Crystal's StorySite



by Dave Hicks




Melissa had suspected her husband of being unfaithful to her for over a month. She sat in a coffee shop with her best friend Gina, discussing her problem.

"How do you know?" Gina asked her.

"It has to be true," replied Melissa. "At first I refused to believe it, but Vincent would go out on weekends for hours at a time and refuse to tell me were he'd been. Two nights every week, he'd arrive home late, saying he had to work late."

"Maybe he really was working late," Gina offered.

"Not a chance, Gina," Melissa stated. "I rang his work, when he said he was working late one time. His secretary told me, Vincent had already gone home an hour before."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to find out who she is," Melissa answered bitterly.

"Then what."

"I'm going to make sure he'll never ever be able to do it again to me."

"Don't do anything illegal," Gina warned.

"I don't care," Melissa told her. "No man does that to me."

"Just be careful, that's all."

"Oh yes," Melissa smiled. "I'll be very careful."




Melissa was pleasantly surprised at her interview with the private investigator. It wasn't a grubby little smoke filled office, like she'd seen in the movies, but a modern spacious office with tasteful decor.

The investigator was a pleasant, rather plump, middle-aged woman who looked like everyone's favorite aunt. As instructed, Melissa had with her all the information regarding her husband.

"I'm Carmen," the investigator smiled, taking the folder with Melissa's husband's details from her. "It shouldn't take me more than a few days, from what you've told me of his behavior."

"And will you be able to tell me who she is?" Melissa asked.

"Easily," Carmen assured her. "No one can remain anonymous for very long - not in this day and age."




Three days after hiring Carmen, she received her answer in an envelope, by special delivery. Inside the envelope was a dossier on a woman called Tanya. When Melissa looked at a picture of Tanya she was shocked. Tanya wasn't anything like she'd expected. The photograph showed an overweight large bosomed woman with gray hair.

"How could he dump me for her?" she asked herself, who had always been proud of her slender figure and good looks. "She's old and fat."

She searched through the rest of the contents of the envelope and found a small sealed plastic bag. It was a genetic sample of Tanya. A plan started to form in Melissa's mind.




"You've got to do this for me," Melissa insisted to Gina. "You've got all that sort of stuff, where you work."

"But why would you want to look like that?" Gina asked, glancing at the picture of Tanya. "This woman looks much older than you do."

"I don't care," Melissa said firmly. "If that's the type of woman he wants, then that's how I'm going to look. Will you do it for me?"

"Okay," Gina said, shaking her head doubtfully. "It's painfully obvious I'm not going to be able to talk you out of it."

"Thank you, Gina," Melissa smiled gratefully. "You're a real friend."

"I don't know about that, Melissa," Gina replied warily. "It seems to me, you're changing your body for all the wrong reasons."

"I'm not going to stand by and have this woman take my husband from me," Melissa said adamantly. "It took me long enough to get him to sign the marriage contract. Even if I have to look like that, it would be better than being unmarried. Anyway, as you said, I can change back later, if things don't work out."

"Yes you can," Gina conceded. "The type of serum I'm going to get you is still experimental. That's how I get access to it - without having it traced back to me. But make very sure you use the second vial I gave you. They're a matched set – they've got to be used together. If you don't use the second one, there's a very good chance you'll be stuck with that body forever. Will you please make very sure you do that, Melissa?"

"I'll make sure," Melissa replied, not listening to what her friend was saying.

"I mean it, Melissa," Gina emphasized. "It's important you remember what I'm telling you."

"I'll remember," Melissa assured, her with a vacant smile.

"Oh, I hope so."

Melissa's thoughts were only on revenge.



While her husband slept that night, Melissa inserted the vial of serum into the applicator Gina had also given her. She pressed it against his upper arm. He didn't stir. She forgot to give him the second vial of serum. He'd be immobilized for the next few days, while the serum altered his body to resemble Tanya.




That morning Vincent awoke to find he was paralyzed. Melissa was sitting on the bed next to him, watching him intently. He tried to cry out in alarm but his voice refused to respond.

"You can't move," she informed him, rising from the bed. "Not until the change is complete - in two days time."

She dressed and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for herself.

"It's your own fault, Vincent," she thought to herself, as she sat at the kitchen table. "You should never have been unfaithful to me. No one does that to me and gets away with it."




Two days later, Vincent started to regain the use of his body. However, it wasn't the same body he'd had before. He knew he was now a woman. In his helpless state, he'd watched in dismay, as two great breasts had gradually formed on his chest.

In his unfamiliar state, he struggled to keep his balance beside the bed and view himself in the mirror. He was shocked to see how similar he now looked to Tanya. He slumped back on the bed in despair.

Melissa entered the room and stood looking at him sitting on edge of the bed.

"Why did you do this to me?" he asked in an unfamiliar feminine voice.

"I wanted revenge for you being unfaithful to me," Melissa answered. "You like her so much – let's see how much you like being her, for a few days."

"I haven't been unfaithful to you," he told her.

"Then why have you been seeing her behind my back for the last month?" she asked angrily. "And don't deny you have, because I had a investigator find out all about you and her. I know you've wanted to end our marriage contract, so there's no use pretending you don't look at other women."

"Tanya is the director of another engineering firm," he explained.

"You didn't tell your secretary you were with a client," Melissa responded.

"She was interviewing for a job," he said. "To go and work for her. I didn't want anyone at my work knowing I was going to leave. Not until I knew I had a job to go to. She was going to pay me over a thousand credits a year more than my old job."

"So why didn't you tell me?" a little unsurely.

"I wanted it to be a surprise," he answered. "If I'd told you before and it didn't work out - it would have been a disappointment."

"Can you prove what you're saying?" she asked.

He thought for a moment.

"Yes," he nodded. "There's a letter offering me the job, in my coat pocket. And a check made out to me. It's to cover the work I've already done for her - to show what I can do."




Melissa searched his coat and felt the envelope. Fearfully, she pulled it out and opened it. It was as Vincent had claimed. It was a letter from the owner of an construction company, on letterhead paper. Clipped to it was a check for two hundred credits.

She sat on the bed, staring at the page, panic rising in her stomach.

"Oh no," she whispered to herself.

She held her personal phone and with shaking fingers, she tapped in Gina's number.

"Something awful has happened, Gina," she cried, after a brief pause. "I need to see you right now. Oh please. It's urgent"




After Melissa left the house, Vincent called Tanya and explained what she'd done to him.

"Your idea of me carrying that phony letter," he told her, with a chuckle, "was a stroke of genius. She believed every word of it. The check was the clincher."

"She has to release you from the marriage contract now," Gina added, her voice showing obvious delight.

"Yes," he said. "It's either that, or I put her in jail."

"Will you be okay?" she asked.

"I guess so," he replied. "At least it's not permanent, thank heavens. But I'm going to need some clothes. I'm freezing my very sexy tits off, at the moment."

"I could send you some clothes of mine," she suggested jokingly. "You're about my size."

"Don't bother," he answered. "Just the sizes and brands will do. I can get something delivered here."

After he broke the connection with Tanya, he wrote a letter detailing what Melissa had done. Luckily, he'd been able to see the number she entered into her phone. He included that in the letter. He addressed it to Tanya and put it into the mail slot. Five minutes later, he received confirmation she'd received it.




"What can I do?" Melissa asked Gina. "He's bound to have me arrested - isn't he?"

"You don't know that for sure," Gina answered. "He may only ask you for a divorce."

"But then I'll be unmarried," Melissa moaned. "That would be awful."

"Isn't it better than going to jail?"

Melissa thought for a moment.

"Can't we do something to stop him from talking?" she asked.

"Like what?" Gina asked. "Kill him? You've got to be joking. You're in deep enough trouble already, Melissa, without making it worse. The best thing you can do is; hope he won't report you to the authorities. Jail is a lot worse than being unmarried and you know it."

"It's all gone wrong," Melissa cried.

"You told me you were going to use it on yourself," Gina said accusingly. "I would never have given it to you, if I'd known what you were going to do."

"But I was so angry," Melissa tried to explain.

"And I'll be arrested too," Gina informed her. "It was me that gave it to you – remember."

"I know," she said miserably.

"I'm not going to jail, because of you, Melissa."

"What can I do?"

"Tell him you'll end the marriage contract," Gina said firmly. "It's what he wants isn't it? You've told me that often enough, over the last few months."

Melissa nodded.

"At least he can change back again later," Gina said. "So there's no real lasting harm been done."

Melissa didn't reply.

"Oh Hell, Melissa," Gina said in dismay. "You did give him the second vial – didn't you?"

"What second vial?" she asked blankly.

"Oh shit," Gina sighed, putting her hand to her forehead. "You forgot – after telling you so many times. That means he's probably stuck."

"You mean in the woman's body?"

"Yes," Gina nodded. "Forever. He won't be able to change back. This is terrible. It's a disaster."




By the time Melissa returned home, Vincent's new clothes had arrived and he was dressed.

"You can have your divorce," she announced. "I'll end the contract, just like you want."

"Good," he answered. "Do it now."

"But you've got to promise not to report me to the police," she insisted.

"Fine," he shrugged. "I'll even give you a piece of paper saying I did it to myself, if that's what you want. Only, first end the contract."

Melissa used the terminal to contact the registrar and accessed their marriage contract. Once she'd told it to terminate the contract, she typed in her personal number. He did the same. Some moments later, two copies of the contact dissolution certificate issued from the printing slot. He took one copy and tucked it in his bra.

While he typed a letter claiming his change into a woman was solely his own idea, Melissa went to the kitchen and took a long knife from the cutlery drawer. She reentered the room, holding the knife behind her. He stood and took the letter from the printing slot. As he handed it to her, she raised the knife above her head and brought it forcefully down towards him.

Instinctively, he raised his arm to defend himself. The point of the knife embedded itself in his forearm. Without thinking, he struck her in the face with his other hand. She collapsed on the floor, sobbing.

"That's attempted murder, you stupid bitch!" he shouted, holding his hand over his bleeding arm. "You do that again and I'll kill you."

She didn't look up at him but remained curled up on the floor, crying. He went to the bathroom and applied a dressing to the throbbing wound.




"You're leaving, Vincent," she said softly, as she entered and saw the carry bag on the bed.

"What do you expect?" he asked venomously. "We're not married anymore. Don't forget - you just tried to kill me. There's no way I'm staying here with you after that."

"Where will you go, Vincent?" she asked meekly.

"That's no concern of yours," he replied, zipping up the bag and lifting it from the bed.

"Will you be back?" she asked sadly.

"Never," he called over his shoulder, as he left the room.

Melissa sat on the bed and started crying again.




"You look just like me," Tanya smiled, as they sat in her lounge room. "Although, I wouldn't be seen dead in that dress you're wearing. It really doesn't go with your eye color at all."

"And then she tried to kill me," he told her.

"You're joking," she responded in surprise. "She sounds quite mad."

He rolled back the sleeve of the dress to expose the dressing he's applied.

"I think I better look at that," she told him. "Did you disinfect it before you dressed it?"

He shook his head.

"Come on," she instructed, heading for the bathroom. "Let me do a proper job of it."




"You did what!" Gina cried.

"I tried to kill him," Melissa replied. "With a big kitchen knife."

"My God!" Gina responded, shaking her head. "As if you're not in enough trouble already, Melissa."

"I was so angry with him," Melissa said. "After he gave me the letter, I just wanted him dead."

"What letter?"

"The letter saying; it was his idea to become a woman."

"Let me see it," Gina ordered urgently.

Melissa took the letter from her bag and handed it to her. Gina spent a few moments reading it carefully.

"But this is great," Gina smiled. "It let's you off the hook. That's wonderful. It says it was all his idea."

"I know."

"But this is better than I'd dare hope," Gina grinned. "We should celebrate."

"I don't really feel like it."

"Come on," Gina persisted. "It'll do you the world of good."

"Do you think so?" she asked.

"Sure," Gina nodded. "We'll go out to dinner. You've got the piece of paper saying he did it to himself."

"But I tried to kill him," Melissa argued.

"Were there any witnesses?"


"Well then," Gina grinned. "It's just his word against yours. That won't stand up in court, will it?"

"I guess not."

There was a pause.

"I've just had a great idea," Gina announced enthusiastically. "We could make it a foursome."

"A foursome?" Melissa asked.

"Sure," Gina nodded vigorously. "My sister Tanya has a new man. They'd love to go - I'm sure. They go out all the time."

"Tanya? Did you say; Tanya?"

"Sure," Gina confirmed. "She's my older sister. Owns her own construction company. She's the real smart one of the family. I haven't met her boyfriend before. I'm just dying to see what he looks like."




© 2003 by Dave Hicks. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.