Crystal's StorySite


The Unofficial Biography Of Kimmay

Book 4: The Nature Of The Matriarchy

by G L Hudson



"I was born with a yearning to be a girl. My parents knew this and they treated me as a girl. They dressed me as a girl from the time I could walk. I loved being a girl, and I'm told that I was pretty. Well, as pretty as a boy pretending to be a girl can be."

Faxon nodded his head in silence.

"Then, when I was very young and before I can remember, they stopped dressing me as a girl. They stopped and never let me dress or act as a girl again. Even though I was too young to remember anything, my subconscious must have remembered some of it. I wanted to be a girl my entire life. I wanted to dress like a girl and act like a girl and I wanted to be a girl and it drove me crazy. It drove me crazy because I knew I couldn't, I knew that I shouldn't be a girl. It was wrong. Society said it was wrong, and how could I disagree?

"But anyway, going back to my parents, do you know why they stopped letting me act and dress like a girl?"

"No," he said.

"Because of a picture. A simple little picture destroyed my bliss. It showed up in the mail one day. It shocked my parents. They panicked. They didn't know what it meant but it scared the hell out of them. They immediately stopped dressing me as a girl and turned me back into a boy. It haunted me my entire life. There was something missing in my life. I thought I knew what it was and society wouldn't let me have it back. I was angry and unhappy. But somehow I survived. Somehow I managed to push forward everyday and I found something else to spend my time on. I turned to physics and eventually I discovered teleportation. I was very proud and I was happy with myself, but I always felt that there was something missing, that I was incomplete.

"I was angry with the world. Even as I was doing something wonderful and useful, I was angry. And when my own government came to kill me, I was even angrier. I hid my anger and I worked against them. I knew my revenge would be in perfecting my discovery, because I knew that was what they wanted to stop. And I was extremely happy when Kimmay came into my world, and together we were able to accomplish our goals. Our revenge if you will. But inside I was still not satisfied. I was still missing something.

"It ate away at me. There were times when it poisoned my mind. At times I wanted to commit suicide. At other times I wanted to lash out and destroy everyone around me. I especially hated the United States and the President. To be honest, if I had been given the opportunity I would have murdered people. It made me sick that I would do such a thing, but I know that I would have.

"And all this time I didn't truly understand where my anger was coming from. I knew that I wanted to be a girl, but I didn't realize the true reason. I rationalized that someone was stopping me and I just wanted to lash out.

"But eventually I learned the truth. It was one of the greatest revelations that anyone could possibly experience. It saved my life and gave me pause. I realized that there may be a God. Or there may be such a thing as fate. But it proved that there was such a thing as Kimmay."

Faxon was caught by surprise. "A Kimmay?"

"Do you remember the picture that I mentioned?"


"The picture was a picture of me in a reality that Kimmay saved us from. It was a picture of me as a full-grown woman. It was a picture of the world totally destroyed. I was kneeling over my mother. I was covered in her blood, and behind me, hovering in the sky high overhead was the spaceship belonging to the Builders. You thought Kristal saved Earth in her speech to the United Nations. In our first reality, Earth and everyone of us, was destroyed."

"What?" The haze of alcohol was lifted in an adrenaline rush.

"You were killed. Destroyed without mercy. I was murdered and every person on this planet was killed. No one survived. If it wasn't for Kimmay, this world and this reality would not exist."

"So why are we still here?"

"Because of Kimmay. She did something that no understands. She went forward in time and collected that picture, and she took it back in time and gave it to my parents. She knew the effect it would have and she changed reality. Instead of me becoming the focus of the Seekers, Kimmay became that person. Instead of me going into space with Linda, Kimmay became that person. Linda took first me, and then Kimmay to train us, to educate us, to make us the savior of Earth. I was supposed to return to Earth and defeat the Builders. But I failed."

Tiffany stopped to let the impact sink into Faxon. She paused for another sip of champagne. She finished her glass and took another.

"I failed. The most colossal failure in the history of the human race. You've never read about this have you?" Her emotions were catching up with her, and Tiffany almost threw it at Faxon as a challenge. But she caught herself just in time and softened her tone. She smiled at Faxon.

"It taught me many things. I was lucky because Kimmay gave me and everyone else a second chance. Somehow she could see the future, and she knew that even she could not defeat the Builders. But she found someone who could. Even now we don't know how she did it. Kimmay will admit that much.

"But she gave everyone on this planet a second chance, including me. Only a handful of us know this, and now you are one of us. I was given a second chance to be what I wanted. I now understood why I had lost my first opportunity to be what I wanted to be. I knew that it was the right thing to do. I was able to throw away my anger and frustration. I was given a second chance and I took it. No regrets, no animosity, and no fear. I became Tiffany. Everyone on this planet has a second chance, but only we few know about it. I took that opportunity and I think everyone should do the same.

"Everyone should be honest with him or her self and do what they must. Do what they want. And never, never fear or regret that choice.

"So Faxon, now that you know that you have been given a second chance, what will you do with that chance?"

Faxon was at a loss. He was stunned by what he had just heard. It was incredible, almost impossible to believe, but he had no doubts. Faxon knew that Tiffany was telling him truth that few others could even dream of. He shrugged.

"I became a woman. Or at least I tried," Tiffany continued. "Knowledge about the picture allowed me to find out about my childhood. And I found out where much of my anger and frustration came from. For as long as I remembered I had wanted to be a girl, and I was given a second chance. I took that chance, Faxon."

Tiffany had just romanticized things a bit, but she wanted to make a point to Faxon. Tiffany decided that he didn't need to know how Todd was finally forced to make his decision. Faxon didn't need to know that Todd had been blackmailed and almost destroyed by secret agents trying to discover secrets about their energy chips. Tiffany didn't want him to fear the same possibility of blackmail and destruction.

"I was lucky. I had friends that were better than I had ever dreamed. Kimmay supported me in my transition to becoming a woman. Well, almost a woman. We can be honest here, I was a transsexual, but in here where it counts, I felt like a woman. I became a woman. Even Kristal supported me. But best of all, was Kimmay's mother. Melissa May owned and ran a beauty salon dedicated solely to cross-dressers and transsexuals. She is the one that actually made me into a woman. She curled my hair, and showed me how to apply makeup and walk like a lady. She took me to the stores where they found the bras that would fit me, and the dresses that would make me pretty and passable. She supported me in every way imaginable. All of them supported me, Kristal and Kimmay and Jennifer and my parents and Melissa.

"I was finally happy. I was finally able to think about I had accomplished and feel proud. I was finally able to think about the money I had and consider spending it and enjoying it. I was a happy girl."

She finished her story and took a sip of her champagne. She smiled at Faxon. Her head was starting to spin.

"And then you were turned into a real woman by the Keeper. What was that like?"

Tiffany closed her eyes and a satisfied smile spread across her face. She opened her eyes and looked into Faxon's eyes, "It scared me at first. When it happened I knew something had just happened, but I didn't know what." Tiffany again closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "When Linda would jump us around Earth, your stomach would fly up into your throat as you stepped through her portal. I was sound asleep when I had that feeling. At first I thought that I had just been inter-dimensionally transported somewhere. But I slowly realized that I was still in my own bed. But something was different.

"It was weird, Faxon. I knew something was different, but I was still groggy from sleep and I had no idea what it was. I climbed out of bed and my first reaction was to reach between my legs. In retrospect I have no idea why I did that, but that is what I did. And what I felt, or rather what I didn't feel, sent chills up my spine. I ran to the bathroom, flipped on the light and pulled my negligee over my head and dropped it on the floor. I stared in the mirror, trying to blink the sleep from my eyes. I finally had to rub my eyes to clear them, before I could believe what I was seeing."

Tiffany opened her eyes and looked at Faxon. "It was a wonder. Believe it or not my first thought was Kimmay. I knew she had to be responsible. I mean, who else could it have been? It took several days for me to really, truly believe that it wasn't just an aberration and it wouldn't disappear again. I understood the most obvious changes, but it took several days for the other changes to clearly sink into my mind. My voice was wonderful. I didn't have to strain to sound like a woman. My hips were wider and I walked different. I mean, the way my hips and joints moved was different. My fingers were thinner and my hands were slimmer and more dainty. My clothes fit differently even.

"And slowly I began to see the changes in my face and skin and complexion. Have you ever wondered what makes a woman truly beautiful? I used to think it was her curves and shape; large breasts and narrow waist and full hips. And long flowing hair, or curly hair, are a symbol of femininity. But to me, the ultimate beauty is in the face; the eyes, the lips and most importantly of all the skin. Soft skin, without blemish is to me the ultimate sign of beauty."

Tiffany drained the last glass of champagne. Her eyes were slightly unfocused and her head was spinning more. "Faxon, you now know my deepest secrets. How many other girls would tell you all about their sex change? And on their first date?"

Faxon chuckled ever so effeminately.

Tiffany pushed herself out of her chair. "May I have my shoes?"

Faxon stood and walked around the table where he could place the shoes on the floor in front of Tiffany.

"Faxon," Tiffany said with a thick tongue. "I like you. Now I have two favors to ask you."


She struggled with her purse as she searched through it. She finally pulled out a business card and handed it to Faxon. "First, would you please call me sometime? And second, would you walk me to the door and call my limo? I'm drunk."





Tiffany was trapped inside her negligee. She had been rolling around in bed, and her ankle length negligee had wrapped itself around her legs and had her trapped. Her head hurt. She had a splitting headache and her mouth felt like cotton. Her sinuses were clogged and she couldn't breathe through her nose. She felt like crap. And then her phone started beeping. It wouldn't stop. It was her private line, she could tell by the pattern to the beeps. She wanted it to stop making noise and just go away. Why wouldn't it transfer over to her answering service? After ages of torture, it finally stopped.

Tiffany reached under the duvet and straightened out her negligee. She rolled over and planted her head on the pillow. The pillow was pounding in her eardrum. She tried to lick her lips, but she couldn't feel them. She tried to wet her mouth, but the more she pushed her tongue around, the more her mouth felt like paste.

Her sinuses were so clogged that she couldn't breath except through her mouth. She rolled onto her back and prayed for her sinuses to begin draining. They wouldn't cooperate. She opened her eyes and saw nothing. They felt like they had been pasted close.

'Nice job idiot. How many glasses of champagne did you drink?' she asked herself. She threw the duvet off her body and lay in the middle of the bed while the cool air flowed over her body. Her head continued pounding. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the ceiling. 'At least I can still tell up from down,' she thought. She looked at the clock on the bedside table, but it didn't want to focus. She decided that it wasn't important.

She rolled to the edge of the bed and lifted her head. 'Drugs. I need drugs,' she decided. She managed to slide her legs over the side of the bed, and she just lay there. 'Move.' 'No,' she answered herself. 'The drugs are in the bathroom,' she replied. 'Shit.'

Tiffany sat up and then pushed herself from the bed. Her negligee untwisted and fell to her ankles. It felt smooth and soft and cool. 'I love negligees,' she confessed to herself. Her feet shuffled their way towards the bathroom. She flipped on the light switch and her eyes involuntarily smashed close. Her face squished into a tight wrinkle as it tried to protect her eyes

She found her toiletry bag on the counter and searched through it. Finally she found it; the bottle of little pills that would save her life. The greatest pharmaceutical breakthrough in the history of mankind. The morning-after pills. The little pills that cured hangovers. She threw two in her mouth and swallowed through the paste and ugly taste covering her mouth.

She managed to make her way to the shower and began adjusting the faucets. With a great struggle her negligee finally released its strangle hold on her and she was allowed to step into the warm water. Ahhh …. bliss. The steam began to clear her sinuses and once again she could breath. She took a gulp of water and swished it around in her mouth. Next she looked into the spray of water and held her mouth open to allow it to fill with the warm water. As she swallowed the water she finally began to feel better. Tiffany leaned against the wall and could feel the haze of pain and stupidity slip away. Those miraculous little pills were already working. 'Don't leave home without them,' she thought. 'And don't be so stupid next time. Champagne hates you girl, you know that. Stick to German beer. The Rheinheitsgebot is there to protect you.''

Fifteen minutes later Tiffany actually walked out of the shower in an upright position. And she did it all by herself. She shook her head and let the spray of water cover the mirror and tiled walls. Her head didn't hurt anymore. She took a towel and wiped the steam off the mirror and looked at herself. She was pleased. In spite of the fact that she had gotten drunk and stupid, she was still a beautiful girl. Nothing much else mattered. How lucky could a guy get? And now the question was even better, 'How lucky could a girl get?'

"Thank you Kimmay," she said to the mirror.

She opened the bathroom door to let out more of the steam and she heard her phone ringing again. She walked over to her purse and searched until she found her phone. She flipped it open and said, "What?"

"Good morning, Tiffany. This is your wake-up call."

Tiffany recognized Faxon's voice. "Who is this?" she demanded. "Is this the man that over-served me last night and got me drunk?"

"I confess. Did you have a little difficulty this morning?" he asked with all the compassion he could place in his voice.

"No, not at all. Did you know they make these little pills now-a days that correct stupidity? Yep, cures even champagne hangovers. Amazing little buggers."

"I've heard about them. I haven't had to use one of those since college."

"One?" she yelled. "One is all you used? Damn, you're a lot tougher than I am. This was a two pill morning and I can blame only you."

"You drank them. I didn't pour them down your throat."

"You sound like a drug dealer, Faxon. You brought them to me. You provided them and placed them in front of me. You can't absolve yourself of your complicity. You're an enabler. You did this to me." Tiffany was feeling much better.

"How can I make it up to you? Can I buy lunch?"

"Do you mean breakfast?"

"It's a little late for that," he laughed.

Tiffany looked at the clock, and it said eleven. "I don't care what time you think it is, I want breakfast."

"I'm sure that I can still get you breakfast. When will you be ready to come down?"

"You're here? At my hotel?"

"I've been here for over an hour. I was worried when you didn't answer the phone. I was thinking about calling the coroner."

"Funny. I need another twenty or thirty minutes."

"I'll be waiting in the lobby."


Tiffany and Faxon found a corner table in the dining room. There weren't many other people present. Tiffany was able to order her breakfast, and Faxon ordered lunch. They watched the people walk by outside their window and they chatted about the weather and movies. After finishing her meal, Tiffany was able to lean back and relax. The food was completing the job that the pills had started.

"So what are you doing here?" she asked.

"You told me to call you sometime."

"I wasn't expecting you to call so soon."

"Well I decide there was no reason to wait. I had a nice time last night. In fact it was the best embassy function that I have ever attended. So I wanted to reciprocate. I thought that I might be able to show you around Zurich."

"Really? I had a nice time also. Except for that over-indulgence part. I usually don't do that. I guess I started running off at the mouth and couldn't stop."

"That was the best part of the evening. You opened in a way that I found totally captivating. You told me things about Tiffany and Kimmay that I never would have known otherwise. And I found your honesty truly refreshing. I wish everyone was as honest as you … including myself."

Tiffany thought she might know what he was referring to. He had a secret or two that he was afraid to divulge. She would help him face his beasts. She had had help and it was now her turn to help the next. "I thought you were very honest also."

"About what?"

"When you told me I had pretty lashes," she said with a grin. "You were being honest then, weren't you?"

"Absolutely. I meant it then and I mean it now, you have pretty lashes. And lips. And you have the cutest little nose. And I like your chin. That is an excellent chin you have under your cupid lips. Now your ears on the other hand are …"

"Ok, we can stop there. So what did you have in mind today?"

"Whatever you would like. Museums, city walking tour, architecture, shopping, or whatever strikes you at the moment. I would just like to spend the day with you."

Tiffany smiled. "That would be nice. Now that we are done eating, I need to go up to my room and put on my face. I didn't have time for makeup. Would you join me?" Tiffany had an idea as to how she might break down that fence around Faxon.

"Sure, I can walk you up to your room," he said.

When they reached the room, she took Faxon's coat and hung it in the closet. She took his hand and pulled him towards the bedroom. "Come this way," she told him. She led him to the vanity in the bedroom. It had a mirror with two large lights on either side of it, and a bench seat in front. "Sit," she instructed. Tiffany sat down next to him. She took a bottle of foundation and a spread a small drop on a cosmetic sponge. She proceeded to spread the foundation over her cheeks, across her nose and around her temples.

"It's time you saw how us women cheat." She picked up a brow pencil and lightly colored in her brows. Then she brushed a little color on her cheeks and temples. Next she searched through her various eye shadow containers until she found just the right color. "I use a lighter shade for day. We save the darker shades for evening when we want to get drunk and seduce men." Faxon chuckled.

After the eye shadow, she picked up her eyelash curler and pressed first her left eye lashes and then her right. She worked the curler several times to get her lashes curled just right. "Now the part you liked," and she picked up her mascara and proceeded to brush it on her lashes. First she used the length of the brush to lift and coat her upper lashes, then she used the end to carefully coat each of her lower lashes. After she finished with both eyes, she repeated the procedure a second time, applying an even heavier layer to her lashes.

When she was finished she turned to Faxon and fluttered her lashes at him. "What do you think? Do they meet your expectations?"

"Very nice. Very impressive," he complimented her.

"Now it's your turn. Take your glasses off."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, place your glasses on the vanity. I'm going to give you pretty lashes also." He hesitated and Tiffany said, "I bet your lashes will be every bit as pretty as mine. You do have beautiful eyes and this will make you irresistible. Please? I promise I won't hurt you." He still hesitated. "Come on Faxon, let your hair down and have some fun with me today."

Faxon finally relented. He placed his glasses on the table, "What do I do?"

"Don't blink. I'm going to curl your lashes first." She carefully curled his lashes and then brushed the mascara over the curled upper lashes, and painted it onto the lower lashes. When she had finished she leaned back to get a look. "I was right, you do have pretty eyes. Check them out yourself." Faxon looked in the mirror and blinked several times. "Well? Do you like my work?"

"You do very fine work Tiffany," he said.

"Yes I do," and she fluttered her lashes at Faxon. He returned the gesture. "Not bad," she smiled. "But you have to smile more, and look up like you're just the least bit ditzy, like this," and she demonstrated again. He copied her and then looked at her for her appraisal. "Excellent," and she leaned towards him and kissed him on the lips.

Faxon was taken by surprise, but it was a pleasant surprise. "One more thing, and then we can go," Tiffany said. She took her lip liner and carefully outlined her top lip, and then her bottom lip. She opened a jar of lip-gloss and using a thin brush, colored inside the lines. She smacked her lips and presented them to Faxon. "Do they meet with your approval?"

"They look very kissable," he said suggestively.

"Shall we test them?" She again leaned into Faxon and kissed him on the lips. "Oops, we smudged your lips. Well I guess I just have to finish the job and give them a full coat."

Faxon leaned away from her and said, "That's ok, I think they'll be ok."

Tiffany smiled and said in a sultry voice, "Sure they'll be ok, but I could make them wonderful." Faxon laughed.

Faxon watched Tiffany pull on her calf-high leather boots with three-inch heels. He helped her put on her full-length fur coat and they were ready for the cold winter day. As they stepped outside they could both see their breath. The sky was blue and the sun was bright. Both of them put on their sunglasses. Tiffany took Faxon's arm and said, "Lead on 'Pretty Lashes'."

They spent the better part of an hour walking around the downtown area as Faxon pointed out the famous landmarks. Eventually, Tiffany complained about getting cold so they decided to move indoors and do a bit of shopping. As they were walking through a large indoor mall they passed a beauty salon. The salon was advertising the same cosmetics line that Tiffany used. "Stop," she blurted out when she saw the sign. "Follow me," and she led Faxon inside the salon. Tiffany walked up to the front desk and set her purse on the counter. She reached inside and found her mascara. "I need another mascara just like this one." The hostess excused herself, and came back with the mascara. Tiffany paid for the mascara and then they left.

Outside in the mall area, Tiffany handed it to Faxon, "This is for you."

"For me?" He was incredulous, "What will I do with mascara?"

"You will practice applying it at home, and then the next time you take me on a date, you can put on your own mascara. I don't want to have the only cute lashes, you know."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am," she grinned. "Your eyes look very pretty with the mascara that you are wearing. From a distance no one can tell, and even up close most people wouldn't notice. Girls might, but when you are with me other girls shouldn't be getting that close," and she poked him in the ribs.

He still looked doubtful. She leaned up towards him and kissed him on the lips. She winked and said, "It will be just our little secret." She took his arm and started walking down the hallway, ostensibly putting the conversation to an end.

They walked and chatted and the mascara topic was dropped. A while later Tiffany spotted a woman's lingerie store. She pulled Faxon inside and began looking at sleepwear. "We need a long negligee with tiny little shoulder straps. It needs to have lace around the bodice and the hem. And it needs to be made of either silk or satin. Tell me if you spot one," she instructed him.


She found the type of negligee that she was looking for and looked over several different colors and styles. "Which color do you like the best?" she asked. "We have black, royal blue, white, red and pink." She fluttered her lashes and stared into his eyes, waiting for the answer. She was trying to act silly and yet coquettish.

"On you they would all look perfect," he said.

"Ahh, but that was not the question my little muffin. Which color do you like the best? That is the question."

"If I must pick, and it is a difficult choice, I would take the black."

"Excellent choice my darling." She blew him a kiss and then continued searching through the negligees. She found three different styles in black. One had a large slit up the side, one had double straps that crossed in the back and the third was more standard with single straps and lots of lace over the cups and along the neckline.

"Next question, which of these three styles do you prefer?"

"I never knew picking out a sexy negligee required so many decisions," he joked.

"Oh yes," Tiffany whispered. "When seducing an eligible bachelor, it is imperative that just the right negligee be used. One wrong decision and you could chase him away." She pursed her lips in a serious pout and nodded her head in a knowing fashion.

"Well, then let's go for this one, and he pointed at the negligee with the double straps."

Tiffany was aghast, "We can't 'just go' for one. It absolutely, positively must be the correct decision. Are you certain that this is the correct negligee? Remember, someone's future could be riding on this decision."

Faxon was enthralled with Tiffany. Her flirting was having its desired effect. He was giddy with delight, even as he tried to assume a serious expression. "In that case, let me study it further." He carefully looked over each negligee, thought for a few moments and then pronounced, "Yes, this is the right one. I'm sure."

"Excellent, one can never be too careful." Then Tiffany totally shocked Faxon. She held the negligee up to the front of him and asked, "What size do you wear?"

"What?" he shouted in a whisper so that no one could over hear him. "You can't be serious? Can you?"

"But of course I am serious. This is very serious business. I expect to spend the rest of this afternoon with you. Later, even though we aren't dressed correctly, I expect you to take me to an upscale restaurant where we will make up for the meal that we did not have last night. We will not drink any champagne at this meal, by the way. Then after the meal, you will take me on a romantic, horse drawn carriage ride through the park while we snuggle under the blanket and watch our breath freeze in the night air as we whisper to one another. After that you will take me back to my hotel room, where I will ask you to walk me up to my room.

"When we reach my room I will give you my key-card, you will unlock the door and hold it open for me. I will place my arms around your neck and give you a long passionate kiss while I slip my tongue in your mouth. Then I will whisper in your ear and I will ask, 'Faxon will you please spend the night with me?' If all goes well, you will answer 'Yes'. I will then remove your coat and you will remove mine. We will walk into the bedroom where we will remove each other's clothes while we embrace and kiss again. I will then slip into something hot and sexy, possibly a short, see-through babydoll dripping with lace. I will then take this beautiful negligee and slide it over your head and straighten the straps over each of your shoulders.

"Then, if everything is still on target, you will kiss me and pick me up in your arms and carry me over to the bed. You will gently place me on that bed and then snuggle up against my body and gently kiss me, just before you ravish my body to satisfy your own insatiable sexual desires.

"I hope," she concluded with a slight pout.

Faxon was speechless. Thoughts were whirring around in his head and the tiniest smile started peaking out at the edge of his lips. "I like your scenario. But why the negligee?"

"For a couple of reasons. If I'm lucky and you say yes, you will need something to sleep in. When you put it on you will find it especially sensual. It will feel so smooth and silky that it will definitely arouse you and make you harder than you have ever been in your life. Plus, it has given me an opportunity right now to pretend I am a little girl and tease you, and hopefully convince you to consider my offer. And finally, if I fail to please you later and you leave me, at least I get a new negligee out of the experience."

"Then how can I say no? But I have no idea what size I am."

"Would you like to try it on here?" Tiffany was again trying to tease and arouse her date.

"That wouldn't be my first choice." Faxon was now smiling from ear to ear. He liked this game.

"Then we will make an estimated guess. I guess that you are a size large. Shall we go buy your gift?" The girl at the cashier took Tiffany's money, wrapped the negligee in tissue and placed it in the bottom of a flat bottomed bag with little string handles and a pretty logo of a sexy girl in silhouette on the side.

Tiffany looked at Faxon and smiled. He returned her smile. "Are you getting just the least bit hungry?" he asked. "I know I'm ravished."


Sleeping in a negligee takes practice. Faxon was wrapped up in his negligee and barely able to move when he woke on Sunday morning. He reached beneath the duvet and tried to untwist the silky wrap. Tiffany opened her eyes and smiled at him. "Good morning, gorgeous," he said.

"Oh my god," Tiffany whispered. "There is a man in my bed. And he's a sexy man. And he totally rocked my world last night. Oh dear, what shall I do?" She tried to feign innocence and helplessness in her voice.

She slid over close to Faxon and they kissed. While still embracing him she rolled over on top of him and pressed her crotch against his. She could feel his penis begin to respond. She squirmed and pushed her crotch against him even more. She opened her eyes and looked down at him. "You look like a raccoon," she said. "We should have washed off your mascara before we came to bed. What do you say we get naked and I wash you up in the shower?"

"I can do that," he said happily.

They walked to the bathroom and Tiffany helped Faxon pull his negligee over his head. "Did you like your new negligee?"

"It tried to kill me. It twisted itself around me like a boa constrictor and tried to squeeze the life out of me."

"Methinks you do exaggerate. Help me with mine, please." Faxon slipped Tiffany's babydoll over her head and tossed it on the floor next to his. He pressed his body against Tiffany and embraced her again.

"Oh my," she giggled. "I think someone is horny this morning. Whatever shall we do?"

"I can think of one thing," he suggested.

"Me too. First, let me clean off your mascara." She picked up a small tube of makeup remover and opened it. "Hold your hands out, palms up." She squirted a small dollop in each hand. "Wipe your eyes with this, it works better than soap and water. Keep your eyes closed because it can burn a little. I'll start the shower."

Tiffany adjusted the water then gently grabbed Faxon by his penis, "Follow me stud." She let him rinse the makeup remover from his face and eyes and then pulled him tight against her. She slid her crotch around until his penis was throbbing against her vagina. She reached down and pushed the head of his penis against her labia. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and wiggled her crotch until he slipped into her.

"I love that feeling Faxon. You feel so good inside me. You know, I think this is more fun than math. What do you think?"

Faxon began to start sliding his penis in and out of Tiffany's wet vagina. "If math is this much fun I'm going to have to learn to count more often." It took only a couple of minutes before they exploded in each other's arms. The warm water flowing over their bodies felt exhilarating.

After catching their breath, Tiffany pulled away and said, "Let me wash your hair. I love your hair, you must take very good care of it." She squirted shampoo over his head and began working it into a thick lather of bubbles. She rubbed against his body and now flaccid penis as she rinsed his hair and then squirted conditioner on it. She worked the conditioner through his hair and enjoyed the smell of fresh flowers. After lavishing her attention on his hair, she took body lotion and washed his arms and chest and back, and then paid extra sensitive attention to his penis. When she had the soap rinsed off she kneeled down and took his penis in her mouth. She slowly licked and sucked on his penis until he was aroused again.

She stood up and embraced her lover, "Let's do it again," she whispered.

When they had finished, they stepped out of the shower and took turns blotting the water from each other's body. Tiffany wrapped a towel around her torso and another over her head. She wrapped her wet hair in the towel and tucked the towel into a tight turban around her head. There were two sinks in the bathroom and she took one and began to brush her teeth. Faxon found complimentary toiletries and used them to brush his teeth and shave.

When she was finished, Tiffany opened a jar with a rich facial moisturizer in it. She took a dollop and confronted Faxon. "Stand still and close your eyes." She rubbed the moisturizer into his face, down his neck and over his chest. "Your turn," she said. As Faxon began moisturizing Tiffany's face, she released the towel covering her breasts and invited him to massage her breasts with the rich cream. "You make a fine masseuse darling."

Faxon went to retrieve his clothes and Tiffany stopped him. "How about we order up breakfast?" she suggested.

"That's fine with me."

And let's not get dressed. Let's put our negligees back on, and then we can wear the hotel bathrobes. It will be much more comfortable," she said with an obvious grin.

"Woman, you are insatiable."

"Don't worry, I'll wait until after we eat, so that you can recuperate some." They changed back into their negligees and robes. Tiffany found the room service menu and they called down for breakfast.

While they were waiting they rolled around in each other's arms on the bed. Tiffany ended up on top of Faxon, staring in his eyes. "I liked the mascara on you. You have dreamy eyes, and the mascara made them look so much more bold and dramatic. Did you like wearing the mascara?"

"Yea, it was ok. At first it was very noticeable, it felt stiff and a little heavy. But after a while I didn't even know I had it on."

"Will you take it with you and practice? For me?"


"Did you like the negligee last night?"

He smiled, "It took some getting used to, but I did enjoy wearing it."

"Are you going to take it with you, or do I get an oversized spare?"

"Since a very beautiful woman gave it to me as a gift, I would be most ungracious if I didn't take it with me."

Tiffany gave him a warm smile. "When you wear it at home, please think of me."

"I will," he said without thinking. Tiffany heard what he said and felt happy for him.

"And the next time we meet, will you bring it with you?"

Faxon beamed a smile at her. "I would love to wear it for you again and again and again."

After breakfast they returned to the cozy warmth of their bed. As they hugged and kissed, Tiffany petted and stroked Faxon to arouse him again. She slid his negligee up to his waist and again mounted her lover. It took a long time for Faxon to respond and ejaculate. That gave Tiffany enough time to bring herself to several orgasms. She collapsed in his arms and hung on to him as she slowly recovered.

The time had passed quickly, and it was getting close to Tiffany's departure schedule. While Faxon remained in bed and watched, Tiffany worked her way around the room collecting her things and packing them away. She let Faxon watch as she removed her baby doll and stretch sinuously for him. He watched as she slid bikini panties up her long shapely legs. She slid her arms through her bra and fastened it behind her back, and then bounced her boobs around as she fitted them snugly and comfortably in their respective cups. Tiffany wiggled her boobs as she slid a camisole over her head and then sat on the bed by Faxon. She rolled up a pair of pantyhose and pulled them up her legs.

"Come here," she said to Faxon. Tiffany sat on the vanity bench and patted the seat next to her. Faxon sat down next to her, wearing only his negligee. "I like to have you next to me while I get pretty. Please hand me that bottle of foundation, darling." Tiffany put on most of her makeup, and then began on her eyes. She curled her lashes and then applied her mascara.

"Your turn darling." Tiffany held the curlers in front of Faxon, making it obvious what he was supposed to do. He removed his glasses and presented himself to Tiffany. Tiffany finished curling his lashes and then asked, "Do you have an eyelash curler at home?"

Faxon shook his head negatively.

"Take these then," and she handed them to Faxon.

"Won't you need them?"

"I have plenty of them at home," she answered. "You have your mascara in your coat pocket, do you not?"


"Good. Please hand me that lip liner." She finished applying her lipstick and gloss and pronounced herself ready. She stepped into a long wool skirt and put on a warm, cashmere cardigan. She pulled her bags to the door, and then sat down to pull on her boots. Faxon pulled her to her feet and hugged her.

"This was the best time I have ever had." He whispered into her ear, "Can I see you again?"

Tiffany gave him a huge smile and said, "You'd better. Are you doing anything next weekend?"

"No matter what my calendar says, I am free next weekend."

"Call me Tuesday after lunch. By then I'll know how much time I can clear from my calendar."

"If anything comes up, call me," and he handed her a business card.

Tiffany read the card, "President? You didn't tell me that you were the president."

"My father owns the company. It's not as if I earned the position," he said humbly.

"Yes you did. Don't ever put yourself down Faxon. I won't hear of it."

Faxon carried her bags down to the lobby and put her into a taxi. He waved as the taxi drove away.





Tiffany had cleared her calendar and called Faxon. "Come to Lucerne on Wednesday, lover. I'll meet you at the train station at one." Faxon arrived with a garment bag over his shoulder. Tiffany ran to him and gave him a hug and a kiss. Then she noticed his eyes, "You look beautiful my darling. You did an excellent job."

He smiled and responded, "I've been practicing night and day."

"You're very good. Come this way, we've only got about fifteen minutes to catch our train."

"Where are we going?"

"My villa just outside Davos Monstein, with a stop in Pontresina first. My favorite restaurant is in Pontresina. They caught their train and settled in for a comfortable trip through the Alps. It was a miserable day and the snow was blowing across the mountain tops. The only entertainment they had was their own conversation. They whispered and kissed their way across the country and enjoyed it like a holiday.

In Pontresina they collected their bags and walked through the blizzard. Faxon carried his garment bag over his shoulder and Tiffany had a large bag over her shoulder. "Is that all the luggage you have?" Faxon asked.

"I keep two separate but complete houses; my flat in Lucerne and my villa in Davos Monstein. These are just a few personal items and some work. They continued walking into the biting wind, their collars pulled as high as they could manage. Faxon's glasses covered over from the snow and he had to remove them. He was almost blind, and Tiffany led him along. They walked only a few hundred meters until they found a horse drawn sleigh sitting by the river.

"This way," Tiffany motioned. The coachman took their bags and set them inside the covered sleigh. The two of them climbed into the back seat and cuddled under a large, heavy horse blanket. The driver handed each of them a small bottle of pear schnapps. "Salute!" he said and then climbed up front. The horses started off on a slow walk through the snow and wind.

Tiffany and Faxon cuddled together and she leaned against him. "We are heading to a hunting lodge about two miles up the river. It has a beautiful little restaurant with more dead animals than you have ever seen."

"Dead animals?"

"Stuffed animals, actually. It's a quaint lodge with a huge fireplace in the middle of the restaurant. It is ever so cozy and you will love it. The rösti is the best in the region. Plus tonight I have a feeling the restaurant will be ours alone."

The rösti was the best Faxon had ever had. The beer was German and cold, and the elk was delicious. It was a great meal. The owner joined them for a short time, telling stories of epic blizzards and trophy elk. At other times the two of them stared out the window and watched the snow blowing horizontally past the window. The fireplace was filled with a blazing fire and the owner threw colored pinecones on the fire every so often. The aroma from the fire wafted through the air and filled the senses. It was a mellow, sensual overload.

After the meal the horse drawn sleigh headed the opposite direction from the lodge. It was only a fifteen-minute ride to the next train station up the tracks. Faxon collected their bags and carried them onto the train. They backtracked the way they originally came, made a second connection and ended up in the most beautiful valley on the face of the planet, although it was impossible to ascertain anything in the blinding snow. Tiffany led Faxon to a small parking lot where they found her BMW.

Tiffany called the villa and ordered the environmental unit on active, and then she drove very carefully up the narrow valley road. The chains on her tires dug into the snow and kept them moving slowly forward. The normal ten-minute drive took a full half hour. It was midnight by the time they reached the villa.

"I'll give you a tour tomorrow."

"That would be fine," Faxon said.

"I'm not real tired, how about you?"

"I'm good for a while longer," he said.

"We have a couple of choices," Tiffany began. "We could start a fire in my bedroom fireplace, and then cuddle on the divan and make out. Or we could crawl in bed, fluff up our pillows and watch the fire while we cuddle and talk and sip cognac. You could wear your negligee. You did bring it didn't you?"

"Of course I did," he smiled. "And I like the idea of sipping cognac while I snuggle next to your beautiful and sexy body."

"Ohhhh, I now where your mind is going," she said with a grin. Tiffany led the way to her master bedroom. Faxon opened the damper in the flue and opened the stopcock to the gas line. The fireplace used a gas line for starting fires. While he retired to the dressing room to change into his negligee, the gas fire started a roaring wood fire. He returned to the bedroom and turned off the gas. The wood was burning on its own, and giving off that wonderful smell!

Tiffany returned and handed Faxon a snifter of cognac. She kissed him lightly then noticed his eyes. "Sweety, you need to wash off your mascara before you turn into Rocky Racoon." She led him to the bathroom and gave him a jar of makeup remover. He washed his face and brushed his teeth and returned to the bedroom to find Tiffany already snuggled under the duvet and sipping her drink.

"You look hot," she said when he returned. "Bring that sexy walk over here and help me warm up this cold bed." Faxon swayed his hips in an exaggerated walk as he came to bed. He slid next to Tiffany and gave her a long passionate kiss. Then he picked up his glass and snuggled next to her. They sipped their cognac and watched the fire in silence for a few minutes.

Without looking at Tiffany, Faxon said, "I have something that I would like to say to you." Tiffany looked at Faxon, but he continued to look into the fire. "I was thinking about what you said last week at the embassy. You said that everyone had been given a second chance, even though nobody knew it. And you were very honest and open with me and you told me what you had done with your second chance."

Faxon took a sip of brandy and paused. Tiffany listened and said nothing. "I've decided that I want to take advantage of that second chance, but I have to tell you something. This is very difficult for me, and it's not something that I'm proud of. I can't give you a reason for it and I'm not sure where to start."

Tiffany sat up in the bed and looked at Faxon, waiting for him to look at her. "Just say what you have to say, darling." Tiffany had an idea what he might be trying to tell her. She was hoping that this would be the time for Faxon to open up to her.

Faxon took a deep breath and said, "I like to dress in women's clothing. I like to dress up and pretend I'm pretty and feminine." Then he began apologizing again. "I'm sorry that I've brought this up and I can't explain why I do it. If it bothers you and you want me to leave …"

Tiffany placed her finger over his lips and stopped him. "Sssshhhh. You don't have to say anything. I understand perfectly. I went through the same thing and it was fun and wonderful for me. I was lucky to find very supportive friends who helped me, and I can never repay them for that kindness and help. The one thing I can do though, is pass that kindness along to someone else. It would be my pleasure to help you dress up pretty and enjoy all things frilly and sexy and feminine. We start tomorrow." She kissed him and then leaned back against her pillow.

"Thank you Tiffany. My heart kept telling me that you would understand, but my mind worried over this. It's amazing what strange scenarios and thoughts can go through your mind when you're afraid of losing something precious."

"Tell your mind to relax, Faxon. I understand completely and I am going to make you the prettiest girl you have ever seen. Remember, I've been there too and I do understand. Like I said, tomorrow we can begin. What sizes do you wear?"

"I'm not really sure."

Tiffany looked at him and smiled, "Yes you are. You know. Don't be shy with me, you can be completely open. What sizes do you wear?"

"In American sizes, I wear a 36 bra and a size 12 dress. My shoes are about an eight or nine wide."

"How tall are you and how much do you weigh?"

"Again, in American I'm five foot nine inches and 145 pounds."

"You're going to be big girl, Faxon. I was hoping that I might have some clothes that would fit you. But that is actually a blessing in disguise. Now you have to go shopping! We'll have a blast."

"Where will we go?"

"When I was cross dressing I found a few stores that were very discrete. You're going to be surprised how good most stores are. There are more men out there buying women's clothes for themselves than you ever imagined. The better quality shops figured that out long ago, and they treat their male customers very well. Don't fear, you'll have the time of your life. I'm looking forward to it as much as you are.

"Now, are you done with that cognac? This bed is all toasty and warm and all I need is your sexy body to make this a perfect night."


They slept in late the following morning, neither one wanted to be the first to climb out of their warm, cuddly love-nest. Tiffany was the first to brave the new day as she made her way to the bathroom for a shower. Faxon showed up a couple minutes and later and asked if he could join her. "I'll wash your hair," he offered.

They wrapped themselves around each other and kissed. Tiffany could feel Faxon's erection pushing against her crotch and she suspected what he was really after. She slipped her tongue in his mouth as she reached for his penis and helped it slip into her vagina. Faxon pumped his erection into Tiffany and hugged her tightly as he quickly came. Tiffany held him tight and wouldn't let him withdraw himself. "How would you like it if I kept you inside me for the rest of the day?" she threatened.

"I could do worse," he smiled.

"Are you ready for a fun day?"

"Yes, what are we going to do?"

She squeezed her vaginal muscles and wiggled against him. "Tell me what you've done before. Have you ever set and curled your hair?"

"Not exactly. I have tried to use a curling iron but I never had much luck. I usually wear a wig."

"Did you bring your wig with you?"

It was his turn to slide his crotch tightly against hers and squeeze her. "No I didn't bring anything because I wasn't sure what your response would be. Besides I don't have much anyway."

"Have you ever been out in public?"

"Never! I've never had enough nerve to buy enough clothes and get to the point where I might be presentable."

Faxon was becoming flaccid and starting to shrink. "We'll change that. Tell me, what do you really want to do?"

"I'd like to be able to dress up and look presentable. I'd like to have my hair curled and wear a dress and makeup, and everything else a girl wears."

"Do you want to go out in public?"

"Sure of course, if I look good enough, but as I said …"

"Will you stop worrying about what you think you will look like? Wait and see. I may be more talented than you think. And what else do you want to do? Do you want to dress full time?"

"No. No, that isn't what I want at all. I don't see myself becoming a transsexual. I wouldn't mind dressing for a weekend or several days at a time, I think that would be heaven. But I consider myself a man and I want to stay as a man. Just … it would be fun to have a little time off now and then."

"I understand." Tiffany rubbed her hand across his chest, "You're going to have to shave this off. Is that a problem?"

"No, I can do that."

"And your legs."

He pulled out of Tiffany and looked at his legs. "That's ok. How far up?"

"All the way."

"All the way to what?"

Tiffany grasped his limp penis and gave it a little shake, "All the way up to here. Now, before you start shaving, you promised to wash my hair. Here is the shampoo I use. Get to it pretty eyes."


Tiffany was in the kitchen preparing a hot breakfast when Faxon finally showed up. "Where have you been?"

"I got lost. This house is huge. I ended up in the gymnasium before I could find my way here."

Tiffany laughed, "I forgot about your tour. We can do that later, breakfast is ready and I'm starving. She set the food on the table and they began to eat. "Did you shave all over, like I asked?"

"Yes I did."

"Even your arm pits?"

"For sure."

"Good. So do you have any special wishes for today?"

"Not really. I appreciate you doing this for me. I know it's odd and not very masculine …"

Tiffany cut him off, "I told you before that you shouldn't have to apologize or make excuses for anything. And I mean it. And don't think you're not masculine because you like to look pretty. Your performance in bed has more than satisfied me. In fact, in my limited experience as a real girl, you're the best lover that I've ever had. You listen, you're gentle and slow, and oh so smooth." Her eyes closed and her mouth opened so she could lick her lips in a very suggestive way.

"I get the picture," Faxon smiled.

"So we will just go shopping today, and then we can come back here tonight and play dress-up. I'll set your hair for you and you can practice your makeup. Have you ever worn high-heels?"

"I have one pair that I've worn."

"Good, then you should have no problem walking around, but I'll give you some pointers on walking like a woman. It's hard to do without lots of practice. You can spend the entire weekend as a girl. How does that sound?"

"Swell. I'll do the cooking from now on since we can't go out."

"We'll see about that. If you look good enough, we might venture out for a walk and a cup of coffee."

"I'm not sure if I can do that."

"Why not?"

"Wait until you see me. I'm not very dainty or feminine. I think I'll look like a goon in lipstick."

"I doubt that very much. When you have nice clothes and hair, and you get some practice acting like a girl, you're going to be surprised how passable you will be. Trust me. I'm going to make you the second cutest girl in the house." They both laughed.


The roads were too bad for driving, the snow was still falling and the wind was whipping it into large drifts. They put on their heavy winter coats and took the train to St. Moritz. Tiffany led the way to the shopping area and some of the upscale boutiques. "There are some great women's shops here and it will be fun to come back later and go try on pretty dresses and sexy lingerie. But today we're going to get your basics and then go home. Once we get you handled on the basics and have you walking and talking like a real girl, then we'll come back here and do some power shopping."

"Sounds like so much fun, Tiffany. I hope I can look good enough to do that."

"Faxon, I'm getting tired of your attitude. Would you start being more positive?" She wrapped her arm through his and leaned against him as they walked. "You have better material to work with than you think. You're only five foot nine and you're thin. You're not real fat or muscular. You have beautiful hair, which we will be able to style very nicely, and you don't have a big nose or a square jaw. In fact, I see only one problem and that is a short term problem."

"What's that?" Faxon asked.

"You have a heavy beard. It will be difficult to cover it with beard cover. Eventually, if you're serious about this, you should have your whiskers removed."

"I don't think I should do that. It will be too noticeable, won't it?"

"Not at all. All it will really mean is that you will be clean-shaven for the rest of your life, and that's not such a bad thing. Most men never grow a beard or mustache, and I wouldn't want you to. I hate them. I think they're ugly and scratchy and men that wear them want to act like macho cowboys. I would never allow one in my bed."

They continued to walk through the snow until they reached a small lingerie boutique. The bell on the door tinkled as Tiffany pushed it open and they stepped inside. It was a small shop and it was filled with counters and racks and displays of women's unmentionables. They had to turn sideways to get through some of the aisles. The store was empty except for one matronly woman folding panties on a back counter. Faxon was relieved to see no one else in the store.

"Have you come here before?" he quietly asked Tiffany.

"Yes, but only after my transition. I never came here when I was still a male. Don't worry," and she patted him on his arm.

The woman came walking over to Tiffany, "It is a nasty day out there, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is still snowing and blowing and horrible. But for me it is a wonderful day anyway."

"How nice," the woman said with a genuine smile. "Is there a reason why it is such a wonderful day?"

"Yes there is. I have a new lover and he is such a wonderful man," and she looked at Faxon. "And even better, he likes all things silky and frilly and feminine," she announced in a sing-song voice.

"I see," the woman smiled. "So you are here to buy something special to wear for him."

"No, it's even better than that. I want to buy some beautiful and sexy things for him to wear. He has agreed to do this for me."

A look of surprise swept over the woman's face, and then an even bigger smile spread across her face. She winked at Tiffany and said, "I see why it is such a wonderful day. You are a very lucky woman. She looked Faxon up and down, and then turned back to Tiffany, "Where would you like to start?"

"He will need everything. Let us start with the very basics and work our way up." She looked at Faxon and said, "Shall we start with frilly panties, my lover?"

Faxon returned the smile. "That would be grand. Please lead the way."

The woman took them towards the back of the store and spoke to Tiffany, "Do you know what size he wears?"

"Not really, you will have to make an educated guess."

"Do you have a preference on the style?"

Tiffany relayed the question, "Darling, do you have a preference?"

"I am in your hands. I don't think thong panties would be very comfortable. And they can't be too small like bikini panties because they are too small in front."

"Have you worn bikini panties before?" Tiffany asked.

Yes," he whispered. "My penis won't fit inside the bikini type."

"Did you tuck?"

"What is that?"

"It's where you push your testicles up inside you and your penis is held between your legs in your crotch."

Faxon looked at the woman and hoped that she couldn't hear what they were whispering. "No," he shook his head.

Tiffany winked at him, "There is lot's I need to teach you." Tiffany returned to the woman, "Let's look at the fuller cuts. Perhaps we could buy a cheap pair and he could try them on. If they don't fit we can toss them and he can try another size."

"Good idea," the woman said. "I guess this might fit him," and she handed a cheap pair of nylon panties to Tiffany. "You can try them on back there," and she pointed to the rear of the shop.

"This way darling," and she took Faxon's hand and led him to the small room in the rear.

She had him strip and then she handed him the panties. He slid them on and waited for Tiffany's inspection. "Bend over," she said. "Twist around." Faxon obeyed. "How do they feel?"

"Nice. Comfortable."

"I think they look right on you. Let me show you how to tuck." Tiffany stepped behind Faxon and reached around to his front. She reached inside his panties and grasped his scrotum. She gently squeezed his testicles upward and into his body. Faxon made an odd sound. "Did I hurt you?" Tiffany asked.

"No, you just surprised me is all. I didn't know they could do that!"

"Fine. Now I tuck your penis down and between your legs; squat a little for me. You push it flat under and as far back as possible and then straighten up. Your legs should help hold everything in position. Sometimes it helps to wear a tight girdle or pantyhose to help hold everything in place until you get more practice. How does it feel?"

"Tight. Confining, and a little awkward."

"But it doesn't hurt, does it?"


"Good, you'll get used to it. Remember, there is a price for being beautiful." She kissed him and patted him on the butt. "Put your pants back on and we'll pick out some colors that you like."

Tiffany led him back to the woman. "They fit fine. We'll take this pair, but now we want to see the same style in silk."

Faxon picked out white, black and red panties.

"Do you have girdles or corsets," Tiffany asked.

"No corsets, and just a few girdles," the woman lamented. "Girls just don't wear them like they used to."

Tiffany said to Faxon, "I want to buy you the smallest girdle I can find, for you to slide over your panties and hold you in place. Then I want one another long-line style to nip in your waist. What you really need is a corset, but we'll have to get that some other time."

Tiffany found two girdles that she thought would work for Faxon. The long-line girdle had three garters on the bottom of each leg. "Stockings," she announced to the woman. "My darling needs some silk stockings to attach to these garters."

The woman took them to a large display of stockings and pantyhose. "How much does he weigh?" she asked Tiffany. Tiffany thought it was so funny the way the woman only talked to Tiffany.

"How much do you weigh again?"

"One hundred forty-five pounds, but in kilograms that's sixty-five."

"Sixty-five kilograms."

"And how tall is he?"

"One hundred and seventy five centimeters," Faxon said.

"One hundred and seventy five," Tiffany relayed.

"He should be able to wear the B or C sizes. They are located here."

"Do you have any preferences?" Tiffany asked.

"I like the darker suntan. And I think for certain skirts and dresses, white or black might be necessary."

"I agree," Tiffany said, as she started pulling out different packages of hosiery. She handed Faxon a pair of suntan stockings. "Let's go put these on." To the woman she said, "I'll bring you the bags and tags for ringing up our bill."

She again took Faxon to the back room. "Put on your girdle first and tuck yourself very tight. Then I'll show you how to put on stockings." She watched Faxon as he pulled up the girdle and then reached inside to situate his trapped penis. "Sit," she instructed. She tore open the bag of stocking s and handed him one and took the second herself. "Ok, roll them around your fingers like this." Faxon followed her lead. "Slide your toe in the stocking and gently pull it up your leg, allowing it to unroll along the way."

Faxon had no problem sliding the stocking up his smoothly shaven leg. He gave Tiffany a grin.

"You've done this before haven't you?"

"Of course. It's one of the few things that I have done." He fastened the garters around the stocking, and then held his hand out for the other stocking.

Tiffany placed it in his hand and complimented him on his legs. "You have shapely legs; long and not too muscular. Thinner legs are better, don't you agree."

"Yes I do." He stood for inspection.

"Very nice, and you have a very smooth front now. I'm impressed," Tiffany said.

"Do I get a reward?" Faxon asked. He leaned towards Tiffany and received a buss on the lips for his efforts.

"Let's go get you a bra, you can go like that," Tiffany told him. "There is no one else here to worry about."

Faxon and Tiffany returned to the woman. Faxon padded out in his stockings and bare feet. The woman smiled and complimented his legs, but not to Faxon. She looked at Tiffany and said, "He has very womanly legs. They are very shapely. What would you like next?"

"Bras and breast forms. Do you have them?"

"Breast forms?" she repeated. "We have a limited supply, but I'm sure that we can fill your friend's cups," she said with a smirk. "What kind of bra does he wear?"

"Darling, what kind of bra do you wear? I see a wonderful selection here. Push-up maybe? Strapless? How about this sexy leather number, lover?"

"Faxon blushed, but he wasn't going to back down to Tiffany's taunt. He was growing more confident all the time. "That leather bra would go nice with a leather skirt and whip, I should think." Faxon was feeling proud of his retort to Tiffany.

"We will take the leather bra. Let's check the size." She winked at Faxon and blew him a kiss. The saleswoman handed a bra to Tiffany and she held it by the straps for Faxon. "Arms through here." Faxon put his arms through then turned around so Tiffany could fasten the clasp.

"You look so butch!" Tiffany checked the fit and asked the woman for her opinion.

"I rarely miss on a size," she bragged. "And he does look a little butch." Everyone laughed.

"Ok, we'll take that one, but now let's find something for church on Sunday."

The woman handed Tiffany a seamless underwire bra with lace and a tiny bow on the cups. "This will work best with breast forms," the woman advised her.

Faxon put on the bra and fastened it behind his back by himself. Tiffany gave him a wide-eyed look of amazement and praise. "I'm not completely helpless around bras," he grinned.

The woman brought out two boxes of breast forms and set them on the counter. "I hope these work, because I don't have much else for you." She opened one of the boxes and took out a silicone breast form. "It's a B," she told Tiffany.

Tiffany slid both forms into Faxon's cups and then stepped back. "I think it will work, what do you think my busty friend?"

Faxon looked in the mirror and studied himself from the front and then the both sides. "I think these will do fine," he pronounced. "I think I should get the bra in a couple of different colors, don't you?"

"But of course. White, black and nude for sure."

The woman found them the colors they wanted and placed them on the counter. "Will there be anything else?"

"She will need a camisole or two," Tiffany said. "And slips. Let's get both full and half slips. She will need a short and long half slip." The woman walked them over to another part of the boutique. Faxon didn't miss Tiffany's use of the pronoun she. Faxon smiled at Tiffany and looked very smug.

Along with the panties, girdle and stockings, Faxon wore the bra and a silky pink camisole under his male clothes when they left the boutique. He carried two large shopping bags as they walked through the snow and down the deserted street. "Where to next?" Faxon asked.

"Let's get some skirts and tops. We'll hold off on the dresses until later. Is that ok, or did you have your heart set on a dress today?"

"That's fine," he said.

Faxon's glasses were covered with snow and fog as they walked into another trendy boutique. Again, as luck would have it, there were no other customers in the store. Two young girls were chatting behind the front counter when Tiffany approached them.

"Nasty day, isn't it?" the older girl asked.

"I think it is a beautiful day myself," Tiffany announced in a cheerful voice. "Every day is a good day to shop, don't you think?"

The girls laughed and agreed. "What may we help you with?"

"I need to put this beautiful man in a skirt and some tops today."

"What?" the younger girl asked.

"My friend needs a couple of skirts and blouses and maybe a sweater or two."

The younger girl gave the older girl a disgusted look. She turned and walked away. The older girl said, "I'll help you, what did you have in mind?"

Tiffany didn't let the young girl's attitude affect her in the slightest. Maintaining her pleasant voice Tiffany said, "We would like to start with a warm skirt, wool or suede, and at least down to the calf. What do you have?"

The girl took them to the aisle with the skirts. "What size do you wear?" she asked Faxon.

Tiffany answered for him, "We don't know. This is the first time we have gone shopping. Let's try one or two different sizes and then decide." The girl stepped to the side and Tiffany began looking through their offerings. She found a nice gray, wool skirt with full pleats. She pulled it out and handed it to Faxon. Next she found a plaid wool skirt with full lining. "You'll like this one. It is fully lined," she told Faxon as she handed it to him.

By the time she had gone through the racks she had found seven potential skirts. "Where can he try these on?" Tiffany asked. The girl escorted them to the dressing rooms. She counted the skirts and then left them alone. Faxon tried on each skirt and then modeled it for Tiffany. Two didn't fit and one was judged unacceptable for style. That left four skirts and Faxon decided on purchasing all of them.

They took the skirts to the front counter and placed them next to their bags. "We need to look at blouses next," Tiffany said to the older girl. She gave the younger girl a sneaky smile and turned away.

The older girl pointed them to the blouses and the approximate size Faxon would need, and then she retreated back to the front of the store. Tiffany pulled the first blouse off the rack and handed it to Faxon, "Go try this on, I'll be right there." Tiffany sorted through the blouses and found two different styles. She carried the blouses back to Faxon and he tried on each one. One of the blouses was a shear, white see-through and Tiffany fell in love with it. "Perfect," she announced. The other two were toss-backs. Faxon followed Tiffany back to the blouse racks and together they went through the entire lot. Faxon picked out three more that he tried. All three fit and all three were kept.

"Enough blouses for now," Tiffany decided. "Let's look at sweaters, it's cold outside."

Tiffany found some fleece and cashmere sweaters. Faxon tried on a light-blue, cashmere sweater with a turtle neck. The minute he tried it on he fell in love with it. It was so warm and soft he didn't want to take it off. Tiffany told him the size was too small. "It fits fine," Faxon said.

"See, this is why you brought me along, darling. That style sweater needs to be worn on the large side. You want to luxuriate in it and have it slide over you. Trust me, we go to the next size larger and you never go back."

Tiffany retrieved the same sweater one size bigger and took it to Faxon in the dressing room. He tried it, and then smiled at Tiffany. He hugged himself and the sweater and pronounced it "Perfect."

"Yes it is," Tiffany agreed. "Leave it on, you can wear it home." Faxon didn't disagree.

They paid their bill and stepped out into the snow with two more large bags. They each carried two as Tiffany led Faxon to a shoe store. A young man was working in the shoe store. Two older women were trying on shoes when Tiffany and Faxon arrived. "I'll be right with you," the man said.

"Take your time," Tiffany said. "We have to look around first."

"Do you have any preferences?" Tiffany asked her lover.

"High heels for sure. Something dressy, with straps maybe. Then maybe something a bit more casual for wearing around the house?"

"And a pair of boots. It's winter out there and a girl always needs a good pair of boots. Do you like my boots?" Tiffany was wearing her calf-high black boots with the three-inch heels.

"Yes, I do. Those are nice. A pair of boots like that would be good."

"Yes they would, but for now I suggest two-inch rather than three-inch heels. I think it would be safer for you when walking in snow and ice. Later when heels are second nature to you, you can buy another pair with taller heels," she suggested.

"That sounds fine," he conceded.

They shopped around and settled on four different shoes. By the time they had made their choices, the women had finished up and left. The young man came over to Tiffany and asked if she had made up her mind. "Yes we have. There are four shoes we would like to purchase," and she pointed out the four styles.

"What size do you want," he asked dutifully.

"We don't know for sure. You will have to measure." Tiffany and Faxon sat down in adjacent chairs and the man brought over the measuring apparatus. He kneeled down in front of Tiffany, expecting her to remove her boots. Instead, Faxon removed his shoes and pulled off his socks. The young man saw the stockings on Faxon's feet. He looked from Tiffany to Faxon and when neither one said a word, he moved in front of Faxon and measured his shoe size.

When the flustered man left to get the proper sizes Faxon and Tiffany looked at each other and grinned. "I have always been mortified to go out in public and buy women's clothing," Faxon began, "because I was sure that they would see right through me and know that I was buying them for myself. Now here we are doing just exactly that and it doesn't bother me in the slightest. In fact, I think it is fun to tease them. What's happened to me?"

"Confidence and empowerment," Tiffany said. "Once you decided what you wanted, you found out it doesn't matter what other people think. Their opinions are totally irrelevant. You are who you are no matter what someone else wants to think. I'm happy for you … and proud. You took a great step forward today. And we're not even done!"

"What do we have left?"

"You need a purse, and actually we can get that here. Then there are cosmetics. The rest can wait until another day. If we buy too much more we won't be able to carry it all back with us.

The man returned with four boxes of shoes and he helped Faxon put on each pair. Faxon stood and walked in each pair. The three-inch strap heels were tricky for him, but they were his favorite. The boots were fine, but the other two pair were too tight. Faxon sent the man back for wider shoes. He tried on the next two pair and pronounced them acceptable.

"Why don't you wear the boots home, darling. They'll keep your feet much warmer," Tiffany suggested.

"That's a great idea," Faxon replied.

"Is there any thing else for you sir?" the salesman asked.

"Yes, I need a purse."

At this point the salesman wasn't surprised. He obediently took him to their selection of purses. "Which one do I get? I have no idea what to look for."

"Since you're bigger than most girls, go for a slightly bigger bag. You should keep things proportional. Get a long strap so you can throw it over your shoulder. Black or dark brown will go with most of the things you wear."

They left the shoe store with an additional two shopping bags. Faxon was carrying four bags and Tiffany had two as they made their way through the snow. Faxon was wearing his boots and walking a little slower than before, as he was still getting used to the higher and narrower heel.

"This way lover. There is a salon around the corner that sells my favorite brand of cosmetics. That is where we're going."

Tiffany broke a path through the snow and Faxon followed behind, hefting four large shopping bags. Tiffany reached the salon, and held the door for Faxon. He dropped the bags next to the door and took off his glasses to clean them.

A perky woman wearing a smock met them at the door. "Would you two like a cup of coffee?"

"Please," said Tiffany.

"You can hang your coats behind the door," she said as she headed to the counter. "How do you like your coffee?" she shouted over her shoulder.

"Cream and sugar for both of us," Tiffany called out. Tiffany hung her coat then took Faxon's hand. "Last stop and the best stop I will wager."

Faxon smiled and fluttered his lashes at Tiffany. The woman brought two cups to them. She handed Tiffany her cup and then looked at Faxon. "Thank you," Faxon said as he took the cup.

"You have a beautiful sweater," the woman said. She obviously knew it was a woman's sweater. She regained her composure and asked Tiffany, "Do you have an appointment."

Tiffany laughed and shook her head no. "Do you think you can fit us in?"

"Of course we can. What can we do for you?"

"It's not for me, it's for my friend here. He needs to buy some cosmetics, but we have no idea what he needs. We need your help."

The woman acted a little surprised, but she addressed Faxon, "What are you looking for?"

Faxon answered in a sure and confident voice, "I want to look like a beautiful woman, but I have no experience with makeup. I need a complete make over and a lesson in what to do."

She broke into a large smile. It was difficult to know if she was happy to help Faxon with an unusual task, or if she was seeing visions of money. "No problem, sir. You will see that we are very good at making beautiful women. Please follow me." She stopped and turned back to Faxon, "By the way, I love that sweater. I have one just like it and it is my all time favorite."

Faxon was obviously enjoying himself because he asked her, "Do you like my new boots?"

"They fit you very well," she answered.

Tiffany gave Faxon a squeeze on his arm as he followed the girl to her makeup station. Faxon sat down and she placed a cape over him. "I have a colleague who is also very good with make-overs for men. She will help if that is acceptable."

"Of course," Faxon said. "The more the merrier. Do you get many male clients?"

"We probably average two a week. Most of them are repeat customers. Now tell me what kind of look you want. Will you be going out?"

"Not for a while, this is mostly for at home."

"Eventually we will be going out," Tiffany added.

"Ok, when you do go out, will it be during the day or at night."

"Only in the dark of night," Faxon laughed.

"Both," Tiffany added. "When you make him over today, assume it is for a luncheon date with his beautiful girlfriend. But also give us some ideas for what to change for an evening at the opera."

"Certainly," the girl said. "That helps."

The other girl arrived and she sat down next to Faxon. "Hi," she said. "I'm Tessa. Are you allergic to anything?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"Do you see yourself as an extrovert or an introvert?"


"Do you want men to notice you?"

Faxon blushed. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Do you want to have makeup that says I am a beautiful and confident woman, makeup that will bring men to your table asking for your telephone number, or do you merely want to blend into the mass of people without drawing attention to yourself?"

Faxon looked to Tiffany for help, she remained quiet. "Boy, I'm not sure how to answer that."

"Do you want to be pretty?"


"But are you afraid of men coming on to you?"

"Yes. I'm not doing this to attract men, but I want to be pretty."

"I understand. I'm not trying to put you on the spot, but you must realize that your makeup makes a loud statement about who you are and what you want out of life. For instance, you want to be pretty but do you want to be demure or bold?"


"That's fine. We have an idea of what you want to say. We will make you pretty and attractive without being loud. Now before we start, there is one thing that you must know. Our makeup is designed for women. It is not a heavy, oily makeup. Because of that the coverage is not always as much as some men want or need. It is very important that you shave ultra close before you apply your makeup. I tell my regular customers if you don't bleed when shaving, you're not shaving close enough. Second, I suggest that you buy yourself a bottle of this." She showed Faxon a jar with a light beige color. "This is beard cover and it is used in the theater for actors under harsh lighting. It is very heavy and covers extremely well. We don't sell it here, but if you go up the street three blocks there is a costume store, and they sell it there."

"Thanks," Faxon said. "I'll do that."

"No, I'll do that," Tiffany said. "It's in the wrong direction from the train station and with this weather we don't want to trudge up there with all of our packages. I'll go get it now. You," and she pointed her finger in Faxon's face, "pay attention to what they tell you. You will have to apply this makeup at home." Tiffany turned to the girls, "Please write down the cosmetics that he will need. And also add any changes that you would make for evenings."

"Miss, we can do even better," the girl said. "We can videotape your makeup lesson. It costs an extra seventy-five euros, but many of our customers find it invaluable later when they try to remember some little detail or nuance. It will take us only a minute to set up. Would you like us to do that?"

Faxon jumped in with an emphatic, "Yes!"

"I guess the decision is made," Tiffany smirked. "Ladies, I leave him in your hands. Please be kind." Tiffany put on her coat and headed out into the blizzard. Tiffany made a wrong turn on the way to the store, and it ended up taking much longer than she had anticipated. When she returned the girls had finished with his foundation and blush, and were working on his eye makeup. His brows were shaped and colored, and they were demonstrating how to apply eye shadow.

"Looking good," Tiffany said as she joined them.

"You look cold," Tessa said. "Would you like another coffee?"

"Oh please," Tiffany answered. "That would be a life saver."

Tiffany found a chair where she could keep out of the way, but still watch the action. The lesson lasted for another forty minutes. When they were finished Faxon looked very attractive. Nothing in his makeup was loud or garish. It all flowed together and made him look fresh and feminine. In fact, it looked exactly how a woman would apply her makeup. The objective was to make the woman look pretty, but not look like she was wearing any makeup at all. The girls had succeeded.

"I'm impressed," Tiffany told the girls. "You are very good. So darling, are you going to wear your makeup home?"

Faxon smiled and looked in the mirror. "That's tempting, but I don't know if I can. Will the snow cause it to run?" he asked the girls.

"Not this makeup, it isn't water-proof, but it is water resistant. If you cover your head and keep your face down, I think it will last," Tessa advised.

Faxon looked at Tiffany with a glint of hope in eye. "I'd have to wear my breast forms wouldn't I?" he asked hopefully.

"Yes you would. And you have to wear the hood on your jacket until we get to the train station. Then I have a scarf I can give you and you can wear it as a babushka."

Faxon was all smiles. "It looks like I'm going home with my makeup," he told the girls.

"Congratulations," they said.

"However," Tiffany said loudly and left them hanging.

"What?" Faxon asked.

"The glasses will have to go."

Faxon had to think about that. For a person with poor eyesight, glasses are extremely important. This was a difficult decision. Tiffany could tell it was causing him some serious second thoughts.

"At least until we get on the train," she said. "If we find an empty compartment on the train, you can put them back on."

"Let's do it," he said. "These girls did a beautiful job and I don't want to waste their efforts. Let's buy the cosmetics on your list and I will get ready."

While the girls collected the cosmetics and wrote up the bill, Faxon and Tiffany slipped into the rest room and put in his breast forms. He admired himself in the mirror and said, "If I had a nice hair style I might look acceptable."

"See?" she said. "I told you not to be so pessimistic. If we had more time, you could even get your hair styled today. I'll try and set it when we get home." Tiffany stepped back and smiled at Faxon. "You do look good! Very believable."

The cosmetics were able to fit into only one bag, but they cost almost double any of the other bills. Faxon gave each of the girls a large tip and thanked them again. Tiffany tied the scarf over his head, and then pulled his hood over his head. "The glasses come off when we get close to the station. Thanks girls," and Tiffany again took the lead on the trek back to the train station.

It was a hard walk back through the snow. They were fortunate that the wind was to their backs. At the train station Faxon removed his glasses and stood off to the side. Tiffany bought their tickets and then stood beside him as they waited for the train. "You need a purse," she said. "If we get a chance on the train, let's dig out your purse. We can put some cosmetics in it to give it a little heft."

"Tell me when it gets here," he joked. "I need a seeing eye dog."






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