it. I want to hear all about it. I won't tell a soul. I promise."

"Okay. But you can't tell anybody."

"I said that I promise."

"Well, it was after he tied you up. I knew that you were helpless and couldn't aid me. You had done such a good job of tying me that I was helpless also. With my hands and elbows tied together, and that rope holding my arms tightly against my body, I couldn't even raise myself up. My knees and ankles being tied totally immobilized me. Mike blindfolded me like he did you, except I didn't have the radio earphones in my ears. He spanked me and then rubbed my tushy. He had removed my gag before he spanked me and when I made noise, he increased the number of spanks like I did to him. While he was rubbing my tushy, I felt him getting excited."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, excited like only a man can get excited."


"Well, I started to get scared. I was blindfolded and helpless. You couldn't hear me even if I could have screamed. I thought that he might gag me and take advantage. Suddenly, I felt something against my lips. I got really scared because I thought that he was gagging me again, but it turned out to be his lips as he kissed me. I felt so relieved that my body slackened. He took that as a sign that I wanted him to continue. He kissed me harder and then put his tongue in my mouth."

"He french kissed you?"

"Yes. I decided that that was better then the other things that I had feared, so I kissed him back. We kissed for a long time. I started to get a little aroused myself, so I reminded him about you being tied up. When it registered in his mind, he gagged me and took me back upstairs to release you before you suffered any damage."

"You said that you started to be aroused?"

"Yes, the spanking had started it, I think. Then the kissing ignited it further. I started to feel funny, and my heart was pounding. I began to suck on his tongue. I wanted it to stop but I didn't want it to stop. Do you know what I mean?"

"Is that all?" I hesitated and she said, "Come on, out with it."

"You can't tell anybody, ever."

"I promise."

"Well, I started to lose control when he began rubbing my breasts."

"Oh my God, Darla. I'll kill him."

"You promised not to say anything, ever. I'm going to hold you to that."

"I didn't know that he sexually assaulted you while you were powerless to stop him."

"It just happened, and it's over. No damage done. I don't want to blow this out of proportion. I probably would have been able to get him to stop if I had told him to. Don't make me sorry that I told you. Please."

"I won't say anything, but he should not have taken advantage of you. That's against all the rules."

"He's just going through puberty, as we are. Men lose control easier. They're not bad, just a little out of control because of their hormones. As long as they stop when we tell them, then an occasional "feel" doesn't hurt anybody. Let's just forget it, Okay?"

"Okay, if that's the way that you want it."

"How much longer should we leave him tied up in the barn?" I asked.

"All night would teach him a lesson." We both giggled.

"I think that the spanking taught him a lesson. I bet that he's still sore." We left him there until Karen's Grandmother got home at 4 o'clock. After greeting her, Karen and I went to the barn.

She walked in first. When no attack came, I followed. We did that the whole way. Her walking ahead, and me catching up. When we finally reached to loft, we found Mike lying where we had left him. He was still secure. Karen knew how to tie a person up, that's for sure. We removed his gag and gave him water. When his thirst was quenched, we removed his blindfold and then untied him. He said, "Thank you Mistress Karen. Thank you, Mistress Darla."

"Mike," I said, "you're untied, and the games over. You don't have to call us that now."

"Yes, Mistress Darla, I mean…Okay" He stood up, stretched, and said, "Mistress Karen, I mean Karen, I don't know why you enjoy being tied for long periods of time. I just find it painful."

"We'll just have to tie you up more often so you start to like it."

"No way. I'm going to be a lot more careful around you two in the future." Karen and I laughed and Mike started laughing too. We all walked up to the house together.

Karen asked her grandmother if she could bring me home and so the four of us left for my house. Karen asked when we could get together again and I told her that I expected to be busy tomorrow because the horses were coming. Mike said, "You're getting horses?"

"Yes. We purchased them at the auction on Sunday. They're being delivered tomorrow."

"Can we come over and ride sometime."

"Sure. As soon as things get straightened out and we get saddles and everything, we'll all go riding."


We talked about horses for the rest of the trip. When we got to my house, we said our good-byes and they drove away. I hurried inside to prepare dinner.


(continued in Part 9)




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