Crystal's StorySite


When Opportunity Knocks

by Staci Marie


Seldom does opportunity arise that I don't take total advantage of it, and as Mom and Dad pushed the remote to close the garage door, my mind was already dragging me up the rickety stairs to the box I'd hidden in the crawl space behind my closet. My body froze, erect and waving at their shrinking car, while my brain wished they would be gone a month instead of just one week. Even so, a week was better than nothing.

Again inside I sat at the kitchen table, my mind screaming for the box. I fought the urge. I remembered the times they'd returned to unplug Mom's curlers or to pick up the carry-on they'd left beside the bed. My eyes danced blankly across a half finished Sudoku puzzle and I wondered if they'd come back for that.

Two hours into my freedom I checked online to discover that their flight had departed without incident. They were heading to Europe, and I was going blonde. For the next seven days I would live my life as a cute little teenage girl, sexy and very feminine.

First order of business was hiding all traces of my true gender. Hair was easily removed from arms and legs. If my arms were a few inches longer or I was a contortionist I could have more easily finished the transformation. But I managed anyway. When the SuperGlue dried I was just as flat below the waist as any girl on the West Coast and could easily pass the locker room test. I pulled some pink panties from the box, slid them up my clean-shaven legs, then admired my girlish shape in the mirror. I stuffed the satin bra with C-cup breast forms, and once again modeled the new me.

A sucker for long lashes, I glued in some demi lashes and began flirting with my reflection. The fun had begun and I was no longer in a hurry.

I dangled silver earrings from my lobes, just so I could feel their sway through the remainder of "Kelli's" transition, then set out the acrylic nails and polish. As the fingernail glue dried I painted my toenails ever so carefully. I wiggled them to pick up the shine, then spent at least as much time painting my fingernails.

Make-up followed and as I was beginning to feel the hunger pangs of the dinner hour, the complete Kelli emerged in button up blouse with poofy, off the shoulder sleeves and a tight fitting skirt that hung low on my hips and ended at mid thigh. Wavy blonde hair hung to the middle of my back and swayed ever so slightly as I walked. As a finishing touch I inserted a dangling bellybutton ring, two stars and a crescent moon.

I returned the necessities of being a girl to my purse, then stood in front of the mirror admiring the young woman I had become. Three minutes? Five minutes? I don't have any idea how long I stared, but my male mind was saying there's not a person in the world who could look at me and say, "Oh look, a crossdresser."

I freshened my lipstick, blotting it on a paper napkin, then picked up the car keys and left. The sun had departed and only traces of a beautiful sunset danced in the western sky. I smiled at its beauty, then drove east on Marion Way. I got in line at Carl's Jr and not until the voice in the speaker asked to take my order did I realize I had not practiced my female voice for several weeks. I squeaked out "Hamburger and small Coke," then muttered an inaudible "Oh shit" as I raised the window and began some private practice. In a matter of seconds my confidence returned. Kelli was complete, and shared a very feminine "Thank you" with the girl at the window. But before I could drive away, she smiled and said, "You sure do look familiar."

I glanced at her name tag and read "Lydia." Of course. Lydia Johnson. Miss Harmon's English class. She never missed anything.

"I'm Kelli. Kelli Merritt. I sit in the second row, about the fifth seat back." I couldn't believe I told her my real last name and my exact seat. Shit. That should make Monday a little more exciting.

"Oh yeah," she said, a big grin spreading across her face. "I remember you with shorter hair." I could feel my eyes growing larger, the first response to being discovered. Damn I'm stupid. Then she added, "So where are you going all dolled up like this? I'm off in five minutes and I think we could have some fun together."

I didn't say a thing. I just stared into Lydia's beautiful brown eyes, thinking that maybe I could learn something about putting on makeup from her.

"If you're interested," she went on, "just pull up next to that PT Cruiser over there and wait for me."

I didn't say a word. Just stared, and smiled, and finally nodded as I drove to the space she suggested.

By the time Lydia came out I'd finished the burger and was sipping the Coke. She tapped her acrylic nails on my passenger window, so I flipped the lock open and she hopped in. She immediately turned and stared with this cute little pixy grin. "You're quite pretty, Kelli." Then her grin grew to a full smile. "That's Kelli with an i, I presume."

I just stared back for a few seconds. "How did you know?"

"I know everything," she giggled. "I'm plagued with this stupid photographic memory. I don't forget anything, even if I want to. But if you're worried about me saying something in class, don't. The way I look at it, I have a new friend named Kelli, and she probably won't be snooty and jealous and all the other things a normal girl can be."

This couldn't be real. I was dreaming. I'm out in drag to go dancing in the next town, away from everybody at school, and I meet a girl from school who is totally alright with me being a transvestite. Where but in America?

"So, why did you want to join me tonight?"

"You look like you're going out to have some fun. And I like having fun."

"And it doesn't bother you that I'm a guy."

"Nobody will know. And besides, I can have some fun with this one myself."

"How do you figure?"

"I think we're about the same size. We can share everything, not that it will do me a lot of good. But I'll bet you don't have a really big selection of girl's clothes in your closet. And you know girls always go to the restroom in pairs. Of course you probably won't be dressed as Kelli with an i at school, but the rest of the time, well, you know what I mean."

"I'm beginning to," I said.

"And sleep overs," she went on. "If you really wanna be a girl, then you wanna experience the things that make girls, well, girls. So we'll have to have a sleepover where we can do each others make-up and hair and nails and we can dress each other and everything."

"You do remember that I'm a guy, don't you?"

"Right now you're not. Right now you're Kelli with an i. And right now I don't think I have anything to worry about with you being a guy. I think you wanna be a girl so bad you can't stand it. And right now I think you're trying so hard to be female that there's not a male thing about you for me or anybody else to worry about. And besides," she said, patting me gently where I'd used all that superglue, "If you were a regular boy you'd have quite a bulge in your panties right about now."

Lydia was safe. She knew it and I knew it. "So let's go dancing."

"I was hoping you'd say that," she giggled. "Where?"

"I was thinking about this little place over in Rosewood."

"The 'Quiver'?"

"Yeah! You've heard of it?"

"It's ok. I know a better place if you're game."


She answered with a gesture of her right hand, indicating Gabriel's across the street.

"I can't go there dressed like this."

"Nobody will know, Kelli."

"But what if they do?"

"They won't. Look at yourself. You're a girl from head to toe. You're totally safe. I've got the only photographic mind in the school."

"But, what if…."

"Trust me, Kelli." She took my hand in hers to build my courage, then just stared at me, those big beautiful eyes pleading with me to be brave. And I gave in.

I started the car, drove into Gabriel's parking lot, then the two of us got out and paraded toward the entrance. Lydia was right. I passed fifteen or twenty students from class who looked at me, but nobody recognized me at all.

"You have to be a little bit forward here," Lydia said. "The guys think the girls are supposed to do the asking, so if you wanna dance you need to pick out a cute face and stroll his way." We stopped and put our purses on a table, then she said, "Like this." I watched as she walked over to Mike, a senior, and in no time at all they were dancing. I looked around and saw three of the guys I'd grown up with. Scott and Russ were talking non stop, but Danny was just listening to everything they said. I knew him as a shy guy, always on the fringes. So I walked over to him. "Hi, cutie, wanna dance?"

His eyes got big and his friends fell silent before he stumbled out a rather juicy "Sure!" I took him by the hand and led him to the dance floor. Of course the fast song ended and a slow song started just as we got there, so we kinda fell around each other and danced.

Wow! He was a very good dancer. But when the song ended, and before we could dance again, Lydia grabbed my arm and insisted I join her in the restroom. I followed all the way to the door, then paused, staring at the word "WOMEN" and wondering if I should. Again she grabbed my arm and with a mighty tug she ended my dilemma.

"So whatta ya think?"

I just stared, not really sure what she was asking.

"Come on, Kelli with an i. If you're gonna be a girl you've gotta open up in the restroom. That's the rule."

I felt my mouth open, then my lips turn upward into a sparkly sort of smile, but nothing came out.

"Well? Did you like being with him? Could he dance?"

"It was exciting."


"And I'd be dancing with him right now if you hadn't dragged me into the, um, Lady's Room."

"Wow! You really are a girl. You wanna dance with him, don't you?"

Oh my gosh. Lydia was right. I was dancing with a guy and totally cool with it. My first outing as a girl and it was like everything was falling into place. I looked at Lydia and nodded.

"Wanna kiss him too?"


"Well? Do you?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet."

"Well you'd better start thinking, cause he wants to kiss you." We paused for a moment, then freshened our makeup. Finally we turned to leave and she said, "You be careful, Kelli. You're going kind of fast for the new girl on the block."

"Isn't that ok?"

"Not if you slip up and let him go too far. You could get hurt if he puts his hand around a baggie filled with gym socks."

"They're foam."

"Yeah, but if they come out he's not going to be a happy lover. And if he finds out he's been kissing a boy he's liable to kill you." Then she got a sparkle in her eye. "You know what, Kelli? You'd probably be smart to go dance with a bunch of other guys till you get used to this, or until you get an operation to make it permanent, or something."

Now that actually made sense. Why get all hot and bothered over one really cute guy who could dance slow and knew how to lead when I could be dancing with every hunk in the place.

"Lydia, you are a genius."

So the night wore on and I gained more confidence as a girl than I ever had as a guy. I even danced three times with my very best friend in the world, and he didn't have a clue. It's probably a good thing it was dark at Gabriel's. After the third dance he asked for my number and I panicked for a moment, realizing that he would recognize it. Then I realized that not one single guy all evening had even asked my name. I was just a girl they liked dancing with. So I whispered, "I never give out my number on Friday nights. You'll have to wait till tomorrow." But before he could respond I kissed him on the cheek and hurried away.

As we walked to the car I told Lydia I'd never had so much fun. I didn't realize being a girl was so enjoyable, so exciting. And as I dropped her off at her car she insisted I come to her house about noon the next day for a two girl swimming party. I got directions then headed for home.

Lydia's brother let me in, commenting on how pretty I was, "Just like Lydia said." That was about the biggest boost to my feminine ego you can imagine. The dance was way up there, but it was dark and I kept imagining that with the lights on they all would have seen me as a guy. I thanked him for his comment as Lydia came into the room with two bottles of Pepsi and led me away to her bedroom to change.

She tossed me a periwinkle, skirted swimsuit and said, "I think this will hide your falsies. It works for me," then she began to undress, dropping everything on the floor at the foot of her bed. In a matter of seconds she was totally naked and three feet away. The thought flashed quickly through my mind about how any red-blooded American boy would love to be so close to a beautiful, naked girl at the foot of her bed. But it was a fleeting thought, interrupted by her saying, "Now it's your turn." I hesitated, for good reason. I'm not a girl and she knows I'm not a girl, and somehow it just didn't seem quite right.

"Come on, Kelli. I wanna see how you hid it."

I felt myself blush, but I got started and in moments was just as naked as she.

"Pretty good," she smiled, staring between my legs. "But the glue isn't holding quite as well as you want it to. Let me fix it." And with that she pushed me backward onto her mattress.

"Lydia, no. What's wrong?"

"You're showing," she whispered. "I just need to pull your scrotum up around your penis and reglue it. No big deal." And by then she had a tube of SuperGlue in one hand and was reaching toward my groin with the other. I started to roll away, but she grabbed my naked body and pulled me back with little difficulty.

"Kelli!" It was almost like she was scolding me. "Just lay still. I'm on your side, remember?"

I nodded.

"You're not taking estrogen, are you?"

"No. Why?"

"You're having a little bit of an erection. Estrogen would prevent that." As she spoke she ran her fingertips across my imaginary vagina and turned me on all the more. "See?" She was right. Then she picked up the ice cold Pepsi and started rolling it across the same area. Immediately the erection was gone. She dried my skin with a towel, squirted a line of SuperGlue on my scrotum, then pinched it together for a few seconds till it held.

"I guess I should say, thanks."

She winked, then said, "I guess I should say, you're welcome."

Together we laughed, then she fell down on the mattress beside me, her arm around my waist. "Kelli?"


"How long have you known you should be a girl?"

I lay silently for a few seconds, then volunteered, "Probably since I was about four."

"Did you ever go out before last night?"

"Sorta. I mean, I went out for long drives about five times since I got my license. Before that I would get up in the middle of the night, dress up to some degree, then walk around the block or ride my bike or just sit on the front porch for a couple of hours while the whole neighborhood slept. It's like I can go so long as a guy, then I feel like I'm going to explode if I don't dress up as a girl or put on make up or wear earrings or do something girly."

"Do ever wear girly underwear to school?"

"No. It'd be discovered in PE. But I've worn clear mascara every day since I was 12."

"So how far are you going to take this? I mean, are you going back to being Kelly with a 'y' when your parents get home?"

"Don't know. Right now I'm enjoying this. And I have my mind set on being a girl for just about a week. When my parents are about home from Europe I will have to reevaluate my situation. Why so much interest? Cause I'm a freak?"

"No, silly," she giggled. "Didn't you look at me when I undressed?"


"And what did you see?"

"A naked girl. What was I supposed to see?"

Lydia rolled away, turning her back to me.

"Lydia! What was I supposed to see?"

"Don't you get it, Kelli? I'm just like you."


"Just like you. A boy. Why do you think I knew how to glue you back together?"

"But you have boobs. You can't be a boy and have boobs like that."

She jumped up from the bed and stood right in front of me with a cupped hand under each breast. "Look closely," she said. "Don't they look a little too perfect?"

"They're beautiful, Lydia. I'd like some just like them."

"I started taking estrogen when I was eleven. I started testosterone blockers at the same time. I grew breasts, an A cup. Then last year I got implants when Dad realized I was doing this for keeps. The hormone changes stopped male hair growth and prevented me from ever having an erection. But I still have to tuck my little dick just like you do, or at least I have to until I have reassignment surgery."

I stared into her face for a moment, then sat up on the edge of the bed right in front of Lydia and slid my hands up to her breasts. They were wonderful. I ran my fingers across her nipples till they stood at attention.

"Wanna feel anything else?"

I froze. Was she serious?

"I've been doing this since I was four, Kelli. I never transitioned. I've always known I was supposed to be a girl, and my parents have raised me that way. I know my dad wanted another boy, and was happy when I came along with all the right parts, but even so he accepts me as a girl."

Slowly I stood up right in front of Lydia. We stared at each other in silence for a moment or two, then she took my left hand with her right and pulled it to her slit. That was all the help I needed. I rubbed my hand up and down and discovered that she did indeed have the same parts as I.

My movement was turning her on, so I stopped. "Maybe we'd better get dressed and go out by the pool."

"Good idea, or we might appear to be a couple lesbians."

I pulled the suit up and stretched the straps over my shoulders. "Hey, Lydia?"


"D'you have anything to fill these pockets?" I was pointing at the empty cups.

She walked slowly to the dresser and brought out two silicone breast forms, much nicer that what I had been wearing. I slid them into place and immediately felt the difference. Once dressed, she took me by the hand and led me through the house to her backyard where we spent the afternoon soaking up the rays and giggling about everything girly we'd ever done. Her mom invited me to stay for dinner, then we watched some old silent movies with her brother who sat beside me for awhile. Lydia had told me earlier that he knew about me, but he was flirting anyway and I have to admit I enjoyed every minute of it.

When he got his closest I reached over and interlocked pinkies with him. I think he was shocked, probably that I caught onto him moving closer, but he never did pull away.

About 10:30 I told Lydia I needed to go home, so we went back to her room and I changed back into my dress. She helped me freshen my make-up for the drive home, then I was on my way.

I parked in the driveway and sleepily went in through the front door, thinking that I should have left a lamp or two on a timer. I stumbled into the kitchen, finally turning on a light there, then I got two cookies from the cookie jar and a glass of milk and sat down at the table. I wasn't really thinking about anything till I glanced down at the Sudoku puzzle Mom and Dad had left behind and noticed it had been finished.

"Holy shit!" I mumbled under my breath as I jumped up to flip off the light switch. But I was too late. Half way across the room I stopped as my parents came in from the darkness of the hallway. I stared at them while they stared at me. The silence was deafening. Finally Mom whispered in a question-like tone, "Kelly, is that you?"

I giggled nervously, then answered, "Yeah, Mom. It's me. But from now on it's gotta be Kelli…with an 'i'."




© 2007 by Staci Marie. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.