Crystal's StorySite


Women & General

by Peter Joseph




In this dream I had, I would believe all these changes just did not happen, that I was back to the way I was. I would dream that I woke up and it was all at an end. I was back to normal. But then the sleep would drain out of me, and I would be awake to find I was captive still. I would look at myself in the bathroom mirror, despairing. 'There is an awful lot of flesh there, how was I going to cope with life like this'.

I kept remembering that joke: 'Take those lines from your face, remove your bra'. The weight of my breasts was considerable. I had straps pressing into my shoulders. I was constantly aware of the bounce as I moved. The protrusion was a total adjustment to me. They were there when every I looked down, and guys were peeping at me wherever I walked. . I could not accept what had happened. I hated the appraisal and the though of being stalked. I felt the absence between my legs. I had to work preparing myself before the mirror each day; I had to change my postures. I had to come to grips with my new reality. Life had to continue!

This was my musing as he concluded his Insurance offer. He provided averages of the type of claims made from factories with 40 to 200 employees. He showed his evaluation of rival companies pricing, confessing that Women&General was not always the lowest in their price structure. He was experienced in sales work, and illustrated through a PowerPoint illustration how the Women&General claim process eliminated administrative work for their customers. Claims were made from a supplied on-line module. An incomplete claim was not accepted. All documentation could be faxed to Women&General, where it would be imaged so it could be accessed at any time by customer or Women&General personnel. He explained that the administrative task of following up claims on average absorbed ten hours of a company's time. With the Women&General system, claim follow up time was zilch!

It was my task, as Associate Director to demonstrate how the Women&General 'Claim Acknowledgement' was designed to be assimilated into an accounting system as an invoice and then treated along with other Debtors. I showed how we could utilize any companies coding system, so on-line payments from Women&General could be receipted automatically as the downloaded Bank Statement was read into the accounting system.

Our presentation was going well, and when we went to the ground floor company restaurant, it was left to me to get the signature and conclude the transaction. This being done, we relaxed with a chardonnay and enjoyed the meal.

"I have never met you before Pete. Last time the Associate was Billie. We got on famously, and I was hoping she might be in on this negotiation."

"Yes I saw you had Billie last time, and I think it was Charlene the time before. I went over their notes and was impressed by what they said of you. We always do this when we work with the sales team so we can pick up on and develop previous experience. Are you enjoying your steak?"

He was enjoying himself, and I could see from his relaxed glow a confidence that everything was proceeding very well just perfectly for him. Like most guys on the ramp, he was not concealing his appreciation of my breasts. I pretended not to notice and knew that the gowns provided for WoGen Associates provided dignified and classy packaging for well produced and marketable product.

The time was ripe I figured, and said "Have you seen the city from the top floor of this building. The lights are amazing and you can see for miles. Why don't you come up with me now? I took him by the hand as we went to the lift. This is what Billie had done, and I was expecting that his hand would reach around me in the lift and stray to the edge of my breast. I kept my response low key until we had entered room twelve and stood by the window looking out on the city.

Again his hands strayed, but this time he was behind me with his arms around me, draped over my shoulders.

"Well," I thought, "Better move this along. Charlene had noted that he liked us to take control." So I slipped my hand behind my back and put it over his penis, then turned around and undid his belt. It is an easy way to take charge if you lead a buy backwards as his pants are coming falling down. He has to hold them up, and I have complete control.

I sat him on the bed and undid his shoes one by one. Then I stood back and dropped my own gown. I was told to do this expose because it meant my clothes were all in one position and I could easily gather up and make my get-a-way when the deed was done.

By this time he was agape and I had to help him undo his shirt as he in befuddlement fondled my breasts.

I lay him flat and came over him. WoGen had spent much time instructing us on how to tease and care for this very delicate little member of the man's armory. Despite the front they show, these little fellows often have trouble spitting and more than offer spit before their time. Most were vulnerable little things and they needed to be cared for and treated with delicacy. I did that so my customer could synchronize his experience with the life of his dick, and this was a necessity of the experience was to be memorable.

The poor old bugger. It was probably only once a year when his insurance was renewed that he had a night out. I did not find it onerous to affirm him as a person and support his build up so when he came, he would feel required.

"Oh dear. This has a truly wonderful experience for me. Thank you for allowing me this moment out of time. I am going to leave you now so I can savor it; you have a wonderful way with women. You are lively but you respect and you care. That is why this has been so dignified. You deserve your relief my good man. You make that company work. You provide employment for so many, and you carry all the strain. All praise to you sir and thank you for what you have done for me tonight!"

I said this as I quickly robed and left the room. I was down to the Vestalate, and although I was a little disheveled, it did not matter when I came into the meeting room to be with the other girls.

"Been on the job, Pete?" asked Suzanne – looking up for the meeting she was hosting.

"Yes Suzanne, I have been flat out serving the customers, keeping you all in bread and butter"

They all laughed, but Suzanne called them back to the subject of the discussion:

"Women&General have been successful because they have captured two sections of the insurance market. The have provided specific rates for women which are economical because the underwriting does not have to factor the greater risk of men which drive up costs in each age group and section of the industry. We factor for women exclusively, and we can analyze risk by age group, education attainment, employment type, domestic status, recreational and interest categories. We provide great service, and our premiums are lower than anyone else in the market place.

"But we need to protect the second sector, where we offer general insurance for Small Business. It is here where the WoGen girls have been so effective, because you provide that extra little incentive to keep the business with Women&General.

"But now the climate is changing. We have relied on the advantage of having our WoGen associates deal with males. But now we have to deal with businesses where women are the principal agent.

"WoGen girls are the unique advantage because you offer a night out with no strings attached. The guys know you will not be phoning them up. They cannot phone you. It is just a night out, with no obligations or embarrassment in the morning."

"We propose that in future, we no longer refer to you as 'WoGen Girls' but as 'WoGeners', and we are to introduce morphed males so you PR work has gender balance."

Most of the girls who heard this talk were rather stunned. They wondered how it would work to have men in our team.

But Suzanne continued. "We have our first female joining us this Sunday. Sandy is to arrive by train on Sunday. She will share an apartment in the Vestalate with Carmel and me. We expect her transformation will take a little longer than yours' all took. We propose to give her two weeks of preliminary exercises before she joins the staff in the cubicles, so she too will be working as the final changes fall into place."

One of the girls spoke up: "I am concerned that the addition of men will change the culture of the 'WoGeners', as you call us. The tradition has existed for some thirty years, and as new girls join they inculcate the culture and respect the traditions. We do have a good modus operandi and I fear that the introduction of men into the Vestalate will change everything/"

"A good point," said Suzanne. "Sandy will be the first of perhaps ten men to join us, and we need to work together creatively to change our culture, rituals and modus operandi so new male WoGens feel welcome. We must talk about this further. But there will be one big difference, that we have all been 'initiated' by Mr. Wilson. When Sandy's time for initiation arrives, the executive will nominate one of you to assist her over the threshold to enjoy her newly acquired faculties."

The meeting concluded and it was recommended that the discussion continue with different groups appointed to consider and share perspectives on the WoGener's website.

I was invited to join Suzanne and Carmel as they waited on the station for Sandy to arrive in town. It was a cold night, my cheeks were cold, and our spoken word came out as steam.

"Hi" she said as she bounded across the platform and gave us each a big hub.

She was a big girl, tall and well developed. She had a fresh smile that fitted easily on her face, a strong pair of shoulders and not wearing much excess weight.

They have done their homework well, I thought.

"Welcome Sandy. We are so pleased you have come to join us. Let me take your bag, we only have to cross the road, hit the elevator and you will be warm and comfortable.

She looked a bit apprehensive, but we all felt the tensions of a new start when we arrived.

"What do you like on your Pizza" Suzanne asked, and reached for her cell phone to place an order.

"You will have hardly finished your first glass of wine before they arrive, Sandy"

"The Vestalate" what an interesting name" Sandy said. "Sounds like vestal. Is this a place for vestal virgins"

"An interesting association" Carmel said. Do you know much of the tradition of the Vestal virgins" She asked.

"Not a great deal," replied Carmel "But I did understood that they were dedicated to the temple but they were a long way from being virgins. They lived a strange remote life, separated from ordinary people, looked up to by everyone while all the time used by the owners of the temple."

Sandy began the next morning with Dr Marjorie. She told us about the general anesthetic she had, and about her special diet and how exhausting was her program of exercises. Jamie and I tried to eat with her morning and evening. She enjoyed the company of Suzanne and Carmel, but they were anxious that Sandy also had introduction to the other girls.

Jamie and I keep up our work as Associates. Sometimes one or other of us would be away for a night or two, but our rosters were planned so one of us would be available at night to accompany Sandy

Two weeks after Sandy's arrival, Jamie was with Suzanne and Carmel as they met the second candidate. Her name was Ally and we called her Al from the first night.

It was arranged so Al and Sandy did not run into one another until the die had been caste for Sandy.

Sandy enjoyed her regime of exercises. At breakfast she said: "The exercises are really good for me. I feel stiff all day, but I can feel myself becoming fitter and the muscle structure around my arms and chest is obvious. For years I have worried that my sisters gradually went flabby as they got older and ran around less. I am pleased for this opportunity to properly develop my body. Feel my shoulders Pete. Can you feel the muscle?"

"Yes Sandy," I said, "I can see it all dong you well. Your legs look strong and your shoulders are squaring up. You look terrific."

"I do feel good" said Sandy. "You will notice however, that my breast size is diminishing. I used to marvel at the fitness of Olympic swimmers. When they were at the peak of performance, they almost lost their bust line. All of the body tissue is used up in exercise and the fatty tissue is no longer present on the body. But the bust will develop again when I am through this initial intensive stage. Or at least, this is what Dr Marjorie told me. At this point I hardly see benefit in wearing a bra, I think I could comport myself just as well 'free standing."

"Don't be too radical" said Jamie.

Sandy began working on the computers on her third week. We were all told to wear slacks as Sandy began her final stages of transformation. When Sandy began, girls from all over the office came to offer her welcome and obviously to chuckle at her. There had been no new WoGen candidates for some months. They were accustomed to three or four new inductees each year and suspected that something different was happening. They saw she was located with us, and suspected that changes were being made to the WoGeners

On her second day Sandy began to complain of general discomfort in the crotch area. Suzanne took her up to Dr Marjorie and I could see that Sandy was a little disturbed when she returned to her desk. Jamie and I gave her space and did not ask her anything, but she was deep in thought for that day and most of the next.

We did have the evening meal together the night after, and Sandy told us of unusual symptoms she was developing.

"There have been strange changes taking place on my body. Dr. Marjorie tells me it happens with a lot of women when they commence hard exercise. She called it the 'Olympic effect' and told me of an article which described how girls doing intense training had rather unusual changes occurring in her crotch area.

"I was able to handle this', but ones hand tends to stray to the south in bed, and I notice that there is hardening sometimes when I wake in the morning, or when I feel randy. I feel rather embarrassed by it all, especially so because Dr Marjorie has asked me to wear different underpants and to have a gauze poultice in my underpants at all time. I feel most strange walking around with this extra protrusion in my crutch."

"We will see who happen over the next week. Dr Marjorie tells me that the swelling might continue through the weekend, but by Wednesday or so next week, I would be comfortable with it all once again"

Jamie and I had heard this story and looked at one another knowingly; I did not feel that comfortable being present as this was being done to Sandy. She looked just about wholly masculine and seemed very depressed. It seems she avoided us for the rest of the week. We would exchange pleasantries at work, but the meal meetings just did not happen. I was with Jamie when I chanced upon her on Saturday morning. I invited her to come out with us, to take a walk, to see a show, to have a meal…. Anything to spare her the obvious pail of depression.

"I had a meeting with the doctor yesterday. Suzanne too me. You know I am cooked, don't you."

I just looked at her, without giving too much away; I allowed her this pause while she clarified her revelation. I knew what she was talking about, but did not want to advance beyond what her conclusions.

"You know what I am talking about. They did it to you two as well. Look at me. They have changed me. I am now a man. There is no going back. I don't know what to do. It is terrible!"

"I do know what you are talking about Sandy. I was here for just a few weeks and complained to Dr Marjorie of chest soreness. She invited me to wear this special bra, and then day by day swelling continued while I was led to believe it was just a temporary phenomenon. It was not. And while I was distressed by this, the changes began in my genital areas. And now, like you, I have to live like this for three years. There is no escape, I had to just accept this morphing and go on with my life. In fact it is not my life; I have to do what is expected of me."

"Let's get out of her for a while" said Jamie. So we went down to the restaurant and ordered a meal. In some ways the Women&General restaurant was the worst place to go to, but in other ways it was relaxing, informal and they were comfortable with us lingering longer. We were accepted there, and everyone was friendly.

I looked at Sandy, and I did see an impressive looking male. She, or rather he, was tall with squared shoulders, a strong chest and tight in the abs.

"Terrible things are happening down there" said Sandy pointing to his crotch "I am only half done at present. It is very messy when I pee. The growth there is no complete but I am told it will be for my 'coming out' next Friday. It is all to quick for me. I don't want to look down there; I don't want to put my hand down there. But I know what is happening to me."

"Well regardless of everything" said Jamie, "You look terrific, finished or not I would like to have you, to try you out."

"Oh Dear" said Sandy, and then he began to laugh.

"let me feel" I said, and slipped my hand over on to his crotch. As it rested there, I felt a tell tale hardening."

"Oh my dear" said Sandy "I believe I have grown a bone! This is terrible, how am I going to cope with this."

"Terrible I said" feeling around its size and dimension.

"Well actually, it is rather nice, but you had better get your hand from down there Pete, or I will rip open your bodice, right here and now. 'Morph rapes Morph!' I can see the headlines"

We had a bit of a laugh and then we went back up to change. If we were going to cut out for the day, we decided to be dashers. We decided to vamp up a notch or too and turn a few heads. So Jamie and I wore the daring and Sandy looked a bit of a dasher. So strolling through the park, we turned every head. This handsome guy walking around with his arms around two women, two revealing women. And their arms tightly around him. Syncopated walking, to the rhythm of laughter.

We had the meeting in the CEO's office. I was told that I was to initiate Sandy. We looked at one another with confusion, but the Friday dinner came with us both sitting at the official table. Neither of us knew how to face up to it, especially so with the ribald humor just about everyone dumped on to us. The moment of departure came, and we did not know what to say or do to one another as we were all alone in the elevator. But it all turned out remarkably well, for the reverse singles meant that when the bow touched the violin, I was attuned to the needs of the bow, and Sandy knew the sensitivity of the violin's strings. So we commenced with sweet melody and then the full orchestra commenced to play building up to a crashing vibrato.

We decided to discuss this and had several meetings with Suzanne so our cross matching over the gender gap could be understood by all.

As other women were inducted to become WoGeners we began to understand and everyone's performance on the track benefited.

The male WoGeners blended well. We altered the rituals and the third Wednesday evening session was adapted to be a 'cross dressing' night, where males would dress as women, and women as males. It became hilarious and culminated with the unsuspecting inductee surrendering her bra. This practice consolidated and continued when we again inducted males. It was a night for outrageous vamping; in the course of the inductee's cross dressing would be the centre of attention.

Generally fun in the Vestalate improved with the addition of morphed men. We did not slacken in our attention to clients, but it was nice to be able to come home and do occasionally come home and do a debriefing with Sandy or one of the others. Lovely concept that 'debriefing'!

Sandy told me that he was actually enjoying being a male. He told me that it did not take to long for him to be seriously impulsed by breasts. When every I would pass him in the corridor I would thrust out the chest to accentuate, and he would touch me in the crotch and say "in search of a mooring, Dear!"

He said it was good not to have breasts. To feel a strong chest, and to caste the eyes around as a pollinator. "Nothing protective about it! No need to be alluring! It is very liberating!"

"But how do you handle your assignments with the ladies" I asked

"I know how the feminine mind ticks" Sandy said. "I would sit through the sales routine as you would, and when we were left alone, I would sip on and would not be confused by the feminine 'come hither, go back, come hither…' I just continue to demonstrate my interest right up to the time when I invite them to see the lights of the city."

"It was not as if I was in the act of seduction. The women asked to have male WoGens. They new what was in offering. They know that their little 'fling' was safe and without fear of messy ongoing involvement. So Normally, I would just hold the ladies hand as we went to the elevator. I would keep the room lights off as we entered the apartment and went to the window to look down on the city."

"As you would experience Pete, we are rarely blessed with beautiful partners, but they are humans and it is not hard to like people and service their needs. As you can affirm Pete, and as I know, a gentle meander on the breasts can cause a ripple all over the body, and it was not difficult to divest these ladies of their clothes. As you have said, I know how the violin plays, and know all parts of the women's libretto. I can make them happy. And as you do, I kiss them on the forehead and leave them with profuse thanks for this night I will always remember."

"Sandy" I said. "Do you remember when you were young and experimenting? I remember matching up with girls and my sole purpose was to get their bra off and see their breast. I was not adventurous to go any further. But it was so exciting to me that invariably I would cram my pants."

"I would feel wretched, because I knew my interest was in sexual experience which totally subsumed my care for that girl."

Sandy began to laugh: "I hope you did not feel that guilty Pete! I played the same game. I wondered what it would be like to be handled; I would sit in the car with these poor guys. I would 'accidentally' rest my arm on their shaft. I would do that whenever the pace needed quickening. I loved it as they lowed subdued their timidity, and moved from inadvertently touching my breasts, to a full handed fondle, to baring my top. If the pace was too quick, I would press the arm harder or even grab the dick. The creaming was the safety button. They would go home hot and sticky and I would be tingling all over, having had a night of fun.

"Ring you soon" I would hear them say. But I couldn't care less, I had had what I wanted and just wanted to get to be and think about it.

"It was funny seeing these guys next day. They couldn't look at me. I knew what was gong on and would ignore it. Then a few weeks later they would come lathering around me, but I was by then trying different parts of the market. When you are young, you don't want to be hooked up with anyone. You just want to taste what life is about and keep up the fun. I had a great time and guys were spending big money taking me to different things."

"I am pleased to hear you say that Sandy" I said. "I had mammoth guilt for years. I would go out with someone for the joy of company, any company. You would see a film, go for a drive, a walk in the country and you would inevitable be somewhere parked, just to linger longer and have a free time interpersonal share. Then that dick of mine would start tingling, and those tits would act alike a magnet. It actually became a little crude and uncomfortable when it leads to sex, for a vehicle is a poor place for a tryst. I felt my life was becoming out of control when I was being with more than one woman. I felt I was a hollow liar. But it was not that at all. I was not ready for commitment, and enjoyed the company of this one, and this one and this one. And the moment of inter personal sharing would flow naturally to sex. And it was appropriate to have sex. I was not in fact a deceiver, because I had too many things going in my life to harbor a day-in-day-out commitment, and the truth was that the same prevailed in my partner's life. But still I felt guilt'

"I think guys are more honed for guilt Pete," said Sandy.

I had a time when I did not want any particular steady company. I was going out with different guys, and if I felt like it I would either go home with them or invite them home. I actually got into the routine of going home to their places, because then I could control my departure. I can't see any problem with the joy or sex.' I never understood that concept of 'meaningless relationship'

That is whey I enjoy being a WoGener. These women I am with, I know in many cases their love life has long since died, or never happened. I love watching their eyes as I walk over to them with a stiff penis. "Is that for Me?' I hear them wonder! 'Did I cause that' they relish with pride. 'Yes on both counts' I would ruminate and, then I would do my job to give them a night of relaxation, no holds bared, and no responsibilities. I loved the WoGen protocol, to kiss them on the forehead as they lie there exhausted, and thank them for a night 'I will always remember'.

"That is lovely thee way you have said that Sandy. I feel the same. I must say I like you would prefer not to be saddled with these breasts, but it is nice sitting with some poor hapless bastards, and see his appreciative eyes, and the pride of having 'right of entry' leered over his face. 'Good on you' I would think when I have them in this state, and I innocently lean forward and lean over so their view is better. I love to see the simple joy my body can bring. That is the benefit of these breasts, and I love baring them and presenting myself to these guys, knowing that in most cases it will be a most memorable night for them. I always feel I have to gather them up, organize their bumbling efforts, lest the yoke is spilt before it gets to the pan. So many guys are 'Whip it in, and Whip it out' merchants. I take control and deny entry until they are ready to enjoy the experience deeply. Then I try to slow them down so they get their entitlement of a full hundred movements.

"Shit Pete" said Sandy "We ought to run classes. I don't' think the average woman has a clue about fucking. They think it is just a matter of lying there while the guy does all the work. Guys are so bloody vulnerable, that little dick of his needs to be savored and nurtured if is going to perform. A Vulnerable attached to a mighty bull. I am not surprised that we are writing more and more insurance with the women. None of them know a fucking thing about fucking"

The next week Sandy, Jamie and I were ordered to travel to Thailand/




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